JavaScript - Browser Crashes Help!!
Hi, i wanted to know whats wrong with this coding as its making the browser crash, firefox 5
$(document).ready(function() { /* open rel=external in new window */ $('a[rel=external]').attr('target', '_blank'); /*Scrolling background clouds */ var offset = 600; var offseta = 1450; function scrollbackground() { // decrease the offset by 1, or if its less than 1 increase it by // the background height minus 1 offset = offset + 1; offseta = offseta + 1; // apply the background position if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) { $('#cloud2').css("background-position", offseta + "px top"); } else { $('#cloud').css("background-position", offset + "px top"); $('#cloud2').css("background-position", offseta + "px top"); } // call self to continue animation setTimeout(function() { scrollbackground(); }, 100 ); } // Start the animation scrollbackground(); }); //end Similar TutorialsThe js line... delete new Obj(); brings my script to a halt in IE7. the error in the MS-VWD debugger is... "Cannot delete 'new rect()". The same line seems to work fine in FF. If I change the code to... var o = new Obj(); delete o; - all works fine in IE. Can someone explain why this occurs? btw... the actual code is something like... delete new rect().getElem(elem).hcenterInRect(parRect).setElem(elem); so there's a bunch of processing between the new and deleting of the object ("rect"). this is obviously not a big problem but i was just curious as to how IE was interpretting this line. thanks to any of you javascript wizards that may have a clue. I came across your forums here and it looked like a great place to get some help, and help is exactly what I need! I have been struggling with this javascript that changes an image and its corresponding useMap. For reference: - All images are the same size and located in the same directory, except the main map image - All images are preloaded (I did this just in case it was an image problem) - The page works fine in Firefox, and fine in IE until it crashes - The Problem: - When clicking on a state in the main image, the state image appears, if you then click on the "return to the overview" it returns to the overview image then promptly crashes IE within 1-2 seconds. - This even happens in a completely blank page (no other content) Exceptions: - Clicking on the state Mississippi does not cause this problem (you can go back and forth with Mississippi without problem) - Tennessee, Ohio, Arkansas, Illonois crash as soon as their state map comes up! The Javascript function itself: Code: <script language="Javascript"> function changemap(vari){ var vari; var stoptime; if(vari=="regionview"){ document.regionmap.src = "/images/branchmap2.jpg"; stoptime = setTimeout( function changemap1(){ document.regionmap.useMap="#Map"; clearTimeout(stoptime);} , 300); } else{ document.regionmap.src = "/images/states/" + vari + ".jpg"; stoptime = setTimeout( function changemap2(){ document.regionmap.useMap="#"+vari; clearTimeout(stoptime);} , 300); } } </script> The image tag and image maps: Code: <img src="images/branchmap2.jpg" name="regionmap" usemap="#Map" border="0"> <map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="144,14,189,91" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('indiana');" alt="Indiana" title="Indiana"> <area shape="poly" coords="139,91,137,104,132,108,132,115,128,118,160,110,167,109,189,91" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('indiana');" alt="Indiana" title="Indiana"> <area shape="poly" coords="230,138,123,139,121,131,127,122,140,117,153,115,170,107,191,90,194,85,202,87,213,90,221,91,225,90,232,92,232,100,238,107,242,114,245,119" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('kentucky');" alt="Kentucky" title="Kentucky"> <area shape="poly" coords="153,177,143,244,144,280,127,287,115,286,113,272,83,271,78,264,86,249,93,239,89,228,88,212,90,202,97,192,105,178" href="#" onMouseUp="javascript: changemap('mississippi');" alt="Mississippi" title="Mississippi"> <area shape="poly" coords="87,226,17,227,16,212,7,212,3,128,108,130,107,142,113,142,120,128,121,131,121,141" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('arkansas');" alt="Arkansas" title="Arkansas"> <area shape="poly" coords="246,118,255,98,272,87,284,64,283,11,265,17,258,25,241,31,217,18,187,18,190,81,218,90,224,87,232,92,235,100" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('ohio');" alt="Ohio" title="Ohio"> <area shape="poly" coords="124,116,128,121,120,128,111,140,109,129,23,127,21,70,15,60,2,33,74,33,79,39,78,51,95,76,103,77,100,87,101,95,108,103,113,111,114,118" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('missouri');" alt="Missouri" title="Missouri"> <area shape="poly" coords="129,117,131,109,136,104,138,91,144,80,142,19,137,4,99,3,102,14,94,22,87,22,90,34,81,45,78,50,94,75,105,77,103,88,104,97,112,107,116,114" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('illonois');" alt="Illonois" title="Illonois"> <area shape="poly" coords="204,177,109,176,123,139,249,139" href="#" onMouseUp="javascript: changemap('tennessee');" alt="Tennessee" title="Tennessee"> </map> <map name="arkansas"> <area shape="rect" coords="240,135,284,163" href="/branches/westmemphis.php" alt="West Memphis" title="West Memphis"> <area shape="circle" coords="209,143,7" href="/branches/westmemphis.php" alt="West Memphis" title="West Memphis"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="mississippi"> <area shape="rect" coords="20,177,64,191" href="/branches/jackson.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="circle" coords="103,183,8" href="/branches/jackson.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="rect" coords="217,198,277,214" href="/branches/hattiesburg.php" alt="Hattiesburg" title="Hattiesburg"> <area shape="circle" coords="175,208,7" href="/branches/hattiesburg.php" alt="Hattiesburg" title="Hattiesburg"> <area shape="rect" coords="222,96,279,111" href="/branches/columbus.php" alt="Columbus" title="Columbus"> <area shape="circle" coords="195,106,8" href="/branches/columbus.php" alt="Columbus" title="Columbus"> <area shape="rect" coords="222,71,261,85" href="/branches/tupelo.php" alt="Tupelo" title="Tupelo"> <area shape="circle" coords="174,84,6" href="/branches/tupelo.php" alt="Tupelo" title="Tupelo"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="missouri"> <area shape="rect" coords="195,262,243,275" href="/branches/sikeston.php" alt="Sikeston" title="Sikeston"> <area shape="circle" coords="216,199,7" href="/branches/sikeston.php" alt="Sikeston" title="Sikeston"> <area shape="rect" coords="247,173,280,186" href="/branches/ozora.php" alt="Ozora" title="Ozora"> <area shape="circle" coords="206,182,6" href="/branches/ozora.php" alt="Ozora" title="Ozora"> <area shape="rect" coords="232,158,278,169" href="/branches/sullivan.php" alt="Sullivan" title="Sullivan"> <area shape="circle" coords="194,165,7" href="/branches/sullivan.php" alt="Sullivan" title="Sullivan"> <area shape="rect" coords="228,128,275,142" href="/branches/stlouis.php" alt="St. Louis" title="St. Louis"> <area shape="circle" coords="206,137,8" href="/branches/stlouis.php" alt="St Louis" title="St Louis"> <area shape="rect" coords="198,97,258,112" href="/branches/wentzville.php" alt="Wentzville" title="Wentzville"> <area shape="circle" coords="182,130,6" href="/branches/wentzville.php" alt="Wentzville" title="Wentzville"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="kentucky"> <area shape="rect" coords="24,218,72,231" href="/branches/paducah.php" alt="Paducah" title="Paducah"> <area shape="circle" coords="46,190,6" href="/branches/paducah.php" alt="Paducah" title="Paducah"> <area shape="rect" coords="35,127,95,141" href="/branches/henderson.php" alt="Henderson" title="Henderson"> <area shape="circle" coords="63,174,7" href="/branches/henderson.php" alt="Henderson" title="Henderson"> <area shape="rect" coords="94,218,175,232" href="/branches/bowlinggreen.php" alt="Bowling Green" title="Bowling Green"> <area shape="circle" coords="127,188,6" href="/branches/bowlinggreen.php" alt="Bowling Green" title="Bowling Green"> <area shape="rect" coords="108,75,159,90" href="/branches/louisville.php" alt="Louisville" title="Louisville"> <area shape="circle" coords="144,130,7" href="/branches/louisville.php" alt="Louisville" title="Louisville"> <area shape="rect" coords="179,75,232,89" href="/branches/georgetown.php" alt="Lexington" title="Lexington"> <area shape="circle" coords="193,127,8" href="/branches/georgetown.php" alt="Lexington" title="Lexington"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="indiana"> <area shape="rect" coords="18,199,73,213" href="/branches/vincennes.php" alt="Vincennes" title="Vincennes"> <area shape="circle" coords="110,204,6" href="/branches/vincennes.php" alt="Vincennes" title="Vincennes"> <area shape="rect" coords="210,180,273,193" href="/branches/clarksville.php" alt="Clarksville" title="Clarksville"> <area shape="circle" coords="187,186,6" href="/branches/clarksville.php" alt="Clarksville" title="Clarksville"> <area shape="rect" coords="211,117,276,132" href="/branches/indianapolis.php" alt="Indianapolis" title="Indianapolis"> <area shape="circle" coords="159,124,5" href="/branches/indianapolis.php" alt="Indianapolis" title="Indianapolis"> <area shape="rect" coords="211,101,250,113" href="/branches/muncie.php" alt="Muncie" title="Muncie"> <area shape="circle" coords="178,116,7" href="/branches/muncie.php" alt="Muncie" title="Muncie"> <area shape="rect" coords="212,46,257,60" href="/branches/fremont.php" alt="Fremont" title="Fremont"> <area shape="circle" coords="185,55,7" href="/branches/fremont.php" alt="Fremont" title="Fremont"> <area shape="rect" coords="36,73,92,86" href="/branches/ftwayne.php" alt="Ft. Wayne" title="Ft. Wayne"> <area shape="circle" coords="179,79,5" href="/branches/ftwayne.php" alt="Ft. Wayne" title="Ft. Wayne"> <area shape="rect" coords="36,109,87,121" href="/branches/lafayette.php" alt="Lafayette" title="Lafayette"> <area shape="circle" coords="138,113,6" href="/branches/lafayette.php" alt="Lafayette" title="Lafayette"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="illonois"> <area shape="rect" coords="28,184,89,197" href="/branches/estlouis.php" alt="East St. Louis" title="East St. Louis"> <area shape="circle" coords="126,192,6" href="/branches/estlouis.php" alt="East St. Louis" title="East St. Louis"> <area shape="circle" coords="148,153,5" href="/branches/effingham.php" alt="Effingham" title="Effingham"> <area shape="rect" coords="218,146,273,159" href="/branches/effingham.php" alt="Effingham" title="Effingham"> <area shape="rect" coords="219,120,260,134" href="/branches/urbana.php" alt="Urbana" title="Urbana"> <area shape="circle" coords="164,130,6" href="/branches/urbana.php" alt="Urbana" title="Urbana"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="tennessee"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,199,49,213" href="/branches/memphis.php" alt="Memphis" title="Memphis"> <area shape="circle" coords="25,170,7" href="/branches/memphis.php" alt="Memphis" title="Memphis"> <area shape="rect" coords="41,80,90,94" href="/branches/jacksontn.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="circle" coords="64,149,8" href="/branches/jacksontn.php" alt="Jackson" title="Jackson"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> <map name="ohio"> <area shape="rect" coords="49,221,105,237" href="/branches/cincinatti.php" alt="Cincinatti" title="Cincinatti"> <area shape="circle" coords="74,162,7" href="/branches/cincinatti.php" alt="Cincinatti" title="Cincinatti"> <area shape="rect" coords="6,138,46,151" href="/branches/dayton.php" alt="Dayton" title="Dayton"> <area shape="circle" coords="91,146,6" href="/branches/dayton.php" alt="Dayton" title="Dayton"> <area shape="rect" coords="130,275,283,290" href="#" onClick="javascript: changemap('regionview');" alt="Overview" title="Overview"> </map> This is exactly how it is in my html files. I really appreciate any input, suggestions or comments you can give me. Thanks in advance! Greetings, I am currently using the websites tutorial about browser detection using the navigator. I am however finding myself unable to detect a pattern in order to learn from. My aim is to use Browser detection to have a CSS file for each browser type, such as Firefox, IE, Opera, Safari and then an overall CSS file if none of the above, to fix numerous flaws. For IE and Firefox using the site's code is all well and good and while I haven't tested it yet I'm wondering how to set up the coding so that it can detect a safari browser. There are lots of slashes and d's and brackets and I do find myself unable to understand their purpose. So if someone can explain how I could do it for Safari I would be very appreciative. I need a script that will redirect to a specific page is the browser is safari version 4. if the browser is NOT safari 4 I want the browser to stay on the current page.
Hello, I have a question what is the best way to identify a browser, browser version and OS in javascript. I have try a few scripts but they all fail. This will help me out formating the code for diferent browsers. Thanks Hey, new guy here, not sure if this should be under XML, but this was my best guess. Am working with javascript, need to pull the text content from a bunch of places on the page, then I build xml with them, and now i want to have a button that will take user to a page in the browser where all they see is the raw xml tree. Help? hey all is there a code where I can detect if the browser is IE6 or IE7 and send them to another webpage? my current design is not compatible with IE6 or 7 and i want to make a new page that's compatible. thanks! I have code that I've been using for awhile now that will automatically log users off my site after a period of time. It works great using a 32 bit browser but not at all with a 64 bit browser. For the life of me I can't figure this out. <script type='text/javascript'> var secondsRemaining = 30; var mhcTimer; function countDown() { secondsRemaining -= 1; if (secondsRemaining <= 0) { secondsRemaining = 0; window.location='login.aspx'; } } function startAutoLogoff() { if (mhcTimer) { return false; } else { mhcTimer = setInterval('countDown();', 1000); } } startAutoLogoff(); </script> Hi, On, I added a div layer that would ask people for an email address and if you don't like to, you camn click the cross to close that layer. This works just fine in Google Chrome but I today realized that it doesn't work for other browsers, not in IE nor in Firefox. Does anyone have any hints, suggestions and tips how to resolve this to get it working properly in all browsers? Firefox says it can't find the function closediv() - but why not, it is there, I can look at the source and I see it.... any clues would be awesome! Thank you very much, help is appreciated! Ron Hello, I couldn't find another thread that had this problem but it seems like it would be fairly simple. I am also just now starting to learn JavaScript. But when I enter this code into Notepad++ Code: <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY> <SCRIPT type = "text/javascript"> document.write("Hello World"); </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML> Instead of printing out "Hello World" as it should, it simply shows me the code I wrote line for line. I have tried opening in both Chrome and IE and since all other webpages work fine I assume that both browsers have javascript enabled. Thanks in advance Hi, I wrote some javascript for a slideshow. The main webpage contains: Code: <FORM NAME="myform"> <IMG SRC="firstimage.jpg" NAME="mypic"><br> <INPUT TYPE="text" SIZE="180" NAME="mycaption" VALUE="First Caption"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Prev" NAME="prevbutton" DISABLED=true ONCLICK="slideshowBack()"> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Next" NAME="nextbutton" ONCLICK="slideshowUp()"> </FORM> which assigns the image and caption for the first picture, and sets the Prev and Next buttons to disabled and not disabled respectively. So you start with the first image and caption, and an enabled "Next" button. I have global javascript variables: num (init to 1), max (init to 7), img1..7 (new Image ()), img1..7.src (filenames for the images), text1..7 (captions for the images), map1..7 (maps for the images). The function for moving to the next slide is: Code: function slideshowUp() { num=num+1 if (num==max+1) {num=1} document.mypic.src=eval("img"+num+".src") document.getElementById("mypic").useMap=eval("map"+num) document.myform.mycaption.value=eval("text"+num) document.getElementById("prevbutton").disabled=(num==1) document.getElementById("nextbutton").disabled=(num==max) } I developed this in HMTLPad (10.2) and it works perfectly in that program's preview mode. But it won't work in the main browsers! In IE 9 (9.0.33), when you click the Next button, nothing at all happens. Image and caption stay the same, Next stays enabled, Prev stays disabled. Maps don't work. Chrome (38.0.2125.122 m) and Firefox (27.0) behave like each other. The images change, but not the captions or the Prev/Next buttons. Maps don't work. Is this to be expected? If so, how do I work around it? I am attempting to make an page on my website where visitors can set my website as their homepage. I am trying to make my website read which browser my visitors are using and then redirects them to the page for the right browser where I can tell them how they can set my website as their homepage. Basically I need exactly the same thing as THIS. Could you explain to me in plain English how I can realize this. This is what I know have: Code: <table width="759" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <tr align="center"> <td width="378" height="28" align="right">Selecteer jouw browser </td> <td width="16"></td> <td width="365" align="left"><form id="browserSelection" name="browserSelection" action="customizeBrowser" method="GET"><select name="browser" size="1" id="browser" onchange="document.browserSelection.submit();"><option value="ff" selected>Firefox</option><option value="ie">Internet Explorer</option><option value="chrome">Chrome</option><option value="opera">Opera</option><option value="safari">Safari</option></select></form></td> </tr> </table> ________________________________________ Please tell me if I make any English mistakes in my posts. I am trying to write as perfectly possible. Hi Guys Is it possible to combine the following to bits of code. The first code will send the user to the browser home page if using IE. Code:[[a href="about:home">home</a>]] The second code will send the user to the browser home page if using Firfox. Code:[[input type="button" onclick="if (window.home) window.home()" value="Home">]] Both codes work in their respective browsers, but can they be combind. As the man from Tesco's says "Every little helps". Regards, Dingbat Hello all, I've got a cross browser issue with two javascript codes I'm using within a website: Someone just pointed out today that they don't see my gallery (galleria javascript) nor my rollover on the size guide. The site works great on the iphone, firefox, and safari, but not in Internet Explorer. I really have no idea what the issue could be as I don't do this too often but I would greatly appreciate any of your help! Thanks this function seems to be working fine in all browser but of course. I'm still a noob at JavaScript and well things like this just doesn't make sense. when I go to alert this function in IE I get undefined. But other browser gives me a value. What am I doing wrong with this function? Code: function ext() { var img = document.getElementById('photoSmall'); img = img.src; if (typeof img == 'string' && img != 'undefined') { var typeis = img.substr(-4); if (typeis == '.png' || '.jpg' || '.gif') { return typeis; } } } Thanks Jon W Dear All Experts I wrote a simple code in javascript and it is working fine with IE but when I open the page in FireFox or in Google Crome it is not working as I expect. Actually I am enabling and disabling the combo box on the on change event of radio button. Please check the code attached here. And visit my site for output Thanx to all viewer and helper Hi, this will probably make a bit more sense it you read my topic in the HTML section ( where I had a problem with two floating divs, in the end the solution was to give both on my floating divs a fixed width. Now, the menu bar div will always be 150 pixels and i wanted the remaing width to be taken up by the main content div. This script here seems to work very wel in firefox but in ie I get scrollbars. This seems to be because firefox returns the actuall width of the viewing 'frame' while IE seems to give the width of the window itself. PHP Code: <script type="text/javascript"> onload = function getBrowserWidth() { if (!document.all) { var width = document.body.offsetWidth; var newWidth = width - 150; document.getElementById('main').style.width = newWidth; } } </script> After a bit of playing with it I found that IE seems to return in offsetWidth about 19 more pixels than the actual size of the viewable 'frame', can anyone confirm this? Now, when the browser window is resized I want the width of the element to be resized as well, which meant I had to add to the body tag <body onresize="getBrowserWidth();"> is there a better way to attach the function to when the window is resized? I am not sure how Opera and Safari return offsetWidth and if they do it like mozilla, or need special values like IE does to make it fit. Thanks for all of your help with any of these 'mini' questions I was wondering if there was any way to determine what browser the remote address is using through JavaScript preferably or any other language and if so how to direct them to another page if they're using a specific browser...
Hi all, How could I make a web page redirect if the user is browsing in Internet Explorer 9. Thanks in advance. ~Ben In the past I write the jave script to popup windows in the browser for tell our visitor about news & event but now most of browser will block popup by default. Someone can show me an example about the professional popup with out the block.Thank you