JavaScript - Sendmail Fault In Checkout Script - Plz Help!
I downloaded this Free Shopping Cart in Java Script some months ago,
I've been struggling for weeks to get it to work 100% - without success the support forum linked to the homepage has been inactive for years and seems to be dead. This script is totally perfect for our webshop, clean and simple and not a burden on the server, everything seems to work perfectly except for 1 problem... The sendmail function will not work! We desperately need to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible since we're losing orders everyday our webshop is offline. Any help in finding the source of the problem would be very much appreciated! The problem must be in either the file Code: #!/usr/bin/perl require 5.001; $header = "/cgi-bin/header.html"; $footer = "cgi-bin/footer.html"; $mailprogram = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; $returnpage = "/"; $youremail = "myname\"; $csvfilename = "/cgi-bin/orders.csv"; $csvquote = "\"\""; $mode = "FILE"; #These are required fields. I recommend enforcing these by javascript, #but let's just make sure here as well. @required = ( 'b_first', 'b_last', 'b_addr', 'b_city', 'b_state', 'b_zip', 'b_phone', 'b_email' ); sub urlDecode { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ tr/+/ /; $string =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex($1))/eg; $string =~ s/['"]/\'/g; return ($string); } sub processCGI { local ($cgiData, $key, $value, $pair, @pairs); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { $cgiData = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { $cgiData = <STDIN>; } @pairs = split (/&/, $cgiData); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($key, $value) = split (/\=/, $pair); $key = &urlDecode($key); $value = &urlDecode($value); if(defined ${$key}){ ${$key} .= ", ".$value; }else{ ${$key} = $value; } } } sub doFormError { my ($errString) = @_; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print @LINES; print "<FONT SIZE=+2>The form you submitted was not complete.<BR><BR></FONT>"; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; print "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK='history.back()' VALUE=' Return to the checkout page '><HR>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } sub doError { my ($errString) = @_; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } sub invalidE { my ($szEmail) = @_; my ($user, $host); $szEmail =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($szEmail =~ /\s/) { return 1; } ($user, $host) = split (/\@/, $szEmail); if ($host =~ /compuserve/i) { ; } else { if (! $user =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (! $host =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (substr ($user,0,1) !~ /[a-z]/) { return 1; } } if ($szEmail =~ /\w+\@[\w|\.]/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub populateDateVar { @months = (); push(@months,"January"); push(@months,"February"); push(@months,"March"); push(@months,"April"); push(@months,"May"); push(@months,"June"); push(@months,"July"); push(@months,"August"); push(@months,"September"); push(@months,"October"); push(@months,"November"); push(@months,"December"); @days = (); push(@days,"Sunday"); push(@days,"Monday"); push(@days,"Tuesday"); push(@days,"Wednesday"); push(@days,"Thursday"); push(@days,"Friday"); push(@days,"Saturday"); ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$month,$year,$day2) = (localtime(time))[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; if ($sec < 10) { $sec = "0$sec"; } if ($min < 10) { $min = "0$min"; } if ($hour < 10) { $hour = "0$hour"; } if ($day < 10) { $day = "0$day"; } $year += "1900"; #$todaysdate = "$months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec"; } # process the form input. &processCGI; &populateDateVar; foreach $check(@required) { unless ($check) { doFormError("It appears that you forgot to fill in the <strong>$check</strong> field."); exit; } } # checks for valid email address if( &invalidE($b_email) ){ doFormError('You submitted an invalid email address.'); } if( $mode eq "BOTH" || $mode eq "EMAIL") { # Send email order to you... open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram"); print MAIL "To: $youremail\n"; print MAIL "From: $b_email\n"; print MAIL "Subject: New Online Order\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "A new order has been received. A summary of this order appears below.\n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "Order Date: $months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Bill To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; print MAIL " $b_first $b_last \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $b_city, $b_state $b_zip \n"; print MAIL " $b_phone \n"; print MAIL " $b_fax \n"; print MAIL " $b_email \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Ship To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; print MAIL " $s_first $s_last \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $s_city, $s_state $s_zip \n"; print MAIL " $s_phone \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Qty Price(\$) Product ID - Product Name\n"; print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \$$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \$$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \$$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \$$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \$$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \$$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \$$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \$$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \$$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \$$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \$$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \$$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \$$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "FREIGHT: $SHIPPING \n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; } if( $mode eq "BOTH" || $mode eq "FILE") { $csvcomments = $comment; #$csvcomments =~ s/\"/$csvquote/ig; open (CSVF,">>$csvfilename"); print CSVF "\""; print CSVF "$months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_fax"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_email"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\$$PRICE_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; } # Send email conformation to the customer..... open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram"); print MAIL "To: $b_email\n"; print MAIL "From: $youremail\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Order Confirmation\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "A new order has been received. A summary of this order appears below.\n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "Order Date: $months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Bill To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; print MAIL " $b_first $b_last \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $b_city, $b_state $b_zip \n"; print MAIL " $b_phone \n"; print MAIL " $b_fax \n"; print MAIL " $b_email \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Ship To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; if ( $s_addr eq "" ) { print MAIL " Use Billing Address\n"; } else { print MAIL " $s_first $s_last \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $s_city, $s_state $s_zip \n"; print MAIL " $s_phone \n"; } print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Qty Price(\$) Product ID - Product Name\n"; print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \$$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \$$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \$$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \$$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \$$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \$$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \$$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \$$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \$$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \$$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \$$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \$$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \$$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "FREIGHT: $SHIPPING \n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "<h2>Thank you</h2>"; print "Thank you for your order from our online store. You will receive a confirmation email of your order "; print "momentarily. Please contact us at $youremail if you have any questions or concerns."; print "<P>"; print "<A HREF=\"$returnpage\" target=_top>Return Home</A>"; print "<P>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; or in the checkout.html file.. Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> CHECKOUT -- Title Here </TITLE> <STYLE> .greetext { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;color: #006600;} .blacktext { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;color: #000000;} .checkout {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;} .checkoutinput {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;} .nopcart {background: #464444;border: 1px;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #ffffff;} .nopheader {background: #464444;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF;} .nopentry {background: #FFFFFF;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;} .noptotal {background: #FFFFFF;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;} .nopbutton {background: #FFFFFF;font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #000000;} </STYLE> <SCRIPT SRC=""></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT SRC=""> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT> function CheckForm( theform ) { var bMissingFields = false; var strFields = ""; if( theform.b_first.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: First Name\n"; } if( theform.b_last.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: Last Name\n"; } if( theform.b_addr.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: Address\n"; } if( theform.b_city.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: City\n"; } if( theform.b_state.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: State\n"; } if( theform.b_zip.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: Zipcode\n"; } if( theform.b_phone.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: Phone\n"; } if( theform.b_email.value == '' ){ bMissingFields = true; strFields += " Billing: Email\n"; } if( bMissingFields ) { alert( "I'm sorry, but you must provide the following field(s) before continuing:\n" + strFields ); return false; } return true; } </SCRIPT> </head> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="White" TEXT="Black"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100%> <TD VALIGN=TOP BGCOLOR=#663333> <IMG SRC="/images/one.gif" WIDTH=2 HEIGHT=20 ALT=""> <IMG SRC="/images/text.gif" WIDTH=391 HEIGHT=20 ALT="The Ultimate Delicacy"> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <blockquote> <NOSCRIPT> Whoops, we detected that your browser does not have JavaScript, or it is disabled. Our product catalog requires that you have JavaScript enabled to order products. <a href="">Netscape</a> and <a href="">Microsoft</a> offer free browsers which support JavaScript. If you are using a JavaScript compliant browser and still have problems, make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser's preferences. </NOSCRIPT> <FONT CLASS="checkout"> <form action="cgi-bin/" method="POST" onSubmit="return CheckForm(this)"> <NOBR> <SCRIPT> CheckoutCart(); </SCRIPT> </NOBR> <br> <P> <font class="blacktext"> <b>Please fill out the following information below to complete your order.</b> </font> <p> <b><font class="greetext">Billing Information:</font></b><P> <TABLE class="blacktext"> <TR><TD>Name: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="18" name="b_first"> <input type="text" size="15" name="b_last"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Address: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="b_addr"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD>Address: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="b_addr2"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>City: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="21" name="b_city"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD>State: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="1" name="b_state"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD>Zip: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="5" name="b_zip"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Phone: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="b_phone"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Fax: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="b_fax"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Email: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="b_email"> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <p> <b><font class="greetext">Shipping Information (if different than billing):</font></b><P> <TABLE class="blacktext"> <TR><TD>Name: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="18" name="s_first"> <input type="text" size="15" name="s_last"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Address: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="s_addr"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD>Address: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="s_addr2"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>City: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="21" name="s_city"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD>State: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="1" name="s_state"> </TD></TR> <TR><TD>Zip: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="5" name="s_zip"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Phone: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="s_phone"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Fax: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="s_fax"></TD></TR> <TR><TD>Email: </TD><TD><input type="text" size="37" name="s_email"> </TD></TR> </TABLE> <p> <FONT class="blacktext"> <b><font class="greetext">Comments/Special Instructions:</font></b><P> <TEXTAREA NAME="comment" ROWS=6 COLS=40> </TEXTAREA> </font> <input type=submit Value="Submit Order"> <INPUT type=RESET value=" Clear Form "> </p> </center> </FORM> </blockquote> </body> </html> Similar TutorialsSo I have my form built and all but I need to add the total cost of the items selected now. I'm not sure how to get the elements in the form and store them in a variable. Like for the single, that should have the value of $2. How can I get that and store it in a var? Here is the html: Code: <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> #sizeOf { border-style: solid; border-width:5px; border-color:red; } #top { border-style: solid; border-width:5px; border-color:red; } #price { border-style: solid; border-width: 5px; border-color:red; } #ta { border-style:solid; border-width: 5px; border-color:black; } <script type="text/javascript" src="cost.js"> </script> </style> </head> <body> <center> <h1> Joe's Famous Burgers <h1> <br /> <h1> On-Line Order Form </h1></center> <center> <form id="sizeOf" name="size"> <p> Select the size burger you want</p> <label> <input type="radio" id="siingle" name="size" value="2.00" /> Single - $2.00</label> <label> <input type="radio" id="double" name="size" value="3.00" /> Double - $3.00</label> <label> <input type="radio" id="triple" name="size" value="4.00" /> Triple- $4.00</label> </form> </center> <br /> <center> <form id="top" name="toppings"> <p> Select the toppings: </p> <label> <input type ="checkbox" name="cbox" value="cheese" /> Cheese ($0.50) </label> <label> <input type ="checkbox" name="cbox" value="onions" /> Onions ($0.25) </label> <label> <input type ="checkbox" name="cbox" value="lettuce" /> Lettuce (FREE) </label> <br /> <br /> <label> <input type ="checkbox" name="cbox" value="tomatoes" /> Tomatoes ($0.30) </label> <label> <input type ="checkbox" name="cbox" value="mustard" /> Mustard (FREE) </label> <label> <input type ="checkbox" name="cbox" value="cheeseOnly" /> Cheese ONLY($0.40) </label> </form> </center> <center> <form id="price" name="total"> <p> <h3> To obtain the price of your order click on the price button below: </h3></p> <input type="submit" value="Price (Submit Button)" onClick="computeCost();"/> <input type="submit" value="Clear Form" /> <br /> <br /> <textarea id="ta" rows="10" cols="50"> </textarea> </form> </center> </center </body> </html> Here is the js: Code: //cost.js function computeCost(){ var single = document.getElementId("single").value; var double = document.getElementId("double").value; var triple = document.getElementId("triple").value; document.write("<p>" + single + "gfgdgfd" + "</p>"); } I have now resolved please delete.
Hi Guys, At the moment we are running the below javascript on the shopping cart page of a website to stop customers purchasing under $500 worth of products. What we need is for the javascript to recognised a discount code entered and allow for purchases under $500 or to recognised a particular password or login used by a special user and then allow them to purchase under $500. We tried to put an 'else if' under the 'if (intotal > 500) { window.location=document.getElementById('catshopbuy').href; }' and added a variable for the discout code on the <td> tag but this broke the shop and we could not checkout at all. We also created and 'if' statement around the below code and said if the discount code was equal to the code we setup then ignore all the below script but this didnt work either. Is this the correct way to go about it, are we missing something or is there an easier way to accomplish this? Code: <script> function stay() { var intotal=document.getElementById('intotal').innerHTML; erro=0; var k=document.getElementById("ShippingOptions"); if(k){if(k.value<1){document.getElementById('error_msg').innerHTML=Oshoplang.InvalidShip;erro=1;}} var c=document.getElementById("shippingCountry");ccVal="";if(c){ccVal=c.value}var a=document.getElementById("shippingState");var l="";if(a){l=a [a.selectedIndex].text;if(a.value<1){document.getElementById('error_msg').innerHTML=Oshoplang.ChooseState;erro=1;}} var j=document.getElementById("shippingPostcode");var h="";if(j){h=j.value;if(j.value.length<1){document.getElementById ('error_msg').innerHTML=Oshoplang.EnterZip;erro=1;}} var g=document.getElementById("shippingCalc");if(g){var b=false;var e=g.getElementsByTagName("input");if(e.length>0){for(var d=0;d<e.length;d++){if(e [d].checked){b=true;break}}}if(!b){document.getElementById('error_msg').innerHTML=Oshoplang.ChooseShip;erro=1;}} if (erro==1) {document.getElementById('error_msg').style.display="block";} if (erro==0) { intotal=parseFloat(intotal.substring(1).replace(/,/gi,"") ); if (intotal > 500) { window.location=document.getElementById('catshopbuy').href; } else { document.getElementById('error_msg').innerHTML="ERROR - THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF YOUR ORDER IS BELOW $500"; document.getElementById('error_msg').style.display="block"; } } } </script> Any guidance would be great. Thanks Rachael Hi, PanM here. Trying to build a website to help my cousin sell his beautiful art. I am using a free web page at and they have an option to use either PayPal or Google Checkout to put in shipping costs and go to the cart checkout. However, haven't evaluated Google yet, but PayPal does not do what I want. You have to put in various shipping prices and then it doesn't relate to the state or country unless you select all states, or anyway that's how I see it. I have found one on the net that wants $5 per month, but I am trying to do this for free. UPS, FedEx, and USPS have API's that can probably work, but I would prefer a HTML file or Javascript file in the page on my site. Can anyone help with this problem? Please. Thanks, PanM On my site's shopping cart, when clicking the "buy" button, it merely animates a little item that shows that something is now in the customer's cart. I'd like it to do this, and then redirect to "/cart", cutting down the work of what the user actually has to do (we only have one product). Here's what I'm working with: <!-- START ADD TO CART --> {% if featuredproduct.available %} <span class="featured-product price"><span>{{ featuredproduct.price | money }}</span>{% if featuredproduct.compare_at_price_max > featuredproduct.price %} <del>{{ featuredproduct.compare_at_price | money }}</del>{% endif %}</span> <input type="submit" value="{{ settings.text_addtocart }}" class=" add-to-cart addtocart button primary"> {% else %} <h3 class="featured-product price sold-out"><span>Sold Out</span></h3> <input type="submit" value="{{ settings.text_addtocart }}" class="featured-product add-to-cart button primary disabled" disabled="disabled "> {% endif %} <!-- END ADD TO CART --> Adding an "onclick="location.href='/cart';" after the input classes does not fire the actual act of adding the item to the cart, so it shows an empty cart on the redirect. JS newbie, sorry for the rough explanation. Any help greatly appreciated! Hi, Im using the old nopcard scripts on my site. It does every thing right except it does not send a Email to my to my email adres. I dont know how to correct this because i dont know Javascript. I include the script if anybody know how to alter it so that it will send the info to my email adres as well. Thank you very much for your previous help. Kees Meyer Oudtshoorn South Africa. The script : #!/usr/bin/perl #=====================================================================|| # NOP Design JavaScript Shopping Cart || # PERL CGI Checkout Module || # || # For more information on SmartSystems, or how NOPDesign can help you || # Please visit us on the WWW at || # || # Javascript portions of this shopping cart software are available as || # freeware from NOP Design. You must keep this comment unchanged in || # your code. For more information contact || # || # JavaScript Shop Module, V.4.4.0 || #=====================================================================|| # || # Function: Writes available form elements from the NOP || # Free Cart ( || # and other form elements to an email file, and || # send user confirmation || # || #=====================================================================|| require 5.001; ######################################################################## # # # User defined variables: # # $header - string value containing the complete # # path of the HTML page header # # $footer - string value containing the complete # # path of the HTML page footer # # $mailprogram - string value containing the complete path to # # the sendmail binary on the system. # # $youremail - string value containing the email address to # # send catalog orders in EMAIL or BOTH modes # # **Don't forget to put a \ before the @ in your # # email address. ie. spam\*** # # $returnpage - URL to send user when checkout is complete # # $csvfilename - string value containing the complete # # path of the user database. # # $csvquote - string value containing what to use for quotes # # in the csv file (typically "" or \") # # $mode - string value containing 'EMAIL', 'FILE' or # # 'BOTH' to determine if the script should send # # an email to you with the new order, write the # # order to a CSV file, or do both. # ######################################################################## $header = "header.html"; $footer = "footer.html"; $mailprogram = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t"; $returnpage = "/"; $youremail = "support\"; $csvfilename = "orders.csv"; $csvquote = "\"\""; $mode = "BOTH"; #These are required fields. I recommend enforcing these by javascript, #but let's just make sure here as well. @required = ( 'b_first', 'b_last', 'b_addr', 'b_city', 'b_state', 'b_zip', 'b_phone', 'b_email' ); ############################################################## #FUNCTION: urlDecode # #RETURNS: The decoded string. # #PARAMETERS: An encoded string. # #PURPOSE: Decodes a URL encoded string. # ############################################################## sub urlDecode { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ tr/+/ /; $string =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex($1))/eg; $string =~ s/['"]/\'/g; return ($string); } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: processCGI # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: # #PURPOSE: Retrieves form data submitted via the 'GET' # # method and decodes it. You may then access # # the passed in variables via calls to $[name] # # where [name] is the name of the form element. # ############################################################## sub processCGI { local ($cgiData, $key, $value, $pair, @pairs); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { $cgiData = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { $cgiData = <STDIN>; } @pairs = split (/&/, $cgiData); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($key, $value) = split (/\=/, $pair); $key = &urlDecode($key); $value = &urlDecode($value); if(defined ${$key}){ ${$key} .= ", ".$value; }else{ ${$key} = $value; } } } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: doFormError # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: A error message string. # #PURPOSE: Generates an HTML page indicating a form # # submission error occurred. # ############################################################## sub doFormError { my ($errString) = @_; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print @LINES; print "<FONT SIZE=+2>The form you submitted was not complete.<BR><BR></FONT>"; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; print "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK='history.back()' VALUE=' Return to the checkout page '><HR>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: doError # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: A error message string. # #PURPOSE: Generates an HTML page indicating an error # # occurred. # ############################################################## sub doError { my ($errString) = @_; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: invalidE # #RETURNS: 1 if invalid, 0 if valid. # #PARAMETERS: An email address variable. # #PURPOSE: Checks to see if a submitted email address is # # of the valid form 'x@y'. # ############################################################## sub invalidE { my ($szEmail) = @_; my ($user, $host); $szEmail =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($szEmail =~ /\s/) { return 1; } ($user, $host) = split (/\@/, $szEmail); if ($host =~ /compuserve/i) { ; } else { if (! $user =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (! $host =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (substr ($user,0,1) !~ /[a-z]/) { return 1; } } if ($szEmail =~ /\w+\@[\w|\.]/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub populateDateVar { (Taken out because Text to long for email) "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \R$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \R$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \R$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \R$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \R$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \R$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \R$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \R$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \R$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \R$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \R$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \R$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \R$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; } if( $mode eq "BOTH" || $mode eq "FILE") { $csvcomments = $comment; #$csvcomments =~ s/\"/$csvquote/ig; open (CSVF,">>$csvfilename"); print CSVF "\""; print CSVF "$months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_fax"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_email"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$SUBTOTAL"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$TOTAL"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$SHIPPING"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$comment"; print CSVF "\"\n"; close CSVF; } # Send email conformation to the customer..... open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram"); print MAIL "To: $b_email\n"; print MAIL "From: $youremail\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Order Confirmation\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "A new order has been received. A summary of this order appears below.\n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "Order Date: $months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Bill To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; print MAIL " $b_first $b_last \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $b_city, $b_state $b_zip \n"; print MAIL " $b_phone \n"; print MAIL " $b_fax \n"; print MAIL " $b_email \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; if ( $s_addr eq "" ) { print MAIL " Use Billing Address\n"; } else { print MAIL " $s_first $s_last \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $s_city, $s_state $s_zip \n"; print MAIL " $s_phone \n"; } print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Qty Price(\R) Product ID - Product Name\n"; print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \R$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \R$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \R$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \R$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \R$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \R$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \R$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \R$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \R$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \R$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \R$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \R$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \R$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "<h2>Thank you</h2>"; print "Thank you for your order."; print "Please contact us at $youremail if you have any problems questions or concerns. Thank U again for your support Kees Meyer."; print "<P>"; print "<A HREF=\"$returnpage\" rel="nofollow" target=_top>Return Home</A>"; print "<P>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; Hi All, I have two scripts which I want to try and integrate. I am using a nice gallery script to show thumbnails which are appended to a an image wrapper which on click of the thumbnail shows the larger image in the image wrapper, I am trying to implement cloud zoom which is a plugin which uses image srcs to then point to an anchor href to show another larger zoom image either in the same place.. which is what I am trying to do or in another div beside. I have had to set me img srcs up in a certain way to easily enter some product details. and I need to try an manipulate the code to make it work to suit my file layout. I am using a var= images [ with a series of file locations and info such as below { src: 'romanticabride/thumbs/tn_Shauna.jpg', srcBig: 'romanticabride/images/Shauna.jpg', title: 'Shauna', longDescription: '<b><H1>Shauna</H1></b><br><b>Romantica Of Devon <br><br><h2>Sizes Available:</h2><br> 6 - 32.<b><br><b><br><b><b><b><H2>Colours Available:</h2><b><br>Various<br>Please Enquire Below<br><br><br><br><a href=" Enquiry Regarding Romantica Shauna Bridal Gown"class="enquiry rose glow" >Click To Enquire About This Item </a>' }, what I need is for cloud zoom to work when the main image wrapper is hovered over which means it will need to add a class or when the whichever srcBig: is hovered over it gets wrapped by href to make the script work . one of my pages is the cloud zoom script is at I am happy to share a jsfiddle with someone or explain further or post some code. Thank you in advance does any expert know how to pass parameters in the <script ..> tag? for instance; Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js ?param1=val1¶m2=val2&etc "> in the javascript script.js, how would we read the params after the question mark? for example, google this; google shopping cart /v2_2/cart.js I have a script that works in seamonkey(my html editor) but when I use it in IE8 it says errors happen. Here's the code (the first line is on line 7 of the html file): Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function enlarge(imageNum) { var numToString = ""; if(parseInt(imageNum) < 10){ numToString = "0" + imageNum; } else { numToString = imageNum + ""; }"images/LgScreenshot"+numToString+".jpg","Screenshot "+imageNum,"status=0,height=675,width=900,resizable=0"); } </script> And the errors: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB0.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; InfoPath.3; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) Timestamp: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 14:58:16 UTC Message: Object expected Line: 150 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: Message: Invalid argument. Line: 18 Char: 1 Code: 0 URI: I need to assign a key in the javascript to actually make the javascript work,. I have a bookmark in chrome , a javascript , which actually works when clicked on it .,. but how can i edit it so that i can actually make it work on click a key or combination of keys. i want to declare the key or keycombo in the script itself .,. the script is for catching the selected text on the webpage and opening a new tab(or window) and doing an exact search search of the selected text using .,., So I want it to work it this way ., select the text press a key and it opens a new tab (or window) with an xact search .,. i want to declare the key or keycombo in the script itself .,. the script is for catching the selected text on the webpage and opening a new tab(or window) and doing an exact search search of the selected text using .,., So I want it to work it this way ., select the text press a key and it opens a new tab (or window) with an xact search .,. Thanks in advance ., Nani On this website: I really like on the top how the menu has like 5 or 6 icons, and when you hover over them it shows a bubble with the name in them. Does anybody know where I can find this script? Thanks. Hello again . If these questions concerning Regular Expressions are inappropriate in this forum please let me know . Thank You. This expression <script[^>]*>.*?</script> matches ... Code: <script type="text/javascript">var cnnIsHomePage = true;</script> but not ... Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var cnnIsHomePage = true; </script> Please , how can i match the latter ? Quote: function hTools() { var hTools = new Array(6); hTools[0] = "hand tools"; hTools[1] = "saw"; hTools[2] = "hammer"; hTools[3] = "screwdriver"; hTools[4] = "wrench"; hTools[5] = "pliers"; } if(hTools[0] == true) { document.forms[0].item_one.value ="0"; } else if(hTools[1] == true) { document.forms[0].item_one.value ="$20.00" } then I call it fro an onchage selection list Quote: <p><select name ="hTool" onchange ="return hTools();"> <option value ="hTool0">Hand Tool</option> Quote: Item 1: <input type ="text" name ="item_one" My script or my call or both is not working could you please look at it and tell me what I am doing wrong I'm looking for something that i can put into my HTML page that will display the following information about the users computer: OS version, browser version, quicktime + flash + adobe reader + java + windows media player + sliverlight versions of the users computer. Can anyone please help??? I don't know a lot about this so something i could copy and paste would be great! I need it to work across all the major browser types. Thanks!!!! Sorry if this isn't JavaScript What would the script be to get something like the image below, when you click the tab, then the picture and headline pops up? Thanks. This is clickunder script , but i need whenever i open page again , it works again at this current form , it doesnt open clickunder whenever i open page again what codes must change ? Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript"> function PopShow3() { CookieTest=navigator.cookieEnabled; if(CookieTest) { ClickUndercookie = GetCookie('clickunder'); if (ClickUndercookie == null) { var ExpDate = new Date (); ExpDate.setTime(ExpDate.getTime() + (144 *60 * 60 * 1000)); SetCookie('clickunder','1',ExpDate, "/");""); window.focus(); } } } function GetCookie (name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function SetCookie (name, value) { var argv = SetCookie.arguments; var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } document.onmouseup=PopShow3; </SCRIPT> Hello this small clickunder script open windows behind current windows but it has problems that i want to be fixed : 1-This opens windows behind current windows when visitor clicks everywhere on the page . I need it works when visitors click only on links not everywhere on the page 2-i need it works for links with speacial id's , not every links Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript"> function PopShow3() { CookieTest=navigator.cookieEnabled; if(CookieTest) { ClickUndercookie = GetCookie('clickunder'); if (ClickUndercookie == null) { var ExpDate = new Date (); ExpDate.setTime(ExpDate.getTime() + (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); SetCookie('clickunder','1',ExpDate, "/");"galst2.htm"); window.focus(); } } } function GetCookie (name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function SetCookie (name, value) { var argv = SetCookie.arguments; var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } document.onmouseup=PopShow3; </SCRIPT> Hey, I have a forum, and the forum has an rss feed. I want to take the most 10 recent posts from the feed and insert it into my Home page. I have no clue how to do this. At the moment I have been manually entering the posts as you can see here. All the recent posts on the right side of the page are manually entered by me from my forum. Just wondering if anyone could guide me in a direction to do this programmatically. hi, can any tell me that which script they are using?? and plz if u have share it Thanx regards Fawad someone please delete this!!