JavaScript - Jwplayer :: Exact Postition With Getposition()
I was able to get the position of the video by using the jwplayer().getPosition() function but I get something like 171.97 but the timer on the video showed me 2:51. How can I exactly get the position as 2:51 instead of 171.97? Screenshot: My Code: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("mediaplayer").setup({ flashplayer: "player.swf", file: "mane.mp4", image: "preview.jpg", events: { onPlay: function(event) { timeMsg(); } } }); function timeMsg() { var t=setTimeout("alertMsg()",100); } function alertMsg() { var timeline = ( jwplayer().getPosition()); $('#position').text(timeline); timeMsg(); } </script> Any help is appreciated. Similar TutorialsI've seen a bunch of these around but most of them take over the screen, etc. We found the perfect one and wondered if anyone knows of any scripts that are like this one: (See "Screenshots" towards the bottom for the zoom lightbox effect). Hello, I'm taking Computer Logic in college. I only am truly familiar with HTML and CSS and minimal web hosting stuff. I REALLY want to learn how to program, however. Anyway, we are doing classes/objects and functions. I am trying to figure out how to do this exercise. She starts with having us make this page that has a form that lets you select one of three radio buttons that will change the background color of the web page, along with that there is two text boxes to put a first name and last name. Then there is a button to click which puts your full name concatenated in another box below. All of this, is done, and I pretty much THINK I understand what is going on. Here is the code that we did to get this to happen: Code: <html> <head> <title>Computer Logic in class</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var nextColor = ""; var BR = "<br />"; function setColor(newColor) { nextColor = newColor; } function changeColor() { document.body.bgColor = nextColor; } function displayName() { var firstName = document.ColorAndText.firstName.value; var lastName = document.ColorAndText.lastName.value; document.ColorAndText.fullName.value = firstName + " " + lastName; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="red"> <form name="ColorAndText" action = ""> <input type="radio" name="colors" value="Blue" onclick="setColor(this.value)"/> Blue <br /> <input type="radio" name="colors" value="LightYellow" onclick="setColor(this.value)"/> Light Yellow <br /> <input type="radio" name="colors" value="Yellow" onclick="setColor(this.value)"/> Yellow <br /> <input type="button" name="changeButton" value="changeColor" onclick="changeColor()" /> <br /> <input type="text" name="firstName" value="First Name" size="40" /><br /> <input type="text" name="lastName" value="Last Name" size="40" /><br /> <input type="text" name="fullName" readonly="true" size="40" /><br /> <input type="button" name="displayButton" value="Display name" onclick="displayName()" /> <br /> </form> </body> </html> Okay, now, I have and can do that. Seems to make sense. Now, then, the actual program I need to make is from the following exercises: Activity 3-4 The owner of a flower shop wants you to develop a form for use on the shop's web site. The form should have a single text box for the user to enter his or her name. Under the text box should be a group of radio buttons for three different kinds of flowers: Roses, Carnations, and Daisies. Below the radio buttons should be a button labeled Request Info, with a read-only text box under it for thanking the user for requesting information. This program doesn't need any functions or onclick attributes for the graphical elements. Okay, here is the code that does that, very simple HTML. Code: <html> <head> <title>Computer Logic in class</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var nextFlower = ""; var BR = "<br />"; function setFlower(newFlower) { nextFlower = newFlower; } function displayMessage() { var firstName = document.Flowers.nameBox.value; document.Flowers.fullName.value = firstName + "," + nextFlower; } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="white"> <form name="Flowers" action = ""> <input type="text" name="nameBox" value="Namebox" size="60"><br /> <input type="radio" name="flowers" value="Roses" onclick="setFlower(this.value)"/> Roses <br /> <input type="radio" name="flowers" value="Carnations" onclick="setFlower(this.value)"/> Carnations <br /> <input type="radio" name="flowers" value="Daisies" onclick="setFlower(this.value)"/> Daisies <br /> <input type="button" name="displayButton" value="Request Info" onclick="displayMessage(this.value)" /> <br /><br /> <input type="text" name="thankyou" readonly="true" size="100" value="Thanks for using this program" /> </form> </body> </html> Okay, now is where I'm stuck. The following exercise is as follows: The flower shop owner in the previous activity wants to see where you can make the form interactive and asks you to have the form display a message in the bottom text box that includes the user's name, a comma, and the words "thank you for your inquiry about" followed by the flower name the user selected. Write a function named displayMessage() that accesses the user's name from the first text box and displays the message in the read-only text box. You also need to make the Request Info button call the displayMessage() function when it's clicked. Using Javascript, make this form active by including event triggers and functions. My teacher has said that I should be able to do this by just referencing these two previous pages of code that I have already pasted. I feel like I am missing something, that I need to be doing something and it's just not working for me. I'm actually really really stuck on this. I haven't even gotten to the second half of the exercise (where I have to have it display about what flower you select) because I cant get this function to work. What am I missing? Also, the exercise we did before these two had us make a very basic account class and object. We don't have to do that at all in this anywhere, but I do know how to do it, in case I need to make a class or something. ANY AND ALL HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! I just don't know what I'm supposed to do, I can't get it to work. Sorry about the title, I didn't know what else to use to describe my problem. Basically, I'm generating a random word with a function; then I'm trying to pass this word down to another function. The problem is, when I pass the word, it changes each time (due to it being randomly generated originally). I'm only calling the function once (via button click), but I'm also calling the function in my code lower down to retrieve the returned variable; and the function seems to be running again and returning a new word from my array. Here's a snippet of my code: Code: function ranNum(){ var ranNum = Math.round(Math.random()*10); var chosenWord = wordArray[ranNum]; return chosenWord; } function makeBoxes(x){ //remove children when new word is chosen var hM = document.getElementById("hangMan"); while(hM.firstChild){ hM.removeChild(hM.firstChild); } var chosenWord = ranNum(x); var wL = chosenWord.length; //create box for length of letters in word var i = 0; for(i=0;i<wL;i++){ var cBoxes = document.createElement("div"); cBoxes.className = "letterBoxes"; cBoxes.innerHTML = chosenWord.charAt(i); hangMan.appendChild(cBoxes); } return chosenWord; } function checkLetter(y){ var chosenWord = makeBoxes(y); alert(chosenWord); } So I generate a word with one button; now I need to be able to work with said word in my checkLetter() function. The word changes however. Any help would be greatly received. |