JavaScript - Why Does Ie9 Not Show My Content?
I have two effects, one is a fadein effect and one is a smooth scrolling effect. I also have a simple image slider but that isn't the problem.
It doesn't seem like the fadein is the problem either because when I had non-scrolling (positioned absolute) content "fadein", it wouldn't fadein in IE but at least it showed up, whereas the main content is blocked in IE with a dialogue about not running scripts or activex. Is there a way to overwrite this? I tried running the basic example of smooth scrolling in IE9 and it worked fine without being blocked. My code seems the same! I would be ok with the content just not fading in when using IE9, but if a user doesn't know to enable activex scripts from the dialogue box (assuming they even get a dialogue box), they won't be able to read any of the content which is an issue. Here's the JavaScript in the head section: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script> function goToByScroll(id){ $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#"+id).offset().top},'slow');} </script> <link href="template.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="slider.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#slider").easySlider({ auto: true, continuous: true }); }); </script> <link href="slider2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script> function fadein(){var fade=0,fadein=document.getElementById("fadein").style,ms=(fadein.opacity==0)?0:1,pace=setInterval(Fade,40);function Fade(){if(fade<100){fade+=2;if(ms)fadein.filter="alpha(opacity="+fade+")";else fadein.opacity=(fade/100)}else clearInterval(pace)}}; window.onload=fadein; </script> </head> Similar TutorialsCan anyone tell me how I can change the code below so that instead of all the fade in fade out stuff the function will actually replace whatever is inside a div called Myholder with the response this script pulls in? Here's the code I need to change. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#wait_1').hide(); $('#drop_1').change(function(){ $('#wait_1').show(); $('#result_1').hide(); $.get("func.php", { func: "drop_1", drop_var: $('#drop_1').val() }, function(response){ $('#result_1').fadeOut(); setTimeout("finishAjax('result_1', '"+escape(response)+"')", 400); }); return false; }); }); function finishAjax(id, response) { $('#wait_1').hide(); $('#'+id).html(unescape(response)); $('#'+id).fadeIn(); } </script> drop_1 is the name of a drop down which when changed runs this script which brings back a second dropdown with data relating to the first one. If I need to post more info to get some help with this please let me know. Thanks in advance. When the mouse hover on the navigation (cpanel). it shows the corresponding content under it. but i can't click the link in it. is there a way to get it.i know it will be using setTimeout. but i don't know how to do. thank you. when i change the top value small.but under IE7 and IE6.i still can't click the link in the showing content. display text depending dropdown Hey! I am creating a new function for my website which will make it very nice I believe. But since I am no good at javascript I have got quite stuck here but I don't think it's that hard afterall. Actually I'm not completely sure if javascript is needed but please lead me in the right direction here, I'm lost. What I want to make is depending what checkboxes the visitor choose and then click "Search" he will get a certain result which is categoried under these checkboxes. I don't know what else to say but I hope you get an idea of what I mean, if not please ask and I'll try explain it better. Thankful for your help I want to place a Logo/ad in front of content, there are ways to do it but the problem with them is that they use JS show/hide method. What happens is that the content doesn't load while user is watching the logo/ad, which results as double waiting for the user first for the logo/ad and then the actual flash content loading. So I was thinking if there is a way that a logo/ad could be displayed and at the same time flash content continues to load at the back end. *I didn't ask for a loader that continues to appear until at the back end flash content is done loading, because I found only one script that was able to do so using Jquery but it was designed to work with fixed pixels while my flash content is based on %ages* Live Demo: Note: Sorry for providing blogspot link but JsFiddle is not an option for a person living in Afghanistan with 5KBps but still if you feel that I am missing something please let me know I will edit it and try my best to provide as relevant question as possible ^^ Relevant Markup: Button for lightbox or Modal Window Code: <a class="poplight" href="#?w=100%" rel="popup_name"><img alt="play game" class="happybutton" onmouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=80" onmouseover=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" src="" style="opacity: 0.8;" /></a> Code: <div class="popup_block" id="popup_name"> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('a.poplight[href^=#]').click(function() { $('<iframe/>') .attr('frameborder', 0) .attr('allowTransparency', false) .attr('scrolling', 'no') .attr('width', '100%') .attr('height', '98%') .attr('src', '') .appendTo('#popup_name'); }); }); </script> </div> CSS: Code: #fade { display: none; background: #000; position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: .80; z-index: 9999999; } .popup_block{ width: 98.95%; height: 98.2%; display: none; padding: 0px; line-height:1em; font-size: 1em; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 999999999; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } .close { height:20px; float: right; margin: 0 2px 0 0; } JS (actually Jquery) Code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ //When you click on a link with class of poplight and the href starts with a # $('a.poplight[href^=#]').click(function() { var popID = $(this).attr('rel'); //Get Popup Name var popURL = $(this).attr('href'); //Get Popup href to define size //Pull Query & Variables from href URL var query= popURL.split('?'); var dim= query[1].split('&'); var popWidth = dim[0].split('=')[1]; //Gets the first query string value //Fade in the Popup and add close button $('#' + popID).fadeIn().css({ 'width': Number( popWidth ) }).prepend('<a href="#" title="Close It" class="close"><img src="" alt="Close" width="20" height="20" /></a>'); //Define margin for center alignment (vertical + horizontal) - we add 80 to the height/width to accomodate for the padding + border width defined in the css var popMargTop = ($('#' + popID).height() + 0) / 0; var popMargLeft = ($('#' + popID).width() + 0) / 0; //Apply Margin to Popup $('#' + popID).css({ 'margin-top' : -popMargTop, 'margin-left' : -popMargLeft }); //Fade in Background $('body').append('<div id="fade"></div>'); //Add the fade layer to bottom of the body tag. $('#fade').css({'filter' : 'alpha(opacity=80)'}).fadeIn(); //Fade in the fade layer return false; }); //Close Popups and Fade Layer $('a.close, #fade').live('click', function() { //When clicking on the close or fade layer... $('#fade , .popup_block').fadeOut(function() { $('#fade, a.close').remove(); }); //fade them both out return false; }); }); </script> Hi ya all, how can I show / hide the content of sub divs based on whether the input is != or = and be able to repeat this. I tried to hide the sub divs using , onclick if bla bla = '' ; Code: document.getElementById('hideme').innerHTML = ''; which works, but once I try to enter a new input, then nothing happens, even if the content of the sub divs is = input thx Hi, I'm very new to coding Javascript, so have no idea what I'm doing, so sorry What I'm trying to do is, on my Wordpress Blog I have a button/Image: Code: src="" I would like for when a user Clicks this Image/button, 2 things to happen - 1. For my Content Locker to pop up, I believe that i already have the correct code for that?: Code: onclick="var fileref=document.createElement('script');fileref.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); fileref.setAttribute('src', '') For this content locker to trigger, The whole action needs to have a ID e.g. 'ID="button1'? And 2. For a timer to start for say 30 Seconds. When that timer ends, i would like the original button/image to be replaced with a different button/image. And when that New button is clicked i would like a text string to appear below the button - saying something e.g. 'You've completed this part' I know that this is a lot to ask, and I will be so very grateful if someone helps me out here! Thanks! Harry. I'l not good in Javascript and I can't find anything about what I want.. . On a sports website there is a table with our ranking and results. On this site the content is changed weekly, but it stays in the same tables.. . Is it possible to make a javascript to get those tables and put them on my own website so the content will change on my site when the content is changed on the sports site? Please help me, it would save me lot of time.. . THx Hi all, I am using;xmlhttp.send(); to send a php content to a div. This php content is again using the same method to get php content from a further page. The content of the div, does not seem to be using the css and javascript files defined in the calling pages <head> section. Does anyone know why this is? Is there a workaround or solution to this problem? It might be easier to understand looking at the code, so Background info: Javascript file: scripts.js client.php ----> loads data from: display_client.php display_client.php ----> loads data from: display_brand.php Code: client.php display_client.php display_brand.php scripts.js Thanks! How do I show the default icon for pdf, doc, etc... else show the image? Code: Show the default icon for pdf, doc, etc... else show image. Default icon: '<img alt="" src="images/icons/' + sIcon + '.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"><\/a>' + The image: '<img alt="" src="' + fileUrl.replace( /'/g, '\\\'') + '" height="36" border="0"></a>' + Attempted javascript onError but only certain browsers support that or it's my code. Code: '<img alt="" src="' + fileUrl.replace( /'/g, '\\\'') + '" height="36" border="0" onerror="this.src=images/icons/' + sIcon + '.gif"></a>' + Any ideas? Ok, I would post my entire data here but then yall would be reading insane amounts of script. I've got a div content jquery slider on my site I am making and it works beautifully in all browsers(took me a while). Then, I decided why not have it where when people click on a "read more" link that it pops up a box, instead of directing to the new page, and displays the contents of a div. It would not work at all. My question is there a possible way to do this?
Hello all, I have this code where you click on a state and it gives you haunted places for that state. Here's my HTML code: Code: <img src="media/us_map.gif" border="0" usemap="#map" style="border:1px solid #999999;padding:5px;background-color:white;"/> <map name="map" id="map"> <area onclick="me();" title="Maine"shape="poly" coords="532,77,522,52,525,51,527,47,526,38,525,29,528,18,532,20,536,15,541,18,546,34,560,45"Maine" /> <area onclick="nh();" title="New Hampshire" shape="poly" coords="517,83,517,64,523,56,532,81,519,86"New_Hampshire" /> <area onclick="vt();" title="Vermont" shape="poly" coords="502,58,505,78,508,84,511,92,519,88,516,66,520,55"Vermont" /> <area onclick="ma();" title="Massachusetts" shape="poly" coords="543,91,546,94,538,98,533,94,532,92,512,100,512,93,533,81,518,86,531,85,538,87"Massachusetts" /> <area onclick="ri();" title="Rhode Island" shape="poly" coords="528,95,531,104,536,98,531,94"Rhode_Island" /> <area onclick="ct();" title="Connecticut" shape="poly" coords="513,101,515,111,529,104,528,96,524,97"Connecticut" /> <area onclick="ny();" title="New York" shape="poly" coords="529,110,519,118,510,119,494,104,453,114,449,109,455,104,453,97,458,94,471,92,479,85,472,78,480,75,481,67,498,61,490,62,501,61,504,78,511,92,510,100,514,110,514,114,511,112"New_York" /> <area onclick="nj();" title="New Jersey" shape="poly" coords="501,134,507,140,512,125,509,123,511,114,502,109,500,112,497,121,505,127,506,125,500,132"New_Jersey" /> <area onclick="de();" title="Delaware" shape="poly" coords="495,136,500,152,507,148,498,134"Delaware" /> <area onclick="md();" title="Maryland" shape="poly" coords="502,167,506,156,507,149,501,153,492,137,460,142,460,148,465,147,473,144,479,146,483,147"Maryland" /> <area onclick="pa();" title="Pennsylvania" shape="poly" coords="463,150,458,119,464,114,468,119,509,110,515,115,512,126,518,132,512,140"Pennsylvania" /> <area onclick="wv();" title="West Virginia" shape="poly" coords="436,176,429,167,432,159,447,145,458,145,447,149,459,145,461,150,470,147,464,160,457,162,452,178"West_Virginia" /> <area onclick="va();" title="Virginia" shape="poly" coords="427,190,437,178,450,180,458,163,465,162,471,146,485,150,495,163,502,176"Virginia" /> <area onclick="nc();" title="North Carolina" shape="poly" coords="418,216,431,214,439,207,450,206,455,208,468,209,484,221,487,217,497,205,501,204,511,193,505,176,446,185,441,198,432,197,420,212"North_Carolina" /> <area onclick="sc();" title="South Carolina" shape="poly" coords="430,215,436,220,445,230,457,238,459,250,485,221,470,210,449,205,438,208"South_Carolina" /> <area onclick="ga();" title="Georgia" shape="poly" coords="415,275,415,251,405,216,429,215,445,231,455,238,459,251,456,267,451,272,450,276,445,272"Georgia" /> <area onclick="fl();" title="Flordia" shape="poly" coords="387,275,386,283,398,282,409,284,416,290,429,282,439,289,445,292,445,311,456,326,462,335,470,341,463,351,471,349,479,339,481,325,476,310,470,298,462,284,458,270,452,275,445,272,418,277,413,271"Florida" /> <area onclick="al();" title="Alabama" shape="poly" coords="377,284,374,221,403,218,412,247,413,272,389,272,384,282"Alabama" /> <area onclick="ms();" title="Mississippi" shape="poly" coords="341,277,348,260,345,251,346,234,354,221,373,220,376,285,365,288,362,278"Mississippi" /> <area onclick="la();" title="Lousiana" shape="poly" coords="313,297,319,278,312,266,311,246,316,250,342,250,347,259,342,278,361,279,364,289,363,297,368,302,358,303,348,305,341,294,330,302"Louisiana" /> <area onclick="tn();" title="Tennasee" shape="poly" coords="356,220,361,200,372,199,445,187,442,198,432,196,419,216"Tennasee" /> <area onclick="ky();" title="Kentucky" shape="poly" coords="363,198,365,191,370,191,371,182,386,178,405,160,415,165,427,164,436,178,424,189"Kentucky" /> <area onclick="oh();" title="Ohio" shape="poly" coords="407,160,400,124,413,121,423,125,431,123,439,116,447,143,431,159,430,163,415,162,421,163"Ohio" /> <area onclick="mi();" title="Michigan" shape="poly" coords="381,124,387,112,381,101,381,89,395,68,400,73,405,76,410,86,405,95,406,103,414,91,419,101,420,111,412,122"Michigan" /> <area onclick="mi();" title="Michigan" shape="poly" coords="341,62,353,70,366,74,367,85,371,70,381,70,390,64,399,66,400,54,360,46"Michigan" /> <area onclick="ind();" title="Indiana" shape="poly" coords="375,180,375,129,384,125,400,124,408,160,388,177"Indiana" /> <area onclick="il();" title="Illinois" shape="poly" coords="364,192,356,184,348,177,350,170,344,169,334,154,338,150,339,138,347,127,344,124,340,120,368,116,373,130,375,180,368,180,369,189"Illinois" /> <area onclick="wi();" title="Wisconsin" shape="poly" coords="339,121,335,106,319,91,316,78,324,73,322,65,336,59,364,77,365,90,373,80,367,113,368,116"Wisconsin" /> <area onclick="mn();" title="Minnesota" shape="poly" coords="286,108,286,86,280,80,283,74,280,33,298,33,323,45,343,43,322,66,324,73,316,80,318,90,337,107"Minnesota" /> <area onclick="ia();" title="Iowa" shape="poly" coords="285,108,284,123,292,148,337,148,338,138,346,127,341,120,335,107"Iowa" /> <area onclick="mo();" title="Missouri" shape="poly" coords="293,150,301,157,299,163,309,171,305,198,354,200,352,207,360,206,365,194,347,177,349,171,344,169,334,154,339,148"Missouri" /> <area onclick="ar();" title="Arkansas" shape="poly" coords="309,243,307,199,352,203,348,208,358,207,356,220,346,234,344,247,314,248,341,248,318,251"Arkansas" /> <area onclick="nd();" title="North Dakota" shape="poly" coords="215,73,219,31,278,32,281,76"North_Dakota" /> <area onclick="sd();" title="South Dakota" shape="poly" coords="209,112,216,74,279,77,285,85,282,121,276,115,270,117,264,114"South_Dakota" /> <area onclick="ne();" title="Nebraska" shape="poly" coords="209,136,210,113,264,114,267,116,275,117,282,122,292,152,294,154,229,152,226,142,228,139"Nebraska" /> <area onclick="ks();" title="Kansas" shape="poly" coords="227,192,227,152,294,155,301,159,294,163,309,172,304,197"Kansas" /> <area onclick="ok();" title="Oklahoma" shape="poly" coords="213,199,214,192,306,199,309,244,291,241,271,243,256,235,246,233,247,202"Oklahoma" /> <area onclick="tx();" title="Texas" shape="poly" coords="168,258,170,270,184,280,188,296,201,303,212,294,224,294,242,318,253,338,274,348,273,324,312,299,317,278,310,268,311,245,290,242,276,245,255,237,245,233,246,203,213,200,209,259"Texas" /> <area onclick="mt();" title="Montana" shape="poly" coords="115,16,110,30,120,50,115,61,123,61,129,82,148,79,211,86,218,30"Montana" /> <area onclick="wy();" title="Wyoming" shape="poly" coords="137,127,145,79,213,87,209,105,209,138"Wyoming" /> <area onclick="co();" title="Colorado" shape="poly" coords="153,184,161,132,227,140,228,149,226,191"Colorado" /> <area onclick="nm();" title="New Mexico" shape="poly" coords="140,261,153,182,213,190,208,257,151,253,149,263"New_Mexico" /> <area onclick="idaho();" title="Idaho" shape="poly" coords="79,105,90,74,86,73,99,61,95,49,106,13,114,16,109,27,119,49,115,60,122,64,128,82,145,81,136,114"Idaho" /> <area onclick="ut();" title="Utah" shape="poly" coords="98,175,111,112,135,113,135,125,160,130,153,184"Utah" /> <area onclick="az();" title="Arizona" shape="poly" coords="80,236,117,255,135,263,152,186,99,174,92,192,89,191,89,214"Arizona" /> <area onclick="wa();" title="Washington" shape="poly" coords="34,34,41,37,44,47,95,51,105,12,60,1,57,14,51,20,49,11,38,6"Washington" /> <area onclick="or();" title="Oregon" shape="poly" coords="79,102,11,85,34,34,42,37,42,49,94,52,98,62,85,72,89,77"Oregon" /> <area onclick="nv();" title="Nevada" shape="poly" coords="53,98,42,134,87,199,89,190,93,191,97,174,110,112"Nevada" /> <area onclick="ca();" title="California" shape="poly" coords="78,234,51,233,41,209,30,198,21,197,21,185,13,166,14,158,7,150,6,108,12,88,53,97,42,135,87,200,85,216"California" /> <area onclick="ak();" title="Alaska" shape="poly" coords="0,370,133,345,101,312,84,315,69,256,26,252,6,252,0,252"Alaska" /> <area onclick="hi();" title="Hawaii" hape="poly" coords="139,322,159,355,193,364,221,362,197,331,158,320"Hawaii" /> <area onclick="dc();" title="Washington DC" shape="rect" coords="514,182,535,196"Washington DC" /> <area onclick="md();" title="Maryland" shape="rect" coords="517,160,540,174"Maryland" /> <area onclick="de();" title="Delaware" shape="rect" coords="531,141,550,156"Delaware" /> <area onclick="nj();" title="New Jersey" shape="rect" coords="519,125,538,138"New_Jersey" /> <area onclick="ct();" title="Connecticut" shape="rect" coords="532,113,549,125"Connecticut" /> <area onclick="ri();" title="Rhode Island" shape="rect" coords="558,94,571,108"Rhode_Island" /> <area onclick="ma();" title="Massachusetts" shape="rect" coords="549,72,568,86"Massachusetts" /> <area onclick="nh();" title="New Hampshire" shape="rect" coords="502,29,522,42"New_Hampshire" /> <area onclick="vt();" title="Vermont" shape="rect" coords="476,29,496,44"Vermont" /> </map> </td> <td valign="top"> <div style="text-align:left; width:412px; height:362px; border:1px solid #999999;padding:10px;background-color:white; overflow:auto;margin-left:5px;" id="states"><span>Click a state to the right to see where that state's haunted places are.</span></div></td> So what happens is you click on a state and it will show what's under that states line inside this JS file: That works fine but if I try and put lots of text inside it, it won't work. I have to put each state inside this and here's what alabama looks like: So here's a quick recap. If I try and put the Albany data into the JS file, it won't show. I even tried this: Code: <!--#include virtual='alabama.html'--> But that didn't work either. Thanks in advance! I'm having some problems hiding a div block and displaying another one. this is my first attempt and creating something with JavaScript with out using a tutorial or anything so i would really appreciate any help, so i can learn what i want is to have a div block display initially so when a user goes to the page they see the registration form, but if they already have an account they can just click a link that says log in and the registration form hides and the login form shows. However right now its only hiding both and not displaying anything when the link is clicked Here's the javascript code i'm using Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function toggleview(id) { var login = document.getElementById(id); var regsiter = document.getElementById(id); if(id == 'login' ) == 'block'; == 'none'; } </script> And here is what my link looks like Code: <h4><a href="#" onclick="toggleview('login')">Allready Have an Account?</a></h4> my javascript clock suddenly disappeared. I don't know what happened. It's an external file. I have<script language="javascript" src="main.js"></script> in the head section of my html and the .js looks like this but it's not showing up. I haven't made any changes unless I'm just remembering wrong function startTime() { var now = new Date(); var h=now.getHours(); var min=now.getMinutes(); var s=now.getSeconds(); var ampm=(now.getHours()>11)?"PM":"AM"; var d=now.getDay() var y=now.getFullYear() var mon=now.getMonth() var dm=now.getDate() if (h>12) h-=12; if (h==0) h=12; if (min<10) min="0"+m; if (s<10) s="0"+s; if (dm<10) dm="0"+dm; if (d==0) d="Sun"; if (d==1) d="Mon"; if (d==2) d="Tues"; if (d==3) d="Wed"; if (d==4) d="Thurs"; if (d==5) d="Fri"; if (d==6) d="Sat"; mon+=1; document.getElementById("time").innerHTML=h+":"+min+":"+s+""+ampm+" "+d+" "+mon+" "+dm+" "+y; t=setTimeout('startTime()',1000); } function checkTime(i) { if (i<10) { i="0" + i; } return i; } Hey guys, I already saw this post but I wasn't sure if it took care of the question I'm asking. I have the following javascript ad code right before the </body> tag: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> This is a slider ad that shows every time the person comes to the page I have it on. I'd like to show this ad only once per 24 hours per visitor. Can someone please help me out with code to do this? I'm kinda newbish at this. Thanks so much! Hello, I'm trying to have a div be hidden on loading the page but when you click a link it will show the div... here's code I have but it doesn't show when you click the link... <script type="text/javascript"> function show(){ document.getElementById(test).style.display="block"; } </script> <div id="test" style="display:none;"> <p>Some text</p> </div> <a href="#" onclick="show(); return false;">Show</a> I am looking for a way to show more or less text. I want to show 600 characters by default and if show more is clicked it will show 600 more characters and then if clicked again shows 600 more untill there are no more characters. I also would like a show less button to collapse the text back to its default 600 characters. I have pages with 5000+ words and this would make reading much easier and make it look nicer. Right now I am using this to show the first 600 chars and when show more is clicked it expands all the way. Code: $(document).ready(function() { var showChar = 600; var ellipsestext = "..."; var moretext = "View more"; var lesstext = "View less"; $('.more').each(function() { var content = $(this).html(); if(content.length > showChar) { var c = content.substr(0, showChar); var h = content.substr(showChar-1, content.length - showChar); var html = c + '<span class="moreelipses">'+ellipsestext+'</span> <span class="morecontent"><span>' + h + ' </span><a rel="nofollow" href="" class="morelink">'+moretext+'</a></span>'; $(this).html(html); } }); $(".morelink").click(function(){ if($(this).hasClass("less")) { $(this).removeClass("less"); $(this).html(moretext); } else { $(this).addClass("less"); $(this).html(lesstext); } $(this).parent().prev().toggle(); $(this).prev().toggle(); return false; }); }); I am looking for any code or this code to be altered to show 600 characters by default and 600 more when show more is clicked and so on. I don't care how it is done, whether it be javascript or jquery or anything I would just like it to work and I have very little knowledge of java and if anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. thanks. So i have this code and i know its a lot but my question is when you create a mine or a sawmill it does not add to the number of them it only work with farms. But when you create any of them it still works it just does not show how many you have. HTML Code: <body onload="sstart(); clock(); "> Time:<input type="text" id="timeee" value="15" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Rounds:<input type="text" id="rounds" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Popularity:<input type="text" id="popularity" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Population: <input type="text" id="pop" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY />/ <input type="text" id="pop2" value="0" size="1"style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Coin:<input type="text" id="coin" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Lumber:<input type="text" id="lumber" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Iron:<input type="text" id="iron" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> Food:<input type="text" id="food" value="0" size="1" style="background-color:transparent;border:0px solid white;" READONLY /> <br/> <hr/> <br/> <input type="button" onclick="showfood()" id="food" value=" Food " /> <input type="button" onclick="showsw()" id="SM" value=" Saw Mill " /> <input type="button" onclick="showmine()" id="SM" value=" Mines " /> <input type="button" onclick="showtax()" id="tax" value=" Tax " /> <input type="button" onclick="" id="housing" value=" People " /> <input type="button" onclick="" id="army" value=" Army " /> <input type="button" onclick="" id="trade" value=" World " /> <br/> <Br/> <span id="main"></span> Script Code: //////////time time function time(){ res [3] [1] += res [7] [1]; res [2] [1] += res [9] [1]; res [1] [1] += res [11] [1]; res [3] [1] -= res [5] [2] ; //res [3] [1] -= res [5] [1] ; } function sstart(){ var b=setTimeout("start();",1); var b=setTimeout("clocka();",15000); var b=setTimeout("time();",15000); var b=setTimeout("sstart();",15000); } function clock(){ document.getElementById("timeee").value --; var b=setTimeout("clock();",1000); } function clocka(){ document.getElementById("timeee").value = 15; document.getElementById("rounds").value ++; } ///////////////////////time var res = new Array res [0] = ["Coin: ",50,0]; res [1] = ["Lumber: ",100,0]; res [2] = ["Iron: ",25,0]; res [3] = ["Food: ",100,0]; res [4] = ["Popularity: ",0,0]; res [5] = ["POP: ",0,10]; res [6] = ["farms: ",0,0]; res [7] = ["CIfarms: ",0,0]; res [8] = ["mine: ",0,0]; res [9] = ["CImine: ",0,0]; res [10] = ["SW: ",0,0]; res [11] = ["CISW: ",0,0]; res [12] = ["FoodI: ",10,0]; res [13] = ["IronI: ",3,0]; res [14] = ["LumberI: ",10,0]; res [15] = ["TAX: ",0,0]; res [16] = ["CItax: ",0,0]; function start(){ document.getElementById("coin").value = res [0] [1]; document.getElementById("lumber").value = res [1] [1]; document.getElementById("iron").value = res [2] [1]; document.getElementById("food").value = res [3] [1]; document.getElementById("popularity").value = res [4] [1]; document.getElementById("pop").value = res [5] [1]; document.getElementById("pop2").value = res [5] [2]; document.getElementById("farms").innerHTML = res [6] [1]; document.getElementById("CIfarms").innerHTML = res [7] [1]; document.getElementById("mine").innerHTML = res [8] [1]; document.getElementById("CImine").innerHTML = res [9] [1]; document.getElementById("saw mills").innerHTML = res [10] [1]; document.getElementById("CISW").innerHTML = res [11] [1]; document.getElementById("tpp").innerHTML = res [15] [1]; } //FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS FARMS var showfood = function() { var T1 = document.getElementById('main'); var T2 = '<input type="button" value="Build Farm" onclick="buildfarm()" /><br/> Farms:<span id="farms"></span><br/>Current Food Income:<span id="CIfarms"></span> '; T1.innerHTML = T2; start(); } function buildfarm(){ res [6] [1] +=1; res [1] [1] -=20; res [5] [1] +=10; res [0] [1] -=25; res [7] [1] += res [12] [1]; res [2] [1] -=3; start(); } </script> <script> /////////////////////////////mine var showmine = function() { var T3 = document.getElementById('main'); var T4 = '<input type="button" value="Find Mine" onclick="buildmine()" /><br/> Mines:<span id="mine"></span><br/>Current Iron Income:<span id="CImine"></span> '; T3.innerHTML = T4; start(); } function buildmine(){ res [8] [1] +=1; res [5] [1] +=15; res [0] [1] -=50; res [9] [1] += res [13] [1]; res [2] [1] -=7; res [1] [1] -=15; start(); } </script> <script> ///////////////////////////////SAWMILL var showsw = function() { var T5 = document.getElementById('main'); var T6 = '<input type="button" value="Build Saw Mill" onclick="buildsw()" /><br/> Saw Mills:<span id="saw mills"></span><br/>Current lumber Income:<span id="CISW"></span> '; T5.innerHTML = T6; start(); } function buildsw(){ res [2] [1] -=5; res [1] [1] -=20; res [5] [1] +=5; res [0] [1] -=25; res [10] [1] +=1; res [11] [1] += res [14] [1]; start(); } </script> <script> function taxplus(){ res [15] [1] +=1; } var showtax = function() { var T7 = document.getElementById('main'); var T8 = '<input type="button" value="Increase Tax Per Person" onclick="taxplus()" /> Tax Per Person:<span id="tpp"></span>'; T7.innerHTML = T8; start(); } Hi all, Check this code: PHP Code: <a>text</a> <div id="pkg">pkg</div> <div id="table_pkg">table_pkg</div> I'd like to show table_pkg and hide pkg when I click on <a>text</a>. How can I do? Thank you very much hi, I am sooo close to getting my project done, I can now output a town name, using Jquery to output mySQL as JSON the only problem I have now... In my code I have [16] which = 'Andover' Is there a way to output my whole array? can I use .each()? if so, where? thanks here is my code Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script src=""></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function () { $.getJSON('json.php', function(data){ $("#content").html(data[16].Town); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="content"></div> </body> </html> |