JavaScript - Assigning Text Box Values To An Array
So I am working on an excercise that the User puts in a Lastname, Firstname, and a score via textboxes. When the user pushes the add student score it should show up in the text area with this format " Brown, John: 92". When looking at the logic, I understand that each text box will need to be different arrays if im right, and then I will have to concat all three arrays into the format and assign it to a variable. Then assign the variable to the value of the text area. I just cannot seem to put the function together or how you would go about it. I just need help with how to go about putting it together. The first code is my body of HTML I'm working with.
Code: <body> <div id="content"> <h1>Student Scores</h1> <div id="buddy"> <b>Last Name: </b><input type="text" id="lastName" /> <b>First Name: </b><input type="text" id="firstName" /> <b>Sco </b><input type="text" id="score" /> <input type="button" id="calculate" value="Add Student Scores" /> </div> <fieldset> <legend>Student Scores</legend> <p id="tasks"><textarea id="task_list" rows="20" cols="100"></textarea></p> </fieldset> <div id="yoohoo"> <b>Average sco </b><input type="text" id="averageScore" /> <div> <div id="yes"> <p><input type="button" name="add_task" id="add_task" value="Clear Scores" /></p> <p><input type="button" name="add_task" id="add_task" value="Sort By Last Name" /></p> </div> </body> Similar TutorialsOkay, I am taking a js class and there is one minor bug that is driving me crazy with this assignment. First, here is the code I wrote, then my question: Code: var games = ["Jacks","Chutes and Ladders","Extreme Uno","Bopit","Barbie Doll"]; var price = [4.00,15.99,25.00,27.99,32.00]; var inventory = [40,15,30,20,40]; //I could not figure out how to make this work without assigning values first. It was giving NaN. var subtotal = [0,0,0,0,0]; var qtySold = [0,0,0,0,0]; function chooseItem() { var answer = 0; while (answer != 6) { var orderForm = "Choose a number below:\n"; for (var i=0; i<games.length; i++) { orderForm = orderForm + (i + 1) + ".) " + games[i] + ": # in stock: " + inventory[i] + "\n"; } orderForm = orderForm + "6.) Show Sales Summary"; answer = prompt(orderForm); answer = parseFloat(answer); if(answer != 6 && answer >= 1 && answer < games.length+1) { var qty = prompt("How many " + games[answer-1] + " would you like?"); qtySold[answer-1] = parseFloat(qtySold[answer-1]) + parseFloat(qty); subtotal[answer-1] = qtySold[answer-1] * price[answer-1]; } else if (answer < 1 || answer > 6) { alert("Invalid Answer"); } else { alert("Click OK to see your summary:"); } } var summary = "Your Sales: \n"; for (var j=0; j<qtySold.length; j++) { summary = summary + qtySold[j] + " " + games[j] + " at " + currency(price[j]) + " each for a total of " + currency(subtotal[j]) + "\n"; } alert(summary); } So basically, the arrays subtotal and qtySold need to retain values in case the "customer" chooses to add more of the same item in each order. What you see above works; however, when I alert the summary, it lists all of the items, even if there were none ordered. It simply says 0, but that is not what I want. Basically, I only want the total to reflect only the items that were actually selected. I do not what to do it this way: Code: var subtotal = [0,0,0,0,0]; var qtySold = [0,0,0,0,0]; I can effectively do this by NOT assigning any values to the qtySold array in the beginning: i.e. doing it this way: Code: var subtotal = new Array(); var qtySold = new Array(); The only problem is that when I do this, I get NaN at this point: Code: qtySold[answer-1] = parseFloat(qtySold[answer-1]) + parseFloat(qty); subtotal[answer-1] = qtySold[answer-1] * price[answer-1]; obviously, this is because I am referencing qtySold[answer-1] directly in the loop - so the first time through, there is nothing assigned. I can't (just before this line) assign 0 to each array item - to get it defined because if the user goes back in and adds more, it will always reset the number back to 0, which is not what I wanted. I tried adding an if..else statement instead, but cannot figure out how to get that to work? What are my options here? Thanks! Mike var selwindow ='child1.html','_blank','resizable=yes,width='+(screen.width-500)+',height='+(screen.height-500)+''); selwindow.document.selectform.childText.value=document.getElementById('pdetails1').value; I am using this code to assign a value for textbox in the child window. It works well in Internet Explorer, but it shows an error when run in Firefox. It shows: selwindow.document.selectform is undefined. Here, "childText" is the current window textbox id, "pdetails1" is the child window text box id,"select form" is child window form id I currently have a table where the current cell (cursor hover) is highlighted along with the top cell in that column and first cell in row. I want to assign the values in these cells to input text fields. The first column cell is identified by Col1Cell[0] where Cell is the top table data cell of the current column. I can access the value of the cell by Col1Cell[0].innerHTML But when I try to assign this value to a text field nothing happens. I have Code: document.getElementById("tableID").fieldID.value = Col1Cell[0].innerHTML Any ideas? Hi gud mng, I have one problem... How to process textbox values/ call textbox values in JS through a Java program. My text box values are dates. I have to process these dates. Like in online banking we select day to know our transactions. After submitting we get results. remember my files are in my directory only. No need of database. My files are look like 20100929, 20100930, 20101001 For epoch_classes.js, epoch_styles.css u can download coding from this link : Code: Code: <html> <table width="900" border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" style="padding:0"> <tr><td id="leftcolumn" width="170" align="left" valign="top"> <div style="margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px"><h3 class="left"><span class="left_h2">Select Option</span></h3> <a rel="nofollow" target="_top" href="day_wise.htm" >Day-wise</a><br /> <br /> <a rel="nofollow" target="_top" href="between.htm" >Between Days</a> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="epoch_styles.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="epoch_classes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var cal1, cal2; window.onload = function () { cal1= new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container1')); cal2= new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container2')); }; /*............*/ function confirmation(f) { var startdate = f.fromdate.value var enddate = f.todate.value var myday=new Date() var yr=myday.getFullYear() var mn=myday.getMonth()+1 var dt=myday.getDate() var today="" var present, ys, ms, ds, ye,me,de, start, end if(mn < 10) { mn = "0" + mn } if(dt <10) { dt = "0" + dt } today= yr + "/" + mn + "/" + dt present=yr + "/" + mn + "/" +dt if (today < startdate ) { alert (" Start date should not be exceed to-day's date " + present ) startdate.focus() return false } if (today < enddate ) { alert (" End date should not be exceed to-day's date " + present ) enddate.focus() return false } if (today == startdate ) { alert(" You are selected to-days date as Starting day" ); } var answer = confirm("Do you want to continue ?") if (answer) { if( startdate < enddate) alert("Dates between " + startdate + " to " + enddate + " are confirmed" ) else alert("Dates between " + enddate + " to " + startdate + " are confirmed" ) } else { alert("Date not confirmed") window.location="to_date.htm"; } ys= startdate.substring(0,4); ms= startdate.substring(5,7); ds= startdate.substring(8,10); start=ys + "" + ms + "" +ds ye= enddate.substring(0,4); me= enddate.substring(5,7); de= enddate.substring(8,10); end=ye + "" + me + "" +de } /*.......................................................*/ </script> <div style="margin-left:100px;"> <body> <style type="text/css"> #conf { margin-left:115px; } </style> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="100" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <td style="padding-top:0px"> </table> <h4>From Date</h4> <form name= "formbet" id="placeholder" method="post" action="#" > <input id="popup_container1" type="text" name= "fromdate" maxlength="10" size="20"/> <td align="left" valign="top"> <table width="300" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <td style="padding-top:20px"> <h4>To Date</h4> <input id="popup_container2" type="text" name= "todate" maxlength="10" size="20"/> <br /> <br /> <input id="conf" type="button" onclick="confirmation(this.form)" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> In my coding, ys, ms, ds represents year starting, month starting, starting day... ye, me, de represents end... start,end gives file names in the format of yyyymmdd now i want to process files from 20100101 to 20100930 means from date is 2010/01/01 and to date is 2010/09/30 if i press submit button the files from 20100101 to 20100930 are processes here ys=2010 ms=01 ds =01 and ye=2010 me=09 de= 30 For this how do i call these textbox values (from date text box and todate) to another program (java) Thanks in advance. I'm having major pains trying to figure this out. I'm kind of new to Javascript, I need to open a text file from an external server, store each line in an array, then search that array for a certain word (HIGH), and if it exists then write something to the webpage, and if not, write something else. Here is what I have so far: Code: <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script> <!-- function test(x) { if (wxd1txt.readyState === 4 && wxd1txt.status === 200) { // Makes sure the document is ready to parse and Makes sure it's found the file. var wxd1text = wxd1txt.responseText; var wxd1array = wxd1txt.responseText.split("\n"); // Will separate each line into an array var wxd1high = wxd1array.toString(); //Converting the String content to String //var highsearchreg = new RegExp("HIGH"); //var wxd1high = wxd1array[x].search(highsearchreg); document.write(wxd1high); if ("HIGH") >= 0){ document.write("HIGH RISK");} else { document.write("NO RISK");} } } //--> </script> </head> <body> Hi! <script> <!-- var Today = new Date(); var ThisDay = Today.getDate(); var ThisMonth = Today.getMonth()+1; var ThisYear = Today.getYear(); var Hour = Today.getHours(); var Day2 = Today.getDate()+1; var Day3 = Today.getDate()+2; if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { ThisYear = ThisYear + 1900;} if (ThisMonth < 10) { ThisMonth = "0" + ThisMonth;} if (ThisDay < 10) { ThisDay = "0" + ThisDay;} if (Hour == 2 || Hour == 22 || Hour == 23 || Hour == 0 || Hour == 1) { var wxHourd1 = 0600} else if (Hour >= 3 && Hour <= 10) { var wxHourd1 = 1300;} else if (Hour >= 11 && Hour <= 13) { var wxHourd1 = 1630;} else if (Hour >= 14 && Hour <= 16) { var wxHourd1 = 2000;} else if (Hour >= 17 && Hour <= 21) { var wxHourd1 = 0100;} //var wxurld1 = ""+ThisYear+"/KWNSPTSDY1_"+ThisYear+""+ThisMonth+""+ThisDay+""+wxHourd1+".txt"; var wxurld1 = "" //(High risk day for testing) //document.write(wxurld1); //Use this to verify this section is working if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { wxd1txt=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else // IE 5/6 { wxd1txt=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"GET", wxurld1, true); wxd1txt.onreadystatechange = test(); // --> </script> </body> </html> When added to a webpage, nothing shows up except the "Hi!" and there are no errors in the Javascript Console in Google Chrome. Is this possible with Javascript, and if so, what am I doing wrong or not doing? Also, I have 2 URLs, one is a text file that has the HIGH text I want for an example, the other is the current file, which shouldn't have HIGH in it (unless the weather in the US turns really bad) I am working on a page where the user will select a location from a dynamically generated dropdown list. I was able to create the php multidimensional array (tested and working) from a MySql database using the users information at login, but I'm having problems converting it to a javascript multidimensional array. I need to be able to access variables that I can pass to a number of text fields within an html form. For instance, if a user belongs to a company with multiple addresses, I need to be able to let them select the address they need to prepopulate specific text fields. php array creation: Code: if ($row_locations) { while ($row_locations = mysql_fetch_assoc($locations)) { $mail[$row_locations['comp_id']]=array('mailto'=>$row_locations['mailto'], 'madd'=>$row_locations['madd'], 'madd2'=>$row_locations['madd2'], 'mcity'=>$row_locations['mcity'], 'mstate'=>$row_locations['mstate'], 'mzip'=>$row_locations['mzip'], 'billto'=>$row_locations['billto'], 'badd'=>$row_locations['badd'], 'badd2'=>$row_locations['badd2'], 'bcity'=>$row_locations['bcity'], 'bstate'=>$row_locations['bstate'], 'bzip'=>$row_locations['bzip']); } } javascript function - this should create the array and send variables to text fields. Code: function updateAddress() { var mail = $.parseJSON(<?php print json_encode(json_encode($mail)); ?>); { if (comp_id in mail) { document.getElementById('mailto').value=mail.comp_id.mailto.value; document.getElementById('madd').value=mail.comp_id.madd.value; document.getElementById('madd2').value=mail.comp_id.madd2.value; document.getElementById('mcity').value=mail.comp_id.mcity.value; document.getElementById('mstate').value=mail.comp_id.mstate.value; document.getElementById('mzip').value=mail.comp_id.mzip.value; } else { document.getElementById('mailto').value=''; document.getElementById('madd').value=''; document.getElementById('madd2').value=''; document.getElementById('mcity').value=''; document.getElementById('mstate').value=''; document.getElementById('mzip').value=''; } } } Where is this breaking? Thanks in advance. hello I am having a problem to add numbers store in an array. arrayValues[0][0] = 1; arrayValues[0][1] = 2; var col = 0; var sum; for ( var row = 0; row < index; i++ ) sum += arrayValues[col][row]; my result is ==> 12 it is defining my sum variable as string. even I try do do this var sum = 0; to define sum as numeric variable. my result was ==>012. Any idea, this is my first javaScritp code. Thanks. Hi Guys, How do I sum the values of an array and output the result using document.write? Say my array is var number=new Array(1.234,56.43,1.02); THANKS Thought this wud work? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; document.write(sum(x)); </script> Hi all I am trying to create a code which stores information about songs The information to be stored are : song ID song name song artist song URL So far what I've done is create an empty array with four properties The code asks the user to enter information and then displays them However i'm having difficulty figuring out how to insert all the information entered in the array. For example if information about 3 songs were entered, how can I insert all of them in the array I created. After storing the information, I want to be able to search for songs by their ID. When I wrote the function to do this, if lets say I entered two songs one with S1 as ID and one with S2 as ID, I type S1 in the search box, but it doesn't return anything. However if I enter S2, it returns the information of the track with this ID, which makes me think that entering information for a second song overwrites the first one This is my code so far: <html> <body> <h1>Tracks and Artists</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> function request(tracks) { for (var i=0;i<2;i++) { tracks.trackID = prompt("Enter track ID") tracks.trackName = prompt("Enter track name") tracks.trackArtist = prompt("Enter artist name") tracks.trackURL = prompt("Enter track URL") alert(display(tracks)) } } function insert() { function display(tracks) { return "Track ID: " + tracks.trackID + "\nTrack name: " + tracks.trackName + "\nTrack artist: " + tracks.trackArtist + "\nTrack URL: " + tracks.trackURL } var tracks = [{trackID: "", trackName:"", trackArtist:"", trackURL:"" }] request(tracks) </script> </body> </html> I'm having problems with selecting values from array. I have a dropdown box where you choose what fruit you want to buy. When selected the array should assign 2 values to that fruit. I don't know how to do that. Here's what I have.. I added comments. Javascript part: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function Fruits() { var selectfruit = newArray( //assigning values to fruit selected from dropdown box newArray("Banana", 1, 1), newArray("Apple", 1.2, 0.5), newArray("Mango", 1.1, 0.9), newArray("Orange", 0.1, 9.99)); var howmanyfruits = Number(document.getElementById("howmanyfruits").value); // how many fruits are you buying var totalfruitsowned = Number(document.getElementById("totalfruitowned").value); // How many fruits do you already have /* cash and coupons needed to buy fruits. cash is cpst for 1 fruit. coupons is cost for 1 fruit cash_all is cost for all fruits you're buying coupons_all is cost for all fruits you're buying each fruits requires cash AND coupons to be bought. Cash and coupons are tied to the first values in Array. Eg. If you choose Apple that value would be 1.2 The 'fruitsmaxtobuy' variable is not tied to the first value, but the second one in array. If you choose Apple that value would be 0.5. */ var cash = Math.round(((totalfruitsowned * 0.51 * selectfruit) + 700)*10)/10; var coupons = Math.round(((totalfruitsowned * 0.51 * selectfruit) + 850)*10)/10; var cash_all = Math.round((howmanyfruits * cash)*10)/10; var coupons_all = Math.round((howmanyfruits * coupons)*10)/10; var fruitsmaxtobuy = Math.round((totalfruitsowned * 0.12 * selectfruit)*10)/10; /* Display Error if nothing is entered or if you forget to enter total fruits */ if (((howmanyfruits=="" || howmanyfruits==null) && (totalfruitsowned=="" || totalfruitsowned==null)) || ((howmanyfruits==Number(document.getElementById("howmanyfruits").value)) && (totalfruitsowned=="" || totalfruitsowned==null))) {document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = "Error"; document.getElementById("coupons").innerHTML = "Error"; document.getElementById("cash_all").innerHTML = "Error"; document.getElementById("coupons_all").innerHTML = "Error"; document.getElementById("fruitsmaxtobuy").innerHTML ="Error"} else { document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = cash; document.getElementById("coupons").innerHTML = coupons; document.getElementById("cash_all").innerHTML = cash_all; document.getElementById("coupons_all").innerHTML = coupons_all; document.getElementById("fruitsmaxtobuy").innerHTML =fruitsmaxtobuy} } </script> HTML part: Code: <form action="" id="fruitcost"> <table align="center" width="37.5%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan="2" align="center">Fruit cost calcultor</th> </tr> <tr> <td>Select Fruit:</td> <td align="center"><select id="selectfruit"> <option>Banana</option> <option selected>Apple</option> <option>Mango</option> <option>Orange</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Total Fruits Owned:</td> <td align="center"><input id="totalfruitsowned" type="text" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>How many fruits are you buying:</td> <td align="center"><input id="howmanyfruits" type="text" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Money Needed to buy 1 fruit:</td><td><font id="cash"></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Coupons Needed to buy 1 fruit:</td><td><font id="coupons"></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Money Needed:</td><td><font id="cash_all"></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Coupons Needed:</td><td><font id="coupons_all"></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nr. of fruits you can buy:</td><td><font id="fruitsmaxtobuy"></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="Fruits()" /></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> hi, I have this keypressed function: Code: function keyPressed(event, input) { if (event.keyCode == 8) { return true; } var char = event.which ? event.which : event.keyCode; char = String.fromCharCode(char); var exers = "1234 1234 1234"; return (exers.charAt(input.value.length) == char); } This function allow me to press in order the numbers in array (index0). It is works very well. But i want to add an array with more exercises like: Code: var exerc = new Array(); exerc[0]= "1234 1234 1234"; exerc[1] = "5678 5678 5678"; exerc[2] = "9012 9012 9012"; Also, i have a dropdown menu that parser options from a xml file: Code: <form> <select style="width:100px" id='courses'> </select> </form> and my xml file looks like: Code: <courses> <course title="exercise 1"> <lesson>1234 1234 1234</lesson> </course> <course title="exercise 2"> <lesson>5678 5678 5678</lesson> </course> <course title="exercise 3"> <lesson>9012 9012 9012</lesson> </course> . . . </courses> *I write the same index because i have two input field. I see the first choose (depend on dropdown) in first input, and i rewrite the same exercise in the second input. So, it's something like an exercise for me and i stack here. - I repeat. It is work with only one index very well. The problem is that, when i add more that one index in the array. Any suggestion about my problem?Javascript it is not my strong point I try this but it is doesn't work.Baybe it is totally wrong! Code: function keyPressed(event, input) { if (event.keyCode == 8) { return true; } var char = event.which ? event.which : event.keyCode; char = String.fromCharCode(char); var exerc = new Array(); exerc[0]= "1234 1234 1234"; exerc[1] = "5678 5678 5678"; exerc[2] = "9012 9012 9012"; for (i=0;i<exerc.length;i++) { document.getElementById("courses").selectedIndex; } return (exers.charAt(input.value.length) == char); } Hi How can i output two maximum numbers of an array if they are equal? var flower["roses", "violets", "buttercups", "daisies"]; var flowerAmounts[9, 8, 3, 9]; Output should be: The maximum amount of flowers is 9. There are 9 roses and 9 daisies. Hope someone can help, thanks hi guys i hava gridview gvcustomers with following fields latitude,longitude,customer and i have a javascript function in my aspx page fucntion Customer() { AddCustomer(lat1,long1)--- row1 of gridview lat long AddCustomer(lat2,long2)--row2 of gridview lat long } in the above function i would like to loop through the gridview and get the latitude and longitude colmns in the function instead of hardcoding as i have been doing now...thank you i advance Is there a built in method to remove empty array elements
I am a beginner. I am trying to create a script to randomly assign recipients to givers for a Secret Santa. The participants are placed into groups. A giver cannot be assigned a recipient with whom he is grouped. I want to return all of the assignments in a table. I have made the following script. When I run it, it seems to get stuck in a loop. Any ideas why this might be? If you have any questions about how I want this thing to run, feel free to ask. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var giver = new Array(); giver[0] = new Array("CL","BL"); giver[1] = new Array("LP","JP","BP"); giver[2] = new Array("JO","MO"); giver[3] = new Array("JC","TC"); var recipient = new Array(); recipient[0] = new Array("none","none"); recipient[1] = new Array("none","none","none"); recipient[2] = new Array("none","none"); recipient[3] = new Array("none","none"); var string = "<table><tr><td>Giver</td><td>Recipient</td></tr>"; function chooseRecipient() { var x; for (x in giver) { var y; for (y in giver[x]) { var a = Math.floor(Math.random() * giver.length); while (recipient[a].indexOf("none") < 0 || a == x) { a = Math.floor(Math.random() * giver.length); } var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * giver[a].length); while (recipient[a][b] != "none") { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * giver[a].length); } recipient[x][y] = giver[a][b]; string += "<tr><td>" + giver[x][y] + "</td><td>" + recipient[x][y] + "</td></tr>"; } } string += "</table>"; document.write(string); } </script> </head> <body onload="chooseRecipient()"> </body> </html> Hello guys, I'm very new to javascript and I have a question. I'm creating a calculator. This calculator has a memory function in it. When people inserted a value in the calculator then the user can save this value with button "M+". When the user wants to use this value again he can simply paste it into the calculator with button "MR". This works fine, however I'm working on a function that will remember the different memory value when a user clicks on the button. So if the memorized value is 5, and the user will click the button "ATA" (add to array) it will create the value "5" into an array (which will be the value of array[0]. When the user remembers a other memory value, lets say 9, and clicks on the button "ATA" again it will create the value "9" into the same array (which will be the value of array[1]). My current method doesn't seem to work, it only saves the first value. What am I doing wrong here? Code: // ATA function saveAta() { var saved = new Array(); saved.push(m); // variable m is from the function of M+ } Got the complte script running he Hi, I'm trying to find out the min and max values of randomly generated values in a array list. Its a checkout system that randomly add a customer to a queue and does the same to remove a customer depending on a randomly generated number. Ive managed to figure out the mean of the queue but can only display the total values added to the list rather than display when the queue was at it biggest value. If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. ___________________________________________________________________ import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Random; public class Checkout { private Queue<String> tillQueue; private int rndNumber; private int currentLen; private ArrayList <Integer>lengthList; private Random r; public Checkout() { tillQueue = new LinkedList<String>(); currentLen = 0; //current queue length lengthList = new ArrayList <Integer>(); r= new Random(); } public void simulation() { System.out.println("Time" + "\t" + "Rnd" + "\t" +"Queue Status"); for (int t=2; t<10; t++) { rndNumber =r.nextInt(6)+1; if (rndNumber==2 || rndNumber==4 || rndNumber==6) { tillQueue.add(String.valueOf(t)); currentLen++; } else if ((rndNumber==1 || rndNumber==3) && !tillQueue.isEmpty()) { tillQueue.remove(); currentLen--; } else if(rndNumber==5) { //do nothing } if(tillQueue.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(t + "\t" + rndNumber + "\t" + "Queue is empty"); } else { System.out.println(t + "\t" + rndNumber + "\t" + tillQueue.toString()); } lengthList.add(new Integer(currentLen)); } } public double CalculateMeanLength() { double mean=0.0; int sumOfLengths = 0; for (int i = 0; i<lengthList.size();i++) { sumOfLengths=sumOfLengths+(Integer)lengthList.get(i).intValue(); } mean = (double)sumOfLengths/lengthList.size(); return mean; } public int ShowMax() { int max = 0; //i know its going to be a for loop of some kind but not sure how to do it// } ----------------------------output via controller================ Time Rnd Queue Status 2 6 [2] 3 5 [2] 4 3 Queue is empty 5 5 Queue is empty 6 1 Queue is empty 7 5 Queue is empty 8 5 Queue is empty 9 4 [9] mean length = 0.375 max length = 3 //the max length here should be 1 =========================================== Thanks in advance for your help I have the following script that currently returns 4 of the same images. I can't wrap my head around how to get it to return 4 random images (out of the 7 in this example)? Also the links aren't working? --- Code: var imagenumber = 7 ; var randomnumber = Math.random() ; var rand1 = Math.round( (imagenumber-1) * randomnumber) + 1; images= new Array images[1] = "image1.jpg" images[2] = "image2.jpg" images[3] = "image3.jpg" images[4] = "image4.jpg" images[5] = "image5.jpg" images[6] = "image6.jpg" images[7] = "image7.jpg" var image = images[rand1] links= new Array links[1] = "link1.html" links[2] = "link2.html" links[3] = "link3.html" links[4] = "link4.html" links[5] = "link5.html" links[6] = "link6.html" links[7] = "link7.html" var link = links[rand1] document.write('<div id="image-1"><a href="' + link + '"><img src="' + image + '"></a></div><div id="image-2"><a href="' + link + '"><img src="' + image + '"></a></div><div id="image-3"><a href="' + link + '"><img src="' + image + '" border="0"></a></div><div id="image-4"><a href="' + link + '"><img src="' + image + '"></a></div>') --- Any help would be greatly appreciated! Hello, I have an array containing 100 different values. How would I randomly pick 25 of them for display? For now I do: PHP Code: for (var i=0; i<markers.length && i<25; i++) { html += markers[i].name + '<br />'; } Which of course returns 25 values but always in the same order which is not what I want. Thanks in advance! PS. My array could also contain only 20 values, in which case I would like the function to display the 20 values randomly sorted. hi, i am currently working on aptana stuidio Nokia WRT to create a mobile widget. the projects requires the retrieval of data from a database. I've created a java servlet in eclipse to connect and execute query to the database. In aptana, i'm using js file and html file. i am able to connect to the servlet, process the data (split it) and store in an array to display the retrieved data on screen. But now i am facing problems to put the retrieved data (array) into a drop down list for selection. can i do it in a js file? thanks =) |