JavaScript - Populate Html Area From Drop Down Lists
Hi Guys,
I am after populating a HTML box (or another language if html wont do) with a number of different files pdfs, exe's etc for customer to download. The content of this box will depend on the choices from two drop down lists. I have got two drop down lists setup filtering off each other... I have thought about tagging each document and then pulling up a file off the choices selected? Not sure the best way to go about this. Regards Heres the code so far.... Code: <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>prototype CP</Title> <style type="text/css"> .style1 { text-align: center; } .style2 { font-size: small; color: #FFFFFF; } .style3 { font-size: small; } </style> </Head> <BODY OnLoad="BuildContacts(0);" style="background-color: #336699; background-image: url('back.jpeg')"> <FORM Name="myForm"> <div class="style1"> <span class="style2">I have a </span> <font color="#000000"> <SELECT Name="SalesNames" OnChange="BuildContacts(this.selectedIndex);" class="style3"> <OPTION Value=""> <OPTION Value="nexgen">nexgen <OPTION Value="zimbra">zimbraCS <OPTION Value="exchange">exchange </Select></font><span class="style2"> mailbox and I want to set it up on: </span> <font color="#000000"> <SELECT Name="SalesContacts" class="style3"> <OPTION Value="">-------- </Select> </font> </div> </Form> </Body> </Html> <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"><!-- //Build arrays for each mailbox type Contacts=new Array(4); Contacts[0]=new Array(3); Contacts[1]=new Array(2); Contacts[2]=new Array(5); Contacts[3]=new Array(4); //Nexgen Contacts[0][0]=""; Contacts[0][1]="Outlook"; Contacts[0][2]="mac mail"; Contacts[0][3]="entourage"; Contacts[0][4]="iPhone"; Contacts[0][5]="Blackberry"; Contacts[0][6]="other mobile phone"; //Zimbra Contacts[1][0]="Outlook"; Contacts[1][1]="mac mail"; Contacts[1][2]="entourage"; Contacts[1][3]="iPhone"; Contacts[1][4]="Blackberry"; Contacts[1][5]="other mobile phone"; //Exchange Contacts[2][0]="Outlook"; Contacts[2][1]="mac mail"; Contacts[2][2]="entourage"; Contacts[2][3]="iPhone"; Contacts[2][4]="Blackberry"; Contacts[2][5]="other mobile phone"; //Call this to build the Contact list for the specified Salesperson function BuildContacts(num) { //Select the first Contact document.myForm.SalesContacts.selectedIndex=0; //For every contact in the array for this person, add a new option for(ctr=0;ctr<Contacts[num].length;ctr++) { document.myForm.SalesContacts.options[ctr]=new Option(Contacts[num][ctr],Contacts[num][ctr]); } //Set the length of the select list document.myForm.SalesContacts.length=Contacts[num].length; } //--></Script> Similar TutorialsI really need help with this. I really don't know how to make this work. I need to populate a drop down menu with a value passed through the browser if it's passed. so the browser URL will look like: I need to capture the referer value from the browser store it into a cookie. If the cookie is set and then populate the drop down on the page with the cookie. If it's not set then a list of sources should appear. So I already have the code to grab the string and store it in a cookie but I'm not sure how to do the initialization of the drop down with the cookie value. This is what I have... Code: <script> //Get the referer string out of the URL function getQuerystring(key, default_) { if (default_==null) default_=""; key = key.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]"); var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]"+key+"=([^&#]*)"); var qs = regex.exec(window.location.href); if(qs == null) return default_; else return qs[1]; } //Set the cookie for 30 days function SetCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,nDays) { var today = new Date(); var expire = new Date(); if (nDays==null || nDays==0) nDays=1; /* expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays);*/ expire.setTime(today.getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30)); document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue) + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString(); } //Put the cookie on the user's computer function putcookie() { var val = getQuerystring('referer'); if(val !=""){ if (document.cookie.length == 0) { SetCookie('referer', val, 1); alert(val); } } alert(document.cookie); } putcookie(); getCookie(name); //If there is a cookie then get the cookie function getCookie(c_name) { if (document.cookie.length>0) { c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "="); if (c_start!=-1) { c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1; c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",c_start); if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length; if(document.SECatJax.referer.length > 0) { document.SECatJax.referer.value = unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end)); return false; } alert(document.cookie); } } document.SECatJax.referer.value = 'Website'; } The dropdown to appear if there isn't a cookie is Code: <select name="source_code" size="1" id="source_code" class="select_2" style="display:none"> <option value="" selected="selected">--</option> <option value="Direct Mail">Direct Mail</option> <option value="High School Presentation">High School Presentation</option> <option value="Search Engine">Internet Search</option> <option value="Newspaper">Newspaper</option> <option value="Poster">Poster</option> <option value="Radio">Radio</option> <option value="Referral">Referral</option> <option value="TV">TV</option> <option value="Yellow Pages">Yellow Pages</option> </select> The drop down to appear if there is a cookie is[CODE]<select name="source_code2" size="1" id="source_code2" class="select_2" style="display:none"> <option value="YellowPagesOnline" selected="selected">YellowPagesOnline</option> </select>[CODE] Can someone help me with this please? Thanks. Thanks for all the help Old Pedant. You're nice enough to lend people a hand when you don't have to, and this makes the second or third time you've helped me solve a problem I've had with my website. Thanks so much. So I'm making a page where when someone clicks on the second drop list, then it carrys out a function first, and it calculates it based on what the first droplist is picked. Here's the code I have: Code: <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> function first() { var gold = 4; var green = 6; var red = 30; var blue = 0; var total = 100; if (calculate.color.GetElementById('gold').select) { var depends = gold/total }; if (calculate.color.GetElementById('green').select) { var depends = green/total }; if (calculate.color.GetElementById('red').select) { var depends = red/total }; if (calculate.color.GetElementById('blue').select) { var depends = blue/total }; if (calculate.choice1.GetElementById('first').select) { calculate.results.value = 1 * calculate.howmany.value * depends; } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="calculate"> <table> <td> I need: <input type="text" name="howmany" /> <br /> My choice is: </td> <td> <select name="color"> <option selected id="gold">Gold</option> <option id="green">Green</option> <option id="red">Red</option> <option id="blue">Blue Charms</option> </select> <br /> <select name="choice1"> <option id="first" onClick="first()"> First </option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="top"> You will need <input type="text" name="results" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> Any help is well appreciated. Thanks. Hey, I've tried w3schools, tizag, and google, but haven't found exactly what I need. I need some way of easily figuring out which option in a drop down menu is checked, through the use of javascript, like how you can use document.formname.elementname[i].checked to find out which checkbox/radio button is checked. Anything that would return something that allows me to figure out which option has been chosen. I will need to have a function with 3 if statements, one for each option.
Hi On my web page I have 3 seperate catorgories with 2 drop down lists in each, the first dropdown list in each catergory is for "county" here is a snippet of the code Code: function fillCategory(){ addOption(document.drop_list.Category, "bedfordshire", "Bedfordshire", ""); addOption(document.drop_list.Category, "berkshire", "Berkshire", ""); addOption(document.drop_list.Category, "buckinghamshire", "Buckinghamshire", ""); addOption(document.drop_list.Category, "cambridgeshire", "Cambridgeshire", ""); I wanted to know if it is possible to use "list.js" to populate all 3 county dropdown lists or would I need "list.js" "list1.js" etc etc Hi to everyone, I'm kind of new to html/php/javascript but still I manage to create a nice looking form in wich the users have to fill some text fields and select items from drop list. But I now have a small problem. I need one of those text fields to be automaticly filled by the informations selected in 2 drop lists. This is how it would looks like : Machine-Name : __________ (empty text field) Drop-List1 : abc (the user selected the string "abc" from the list.) Machine-Name : abc- Drop-List 2 : zxy(the user selected the string "zxy" from the list.) Machine-Name : abc-zxy- I hope you understand what I mean. If needed, I can past those fields and list code, but I don't think that would be very useful since it is kind of trivial. So, in words, how would you guys proceed to achieve this goal? udayanga0727@yahoo.comI need to a code to do the following. There is a Text Area that user can enter text. assume that user enter something and put a dot Following values should be populate in a drop down at the place where dot locate . -Hello -Hi _Test like when we get the string object using Net Beans IDE and when we put "Object." , drop down will be displayed with available methods for that particular object. idea is to build a editor using java script. can any one help me on this? Hi, I'm working on a menu update form. I'm pulling the existing data from mysql and posting it into a form, using php. This works fine. But now I want the user to be able to modify the data and perform and update query to the database with the changes. I cannot figure out how to get the modified php text box data into my html form text boxes so I can run an update query. I would be ok with a button that transfers the php text box data to the html form data. Hope this is clear what I'm trying to do, seems simple enough, but I can't figure it out. Thanks in advance for any ideas. Hello All, I have a form where the number of input fields (lets call them B through N) is determined by the length of a php array. Above those input fields is another field (lets call this field input A) that I would like to be auto populated based on what the user enters in fields B through N. Here is my code. The first table (with all of the "totals" fields) holds all of the input fields that I would like to auto update. These fields should auto update so that every input in EACH of the "fy" fields in the second table is added together. Example: every input in the id="fy_{$fy.fy}_high_impact_cost" field should be added together as the user enters them, and the id="totals_high_impact_cost" field should be auto updated with that total. Code: <form method="post" name="submit" action="new_item.php" accept-charset='UTF-8'> <table border="box" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_high_impact_cost" size="3" name="totals_high_impact_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_most_likely_impact_cost" size="3" name="totals_most_likely_impact_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_low_impact_cost" size="3" name="totals_low_impact_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_actual_expense" size="3" name="totals_actual_expense" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_high_mitigation_cost" size="3" name="totals_high_mitigation_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_most_likely_mitigation_cost" size="3" name="totals_most_likely_mitigation_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_low_mitigation_cost" size="3" name="totals_low_mitigation_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_cost_in_scope" size="3" name="totals_cost_in_scope" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="totals_unfunded_threat" size="3" name="totals_unfunded_threat" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" />M</td> </tr> </table> {foreach value=fy from=$php_array} <table> <tr> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_high_impact_cost" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_high_impact_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.high_impact_cost}" onchange="update_totals_high_impact_cost()" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_most_likely_impact_cost" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_most_likely_impact_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.most_likely_impact_cost}" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_low_impact_cost" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_low_impact_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.low_impact_cost}" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_actual_expense" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_actual_expense" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.actual_expense}" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_high_mitigation_cost" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_high_mitigation_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.high_mitigation_cost}" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_most_likely_mitigation_cost" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_most_likely_mitigation_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.most_likely_mitigation_cost}" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_low_mitigation_cost" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_low_mitigation_cost" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.low_mitigation_cost}" />M</td> <td align="center">$<input id="fy_{$fy.fy}_cost_in_scope" size="3" name="fy_{$fy.fy}_cost_in_scope" maxlength="20" style="text-align: right" value="{$fy.cost_in_scope}" />M</td> </tr> </table> {/foreach} </form> Please email me at if you would like more explanation. Thanks in advance for any help!!! =) i want to use arrays to populate an HTML list. I can populate the main list items but I can't seem to get the sub list items to work. Can anyone point out my mistake? Code: <HTML> <Body> <ul> <script> var pages = ["page1", "page2","page3"]; var subPages = ["sub1","sub2"]; for(var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++){ var page = pages[i]; document.write('<li>' + page + '</li>'); if (page == "page2"){ document.write('<ul>'); for(var i = 0; i < subPages.length; i++){ var subPage = subPages[i]; document.write('<li>' + subPage + '</li>'); } document.write('</ul'>); } } </script> </ul> </body> </HTML> I'm a newbie...please! html lists making javascript array I need help with a HTML UL I have ul inside ul but all I want to get when I select a certain list is the children of that list but remove the ul inside that list so they dont show at all any help would be great , current selecting code is Code: <div class="demo" id="demo_1"> <ul> <li id="1" class="open"><a id="1" href="#"><ins> </ins>Root node 1</a> <ul> <li id="2"><a id="2" href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node 1</a></li> <li id="3"><a id="3" href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node 2</a></li> <li id="4"><a id="4" href="#"><ins> </ins>Some other child node with longer text</a></li> <li id="6"><a id="6" href="#"><ins> </ins>Root node 222</a> //SHOUL NOT BE IN MY ARRAY <ul> <li id="7"><a id="7" href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node 222a</a></li> <li id="8"><a id="8" href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node 222b</a></li> <li id="9"><a id="9" href="#"><ins> </ins>Some other child node with longer text 222</a></li> </ul> //END OF UL ELEMENT N OT NEEDED THERE COULD BE more than 1 </li> </ul> </li> <li id="5"><a id="5" href="#"><ins> </ins>Root node 2</a></li> </ul> Hi, I have a text area that I want to add simple html formatting buttons to. The user should be able to: - highlight text and click a 'bold' button - highlight text and click 'itallic' button - Add bulleted list - Link I've looked at a number of WYSIWYG javascript examples, but they seem to accept Microsoft Word formatting, which I dont want. I have one html text area in my JSP file. when i click on that text area, a pop-up will come, in that pop-up i have list of items. So after selecting a item from that pop-up list, need to click okay. so that text area will update with the selected value. In this case, i need to compare the first text area value and updated text area value. How can i do that in Java Script. Hello CodingForums! I need some help with drag & drop links / downloads. I would like an example like the following website; I'm sorry if this question might have already been posted before, but as I do not know how to go about phrasing the questions(due to low calibre in technical terms), I could not do any search about it. Basically what I intended to do is to add a *drop down list* to the header looking something like this except for the fact that the header(the Tutorials, Scripting, Validation coloured in pink) isn't coded using .html but .js(in this website, its coded in html as shown below). <html> <head> <style> body{font-family:arial;} table{font-size:80%;background:black} a{color:black;text-decoration:none;font:bold} a:hover{color:#606060}{background:lightblue} { font-size:100%; position:absolute; visibility:hidden; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function showmenu(elmnt) { document.getElementById(elmnt).style.visibility="visible"; } function hidemenu(elmnt) { document.getElementById(elmnt).style.visibility="hidden"; } </script> </head> <body> <h3>Drop down menu</h3> <table width="100%"> <tr bgcolor="#FF8080"> <td onmouseover="showmenu('tutorials')" onmouseout="hidemenu('tutorials')"> <a href="/default.asp">Tutorials</a><br /> <table class="menu" id="tutorials" width="120"> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/html/default.asp">HTML</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/css/default.asp">CSS</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/xml/default.asp">XML</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/xsl/default.asp">XSL</a></td></tr> </table> </td> <td onmouseover="showmenu('scripting')" onmouseout="hidemenu('scripting')"> <a href="/default.asp">Scripting</a><br /> <table class="menu" id="scripting" width="120"> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/js/default.asp">JavaScript</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/vbscript/default.asp">VBScript</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="default.asp">DHTML</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/asp/default.asp">ASP</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/ado/default.asp">ADO</a></td></tr> </table> </td> <td onmouseover="showmenu('validation')" onmouseout="hidemenu('validation')"> <a href="/site/site_validate.asp">Validation</a><br /> <table class="menu" id="validation" width="120"> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/web/web_validate.asp">Validate HTML</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/web/web_validate.asp">Validate XHTML</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/web/web_validate.asp">Validate CSS</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/web/web_validate.asp">Validate XML</a></td></tr> <tr><td class="menu"><a href="/web/web_validate.asp">Validate WML</a></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <p>Mouse over these options to see the drop down menus</p> </body> </html> So how can I code this in .js instead of .html? I really need a clue on how to get started on coding this as this is totally new to me, hope that anyone would appreciate helping me and I will be grateful about it. I have some code to pick a wire size and conduit size from 2 separate drop down list. Then inside the js it is evaluated to decide how many wires. My problem is I can't figure out how to make the drop down options go into the JS. I just put in an error alert to test if they were for now. Here is my code: Code: function fillcap(){ var wire = document.getElementById("wireSize"); var conduit = document.getElementById("conduitSize"); if (wire.option.length >= 10 && conduit.option.length == .5) { windows.alert("Wire Size exceeds conduit max fill!") } And the html Code: <h2>Fill Capacity</h2><br> <b>Wire Size</b><br> <select id ="wireSize"> <option value="1">#14</option> <option value="2">#12</option> <option value="3">#10</option> <option value="4">#8</option> <option value="5">#6</option> <option value="6">#4</option> <option value="7">#3</option> <option value="8">#2</option> <option value="9">#1</option> <option value="10">1/0</option> <option value="20">2/0</option> <option value="30">3/0</option> <option value="40">4/0</option> <option value="250">250</option> <option value="300">300</option> <option value="350">350</option> <option value="400">400</option> <option value="500">500</option> <option value="600">600</option> <option value="700">700</option> <option value="750">750</option> </select> <br> <b>Conduit Size</b><br> <select id="conduitSize"> <option value=".5">1/2</option> <option value=".75">3/4</option> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="1.25">1-1/4</option> <option value="1.5">1-1/2</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="2.5">2-1/2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="3.5">3-1/2</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> <option value="6">6</option> </select><br> <input value="Wires allowed" onclick="fillcap()" type="button"> <input type="text" name="myresultbox" id="resultbox10"> Wires<br> Thank you for any advice. Hello! My first (but surely not last) post on this forum. I made a drop box menu and I want to activate specific javascript functions when they are selected. I think this should be fairly easy to solve. I am very new at HTML and Javascript btw. This is what I tried: if (document.getElementById("selectense").value="present"){ document.getElementById("present").style.visibility="visible"; } <span class="tensebox"> <select id="selectense"> <option onclick="showPresent()">Present</option> <option onclick="showPC()">Present</option> </select></span> (and I have some text with the ID "present) I am trying to populate a listbox using Javascript. The listbox is populated using the xml response from ajax request. Below is the code used for the same Code: var xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXML; for (var i = 0; i < xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("id").length; i++) { traderlists.add(new Option(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("name")[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue, xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("id")[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue)); } This works fine for me. But i am facing performance issue here. some ajax requests retrieves xmls with around 11,000 nodes and this takes too much of time to populate the listbox. Can anyone please advice me with an better solution? Resolution if interested: Code: <head> <title>Lab8</title> <script src="arrays.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function amountTotal() { var totalDonations = 0; for (var i = 0; i < amount.length; i++) { totalDonations += amount[i]; } return totalDonations; } </script> </head> <body> <table id="donations" rules="rows"> <tr> <th> Date </th> <th> Name </th> <th> Amount </th> <th> Address </th> </tr> <script type="text/javascript"> for (var i = 0; i < amount.length; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) document.write("<tr>") else document.write("<tr class='yellowrow'>"); document.write("<td>" + date[i] + "</td>"); document.write("<td>" + firstName[i] + lastName[i] + "</td>"); document.write("<td>" + amount[i] + "</td>"); document.write("<td>" + street[i] + "<br />" + city[i] + "," + " " + state[i] + " " + zip[i] + "</td>"); } document.write("</tr>") </script> </table> <table id="totalsTable"> <tr> <th colspan="2"> Summary </th> </tr> <tr> <td> Contributions </td> <td class="amt"> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write(amount.length); </script> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Amount </td> <td class="amt">$ <script type="text/javascript"> var totalTotal = amountTotal(); document.write(totalTotal); </script> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> I have a seperate .js sheet with some arrays on them (firstName, lastName, date, amount, city, state, zip) and I am trying to populate a table with these indexes. The 'yellowrow' highlights everyother row which is called out in my css sheet. My header rows fill in but not the rest. Here is the link for the site actually posted on the web. Code: <body> <table id="donations" rules="rows"> <tr> <th>Date</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Amount</th> <th>Address</th> </tr> <script type="text/javascript"> for (var i = 0; i < amount.length; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) document.write("<tr>") else document.write("<tr class='yellowrow'>"); document.write("<td>" + date(i) + "</td>"); document.write("<td>" + firstName(i) + lastName(i) + "</td>"); document.write("<td>" + amount(i) + "</td>"); document.write("<td>" + "<br />" + city(i) + "," + state(i) + zip(i) + "</td>"); } document.write("</tr>") </script> </table> </body> I have a div what will contain a various number on images and i need to put all their src's into an array. Is this doable? Heres the code Code: <div id="imageHolder"> <!-- ONLY CHANGE THE SRC, NOTHING ELSE --> <div style="width:770px;height:400px;overflow-y:auto;margin-bottom:5px;"> <img src="" alt="" width="750" id="mainImage"/><br /><br /> </div> <img src="" alt="" width="240" height="120" onmouseover="Images = this.src;alert(Images)" /> <img src="" alt="" width="240" height="120" onmouseover="Images = this.src;alert(Images)"/> <img src="" alt="" width="240" height="120" onmouseover="Images = this.src;alert(Images)"/> </div>Ignore the onmouseover code i was attempting to do this but so far no luck :P Hello guys, How to populate array from dropdownlist? I've tried like this var array = new array(); var d = document.getElementById("DropDownListl"); for (var i = 0; i < d.options.length; i++) { array[i] = d.options[i].value; } Thank you |