JavaScript - Getting Zoom Script To Work On A Gallery Script. Advice Would Be Much Appreciated.
Hi All, I have two scripts which I want to try and integrate. I am using a nice gallery script to show thumbnails which are appended to a an image wrapper which on click of the thumbnail shows the larger image in the image wrapper,
I am trying to implement cloud zoom which is a plugin which uses image srcs to then point to an anchor href to show another larger zoom image either in the same place.. which is what I am trying to do or in another div beside. I have had to set me img srcs up in a certain way to easily enter some product details. and I need to try an manipulate the code to make it work to suit my file layout. I am using a var= images [ with a series of file locations and info such as below { src: 'romanticabride/thumbs/tn_Shauna.jpg', srcBig: 'romanticabride/images/Shauna.jpg', title: 'Shauna', longDescription: '<b><H1>Shauna</H1></b><br><b>Romantica Of Devon <br><br><h2>Sizes Available:</h2><br> 6 - 32.<b><br><b><br><b><b><b><H2>Colours Available:</h2><b><br>Various<br>Please Enquire Below<br><br><br><br><a href=" Enquiry Regarding Romantica Shauna Bridal Gown"class="enquiry rose glow" >Click To Enquire About This Item </a>' }, what I need is for cloud zoom to work when the main image wrapper is hovered over which means it will need to add a class or when the whichever srcBig: is hovered over it gets wrapped by href to make the script work . one of my pages is the cloud zoom script is at I am happy to share a jsfiddle with someone or explain further or post some code. Thank you in advance Similar TutorialsI have the following script that I'm using to make an overlay panel. I didn't write it, but am trying to remove the "zoom out" from it. Here's an example: That tiny little black scribble is my text. I don't want it to zoom the div contents, but instead to simply set height and width of the div. Or better, does anyone know a javascript for a panel attached to the left, which has a resizer to make it wider, and a collapse/expand button? That's all I was looking for. Thanks! Script follows: Code: function Position(x, y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Add = function(val) { var newPos = new Position(this.X, this.Y); if(val != null) { if(!isNaN(val.X)) newPos.X += val.X; if(!isNaN(val.Y)) newPos.Y += val.Y } return newPos; } this.Subtract = function(val) { var newPos = new Position(this.X, this.Y); if(val != null) { if(!isNaN(val.X)) newPos.X -= val.X; if(!isNaN(val.Y)) newPos.Y -= val.Y } return newPos; } this.Min = function(val) { var newPos = new Position(this.X, this.Y) if(val == null) return newPos; if(!isNaN(val.X) && this.X > val.X) newPos.X = val.X; if(!isNaN(val.Y) && this.Y > val.Y) newPos.Y = val.Y; return newPos; } this.Max = function(val) { var newPos = new Position(this.X, this.Y) if(val == null) return newPos; if(!isNaN(val.X) && this.X < val.X) newPos.X = val.X; if(!isNaN(val.Y) && this.Y < val.Y) newPos.Y = val.Y; return newPos; } this.Bound = function(lower, upper) { var newPos = this.Max(lower); return newPos.Min(upper); } this.Check = function() { var newPos = new Position(this.X, this.Y); if(isNaN(newPos.X)) newPos.X = 0; if(isNaN(newPos.Y)) newPos.Y = 0; return newPos; } this.Apply = function(element) { if(typeof(element) == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); if(element == null) return; if(!isNaN(this.X)) = this.X + 'px'; if(!isNaN(this.Y)) = this.Y + 'px'; } } function hookEvent(element, eventName, callback) { if(typeof(element) == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); if(element == null) return; if(element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false); } else if(element.attachEvent) element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, callback); } function unhookEvent(element, eventName, callback) { if(typeof(element) == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); if(element == null) return; if(element.removeEventListener) element.removeEventListener(eventName, callback, false); else if(element.detachEvent) element.detachEvent("on" + eventName, callback); } function cancelEvent(e) { e = e ? e : window.event; if(e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if(e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.cancelBubble = true; e.cancel = true; e.returnValue = false; return false; } function getMousePos(eventObj) { eventObj = eventObj ? eventObj : window.event; var pos; if(isNaN(eventObj.layerX)) pos = new Position(eventObj.offsetX, eventObj.offsetY); else pos = new Position(eventObj.layerX, eventObj.layerY); return correctOffset(pos, pointerOffset, true); } function getEventTarget(e) { e = e ? e : window.event; return ? : e.srcElement; } function absoluteCursorPostion(eventObj) { eventObj = eventObj ? eventObj : window.event; if(isNaN(window.scrollX)) return new Position(eventObj.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft, eventObj.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop); else return new Position(eventObj.clientX + window.scrollX, eventObj.clientY + window.scrollY); } function dragObject(element, attachElement, lowerBound, upperBound, startCallback, moveCallback, endCallback, attachLater) { if(typeof(element) == "string") element = document.getElementById(element); if(element == null) return; var cursorStartPos = null; var elementStartPos = null; var dragging = false; var listening = false; var disposed = false; function dragStart(eventObj) { if(dragging || !listening || disposed) return; dragging = true; if(startCallback != null) startCallback(eventObj, element); cursorStartPos = absoluteCursorPostion(eventObj); elementStartPos = new Position(parseInt(, parseInt(; elementStartPos = elementStartPos.Check(); hookEvent(document, "mousemove", dragGo); hookEvent(document, "mouseup", dragStopHook); return cancelEvent(eventObj); } function dragGo(eventObj) { if(!dragging || disposed) return; var newPos = absoluteCursorPostion(eventObj); newPos = newPos.Add(elementStartPos).Subtract(cursorStartPos); newPos = newPos.Bound(lowerBound, upperBound) newPos.Apply(element); if(moveCallback != null) moveCallback(newPos, element); return cancelEvent(eventObj); } function dragStopHook(eventObj) { dragStop(); return cancelEvent(eventObj); } function dragStop() { if(!dragging || disposed) return; unhookEvent(document, "mousemove", dragGo); unhookEvent(document, "mouseup", dragStopHook); cursorStartPos = null; elementStartPos = null; if(endCallback != null) endCallback(element); dragging = false; } this.Dispose = function() { if(disposed) return; this.StopListening(true); element = null; attachElement = null lowerBound = null; upperBound = null; startCallback = null; moveCallback = null endCallback = null; disposed = true; } this.GetLowerBound = function() { return lowerBound; } this.GetUpperBound = function() { return upperBound; } this.StartListening = function() { if(listening || disposed) return; listening = true; hookEvent(attachElement, "mousedown", dragStart); } this.StopListening = function(stopCurrentDragging) { if(!listening || disposed) return; unhookEvent(attachElement, "mousedown", dragStart); listening = false; if(stopCurrentDragging && dragging) dragStop(); } this.IsDragging = function(){ return dragging; } this.IsListening = function() { return listening; } this.IsDisposed = function() { return disposed; } if(typeof(attachElement) == "string") attachElement = document.getElementById(attachElement); if(attachElement == null) attachElement = element; if(!attachLater) this.StartListening(); } function ResizeableContainer(contentID, parent) { var MINSIZE = 38; var EDGE_THICKNESS = 7; var EDGEDIFFSIZE = 2*EDGE_THICKNESS + 3; var EDGEDIFFPOS = EDGE_THICKNESS + 1; var TEXTDIFF = EDGE_THICKNESS + 2; var _width = 38; var _height = 38; var _maxWidth = 900; var _maxHeight = 600; var _minWidth = MINSIZE; var _minHeight = MINSIZE; var _container = document.createElement('DIV'); _container.className = 'reContainer'; var _content = document.getElementById(contentID); _content.ResizeableContainer = this; _content.className = 'reContent'; var _rightEdge = document.createElement('DIV'); _rightEdge.className = 'reRightEdge'; var _bottomEdge = document.createElement('DIV'); _bottomEdge.className = 'reBottomEdge'; var _cornerHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _cornerHandle.className = 'reCorner'; var _leftCornerHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _leftCornerHandle.className = 'reLeftCorner'; var _topCornerHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _topCornerHandle.className = 'reTopCorner'; var _rightHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _rightHandle.className = 'reRightHandle'; var _bottomHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _bottomHandle.className = 'reBottomHandle'; var _topRightImageHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _topRightImageHandle.className = 'reTopRightImage'; var _bottomLeftImageHandle = document.createElement('DIV'); _bottomLeftImageHandle.className = 'reBottomLeftImage'; var _leftEdge = document.createElement('DIV'); _leftEdge.className = 'reLeftEdge'; var _topEdge = document.createElement('DIV'); _topEdge.className = 'reTopEdge'; _cornerHandle.appendChild(_leftCornerHandle); _cornerHandle.appendChild(_topCornerHandle); _rightEdge.appendChild(_topRightImageHandle); _rightEdge.appendChild(_rightHandle); _bottomEdge.appendChild(_bottomHandle); _bottomEdge.appendChild(_bottomLeftImageHandle); _container.appendChild(_topEdge); _container.appendChild(_leftEdge); _container.appendChild(_rightEdge); _container.appendChild(_bottomEdge); _container.appendChild(_cornerHandle); _container.appendChild(_content); var _rightHandleDrag = new dragObject(_rightEdge, null, new Position(0, 3), new Position(0, 3), moveStart, rightHandleMove, moveEnd, true); var _bottomHandleDrag = new dragObject(_bottomEdge, null, new Position(3, 0), new Position(3, 0), moveStart, bottomHandleMove, moveEnd, true); var _cornerHandleDrag = new dragObject(_cornerHandle, null, new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0), moveStart, cornerHandleMove, moveEnd, true); UpdateBounds(); UpdatePositions(); AddToDocument(); function moveStart(eventObj, element) { if(element == _cornerHandle) = 'se-resize'; else if(element == _bottomEdge) = 's-resize'; else if(element == _rightEdge) = 'e-resize'; } function moveEnd(element) { UpdatePositions(); = 'auto'; } function rightHandleMove(newPos, element) { _width = newPos.X + EDGE_THICKNESS; UpdatePositions(); } function bottomHandleMove(newPos, element) { _height = newPos.Y + EDGE_THICKNESS; UpdatePositions(); } function cornerHandleMove(newPos, element) { _width = newPos.X + EDGE_THICKNESS; _height = newPos.Y + EDGE_THICKNESS; UpdatePositions(); } function UpdateBounds() { _rightHandleDrag.GetLowerBound().X = _minWidth - EDGE_THICKNESS; _rightHandleDrag.GetUpperBound().X = _maxWidth - EDGE_THICKNESS; _bottomHandleDrag.GetLowerBound().Y = _minHeight - EDGE_THICKNESS; _bottomHandleDrag.GetUpperBound().Y = _maxHeight - EDGE_THICKNESS; _cornerHandleDrag.GetLowerBound().X = _minWidth - EDGE_THICKNESS; _cornerHandleDrag.GetUpperBound().X = _maxWidth - EDGE_THICKNESS; _cornerHandleDrag.GetLowerBound().Y = _minHeight - EDGE_THICKNESS; _cornerHandleDrag.GetUpperBound().Y = _maxHeight - EDGE_THICKNESS; } function UpdatePositions() { if(_width < _minWidth) _width = _minWidth; if(_width > _maxWidth) _width = _maxWidth; if(_height < _minHeight) _height = _minHeight; if(_height > _maxHeight) _height = _maxHeight; = _width + 'px'; = _height + 'px'; = (_width - TEXTDIFF) + 'px'; = (_height - TEXTDIFF) + 'px'; = (_width - EDGEDIFFPOS) + 'px'; = (_height - EDGEDIFFSIZE) + 'px'; = (_height - EDGEDIFFPOS) + 'px'; = (_width - EDGEDIFFSIZE) + 'px'; =; =; = (_width - EDGE_THICKNESS) + 'px'; = (_height - EDGE_THICKNESS) + 'px'; = ((_height - MINSIZE) / 2) + 'px'; = ((_width - MINSIZE) / 2) + 'px'; } function Listen(yes) { if(yes) { _rightHandleDrag.StartListening(); _bottomHandleDrag.StartListening(); _cornerHandleDrag.StartListening(); } else { _rightHandleDrag.StopListening(); _bottomHandleDrag.StopListening(); _cornerHandleDrag.StopListening(); } } function AddToDocument() { if(typeof(parent) == "string") parent = document.getElementById(parent); if(parent == null || parent.appendChild == null) { var id = "sotc_re_" + new Date().getTime() + Math.round(Math.random()*2147483647); while(document.getElementById(id) != null) id += Math.round(Math.random()*2147483647); document.write('<span id="'+ id + '"></span>'); element = document.getElementById(id); element.parentNode.replaceChild(_container, element); } else { parent.appendChild(_container); } Listen(true); } this.StartListening = function() { Listen(true); } this.StopListening = function() { Listen(false); } this.GetContainer = function() { return _container; } this.GetContentElement = function() { return _content; } this.GetMinWidth = function() { return _minWidth; } this.GetMaxWidth = function() { return _maxWidth; } this.GetCurrentWidth = function() { return _width; } this.GetMinHeight = function() { return _minHeight; } this.GetMaxHeight = function() { return _maxHeight; } this.GetCurrentHeight = function() { return _height; } this.SetMinWidth = function(value) { value = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(value) || value < MINSIZE) value = MINSIZE; _minWidth = value; UpdatePositions(); UpdateBounds(); } this.SetMaxWidth = function(value) { value = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(value) || value < MINSIZE) value = MINSIZE; _maxWidth = value; UpdatePositions(); UpdateBounds(); } this.SetCurrentWidth = function(value) { value = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(value)) value = 0; _width = value; UpdatePositions(); } this.SetMinHeight = function(value) { value = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(value) || value < MINSIZE) value = MINSIZE; _minHeight = value; UpdatePositions(); UpdateBounds(); } this.SetMaxHeight = function(value) { value = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(value) || value < MINSIZE) value = MINSIZE; _maxHeight = value; UpdatePositions(); UpdateBounds(); } this.SetCurrentHeight = function(value) { value = parseInt(value); if(isNaN(value)) value = 0; _height = value; UpdatePositions(); } } Hello all. This script is working fine in IE7 but FF is complaining about undeclared variables. Can anybody assist to get this working in FF or do I need a new script? Any and all advice is welcome. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Test ZOOM</title> <script type="text/javascript"> //Image zoom in/out script- by //Visit JavaScript Kit ( for script //Credit must stay intact for use var zoomfactor=0.05 //Enter factor (0.05=5%) function zoomhelper(){ if (parseInt(>10&&parseInt(>10){*zoomfactor*prefix*zoomfactor*prefix } } function zoom(originalW, originalH, what, state){ if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById) return whatcache=eval("document.images."+what) prefix=(state=="in")? 1 : -1 if (""||state=="restore"){"px""px" if (state=="restore") return } else{ zoomhelper() } beginzoom=setInterval("zoomhelper()",100) } function clearzoom(){ if (window.beginzoom) clearInterval(beginzoom) } </script> </head> <body> <!-- CHANGE 99 to your image width, 100 to image height, and "office_map" to your image's name--> <a href="#" onmouseover="zoom(100,63,'office_map_6','in')" onmouseout="clearzoom()">Zoom In</a> | <a href="#" onmouseover="zoom(100,63,'office_map_6','restore')">Normal</a> | <a href="#" onmouseover="zoom(120,60,'office_map_6','out')" onmouseout="clearzoom()">Zoom Out</a> <div style="position:relative;width:420;height:300"> <div style="position:absolute"><img name="office_map_6" src="images/office_map_6.gif" width="100" height="63"> </div> </div> </body> </html> low tech I need to assign a key in the javascript to actually make the javascript work,. I have a bookmark in chrome , a javascript , which actually works when clicked on it .,. but how can i edit it so that i can actually make it work on click a key or combination of keys. i want to declare the key or keycombo in the script itself .,. the script is for catching the selected text on the webpage and opening a new tab(or window) and doing an exact search search of the selected text using .,., So I want it to work it this way ., select the text press a key and it opens a new tab (or window) with an xact search .,. i want to declare the key or keycombo in the script itself .,. the script is for catching the selected text on the webpage and opening a new tab(or window) and doing an exact search search of the selected text using .,., So I want it to work it this way ., select the text press a key and it opens a new tab (or window) with an xact search .,. Thanks in advance ., Nani Hey, Im really new to Java and ideally i would love a java guru to have a quick look at this and help me. I am using this script i found he It is a real good script and have set it up on my site fine. However, i am using it for a login portal. But when the user clicks on anything on the page that has been brought down, it pops back up and away. Obviously this is not good for a login box. So i need to limit the expand/contract feature to the button only. Rather than the whole box. Now im sure its just re-shifting code around or add/removing a few lines of code. Ive spent the past 2 hours trying to look at this and still no look, so im calling for an expert to have a look. This is in my jkpanel.js file: Code: //Drop Down Panel script (March 29th, 08'): By JavaScript Kit: var jkpanel={ controltext: 'Login', $mainpanel: null, contentdivheight: 0, openclose:function($, speed){ this.$mainpanel.stop() //stop any animation if (this.$mainpanel.attr('openstate')=='closed') this.$mainpanel.animate({top: 0}, speed).attr({openstate: 'open'}) else this.$mainpanel.animate({top: -this.contentdivheight+'px'}, speed).attr({openstate: 'closed'}) }, init:function(file, height, speed){ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ jkpanel.$mainpanel=$('<div id="dropdownpanel"><div class="contentdiv"></div><div class="control">'+jkpanel.controltext,+'</div></div>').prependTo('body') kpanel.${jkpanel.openclose($, speed)}) var $contentdiv=jkpanel.$mainpanel.find('.contentdiv') var $controldiv=jkpanel.$mainpanel.find('.control').css({cursor: 'wait'}) $contentdiv.load(file, '', function($){ var heightattr=isNaN(parseInt(height))? 'auto' : parseInt(height)+'px' $contentdiv.css({height: heightattr}) jkpanel.contentdivheight=parseInt($contentdiv.get(0).offsetHeight) jkpanel.$mainpanel.css({top:-jkpanel.contentdivheight+'px', visibility:'visible'}).attr('openstate', 'closed') $controldiv.css({cursor:'hand', cursor:'pointer'}) }) }) } } //Initialize script: jkpanel.init('path_to_content_file', 'height of content DIV in px', animation_duration) jkpanel.init('../ajaxexamples/login.html', '210px', 300) This in in my made .html page. Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="../ajaxexamples/jquery-1.2.2.pack.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> #dropdownpanel{ /*Outermost Panel DIV*/ position: absolute; width: 100%; left: 0; top: 0; visibility:hidden; } #dropdownpanel .contentdiv{ /*Div containing Ajax content*/ background: url(../images/sitestructure/dropdownbackup.png); background-repeat: repeat; color: white; padding: 20px; } #dropdownpanel .control{ /*Div containing panel button*/ border-top: 5px solid black; color: white; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; background: transparent url("../ajaxexamples/panel.gif") center center no-repeat; /*change panel.gif to your own if desired*/ padding-bottom: 3px; /* 21px + 3px should equal height of "panel.gif" */ height: 21px; /* 21px + 3 px should equal height of "panel.gif" */ line-height: 21px; /* 21px + 3px should equal height of "panel.gif" */ } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="../ajaxexamples/jkpanel.js"> /*********************************************** * Drop Down Panel script- by JavaScript Kit ( * This notice must stay intact for usage * Visit JavaScript Kit at for this script and 100s more ***********************************************/ </script> Thanks, Hello everyone,im new to programming and have been learning a little bit of JavaScript.Im mostly learning it for a program called unity 3d,Its a game engine.And well,im stuck and can't figure this part out.i was wondering if anyone could help me. the script is to make the character move forward and shoot.but the character jumps instead of moving forward. any advice? Code: var speed = 3.0; var rotateSpeed = 3.0; var bullitPrefab:Transform; function Update () { var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController); // Rotate around y - axis transform.Rotate(0, Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") * rotateSpeed, 0); // Move Forward / backward var forward = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); var curSpeed = speed * Input.GetAxis ("Vertical"); controller.SimpleMove(forward * curSpeed); if(Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")) { var bullit = Instantiate(bullitPrefab, GameObject.Find("spawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion.identity); } } @script RequireComponent(CharacterController); I need a script and HTML code for an image effect like this: Something very easy, if possible. Thanks.
Hello there, I am trying to incorporate Lightbox2's image gallery script into my site but I'm having difficulty. Here's where I'm accessing the script from: Here is my skeleton website: The image thumbs are showing up but the larger images are not. I changed the 'body onload' html tag to window.onload as I'm using two different javascripts on this page and I don't want them to conflict. I've also added initLightbox() so I don't know what's wrong! Is there just an issue with the images or is there something wrong with the script. Please help! Let me know if you need additional info. A million thanks! <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function(){ // use this instead of <body onload …> MM_preloadImages(MM_preloadImages('../3websites/home4.jpg','../3websites/amenities1.jpg','../3websites/inquiry1.jpg','../3websites/rates1.jpg','../3websites/photos1.jpg'); initLightbox()") } </script> I'm no coder, as you will soon discover. The web work I do is from a purely novice, even hobby standpoint and the sites I create and host are nothing more than favors for friends and acquaintances who have needed but have not had a presence on the web. This being explained, I am asking those with coding skills to please take a look at the site I've just completed for a little diner down the road. (They're just starting out and can't afford to pay a professional web designer and, unfortunately, are stuck with me.) The site is I'm the first to say that the mouseover sound would drive me crazy, but the guys who own the diner are enthusiastic and want it left as is. I have had to combine scripts in order to have the "black-and-white to color" image effect work simultaneously with sound. The sound script depends on uploaded files: soundmanager.js, soundcontroller.swf and sound-config.xml and its tags are found incorporated with each involved image, within the body. The image effects are just the result of playing around with bits and pieces I've seen, mucking about the Internet. Its script is found within the head and also within the body, in each involved image's area, in mouseover, mouseout and, of course when specifying "name=" (such as Img_1). I opted for providing the sound in this manner because I am able to use an .mp3 file, rather than having to weigh through the pros and cons of .au versus .wav, etc., and the fickle nature of different browsers and plug-in crashes. After having many test the site (friends with varying operating systems and browsers) it appears that this mp3 solution makes the mouseover sound available to a broader range of users. Success has been achieved with Firefox, Safari, Netscape, Omniweb and Chrome. However, Internet Explorer and Opera seem to be the holdouts for both Mac and PC users. All this brings me to two requests: Would someone take a look at the site (particularly with Firefox) to determine if something might be done to help the page load more smoothly? Secondly, is there some sleight-of-hand that might be incorporated into the script to help IE and Opera detect the mouseover sound or do you consider these two browsers essentially not worth the bother? I am attaching a zip of the sound files I mentioned. The mp3 is not included but any mp3 snippet would do for testing, provided the sound config file is edited to reflect its file name. My primary concern is smooth page-loading; the IE and Opera issue is of less importance. Thank you for your patience and for any assistance you would offer. hi I am creating a gallery using my flickr feed. I have the bones of it working the only issue is with the thumbnail pulled from flickr. You get the option of small medium and large whicj Im using meduim. I want to add an image border around the thumbnails using a background image but when I add the styles it wont work. If i add a width to the img tag it will distrit the images because its being pulled from the flickr api anyone any ideas on how to get the background image working? html code is here Code: <body> <!-- Some Content --> <div id="gallery"> <input type='hidden' id='current_page' /> <input type='hidden' id='show_per_page' /> <div id="flickr"> </div> <div id='page_navigation'></div> </div> </body> CSS for the img is Code: [.hidden { display: none; } div#flickr a.lightbox img { border: 5px solid #b3aaa4; margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; margin-bottom:30px } and the java script is here Code: $(function() { $.getJSON(''+ '' + apiKey + '&user_id=' + userId + '&tags=' + tag + '&per_page=' + perPage + '&jsoncallback=?', function(data){ var classShown = 'class="lightbox"'; var classHidden = 'class="lightbox hidden"'; $.each(, function(i, rPhoto){ var basePhotoURL = 'http://farm' + + '' + rPhoto.server + '/' + + '_' + rPhoto.secret; var thumbPhotoURL = basePhotoURL + '_m.jpg'; var mediumPhotoURL = basePhotoURL + '.jpg'; var photoStringStart = '<a '; var photoStringEnd = 'title="' + rPhoto.title + '" href="'+ mediumPhotoURL +'"><img src="' + thumbPhotoURL + '" alt="' + rPhoto.title + '"/></a>;' var photoString = (i < showOnPage) ? photoStringStart + classShown + photoStringEnd : photoStringStart + classHidden + photoStringEnd; $(photoString).appendTo("#flickr"); }); $("a.lightbox").lightBox(); }); }); anyone? Hello all, I made a fade script that will fade any element in or out. Works great on all browser I've tested but IE 7. With IE I have only tested this will IE 8 and IE 7. IE 7 the effect doesn't work. No error message or anything. I'm unsure what to do from here. I was hoping I could find some help here. Code: function fade(obj, duration, toggle) { steps = 1000; elem = document.getElementById(obj); function fadeIn() { for(var i = 0; i <= 1; i+=(1/steps)) { setTimeout(" = "+ i +"", i * duration); setTimeout("'alpha(opacity="+ i * 102 +")'", i * duration); } } function fadeOut() { for(var i = 0; i <= 1; i+=(1/steps)) { setTimeout(" = "+ (1-i) +"", i * duration); setTimeout("'alpha(opacity="+ (1-i) * 102 +")'", i * duration); } } /* One for Fade in and anything will be fade out*/ if(toggle == 1) { fadeIn(); } else { fadeOut(); } } Thanks, Jon W Okay I'm trying to make a script where if I click on a link a div pops up. And if I click on another link another div pop ups up and the old div is closed. The script calls the function from the link in the html and sends an ID. I am confused as to why this doesn't work. Code: function controls(vtiles){/*ID of requested div*/'switchOn'; //change it's classname to something that's displayed var cap=document.getElementsByTagName('div');// get every div element for(i=0;i<cap.length;i++) // make some kina loop with the number of divs { var store=cap[i].ClassName; if(store=='switchOn' && cap.[i].id); { /*look for div's that are on (switchOn) and check to see if they have and ID*/ var check = cap.[i].id //store their IDs if(check!=vtiles){//check to see if the id is the one stored in Vtiles store=='switchP'//change the classname to switchP(off) } } } } Code: <div class="content"><a class="Atiles" href="#" onclick="controls(document.getElementById('Ankara'))">Ankara</a></div> <div id="Ankara" class="switchP"> Code: .switchP{ position:absolute; display:none; z-index:-1; left: 20px; top:40px; } .switchOn{ position:absolute; display:block; z-index:100; left: 20px; top:40px; width:200px; height:200px; } hey I'm a bit confused, I really am looking for some javascript tutorials so I don't have to keep asking for help. I have 3 HTML form inputs fields that is dynamically generated by a "add more" button, with naming for the fields name as fieldName, fieldName1, fieldName2, fieldName3, and so on. Now, I'm trying to retrieve the value from this fields with JavaScript, using the script below. var bookingForm = document.forms['formName']; var qty = bookingForm.fieldName +'i'.value; with the 'i' been a generated numeric number by a for loop when I use alert(qty), it returns NaN, when I'm expecting the value for fieldName1, fieldName2, and so on. But when I use; var qty = bookingForm.fieldName.value I can get the value in that field but get NaN when I try to concatenate 1,2,3, with the fieldName. Any help will be very much appreciated. Problem solved, thanks for looking.
I have a validate script for my form. It is jquery. On the form I have added $#contact_form .validate(); but I think that maybe this is not going to work, should it be: jquery/javascript/jquery.validate.pack.js as this is the link for it. I know little js Code: <script src="../javascript/jquery.validate.pack.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="../styles/mainstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../styles/navigation.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../styles/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="|Ubuntu" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="../styles/form.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#contactform").validate(); }); </script> Please help. This works fine in IE but will not work in FireFox: <iframe name="ad" id="rotator" src="about:blank" scrolling="no" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" border="0" style="width:450px; height:300px"></iframe> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!-- // Pages to rotate var pages=new Array('', '', ''); // Rotation interval, in miliseconds (1000 = 1 second) var rint=15000; var currentpage=-1; function rotator(){ currentpage++; if(currentpage >= pages.length){ currentpage=0; } document.all.rotate.src=pages[currentpage]; setTimeout('rotator()', rint); } rotator(); //--></script> I am a very novice web coder and can't get this to work... I've tried everything and am getting no where but frustrated! Thanks in advance!! Code: <html> <head> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin function calculateSavings() { var lastBill = eval(document.theForm.elements[0].value); var frequencyRating = eval(document.theForm.elements[1].value); var savingsRate = .05; var annualSavings = 0; /* if (frequencyRating == 'every day) { savingsRate = .01; } else if (frequencyRating == 'weekly) { savingsRate = .05; } else if (frequencyRating == 'monthly') { savingsRate = .15; } else if (frequencyRating == 'yearly') { savingsRate = .2; } */ annualSavings = lastBill * savingsRate; document.write(annualSavings); } // End --> </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <form name="savingsCalcForm"> How much was your last bill? <br><INPUT TYPE="text"> <br> <br> How often are you using your tractor? <br><input type="radio" name="group1" value="every day"> every day<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value="weekly "> weekly<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value="monthly"> monthly<br> <input type="radio" name="group1" value="yearly"> yearly<br> <br> <br> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="calculate savings" onClick="calculateSavings();"> </form> </body> </html> hello... script doesn't work.. it does work in IE but not in another browser like mozilla,opera & safari? what should I do?.. Code: //Current HTML of page var html=""; //View of the page, Normal (Design), HTML, Preview var currentview=0; //Hold window objects for the color, table and properties dialogs var table_dialog, color_dialog, properties_dialog; //Current color action, ForeColor, or BackColor, //used for communication between PageCreate window and Color dialog window var pp; //Is used to disable use of design tools in HTML or Preview mode var enabletoolbar=false; //Variable counter used to index the search in the document var n=0; function InitEditor(){ //Init editor in design mode, maineditor.document.designMode=docmode; //Write a blank page WriteDefaultPage(); //Disable context menu maineditor.document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false;"); //Set focus to the editor maineditor.focus(); } function EditorView(view){ //Changes editor view to Normal, HTML, and Preview if(currentview==1){ //If the last view was HTML then get the HTML edited by user in HTML mode html=maineditor.document.body.innerText; } //If the last mode was Normal then get the whole HTML content of the page else html=maineditor.document.all.tags("HTML")[0].outerHTML; if(view==0){ //Normal Mode EnableToolbar(true); maineditor.location="about:blank"; maineditor.document.designMode=docmode;"text/html"); maineditor.document.write(html); maineditor.document.close(); maineditor.document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false;"); maineditor.focus(); } if(view==1){ //HTML Mode EnableToolbar(false); maineditor.location="about:blank"; maineditor.document.designMode=docmode; WriteDefaultPage(); HTMLView(); maineditor.document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false;"); } if(view==2){ //Preview Mode EnableToolbar(false); maineditor.location="about:blank"; //Disable page editing maineditor.document.designMode="Inherit"; //Write the HTML of the page"text/html"); maineditor.document.write(html); maineditor.document.close(); //Enable context menu maineditor.document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return true;"); } //Set current view currentview=view; 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" + "charset=windows-1252\">\n<meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"PageCreate\">\n" + "<title>New Page</title>\n</head>\n<body>\n</body>\n</html>";"text/html"); maineditor.document.write(pagehtml); maineditor.document.close(); } function NewPage(){ if(window.confirm("Do you want to save changes in the current document?")){ //Show Save As Dialog maineditor.document.execCommand("SaveAs"); } //Write a blank page maineditor.window.location="about:blank"; WriteDefaultPage(); //Set focus to editor maineditor.focus(); } function HTMLView(){ //Switch to HTML view maineditor.document.body.innerHTML=""; maineditor.document.body.innerText=html; } function TableOn(table, on){ //Highlights the table on which the mouse is over if(on)"#95AFFF"; else"#82DF82"; } function ToolbarOn(toolon){ //Highlights on or off the current toolbar //Get the toolbar button on which the mouse is over var tool=event.srcElement; //Change background color if(toolon){"#B4A0FE";"#000000"; } else{"#D1D1D1";"#D1D1D1"; } } function FindInPage(showdialog){ //Shows the Find and Replace Dialog var display="visible"; if(showdialog==false) display="hidden";; if(showdialog!=false) document.find.findwhat.focus(); } function FindIt(str, replacestr, newstr){ //This functions searchs for a string in the document //and if specified then replaces it with a new string if(str==""){ //If no string to search entered alert("Enter a string to search"); document.find.findwhat.focus(); return; } //Creates a range in the document txt = maineditor.document.body.createTextRange(); //Loop to find the string in the document for (i = 0; i <= n && (found = txt.findText(str)) != false; i++) { txt.moveStart("character", 1); txt.moveEnd("textedit"); } if(found) { //If founded select it and scroll into view txt.moveStart("character", -1); txt.findText(str); //If replace is specified then replace the match with the new string if(replacestr) txt.text=newstr;; txt.scrollIntoView(); n++; } else { if (n > 0) { window.alert("There are no more matches"); n=0; } // Not found anywhere, give message. else window.alert("\"" + str + "\" was not founded in document"); 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} function EditPageProperties(pt, pfc, pbgc, pbgi, usewatermark, pbgs){ maineditor.document.title=pt; maineditor.document.body.text=pfc; maineditor.document.body.bgColor=pbgc; maineditor.document.body.background=pbgi; if(usewatermark) maineditor.document.body.bgProperties="fixed"; else maineditor.document.body.bgProperties=""; if(pbgs!=""){ var pagehtml=maineditor.document.all.tags("HTML")[0].outerHTML; var bodytag= pagehtml.toLowerCase().indexOf("<body"); if(bodytag==-1) return; var beforebodytag= pagehtml.substring(0, bodytag); var afterbodytag= pagehtml.substring(bodytag, pagehtml.length); var pagehtml=beforebodytag + "<bgsound src=\"" + pbgs + "\">" + afterbodytag;"text/html"); maineditor.document.write(pagehtml); maineditor.document.close(); } properties_dialog.close(); maineditor.focus(); } function ChangeForeColor(){ //Show the Color dialog to edit Fore Color of text selected if(GetSelectedText()!=""){ pp="EditForeColor";"color.htm", "colorpicker", "top=100,left=100,height=270,width=500,scrollbars=no"); } } function EditForeColor(thecolor){ maineditor.focus(); //Change fore color of text selected maineditor.document.execCommand("forecolor", false, thecolor); //Close Color Dialog color_dialog.close(); } function ChangeBackColor(){ //Show the Color dialog to edit Back Color of text selected if(GetSelectedText()!=""){ pp="EditBackColor";"color.htm?p=EditBackColor", "colorpicker", "top=100,left=100,height=270,width=500,scrollbars=no"); } } function EditBackColor(thecolor){ maineditor.focus(); //Change back color of text selected maineditor.document.execCommand("backcolor", false, thecolor); //Close Color Dialog color_dialog.close(); } function ChangeFont(font){ //Changes the font of the selected text maineditor.focus(); maineditor.document.execCommand("fontname", false, font); } function ChangeFontSize(size){ //Changes the font size of the selected text maineditor.focus(); maineditor.document.execCommand("fontsize", false, size); } function DesignTools(tool){ //Activates design tool if(enabletoolbar==false){ window.alert("You must switch into normal view to do this"); return; } maineditor.focus(); maineditor.document.execCommand(tool, true, null); } Hello! I have the following code that I just can't seem to get to work. Here are the issue that aren't working: 1. The items that are stored in the users account aren't showing up as selected when you enter the page. (They work in IE, not Chrome) 2. When you click the items, nothing happens. (It used to work and would add the item to the top image) If you need any more info, or more of the code, let me know. I removed most of the PHP to simplify it for revising, and I didn't include it's CSS. Code: <div id="avatar_form" width="95" height="141"> </div> <div id="avatar_stack"> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Extras]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[base]==blank) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/skin1.gif" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Skin Tone]" type="radio" value="body1" <? if($prof[skin]==body1) echo('checked="checked"');?> <? if($prof[skin]==blank) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Hair]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[hair]==blank) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/girlface.gif" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Face]" type="radio" value="girlface" <? if($prof[face]==girlface) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Hand Item]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[handitem]==blank) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/shirt6.gif" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Shirt]" type="radio" value="shirt6" <? if($prof[shirt]==shirt6) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Hat]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[hat]==blank) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/pants7.gif" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Pants]" type="radio" value="pants7" <? if($prof[pants]==pants7) echo("checked='checked'");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Shoes]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[shoes]==blank) echo("checked='checked' checked");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Accessories]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[accessory]==blank) echo("checked='checked' checked");?> /> </p> <p> <img src="hs/news/Upload/images/blankx.png" alt="" /><input name="avatar[Costume]" type="radio" value="blank" <? if($prof[costume]==blank) echo("checked='checked' checked");?> /> </p> </div> <BR><BR><BR> <script type="text/javascript"> var avatar_layers = new Array('Extras', 'Skin Tone', 'Hair', 'Face', 'Hand Item', 'Shirt', 'Hat', 'Pants', 'Shoes', 'Accessories', 'Costume') var layer_colours = new Array('#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff') var inactive_tab_background_colour = '#fff' var inactive_tab_bottom_border_colour = '#fff' var stack_height = 1 var on_top = 0 var key = null onload = layout function layout() { if(!document.getElementById('avatar_section')) return document.onkeydown = keyhit tabs() hide_radio_buttons(document.getElementById('avatar_stack')) StackImageHolders('avatar_stack'); P = document.getElementById('avatar_stack').getElementsByTagName('p')[on_top] = layer_colours[on_top] = stack_height++ LIs = document.getElementById('avatar_section').getElementsByTagName('li') for(i=0; i<LIs.length; i++) { LIs[i].style.backgroundColor = inactive_tab_background_colour LIs[i].style.borderBottomColor = inactive_tab_bottom_border_colour } LIs[on_top].style.backgroundColor = layer_colours[on_top] LIs[on_top].style.borderBottomColor = layer_colours[on_top] LIs[on_top].focus() IMGs = document.getElementById('avatar_stack').getElementsByTagName('img') for(i=0; i<IMGs.length; i++) { IMGs[i].className = 'black_border' IMGs[i].style.cursor = 'pointer' IMGs[i].onclick=function(){ChangeGarment(this)} } avatar_preview_and_hotkey_text() update_avatar(document.getElementById('avatar_stack').firstChild) /* I added the following two lines because Internet Explorer wasn't updating the display properly after loading */ document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.width='95'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.width='95'; } function keyhit(e) { thisKey = e ? e.which : window.event.keyCode alt_key_down = e ? e.altKey : window.event.altKey ctrl_key_down = e ? e.ctrlKey : window.event.ctrlKey shift_key_down = e ? e.shiftKey : window.event.shiftKey switch (thisKey) { case 37: key = 'LEFT' break case 39: key = 'RIGHT' break default: key = null } if(key && alt_key_down && ctrl_key_down) { IMGs = document.getElementById('avatar_stack').getElementsByTagName('p')[on_top].getElementsByTagName('img') for(i=0; i<IMGs.length; i++) { if(IMGs[i].className == 'red_border') { if((key == 'LEFT') && (i > 0)) { i-- ChangeGarment(IMGs[i]) return } if((key == 'RIGHT') && (i < (IMGs.length - 1))) { i++ ChangeGarment(IMGs[i]) return } } } } else if(key && alt_key_down && shift_key_down) { LIs = document.getElementById('avatar_section').getElementsByTagName('li') if((key == 'LEFT') && (on_top > 0)) { on_top-- bring_to_the_top(LIs[on_top]) return } if((key == 'RIGHT') && (on_top < (LIs.length - 1))) { on_top++ bring_to_the_top(LIs[on_top]) return } } } function tabs() { list = document.createElement('ul') for(i=0; i<avatar_layers.length; i++) { list_item = document.createElement('li') list_item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(avatar_layers[i])) list_item.onmouseover=function(){this.className='mouse'} list_item.onmouseout=function(){this.className=''} list_item.tab_number=i;//faux attributes to "stick" the indexes i and j values list_item.onclick=function(){ bring_to_the_top(this) } list_item.onfocus=function(){ bring_to_the_top(this) } list.appendChild(list_item) } document.getElementById('avatar_section').insertBefore(list, document.getElementById('avatar_stack')) } function hide_radio_buttons(caller) { INPUTs = caller.getElementsByTagName('input') for(i=0; i<INPUTs.length; i++) { if(INPUTs[i].type == 'radio') { INPUTs[i].style.display = 'none'; } } } function StackImageHolders(caller) { Ps = document.getElementById(caller).getElementsByTagName('p') for(i=0; i<Ps.length; i++) { Ps[i].className = 'stack' } } function avatar_preview_and_hotkey_text() { for(i=0; i<avatar_layers.length; i++) { preview = document.createElement('img') = avatar_layers[i] preview.className = 'preview' preview.width = '95px' preview.height = '141px' preview.alt = 'avatar preview image' document.getElementById('avatar_stack').appendChild(preview) } hotkey_text = document.createElement(' ') hotkey_text.className = 'hotkeys' hotkey_text.appendChild(document.createTextNode('')) document.getElementById('avatar_stack').appendChild(hotkey_text) } function update_avatar(caller) { INPUTs = caller.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input') for(i=0; i<INPUTs.length; i++) { if(INPUTs[i].type == 'radio') { if(INPUTs[i].checked) { document.getElementById(INPUTs[i].name.match(/^.*[(.*)]$/)[1]).src='hs/news/Upload/images/' + INPUTs[i].value + '.gif' INPUTs[i].previousSibling.className = 'red_border' } else { INPUTs[i].previousSibling.className = 'black_border' } } } } function ChangeGarment(caller) { inputs = caller.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input') for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) { inputs[i].checked=false } caller.nextSibling.checked=true update_avatar(caller) } function bring_to_the_top(caller) { tabs = document.getElementById('avatar_section').getElementsByTagName('li') for(i=0; i<tabs.length; i++) { tabs[i].style.backgroundColor = inactive_tab_background_colour tabs[i].style.borderBottomColor = inactive_tab_bottom_border_colour } on_top = caller.tab_number = layer_colours[caller.tab_number] = layer_colours[caller.tab_number] put_on_top = document.getElementById('avatar_stack').getElementsByTagName('p')[caller.tab_number] = stack_height++ = layer_colours[caller.tab_number] } </script> Trying to have my navigation have an on click and selected state, but I am not able to do so with this code (website is: ) Code: $('nav li a').click(function() { $(this).parent().addClass('on').siblings().removeClass('on'); }); nav li is as follows Code: <nav> <li class="highlt"> <a href="index.php" class="home"><span>Home</span></a> </li> The reason we need to use a jquery/javascript action to add the class to the navigation is because it doesn't refresh when a new page loads. For instance, when you're on the home page and click on the tab "Experience RGW", it only loads the content for that page below the header (within the "#ajax" div). Currently, none of these scripts are working. There is no reason they shouldn't... could there be something else causing the page not to recognize the jquery script and run it on-click? The main reason I ask is because I've tried to test the function and add an alert, but even that didn't work I'm trying to resolve a UPS zone from a zip code, here is my code: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var zipcode=44657;<!-- Should be zone 5 --> var zip=zipcode.substring(0,3); alert(zip); <!-- Zone chart made from Jacksonville FL zip 32216 on 8-5-2010 --> var azone = new Array (4-5, 5, 6-7, 45, 9, 45, 10-13, 5, 14, 6, 15-18, 5, 19, 6, 20-29, 5, 30-33, 6, 34, 5, 35-51, 6, 52-53, 5, 54, 6, 55, 5, 56-59, 6, 60-89, 5, 100-128, 5, 129, 6, 130-223, 5, 224-225, 4, 226, 5, 227-253, 4, 254, 5, 255-259, 4, 260-261, 5, 262, 4, 263-265, 5, 266, 4, 267, 5, 268-289, 4, 290-296, 3, 297, 4, 298, 3, 299, 2, 300-306, 3, 307, 4, 308-312, 3, 313-316, 2, 317-319, 3, 320-323, 2, 324, 3, 325, 4, 326-329, 2, 330-332, 4, 333-337, 3, 338, 2, 339, 3, 341, 3, 342, 3, 344, 2, 346, 3, 347, 2, 349, 3, 350-359, 4, 360-361, 3, 362, 4, 363-364, 3, 365-367, 4, 368, 3, 369-397, 4, 398, 3, 399, 3, 400-409, 4, 410, 5, 411-418, 4, 420, 5, 421-427, 4, 430-470, 5, 471, 4, 472-475, 5, 476-477, 4, 478-496, 5, 497-505, 6, 506-507, 5, 508-516, 6, 520, 5, 521, 6, 522-539, 5, 540-566, 6, 567, 7, 570-575, 6, 576-577, 7, 580-581, 6, 582, 593, 7, 594-599, 8, 600-668, 5, 669-672, 6, 673, 5, 674-692, 6, 693, 7, 700-704, 4, 705-706, 5, 707-709, 4, 710-722, 5, 723, 4, 724-735, 5, 736, 6, 737, 5, 738-739, 6, 740-768, 5, 769, 6, 770-784, 5, 785, 6, 786-787, 5, 788, 6, 789, 5, 790-797, 6, 798-806, 7, 807, 6, 808-820, 7, 821, 8, 822-831, 7, 832-844, 8, 845-846, 7, 847, 8, 850-853, 7, 854, 8, 855-863, 7, 864, 8, 865-875, 7, 877, 6, 878-880, 7, 881-882, 6, 883, 7, 884, 6, 885, 7, 889-961, 8, 970-986, 8, 988-994, 8); for (y=0;azone[y]=zip;y=y+2){ document.write (azone[y+1]) } </script> Can someone see my error? I'm a bit rusty at my javascript. |