JavaScript - Autologin
I have simply tried
"http://user':'" to auto login to a website but it does not work do you have any sugesstions/scripts for autologin to any website. Similar TutorialsHello, I was wondering if you can help me write a script to search for available/open slots on a website and autologin on those every night at 12:00AM midnight. Is it possible? There are 4 equipments for use and any one can sign on to it if there is open slot within 48 hrs which starts at 12:00AM midnight. for example:- on monday night at 12:00AM wednesday becomes open and anyone can sign up so this script should search for all 4 equipments and sign up on all available slots for Wednesday Thanks in advance Currently I have a .vbs script that I am using to auto login to a site. I know its not javascript but the site itself is and thats what causing my issue I think? The site is a reservation site for classes at the gym. Basically I want the script to login to the site and sign up for a specific class every week. Its the same class same time same day. Below is the code I have so far. I can't figure out what the "sign up" button sends for me to add it into the script.
Code: set a = createobject("") "" wscript.sleep (5000) a.sendkeys ("khigbie") a.sendkeys chr(9) wscript.sleep (2000) a.sendkeys ("ilovelamp11") a.sendkeys "{Enter}" call msgbox("Finished") wscript.quit I'm not sure if it helps but I pulled the source from the page when logged in... 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