JavaScript - Slide Effect
I am using ASP.NET and AJAX here.
basically what I want is a nice little slide effect to show the next batch of images in a mini slide show. Example: << prev [image1] [image2] [image3] [image4] Next >> << prev [image5] [image6] [image7] [image8] Next >> so when the user presses next or previous, it will SLIDE to the left/right. the databinding is done at the server side end and in an update panel so it does an async postback when they press next/prev. how can I go about doing this type of effect? Similar Tutorialshi all hope someone can help me out here. The code below i found online and it works well but I would like it to slide rather than jump into posistion. Anyone know how I can adapt this or have another way of doing it?? what i like about this script is that it wont allow you to go beyond the bounds of the content when pressing the forward and back links but the transition needs a nice slide!!!. Example of how it works here Link Code: <head> <style> #contents{ position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; width: 786px; height: auto;} #scrollable{ overflow: hidden; width: 786px; height: 400px; border: 1px solid black;} </style> <script> var t = 0; function myback() { t += 786; with(document.getElementById("contents")) { if (t > 0) t = 0; if(style) style.left = t + "px"; else setAttribute("style", "left: " + t + "px"); } } function myforward() { t -= 786; with(document.getElementById("contents")) { if(t < -clientWidth) t = -clientWidth; if(style) style.left = t + "px"; else setAttribute("style", "left: " + t + "px"); } } </script> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <td rowspan="2"> <div id="scrollable"><div id="contents"> <table width="1572" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td width="776" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFF99">Some text!!!</td> <td width="776" valign="top" bgcolor="#66FFFF"> Some Text!!!</td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="myback()">back</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="myforward()">forward</a> </body> Hope this is clear. Thanks. I found a very intressting JS function at this webpage: I wonder if someone knows wihich part from the JS-file i should change/delete so i only get the fade at exempel 1 and not the slide/rolling effect. I only want the fade. The JS is: Code: //** Animated Collapsible DIV v2.0- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: //** May 24th, 08'- Script rewritten and updated to 2.0. //** June 4th, 08'- Version 2.01: Bug fix to work with jquery 1.2.6 (which changed the way attr() behaves). //** March 5th, 09'- Version 2.2, which adds the following: //1) ontoggle($, divobj, state) event that fires each time a DIV is expanded/collapsed, including when the page 1st loads //2) Ability to expand a DIV via a URL parameter string, ie: index.htm?expanddiv=jason or index.htm?expanddiv=jason,kelly //** March 9th, 09'- Version 2.2.1: Optimized ontoggle event handler slightly. //** July 3rd, 09'- Version 2.4, which adds the following: //1) You can now insert rel="expand[divid] | collapse[divid] | toggle[divid]" inside arbitrary links to act as DIV togglers //2) For image toggler links, you can insert the attributes "data-openimage" and "data-closedimage" to update its image based on the DIV state var animatedcollapse={ divholders: {}, //structu {, div.attrs, div.$divref, div.$togglerimage} divgroups: {}, //structu {groupname.count, groupname.lastactivedivid} lastactiveingroup: {}, //structu {} preloadimages: [], show:function(divids){ //public method if (typeof divids=="object"){ for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++) this.showhide(divids[i], "show") } else this.showhide(divids, "show") }, hide:function(divids){ //public method if (typeof divids=="object"){ for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++) this.showhide(divids[i], "hide") } else this.showhide(divids, "hide") }, toggle:function(divid){ //public method if (typeof divid=="object") divid=divid[0] this.showhide(divid, "toggle") }, addDiv:function(divid, attrstring){ //public function this.divholders[divid]=({id: divid, $divref: null, attrs: attrstring}) this.divholders[divid].getAttr=function(name){ //assign getAttr() function to each divholder object var attr=new RegExp(name+"=([^,]+)", "i") //get name/value config pair (ie: width=400px,) return (attr.test(this.attrs) && parseInt(RegExp.$1)!=0)? RegExp.$1 : null //return value portion (string), or 0 (false) if none found } this.currentid=divid //keep track of current div object being manipulated (in the event of chaining) return this }, showhide:function(divid, action){ var $divref=this.divholders[divid].$divref //reference collapsible DIV if (this.divholders[divid] && $divref.length==1){ //if DIV exists var targetgroup=this.divgroups[$divref.attr('groupname')] //find out which group DIV belongs to (if any) if ($divref.attr('groupname') && targetgroup.count>1 && (action=="show" || action=="toggle" && $divref.css('display')=='none')){ //If current DIV belongs to a group if (targetgroup.lastactivedivid && targetgroup.lastactivedivid!=divid) //if last active DIV is set this.slideengine(targetgroup.lastactivedivid, 'hide') //hide last active DIV within group first this.slideengine(divid, 'show') targetgroup.lastactivedivid=divid //remember last active DIV } else{ this.slideengine(divid, action) } } }, slideengine:function(divid, action){ var $divref=this.divholders[divid].$divref var $togglerimage=this.divholders[divid].$togglerimage if (this.divholders[divid] && $divref.length==1){ //if this DIV exists var animateSetting={height: action} if ($divref.attr('fade')) animateSetting.opacity=action $divref.animate(animateSetting, $divref.attr('speed')? parseInt($divref.attr('speed')) : 500, function(){ if ($togglerimage){ $togglerimage.attr('src', ($divref.css('display')=="none")? $'srcs').closed : $'srcs').open) } if (animatedcollapse.ontoggle){ try{ animatedcollapse.ontoggle(jQuery, $divref.get(0), $divref.css('display')) } catch(e){ alert("An error exists inside your \"ontoggle\" function:\n\n"+e+"\n\nAborting execution of function.") } } }) return false } }, generatemap:function(){ var map={} for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){ if (arguments[i][1]!=null){ //do not generate name/value pair if value is null map[arguments[i][0]]=arguments[i][1] } } return map }, init:function(){ var ac=this jQuery(document).ready(function($){ animatedcollapse.ontoggle=animatedcollapse.ontoggle || null var urlparamopenids=animatedcollapse.urlparamselect() //Get div ids that should be expanded based on the url (['div1','div2',etc]) var persistopenids=ac.getCookie('acopendivids') //Get list of div ids that should be expanded due to persistence ('div1,div2,etc') var groupswithpersist=ac.getCookie('acgroupswithpersist') //Get list of group names that have 1 or more divs with "persist" attribute defined if (persistopenids!=null) //if cookie isn't null (is null if first time page loads, and cookie hasnt been set yet) persistopenids=(persistopenids=='nada')? [] : persistopenids.split(',') //if no divs are persisted, set to empty array, else, array of div ids groupswithpersist=(groupswithpersist==null || groupswithpersist=='nada')? [] : groupswithpersist.split(',') //Get list of groups with divs that are persisted jQuery.each(ac.divholders, function(){ //loop through each collapsible DIV object this.$divref=$('#' if ((this.getAttr('persist') || jQuery.inArray(this.getAttr('group'), groupswithpersist)!=-1) && persistopenids!=null){ //if this div carries a user "persist" setting, or belong to a group with at least one div that does var cssdisplay=(jQuery.inArray(, persistopenids)!=-1)? 'block' : 'none' } else{ var cssdisplay=this.getAttr('hide')? 'none' : null } if (urlparamopenids[0]=="all" || jQuery.inArray(, urlparamopenids)!=-1){ //if url parameter string contains the single array element "all", or this div's ID cssdisplay='block' //set div to "block", overriding any other setting } else if (urlparamopenids[0]=="none"){ cssdisplay='none' //set div to "none", overriding any other setting } this.$divref.css(ac.generatemap(['height', this.getAttr('height')], ['display', cssdisplay])) this.$divref.attr(ac.generatemap(['groupname', this.getAttr('group')], ['fade', this.getAttr('fade')], ['speed', this.getAttr('speed')])) if (this.getAttr('group')){ //if this DIV has the "group" attr defined var targetgroup=ac.divgroups[this.getAttr('group')] || (ac.divgroups[this.getAttr('group')]={}) //Get settings for this group, or if it no settings exist yet, create blank object to store them in targetgroup.count=(targetgroup.count||0)+1 //count # of DIVs within this group if (jQuery.inArray(, urlparamopenids)!=-1){ //if url parameter string contains this div's ID //remember this DIV as the last "active" DIV (this DIV will be expanded). Overrides other settings targetgroup.overridepersist=1 //Indicate to override persisted div that would have been expanded } if (!targetgroup.lastactivedivid && this.$divref.css('display')!='none' || cssdisplay=="block" && typeof targetgroup.overridepersist=="undefined") //if this DIV was open by default or should be open due to persistence //remember this DIV as the last "active" DIV (this DIV will be expanded) this.$divref.css({display:'none'}) //hide any DIV that's part of said group for now } }) //end divholders.each jQuery.each(ac.divgroups, function(){ //loop through each group if (this.lastactivedivid && urlparamopenids[0]!="none") //show last "active" DIV within each group (one that should be expanded), unless url param="none" ac.divholders[this.lastactivedivid].$ }) if (animatedcollapse.ontoggle){ jQuery.each(ac.divholders, function(){ //loop through each collapsible DIV object and fire ontoggle event animatedcollapse.ontoggle(jQuery, this.$divref.get(0), this.$divref.css('display')) }) } //Parse page for links containing rel attribute var $allcontrols=$('a[rel]').filter('[rel^="collapse["], [rel^="expand["], [rel^="toggle["]') //get all elements on page with rel="collapse[]", "expand[]" and "toggle[]" $allcontrols.each(function(){ //loop though each control link this._divids=this.getAttribute('rel').replace(/(^\w+)|(\s+)/g, "").replace(/[\[\]']/g, "") //cache value 'div1,div2,etc' within identifier[div1,div2,etc] if (this.getElementsByTagName('img').length==1 && ac.divholders[this._divids]){ //if control is an image link that toggles a single DIV (must be one to one to update status image) animatedcollapse.preloadimage(this.getAttribute('data-openimage'), this.getAttribute('data-closedimage')) //preload control images (if defined) $togglerimage=$(this).find('img').eq(0).data('srcs', {open:this.getAttribute('data-openimage'), closed:this.getAttribute('data-closedimage')}) //remember open and closed images' paths ac.divholders[this._divids].$togglerimage=$(this).find('img').eq(0) //save reference to toggler image (to be updated inside slideengine() ac.divholders[this._divids].$togglerimage.attr('src', (ac.divholders[this._divids].$divref.css('display')=="none")? $'srcs').closed : $'srcs').open) } $(this).click(function(){ //assign click behavior to each control link var relattr=this.getAttribute('rel') var divids=(this._divids=="")? [] : this._divids.split(',') //convert 'div1,div2,etc' to array if (divids.length>0){ animatedcollapse[/expand/i.test(relattr)? 'show' : /collapse/i.test(relattr)? 'hide' : 'toggle'](divids) //call corresponding public function return false } }) //end })// end control.each $(window).bind('unload', function(){ ac.uninit() }) }) //end doc.ready() }, uninit:function(){ var opendivids='', groupswithpersist='' jQuery.each(this.divholders, function(){ if (this.$divref.css('display')!='none'){',' //store ids of DIVs that are expanded when page unloads: 'div1,div2,etc' } if (this.getAttr('group') && this.getAttr('persist')) groupswithpersist+=this.getAttr('group')+',' //store groups with which at least one DIV has persistance enabled: 'group1,group2,etc' }) opendivids=(opendivids=='')? 'nada' : opendivids.replace(/,$/, '') groupswithpersist=(groupswithpersist=='')? 'nada' : groupswithpersist.replace(/,$/, '') this.setCookie('acopendivids', opendivids) this.setCookie('acgroupswithpersist', groupswithpersist) }, getCookie:function(Name){ var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]*", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value return null }, setCookie:function(name, value, days){ if (typeof days!="undefined"){ //if set persistent cookie var expireDate = new Date() expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+days) document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; path=/; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString() } else //else if this is a session only cookie document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; path=/" }, urlparamselect:function(){[\w\-_,]+)/i) //search for expanddiv=divid or divid1,divid2,etc return (RegExp.$1!="")? RegExp.$1.split(",") : [] }, preloadimage:function(){ var preloadimages=this.preloadimages for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){ if (arguments[i] && arguments[i].length>0){ preloadimages[preloadimages.length]=new Image() preloadimages[preloadimages.length-1].src=arguments[i] } } } } I am currently trying to convert a relatively simple slide effect in javascript to a fade effect, I have attached the code below and be grateful if anyone can help, var slider = null; var slider_next = null; $(function () { var interval = setInterval('rotate_slider()', 11000); pos = (window.location.pathname == "/" || window.location.pathname == "/home" ? '1280' : '1280'); $('#featuredSlider > div:not(:first)').attr('style','position:absolute;left:'+ pos +'px;width:1280px'); $('#featuredSlider > div:first').next().attr('style','position:absolute;left:0px;width:1280px'); $('#featuredShortcuts > div').click( function() { clearInterval(interval); sliders = $('#featuredSlider > div:not(:first)'); sliders.css({"left": "1280px", "opacity": 0}); var curr_div = $(this); var selected_div = $('#featuredShortcuts > div.selected'); selected_div.toggleClass('selected'); curr_div.toggleClass('selected'); sliders.eq( parseInt(selected_div.attr('id').substr(1, 1)) ).animate({"left": "-=1280px", "opacity": 0}, 1000); sliders.eq( parseInt(curr_div.attr('id').substr(1, 1)) ).animate({"left": "0px", "width": "1280px", "opacity": 1}, 1000); }); }); function rotate_slider() { var next = null; var curr_div = $('#featuredShortcuts > div.selected'); if( $('#featuredShortcuts > div:last').hasClass('selected') ) { next = $('#featuredShortcuts > div:first'); } else { next =; } curr_div.toggleClass('selected'); next.toggleClass('selected'); if( ! slider ) { slider = $('#featuredShortcuts').next(); slider_next =; } else if ( slider_next.html() == $('#featuredSlider > div:last').html() ) { slider =; slider_next = $('#featuredShortcuts').next(); } else if ( slider.html() == $('#featuredSlider > div:last').html() ) { slider = $('#featuredShortcuts').next() slider_next =; } else { slider =; slider_next =; } slider.animate({"left": "-=1280px", "opacity": 0}, 1000); slider_next.animate({"left": "0px", "width": "1280px","opacity": 1}, 1000, function () { slider.css('left', '1280px') }); } Hi everyone, I was wondering if jQuery or mootools has a set of scripts that creates a page slide effect with a stationary menu? What I mean is instead of loading a page when you click a link, all pages of the website are loaded at first, and then when a link is clicked, the corresponding page slides onto the screen. The navigation menu remains unchanged (except for dropdown menus) throughout everything. This is a perfect example of what I'm looking for: Can anyone point me to the right direction? I tried to search for this but didn't come up with too many great results, and I searched the jQuery documentation and wasn't able to find a slider feature. Thanks. Hi, I'm a complete novice using javascript. I'm trying to get a mootools plugin to work with a slide in/slide out javascript using multiple divs. Here's the page: The mootools code (Noobslide) slides a main image on the right when you click thumbnails on the left, which are wrapped in a thumb mask using CSS. The first row of thumbnails works perfectly, but when it's passed on to the next div the mask isn't passed on and the effect breaks down. Thanks so much if anyone can help! Here's the html: Code: <li><a href="#" id="slidecontrol_2" class="slidecontrol">Click Here</a> <div id="slidedisplay_2" style="display:none;"> <div id="thumbs7"> <div class="thumbs"> <div><img src="images2/img4.jpg" alt="Photo Thumb" /></div> <div><img src="images2/img5.jpg" alt="Photo Thumb" /></div> <div><img src="images2/img6.jpg" alt="Photo Thumb" /></div> </div> <div id="thumbs_mask7"></div> <p id="thumbs_handles7"> <span></span> <span></span> <span></span> </p> </div> </div></li> <li><a href="#" id="slidecontrol_3" class="slidecontrol">asdf</a> <div id="slidedisplay_3" style="display:none;"> <div id="thumbs7"> <div class="thumbs"> <div><img src="images2/img2.jpg" alt="Photo Thumb" /></div> <div><img src="images2/img3.jpg" alt="Photo Thumb" /></div> </div> <div id="thumbs_mask7"></div> <p id="thumbs_handles7"> <span></span> <span></span> </p> </div> </div> The javascript: Code: $(document).ready(function () { $('a.slidecontrol').click(function(){ var $this = $(this); var divID = $this.attr("id").replace("slidecontrol_", "slidedisplay_"); var $div = $('#'+divID); if ($':visible')) { $div.slideUp(500); } else { $div.slideDown(500); } return false; }); }); The CSS: Code: #thumbs7{ position:relative; width:200px; clear:both; height:41px; overflow:hidden; } #thumbs7 .thumbs, #thumbs_handles7, #thumbs_mask7{ position:absolute; top:0; width:100%; height:41px; } #thumbs7 .thumbs div, #thumbs_handles7 span{ display:block; width:60px; height:41px; margin:0; float:left; cursor:pointer; } #thumbs7 .thumbs div img{ width:54px; float:right; } #thumbs_handles7 span{ background:url(../images2/thumb_invisible.gif) no-repeat; } #thumbs_mask7{ width:1200px; background:url(../images2/thumbs_mask.gif) no-repeat center top; } i am trying to slide multiple elements in my page at the same time. I wrote a script that can do one element at a time: Code: var count; var obj; function slide(elem,endy,endx,time){ obj=elem; count=time;'p')[0];'p')[0]; deltay=endy-currenty; deltax=endx-currentx; yrate=deltay/time; xrate=deltax/time; framey=0; framex=0; fooy=setInterval("movey(obj)",1); foox=setInterval("movex(obj)",1); } function movex(obj){ framex++; currentx=currentx*1+xrate;; if(framex==count){ clearInterval(foox); } } function movey(obj){ framey++; currenty=currenty*1+yrate;; if(framey==count){ clearInterval(fooy); } } is their anyway to modify this code so it does not use global variables and can run multiple instances simulatnuasly. I need a sort of slide show feature for my page (specifics below). I've spent a lot of time researching this and have not found what I'm looking for. I'm new to jquery and not sure how big of a chore this will be, but here goes: 1. There will be a title bar placed within a right and left arrow on either side. 2. The right and left arrows should cycle through a list of titles (when the right/left arrow is clicked, the title bar will change to the next/previous title in the list). 3. When each title bar is moused over, a new image will fade in above, and then fade out on mouse out. I hope this all makes sense. I'm not looking for some fancy predesigned slideshow, I'll be using my own layout and images. I just need the basic code to perform these actions. Any help would be most appreciated.. Good Day: I am very interested in a slide show as seen on this website ( Can anyone direct me as to where I could find a script for this slideshow to use on my site. Thanks very much in advance. I have the following 3 buttons on my page. I need when on hover on each respective button, the button to light up with a bg image and a slide out rollover in the top direction. How can I achieve this? <div style="padding-left:45px;width:852px;"> <a href=".html" class="Button"> <div style="text-align:center;padding-top:15px;float:left;width:270px;height:45px;background-image:url(images/homeBG.png);background-repeat:no-repeat"> <span id="homeButtonText">Question 1</span><br /> </div> </a> <a href="" class="Button"> <div style="margin-left:18px;text-align:center;padding-top:15px;float:left;width:270px;height:45px;background-image:url(images/homeBG.png);background-repeat:no-repeat"> <span id="homeButtonText">Question 2</span><br /> </div> </a> <a href="" class="Button"> <div style="text-align:center;padding-top:15px;float:right;width:270px;height:45px;background-image:url(images/homeBG.png);margin-right:5px;background-repeat:no-repeat"> <span id="homeButtonText">Question 3</span><br /> </div> </a> </div> Hello guys! :-) So, this is my first post so bare with me I'm currently under education as a webdesigner/developer, and for my exams i need this slide-in function, of a <div> i made. It has to be javascript, and as simple as possible :-) I've found alot of working scripts, but with all sorts of useless junk I can't have in my final result. So: Does any of you know a simple method of making an object slide-in from the side on MO, and slide back out when mouse is removed? Ty in advance! :-) Hi, I need some help with getting the browser to automatically scroll to the top when the user slides horizontally. It's probably easier for you to see what I mean! This is my website (still a working progress!!). If you click the links you will see the website scrollings horizontally. If you scroll to the bottom of 'portfolio', and then click another section, you will see that the browser stays at the bottom. Basically, I want the browser to automatically slide to the top whenever the user goes to another section. Is anyone able to help me? hi guys I am looking at this template: I think the sliding at the top happens way too frequently. How can I slow it down? I think it would be better if the slides change once every 6 seconds. Hy every one, i need help .I have a program made in visual c++ witch detect motion and makes a file.jpg every time when detects something. I would like to make a web pages witch makes the autorefresh with the last image generated by this program. How do i do that with javascript? I think i must declare a golbal variable witch kepps the path to the most younger file, or to make a list witch keeps all the images and sort it ascended but i don't know how to make this in java script. Can enyone help me ?Thanks in advance I'm trying to create a menu navigation system from the top of the page. I want it so when I hover over the link, it drops down (the link drops down; so it'd be as if there was a whole field being hidden beyond the 0px mark) with the related field. I've gotten it to work, somehow but it still isn't right. A few issues a - when I hover over .drop_slide and then if I choose to close it by hovering back over the .drop_slide it does as it's told, which is "slide, slide". I'm interested in rectifying this issue so it doesn't do that, however I just don't know how. - The idea is to have multiple links in the .slide, so I need it to be constantly open while the user mouses over the other links. Should this be created in one field? If so, how would I do that with a drop down in mind? - Am I approaching this completely wrong? Lol. Should I be researching into .animate? I've been looking at it actually, but I can't get anything to grow negatively. Say; marginTop: -85px or something. ANY help is appreciated, thanks! Code: <html> <head> <title>test slide panel</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ function slide() { $("#panel").slideToggle("slow"); } $(".drop_slide").hover(slide, stop); $("#panel").hover(stop, slide); }); </script> <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; width: 570px; font: 75%/120% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } a:focus { outline: none; } #panel { background: grey; height: 200px; display: none; } .slide { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: red; } .drop_games { width: 200px; height: 31px; padding: 10px 10px 0 0; display: block; font: bold 120%/100% Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="panel"> additional links here...or information </div> <p class="slide"><a href="#" class="drop_slide">test link</a></p> </body> </html> Hello, I have a slide some on my page which contains some images. It scrolls through images fine but i would like to add some control buttons such as pause/play and scroll back Can anyone tell me how i could do this? i have inc my code cheers Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var image1=new Image() image1.src="image1.jpg" var image2=new Image() image2.src="toy2.jpg" var image3=new Image() image3.src="toy3.jpg" var image4=new Image() image4.src="toy4.jpg" var image5=new Image() image5.src="toy5.jpg" </script> </head> <style> body { background-image:url('logo2008.jpg'); } .boxed { position:absolute; left:25%; border: 2px black; border-style: plain; width: 700px; height: 800px; } .boxed1 { position:absolute; left:25%; border: 1px blue; border-style: dotted; width: 700px; height: 350px; text-align:center; float: left; padding:2px; background-color: white; } .image { border: 1px blue solid; width: 200px; height:100px; } .image1 { border: 1px blue solid; width: 200px; height:100px; float:left; } .image2 { border: 1px blue solid; width: 200px; height:100px; float:right; } .image3 { border: 1px blue solid; width: 200px; height:100px; } .gallerycontainer{ position: relative; /*Add a height attribute and set to largest image's height to prevent overlaying*/ } .thumbnail img{ border: 1px solid white; margin: 0 5px 5px 0; } .thumbnail:hover{ background-color: transparent; } .thumbnail:hover img{ border: 1px solid blue; } .thumbnail span{ /*CSS for enlarged image*/ position: absolute; background-color: white; padding: 3px; left: -1000px; border: 0px; visibility: hidden; color: blue; text-decoration: none; } .thumbnail span img{ /*CSS for enlarged image*/ border-width: 0; padding: 1px; } .thumbnail:hover span{ /*CSS for enlarged image*/ visibility: visible; top: 400px; left: 500px; /*position where enlarged image should offset horizontally */ z-index: 50; } </style> <body> <a href="javascript:slidelink()"> <div class="boxed1"> <img src="image1.jpg" name="slide" border="0"width="35%" height="100%" /> </div> </a> <div class="image"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="360s.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="360s.jpg" /><br />Xbox 360 Slim</span></a> </div> <div class="image"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="ps3.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="ps3.jpg" /><br />Play station 3.</span></a> </div> <div class="image"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="wii.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="wii.jpg" /><br />Nintendo Wii</span></a> </div> <br> <br> </br> <div class="image"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="tv1.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="tv1.jpg" /><br />Sony Bravia KDL-40W2000</span></a> </div> <div class="image"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="tv2.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="tv2.jpg" /><br />Toshiba Regza AV61 (32AV615DB)</span></a> </div> <div class="image"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="tv3.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="tv3.jpg" /><br />Samsung B550 (LE40B550)</span></a> </div> <br> <br> </br> <div class="image1"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="ttg.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="ttg.jpg" /><br />Tom Tom GO</span></a> </div> <div class="image1"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="sat2.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="sat2.jpg" /><br />Garmin nuvi 3790T</span></a> </div> <div class="image1"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="sat3.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="sat3.jpg" /><br />Navigon 8450 Live</span></a> </div> <br> <br> </br> <div class="image2"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="iphone.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="iphone.jpg" /><br />iPhone 4</span></a> </div> <div class="image2"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="bbt.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="bbt.jpg" /><br />Blackberry torch</span></a> </div> <div class="image2"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="gphone.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="gphone.jpg" /><br />google HTC phone</span></a> </div> <br> <br> </br> <div class="image3"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="cod.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="cod.jpg" /><br />Call of duty: Black ops</span></a> </div> <div class="image3"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="fifa.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="fifa.jpg" /><br />Fifa 2011</span></a> </div> <div class="image3"> <a class="thumbnail" href="#thumb"><img src="f1.jpg" width="198px" height="98px" border="0" /><span><img src="f1.jpg" /><br />Formula 1 2010</span></a> </div> <br> <br> </br> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var step=1 var whichimage=1 function slideit(){ if (!document.images) return document.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src") whichimage=step if (step<5) step++ else step=1 setTimeout("slideit()",4000) } slideit() function slidelink(){ if (whichimage==1) window.location="image1.jpg" else if (whichimage==2) window.location="toy2.jpg" else if (whichimage==3) window.location="toy3.jpg" else if (whichimage==4) window.location="toy4.jpg" else if (whichimage==5) window.location="toy5.jpg" } //--> </script> </body> </html> Hi there. I want to slide in (jquery) a link in the bottom right when the page loads that offers the user to be pushed back to the top of the page. So far all is well. I have it appearing at width 1024 or bigger. With a media query set in order for it not to appear for smaller devices: #totop { position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 10px; background: #FFF; color: #000; padding: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; display:block; -moz-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #000; -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #000; box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px #000; } @media screen and (max-width: 1023px) { #totop { display: none; /* Remove to top button */ } Now I understand I want an if statement checking whether the css is to display block or none. Or if this doesn't work have an if statement checking the screen width itself rather than media queries. So far I have this: $(document).ready(function() { if( $('#totop').is(':visible') ) { ("#totop").slideDown("slow"); } else { ("#totop").hide(); } }); Please help! I am trying to make a simple slideout menu by increasing the height css attribute with the setTimeout() function making it rollout. It has partial functionality but it behaves pretty spazzy, here are my issues: 1. When I first load the page and mouse over the menu item, it does nothing. After mousing over it again, the menu does slide out but why does it not come out the first time? 2. As I go down the submenu items the whole menu flickers and it seems like its trying to rollout each time I change submenu items even though it is still within the same li element. 3. The last problem is even though I set my setTimeout() function to 1 millisecond delay it rolls out pretty slowly when in theory it should add 1 px per millisecond, causing it to rollout in about .1 of a second. Why would it be so slow? Here is the relevant code: Thanks for any help! Im just learning but it seems simple, just cant quite figure it out... html: Code: <li onmouseover="openMenuEffect('m3')" onmouseout="closeMenuEffect('m3')"> <a href="#" >Header</a> <div id="m3" > <a href="#">Sub 1</a> <a href="#">Sub 2</a> <a href="#">Sub 3</a> </div> </li> javascript: Code: //this is the sliding menu: function moveItAlong(id) { var menu = document.getElementById(id); var height = parseInt(; height += 1 ; = height + "px"; } function openMenuEffect(m) { var list = document.getElementById(m); var i = parseInt( if (i <= 100) { moveItAlong(m); setTimeout("openMenuEffect(\""+m+"\")",1); } } function closeMenuEffect(m) { var list = document.getElementById(m); = 0 + "px"; } Hi everyone, I'm new in this forum, and hope that someone can help me out. I have created a clickable slide show and it works like it should. At the moment the pictures are changing like a .gif file. How can I do that each picture when it's changing it should slide from the left or right side? Thanks Robert The code that I have below has three different buttons: When you click then name of each button the image of the button will appear. What I am trying to do is create a mini slide show. Instead of having 3 buttons, I just want one button called "tools" that you click and every time you click the button a different image of a tool will appear. I have heard you can use just about all my code below but add in the modulus operator somehow to achieve this... Does anybody have any suggestions or know how to do this??? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <style type="text/css"> img {display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } </style> </head> <body> <img id="shown" src="/tools/hoe.jpg" alt="hoe"> <script> function imageView(saw) { document.getElementById("shown").src="/tools/"+saw+".jpg"; } imageView('saw'); </script> <p><input type="button" value="Saw" onclick="imageView('saw')"> </p> <p><input type="button" value="Hoe" onclick="imageView('hoe')"> </p> <p><input type="button" value="Tree Trimmer" onclick="imageView('tree_trimmer')"> </p> </body> </html> |