JavaScript - How Trim Leading Zero
Hi All,
how do I trim leading zero in a date e.g 08/08/2003 to become 8/8/2003. thanks Similar TutorialsI have the following which returns the date in the format I need it in but it does not have the leading zero's Code: var wholeDate = getTheDay(); function getTheDay(){ var d = new Date(); var year = d.getFullYear(); var numMonth = d.getMonth() + 1; var day = d.getDate(); var whole = year + '-' + numMonth + '-' + day; alert(whole); return whole; } Would return todays date as 2012-1-5 How do I get the date returned like 2012-01-05 ? Hello all is it possible to strip leading (meaning at the VERY begining of the text) and trailing (anything at the end of the text) carriage returns with reg ex? so if smbody enters return return return start txt entry ----> keep all other returns in paragraph sloppy ending retrun return return it would remove the start and end returns I'd like to add it to this if possible. Code: comts = comts.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); // strip leading and trailing spaces low tech (validation script done trying to improve on it now) Have the code check that the statement has at least one character. You can do this by using the trim method to remove spaces from the beginning and end, and then checking the length of the trimmed string. If there are no characters, the response should tell the user to enter something. For example, a possible statement and response would be: Statement: Response: Say something, please. Could someone help me with this? I'm not sure how to make it check to see if the user input has 0 characters. hello, i want to trim a word that too long.. example "I don't know what i will dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now" how trim it with javascript function so i will get 'I don't know what i will doooo... now" any body help.. Regards, Hi All, I have a form in my homepage which takes some values. In that, a text box takes multiple values seperated by spaces. I have allowed only alphanumeric characters in that with the following code. Code: function rmsplcharchkdepo() { var iChars = "\\\/~!@#$%^&*()=+[]{}|;:?,.\"`'<>"; var un= document.getElementById("deposit").value; for (var i = 0; i < document.ipmform.deposit.value.length; i++) { if (iChars.indexOf(document.ipmform.deposit.value.charAt(i)) != -1) { alert ("Error!! Remove Special Characters."); document.getElementById("deposit").value = un.substring(0,0); return false; } } } How can i trim the multiple spaces entered by the user between values instead of one single space allowed.. For eg: TEXTBOX:INDIA USA UK User should not be able to enter a space at the beginning, multiple spaces between the values and at the end. This is just to avoid unwanted complications at the backend. In brief i need a script which trim multiple and consecutive spaces to one. It would be a great help if some one can help me in this. |