JavaScript - Custom Search Box Question(s)
I have what I think is a javascript question (correct me if Im wrong). I designed a custom form in DreamWeaver but can't get it to work. Im thinking I need to add some javascript to work. Heres my form code at the moment: Code: <form id="search-form" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <div class="search-form"> <input type="text" name="search" value="Type Keyword Here" onBlur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Type Keyword Here'" onFocus="if(this.value =='Type Keyword Here' ) this.value=''" /> <a href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('search-form').submit()">Search</a> </div> </fieldset> </form> What I want to do is have the user type in something, click on search, and then show up the results on another page named results. What do I need to do? Similar TutorialsHi, I'm really new to Javascript. Recently in my IT class, we made a HTML page which would open a popup box, where the user could enter a key word. When the user pressed enter, the page would navigate to a specific page. The code we used was: Code: <script language = "JavaScript"> where = window.prompt ("Please tell me where you would like to go."); switch (where){ case "Digg" : window.location = "" ; break; default: window.location = "" ; } </script> What I am hopeing to do, is implement this code on my workplaces server, and have the keywords link to other html documents within the server. However when I tested this, for some reason the links are not working. Can this actually be done? Am I missing something silly? Are there any other ways of doing this? Thanks in advance I am having trouble implementing this script. I am not a coder so please give exact, idiot proof advise. :-) Thank You. <script> (function() { var cx = 'user_id:field_id1'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); // This basically takes the value of the radio button (requires jQuery) $("input:radio[name='GCSField']").change(function() { cx = $(this).val(); }); })(); </script> <label for="user1"> <input name=GCSField id="user1" type="radio" value="user_id:field_id1" checked >User Field 1 </label> <label for="user2"> <input name=GCSField id="user2" type="radio" value="user_id:field_id2">User Field 2 </label> <gcse:search></gcse:search> Here is my html. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><meta charset="UTF-8"> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=></script><![endif]--> <script src=""></script> <title>TEST</title> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> <meta name="viewport" content=" width=device-width, initial-scale=1"><meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="true"><meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320"> <style>body{width:100%;max-width:25em;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;font-family:Verdana,'Palatino Linotype',Palatino,'Book Antiqua',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-align:justify;font-size:105%;background-color:#000;background:#000;}p{margin-bottom:1%;}strong{font-size:115%;font-weight:bold;}a{line-height:200%;text-decoration:underline;color:#0007C6;}article{margin: 0 0 1% 0; color:#000;background:#FEE800;background-color:#FEE800; text-align: center;}</style> </head><body> <article> <div><script> (function() { var cx = 'user_id:field_id1'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); // This basically takes the value of the radio button (requires jQuery) $("input:radio[name='GCSField']").change(function() { cx = $(this).val(); }); })(); </script> <label for="user1"> <input name=GCSField id="user1" type="radio" value="011565775292567206849:xkh-s7ljiug" checked >User Field 1 </label> <label for="user2"> <input name=GCSField id="user2" type="radio" value="partner-pub-4173665486685435:n2tml3-z5vf">User Field 2 </label> <gcse:search></gcse:search></div> <div><gcse:searchresults></gcse:searchresults></div> </article> </body></html> Here is the above page off a server TEST Thanks again. hello all i'm almost newbie to Javascript. i found this for instant search : demo : index.php PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Instant Search With Arrow Key Navigation Using jQuery and PHP</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="search.js"></script> <script> //arrow key navigation $(document).keydown(function(e){ //jump from search field to search results on keydown if (e.keyCode == 40) { $("#s").blur(); return false; } //hide search results on ESC if (e.keyCode == 27) { $("#results").hide(); $("#s").blur(); return false; } //focus on search field on back arrow or backspace press if (e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 8) { $("#s").focus(); } }); // $(document).ready(function() { //clear search field & change search text color $("#s").focus(function() { $("#s").css('color','#333333'); var sv = $("#s").val(); //get current value of search field if (sv == 'Search') { $("#s").val(''); } }); // //post form on keydown or onclick, get results $("#s").bind('keyup click', function() { $.post("results.php", //post $("#search").serialize(), function(data){ //hide results if no more than 2 characters if (data == 'hide') { $('#results').hide(); } //show results if more than 2 characters if (data != 'hide') { $("#results").html(data); if (data) { $("#results").show(); } } }); }); // //hide results when clicked outside of search field $("body").click(function() { $("#results").hide(); }); // }); </script> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <h1>Instant Search Using jQuery & PHP</h1> <h2>Example keywords (website, jquery, php, launch)<br /> <br /> </h2> <form id="search" name="search" method="post" action="" autocomplete="off"> <input name="s" type="text" id="s" value="Search" /> <div id="results"></div> </form> <br /> <br /> <br /> <a href="">Back to Article & Source Code</a> </body> </html> results.php PHP Code: <?php require_once('mysql_connect.php'); //only show results if two or more characters have been typed - max of 50 characters $len = strlen(str_replace(" ","",$_POST[s])); //don't count blank spaces if ($len < 3 || $len > 50) { echo 'hide'; die; } // //get results if search string is longer than 3 characters if ($len > 3) { record_set('results', " SELECT news_title, news_heading, MATCH (news_title,news_text) AGAINST ('".strip_tags($_POST[s])."*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS ranking FROM jbp_blog_articles WHERE MATCH (news_title,news_text) AGAINST ('".strip_tags($_POST[s])."*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND news_type = 1 ORDER BY ranking DESC LIMIT 0,8 "); } ?> <ul> <!--display user's initial search term--> <li><a class="link" href="#" title="<?php echo $_POST[s]; ?>"><?php echo "$_POST[s]"; ?></a></li> <!----> <?php if ($totalRows_results) do { ?> <li><a class="link" href="/blog/<?php echo $row_results[news_heading]; ?>" target="_blank" title="<?php echo $row_results[news_title]; ?>"><?php echo "$row_results[news_title]"; ?></a></li> <?php } while ($row_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)); ?> </ul> search.js PHP Code: /* * Author: Marco Kuiper ( * Customizations by JBP noted in comments below */ var currentSelection = 0; var currentUrl = ''; // Register keydown events on the whole document $(document).keydown(function(e) { switch(e.keyCode) { // User pressed "up" arrow case 38: navigate('up'); break; // User pressed "down" arrow case 40: navigate('down'); break; // User pressed "enter" case 13: if(currentUrl != '') { window.location = currentUrl; } break; } }); // Add data to let the hover know which index they have for(var i = 0; i < $("#results ul li a").size(); i++) { $("#results ul li a").eq(i).data("number", i); } // Simulate the "hover" effect with the mouse $("#results ul li a").hover( function () { currentSelection = $(this).data("number"); setSelected(currentSelection); }, function() { $("#results ul li a").removeClass("search_hover"); currentUrl = ''; } ); function navigate(direction) { // Check if any of the menu items is selected if($("#results ul li .search_hover").size() == 0) { currentSelection = -1; } //JBP - focus back on search field if up arrow pressed on top search result if(direction == 'up' && currentSelection == 0) { $("#s").focus(); } // if(direction == 'up' && currentSelection != -1) { if(currentSelection != 0) { currentSelection--; } } else if (direction == 'down') { if(currentSelection != $("#results ul li").size() -1) { currentSelection++; } } setSelected(currentSelection); } function setSelected(menuitem) { //JBP - get search result to place in search field on hover var title = $("#results ul li a").eq(menuitem).attr('title'); $("#s").val(title); // $("#results ul li a").removeClass("search_hover"); $("#results ul li a").eq(menuitem).addClass("search_hover"); currentUrl = $("#results ul li a").eq(menuitem).attr("href"); } style.css PHP Code: #search { position:relative; display:block; height:35px; width:500px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px auto 0px auto; } #results { border:1px solid #CCCCCC; width:500px; display:none; z-index: 300; line-height:0; margin-top:-3px; margin-left: 0px; } #results ul { list-style:none; padding:0px; margin:0px; } #results ul li { background-color:#FFFFFF; text-align: left; } #results ul li:hover { background-color:#EBEBEB; } #results ul li a { line-height:20px; text-decoration:none; padding: 5px; display: block; color: #333333; } .search_hover { background-color:#EBEBEB!important; color:#232323!important; } body { padding: 50px; text-align: center; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; } body a { text-decoration: none; } #s { outline:none; width: 480px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; color: #CCCCCC; z-index: 200; position: relative; height: auto; } .go { padding: 9px; font-weight: bold; width: 60px; margin-left: -4px; border: 0px solid #CCCCCC; height: auto; font-size: 16px; background-color: #F7F7F7; } h1 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; padding: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 30px; color: #333333; } h2 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; color: #999999; margin: 0px; font-style: italic; font-weight: normal; } now i just want to edit one thing, when you search for something, results are shown under the search field, when you click on each result, goes to a link. i want when clicking on a result, not going to link, just show that result string on the search field. could you please tell how to do it? where should i edit in script? thanks in advanced This example works fine to match a users input. Code: if ((word[0]=="my") && (word[1]=="name") && (word[2]=="is") && (|paul|zack)/)!=-1) && (num_of_words== 4)) {document.result.result.value = "Well, nice to meet you "+word[3]+"."; return true;} However, can you do a search on what would be word[3] in the example above. Something like: word[3]=="(|paul|zack)/)!=-1)" Thanks! I have noooo idea if I am even posting this in the correct area, let alone the correct site. If not I apologize and maybe someone could direct me elsewhere. I am trying to add a custom search into my site. you can see it about the middle of the page. I am using the following script to do so. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function dosearch() { var sf=document.searchform; var submitto = sf.sengines.options[sf.sengines.selectedIndex].value + escape(sf.searchterms.value); window.location.href = submitto; return false; } </script> <form name="searchform" onSubmit="return dosearch();"> Select County <select name="sengines"> <option value="" selected>Washington</option> <option value="" selected>Ramsey</option> <option value="">Alta Vista</option> <option value="">Dogpile</option> </select> Street Address: <input type="text" name="searchterms"> <input type="submit" name="SearchSubmit" value="Search"> </form> here is the problem i am running into. I dont know how to ignore or add certain parts of the search when it sends. for example. take a look at Code: <option value="" selected>Ramsey</option> When i try to do a search under this drop down selection it doesnt work. because it needs the &pg=1 to be added to the users search request. Meaning if I set it to Code: they type in their street name and the street name inputs into the search query but it wont fully work because it doesnt add the &pg=1 after it all. how in the world do I get it to add things like that? ie how do i tell it to add certain strings that the outside source requires? like blank=&blank= or how do i get it to ignore certain &blank= commands. another example taking a look at Code: <option value="" selected>Washington</option> this search function should technically be Code: <option value="" selected>Washington</option> however since i dont know how to add certain functions to the search i have to skip the housenum option. that means my customers cant search by street number. I want them to be able to type in their house number and their street address and it will change to what each seperate (outside) search engine needs. Does this make any sense at all? Hi everyone, I was assigned to find out how to do this for my work. We were hoping for a javascript (but it could be PHP or other comparable format). Instead of the search function searching the website, we would like it to search a small database full of information. I have been reading for days now and have just gotten more confused. One thing I read (hopefully it was true) is that you can save a database as an HTML, then convert HTML to .JS which javascript will run. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Jeremy from Farmco Hi all, I'm desperately trying to figure out how to "transform" Javascript commands into HTML code. Excuse my noobness but I really know nothing about Javascript. Basically, I have this Google API Search code: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>My Google AJAX Search API Application</title> <script src=""></script> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ google.load("search", "1"); function OnLoad() { // Create a search control var searchControl = new; // Add in a full set of searchers var localSearch = new; searchControl.addSearcher(localSearch); searchControl.addSearcher(new; searchControl.addSearcher(new; searchControl.addSearcher(new; // Set the Local Search center point localSearch.setCenterPoint("New York, NY"); // Tell the searcher to draw itself and tell it where to attach searchControl.draw(document.getElementById("searchcontrol")); // Execute an inital search searchControl.execute("Google"); } google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad); //]]> </script> </head> <body> <div id="searchcontrol">Loading...</div> </body> </html> Now, what I'm desperately trying to do since 4-5 hours is to have the search results between the <div id="searchcontrol"></div> encoded as HTML in the loaded page. Currently, when the page is loaded and I look at the source code, I have the word 'Loading...' in the <div> tags, despite in the normal view there are G results listed. I need those results encoded as HTML for SEO reasons. Researching on this matter I thought the problem could be the OnLoad command, that makes the script load after all the other HTML elements are loaded. But I tried to make it load before all the elements in the page, and the problem persists. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance for any help! In this case, Let's take Google Search as example: The code is JScript .NET, which is basically a .NET version of Javascript. Regardless of language, Anyone with appending type of skill can answer my question. This code is used in Fiddler(It's a Man-in-the-middle proxy) Code: if (oSession.uriContains("&q=")) // oSession is a Fiddler object session // uriContains() function, checks for case-insensitive string from the URI { var str = oSession.fullUrl; var sAppend = "test1+test2+test3"; if (!oSession.uriContains(sAppend)) { oSession.fullUrl = str.replace( "&q=","&q="+sAppend); } } For those who are confused, It says, If &q= is present in the URI, replace/append &q= with &q=test1+test2+test3 Problem: It appends test1+test2+test3 instantly, when it sees &q= in the URL. Basically, how do I make it wait until I click the submit/search button Thank you. Update: I heard about Onsubmit() event, but not really familiar with it. How do I use it? like, should I go to google source page and edit the form id? Also, Any other methods besides Onsubmit()? Hi experts, is it possible via Javascript to search certain websites with certain keywords without having to use specific search engines? example search only the following: 1. 2. 3. for the keyword "Laminat" and open the sites accordingly. thx Hi Everyone! I have a website that I'm designing where I have the need to search multiple sites at specific times. By this I mean that In some cases, we would want to search only the internet using google, or only search the site that I've created (which currently uses the jse_search.js solution), or only our company's website. I currently have four different search boxes that will search either the internet, the internal site, a separate internal site, or a third-party website, which all working fine. The problem is that the search boxes take up quite a bit of space, and the layout is becoming cumbersome. Is there a way in Javascript I could use a single search box and a drop-down list to select which method to use? The code I'm currently using is below. With the exception of the Google search function, I've modified some of the site names to general site names and paths to preserve the company's anonymity: Code in the <head> tag: Code: <script language="JavaScript1.3" type="text/javascript" src="jse_form.js"> </script> Code in the <body> tag: Code: <!--Begin Internal Site Search 1!--> <div> <p style="text-align: center;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td><form name="jse_Form" onsubmit="search_form(jse_Form);return false"> <input type="text" name="d" size="30"> </tr></td> <tr><td> <input type="button" value="Internal Site Search 1" onclick="search_form(jse_Form)"> </form> </tr></td> </table> <!--End Internal Site Search 1!--> <!--Begin Internal Site Search 2!--> <div> <p style="text-align: center;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <!--webbot bot="Search" S-Index="all" S-Fields S-Text="Search for:" I-Size="20" S-Submit="Start Search" S-Clear="Reset" S-TimestampFormat="%m/%d/%Y" TAG="BODY" b-useindexserver="1" startspan --> <form action="http://sitesearch2.idq" method="POST"><input type="text" name="UserRestriction" size="30" value> </tr></td> <tr><td style="text-align: center;"> <input type="submit" value="Internal Site Search 2"></form> </form> <!--webbot bot="Search" i-checksum="4210" endspan --> </td></tr> </table> </div> <!--End Internal Site Search!--> <!--Begin Google Search!--> <form method="get" action=""> <div> <p style="text-align: center;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <input type="text" name="q" size="30" maxlength="233" value="" /> </tr></td> <tr><td align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Google Search" /></td></tr> </table> </div> </form> <!--End Google Search!--> <!--Begin Third Party Search!--> <form id="keywordSearchForm" method="get" action="http://www.site3.html"> <div> <p style="text-align: center;"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <input class="input" type="text" name="keyword" size="30" /> </tr></td> <tr><td align="center"> <input type="hidden" name="origin" value="keywordsearch" /><input id="go" class="button" tabindex="0" type="submit" value="Third Party Search" /> </td></tr> </table> </div> </form> <!--End Third Party Site Search!--> Hello people. I'm looking to create a simple search engine capable of searching multiple search engines simultaneously together (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) and then displaying the results below for all sites on the same page. I don't want each search engine results page opening up in individual windows or anything, nor do I want people to have to manually select the search engine to search with. Just a single page where a user types in something, pressed [Enter] and then presented with all results from multiple sites on one page (without duplicates). I'm also looking to do this with image and torrent sites, etc. How would I go about doing this? Thanks a million guys. You have bigger brains than me. I am looking for a custom pop up box, but there is only 3 kinds (Alert, Confirm, Prompt). Neither of those will work. This is what I want to do. I have a successful translator that has random letter, number and symbols assigned to various letters problem is it only lets assign 1 character to 1 letter when i want to assign 4 characters to each letter to ensure the code cant be broken here is a snipet of what im working with its different then normal translators....
Code: <script language="javascript"> function translate() { if (document.form1.elements[0].checked == true) { EtoA() } else if (document.form1.elements[1].checked == true) { AtoE() } else { } } function EtoA() { var toggle = "false" var xlate = document.form1.elements[4].value var xlation = "" document.form1.elements[5].value = "" for (var i = 0; i <= xlate.length; i++) { tempa = xlate.charAt(i) if ( tempa == "[") { toggle = "true" i++ } else if ( tempa == "]") { toggle = "false" i++ } tempa = xlate.charAt(i) if (toggle == "true") { tempb = tempa } else if(tempa == "a") { tempb = "9" } else if(tempa == "b") { tempb = "a" } else if(tempa == "c") { tempb = "0" } else if(tempa == "d") { tempb = "c" } else if(tempa == "e") { tempb = "3" } else if(tempa == "f") { tempb = "b" } else if(tempa == "g") { tempb = "4" } else if(tempa == "h") { tempb = "?" } else if(tempa == "i") { tempb = "5" } else if(tempa == "j") { tempb = "6" } else if(tempa == "k") { tempb = "e" } else if(tempa == "l") { tempb = "+" } else if(tempa == "m") { tempb = "x" } else if(tempa == "n") { tempb = "7" } else if(tempa == "o") { tempb = "v" } else if(tempa == "p") { tempb = "1" } else if(tempa == "q") { tempb = "t" } else if(tempa == "r") { tempb = "q" } else if(tempa == "s") { tempb = "g" } else if(tempa == "t") { tempb = "n" } else if(tempa == "u") { tempb = "<" } else if(tempa == "v") { tempb = ">" } else if(tempa == "w") { tempb = "^" } else if(tempa == "x") { tempb = "!" } else if(tempa == "y") { tempb = "@" } else if(tempa == "z") { tempb = "#" } else if(tempa == "A") { tempb = "9" } else if(tempa == "B") { tempb = "a" } else if(tempa == "C") { tempb = "0" } else if(tempa == "D") { tempb = "c" } else if(tempa == "E") { tempb = "3" } else if(tempa == "F") { tempb = "b" } else if(tempa == "G") { tempb = "4" } else if(tempa == "H") { tempb = "h" } else if(tempa == "I") { tempb = "5" } else if(tempa == "J") { tempb = "6" } else if(tempa == "K") { tempb = "e" } else if(tempa == "L") { tempb = "f" } else if(tempa == "M") { tempb = "x" } else if(tempa == "N") { tempb = "7" } else if(tempa == "O") { tempb = "v" } else if(tempa == "P") { tempb = "1" } else if(tempa == "Q") { tempb = "t" } else if(tempa == "R") { tempb = "q" } else if(tempa == "S") { tempb = "g" } else if(tempa == "T") { tempb = "n" } else if(tempa == "U") { tempb = "<" } else if(tempa == "V") { tempb = ">" } else if(tempa == "W") { tempb = "^" } else if(tempa == "X") { tempb = "!" } else if(tempa == "Y") { tempb = "@" } else if(tempa == "Z") { tempb = "#" } else if(tempa == "1") { tempb = "}" } else if(tempa == "2") { tempb = "{" } else if(tempa == "3") { tempb = "(" } else if(tempa == "4") { tempb = "'" } else if(tempa == "5") { tempb = "|" } else if(tempa == "6") { tempb = "`" } else if(tempa == "7") { tempb = ":" } else if(tempa == "8") { tempb = ";" } else if(tempa == "9") { tempb = "=" } else if(tempa == "0") { tempb = ")" } else if(tempa == "~") { tempb = "R" } else if(tempa == "!") { tempb = "T" } else if(tempa == "@") { tempb = "F" } else if(tempa == "#") { tempb = "Y" } else if(tempa == "$") { tempb = "K" } else if(tempa == "%") { tempb = "J" } else if(tempa == "^") { tempb = "H" } else if(tempa == "&") { tempb = "G" } else if(tempa == "*") { tempb = "X" } else if(tempa == "_") { tempb = "V" } else if(tempa == "-") { tempb = "B" } else if(tempa == "+") { tempb = "M" } else if(tempa == "=") { } else if(tempa == "<") { tempb = "N" } else if(tempa == ">") { tempb = "U" } else if(tempa == ".") { tempb = "S" } else if(tempa == ",") { tempb = "W" } else if(tempa == "?") { tempb = "." } else if(tempa == ":") { tempb = "," } else if(tempa == ";") { tempb = "$" } else { tempb = tempa } xlation = document.form1.elements[5].value document.form1.elements[5].value = xlation + tempb } } function AtoE() { var toggle = "false" var xlate = document.form1.elements[4].value var xlation = "" document.form1.elements[5].value = "" for (var i = 0; i <= xlate.length; i++) { tempa = xlate.charAt(i) if ( tempa == "[") { toggle = "true" i++ } else if ( tempa == "]") { toggle = "false" i++ } tempa = xlate.charAt(i) if (toggle == "true") { tempb = tempa } else if(tempa == "9") { tempb = "a" } else if(tempa == "a") { tempb = "b" } else if(tempa == "0") { tempb = "c" } else if(tempa == "c") { tempb = "d" } else if(tempa == "3") { tempb = "e" } else if(tempa == "b") { tempb = "f" } else if(tempa == "4") { tempb = "g" } else if(tempa == "?") { tempb = "h" } else if(tempa == "5") { tempb = "i" } else if(tempa == "6") { tempb = "j" } else if(tempa == "e") { tempb = "k" } else if(tempa == "+") { tempb = "l" } else if(tempa == "x") { tempb = "m" } else if(tempa == "7") { tempb = "n" } else if(tempa == "v") { tempb = "o" } else if(tempa == "1") { tempb = "p" } else if(tempa == "t") { tempb = "q" } else if(tempa == "q") { tempb = "r" } else if(tempa == "g") { tempb = "s" } else if(tempa == "n") { tempb = "t" } else if(tempa == "<") { tempb = "u" } else if(tempa == ">") { tempb = "v" } else if(tempa == "^") { tempb = "w" } else if(tempa == "!") { tempb = "x" } else if(tempa == "@") { tempb = "y" } else if(tempa == "#") { tempb = "z" } else if(tempa == "9") { tempb = "A" } else if(tempa == "a") { tempb = "B" } else if(tempa == "0") { tempb = "C" } else if(tempa == "c") { tempb = "D" } else if(tempa == "3") { tempb = "E" } else if(tempa == "b") { tempb = "F" } else if(tempa == "4") { tempb = "G" } else if(tempa == "?") { tempb = "H" } else if(tempa == "5") { tempb = "I" } else if(tempa == "6") { tempb = "J" } else if(tempa == "e") { tempb = "K" } else if(tempa == "+") { tempb = "L" } else if(tempa == "x") { tempb = "M" } else if(tempa == "7") { tempb = "N" } else if(tempa == "v") { tempb = "O" } else if(tempa == "1") { tempb = "P" } else if(tempa == "t") { tempb = "Q" } else if(tempa == "q") { tempb = "R" } else if(tempa == "g") { tempb = "S" } else if(tempa == "n") { tempb = "T" } else if(tempa == "<") { tempb = "U" } else if(tempa == ">") { tempb = "V" } else if(tempa == "^") { tempb = "W" } else if(tempa == "!") { tempb = "X" } else if(tempa == "@") { tempb = "Y" } else if(tempa == "#") { tempb = "Z" } else if(tempa == "}") { tempb = "1" } else if(tempa == "{") { tempb = "2" } else if(tempa == "(") { tempb = "3" } else if(tempa == "'") { tempb = "4" } else if(tempa == "|") { tempb = "5" } else if(tempa == "`") { tempb = "6" } else if(tempa == ":") { tempb = "7" } else if(tempa == ";") { tempb = "8" } else if(tempa == "=") { tempb = "9" } else if(tempa == ")") { tempb = "0" } else if(tempa == "R") { tempb = "~" } else if(tempa == "T") { tempb = "!" } else if(tempa == "F") { tempb = "@" } else if(tempa == "Y") { tempb = "#" } else if(tempa == "K") { tempb = "$" } else if(tempa == "J") { tempb = "%" } else if(tempa == "H") { tempb = "^" } else if(tempa == "G") { tempb = "&" } else if(tempa == "X") { tempb = "*" } else if(tempa == "V") { tempb = "_" } else if(tempa == "B") { tempb = "-" } else if(tempa == "M") { tempb = "+" } else if(tempa == "N") { tempb = "<" } else if(tempa == "U") { tempb = ">" } else if(tempa == "S") { tempb = "." } else if(tempa == "W") { tempb = "," } else if(tempa == ".") { tempb = "?" } else if(tempa == ",") { tempb = ":" } else if(tempa == "$") { tempb = ";" } else { tempb = tempa } xlation = document.form1.elements[5].value document.form1.elements[5].value = xlation + tempb } } Can anyone help me out in assigning more then one character? Multple characters work when going english to my custom assignments but it cant translate back from my custom assignments to english. I already have a sort function that but wish to provide my users with the ability to specify custom sorts - days of the week, months etc. Assuming that I have a function that will return day of week (ie 'Mon' = 0, "Tue" = 1, "Wed" = 2 ... etc) can anyone show me how I would incorporate this into a sort routine? Many thanks in advance should you respond to this. I'm trying to create a custom drop down and using the code below it works pretty well - only one problem is if i have more than one drop down, all the links will only activate the first drop down. Any ideas on how I would fix that? Code: function toggle() { var ele = document.getElementById("dropdown-items"); var text = document.getElementById("dropdown-menu"); if( == "block") { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } } Hey guys, I'm trying to call the following custom tag: <mvt:item name="category_tree" /> from a JS function: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function left_nav_bar () { document.write('Categories:'); document.write('<mvt:item name="category_tree" />'); } //--> </script> But the custom tag is not executing in the browser. Am I calling it wrong from my JS code? Hi I have been looking to create custom buttons in an alert box I would like them to say Go and Cancel instead of OK and cancel Code: onClick="if(confirm('Would you like to continue?')) hey there, I have a problem when trying to set a different color for each button on my 4 blocks, matching the proper color. Here is my page I ve copy/paste the default art-button in the template.css file adding a " -red" suffix. I also made a new image with the red colors to match the active/hovered/pressed. Here is the code: Code: /* begin Button-red */ .art-button-wrapper-red, .art-button-wrapper-red, .art-button-wrapper-red, .art-button-wrapper-red { text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size: 13px; position:relative; top:0; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF !important; width: auto; outline: none; border: none; background: none; line-height: 37px; height: 37px; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 26px !important; overflow: visible; cursor: pointer; } .art-button-red img, .art-button-wrapper-red img { margin: 0; vertical-align: middle; } .art-button-wrapper-red { vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 37px; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; width: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 0; } .firefox2-red .art-button-wrapper-red { display: block; float: left; } input, select, textarea { vertical-align: middle; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size: 13px; } .art-block-red select { width:96%; } .art-button-wrapper-red.hover .art-button-red, .art-button-wrapper-red.hover, .art-button-red:hover { color: #FFFFFF !important; text-decoration: none !important; } .art-button-red, { color: #FCFCFD !important; } .art-button-wrapper-red .art-button-l-red, .art-button-wrapper-red .art-button-r-red { display: block; position: absolute; height: 121px; margin: 0; padding: 0; background-image: url('images/buttonr.png'); (I made a new image with the red colors) } .art-button-wrapper-red .art-button-l-red { left: 0; right: 14px; } .art-button-wrapper-red .art-button-r-red { width: 417px; right: 0; clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, 403px); } .art-button-wrapper-red.hover .art-button-l-red, .art-button-wrapper-red.hover .art-button-r-red { top: -42px; } .art-button-l-red, .art-button-r-red { top: -84px; } .art-button-wrapper-red input { float: none !important; } /* end Button-red */ Then I copy/paste the default code button in the index.php adding the "-red" suffix, into my red block: Code: <center> <span class="art-button-wrapper-red"> <span class="art-button-l-red"> </span> <span class="art-button-r-red"> </span> <a class="readon art-button-red" href="javascript:void(0)">More</a> </span> </center> Doing all the mentioned above doesnt work, it always shows the default button. I know there is a javascript which rules it but i dont know how to edit/add the function. Here is my part of the script.js related to the button: Code: /* begin Button */ function artButtonSetup(className) { jQuery.each(jQuery("a." + className + ", button." + className + ", input." + className), function(i, val) { var b = jQuery(val); if (!b.parent().hasClass('art-button-wrapper')) { if (!b.hasClass('art-button')) b.addClass('art-button'); jQuery("<span class='art-button-wrapper'><span class='art-button-l'> </span><span class='art-button-r'> </span></span>").insertBefore(b).append(b); if (b.hasClass('active')) b.parent().addClass('active'); } b.mouseover(function() { jQuery(this).parent().addClass("hover"); }); b.mouseout(function() { var b = jQuery(this); b.parent().removeClass("hover"); if (!b.hasClass('active')) b.parent().removeClass('active'); }); b.mousedown(function() { var b = jQuery(this); b.parent().removeClass("hover"); if (!b.hasClass('active')) b.parent().addClass('active'); }); b.mouseup(function() { var b = jQuery(this); if (!b.hasClass('active')) b.parent().removeClass('active'); }); }); } jQuery(function() { artButtonSetup("art-button"); }); /* end Button */ Anyone who can help out please? Many thanks. |