JavaScript - Checking Javascript Date Calculation
I have a javascript that should convert any date into a number between 1 and 260. Based on the outcome of that calculation, a viewer is directed to a specific web page.
How can I verify the calculation? How can I see what number javascript is arriving at so I can backtrack to the error? It is not serving up the correct page. I have compared the results to a calculator on another website that uses a different script to calculate the same result -- that's why I am saying the end results are not correct. On the other website, scroll down to where you enter a date. It returns a name just above the date (example: July 25, 1970 returns Electric Star). The script I included above returns Yellow Sun. July 25, 1970 should = 68. Code: function calculate() { if(!isValidDate()) return; var result = 0; var cuttingAge = 260; var yearBox = document.getElementById("year"); var year = yearBox.value; var month = document.getElementById("month").value; var day = document.getElementById("day").value; //Rule # 1 if(month==1 || month==2){ var selectedYearIndex; for(var i=0; i<yearBox.options.length; i++){ if(yearBox.options[i].selected){ selectedYearIndex = i; break; } } year = yearBox.options[selectedYearIndex-1].value; } //Rule # 2 var monthLength = new Array(); monthLength[0]=0; monthLength[1]=31; monthLength[2]=29; monthLength[3]=31; monthLength[4]=30; monthLength[5]=31; monthLength[6]=30; monthLength[7]=31; monthLength[8]=31; monthLength[9]=30; monthLength[10]=31; monthLength[11]=30; monthLength[12]=31; monthLength[13]=31; monthLength[14]=29; var dayPassed = 0; var tempMonth = month; if(month<3) //If its january or february tempMonth = parseInt(tempMonth) +12; //Add previous year's days for(var i=3; i<tempMonth; i++){ dayPassed += monthLength[i]; } dayPassed += parseInt(day) -1; dayPassed = dayPassed%cuttingAge; //Rule # 3 result = parseInt(year) + parseInt(dayPassed); //Rule # 4 if(result > cuttingAge) result -= cuttingAge; //Rule # 5 var pendant = new Array(); var abc = new Array(); pendant[0] = { name:"imix", values:new Array(1, 21, 41, 61, 81, 101, 121, 141, 161, 181, 201, 221, 241) }; pendant[1] = { name:"ik", values:new Array(2, 22, 42, 62, 82, 102, 122, 142, 162, 182, 202, 222, 242) }; pendant[2] = { name:"akbal", values:new Array(3, 23, 43, 63, 83, 103, 123, 143, 163, 183, 203, 223, 243) }; pendant[3] = { name:"kan", values:new Array(4, 24, 44, 64, 84, 104, 124, 144, 164, 184, 204, 224, 244) }; pendant[4] = { name:"chicchan", values:new Array(5, 25, 45, 65, 85, 105, 125, 145, 165, 185, 205, 225, 245) }; pendant[5] = { name:"cimi", values:new Array(6, 26, 46, 66, 86, 106, 126, 146, 166, 186, 206, 226, 246) }; pendant[6] = { name:"manik", values:new Array(7, 27, 47, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147, 167, 187, 207, 227, 247) }; pendant[7] = { name:"lamat", values:new Array(8, 28, 48, 68, 88, 108, 128, 148, 168, 188, 208, 228, 248) }; pendant[8] = { name:"muluk", values:new Array(9, 29, 49, 69, 89, 109, 129, 149, 169, 189, 209, 229, 249) }; pendant[9] = { name:"oc", values:new Array(10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210, 230, 250) }; pendant[10] = { name:"chuen", values:new Array(11, 31, 51, 71, 91, 111, 131, 151, 171, 191, 211, 231, 251) }; pendant[11] = { name:"eb", values:new Array(12, 32, 52, 72, 92, 112, 132, 152, 172, 192, 212, 232, 252) }; pendant[12] = { name:"ben", values:new Array(13, 33, 53, 73, 93, 113, 133, 153, 173, 193, 213, 233, 253) }; pendant[13] = { name:"ix", values:new Array(14, 34, 54, 74, 94, 114, 134, 154, 174, 194, 214, 234, 254) }; pendant[14] = { name:"men", values:new Array(15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255) }; pendant[15] = { name:"cib", values:new Array(16, 36, 56, 76, 96, 116, 136, 156, 176, 196, 216, 236, 256) }; pendant[16] = { name:"caban", values:new Array(17, 37, 57, 77, 97, 117, 137, 157, 177, 197, 217, 237, 257) }; pendant[17] = { name:"etznab", values:new Array(18, 38, 58, 78, 98, 118, 138, 158, 178, 198, 218, 238, 258) }; pendant[18] = { name:"cauac", values:new Array(19, 39, 59, 79, 99, 119, 139, 159, 179, 199, 219, 239, 259) }; pendant[19] = { name:"ahau", values:new Array(20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 260) }; var redirecctPages = new Array(); redirecctPages["chuen"] = ""; redirecctPages["eb"] = ""; redirecctPages["ben"] = ""; redirecctPages["ix"] = ""; redirecctPages["men"] = ""; redirecctPages["cib"] = ""; redirecctPages["caban"] = ""; redirecctPages["etznab"] = ""; redirecctPages["cauac"] = ""; redirecctPages["ahau"] = ""; redirecctPages["imix"] = ""; redirecctPages["ik"] = ""; redirecctPages["akbal"] = ""; redirecctPages["kan"] = ""; redirecctPages["chicchan"] = ""; redirecctPages["cimi"] = ""; redirecctPages["manik"] = ""; redirecctPages["lamat"] = ""; redirecctPages["muluk"] = ""; redirecctPages["oc"] = ""; var pendantName; for(var i =0; i<pendant.length; i++){ var found = false; for(var j=0; j<pendant[i].values.length; j++){ if(result == pendant[i].values[j]){ pendantName = pendant[i].name; found = true; break; } } if(found) break; } document.location = redirecctPages[pendantName]; } /** * Comment */ function isValidDate() { var year = document.getElementById("year").value; var month = document.getElementById("month").value; var day = document.getElementById("day").value; if(month==2 && day>29){ alert("Please select a valid date"); return false } if((month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) && day>30){ alert("Please select a valid date"); return false } return true; } Similar TutorialsHi, I've inherited a Form which calculates a future date based on a calculation and then inserts today's date and the future date into a database. The day part of the date is formatted as a number. This is fine, but up to 9 the numbers display in single figures with no leading zeros. I want them to display leading zeros (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11... 30, 31) So; 1/12/2010 is NOT wanted 01/12/2010 IS wanted The inherited code originally set the Month names as "Jan", "Feb" etc, and it was easy to kludge these to 01, 02... 12, but I suspect there's a more elgant solution to this as well, this bit of the code works so it's not as vital to neaten this but my database needs dd/mm/yyyy format (it's a third party email program). Code: </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var todaysDate = new Date(); function updateExpiryDate(){ var weeklyMileage = document.getElementById('AvWeeklyMileage').value; var expiryDate; var weeks = 0; var expiryDateString = ''; if (!isNaN(parseInt(weeklyMileage))){ weeks = 700/weeklyMileage; expiryDate = new Date(todaysDate.getTime() + (1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7 * weeks)); var expiryDateString = expiryDate.getDate() + '/' + getMonthString(expiryDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + expiryDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('expiryDate').innerHTML = expiryDateString; document.getElementById('ShoeExpiryDate').value = expiryDateString; } else { document.getElementById('ShoeExpiryDate').value = ''; document.getElementById('expiryDate').innerHTML = 'Please enter a valid weekly average mileage' } } function getMonthString(monthNumber){ var monthString = ""; switch(monthNumber){ case 1: monthString = "01"; break; case 2: monthString = "02"; break; case 3: monthString = "03"; break; case 4: monthString = "04"; break; case 5: monthString = "05"; break; case 6: monthString = "06"; break; case 7: monthString = "07"; break; case 8: monthString = "08"; break; case 9: monthString = "09"; break; case 10: monthString = "10"; break; case 11: monthString = "11"; break; case 12: monthString = "12"; break; default: // do nothing; } return monthString; } function setTodaysDate(){ var todaysDateString = todaysDate.getDate() + '/' + getMonthString(todaysDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + todaysDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('todaysDate').innerHTML =todaysDateString; document.getElementById('DateOfPurchase').value = todaysDateString; } Can someone point me in the right direction please? I have a problem checking that a date is in the past or future. Everything seems fine but the alert always comes back saying the date is in the past. Code: function OpenTimesheet(TSdate) { var SelectedDate = new Date(TSdate) if (SelectedDate > Date()) { alert (SelectedDate+' is a AFTER '+Date()) } else { alert (SelectedDate+' is a BEFORE '+Date()) } } TSdate is in yyyy/mm/dd format and looks fine, in both alerts the dates are written correctly, it just always says they are a 'BEFORE' date regardless. Any help with this one would be greatly apprieciated. I am having some trouble with my code in that I am trying to take the value from the date of birth field and check to see if over 18 years old. I they are not over 18, a window.alert dialog box pops up to tell them. Any help with this I would greatly appreciate. Below is the check if 18 validation. Script section in the document head: Code: //check if over 18 function overAge(){ var age; var input = document.forms[0].birthDate.value; var pyear = parseInt(input.substring(6,10)); var pmonth = parseInt(input.substring(0,2)) - 1; var pday = parseInt(input.substring(3,5)); if ( month < pmonth ){ age = year - pyear - 1; } else if ( month > pmonth ){ age = year - pyear; } else if ( month == pmonth ){ if ( day < pday ){ age = year - pyear - 1; } else if ( day > pday ){ age = year - pyear; } else if ( day == pday ){ age = year - pyear; } } if(age < 18){ window.alert('Attention: Under 18!'); valid=false; return valid; } } Code for body section: Code: Date of Birth: <br/> <input type = "text" name = "date" value = "(mm/dd/yyyy)"/> Hi everyone, I am new to Javascript and took a class or 2 in college, but need some help. I need to make a calculation for a webpage that will do the following: Client will insert AWG (wire ) Size, then it will derive the correct Circular Mils that the AWG is equal to from an Access Database ( I assume this is the way to set that up or if I can in Javascript itself, thats fine as well ), then Multiply it by the Number of Strands that the Client will also insert. I had this all set up in Visual Basic and working great, and my boss said he does not want it in a pop up box but prefers it on the website itself hence me reverting to Javascript for this. To visualize it Image 2 boxes with AWG and STRANDS that the client will put in, then another box with TOTAL CMA where the answer will pop up after it has multipled by the AWG individual CMA and number of Strands. I have the general idea to set it up, just do not know how to get the Database in there and Code it properly or whatever. I would appreciate any assistance I can get :-) Thanks everyone. Hello, javascript seems to return the calculate the follwoing: (1 / 0.88) * 4.4 = 5.000000000000001 Excel evaluates the same sum to be 5 even to 20 decimal points. My calculator does the same. Having the 1 on the end throws off some of my calculations. Why is javascript evaluating like this?? Many thanks Hi, I'm trying to get my head around JS, but not too successfully yet. My objective is probably simple (but not to me ): to have a form where visitors enter 12 separate digits (ideally in minutes & hours, but am happy to use decimals), and the average of these (to two decimal points) is returned as document.write is it? - along with other text, to make a complete & coherent sentence, including the average of the 12 numbers. Does anyone have any code convenient that could do this? Thanks, LJ What code must I use if I want to create an order form on my website where patrons can order and/or request a product and/or services from the price list, the order form should calculate the total amount of the products/services requested, the VAT of 15% and add that to the order amount, Please help?
All, Below find my JS which is supposed to do the following: Take user supplied numerical values from 7 fields, perform the calculation function that's in the code and place it into the Total box / field. Needless to say ...or I wouldn't be doesn't work. I thought maybe the problem was in the function, but I'm not sure Thanks to all who can help! NewbieScott ================================ <html> <head> <title>Test Prototype</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <style type="text/css"> * { margin:0; padding:0; } body { background:#fff; } p { margin:2em; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7){ return (((D1*2.036+D3)/(273+D5))-((D2*2.036+D4)/(273+D6)))*238*(3050/D7); var D1=parseInt(D1.value); var D2=parseInt(D2.value); var D3=parseInt(D3.value); var D4=parseInt(D4.value); var D5=parseInt(D5.value); var D6=parseInt(D6.value); var D7=parseInt(D7.value); if (isNaN(D1)) {D1=0;} if (isNaN(D2)) {D2=0;} if (isNaN(D3)) {D3=0;} if (isNaN(D4)) {D4=0;} if (isNaN(D5)) {D5=0;} if (isNaN(D6)) {D6=0;} if (isNaN(D7)) {D7=0;} document.getElementById('total').value = D1+D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7; } window.onload=function() { var D1=document.getElementById('D1'); var D2=document.getElementById('D2'); var D3=document.getElementById('D3'); var D4=document.getElementById('D4'); var D5=document.getElementById('D5'); var D6=document.getElementById('D6'); var D7=document.getElementById('D7'); D1.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D4,D6,D7); D2.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D4,D6,D7); D3.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D4,D6,D7); D4.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D4,D6,D7); D5.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D4,D6,D7); D6.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D4,D6,D7); D7.onkeyup=function() {calc(D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7); } </script> </head> <body> <form action="#"> <p><label> Number 1: <input id="D1"></label> <p><label> Number 2: <input id="D2"></label> <p><label> Number 3: <input id="D3"></label> <p><label> Number 4: <input id="D4"></label> <p><label> Number 5: <input id="D5"></label> <p><label> Number 6: <input id="D6"></label> <p><label> Number 7: <input id="D7"></label> <p>Total = <input id="total"></p> </p> </body> </html> Hello, I am trying to make a page with a target heart rate calculator that displays the heart rate in a text box. This code displays on a new page instead of in the box even though I put an input box, plus it doesn't display the correct value. I think the problem is in the function itself: Code: <script> function calcHeartRate() { var age = "" var heartRate = 220 - age var minRate = heartRate * .5 var maxRate = heartRate * .85 rate = document.write(heartRate) document.myForm.yourRate.value = rate } At any rate, here is the form also: Code: <form name = "myForm"> Age:</br> <input type = "text" name = "age" /><br/><br/> <input type = "button" value = "Calculate Your Maximum Heart Rate:" onclick= "calcHeartRate()"/> <br/><br/> Max Heart Rate:<br/> <input type = "text" name = "yourRate" /><br/><br/> </form> I'm sure this is jacked up code since I have definitely been struggling. If you want me to post my entire code, I will, but it is my understanding that it is against the guidelines. Posting a working code is definitely not necessary. Please give me an idea as to what is wrong and I will go from there. I do not want the actual answer. I kind of think the problem is with my age variable but I am not sure what it is. Thanks! Hi there! I hope someone can help me figure out the last little bit of this project. I'm building a form that is calulated based on the options selected with a javascript form. This is my first attempt at something like this so I'm a bit lost at the final update. First to be sure I'm on spot here is the javascript I'm using to update the form - Code: <script> function BDWcalc () { var listeners = document.getElementById('listeners').value; var bitrate = document.getElementById('bitrate').value; var hours = document.getElementById('hours').value; var days = document.getElementById('days').value; var total = document.getElementById('BDWTotal'); var sum = days*hours*3600*bitrate/8*listeners/1024/1024; total.value = sum.toFixed(2)+" GB"; } </script> I'm calling the script in the header of the site with the following line of code Code: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src='javascript/BDWcalc.js'></script> Now here is the form where I get stuck. It the last field which is to be updated when the option values are changed. For my purposes here, I've merely created a correct value as a default based on the items selected, but it is not actually being calculated by the script. I need the correct syntax there to get this all to work. Sure hope someone can help - Form Code: <table width="530" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <th scope="col">Listeners</th> <th scope="col">Bitrate(quality)</th> <th scope="col">Hours per day </th> <th scope="col">Days per month </th> <th scope="col">Total per month </th> <th scope="col">Action</th> </tr> <tr> <th scope="col"><span class="cell" style="width: 75px;"> <input name="text" type="text" id="listeners" style="margin: 4px 2px 0pt; width: 65px;" onchange="BDWcalc();" value="10" size="20" /> </span></th> <th scope="col"><span class="cell_v"> <select name="select2" class="BDWbox" id="select" onchange="BDWcalc();"> <option value="24">24 kbps</option> <option value="32">32 kbps</option> <option value="48">48 kbps</option> <option value="56">56 kbps</option> <option value="64" selected="selected">64 kbps</option> <option value="80">80 kbps</option> <option value="96">96 kbps</option> <option value="112">112 kbps</option> <option value="128">128 kbps</option> <option value="160">160 kbps</option> <option value="192">192 kbps</option> <option value="224">224 kbps</option> <option value="256">256 kbps</option> <option value="320">320 kbps</option> <option value="512">512 kbps</option> <option value="768">768 kbps</option> <option value="1536">1.5 mbps</option> </select> </span></th> <th scope="col"><span class="cell_v"> <select name="select3" class="BDWbox" id="select2" onchange="BDWcalc();"> <option value="1">1 hour</option> <option value="2">2 hours</option> <option value="3">3 hours</option> <option value="4">4 hours</option> <option value="5">5 hours</option> <option value="6">6 hours</option> <option value="7">7 hours</option> <option value="8">8 hours</option> <option value="9">9 hours</option> <option value="10" selected="selected">10 hours</option> <option value="11">11 hours</option> <option value="12">12 hours</option> <option value="13">13 hours</option> <option value="14">14 hours</option> <option value="15">15 hours</option> <option value="16">16 hours</option> <option value="17">17 hours</option> <option value="18">18 hours</option> <option value="19">19 hours</option> <option value="20">20 hours</option> <option value="21">21 hours</option> <option value="22">22 hours</option> <option value="23">23 hours</option> <option value="24">24 hours</option> </select> </span></th> <th scope="col"><span class="cell_v"> <select name="select4" class="BDWbox" id="select3" onchange="BDWcalc();"> <option value="1">1 day</option> <option value="2">2 days</option> <option value="3">3 days</option> <option value="4">4 days</option> <option value="5">5 days</option> <option value="6">6 days</option> <option value="7">7 days</option> <option value="8">8 days</option> <option value="9">9 days</option> <option value="10">10 days</option> <option value="11">11 days</option> <option value="12">12 days</option> <option value="13">13 days</option> <option value="14">14 days</option> <option value="15" selected="selected">15 days</option> <option value="16">16 days</option> <option value="17">17 days</option> <option value="18">18 days</option> <option value="19">19 days</option> <option value="20">20 days</option> <option value="21">21 days</option> <option value="22">22 days</option> <option value="23">23 days</option> <option value="24">24 days</option> <option value="25">25 days</option> <option value="26">26 days</option> <option value="27">27 days</option> <option value="28">28 days</option> <option value="29">29 days</option> <option value="30">30 days</option> </select> </span></th> <th scope="col"><span class="cell_v" style="width: 160px;"> <input name="text2" type="text" id="text2" style="margin: 4px 2px 0pt; width: 90px;" value="41.19 GB" size="20" /> </span></th> <th scope="col"><a href='javascript:BDWcalc();'>Update</a></th> </tr> </table> The form can be view here Thank you in advance for any help offered. I've search and found things that are similiar, but none that are exactly what I need here. Ruth I've designed a snippet of javascript to receive numbers, add them together, and then display the total. What i'd like to do now is display the amount of numbers added together "count", and then average them all together. Problem is, the count just won't display, so i'm uncertain if I have a logic error in my code or just an html issue? I'd really appreciate the help! Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var count = 0; var total = 0; var number = 0; function AverageNumbers(form) { number = document.getElementById('num1').value; count++; total = parseInt(number) + parseInt(total); average = parseInt(number) + parseInt(count) if (number!=null && number!="") { document.getElementById('total').innerHTML = total; document.getElementById('count').innerHTML = count; } return count; return total; } </script> </head> <body> <form> <INPUT TYPE="number" NAME="inputbox" ID="num1"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="Click" onClick="AverageNumbers(this.form)"> </form> <div id="total"><div> <br> </br> <div id="count"><div> </body> </html> Not sure if this is possible in javascript: I'm looking for two different dates (bill date and due date) on an invoice that are captured by OCR. If one of them exists, but the other does not, I want the empty field to be 14 days before (or after) the other. For example: if the bill date is 7/27/2010 and the due date was not captured, I want to set the due date as 8/10/2010 (14 days after the bill date). If the due date was captured as 8/10/2010, but the due date is blank, I want to assign the bill date as 7/27/2010 (14 days before the due date). if both dates have values, do nothing. Thanks. Hey Guys, I am a student doing my Cert IV in IT and am having a bit of trouble with some code. I have a form that when a letter is entered it returns a message saying you need to enter numbers in, and am trying to find a way of it checking if there are spaces in the numbers entered at the same time as checking if a number has been entered. My code looks as follows: Code: <html> <head> <title>Activity 2.25</title> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validateform() { var element; var BikeMoney; var TVMoney; var iPodMoney; var CarPrice; var flag; flag="OK" element=document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(counter=0; counter<element.length; counter++) { switch (element[counter].type) { case "submit": break; default: if(isNaN(element[counter].value)) { alert("You will need to enter a number into " + element[counter].name); flag="NotOK" } else { BikeMoney=element[0].value; TVMoney=element[1].value; iPodMoney=element[2].value; CarPrice=element[3].value; } } } if(flag=="OK") if ((Number(BikeMoney)) && (Number(TVMoney)) && (Number(iPodMoney)) && (Number(CarPrice))) { TotalMoney = parseFloat (BikeMoney) + parseFloat (TVMoney) + parseFloat (iPodMoney) if(TotalMoney >= CarPrice) { alert("The total money is " + TotalMoney + " and the car price is " + CarPrice + " and you can afford the car"); } else { alert("The total money is " + TotalMoney + " and the car price is " + CarPrice + " and you cannot afford the car"); } } else { alert("Enter numbers Please"); } } </script> <body> <form name="input form" method="post" action=""> <table> <tr><td>Enter money from bike sale</td><td><input type="text" name="Bike Money"></td></tr> <tr><td>Enter money from TV sale</td><td><input type="text" name="TV Money"></td></tr> <tr><td>Enter money from iPod sale</td><td><input type="text" name="iPod Money"></td></tr> <tr><td>Enter the price of the car</td><td><input type="text" name="Car Price"></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Submit Details" onclick=validateform()></td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> Hi. I'm having some trouble with validating all my fields in my form. I'm posting my code here. Code: function validateForm() {var chk = document.forms["EntryPage"]["studentname"].value; if (chk==null || chksdtnm=="") { alert("Student name must be filled out"); return false; } if (chk==null || chksdtnm=="") { alert("Student ID must be filled out"); return false; } } I need to alert the user with a messagebox for six fields if ever they're not filled in. How do I achieve that? Hi all. This is a generic question as Google didn't help at all, does anyone know how to check if javascript is enabled and then I want to display info based on that. I don't mind how I do it, HTML, PHP or whatever Regards, Magnetica Hai Forum, May be this question is not in correct format, I want to know about how to check a particular file is exists or not ? using Javascript.One thing without using ActiveXObject because it is supports in IE only. Thanking You, Santosh Srinivas.G Hello, Can you someone point me to the right script? I have a text box and would like to see if the value of the input matches the values defined in a JavaScript array. For example, the JavaScript array will hold five values: v1 = Tom v2 = Jerry v3 = Michael v4 = Stephanie v5 = Michelle If the text box does not equal one of those values, an alert will pop up stating it does not match. Thanks. Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help me. I have recently used this tutorial: to develop a more complex sign up form for a competition for a client. Basically, the way the validation has been done is different to many other validation methods I've used before and don't understand how to implement it, for some additional requirements. This is an example of the PHP validation code that I have altered, to suit my form requirements: Code: //quick/simple validation if(empty($code)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'You forgot to enter your entry code'); } if(empty($name)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'You forgot to enter your name'); } if(empty($email)){ $action['result'] = 'error'; array_push($text,'You forgot to enter your email address'); } This code only validates that there is content in those fields. But, for example on the 'entry code' field, I would like to put a maximum character input there and restrict certain characters, as well as a standard 'email' validation, so that the form is sent through to the database correctly. If anyone knows how I can do this, with this sign-up form in particular, please assist me, as every other method I've tried to work with this form hasn't worked and caused the form to error. Thank you in advance. Hi folks, i am trying to generate a dynamic datefield with date mask "mm/dd/yyyy" and trying to insert it into Oracle db ...i still got the error ORA invalid month ehich means the date filed is not recognized as date: below is what i am doing : newStartDate = document.createElement( 'INPUT' ); newStartDate.setAttribute('type','Date'); newStartDate.setAttribute('id1','id'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.setAttribute('name','StartDateName'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.size=8; bgc; any help thanks ?? Also i want to add a datepicke to this it is posible / other option is to use Jquery datepicker but could not know how to impement it thanks again |