JavaScript - Adding Multiple Id's To A Sliding Menu
I'm still very new to Javascript, like really new. I'm trying to use this sliding menu script, and I want to have multiple menus on the same page. Problem is, I can't get multiple ID's for the menus to work, so if I click one menu's slider button, then it will always only affect the first menu, regardless of which I click.
Here's where I think I need to modify the code, at the top: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var sliderIntervalId = 0; var sliderHeight = 232; var sliding = false; var slideSpeed = 10; function Slide() And where the ID value is defined: Code: function SlideUpRun() { slider = document.getElementById('exampleSlider'), slider = document.getElementById('slider2'); if(sliderHeight <= 0) { sliding = false; sliderHeight = 0; = '0px'; clearInterval(sliderIntervalId); Obviously, these are just snippets of the whole code, I didn't know if less/more is needed to be shwon. Can anyone help on this? I just need to know how to separate it, so I can add multiple menus to the same page. Similar TutorialsHi, I'm relatively new to javascript, I am trying to create a sliding menu, everything is working fine other than the hyperlinks are not working, they open if you right click and select open link, but not with a normal click. Any help will be very appreciated, you can acsess the javascript he the css he and the html he Thank you in advance; James I'm trying to make this menu go up and down when the arrows are clicked. Right now, it shows all of them and I can't figure out how to make it so that it only shows the first 9 and will show the rest in the menu when it's clicked. I really don't know where to start. I found some scripts but they turned out really funky. Even if it's something super simple is cool, just where to begin?? Here is the menu: Code: <div class="arrow_holder"><span onclick="document.getElementById('down').display = 'none'; document.getElementById('up').display = 'block';" ><img src="images/arrow-up.png" alt="" border="0" /></span></div> //video1 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(1);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/12.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>12 FL OZ</strong><br />Narrative / Television</a></div> </div> //video2 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(2);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/catch.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>THE CATCH: COSTA RICA</strong><br />Narrative / Television</a></div> </div> //video3 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(3);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/cole.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>COLE PETTICOAT P.I.</strong><br />Narrative / Television</a></div> </div> //video4 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(4);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/mayan_thumb.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>MAYAN BLUE</strong><br />Documentary</a></div> </div> //video5 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(5);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/marine.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>MARINE INVESTIGATORS</strong><br />Documentary</a></div> </div> //video6 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(6);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/police.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>DISH POLICE</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> //video7 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(7);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/septic.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>SUPER SEPTIC MIKE ROBE</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> //video8 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(8);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/adultswim.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>ADULT SWIM - HAIKU</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> //video9 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(9);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/miller.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>MILLER LITE / FALCONS</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> //video10 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(10);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/trulite.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>TRUCLEAR HD PLUS</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> //video11 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(11);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/tara.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>TARA JEWELRY</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> //video12 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(12);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/boomerang.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>BOOMERANG VAMPIRES</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> video13 <div class="portfolio_details" onclick="change_video(13);"> <div class="work_thumb"><img src="images/gapower.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div class="work_name"><a href="#"><strong>GA POWER FALCONS</strong><br />Commercial</a></div> </div> <div class="arrow_holder"><span onclick="document.getElementById('up').display = 'none'; document.getElementById('down').display = 'block';" ><img src="images/arrow-down.png" alt="" border="0" /></span></div> </div> How do I store an object reference inside a variable when I want the object reference to to reference the first "ul" html element nested inside the current object (as referenced by this keyword)? var slideList = ??? I am trying to create a sliding menu. I've added a Vertical Sliding Menu to my website that only seems to work in Internet Explorer. I have no idea what to do to get it to work in other browsers. If I could at least get it work in Firefox that would be great, but as I said, I'm a bit lost on how to do that. If anyone could help me I would gladly send them a box of chocolates. The menu is made up of images that are partially recessed into the left of the page, except for a small section which remains visible. When that section is clicked the image slides all the way into view revealing more options. The links are all done with image maps, if that helps. Here is the entire Javascript code that goes into the head tag: Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Beginning of JavaScript - var Abouttop=124 var Newstop=195 var Profilestop=258 var Issuestop=351 var Extrastop=423 var Linkstop=499 var Forumtop=571 var menuleft=-118 var pace=14 var step var direction var pause=25 var thismenu var vorzeichen=1 var vorzeiAbout=-1 var vorzeiNews=-1 var vorzeiProfiles=-1 var vorzeiIssues=-1 var vorzeiExtras=-1 var vorzeiLinks=-1 var vorzeiForum=-1 var menuismoving="no" function gotourl(thisurl) { alert("\n\nThis is onlay a demonstration.\nYou will not be linked to "+thisurl+".html.") } function inite() { if (document.layers) { document.About.left=menuleft document.News.left=menuleft document.Profiles.left=menuleft document.Issues.left=menuleft document.Extras.left=menuleft document.Links.left=menuleft document.Forum.left=menuleft } if (document.all) { } } function getmenuname(clickedmenu) { if (menuismoving=="no") { if (document.layers) { thismenu=eval("document."+clickedmenu) } if (document.all) { thismenu=eval("document.all."+clickedmenu+".style") } step=pace checkdirection() movemenu() } } function checkdirection() { if (document.layers) { if (thismenu==document.About){vorzeiAbout=vorzeiAbout*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiAbout} if (thismenu==document.News){vorzeiNews=vorzeiNews*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiNews} if (thismenu==document.Profiles){vorzeiProfiles=vorzeiProfiles*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiProfiles} if (thismenu==document.Issues){vorzeiIssues=vorzeiIssues*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiIssues} if (thismenu==document.Extras){vorzeiExtras=vorzeiExtras*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiExtras} if (thismenu==document.Links){vorzeiLinks=vorzeiLinks*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiLinks} if (thismenu==document.Forum){vorzeiForum=vorzeiForum*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiForum} } if (document.all) { if ({vorzeiAbout=vorzeiAbout*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiAbout} if ({vorzeiNews=vorzeiNews*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiNews} if ({vorzeiProfiles=vorzeiProfiles*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiProfiles} if ({vorzeiIssues=vorzeiIssues*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiIssues} if ({vorzeiExtras=vorzeiExtras*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiExtras} if ({vorzeiLinks=vorzeiLinks*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiLinks} if ({vorzeiForum=vorzeiForum*-1;vorzeichen=vorzeiForum} } menuismoving="yes" } function movemenu() { if (document.layers) { if (step>=0) { thismenu.left+=step*vorzeichen step-- var movetimer=setTimeout("movemenu()",pause) } else { menuismoving="no" clearTimeout(movetimer) } } if (document.all) { if (step>=0) { thismenu.posLeft+=step*vorzeichen step-- var movetimer=setTimeout("movemenu()",pause) } else { menuismoving="no" clearTimeout(movetimer) } } } // - End of JavaScript - --> </SCRIPT> Code: This is the CSS code that also goes into the head tag: <style type="text/css"> #About {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} #News {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} #Profiles {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} #Issues {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} #Extras {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} #Links {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} #Forum {position:absolute;left:-1000px;} .baseline { position:absolute; left:250px; top:100px; font-family:Arial; font-size:9pt; color:000000; } </STYLE> And I'm not sure if this is needed or not, but just in case, here is everything between the body tags Code: <body onLoad="inite()" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"> <DIV ID="About"> <IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_about2.gif" USEMAP="#Aboutdec99.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=71 BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Aboutdec99.gif"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="128,3,143,67" HREF="javascript:getmenuname('About')"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="30,4,113,20" HREF="about_nw.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="88,21,113,34" HREF="siteinfo.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="35,35,113,51" HREF="contributions.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="65,52,113,66" HREF="contact.asp"> </MAP></DIV> <DIV ID="News"><IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_news2.gif" USEMAP="#Newsdec99.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=63 BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Newsdec99.gif"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="128,5,143,58" HREF="javascript:getmenuname('News')"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="30,14,113,31" HREF="news.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="30,33,113,48" HREF="news_archive.asp"> </MAP></DIV> <DIV ID="Profiles"><IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_profiles2.gif" USEMAP="#Profilesdec99.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=93 BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Profilesdec99.gif"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="128,5,143,89" HREF="javascript:getmenuname('Profiles')"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="26,11,113,26" HREF="char_current.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="66,30,113,46" HREF="char_inactive.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="65,48,113,66" HREF="char_villains.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="90,68,113,82" HREF="char_all.asp"> </MAP></DIV> <DIV ID="Issues"><IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_issues2.gif" USEMAP="#Issuesdec99.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=72 BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Issuesdec99.gif"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="128,5,143,67" HREF="javascript:getmenuname('Issues')"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="53,9,113,25" HREF="issues_uc.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="30,28,113,43" HREF="issues.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="52,48,113,63" HREF="issues_past.asp"> </MAP></DIV> <DIV ID="Extras"><IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_extra2.gif" USEMAP="#Extrasdec99.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=76 BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Extrasdec99.gif"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="128,6,143,71" HREF="javascript:getmenuname('Extras')"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="47,10,113,27" HREF="wallpapers.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="65,29,113,45" HREF="avatars.asp"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="36,48,113,64" HREF="merch.asp"> </MAP></DIV> <DIV ID="Links"><IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_links2.gif" USEMAP="#Linksdec99.gif" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=72 BORDER=0> <MAP NAME="Linksdec99.gif"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="128,10,143,64" HREF="javascript:getmenuname('Links')"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="13,5,113,19" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="74,21,113,34" HREF="" alt="New Warriors Continuity Conundrum"> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="32,37,113,51" HREF=""> <AREA SHAPE=RECT COORDS="19,53,113,67" HREF=""> </MAP></DIV> <DIV ID="Forum"><IMG SRC="images/main/menu_tab_forum2.gif" usemap="#menu_tab_test.jpg" width="150" height="69" border=0> <map name="menu_tab_test.jpg"> <AREA shape=rect COORDS="128,5,143,66" HREF=""> </map></DIV> </body> And in case anyone wants to see what I'm talking about, here is the link to the page so that you can see the menu bar and how it functions. Make sure you are viewing it in IE though. lol. I hope that's all of the information that is needed. I just don't have a clue what to do. I really like the menu and want to keep it. Thanks so much! I'm creating a menu using html, css and a javascript, I found a tutorial to follow online. What I am trying to achieve is when the mouse hovers over the menu items, each item will have a different colour background. the problem is that i can do this but it only works with one colour and not different colours. this is the html: Code: <ul> <li><a href="1.php">Things</a></li> <li><a href="2.php">Animals</a> <ul> <li><a href="2-1.php">Cani</a> <ul> <li><a href="2-1-1.php">Domestic dogs</a></li> <li><a href="2-1-2.php">Wolves</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="2-2.php">Felidae</a> <ul> <li><a href="2-2-1.php">Domestic cats</a></li> <li><a href="2-2-2.php">Wild cats</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="3.php">Humans</a></li> </ul> the css is as follows: Code: div#s1 { width: 200px; /* menu width */ } div#s1 ul { background-color: #036; list-style-type: none; /* get rid of the bullets */ padding:0; /* no padding */ margin:0; /* no margin for IE either */ } div#s1 ul li { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: #036; display:block; border-top: 1px solid white; /* lines */ } div#s1 ul li a { display: block; /* lines extend to right, make area clickable */ color: white; background-color: #036; padding: 3px 3px 3px 23px; margin:0; text-decoration: none; height:15px; /* hint for IE, alternatively remove whitespace from HTML */ } div#s1 ul ul li a { margin-left: 20px; /* indent level 1 */ } div#s1 ul ul ul li a { margin-left: 40px; /* indent level 2 */ } div#s1 ul ul ul ul li a { margin-left: 60px; /* indent level 3 */ } div#s1 li ul, div#s1 li.closed ul { display: none; /* collapse */ } div#s1 ul { display: block; /* expand */ } div#s1 ul a { background-image: url(bullet_open.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; } div#s1 ul li.closed a { background-image: url(bullet_closed.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; } div#s1 ul li.leaf a { background-image: url(bullet_leaf.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; } div#s1 a { background-position: 0px -20px; color: red; /* highlight text */ } div#s1 li a { background-position: 0px 0px; color: white; /* fix lower levels */ } div#s1 ul li a:hover { color: red; background-color: #06C; /* rollover effect */ } and finally the javascript: Code: var menu_active_class = "active"; var menu_leaf_class = "leaf"; var menu_open_class = "open"; var menu_closed_class = "closed"; //the default page that is displayed if URL ends in / var menu_default_page = "index.php"; var menu_url; //main function //menu_id : id of the element containing the navigation function menu_main(menu_id) { var url = location.href; if (url.lastIndexOf("/") == (url.length-1)) { url = url+menu_default_page; } if (url.lastIndexOf("?") >= 0) { url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("?")); } if (url.lastIndexOf("#") >= 0) { url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("#")); } menu_url = url; var main = document.getElementById(menu_id); if (!main) alert("No element with id '"+ menu_id +"' found"); menu_traverse(main); } /* Walks down the subtree and on the way back sets properties. returns bit set 1: set = element is a node, unset = element is a leaf 2: set = element contains the active node 4: set = element is the active A node */ function menu_traverse(element) { var props = 0; // walk down for (var i=0; i<element.childNodes.length; i++) { var child = element.childNodes[i]; props |= menu_traverse(child); // aggregate bits } // on the way back now switch (element.tagName) { case "UL": props |= 1; break; case "LI": var c1 = (props & 1) ? ((props & (2|4)) ? menu_open_class : menu_closed_class) : menu_leaf_class; element.className = element.className ? element.className+" "+c1 : c1; if (props & 4) { if (!(props & 2)) element.className += " "+menu_active_class; props |= 2; props &= 1 | 2; // reset bit 4 } break; case "A": if (props & 2) break; // once is enough var href = element.getAttribute("href"); if (menu_isSameUrl(menu_url, href)) props |= 4; break; } return props; } //matches two URIs when href is the last part of url //.. and . are correctly resolved function menu_isSameUrl(url, href) { var a = url.split(/[?\/]/i); var b = href.split(/[?\/]/i); var i = a.length - 1; var j = b.length - 1; while ((i >= 0) && (j >= 0)) { if (b[j] == "..") { j-=2; continue; } if (a[i] == "..") { i-=2; continue; } if ((b[j] == ".") || (b[j] == "")) { j--; continue; } if ((a[i] == ".") || (a[i] == "")) { i--; continue; } if (! (a[i] == b[j])) return false; i--; j--; } return true; } New to this forum but hope this will explain my problem, any help is much appreciated! thanks!! Jesper Hello, I have an entry form using multiple select boxes as data entry in the upper portion of my page. below i want additional details of the item selected in a table like textboxes by clicking an add button.So whenever i click the add button a new row of text boxes is again created. problem: upon selecting an additional/new item from the select boxes the first row of textboxes doesn't retain it's value it reflects the currently selected values. all the data mentioned above is contained in a single page is it possible? using a classic asp using javascript to do this?please help, i'm really lost..attach is a snopshot of my page... Hello! coding forums pals, I am resorting to you for help with a html form that uses javascript to validate data. the form is an invoice for a trip order where the user can select a trip location out of a listbox, a number of people traveling, and where they wish to stay(ex. hotel, tent, etc.) after the user selects one for each category and hits the "add to invoice" button, the fields in the invoice should get filled with the corresponding information. Now my question is how can I write code that will insert information in the next row down after the previous row has been filled? basically what logic and programming structure do I need in my function that will know when the first row in the invoice is filled. I'm struggling at the part where when the "add to invoice" button is clicked. some data is added to the invoice, and if the user wants to book another trip, the second trip should be appended in the second row of the invoice. what is happening in mine is that whenever I book another trip, the first one gets overwritten when in fact it should be left intact and the data should get appended in the next row down. Code: <html> <head> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> function addit() { var f = document.myform; var cost = 0; var percentage = 0; if(f.destination.selectedIndex == -1) { alert("please select a trip from the list"); return false; } if(([0].checked == false) && ([1].checked == false) && ([2].checked == false) && ([3].checked == false) && ([4].checked == false) && ([5].checked == false)) { alert("please specify the number of people traveling") return false; } if(f.accomodation.selectedIndex == -1) { alert("please specify your place of stay") return false; } switch(f.destination.selectedIndex) { case 0: document.myform.trip1.value="Mt. Kilimanjaro"; cost="2600"; break; case 1: document.myform.trip1.value="Denali"; cost="2000"; break; case 2: document.myform.trip1.value="Mt. Everest"; cost="3500"; break; case 3: document.myform.trip1.value="Maui"; cost="2700"; break; case 4: document.myform.trip1.value="Machu-Pichu"; cost="3100"; break; } for(i=0;i<;i++) { if([i].checked)[i].value; } f.cost1.value=parseInt(f.num1.value) * parseInt(cost); switch(document.myform.accomodation.selectedIndex) { case 0: percentage="0.00"; break; case 1: percentage="0.05"; break; case 2: percentage="0.15"; break; case 3: percentage="0.22"; break; } f.accom1.value=f.cost1.value * parseFloat(percentage); f.total1.value=parseInt(f.cost1.value) + parseInt(f.accom1.value); } function deleteit() { var f = document.myform; var txtbox = document.getElementsByClassName("text"); var rad = document.getElementsByClassName("rad"); f.destination.selectedIndex=-1; f.accomodation.selectedIndex=-1; for(j=0;j<txtbox.length;j++) { txtbox[j].value=""; } for(x=0;x<rad.length;x++) { rad[x].checked=false; } } function submitform() { document.myform.submit(); } </script> <body> <form name="myform"> <table align="center" border="1" bgcolor="skyblue" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr><th>Trips Available</th><th>Number</br> Traveling</th><th>Accomodation</br> Type</th><th>Invoice</th></tr> <tr><td align="center"><select name="destination" id="Select1" size="4"> <option>Mt. Kilimanjaro</option> <option>Denali</option> <option>Mt. Everest</option> <option>Maui</option> <option>Machu-Pichu</option> </select></td> <td align="center">1<input type="radio" name="travelers" value="1" class="rad"></br>2<input type="radio" name="travelers" value="2" class="rad"/></br>3<input type="radio" name="travelers" value="3" class="rad"/></br>4<input type="radio" name="travelers" value="4" class="rad"/></br>5<input type="radio" name="travelers" value="5" class="rad"/></br>6<input type="radio" name="travelers" value="6" class="rad"/></td> <td align="center"> <select name="accomodation" id="Select2" size="3"> <option value=0>Tents</option> <option>Yurts</option> <option>Hostels</option> <option>Hotels</option> </select></td> <td><table width="90%" align="center" cellpadding="2"> <tr><th>Trip</th><th>Num</th><th>Base</br>cost</th><th>Accom.</br>Surcharge</th><th>Total</th></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="trip1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="num1" size="1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="cost1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="accom1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="total1" class="text" readonly></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="trip2" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="num2" size="1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="cost2" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="accom2" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="total2" class="text" readonly></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="trip3" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="num3" size="1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="cost3" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="accom3" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="total3" class="text" readonly></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="trip4" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="num4" size="1" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="cost4" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="accom4" class="text" readonly></td><td><input type="text" name="total4" class="text" readonly></td></tr> </table></td></tr> </tr> <tr><td><input type="button" value="Add to Invoice" onclick="addit()"/></td><td><input type="button" value="Clear" onclick="deleteit()"/></td><td><input type="button" value="Buy Now" onclick="submitform()"/></td><td align="right">Total Sale:<input type="text" name="total" readonly/></td></tr> </table></form> </body> </html> Hi, I am trying to add markers to Google Maps, they are working fine but some of the markers are of same location, thus Google Map will show only one marker for them. Is it possible to show all markers no matter if they are of same location. Help is much appreciated. Thanks I am working with the quiz found below (Multiple Choice Quiz that is instantly graded/checked), and would like to add pictures to the questions and rollover sound effects. I have figured how to add the picture, but not the sound. Sound effects are played when added to the html section, but not when added to the javascript coding. I am alright with html and css, but not with javascript. Any help from the javascript experts would be appreciated. ********* Coding Example ********* <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>The JavaScript Source: Miscellaneous : Multiple Choice Quiz</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="The JavaScript Source" CONTENT = "no-cache"> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Add a quiz to your Web page without using a server-side script. Easy to set-up. Questions and answers are stored in a multi-dimensional array format in an external file. The quiz is marked in real time, and once answered, questions are set to read-only. A summary of the users score is alerted at the end."> <META NAME="date" CONTENT="2005-12-27"> <META NAME="channel" CONTENT="Developer"> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="James Crooke"> <META NAME="section" CONTENT="Miscellaneous"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .question { color:darkblue; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; } --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- /* This script and many more are available free online at The JavaScript Source :: Created by: James Crooke :: */ var useranswers = new Array(); var answered = 0; function renderQuiz() { for(i=0;i<questions.length;i++) { document.writeln('<p class="question">' + questions[i] + ' <span id="result_' + i + '"><img src="blank.gif" style="border:0" alt="" /></span></p>'); for(j=0;j<choices[i].length;j++) { document.writeln('<input type="radio" name="answer_' + i + '" value="' + choices[i][j] + '" id="answer_' + i + '_' + j + '" class="question_' + i + '" onclick="submitAnswer(' + i + ', this, \'question_' + i + '\', \'label_' + i + '_' + j + '\')" /><label id="label_' + i + '_' + j + '" for="answer_' + i + '_' + j + '"> ' + choices[i][j] + '</label><br />'); } } document.writeln('<p><input type="submit" value="Show Score" onclick="showScore()" /> <input type="submit" value="Reset Quiz" onclick="resetQuiz(true)" /></p><p style="display:none"><img src="correct.gif" style="border:0" alt="Correct!" /><img src="incorrect.gif" style="border:0" alt="Incorrect!" /></p>'); } function resetQuiz(showConfirm) { if(showConfirm) if(!confirm("Are you sure you want to reset your answers and start from the beginning?")) return false; document.location = document.location; } function submitAnswer(questionId, obj, classId, labelId) { useranswers[questionId] = obj.value; document.getElementById(labelId).style.color = "grey"; //disableQuestion(classId); showResult(questionId); answered++; } function showResult(questionId) { if(answers[questionId] == useranswers[questionId]) { document.getElementById('result_' + questionId).innerHTML = '<img src="correct.gif" style="border:0" alt="Correct!" />'; // I tried to make the background a different colour for the answer document.getElementById(questionId).style.border ='1px'; } else { document.getElementById('result_' + questionId).innerHTML = '<img src="incorrect.gif" style="border:0" alt="Incorrect!" />'; } } function showScore() { if(answered != answers.length) { alert("You have not answered all of the questions yet!"); return false; } questionCount = answers.length; correct = 0; incorrect = 0; for(i=0;i<questionCount;i++) { if(useranswers[i] == answers[i]) correct++; else incorrect++; } pc = Math.round((correct / questionCount) * 100); alertMsg = "You scored " + correct + " out of " + questionCount + "\n\n"; alertMsg += "You correctly answered " + pc + "% of the questions! \n\n"; if(pc == 100) alertMsg += response[0]; else if(pc >= 90) alertMsg += response[1]; else if(pc >= 70) alertMsg += response[2]; else if(pc > 50) alertMsg += response[3]; else if(pc >= 40) alertMsg += response[4]; else if(pc >= 20) alertMsg += response[5]; else if(pc >= 10) alertMsg += response[6]; else alertMsg += response[7]; if(pc < 100) { if(confirm(alertMsg)) resetQuiz(false); else return false; } else { alert(alertMsg); } } function disableQuestion(classId) { var alltags=document.all? document.all : document.getElementsByTagName("*") for (i=0; i<alltags.length; i++) { if (alltags[i].className == classId) { alltags[i].disabled = true; } } } var questions = new Array(); var choices = new Array(); var answers = new Array(); var response = new Array(); // To add more questions, just follow the format below. questions[0] = "1) JavaScript is ..." ; choices[0] = new Array(); choices[0][0] = "the same as Java"; choices[0][1] = "kind of like Java"; choices[0][2] = "different than Java"; choices[0][3] = "ther written part of Java"; answers[0] = choices[0][2]; ///////// THIS IS THE SECTION THAT I'M TRYING TO WORK ON ///////// // image works, but sound doesn't // questions[1] = "<a href='javascriptHTMLSound' id='dummyspan' // the smiley is actually a colon followed by a D as in "DHTML" onMouseOver='DHTMLSound('success.wav')'><img src='some_image.gif'></a>"; choices[1] = new Array(); choices[1][0] = "Play This" + "<a href='javascriptlaySound('success.wav')'>Play This</a>"; choices[1][1] = "objective"; choices[1][2] = "evil"; choices[1][3] = "object based"; answers[1] = choices[1][3]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// questions[2] = "3) To comment out a line in JavaScript ..."; choices[2] = new Array(); choices[2][0] = "Precede it with two forward slashes, i.e. '//'"; choices[2][1] = "Precede it with an asterisk and a forward slash, i.e. '*/'"; choices[2][2] = "Precede it with an asterisk, i.e. '*'"; choices[2][3] = "Precede it with a forward slash and an asterisk, i.e. '/*'"; answers[2] = choices[2][0]; questions[3] = "4) JavaScript can only run on Windows"; choices[3] = new Array(); choices[3][0] = "True"; choices[3][1] = "False"; answers[3] = choices[3][1]; questions[4] = "5) Semicolons are optional at the end of a JavaScript statement."; choices[4] = new Array(); choices[4][0] = "True"; choices[4][1] = "False"; answers[4] = choices[4][0]; questions[5] = "strings are..."; choices[5] = new Array(); choices[5][0] = "strings, numbers, BooBoos, and nulls"; choices[5][1] = "strings, text, Booleans, and nulls"; choices[5][2] = "strings, numbers, Booleans, and nulls"; choices[5][3] = "strings, numbers, Booleans, and zeros"; answers[5] = choices[5][2]; // response for getting 100% response[0] = "Excellent, top marks!"; // response for getting 90% or more response[1] = "Excellent, try again to get 100%!" // response for getting 70% or more response[2] = "Well done, that is a good score, can you do better?"; // response for getting over 50% response[3] = "Nice one, you got more than half of the questions right, can you do better?"; // response for getting 40% or more response[4] = "You got some questions right, you can do better!"; // response for getting 20% or more response[5] = "You didn't do too well, why not try again!?"; // response for getting 10% or more response[6] = "That was pretty poor! Try again to improve!"; // response for getting 9% or less response[7] = "Oh dear, I think you need to go back to school (or try again)!"; //--> </script> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff vlink=#0000ff > <script> function DHTMLSound(surl) { document.getElementById("dummyspan").innerHTML="<embed src='"+surl+"' hidden=true autostart=true loop=false>"; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- renderQuiz(); //--> </script> </body></html> ********* I have also tried the following sound ideas, but none work "within" the javascript -- they do work when assigned to a button inside the html however... The trick is, I want to be able to display an image within the question, then mouseover a <span> of text or an image (preferrably NOT a link <a>) and have the sounds played as part of the choices for the question. For a slightly different purpose, I'm also interested in being able to have the correst answer (for more complicated quizes) appear beside the question, in a <div> if possible, rather than an alert, to give the solution / reasoning for the correct answer. Any help at all would be really appreciated. Hi there, I'm looking for some help with modifying an existing function which controls the highlighted states of a multi level js accordion menu. I have had to use javascript due to certain css elements not working in safari browsers. My problem is due to the multi level aspect as when a sub link is clicked, the parent link above it then deselects. I need the parent link to stay active when its sub links are clicked and only deselects when a link outside of that list is clicked upon. I understand the theory of adding a conditional statement but simply don't know how to apply it correctly within the function...any help would be very much appreciated. Here is the existing function which tells a link to be active or selected: Code: var Lst; function CngClass(obj){ if (Lst) Lst.className='.topnav'; obj.className='selected'; Lst=obj; } and here is the menu code: Code: <ul class="topnav"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Top Link 2</a> <ul> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Cookies</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Events</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Forms</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Games</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Images</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Navigations</a> <ul> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">CSS</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">JavaScript</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">JQuery</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Tabs</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Tutorials</a> <ul> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">HTML</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">CSS</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">JavaScript</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Java</a> <ul> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">JSP</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">JSF</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">JPA</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Tabs</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Contact</a></li> <li><a onclick="CngClass(this);" href="#">Upload script</a></li> </ul> Thanks for any help or advice. Hi, I have this design, where the menu is a JavaScript that makes the content page flow in from the right. As a standard there are only 4 menu objects, but I need a fifth one. I have tried to add another myself, and change everything i thought important in the javascript.js, but it just doesn't work. The javascript screws up, so I am clearly missing something. Therefore i'm hoping that someone inhere, can help me adding it. Below are the index, javascript and stylesheet included. If I'm not making myself clear, please let me know and I will try to explain it better Thanks walkie index.htm Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Identity</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="fancybox/jquery.fancybox.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="javascript/javascript.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="fancybox/jquery.fancybox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" /> </head> <body> <div id="leftSide"> <!--Site Title--> <div id="title"> <!--Main Title--> <h1><span></span>Identity</h1> <!--Caption/Sub Title--> <span class="titleSubText">the portfolio of john smith</span> </div> <div id="arrowWrapper"><div id="arrow"></div></div> <div id="buttonsWrapper"> <!--About Button--> <div id="aboutButtonWrapper"> <div class="navButton" id="aboutButton"></div> <div class="navCaption" id="aboutCaption"> <!--About Button: Label--> <span class="navCaptionText">about</span><br /> <!--About Button: Sub-Label--> <span class="navSubCaptionText">who I am</span> </div> </div> <!--Portfolio Button--> <div id="portfolioButtonWrapper"> <div class="navButton" id="portfolioButton"></div> <div class="navCaption" id="portfolioCaption"> <!--Portfolio Button: Label--> <span class="navCaptionText">portfolio</span><br /> <!--Portfolio Button: Sub-Label--> <span class="navSubCaptionText">my work</span> </div> </div> <!--Services Button--> <div id="servicesButtonWrapper"> <div class="navButton" id="servicesButton"></div> <div class="navCaption" id="servicesCaption"> <!--Services Button: Label--> <span class="navCaptionText">services</span><br /> <!--Services Button: Sub-Label--> <span class="navSubCaptionText">what I do</span> </div> </div> <!--Contact Button--> <div id="contactButtonWrapper"> <div class="navButton" id="contactButton"></div> <div class="navCaption" id="contactCaption"> <!--Contact Button: Label--> <span class="navCaptionText">contact</span><br /> <!--Contact Button: Sub-Label--> <span class="navSubCaptionText">get in touch</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="contentPanelWrapper"> <div id="contentPanelEdge"></div> <!--Wrapper That Contains 'About' Content--> <div class="content" id="aboutContent"> <!--Title--> <div class="contentTitle">about</div> <!--Body Text--> <div id="aboutText"> <h3>Who I Am</h3><br /> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius, nisi non pretium elementum, dolor leo sagittis nunc, at pharetra ligula urna ut ligula. Morbi ac erat ante, in feugiat libero. Quisque nec mauris neque. Quisque sit amet condimentum turpis. Sed at arcu eu augue venenatis viverra. Vivamus odio nulla, facilisis et commodo at, sagittis id neque.</p><br /> <p>Nulla facilisi. Quisque non tellus justo, at tempor nisl. Fusce eleifend augue euismod sem varius pulvinar. Etiam rutrum magna in quam ultrices sit amet dictum nulla commodo.</p> </div> </div> <!--Wrapper That Contains 'Portfolio' Content--> <div class="content" id="portfolioContent"> <!--Title--> <div class="contentTitle">portfolio</div> <!--Image Slider--> <div id="portfolioSlider"> <div id="sliderToolbar"> <div class="sliderButton" id="prevButton"></div> <div class="sliderButton" id="nextButton"></div> </div> <div id="imageWrapper"> <ul id="imgList"> <!--Portfolio Images Go Here (See Documentation)--> <li><a class="sliderImage" href="images/portfolio/img1-large.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/portfolio/img1-small.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a class="sliderImage" href="images/portfolio/img2-large.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/portfolio/img2-small.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a class="sliderImage" href="images/portfolio/img3-large.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/portfolio/img3-small.jpg" /></a></li> <li><a class="sliderImage" href="images/portfolio/img4-large.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/portfolio/img4-small.jpg" /></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!--Wrapper That Contains 'Services' Content--> <div class="content" id="servicesContent"> <!--Title--> <div class="contentTitle">services</div> <!--Service 1 Column--> <div class="serviceColumn" id="serviceColumn1"> <h3>Identity Design</h3><br /> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius, nisi non pretium elementum, dolor leo sagittis nunc, at pharetra ligula urna ut ligula.</p> </div> <!--Service 2 Column--> <div class="serviceColumn" id="serviceColumn2"> <h3>Web Design</h3><br /> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius, nisi non pretium elementum, dolor leo sagittis nunc, at pharetra ligula urna ut ligula.</p> </div> <!--Service 3 Column--> <div class="serviceColumn" id="serviceColumn3"> <h3>Icon + UI Design</h3><br /> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec varius, nisi non pretium elementum, dolor leo sagittis nunc, at pharetra ligula urna ut ligula.</p> </div> </div> <!--Wrapper That Contains 'Contact' Content--> <div class="content" id="contactContent"> <!--Title--> <div class="contentTitle">contact</div> <div id="contactFormWrapper"> <!--Contact Form--> <form id="contact" method="post" action="mail.php"> <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="name" /> <input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="email" /><br /><br /> <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="" cols="">message</textarea> <input type="image" id="submit" src="images/sendButtonDis.png" disabled="disabled" /> </form> <div id="successMessage"></div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> javascript.js Code: numImages=0; currentImage=1; currentPanel="none"; $(document).ready(function(){ // Initializes FancyBox Lightbox $("a.sliderImage").fancybox({ 'zoomSpeedIn':200, 'zoomSpeedOut':200, 'overlayShow':true, 'padding':4 }); SelectButton("none"); $("#arrow").fadeOut(0); if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.0")!=-1){ $("input").css({"height":13}); $("#name").css({"width":155}); }; $("#title").click(function(){ ShowPanel("none"); }); // Handles Formatting the Portfolio Slider $("#imgList").children().each(function(){ numImages++; }); $("#imageWrapper").css({"width":(numImages*541)}); // Handles Function of the Portfolio Slider $("#prevButton").click(function(){ if (currentImage==1){ currentImage=numImages; } else { currentImage--; }; $("#imageWrapper").animate({"left":-((currentImage-1)*541)},500); }); $("#nextButton").click(function(){ if (currentImage==numImages){ currentImage=1; } else { currentImage++; }; $("#imageWrapper").animate({"left":-((currentImage-1)*541)},500); }); // Handles Rollover and Click For the Nav Buttons $("#aboutButton").mouseenter(function(){ SelectButton("about"); }); $("#portfolioButton").mouseenter(function(){ SelectButton("portfolio"); }); $("#servicesButton").mouseenter(function(){ SelectButton("services"); }); $("#contactButton").mouseenter(function(){ SelectButton("contact"); }); $("#aboutButton,#portfolioButton,#servicesButton,#contactButton").mouseleave(function(){ SelectButton("none"); }); $("#aboutButton").click(function(){ ShowPanel("about"); }); $("#portfolioButton").click(function(){ ShowPanel("portfolio"); }); $("#servicesButton").click(function(){ ShowPanel("services"); }); $("#contactButton").click(function(){ ShowPanel("contact"); }); // Handles Contact Form Behavior $("#name").focus(function(){ $("#name").css({"background-color":"#FFFFFF"}); if ($("#name").val()=="name"){ $("#name").val(""); $("#name").css({"color":"#444444"}); }; }); $("#name").blur(function(){ if ($("#name").val()==""){ $("#name").val("name"); $("#name").css({"color":"#888888"}); $("#name").css({"background-color":"#ffdddd"}); }; }); $("#email").focus(function(){ $("#email").css({"background-color":"#FFFFFF"}); if ($("#email").val()=="email"){ $("#email").val(""); $("#email").css({"color":"#444444"}); }; }); $("#email").blur(function(){ if ($("#email").val()==""){ $("#email").val("email"); $("#email").css({"color":"#888888"}); $("#email").css({"background-color":"#ffdddd"}); }; if ($("#email").val().indexOf("@")==-1 || $("#email").val().indexOf(".")==-1){ $("#email").css({"background-color":"#ffdddd"}); }; }); $("#message").focus(function(){ $("#message").css({"background-color":"#FFFFFF"}); if ($("#message").val()=="message"){ $("#message").val(""); $("#message").css({"color":"#444444"}); }; }); $("#message").blur(function(){ if ($("#message").val()==""){ $("#message").val("message"); $("#message").css({"color":"#888888"}); $("#message").css({"background-color":"#ffdddd"}); }; }); $("#submit").mousedown(function(){ $("#submit").attr({"src":"images/sendButtonSel.png"}); }); $("#submit").mouseup(function(){ $("#submit").attr({"src":"images/sendButton.png"}); }); $("#submit").mouseout(function(){ $("#submit").attr({"src":"images/sendButton.png"}); }); $("#name,#email,#message").keyup(function(){ if ($("#name").val()!="" && $("#name").val()!="name" && $("#email").val()!="" && $("#email").val()!="email" && $("#email").val().indexOf("@")>-1 && $("#email").val().indexOf(".")>-1 && $("#message").val()!="" && $("#message").val()!="message"){ EnableSubmitButton(); } else { DisableSubmitButton(); }; }); $("#submit").click(function(){ DisableSubmitButton(); var dataString="name=" + $("#name").val() + "&email=" + $("#email").val() + "&message=" + $("#message").val(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "mail.php", data: dataString, success: function() { ResetForm(); $("#successMessage").fadeIn(10); setTimeout('$("#successMessage").fadeOut(1000);',2000); } }); return false; }); }); function EnableSubmitButton(){ $("#submit").attr({"disabled":""}); $("#submit").attr({"src":"images/sendButton.png"}); }; function DisableSubmitButton(){ $("#submit").attr({"disabled":"disabled"}); $("#submit").attr({"src":"images/sendButtonDis.png"}); }; function ResetForm(){ DisableSubmitButton(); $("#name, #email, #message").css({"background-color":"#FFFFFF"}); $("#name, #email, #message").css({"color":"#888888"}); $("#name").val("name"); $("#email").val("email"); $("#message").val("message"); }; function ShowPanel(panel){ currentPanel=panel; SelectButton(panel); $(".content").fadeOut(250); switch(panel){ case "none": $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"100%"},500); $("#arrow").fadeOut(50) break; case "about": $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"100%"},500,function(){ $("#aboutContent").show(); $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"44%"},500); }); $("#arrow").animate({"top":22},150,function(){$("#arrow").fadeIn(50)}); break; case "portfolio": $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"100%"},500,function(){ $("#portfolioContent").show(); $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"44%"},500); }); $("#arrow").animate({"top":98},150,function(){$("#arrow").fadeIn(50)}); break; case "services": $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"100%"},500,function(){ $("#servicesContent").show(); $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"44%"},500); }); $("#arrow").animate({"top":170},150,function(){$("#arrow").fadeIn(50)}); break; case "contact": $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"100%"},500,function(){ $("#contactContent").show(); $("#contentPanelWrapper").animate({"left":"44%"},500); }); $("#arrow").animate({"top":243},150,function(){$("#arrow").fadeIn(50)}); break; }; }; function SelectButton(button){ if (currentPanel!="about"){ $("#aboutCaption").animate({"left":50},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#aboutCaption").animate({"opacity":0},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#aboutButton").css({"background-position":"0px 0px"}); }; if (currentPanel!="portfolio"){ $("#portfolioCaption").animate({"left":50},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#portfolioCaption").animate({"opacity":0},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#portfolioButton").css({"background-position":"0px -64px"}); }; if (currentPanel!="services"){ $("#servicesCaption").animate({"left":50},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#servicesCaption").animate({"opacity":0},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#servicesButton").css({"background-position":"0px -128px"}); }; if (currentPanel!="contact"){ $("#contactCaption").animate({"left":50},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#contactCaption").animate({"opacity":0},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#contactButton").css({"background-position":"0px -192px"}); }; switch(button){ case "none": break; case "about": $("#aboutCaption").animate({"left":70},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#aboutCaption").animate({"opacity":1},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#aboutButton").css({"background-position":"65px 0px"}); break; case "portfolio": $("#portfolioCaption").animate({"left":70},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#portfolioCaption").animate({"opacity":1},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#portfolioButton").css({"background-position":"65px -64px"}); break; case "services": $("#servicesCaption").animate({"left":70},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#servicesCaption").animate({"opacity":1},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#servicesButton").css({"background-position":"65px -128px"}); break; case "contact": $("#contactCaption").animate({"left":70},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#contactCaption").animate({"opacity":1},{queue:false, duration:250}); $("#contactButton").css({"background-position":"65px -192px"}); break; }; }; have a scenario where I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user. The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I cannot use the title attribute option as its not compatible with my web browser Hi everyone, Im new to the whole website thing as a whole but my mate got me onto joomla which has been great and iv got a site up im almost happy with and have learnt quite alot about coding etc. My problem is: Im utilising a vertical menu, just simple text as links, i want to add an effect on hover and clicking on that makes the text slide elegantly to the right about 16pixels. I have another unpublished template that iv bought (that doesnt quite work at all, module position all messed up etc) but it does this hover effect perfectly on the menu. So i have the .js file from that template and iv read some tutorials on how to add a js file to my template but its just not doing anything. Is it a good idea to try to add this file from a different template to my template or is there a easier way to do this (what i think is a) simple effect. Thanks. ps i can post the js code if wanted I have a scenario where I show a drop-down-with-few-items in a JSP page, to the user. The length of few options in the drop down is greater than that of the drop down's, hence our requirement is to show the hovered (not selected) option as tooltip for user's convenience. I am not able to use title attribute for displaying tooltips in my browser. Now the code in implements a tooltip for multiple select drop down menu.Can you modify the code for single select Hi, This code works as it should, but I want to enhance it so that it does a search by category within the Regions/Provinces selected. But I'm not an expert with Javascript, actually the complete reverse. This if for a classified ads website, so the categories are like cars, homes, etc Code: <html> <head> <title></title> <meta content=""> <style></style> <script language="JavaScript"> function loadPage(list) { location.href=list.options[list.selectedIndex].value } </script> </head> <body> <table align="center"> <tr> <td> <form> <div align="center"> Search by <select name="file" size="1" onchange="loadPage(this.form.elements[0])" target="_parent._top" onmouseclick="this.focus()"> <option value select="selected">Regions</option> <option value="">Region 1</option> <option value="">Region 2</option> <option value="">Region 3</option> </select> </form> </td> <td> <form> or <select name="file" size="1" onchange="loadPage(this.form.elements[0])" target="_parent._top" onmouseclick="this.focus()"> <option value select="selected">Provinces</option> <option value="">Province 1</option> <option value="">Province 2</option> <option value="">Province 3</option> </select> </div></form> </td></tr></table> </body> </html> Any help would be appreciated. Or any improvements would also be appreciated. Also, any help in converting the table to CSS would be appreciated. I need help with the script for multiple mouseOver Effects for my Menu Bar. The script I have is: <script type="text/javascript"> function mouseOver() { document.getElementById("b1").src ="home1.jpg"; } function mouseOut() { document.getElementById("b1").src ="home.jpg"; } </script> <A HREF="Index.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="home.jpg" id="b1" width="167" height="60" onmouseover="mouseOver()" onmouseout="mouseOut()"/></A> However, that only does one mouseover effect. Can someone help me with this? Hi there, i've run into a bit of a problem, i've managed to get javascript to change an image when choosing an option from a dropdown menu, but when i try to get it to change multiple images it only ever changes one image... Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function changeWalls(what, whatimg) { if(what != "none") { document.images[whatimg].src = what; } } </script> <select name="Walls" onchange="changeWalls(this.value,'walls')"> <option value="images/white.gif" selected="selected">Please Select a Colour</option> <option value="images/WALLCC.png">Classic Cream</option> <option value="images/WALLSG.png">Shale Grey</option> <option value="images/WALLDO.png">Deep Ocean</option> <option value="images/WALLSM.png">Surfmist</option> </select> then the images i want are multiples so i want to change 2 of these Code: <img src="images/front_0002_front-wall-colour.png" alt="" name="walls" border="0" id="walls2" /> Hello, i want to integrate dropdown combobox menu on my website for pricing, i want the same like it is on the following link: Web Hosting - Shared cPanel Web Hosting and on this website there is no choose currency option, but i have set on my website on the corner of the top side. how can i do this? Regards, Alex C |