JavaScript - Syntax Of If Statement
I'm learning to program, and am having some issues with the syntax of my "if" statement. I've looked online but still can't get it to work. Here's the code:
Code: function checks(){ if(document.myform.checkbox.checked == true){"http://www.espn.html", "mywindow"); } else{ document.write("hello world"); } } //document.write("hello world");} I know the function is being called properly because when I hit "submit" on the form the document.write("hello world"); statement prints on a new page. But for some reason when I call the function and that part is commented out, nothing happens. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I tried looking online but can't figure anything out. Thanks in advance. Similar TutorialsHi could someone help me with this code? What is the correct way to write it. Rules: create an array for the user to type 5 strings in a prompt that will be displayed in an alert box. user must type in the prompt an alert will display what the user typed if the prompt is empty or contains nothing an alert will display telling the user to enter text user clicks ok on the alert box and is sent back to the prompt box Code: function display_moreQuotes(){ var quote2 = new Array(5); var y = 0 for(y=0; y<5; y++) { quote2[y]=prompt('Enter your own quote', ' '); alert(quote2[y]); } if((quote2[y]=' ') || (quote2[y]=null)) { alert("Please enter text"); } } Please explain how/where I went wrong. Thanks! Hello everyone, I am using javascript and I have a radio button that the user selects and I have a function to see which button was selected, but i'm trying to use the return of that if statement in another statement. Basically another part of the function is dependent on what the user selects in the radio button. Here is what I have so far (I have some things in there that might not work because i'm trying to figure out what works): Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function getSelectedRadio() { len = document.dates.dep.length // returns the array number of the selected radio button or -1 if no button is selected if (document.dates.dep[0]) { // if the button group is an array (one button is not an array) for (var i=0; i<len; i++) { if (document.dates.dep[i].checked) { return i } } } else { if (document.dates.dep.checked) { return 0; } // if the one button is checked, return zero } // if we get to this point, no radio button is selected return -1; } function Calculate() { var i = getSelectedRadio(); if (i == -1) { alert("Please select if Marine entered Delayed Entry Program"); } else { if (document.dates.dep[i]) { return document.dates.dep[i].value; } else { return document.dates.dep.value; } } if (document.dates.yearDEAF.value < 1985 && document.dates.monthDEAF.value < 01 && document.dates.dayDEAF.value < 01 && first return from above ) { document.dates.yearDEP.value = (document.dates.yearDEAF.value); document.dates.monthDEP.value = (document.dates.monthDEAF.value); document.dates.dayDEP.value = (document.dates.dayDEAF.value); document.dates.yearPEBD.value = (document.dates.yearDEAF.value); document.dates.monthPEBD.value = (document.dates.monthDEAF.value); document.dates.dayPEBD.value = (document.dates.dayDEAF.value); } else if (document.dates.yearDEAF.value < 1985 && document.dates.monthDEAF.value < 01 && document.dates.dayDEAF.value < 01 && second return from above ) { document.dates.yearPEBD.value = (document.dates.yearAFADBD.value); document.dates.monthPEBD.value = (document.dates.monthAFADBD.value); document.dates.dayPEBD.value = (document.dates.dayAFADBD.value); document.dates.yearDEP.value = "N/A"; document.dates.monthDEP.value = "N/A"; document.dates.dayDEP.value = "N/A"; } } </script> I color coded in red the returns i'm trying to reference and where they need to be. Is this possible, and if so how can I do it? I haven't been able to find anything on the internet so far. Any help is greatly appreciated! I'm a PHP guy and haven't used jQuery much. I have a script I found in a book and I am trying to get working and am having trouble. It's a drop down list. I am using it in place of an HTML select box, so I want to pass the value selected from the list along with the form in a hidden field. My question is how do I extract the value out of the JS function and get it into the hidden field? Code: $(document).ready(function() { createDropDown(); $(".dropdown dt a").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var dropID = $(this).closest("dl").attr("id"); $("#" + dropID).find("ul").toggle(); }); $(document).bind('click', function(e) { var $clicked = $(; if (! $clicked.parents().hasClass("dropdown")) $(".dropdown dd ul").hide(); }); $(".dropdown dd ul a").click(function() { var dl = $(this).closest("dl"); var dropID = dl.attr("id"); var text = $(this).html(); var source = dl.prev(); $("#" + dropID + " dt a").html(text); $("#" + dropID + " dd ul").hide(); source.val($(this).find("span.value").html()) }); }); function createDropDown() { var selects = $("select.dropdown_value"); var idCounter = 1; selects.each(function() { var dropID = "dropdown_" + idCounter; var source = $(this); var selected = source.find("option[selected]"); var options = $("option", source); source.after('<dl id="' + dropID + '" class="dropdown"></dl>'); $("#" + dropID).append('<dt><a href="#">' + selected.text() + '<span class="value">' + selected.val() + '</span></a></dt>'); $("#" + dropID).append('<dd><ul></ul></dd>'); options.each(function() { $("#" + dropID + " dd ul").append('<li><a href="#">' + $(this).text() + '<span class="value">' + $(this).val() + '</span></a></li>'); }); idCounter++; }); } i get this error when ever i try to process the form: There was a SyntaxError: Unexpected token < error due to an parsererror condition. Javacsipt/jquery: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#slide").click(function(){ $("#inner-wrapper").slideToggle(); }); $('form #response').hide(); $('#submit').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var valid = ''; var required = ' is required'; var name = $('form #name').val(); var email = $('form #email').val(); var fname = $('form #fname').val(); var femail = $('form #femail').val(); var message = $('form #message').val(); var honeypot = $('form #honeypot').val(); var humancheck = $('form #humancheck').val(); //Error checking if (name == '' || name.length <=2) { valid = '<p>Your name' + required + '</p>'; } if (!email.match(/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/)) { valid += '<p>Your email' + required + '</p>'; } if (fname == '' || fname.length <=2) { valid += '<p>Your friend\'s name' + required + '</p>'; } if (!femail.match(/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/)) { valid += '<p>Your friend\'s email' + required + '</p>'; } if (message == '' || message.length <=5) { valid += '<p>A message' + required + '</p>'; } if (honeypot != 'http://') { valid += '<p><center>Spambots are not allowed.</center></p>'; } if (humancheck != '') { valid += '<p><center>A human user' + required + '</center></p>'; } if (valid != '') { $('form #response').removeClass().addClass('error') .html('<strong>Please correct the errors below.</strong>' + valid).fadeIn('2000'); }else { $('form #response').removeClass().addClass('processing').html('<center>Working...</center>').fadeIn('2000'); var formData = $('form').serialize(); submitForm(formData); } }); }); function submitForm(formData) { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'emailfriend.php', data: formData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, timeout: 7000, success: function(data) { $('form #response').removeClass().addClass((data.error === true) ? 'error' : 'success') .html(data.msg).fadeIn('fast'); if ($('form #response').hasClass('success')) { setTimeout("$('form #response').fadeOut('slow')", 5000); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $('form #response').removeClass().addClass('error') .html('<p>There was a <strong>' + errorThrown + '</strong> error due to an <strong>' + textStatus + '</strong> condition.</p>').fadeIn('fast'); }, complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, status) { $('form')[0].reset(); } }); }; php file PHP Code: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); sleep(3); $name = stripslashes($_POST[name]); $email = stripslashes($_POST[email]); $fname = stripslashes($_POST[fname]); $femail = stripslashes($_POST[femail]); $message = stripslashes($_POST[message]); $honeypot = $_POST[honeypot]; $humancheck = $_POST[humancheck]; if ($honeypot == 'http://' && empty($humancheck)) { $error_msg = ''; $reg_exp = "/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/"; if (!preg_match($reg_exp, $email)) { $error_msg .= "<p>A valid email is required</p>"; } if (!preg_match($reg_exp, $femail)) { $error_msg .= "<p>A valid email is required</p>"; } if (empty($name)) { $error_msg .= "<p/>Please provide your name</p>"; } if (empty($fname)) { $error_msg .= "<p/>Please provide your name</p>"; } if (empty($message)) { $error_msg .= "<p>A message is required.</p>"; } if (!empty($error_msg)) { $return['error'] = true; $return['msg'] = "<h3>Oops! Looks like you missed a few fields.</h3>".$error_msg; echo json_encode($return); exit(); }else { $return['error'] = false; $ref=@$HTTP_REFERER; /////Message at the top of the page showing the url//// $header_message = "Hi $fname \n Your friend $name requested you to visit this page at \n $ref \n"; /// Body message prepared with the message entered by the user //// $body_message =$header_message."\n".$message."\n"; // IP address of visitor is added to message, you can remove it if not required.// $body_message .="\n Sent from"; //// Mail posting part starts here ///////// $headers=""; //$headers = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n".$headers; // Un comment the above line to send mail in html format $headers4=$email; // Change this to change from address $headers.="Reply-to: $headers4\n"; $headers .= "From: $headers4\n"; $headers .= "Errors-to: $headers4\n"; $subject="$name visit this site!"; mail($femail,$subject,$body_message,$headers); $return['msg'] = " <b><p><center>Thanks for spreading the word! :) " . "<font color='red'>" .$name . "</font>" . " </p>" . "</b>" . "</center>"; echo json_encode($return); } }else { $return['error'] = true; $return['msg'] = "<h3><center>0ops there was a problem submitting the data. Please try again!</center></h3>"; echo json_encode($return); } ?> html file <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="ajaxform/form.css" type="text/css" media="screen"/> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <h3 id="slide">Email This Page To a Friend</h3> <hr></hr> <div id="inner-wrapper"> <form id="my_form" action="ajaxform/emailfriend.php" method="post"> <div id="response"><!--This will hold error message and response from server. --></div> <div class="inputs"> <p> <label>Name   ; </label> <input name="name" type="text" placeholder="Your Name" class="required" id="name" size="30" /> </p> </div> <div class="inputs"> <p> <label>Email &nbs p; </label> <input name="email" type="text" placeholder="Your Email" class="required" id="email" size="30" /> </p> </div> <div class="inputs"> <p> <label>Friend's Name </label> <input name="fname" type="text" placeholder="Friend's Name" class="required" id="fname" size="30" /> </p> </div> <div class="inputs"> <p> <label>Friend's Email </label> <input name="femail" type="text" placeholder="Friend's Email" class="required" id="femail" size="30" /> </p> </div> <div class="inputs"> <p> <label id="msg">Message </label> <textarea name="message" cols="24" rows="5"type="text" placeholder="Message To Friend" class="required" id="message"></textarea> </p> </div> <div class="button"> <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="EMAIL PAGE" /> </div> <div class="inputs"> <input type="hidden" name="honeypot" id="honeypot" value="http://" /> <input type="hidden" name="humancheck" id="humancheck" class="clear" value="" /> </div> </form> </div> <!-- inner-wrapper end --> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ajaxform/ajax_submit.js"></script> </body> </html> Code: out += (out ? rogueArray[14] : rogueArray[13]) + arrayItem + ((vanWilder[arrayItem] !== null) ? = + encodeURIComponent(vanWilder[arrayItem]) : rogueArray[13]); There is supposedly a syntax error here on the line up until [arrayItem in Dreamweaver. Any help? Can someone point where i'm going wrong? I want to evaluate the values of 'miles' to be >=0 and 'putime' to between 0 and 24 only. Code: <script type = "text/javascript"> function TaxiFare() { // calculates taxi fare based upon miles travelled // and the hour of the day in military time (0-23). var baseFare = 2.50; var costPerMile = 2.00; var nightSurcharge = 0.50; // 8pm to 6am, every night var milesTravelled = Number(document.getElementById("miles").value); var pickupTime = Number(document.getElementById("putime").value); var cost = baseFare + (costPerMile * milesTravelled); // add the nightSurcharge to the cost if it is after // 10pm or before 6am if (pickupTime >= 22 || pickupTime < 6) { cost += nightSurcharge; } if((document.getElementById('miles').value>=0)&&(document.getElementById('putime').value>=0||<=24) { alert("Your taxi fare is $" + cost.toFixed(2)); } else{return 0;} } </script> Can someone explain to me the differences between the following code snippets? Mainly i don't understand the purpose of using prototype and not sure if there is a functional difference between the syntax of declaring functions. Code: var myObj = function () { this._myInt = 1; } myObj.prototype = { myNewFunction: function() { this._myInt = 2; } } VERSUS Code: var myObj = function () { this._myInt = 1; function myNewFunction(){ this._myInt = 2; } } On this page I get this Javascript error in IE6: Code: Line: 5 Character: 1 Code: 0 Error Message: Syntax error URL: I'm using the DebugBar add in for IE ( The error message in DebugBar is this: And the view-source of the page is he I don't get the error in Firefox 3 or IE7. I can't work out how to fix it. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks! I keep getting myself into trouble because I tend to use my Java reference when coding Javascript, and of course Javascript doesn't support all Java functions. I've just discovered that apparently Javascript doesn't support the trim() function. But curiously, if I code it as: mystring.trim() then Firefox will handle it without any errors. (I haven't actually checked to see if whitespace is removed from around the string.) But when I code it like this: trim(mystring) then firefox gives an error. I've also found a couple of situations where I've made syntax errors, and Firefox gives no error message. This makes debugging tricky, since the only resource I have available is Firefox's Error Console. Safari has no error reporting whatsoever, AFAIK. MSIE seems to find some errors that Firefox misses, but I don't have MSIE on my main computer, so it's a nuisance to use. As a hobbyist, I have no budget to buy Javascript development tools. Is there something free available that does a better job of finding errors? I have a webpage that has "classes" that are dynamically populated. if a class is empty, or not populated, can I use JavaScript to hide the "class"? If so How? Sorry for such a noob question. Thanks in advance for any help Code: <html> <head> <style> .errorWrapper {padding:0; margin:0; list-style-type:none; position:relative;} .errorBox {padding:5px; position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px; background-color:#BADA55; border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; -webkit-border-radius:5px; box-shadow:2px 2px 2px #808080; -moz-box-shadow:2px 2px 2px #808080; -webkit-box-shadow:2px 2px 2px #808080;} li.errorBox {display:none;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="test.js"></script> </head> <body> <a href="#" onClick="show('test')">test</a> <ul class="errorWrapper"> <li id="test" class="errorBox">This should remain hidden until the link is clicked. Lorem ispum dolor sit amet. Placetne tibi? Mihi placet.</li> </ul> </body> <!-- Contents of test.js --> <!-- function show(boxName) {alert(boxName); document.getElementByID(boxName).style.display="block";} --> </html> wtf is wrong with this? I'm brand spanking new to js, so I don't even know how to begin to troubleshoot this. As far as syntax goes I haven't seen any glaring errors, which leads me to believe I'm trying to do something illegal? The alert box shows up, and the boxName variable contains the correct contents (the ID of the element I want to show), so I dunno what the problem is... Quick reproduction of the problem above. I just found this forum! I'm glad because I wanted to ask some javascript questions before. There was a question at work before at why one would use the following: if (a=='1') ... or if ('1'==a) ... Is there any kind of advantage of using one of the other? Thanks for any response! Hi all, I have some card/images and would like to have the first one displayed.Which i can do. Then when I mouse click on the card/image it goes to another image for say 2 secs, then with out clicking goes back to the orignal card. I have played with the syntax for ages and also looked on the net and cannot get it right. This is what I have so far. Code: <html> <head> <script> var back = new Image(); back.src = "back.gif";// preloads the image. var ace = new Image(); ace.src = "0.gif"; //Preload the Image var two = new Image(); two.src = "1.gif";// preloads the image. var three = new Image(); three.src = "2.gif";// preloads the image. var four = new Image(); four.src = "3.gif";// preloads the image. var five = new Image(); five.src = "4.gif";// preloads the image. </script> </head> <body> <img name="img0"> <img name="img1"> // what is this for? <script> document.images['img0'].src = back.src;//displays image /*How do I have one card diplayed then mouseclick on that one card and another card will display for 2 secs then the card will go back to original card. */ </script> </body> </html> Any ideas ? Thanks heaps Shayne Hello, I have just started studying JS and don't know a whole lot about it. One exercise I have been given is to use the while statement to ask the user to guess a number between one and ten. this is the code I have attempted so far but it does not work. Simple for any one who is good at this. Impossible to me. Any takers <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>While Test</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function whileTest(){ var number = 4; var answer = 0; while(number != answer ){ answer=prompt("Guesss a number between 1 and ten",""); } alert("4 is the correct answer") //--> </script> </head> <body onLoad="whileTest();"> </body> </html> Hi! I am a total newbie I'm afraid but I really enjoy learning javascript. Today I'm trying to write an if statement. I want the image1 on a web page to change when it's clicked to image2. Then I want the if statement to see if the source of the image is the changed image2.jpg (or still the original image1.jpg) and if it is the changed one I want another click to change it to image3. Here's my code, but the change to image 3 is not working: /* image change start */ var imgchanger = document.getElementById("changingimage"); imgchanger.onclick = function() { imgchanger.src = "image2.jpg"; }; /* image change 2 start */ if (imgchanger.src == "image2.jpg") { imgchanger.onclick = function() { imgchanger.src = "image3.jpg"; }; } I want to know how I can update my power_points field if a select option is chosen. For example: if animal guardian is chosen Power_points - (attribute_level * 1) if combined attacks is chosen power_points - (attribute_level * 1) if elemental control is chosen power_points - (attribute_level * 3) etc... Here is my current script: Code: <?php session_start(); ?> <form> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> <tr> <th>Attribute</th> <th>Level</th> <th>Power Points:</th> <th>Character Points:</th> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="text" readonly="readonly" value="Scout/Knight Powers" size="19" name="attribute1" /></td> <td><select name="level" onclick="power(), remain()"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> </select></td> <td align="center"><input type="text" name="power_points" id="power_points" size="1" readonly="readonly"/></td> <td align="center"><input type="text" name="cp_remain" id="cp_remain" size="1" readonly="readonly" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> <form method="POST" action="test_batosai.php"> <table><tr><td> <div id="dynamicInput1"> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> <thead> <tr> <th>Sub-Attribute</th> <th>Level</th> <th>Notes <i>(optional)</i></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <select name="attribute[]" size="1"> <option value="1">Animal Guardian</option> <option value="2">Combined Attacks</option> <option value="3">Elemental Control</option> <option value="4">Emotional Control</option> <option value="5">Item Of Power</option> <option value="6">Knight Attack</option> <option value="7">Rejuvenation</option> <option value="8">Sailor Scout Attack</option> </select></td> <td> <select name="attribute_level[]"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> </select></td> <td><textarea name="sub_notes[]" rows="1" cols="30"> </textarea></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="cloneDiv1"> </div> </td> <td> <div id="dynamicInput2"> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> <thead> <tr> <th>Neutral Attribute</th> <th>Level</th> <th>Notes <i>(optional)</i></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> <select name="attribute2[]" size="1"> <option value="1">Acrobatics</option> <option value="2">Appearance</option> <option value="3">Art Of Distraction</option> <option value="4">Combat Mastery</option> <option value="5">Damn Healthy!</option> <option value="6">Divine Relationship</option> <option value="7">Energy Bonus</option> <option value="8">Extra Attacks</option> <option value="9">Focused Combat</option> <option value="10">Fortified Body</option> <option value="11">Heightened Negaverse Power</option> <option value="12">Heightened Senses</option> <option value="13">Heightened Scout Powers</option> <option value="14">Massive Damage</option> <option value="15">Powerful Mind</option> <option value="16">Special Attack/Defense</option> <option value="17">Speed</option> <option value="18">Strong Soul</option> <option value="19">Supernatural Training</option> <option value="20">Unique Character Attribute</option> </select></td> <td> <select name="attribute_level2[]"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> </select></td> <td><textarea name="neutral_notes[]" rows="1" cols="30"> </textarea></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="cloneDiv2"> </div> </td></tr></table> <input type="button" value="Add another Sub-Attribute" onClick="addInput('dynamicInput1','cloneDiv1');"> <input type="button" value="Add another Neutral Attribute" onClick="addInput('dynamicInput2','cloneDiv2');"> <input type="submit" /><input type="reset" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> var counter = 1; var limit = 10000000;// Set a limit if you want to function addInput(divFrom,divTo){ if (counter == limit) { alert("You have reached the limit of adding " + counter + " inputs"); } else { var newdiv = document.createElement('div'); newdiv.innerHTML = document.getElementById(divFrom).innerHTML; document.getElementById(divTo).appendChild(newdiv); counter++; } } //function for Power Points function power() { var first,res1; //Take the value of first textbox and convert it to float first=parseFloat(document.forms[0].level.value); res1=(first)*10; //show the result in the result textbox document.forms[0].power_points.value=res1; } //end function for Power Points //function for Character Points remaining function remain() { var first,res2; //Take the value of first textbox and convert it to float first=parseFloat(document.forms[0].level.value); res2=10-((first)*4); //show the result in the result textbox document.forms[0].cp_remain.value=res2; } //end function for Character Points </script> Can anyone help? can someone help me with this pls: Code: function anything() { var tegenover = document.getElementById("minlas"); var septo = document.getElementById("combo_2"); //prijs verbinder per meter var serr = document.getElementById("comba_2"); //prijs verbinder per meter var seprr = document.getElementById("combb_2"); //prijs verbinder per meter var septrr = document.getElementById("combc_2"); //prijs verbinder per meter var nocho = document.getElementById("wide"); //breedte band in mm document.getElementById("totprijslas").value = Math.round(100*((parseFloat(septo.value) + parseFloat(serr.value) + parseFloat(seprr.value) + parseFloat(septrr.value)) * parseFloat(nocho.value))/1000)/100; } the value returned of totprijslas can be anything between 0 and 1000,but i want the value of "totprijslas" to be a minimum of "50",so for example if result is 30 then i need it to show 50.can someone help me with an if statement for this.thx I've got this code below to change an images source url based on the clicks from a dropdown menu. Is it possible to shorten this with some sort of if/or statement instead of all the else if's? something that says "if crenate or serrate or this or that, do this" here's the function: Code: function change3(picName,choice) { var url = (document[picName].src); if (/crenate\D{1}/.test(url)) { url = url.replace(/crenate/, choice) document[picName].src=(url); } else if (/margin_finelyserrate\D{1}/.test(url)) { url = url.replace(/margin_finelyserrate/, choice) document[picName].src=(url); } else if (/margin_lobed\D{1}/.test(url)) { url = url.replace(/margin_lobed/, choice) document[picName].src=(url); } else if (/margin_undulate\D{1}/.test(url)) { url = url.replace(/margin_undulate/, choice) document[picName].src=(url); } else if (/doubleserrate\D{1}/.test(url)) { url = url.replace(/doubleserrate/, choice) document[picName].src=(url); } else if (/leaf_shapes\D{1}/.test(url)) { url = url.replace(/leaf_shapes/,"leaf_shapes/" + choice) document[picName].src=(url); } } The dropdown menu just has options written like this: Code: <li id="margin1"><a href="javascript:passit4('entire')" onMouseover="change1('pic8','image34')" onclick="ShowContent('uniquename3'); change3('pic2','entire');" onMouseout="change1('pic8','image_off');">sample link (entire)</a></li> Code: function showResults( results ) { if ( results.length == 0 ) { msg = "no projects found"; } else {msg = results [0]; } document.getElementById("RESULTS").innerHTML = msg; //= results.join( "<br/>" ); cannot get it to show "no projects found" for 0 results and also to show all multiple results if multiple are found. works right now for 1 result but not multiple. the =results.join( "<br/>" ); works if multiple but then it will not say no projects found for 0 results. Hello CF im wondering how could i use an if statement to have something pop up when visitors visit my site that allows them two choices. it would say something like this. Would you Like to always see the navigation Bar? then they have two options. Yes and No. then depending on what they choose it will either have the code use the absolute or the fixed positioning attribute for the whole code. Or is this just not possible? If you want me to explain it more just ask. |