JavaScript - Missing ] After Element List
Hi folks!
What's wrong with this? PHP Code: var addWpParams = { 'code' : item.code, 'name' :, 'type' : item.type, 'lat' :, 'lng' : item.lng, 'latLng' : latLng }; addWpParams(addWpParams); Returns an error: "missing ] after element list" in firebug I must be doing something wrong but what? TIA Similar TutorialsFor some reason I run my script and its saying missing } after property list. But I'm not seeing it. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('div.message-error').hide(); $('div.message-success').hide(); $('ul#characterList').css( 'margin-left', '120px' ); $('li').remove('.characterName'); $("#handlerForm").validate({ rules: { firstName: "required", lastName: "required", userName: { required: true, minlength: 2 }, password: { required: true, minlength: 5 }, password2: { required: true, minlength: 5, equalTo: "#password" }, email: { required: true, email: true }, messages: { firstName: "Please enter your firstname", lastName: "Please enter your lastname", userName: { required: "Please enter a username", minlength: "Your username must consist of at least 2 characters" }, password: { required: "Please provide a password", minlength: "Your password must be at least 5 characters long" }, password2: { required: "Please provide a password", minlength: "Your password must be at least 5 characters long", equalTo: "Please enter the same password as above" }, email: "Please enter a valid email address" } }); $("input.submit").click(function() { var userID = $("input#userID").val(); var defaultChar = $("select#charactersDrop option:selected").text(); var userName = $("input#userName").val(); var firstName = $("input#firstName").val(); var lastName = $("input#lastName").val(); var email = $("input#email").val(); var statusID = $("select#statusID").val(); var isAdmin = $("select#isAdmin").val(); var liElements = $("ul#characterList li"); var characterIDList = ""; for( var i = 0; i < liElements.length; i++ ) { var liElement = $( liElements[ i ] ); // only start appending commas in after the first characterID if( i > 0 ) { characterIDList += ","; } // append the current li element's characterID to the list characterIDList += 'characterID' ); } var dataString = 'userID=' + userID + 'userName=' + userName + '&password=' + password + '&firstName=' + firstName + '&lastName=' + lastName + '&email=' + email + '&statusID=' + statusID + '&isAdmin=' + isAdmin + '&characterIDList=' + characterIDList + '&submitHandler=True'; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "processes/handler.php", data: dataString, success: function(myNewVar) { if (myNewVar == 'good') { $('div.message-error').hide(); $("div.message-success").html("<h6>Operation successful</h6><p>" + userName + " saved successfully.</p>"); $("div.message-success").show().delay(10000).hide("slow"); $(':input','#handlerForm') .not(':submit, :button, :hidden') .val('') $('ul#characterList li').each(function() { $(this).remove(); }); } else if (myNewVar == 'bad1') { $('div.message-success').hide(); $("div.message-error").html("<h6>Operation unsuccessful</h6><p>" + userName + " already exists in the database.</p>"); $("div.message-error").show(); } else if (myNewVar == 'bad2') { $('div.message-success').hide(); $("div.message-error").html("<h6>Operation unsuccessful</h6><p>" + email + " already exists in the database.</p>"); $("div.message-error").show(); } else if (myNewVar == 'bad3') { $('div.message-success').hide(); $("div.message-error").html("<h6>Operation unsuccessful</h6><p>" + userName + " and " + email + " already exists in the database.</p>"); $("div.message-error").show(); } else if (myNewVar == 'bad1bad2') { $('div.message-success').hide(); $("div.message-error").html("<h6>Operation unsuccessful</h6><p>" + userName + " and " + email + " already exists in the database.</p>"); $("div.message-error").show(); } } }); return false; }); }); </script> <!-- Form --> <form action="#" id="handlerForm"> <fieldset> <legend>Add New Handler</legend> <div class="field required"> <label for="userName">User Name</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="userName" id="userName" title="User Name"/> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="password">Password</label> <input type="password" class="text" name="password" id="password" title="Password" /> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="password2">Confirm Password</label> <input type="password" class="text" name="password2" id="password2" title="Confirm Password" /> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="firstName">First Name</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" title="First Name"/> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="lastName">Last Name</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" title="Last Name"/> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="email">Email</label> <input type="text" class="text" name="email" id="email" title="Email"/> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="statusID">Status</label> <select class="dropdown" name="statusID" id="statusID" title="Status"> <option value="0">- Select -</option> <?php $query = 'SELECT ID, statusName FROM statuses'; $result = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $query ); // Run The Query while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { print "<option value=\"".$row['ID']."\">".$row['statusName']."</option>\r"; } ?> </select> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> <div class="field required"> <label for="isAdmin">Administrator</label> <select class="dropdown" name="isAdmin" id="isAdmin" title="Administrator"> <option value="0">- Select -</option> <?php $administrator = array('Yes', 'No'); foreach($administrator as $admin): ?> <option value="<?php echo $admin; ?>"><?php echo $admin; ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> <span class="required-icon tooltip" title="Required field - This field is required, it cannot be blank, and must contain something that is different from emptyness in order to be filled in. ">Required</span> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Handler's Characters</legend> <div class="field"> <label for="charactersDrop">Characters</label> <select class="dropdown" name="charactersDrop" id="charactersDrop" title="Characters Dropdown"> <option value="0">- Select -</option> <?php $query = 'SELECT ID, characterName FROM characters WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT characterID FROM handlerCharacters) ORDER BY `characterName`'; $result = mysqli_query ( $dbc, $query ); // Run The Query while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC ) ) { print "<option value=\"".$row['ID']."\">".$row['characterName']."</option>\r"; } ?> </select> <input type="button" value="Add Character" class="" onclick="HandlerCharacters()"/> <ul id="characterList"></ul> </div> <input type="hidden" name="userID" id="userID" value="<?php echo $userID; ?>" /> <input type="submit" class="submit" name="submitHandler" id="submitHandler" title="Submit Handler" value="Submit Handler" /> </fieldset> </form> <!-- /Form --> <!-- Messages --> <div class="message message-error"> <h6>Required field missing</h6> <p>Please fill in all required fields. </p> </div> <div class="message message-success"> <h6>Operation succesful</h6> <p>Handler was added to the database.</p> </div> <!-- /Messages --> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> // Long version function HandlerCharacters() { function isDupe(which) { var result = false; $('ul#characterList li').each(function(i, e) { if ($(e).data('characterID') == which) { result = true; return false; // break out of .each() } }); return result; } var characterID = $('#charactersDrop option:selected').val(); var characterName = $('#charactersDrop option:selected').text(); if (characterID > 0 && !isDupe(characterID)) { // Create the anchor element var anchor = $( '<a href="#">Remove</a>' ); // Create a click handler for the anchor element function() { $( this ).parent().remove(); return false; // makes the href in the anchor tag ignored } ); // Create the <li> element with its text, and then append the anchor inside it. var li = $( '<li>' + characterName + ' </li>' ).append( anchor ); 'characterID', characterID ); // Append the new <li> element to the <ul> element $( '#characterList' ).append( li ); } } </script> Hi ... i am trying to run my website but when i am accessing through the link....i am getting missing ) after argument list .it showing the following peace of code in the firebug.... missing ) after argument list else{$("input[id^=channelPid_]")\n can anyone help me to resolve this issues..its been three days i am working on it but no clue... thanks in advance The bit of code in bold in the code below is giving me this error in IE: Error: Code: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; Tablet PC 2.0; InfoPath.2; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; MSN OptimizedIE8;ENGB) Timestamp: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 15:07:11 UTC Message: HTML Parsing Error: Unable to modify the parent container element before the child element is closed (KB927917) Line: 0 Char: 0 Code: 0 URI: Code: Code: if(document.getElementById('msn1').innerHTML=="") { document.getElementById('msn1').style.display='none'; } if(document.getElementById('yahoo1').innerHTML=="") { document.getElementById('yahoo1').style.display='none'; } if(document.getElementById('skype1').innerHTML=="") { document.getElementById('skype1').style.display='none'; } if(document.getElementById('facebook1').innerHTML.toLowerCase().substr(0,18)=='<a href="http://">') { document.getElementById('facebook1').style.display='none'; } else if(document.getElementById('facebook1').innerHTML.toLowerCase().substr(0,11)=='<a href="">') { document.getElementById('facebook1').style.display='none'; } else { document.getElementById('fbook-add').innerHTML='Facebook Profile'; } What it's saying isn't actually true (I don't think)... this is how the section is laid out: Code: <div id="submenu1" class="anylinkcss"> <ul> <li class="contact-pm"><a href="/index.php?do=pm&act=new&to=$RateViewProfileUserName$&returnurl=$ReturnURL$">PM me</a></li> <li class="contact-email"><a href="/index.php?do=email&id=$RateViewProfileUserId$">E-mail me</a></li> <li class="contact-msn" id="msn1">$RateViewProfileUser-profile_msn$</li> <li class="contact-yahoo" id="yahoo1">$RateViewProfileUser-profile_yahoo$</li> <li class="contact-skype" id="skype1">$RateViewProfileUser-profile_skype$</li> <li class="contact-facebook" id="facebook1"><a href="$RateViewProfileUser-profile_facebook$"><span id="fbook-add"></span></a></li> </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="/html_1/js/contact-information.js"></script> Does anyone know why this might error in just IE? Hi, I'm relativly new to JS and brand new to the forum so you might need to dumb down your replys for my slightly lacking knowledge. That being said I do have a very solid grasp of html, css and am getting there with JS and its various frameworks. I'm integrating wordpress into an existing site for a friend and currently have the main blog page appear in a DIV. This is the best way to integrate in this case due to many reasons mostly of way the site is constructed. Code: <div class="scroll-pane" id="scrollbox"> WORDPRESS BLOG </div> My issue is that links within that DIV, in the blog, when clicked redirect the page. The simple answer to this would be to have them just open in a new page, which I can easily do with the below code. Code: function Init() { // Grab the appropriate div theDiv = document.getElementById('scrollbox'); // Grab all of the links inside the div links = theDiv.getElementsByTagName('a'); // Loop through those links and attach the target attribute for (var i=0, len=links.length; i < len; i++) { // the _blank will make the link open in new window links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank'); } } window.onload = Init; But what I'd rather it do is have any link clicked inside the DIV to reload in that same DIV, similar to an iframe, but obviously without using an iframe, due to it's compatibility issues. Is this possible by editing the above code? If not what do I need? Thanks in advance for any help! [Okay, so I just wrote a simple code to try and figure out how javascript works and I can't even get this to work. What am I missing?] <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var c=a+b; function displaymessage() { alert("The answer is " + c) } </script> </head> <body> <form> <p>Enter the first number <input type="text" name="a"></p> <p>Enter the second number <input type="text" name="b"></p> <input type="button" value="Enter" onclick="displaymessage()"/> </form> </body> </html> I am trying to run this script on my small form and I cannot seem to get very far - the error console keeps saying I am missing a ; before statement and then the green arrows points to the f in var formValid==true; ?? Is anyone able to help here asI can not see why ??? below is my small script.... Thank you <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Error checking</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function checkForm(theform){ var formValid==true; var elementCount=0; while(elementCount<theform.elements.length) // returns the total number of form elements within the form { if (theform.elements[elementCount].type=="text")//returns the type of the elementCount form element (ie:"textarea") { if (theform.elements[elementCount].value=="") alert("Please complete all form elements") theform.elements[elementCount].focus(); formValid=false; break; } elementCount++; } return formValid; } </script> </head> <body> what is wrong with this Code: function addfavorites(classid,userid) { // alert("here"); var urltoajax = "addfavorites.php?j=1&classid="+ classid + "&userid="+ userid; urltoajax = urltoajax + '&rnd=' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000) alert(urltoajax); $.ajax({ url: urltoajax, cache: false, success: function(html) { $("#message").html(html); } }); //alert('here 2'); } i get an error Object doesn't support this property or method I have the following work in progress: PHP Code: var radiolist = []; var labellist = []; var rps; var tablecells = []; //function taken from which will return a hex value for the color function RGBtoHex(R,G,B) {return toHex(R)+toHex(G)+toHex(B)} function toHex(N) { if (N==null) return "00"; N=parseInt(N); if (N==0 || isNaN(N)) return "00"; N=Math.max(0,N); N=Math.min(N,255); N=Math.round(N); return "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt((N-N%16)/16) + "0123456789ABCDEF".charAt(N%16); } //this function will add all the radio buttons to an array function getRadios(){ var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++){ if (inputs[i].type === 'radio'){ radiolist.push(inputs[i]); } } } //this function will add all labels of the "LabelWrapper" class to an array function getLabels(){ var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); for (i=0; i<inputs.length; i++){ if (inputs[i].className === 'LabelWrapper'){ labellist.push(inputs[i]); } } } getRadios(); getLabels(); //alert("There are " + radiolist.length + " radios"); //alert("There are " + labellist.length + " statements"); rps = radiolist.length / labellist.length; //alert("There are " + rps + " radios per statement") //this function will shade cells depending on their class name function identifyCells(){ var cells = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); for (i=0; i<cells.length; i++){ for (j=3; j<(rps+4); j++){ var tclass = "c" + j; if ((cells[i].className === tclass + " ") || (cells[i].className === tclass + " last ")){ xred = Math.round((j-2) * 255/(rps)); xblue = Math.round((j-2) * 255/(rps) - 50); xgreen = Math.round(50 + (rps-j+4) * 255/(rps)); xcolor = "#" + RGBtoHex(xred,xgreen,xblue); cells[i].setAttribute('col',xcolor); cells[i].addEventListener('mouseover',highlightCells,false); cells[i].addEventListener('mouseout',clearHighlights,false); } } } } } //this function will highlight all preceding cells in the same row function highlightCells(){ var y = this.getAttribute('col'); var z0 = this.className.split("c"); //split the classname in two so that we can use parseInt function var z = parseInt(z0[1]); = y; var cellfamily = this.parentNode.childNodes; for (i=0; i<cellfamily.length; i++){ cellname = cellfamily[i].className.split("c"); cellnum = parseInt(cellname[1]); if (cellnum > 3 && cellnum < z){ cellfamily[i].style.backgroundColor = y; } } } function clearHighlights(){ var z0 = this.className.split("c"); var z = parseInt(z0[1]); = "transparent"; var cellfamily = this.parentNode.childNodes; for (i=0; i<cellfamily.length; i++){ cellfamily[i].style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; } } identifyCells(); FireFox is giving me the "missing ) after argument list" at the following line: function highlightCells(){ I can't figure out why I am getting an error. The code was 'working' before and I was able to get the highlighting on the table cells, but I don't know what I did that caused the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hi all, I have been struggling on a bit of code for a while now. I need to populate a second drop down list (Region) based upon the selection of the first (County). I have found a piece of code that works on its own and have adapted to suit my needs - see below. However, when I drop it into my main page the javascript is not working. It's because of the formObject but I just don't know enough to resolve this! Furthermore, I need the textboxes the user has already completed in the form to retain their value once the javascript kicks in as the completed form will submit to a database. This piece of code is working well . . . . Code: <?php $link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database'); if(isset($_GET["County"]) && is_numeric($_GET["County"])) { $County = $_GET["County"]; } if(isset($_GET["Region"]) && is_numeric($_GET["Region"])) { $Region = $_GET["Region"]; } ?> <script language="JavaScript"> function autoSubmit() { var formObject = document.forms['theForm']; formObject.submit(); } </script> <form name="theForm" method="get"> <!-- County SELECTION BASED ON city VALUE --> <?php ?> <select name="County" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value=''</option> <?php //POPULATE DROP DOWN MENU WITH COUNTRIES FROM A GIVEN city $sql = "SELECT * FROM county_regions"; $counties = mysql_query($sql,$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($counties)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[CountyID]\" " . ($County == $row["CountyID"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[County]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php ?> <br><br> <?php if($County!= null && is_numeric($County)) { ?> <select name="Region" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <?php //POPULATE DROP DOWN MENU WITH RegionS FROM A GIVEN city, County $sql = "SELECT * FROM county_regions WHERE CountyID = $County "; $Regions = mysql_query($sql,$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Regions)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[CountyID]\" " . ($Region == $row["CountyID"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[Region]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php } ?> What follows is my form where the javascript is not working - edited quite a bit to save on space! Code: <head> <script language="JavaScript"> function autoSubmit() { var formObject = document.forms['subform']; formObject.submit(); } </script> </head> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="add_attraction01.php" FORM NAME="FormName"> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="32768" /> <label for="Business_name">Business Name</label> <input type="text" size="60" STYLE="color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; background-color: #72A4D2;" <id="Business_name" name="Business_name" maxlength=60/><font size="1" face="arial" color="red">Required field</font><br /> <label for="StreetAddress">Address</label> <input type="text" size="60" rows="2" id="StreetAddress" name="StreetAddress" maxlength=120/><font size="1" face="arial" color="red">Required field</font><br /> <label for="Town">Town</label> <input type="text" size="25" id="Town" name="Town" maxlength=25/><font size="1" face="arial" color="red">Required field</font><br /> <?php $link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database'); if(isset($_GET["County"]) && is_numeric($_GET["County"])) { $County = $_GET["County"]; } if(isset($_GET["Region"]) && is_numeric($_GET["Region"])) { $Region = $_GET["Region"]; } ?> <form name = "subform" method="get"> <select name="County" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <option value=''</option> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM county_regions"; $counties = mysql_query($sql,$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($counties)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[CountyID]\" " . ($County == $row["CountyID"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[County]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php ?> <br><br> <?php if($County!= null && is_numeric($County)) { ?> <select name="Region" onChange="autoSubmit();"> <?php $sql = "SELECT * FROM county_regions WHERE CountyID = $County "; $Regions = mysql_query($sql,$link); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Regions)) { echo ("<option value=\"$row[CountyID]\" " . ($Region == $row["CountyID"]? " selected" : "") . ">$row[Region]</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php } ?> <input type="text" size="20"id="Tel_No" name="Tel_No" maxlength=20 onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)"/><font size="1" face="arial" color="red">Required field</font><br /> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit your attraction" name="submit" onclick="return BothFieldsIdenticalCaseSensitive();"/> </form> </body> </html> It's probably obvious to you guys!! Thanks in advance for your help. hi friends , i am on make a dynamic input field creation code , my problem is the entered text(value from "add proposition") is washing away , if i press new "add proposition" my java script is PHP Code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function add() { k=document.getElementById("num").innerHTML k=parseInt(k); if(!k) {document.getElementById("num").innerHTML=1; k=1;} else{ document.getElementById("num").innerHTML=k+1; k++; } document.getElementById("cat").innerHTML+="<br />type propositon "+(k)+":<input type=\"text\" name=\"prop"+k+"\">is it answer? <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ans"+k+"\"> ignore this one:<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ign"+k+"\">" } </script> my html code is PHP Code: <form action="new.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Add Question & answer:</legend> question type:<br /> True or False:<input type="radio" name="radio" value="t"> Objective:<input type="radio" name="radio" value="o"> Other:<input type="radio" name="radio" value="o"> Quesion:<br /> <textarea name="desc" rows="6" cols="35" ></textarea> <br /> <a href="javascript:add()" ><b>add proposition</b></a> <div id="cat"></div> <div id="num" style="display:none;"></div> <br> <input type="submit" name="submit"> </fieldset> </form> how i solve this problem ? This code is from a No Redirect Bookmarklet used with Firefox. The code works great as a bookmarklet but fails when used in a button code like this: loadURI("Bookmarklet Code Here"); When I evaluate it using JavaScript Command I get an error popup window stating "SyntaxError: missing variable name" I assume it is caused by this part: vark,x,t,i,j,p; How can I eliminate the error? No Redirect Bookmarklet Code: javascriptfunction(){var%20k,x,t,i,j,p;%20for(k=0;x=document.links[k];k++){t=x.href.replace(/[%]3A/ig,':').replace(/[%]2f/ig,'/');i=t.lastIndexOf('http');if(i>0){%20t=t.substring(i);%20j=t.indexOf('&');%20if(j>0)t=t.substring(0 ,j);%20p=/https?\:\/\/[^\s]*[^.,;'%22>\s\)\]]/.exec(unescape(t));%20if(p)%20x.href=p[0];%20}%20else%20if%20(x.onmouseover&&x.onmouseout){x.onmouseover();%20if%20(window.status%20&&%20wind ow.status.indexOf('://')!=-1)x.href=window.status;%20x.onmouseout();%20}%20x.onmouseover=null;%20x.onmouseout=null;%20}})(); No Redirect Bookmarklet Code with Break and Spaces: javascriptfunction(){ vark,x,t,i,j,p; for(k=0; x=document.links[k]; k++){ t=x.href.replace(/[%]3A/ig,':').replace(/[%]2f/ig,'/'); i=t.lastIndexOf('http'); if(i>0){ t=t.substring(i); j=t.indexOf('&'); if(j>0)t=t.substring(0,j); p=/https?\:\/\/[^\s]*[^.,; '%22>\s\)\]]/.exec(unescape(t)); if(p)x.href=p[0]; } elseif(x.onmouseover&&x.onmouseout){ x.onmouseover(); if(window.status&&window.status.indexOf('://')!=-1)x.href=window.status; x.onmouseout(); } x.onmouseover=null; x.onmouseout=null; } } )(); I would appreciate any help offered. I don't know much about JavaScript coding including how to indent properly. Where could I find out how to indent properly? I just started learning JavaScript. I'm sure it's something really simple but I cannot figure out what is missing from my code. No matter what year I enter into the text box, I keep getting "The year you entered, 2080393, is a leap year." It's not returning false...ever. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can stop pulling my hair out? Thanks! <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Is It A Leap Year?</title> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ function isLeapYear(year) { year = parseInt(year); var leapYear = true; var remainder = 0; if(isDivisibleBy(year, 4)) { leapYear = true; } if(isDivisibleBy(year, 100)) { leapYear = false; } if(isDivisibleBy(year, 400)) { leapYear = true; } if(leapYear) { window.alert("The year you entered, " + year + ", is a leap year."); } else { window.alert("The year you entered, " + year + ", is not a leap year."); } } function isDivisibleBy(year, divisor) { var remainder = 0; remainder = year%divisor; if(remainder == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /* ]]> */ </script> </head> <body> <form action="" id="GetLeapYear"> <p><strong>Is It a Leap Year?</strong></p> <p><strong>Enter a valid 4-digit year below to find out!</strong><br /></p> <p> <input type="text" name="year" size="20" style="color: black; border-style: solid; border-color: inherit; border-width: medium; background-color: Transparent" value="" /> <input type="button" value="Leap Year?" onclick="isLeapYear(document.getElementById('GetLeapYear').year.value);" /> </p> </form> </body> Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Make10-1 Oakwood Mortgage</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--Hide from old browsers var thisMsg = " ** See us for your auto loan financing needs!!! ** " var beginPos =0 function scrollingMsg() { msgForm.scrollingMsg.value = thisMsg.substring(beginPos,thisMsg.length)+ thisMsg.substring(0,beginPos) beginPos=beginPos+1 if (beginPos > thisMsg.length) { beginPos=0 } window.setTimeout("scrollingMsg()",200) } function Calc(LoanCalc) { var salesAmount=parseInt(LoanCalc.SaleAmt.value,10) if (isNaN(salesAmount) || (salesAmount <= 0)) { alert("Please enter a valid Sales Amount.") LoanCalc.SaleAmt.value=" " LoanCalc.SaleAmt.focus() } else { var DownPayment=parseFloat(LoanCalc.DownPmt.value)/100 if (isNaN(DownPayment) || (DownPayment <= 0) || DownPayment > 100) { alert("The Down Payment Rate is not a valid number!") LoanCalc.DownPmt.value = "" LoanCalc.DownPmt.focus() } else { var loanRate=parseFloat(LoanCalc.Rate.value) if (isNaN(loanRate) || (loanRate <= 0)) { alert("The interest rate is not a valid number!") LoanCalc.Rate.value = " " LoanCalc.Rate.focus() } else { var loanYears = LoanCalc.Years.value var loanYears = parseInt(loanYears,10) if (isNaN(loanYears) || (loanYears == 0)) { alert("Please select the number of years from the list and click Calculate!") LoanCalc.Years.focus() } else { AmtDown = salesAmount * DownPayment var loanAmount = salesAmount - AmtDown LoanCalc.LoanAmt.value = dollarFormat(loanAmount.toFixed(2)) var monthlyPmt = monthly(loanAmount, loanRate, loanYears) LoanCalc.Payment.value = dollarformat(monthlyPmt.toString()) } } } } } function monthly(loanAmount,loanRate,loanYears) { var interestRate = loanRate/1200 var Pmts = loanYears * 12 var Amnt = loanAmount * (interestRate / (1 - (1 / Math.pow(1+interestRate,Pmts)))) return Amnt.toFixed(2) } function dollarFormat(valuein) { var formatValue = "" var formatDollars = "" formatAmt = valuein.split(".",2) var dollars = formatAmt[0] var dollarLen = dollars.length if (dollarLen > 3) { while (dollarLen > 0) { tempDollars = dollars.substring(dollarLen - 3,dollarLen) if (tempDollars.length == 3) { formatDollars = ","+tempDollars+formatDollars dollarLen = dollarLen - 3 } else { formatDollars=tempDollars+formatDollars dollarLen = 0 } } if (formatDollars.substring(0,1) == ",") dollars = formatDollars.substring(1,formatDollars.length) else dollars = formatDollars } var cents = formatAmt[1] var formatValue="$"+dollars+"."+cents return formatValue } function popUpAd() { open("make10-1notice.html","noticeWin","width=520,height=270") } function lastModified() { dateDisplay.innerHTML="<span style='font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9px; font-weight:bold'>This document was last modified "+document.lastModified.substring(0,10)+"</span>" } //--> </script> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-image: url(financial_symbol.jpg); } --> </style> </head> <body onload="scrollingMsg(); popUpAd(); lastModified()"> <div align="center"> <p align="center"><img src="make10-1banner.jpg" width="750" height="120" alt="banner" /></p> <form id="msgForm" action=""> <p style="text-align:center"><input type="text" name="scrollingMsg" size="25" /></p> </form> </div> <div style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <h3 align="center">Home Loan Payment Calculator</h3> <form id="LoanCalc" action=""> <table width="346" align="center" cellspacing="3"> <tr> <td align="right"> <span style="color:#cc0000">*</span>Sale Price: </td> <td><input type="text" name="SaleAmt" id="SaleAmt" size="9" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <span style="color:#cc0000">*</span> Down Payment as a percent </td> <td><input name="DownPmt" type="text" id="DownPmt" size="4" /> %</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <span style="color:#cc0000">*</span> Interest Rate (e.g. 5.9): </td> <td><input type="text" name="Rate" id="Rate" size="4" /> % </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <span style="color:#cc0000">*</span> Select Number of Years: </td> <td><select name="Years" id="Years"> <option selected="selected">Select Years</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="20">20</option> <option value="25">25</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="40">40</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <input name="button" type="button" value="Calculate" onclick="Calc(LoanCalc)" /> </td> <td> <input name="Reset" type="reset" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <span style="color:#cc0000">*</span> Loan Amount </td> <td> <input name="LoanAmt" type="text" id="LoanAmt" size="9" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right"> <span style="font-weight:bolder">Monthly Payment</span>: </td> <td><input type="text" name="Payment" id="Payment" size="12" /></td> </tr> </table> <p style="color:#cc0000; text-align:center">* Indicates a required field.</p> </form> </div> <div id="dateDisplay" style="margin-left:5%"> </div> </body> </html> I can't seem to shake this error message. Here is the code I am working with PHP Code: <tr> <td> <img onClick="showUser(1,\''.$time.'\');" src="'.$this->getPhoto($array[0][1]['uid'],'').'" > </td> <td> <img onClick="showUser(2,\''.$time.'\');" src="'.$this->getPhoto($array[0][2]['uid'],'').'" > </td> <td> <img onClick="showUser(3,\''.$time.'\');" src="'.$this->getPhoto($array[0][3]['uid'],'').'" > </td> <td> <img onClick="showUser(4,\''.$time.'\');" src="'.$this->getPhoto($array[0][4]['uid'],'').'" > </td> and the function PHP Code: '.$this->get_javascript_array($this->data,'data').' function showUser(arr, time) { var likes; var comments; switch(time) { case "Day": likes = data['day\'][0][arr][\'likes\']); comments = data[\'day\'][0][arr][\'comments\']); break; case "Week": likes = data[\'week\'][0][arr][\'likes\']); comments = data[\'week\'][0][arr][\'comments\']); break; case "Month": likes = data[\'month\'][0][arr][\'likes\']); comments = data[\'month\'][0][arr][\'comments\']); break; case "Year": likes = data[\'year\'][0][arr][\'likes\']); comments = data[\'year\'][0][arr][\'comments\']); break; } }; </script> '; I keep getting the following error and it's driving me nuts PHP Code: missing ; before statement [Break on this error] likes = data['day'][0][arr]['likes']);n Hello all - I am new to JS and figure this is probably an easy fix. I have a wordpress self-hosted site. I am doing a nav bar with rollovers. I have the script saved as a js file and in the right directory. I have the Code: <script src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/js/menu.js" type="text/javascript"></script> in the header.php file just after the body tag. I have the styles where I want them in the CSS file. And lastly I have the html and the appropriate wordpress php call in the right spot. The css is working fine, which leads me to believe my css and html are spot on. But there is no rollover working. Do I need to put anything besides styling into my css file? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks. Why does this not work? Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function printtext(){ document.write("Hello"); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="click me" onclick="printtext()" /> </body> </html> I get my button and when I click it the page reloads but I get no "hello". Sorry in advance, this is probably a dumb question! I would like to make an ordered list, for example: 1. Airplane 2. Boat 3. Car I'd like one of the words to be displayed on my webpage, for example: Boat Then I'd want an up button, and a down button. The up button would display Airplane instead of Boat, and the down button would display Car instead of Boat. Once it got to Car, the same up button would change it back to boat. How do I do this? Thanks. 09-01-10 Not sure exactly where to post this thread as it involves HTML, Javascript and embedded media players. It probably would be more appropriate here as there is much Javascript involved.... Hello, I am trying to construct a Jukebox for my website. I have spent considerable time all over the WEB and at this forum which addressed the issue in a 50 page thread. Please see: I got a lot of ideas from this thread but still cannot figure a way to do the following within the Jukebox. These are my main two questions for everything below: 1. How can I have the Jukebox cycle through all tunes and then start over from the beginning? 2. How can I allow the user to select a tune from a list but not a drop down list, have the Jukebox start from the user’s selection and then play all songs to the end. Then as in #1, start over from the beginning? Per this thread I came away with basically two ways to assemble the jukebox. One uses links in a drop down list which the user can choose from. The other is to use an .m3u playlist. The user can only select a “playlist” from the drop down. Below, I have included the code for each Jukebox. To see the Jukeboxes in action please go to my website where I have posted some test pages exhibiting the jukeboxes that I am referring to. The following is the Jukebox which utilizes an .m3u playlist. If I end up using this idea I would like the tunes in the .m3u playlist to be displayed and allow the user to be able to choose a tune in the list. Then have the list play to the end of all tunes in the list. Then start over from the beginning of the list. After this code is the .m3u playlist. Go to url removed and click on the link that says: “Media Player Using an .M3U Playlist” Jukebox utilizing an .m3u playlist: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type="text/css"> body { text-align:center; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function PlayIt(what){ player.document.getElementById('music').innerHTML='<object width="300" height="300" ' +'classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" ' +'codebase=",1,52,701" ' +'standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject">' +'<param name="url" value="'+what+'">' +'<param name="uiMode" value="full">' +'<param name="autoStart" value="true">' +'<param name="loop" value="true">' +'<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" ' +'pluginspage="" ' +'showcontrols="true" uimode="full" width="300" height="45" ' +'src="'+what+'" autostart="true" loop="true">' +'</object>'; } </script> </head> <body> <div id="music"> <object width="300" height="300" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" codebase=",1,52,701" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject"> <param name="url" value=""> <param name="uiMode" value="full"> <param name="autoStart" value="true"> <param name="loop" value="true"> <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" showcontrols="true" uimode="full" width="300" height="45" src="" autostart="true" loop="true"> </object> </div> <br> <br> <select name="player" onchange="PlayIt(this.value)"> <option value="none">::Choose a Song::</option> <option value="JukeboxList.m3u">Jukebox List</option> </select><br> </html> Here is the .m3u playlist for the above code: Code: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:Bill Evans - G Waltz media/G Waltz.mp3 #EXTINF:Dan Pincus - In Your Time media/In Your Time.mp3 The following code is for the Jukebox that has a list of links in a dropdown list. If I go with this idea, I would like for the list not to be a dropdown list but just a list of tunes. The user should be able to click on any tune in the list and the player should start from that point, play all the remaining tunes in the list and then start from the beginning. Go to url removed and click on the link that says: “Media Player Using Links” Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type="text/css"> body { text-align:center; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function PlayIt(what){ player.document.getElementById('music').innerHTML='<object width="300" height="300" ' +'classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" ' +'codebase=",1,52,701" ' +'standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject">' +'<param name="url" value="'+what+'">' +'<param name="uiMode" value="full">' +'<param name="autoStart" value="true">' +'<param name="loop" value="true">' +'<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" ' +'pluginspage="" ' +'showcontrols="true" uimode="full" width="300" height="45" ' +'src="'+what+'" autostart="true" loop="true">' +'</object>'; } </script> </head> <body> <select name="player" onchange="PlayIt(this.value)"> <option value="none">::Choose a Song::</option> <option value="media/GWaltz.mp3">G Waltz</option> <option value="media/InYourTime.mp3">In Your Time</option> <option value="http://urltosong3.mp3">Song 3</option> <option value="http://urltosong4.mp3">Song 4</option> <option value="http://urltosong5.mp3">Song 5</option> </select><br> <div id="music"> <object width="300" height="300" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" codebase=",1,52,701" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject"> <param name="url" value=""> <param name="uiMode" value="full"> <param name="autoStart" value="true"> <param name="loop" value="true"> <embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" showcontrols="true" uimode="full" width="300" height="45" src="" autostart="true" loop="true"> </object> </div> </html> Another idea I found on the WEB also uses an .m3u playlist. The good thing about it is that it lists all the tunes in the playlist which the user can then select from. This jukebox calls up an entire Windows Media Player. If I was to use this idea I would like to be able to disable the left side of the player where the user has options such as burning to CD, Media Guide, Radio Tuner etc… Go to url removed and click on the link that says: “Media Player Within an IFrame Using .m3u Playlist”” Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>JukeBox</title> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1"> </head> <body> <IFRAME name="frame" src="JukeboxList.m3u" width="100%" height="347" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"> [Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured not to display frames.] </IFRAME> </body> </html> Thanks! Dan Code: this.delete = function(obj) { .. Is that it ? I can't have delete ? Or can this be written in some other way, including delete ? |