JavaScript - Horizontal Scrolling News/twitter Feed
I'm looking for a simple ticker that scrolls horizontally across the top of the homepage of a site I'm working on. Ideally I would like one for both Twitter and RSS feeds, but either is good. If anyone knows where I can find one that's simple to implement that would be great. Kind Regards Similar TutorialsI have a twitter feed on my site and although am generally happy with it, the time-stamp for each tweet is several hours ahead of my time zone. I've looked through the js files to see if there is anything that allows me to set the timezone but cannot find anything. Anyone know how to reset the time to pacific standard time? Here's the URL Can't for the life of me see anything in the code that controls time zone (would like Pacific Standard time, US) Code: $(document).ready(function() { $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"fromUser", // needed, you can use "searchWord", "fromUser", "toUser" searchObject:"gillesmarini", // needed, you can insert a username here or a word to be searched for, if you wish multiple search, separate the words by comma. // The values below will overwrite the ones on the Juitter default configuration. // They are optional here. // I'm changing here as a example only lang:"en", // restricts the search by the given language live:"live-125", // the number after "live-" indicates the time in seconds to wait before request the Twitter API for updates. placeHolder:"juitterContainer", // Set a place holder DIV which will receive the list of tweets example <div id="juitterContainer"></div> loadMSG: "Loading messages...", // Loading message, if you want to show an image, fill it with "image/gif" and go to the next variable to set which image you want to use on imgName: "loader.gif", // Loading image, to enable it, go to the loadMSG var above and change it to "image/gif" total: 4, // number of tweets to be show - max 100 readMo "Read it on Twitter", // read more message to be show after the tweet content nameUser:"text", // insert "image" to show avatar of "text" to show the name of the user that sent the tweet openExternalLinks:"newWindow", // here you can choose how to open link to external websites, "newWindow" or "sameWindow" filter:"sex->*BAD word*,porn->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*" // insert the words you want to hide from the tweets followed by what you want to show instead example: "sex->censured" or "porn->BLOCKED WORD" you can define as many as you want, if you don't want to replace the word, simply remove it, just add the words you want separated like this "porn,sex,****"... Be aware that the tweets will still be showed, only the bad words will be removed }); $("#aRodrigo").click(function(){ $(".jLinks").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"fromUser", searchObject:"mrjuitter,rodrigofante", live:"live-120" // it will be updated every 120 seconds/2 minutes }); }); $("#aIphone").click(function(){ $(".jLinks").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"searchWord", searchObject:"iPhone,apple,ipod", live:"live-20" // it will be update every 20 seconds }); }); $("#aJuitter").click(function(){ $(".jLinks").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"searchWord", searchObject:"Juitter", live:"live-180" // it will be updated every 180 seconds/3 minutes }); }); $("#juitterSearch").submit(function(){ $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"searchWord", searchObject:$(".juitterSearch").val(), live:"live-20", // it will be updated every 180 seconds/3 minutes filter:"sex->*BAD word*,porn->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*" }); return false; }); $(".juitterSearch").blur(function(){ if($(this).val()=="") $(this).val("Type a word and press enter"); }); $(".juitterSearch").click(function(){ if($(this).val()=="Type a word and press enter") $(this).val(""); }); }); Many thanks! Hello, I have this working js twitter feed on my site, but I am trying to generate the topsy retweet button through the .js file via an innerHTML call, but its not working. the innerHTML works if I put test or something in there, so there is something within this line of code that is breaking it. Code: document.getElementById('retweet-button').innerHTML = '<div class="topsy_widget_data"><!--{"url":"'+url+'","title":"inConcert Web Solutions, Inc."}--></div>'; This is the entire script, I really appreciate any help Code: //Twitter window.onload = function() { var ajax_load = "<img class='loader' src='/assets/templates/incon/twitterfeed/loader.gif' alt='Loading...' />"; var url = ''; var script = document.createElement('script'); $("#twitter_feed").html(ajax_load); script.setAttribute('src', url); document.body.appendChild(script); } function twitterCallback2(twitters) { var statusHTML = []; for (var i=0; i<twitters.length; i++){ var username = twitters[i].user.screen_name; var status = twitters[i].text.replace(/((https?|s?ftp|ssh)\:\/\/[^"\s\<\>]*[^.,;'">\:\s\<\>\)\]\!])/g, function(url) { return '<a href="'+url+'" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">'+url+'</a>'; }).replace(/\B@([_a-z0-9]+)/ig, function(reply) { return reply.charAt(0)+'<a href="'+reply.substring(1)+'">'+reply.substring(1)+'</a>'; }); statusHTML.push('<li class="twitter_date"><a href="'+username+'/statuses/'+twitters[i].id+'" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">'+relative_time(twitters[i].created_at)+'</a></li> <li><p>'+status+'</p></li>'); } document.getElementById('twitter_update_list').innerHTML = statusHTML.join(''); //THIS IS WHERE IT IS BREAKING document.getElementById('retweet-button').innerHTML = '<div class="topsy_widget_data"><!--{"url":"'+url+'","title":"inConcert Web Solutions, Inc."}--></div>'; } function relative_time(time_value) { var values = time_value.split(" "); time_value = values[1] + " " + values[2] + " " + values[5] + " " + values[3]; var parsed_date = new Date(); parsed_date.setTime(Date.parse(time_value)); var months = new Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); var m = parsed_date.getMonth(); var postedAt = ''; postedAt = months[m]; postedAt += " "+ parsed_date.getDate(); postedAt += "," postedAt += " "+ parsed_date.getFullYear(); return postedAt; } I have a twitter feed on my site and although am generally happy with it, the time-stamp for each tweet is hours and hours ahead of my time zone. I've looked through the js files to see if there is anything that allows me to set the timezone but cannot find anything. Anyone know how to reset the time to pacific standard time? I've searched through the values and don't see anywhere to assign the timezone (would like Pacific Time zone, US) Here's the URL Here's the code: Code: $(document).ready(function() { $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"fromUser", // needed, you can use "searchWord", "fromUser", "toUser" searchObject:"gillesmarini", // needed, you can insert a username here or a word to be searched for, if you wish multiple search, separate the words by comma. // The values below will overwrite the ones on the Juitter default configuration. // They are optional here. // I'm changing here as a example only lang:"en", // restricts the search by the given language live:"live-125", // the number after "live-" indicates the time in seconds to wait before request the Twitter API for updates. placeHolder:"juitterContainer", // Set a place holder DIV which will receive the list of tweets example <div id="juitterContainer"></div> loadMSG: "Loading messages...", // Loading message, if you want to show an image, fill it with "image/gif" and go to the next variable to set which image you want to use on imgName: "loader.gif", // Loading image, to enable it, go to the loadMSG var above and change it to "image/gif" total: 4, // number of tweets to be show - max 100 readMo "Read it on Twitter", // read more message to be show after the tweet content nameUser:"text", // insert "image" to show avatar of "text" to show the name of the user that sent the tweet openExternalLinks:"newWindow", // here you can choose how to open link to external websites, "newWindow" or "sameWindow" filter:"sex->*BAD word*,porn->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*" // insert the words you want to hide from the tweets followed by what you want to show instead example: "sex->censured" or "porn->BLOCKED WORD" you can define as many as you want, if you don't want to replace the word, simply remove it, just add the words you want separated like this "porn,sex,****"... Be aware that the tweets will still be showed, only the bad words will be removed }); $("#aRodrigo").click(function(){ $(".jLinks").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"fromUser", searchObject:"mrjuitter,rodrigofante", live:"live-120" // it will be updated every 120 seconds/2 minutes }); }); $("#aIphone").click(function(){ $(".jLinks").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"searchWord", searchObject:"iPhone,apple,ipod", live:"live-20" // it will be update every 20 seconds }); }); $("#aJuitter").click(function(){ $(".jLinks").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on"); $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"searchWord", searchObject:"Juitter", live:"live-180" // it will be updated every 180 seconds/3 minutes }); }); $("#juitterSearch").submit(function(){ $.Juitter.start({ searchType:"searchWord", searchObject:$(".juitterSearch").val(), live:"live-20", // it will be updated every 180 seconds/3 minutes filter:"sex->*BAD word*,porn->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*,****->*BAD word*" }); return false; }); $(".juitterSearch").blur(function(){ if($(this).val()=="") $(this).val("Type a word and press enter"); }); $(".juitterSearch").click(function(){ if($(this).val()=="Type a word and press enter") $(this).val(""); }); }); Many thanks! Hello, first time poster here. I have very little understanding of Javascript and have a problem with some I'm using. It's a singleline twitter feed and you can see it top right he Code: // Compatability with jQuery: jQuery.noConflict(); window.$ = function (element) { return document.getElementById(element); }; /* Header and footer JavaScript */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { var $ = jQuery; function scroll_tweet(li){ var post = li.children(""), pWidth = post.width(); if (pWidth > parseInt(balloon.css('width'))){ var leftEnd = li.find('div.end'); if(leftEnd.length === 0){ leftEnd = $('<div class="end left" />').appendTo(li); } var offsX = parseInt(leftEnd.width()); post.animate({left: offsX - pWidth - 55}, 23000, 'linear', function(){post.css('left', offsX);}); } } function swap_tweets(current_tweet){ var next_tweet = (current_tweet + 1) % 5; /* max five tweets */ var li = $("li#tweet" + next_tweet); $("#tweet" + current_tweet).fadeOut(300); setTimeout(function(){ li.fadeIn(400); }, 400); setTimeout(function(){scroll_tweet(li);}, 3800); display_tweet = next_tweet; setTimeout(function(){swap_tweets(display_tweet);}, 11300); } var balloon = $("#twitterpost div.balloon"); display_tweet = 0; if($("div.balloon ul li#tweet1").html() !== null){ setTimeout(function(){swap_tweets(display_tweet);}, 12000); var firstli = $("li#tweet0"); setTimeout(function(){scroll_tweet(firstli);}, 7500); } }); As you can see from just watching, it has some problems. It doesn't fade out posts before displaying a new one. From what I understand it talks to the CSS to figure out the length. So maybe that's where the problem is. Code: /* twitter-bubble */ #navigation #twitterpost { position: relative; top: -33px; right: 95px; } #navigation #twitterpost .balloon { position: relative; float: right; width: 345px; height: 21px; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 0px; padding: 0; background: url(/navigation/images/bubble.png) 0 0 no-repeat; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } #navigation #twitterpost .balloon div { font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; color: #666666; padding: 0px 0px 12px 10px; font-size: 11px; } #navigation #twitterpost .end { position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: 1; height: 21px; background: url(/navigation/images/bubble.png) no-repeat; } #navigation #twitterpost .end.left { left: 0; width: 0px; background-position: 0 0; } #navigation #twitterpost .end.right { right: 0; width: 0px; background-position: 100% 0; } #navigation #twitterpost ul li .post { position: relative; } #navigation #twitterpost ul li .post { font-size: 11px; white-space: nowrap; position: absolute; top: 3px; } #navigation #twitterpost ul { padding-left: 0px; margin: 0px; list-style-type: none; } Or maybe it has something to do with using this script Thank you for take a look at my mess! Sorry for being such an amateur. And by the way, everything is wip on that site Cheers M. I've been going at this for a good week now, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I have this tweet ticker code that scrolls a live feed at the very top of the header. It runs on jQuery 1.5.0. The site I have has a vertically scrollTo div for each button pressed on the navigation. The problem I'm having is that as soon as I plug in the jQuery 1.5.0 which turns on the tweet ticker, it stops the overflow and the scrollTo. So when I click on any of the navigation buttons it jumps to the next page rather than scrolling smoothly. Can anyone please please help me. This is driving me crazy lol. HI I want to make a news section on right side of my webiste's main page, it can in dreamweaver, someone can help me in this regard thanks zami Hi, I have an .aspx page which the author claims to be an RSS feed ( It is simply a list of links with a description for each. I am trying to embed these links into an RSS feed on my own page. I am using code from to create the scrolling ticker. Do I need to do something to convert the .aspx page to an RSS feed? Please help. Thanks. if you take a look at this site here you can see that it no longer scrolls or even displays content, but here it does. I'll bet there's a quick fix here, but not sure what it is. Any ideas?
Hi, I need some help with getting the browser to automatically scroll to the top when the user slides horizontally. It's probably easier for you to see what I mean! This is my website (still a working progress!!). If you click the links you will see the website scrollings horizontally. If you scroll to the bottom of 'portfolio', and then click another section, you will see that the browser stays at the bottom. Basically, I want the browser to automatically slide to the top whenever the user goes to another section. Is anyone able to help me? Hello, I'm Chris, welcome everyone. I'm in a need of help. I'm writing application that displays messages from users. This messages are kept in external XML file and every time user post a new message this XML document is appended. What I want to do is to display all messages at the bottom of screen. Messages have to slide horizontally in one line. To do that I used this code: Code: horizontalScroll.js: var scrllTmr; window.onload = function(){ document.getElementById('scroll').style.overflow = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('scrollme').style.float = 'left'; document.getElementById('scrollme').style.position = 'relative'; cw = parseInt(document.getElementById('scroll').offsetWidth/2); w = parseInt(document.getElementById('scrollme').offsetWidth/2); lft = cw + w; document.getElementById('scrollme').style.left = lft + "px"; scrollStep(cw,w,lft); } function scrollStep(cw,w,lft){ if(lft == w * -1) lft = cw + w; document.getElementById('scrollme').style.left = lft + "px"; if(scrllTmr) clearTimeout(scrllTmr); scrllTmr = setTimeout('scrollStep(cw,w,' + (lft - 1) + ')',10); } index.html: <div id="scroll"><div id="scrollme"> <h1 style="white-space: nowrap;">Lets scroll this right here 1 | Lets scroll this right here 2 | Lets scroll this right here 3 | Lets scroll this right here 4 | Lets scroll this right here 5 | Lets scroll this right here 6 | Lets scroll this right here 7 | Lets scroll this right here 8 | Lets scroll this right here 9 | Lets scroll this right here 10 | Lets scroll this right here 11 | Lets scroll this right here 12 | Lets scroll this right here 13 | Lets scroll this right here 14 | Lets scroll this right here 15 | Lets scroll this right here 16 | Lets scroll this right here 17 | Lets scroll this right here 18 | Lets scroll this right here 19 | Lets scroll this right here 20 </h1></div></div> The problem with that code is that at 1/3 length of text it starts from beginning and this is wrong. The text have to scroll to the very end and then start to scroll from beginning again. Another thing, that I'm unable to deal with is refreshing/reloading the content from XML file. What I need to do is to check if XML was changed/appended and if it was then I have to add this added message to text that scrolls horizontally and view it at the end of horizontal text. I'm pretty sure I have to use Ajax here. Also, if text from XML file will be added to horizontal text page cannot refresh and start scrolling from beginning, but instead of that if have to append horizontal text and continue to scroll showing appended message at the end. Any advices, please? Thanks, Chris Hello, Currently I'm looking at smooth scrolling Js scripts for thumb images which can be altered to accomodate needs. I found one here that has some desirable effects but has no navi buttons. Would it be sensible to alter and point the hovering mouse scroll function to buttons, or would it be a better idea to keep looking for exactly the right script? The 2 identical scrollers on this page are the look I want but these are flash; ps: I've no experience of Js but can pick things up pretty quickly. Hi Everyone, Has anyone noticed the twitter confirmation box (when you hit save in Settings, the page refreshes and a white confitmation box appears along the top of the screen and disappears again in a few seconds)? Does anyone know how to go about implementing this? My JS skills would not be the best. I wonder is there a jquery plugin that I could use or similar? Thanks in advance, Brian Ok so I'm making a music website for a project and we have the official Twitter widget in the sidebar. It is an external javascript file as the website must be XHTML 1.0 compliant. What I'm trying to do is make this dynamic so that when viewing different artist pages, the widget changes to that artist's Twitter Feed. I have gotten this to work when the script was fully on the page, by echoing a PHP variable in the javascript, but when it's external I can't figure it out. The file MUST be external so that it passes the XHTML 1.0 Validator. Here's the widgets code(significantly shortened, the full code is too long to post here): Code: new TWTR.Widget({ version: 2, type: 'profile', rpp: 4, interval: 6000, width: 'auto', height: 300, theme: { shell: { background: '#000000', color: '#ffffff' }, tweets: { background: '#000000', color: '#ffffff', links: '#ff5454' } }, features: { scrollbar: false, loop: false, live: false, hashtags: true, timestamp: true, avatars: false, behavior: 'all' } }).render().setUser('choiceprize').start(); All we need is to pass a string to the .setUser('choiceprize') here ^ so that instead of 'choiceprize' it is our variable. Any help is appreciated! Hey guys, I have this site . If you go to any documentary page and look under the documentary you will see 'Share this documentary:' like the picture below. I was wondering if you could make all the pictures have a similar size image? facebook.jpg, twitter.jpg, linkedin.jpg, digg.jpg, stumbleupon.jpg, delicious.jpg Here is the code: Code: <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="none" data-via="freedocosonline">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <a href="" onclick="''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=550,height=550'); return false;"> <img src="" width="20" height="20" alt="Delicious" title="Add to Delicious!" /></a> <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT'), s1 = document.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0]; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = ''; s1.parentNode.insertBefore(s, s1); })(); </script> <a class="DiggThisButton DiggIcon"></a> <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href='<? echo "$foldername"; ?>'> <img border="0" src="../images/facebook.jpg" width="20" height="20"></a> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="in/share"></script></center> Thanks in advance On twitter, when you change your avatar/background a small white box covering an inch of the top of the page appears. How can I do this?
I am wanting to allow a user to update their twitter status from my website. I was planning on using Twitter's @anywhere feature, but this was not a very friendly solution: Take over 3 seconds to load Makes 14 requests Calls jQuery twice Then I found the Twitter REST API: Using OAuth, I want the user to be able to login, and then update their status using that API. I've been trying to find tutorials on this, but I haven't found any that use the REST API to update the Twitter Status. Does anyone have code for/know of a tutorial for what I'm looking for? i want to assign content of textarea to a div .. like in twitter when you type something and press "Tweet" a div is created and has the content of textarea.. how can i implement it , i know something about getElementById() but not sure how it can help me here So, say I want to grab two twitter feeds from 2 people and put them together in one feed on a page (not using the built in twitter 'goodies'). How can I do this? I'm sure it's possible...
Hey, I'm struggling to add twitter links using the current method I'm trying and I really need some help from someone with more knowledge than I. So here's the current attempt and along side is a working function that returns the html sent to it back with the links working. Code: var ADD_tweeter=function(tweet){ var html="";var T=tweet.split(" ");for(i=0;i<T.length;i++){ if(T[i].indexOf("@")===0){ var stripped=T[i].replace("@","") , tweeter=T[i].replace(T[i], "<a href='"+stripped+"'>@"+stripped+"</a>"); T[i]=tweeter}}; for (i in T){html+=T[i]+" "} return html } var ADD_links= function(txt){ var Txt=txt.replace(/((http|https|ftp):\/\/(([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)(\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_-]*)+)(\/*)(:(\d+))?([A-Z0-9_\/.?~-]*))/gi, '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>'); return Txt} I need to devise a way to pick through and change the @twitternames to links. I thought I had it, but when I combined the actions into the script (it's a search engine for twitter subjects) ,the links get the right html, but I can't find a way to make the twitter links work correctly. I tried to follow the same formula as the working function ADD_links, but I just can't seem to understand the notation or something. Also, is $1 part of Regex? And $2? I saw several scripts that were for doing what I want to do , but they all seemed to be php scripts and I couldn't adapt any of them despite countless hours trying. Here's a link to the working page The page is pretty large so I didn't want to post the entire thing. Any help will be greatly appreciated. |