JavaScript - In Need Of A Clever Guru To Sort Out This Mess (two Js Files Interfering)
Hi All,
i have a really annoying problem, i have a js autosuggest file which sends/outputs suggestions to the user as they type which is working fine on its own, i have a contact form on one of my pages and it was working fine until my host upgraded to php 5.3 now everything has gone a bit haywire the contact form is interfering with the auto suggest function and when i remove the autosuggest function i get lots of errors on my contact form??? which is odd because it shouldnt have anything to do with it. here is the troublesome page and if you try and submit the form with js enabled the little loading icon next to the store search shows? which it shouldn't. the errors on the page dont effect the form from working because i have it working on another page with those errors but not with my js files for the auto suggest included. not sure if there are two ids the same somewhere which is causing the confusion between the js not sure where to start with this? do you want the files for the autosuggest or the contact form? thanks for any help really need it! Luke Similar TutorialsI have been working on the code for an alpha sort file and have become stumped. I need to incorporate both an insertion sort & selection sort method into my code before it will run. I attached the file I have been working on and it runs on Bluej with Java JDK. I would apretiate if you could take a look at it. If you would prefer not to download my file I have posted my code that I have been working on below. I am not familiar with the structure of an insertion sort or a selection sort mothod. I also am not clear on the point in which these methods would need to be placed in the file. Code: import*; import java.util.*; public class Words { ArrayList<String> words; public Words() { words = getData("wordlist.txt"); } public void displayWords() { for(int i=0; i<words.size(); i++) { System.out.println(words.get(i)); } } public ArrayList<String> getData(String filename) { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); File myFile = new File(filename); if(myFile.exists() && myFile.length()>0) { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(myFile) ); String word = in.readLine(); while( word != null ) { list.add(word); word = in.readLine(); } } catch( Exception e ) {} } return list; } } Hi Guys, I am a novice at javascript. I possibly need an alternative to document.write to output specifically the value contained in Code: {exp:lg_ml:translate key="phrase[i]"} This syntax is cms specific and carries a value like horse or a translated version of it like Pferd in German. The below code outputs: {exp:lg_ml:translate key="cat"}{exp:lg_ml:translate key="dog"}{exp:lg_ml:translate key="horse"} but I want it to output in the source code of my template so it can execute correctly with predetermined values and not just on screen as the syntax instead of the actual value it holds, if you know what I mean. Anyway after hours of trying and 5 cups of cheap Nescafe coffee I need to achieve exactly the below with an alternative possibly to document.write? I also need to keep the loop. Thanks Code: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var i; var phrase = new Array(); phrase[0] = "cat"; phrase[1] = "dog"; phrase[2] = "horse"; for (i=0;i<phrase.length;i++) { document.write("{exp:lg_ml:translate key=\""+phrase[i] +"\"}"); } </script> </body> </html> I set out to do a little exercise in creating draggable divs that look like app windows in pure javascript, with very little html. Problem is my mouseup event isn't always triggering and will never drop the div in the new spot. I have a global variable to determine whether or not the div is being dragged. This is toggled on the mouseup and mousedown events on the titlebar div. I have a mouesmove event on the body so that it can determine if the global dragging variable is true or false. If true then it moves the div to the x/y coordinates of the mouse Same thing with the mouseup event. It should move the div to the x/y coordinates of the mouse Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. Most of the time it acts like it just wants to select text while I'm dragging (which i thought my selectstart event would take care of) Code: <html> <head> <title>testjs</title> <script> var dragging = false; function Window(title,top,left,width,height) { this.title = (typeof title == 'undefined')?'New Window':title; this.x = (typeof top == 'undefined')?0:top; this.y = (typeof left == 'undefined')?0:left; this.width = (typeof width == 'undefined')?600:width; this.height = (typeof width == 'undefined')?400:height; this.borderStyle = 'solid'; this.windowPanel = null; this.Open = function() { var windowPanel = document.createElement('div'); windowPanel.setAttribute('id','windowPanel'); windowPanel.setAttribute('z-index', '2');'absolute'; = this.x+'px'; = this.y+'px'; = this.width + 'px'; = this.height + 'px'; = 'thin solid black'; var titleBar = document.createElement('div'); titleBar.setAttribute('id','titleBar'); titleBar.setAttribute('z-index', '4'); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = this.width + 'px'; = '22px'; = 'thin solid black'; titleBar.innerHTML = "<span style=position:absolute;>"+this.title+"</span>"; titleBar.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e){MouseDown(e,this)}, false); titleBar.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e){MouseUp(e,this)}, false); titleBar.addEventListener('selectstart', function(e){return false}, false); var closeButton = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = this.width - 30 + 'px'; var cbimg = document.createElement('img'); cbimg.setAttribute('src', 'close_button_red.png'); cbimg.setAttribute('width', '16'); cbimg.setAttribute('height', '16'); closeButton.appendChild(cbimg); closeButton.addEventListener('click', function(event){CloseWindow('windowPanel')}, false); document.body.addEventListener('mousemove', Mover, false); titleBar.appendChild(closeButton); windowPanel.appendChild(titleBar); document.body.appendChild(windowPanel); } } function Mover(e) { if(dragging == true) { console.log(e.pageX); = 'move'; document.getElementById('windowPanel').style.x = e.pageX + 'px'; document.getElementById('windowPanel').style.y = e.pageY + 'px'; } else = 'auto'; } function MouseUp(e,ele) { dragging = false; = e.pageY + 'px'; = e.pageX + 'px'; } function MouseDown(e,ele) { dragging = true; } function CloseWindow(wnd) { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById(wnd)); } function init() { wnd = new Window('A new approach', 100, 150, 1024, 768); wnd.Open(); } </script> </head> <body onLoad='javascript:init()'> <a href="#" onClick="javascript:init();">Open</a> </body> </html> Hello guys I am very much a novice with javascript, but I have a problem with which I think one of the JS gurus in here might be able to help with. I have about 10,000 keywords on a single web page. There is a checkbox next to every keyword. Some of these keywords are 2 to 3 word phrases. I can type a word in a browser like Firefox and highlight all the instances that a particular keyword is found. Unfortunately there is no firefox extension that would automatically check a box next to the highlighted/found keyword. Instead of manually checking the checkbox next to every keyword highlighted in the browser here is what I would ideally like to accomplish (with the help of javascript). - Have a text field on top of the page and be able to type in a word and hit submit - if a word is found among the keywords/phrases on the page, then the checkbox next to that keyword/phrase is automatically checked. All i need is the checkboxes checked for every instance the searched keyword is found. I don't care if the above procedure is used. If someone can suggest a better route i'm open for it. I don't see why it wouldn't be possible with javascript code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if this is a CSS or Javascript fix I need. I think it will be a javascript issue/solution. Browser=Firefox 6.0.2 website page: [suspicious link removed] I am attempting to use CSS for Alert Box background. I created a class: Code: <style type="text/css"> .alert { background-color:#5f9ebe; } </style> But I have tried so many ways to use .alert and none of them work. Code: function btn1(x) { if (x.anyText.value == "") alert("Type Something") else alert("You typed: " + x.anyText.value) x.anyText.value = "" } Perhaps my question really is: How do I make class="alert" change Alert Box Background. I am very new to Javascript but learning everyday. I would prefer code help not be jquery. Thanks so much. codeFLY Hi, i have a complete validation code here which seems not working properly.When i filled the full name filed and i click submit, the form get submitted but when i filled the full name and filled email too and click on submit the third or fourth like country alert or helpmessage pop up. Now i am trying to fish out why it is doing that but i am not getting it now. please i know its a long code but please try to help me on where i am wrong. I will thank you for using blue thank Please i will suggest copy the code i see what i mean.Here is it Code: <html> <head> <title>Final form validation</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function formvalidator() { var Fullname=document.getElementById("Fullname"); var email=document.getElementById("email"); var addr=document.getElementById("addr"); var country=document.getElementById("country"); var zip=document.getElementById("zip"); var phone=document.getElementById("phone"); var educa=document.getElementById("educa"); var job=document.getElementById("job"); var hours=document.getElementById("hours"); if(Checkfullname(Fullname,"Please enter your full name.")){ if(Checkemail(email,"Please enter a valid email.")){ if(Checkaddr(addr,"Please enter your address for better contact.")){ if(Checkcountry(country,"Please select a country.")){ if(Checkzip(zip,"Please enter your area zip code of 5 digits.")){ if(Checkph(phone,"Please enter your phone number for better contact of 14 digits.")){ if(Checkeduca(educa,"Please select your education status.")){ if(Checkjob(job,"Please select job.")){ if(Checkhours(hours,"Please select the number of hours you want to work." )){ return true; }}}}}}}}} return false; } function Checkfullname(elem,helpmg) { var eval=elem.value; eval=eval.replace(/[^a-z\s\-\.\']/gi,""); eval=eval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); eval=eval.replace(/\s{2,}/g," "); eval=eval.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g,function(w){return w.toUpperCase()}); document.getElementById("Fullname").value=eval; if(eval.length>=5 && eval.length<=50){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkemail(elem,help) { var eReExp=/^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/; if(elem.value.match(eReExp)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkaddr(elem,helpmg) { var eval=elem.value; eval=eval.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); eval=eval.replace(/\s{2,}/g," "); document.getElementById("addr").value=eval; if(elem.value.replace(elem.value)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkcountry(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please select country"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Checkzip(elem,helpmg) { var zReExp=/^\d{5}$/; if(elem.value.match(zReExp)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkph(elem,helpmg) { var pReExp=/^\d{14}$/; if(elem.value.match(pReExp)){ return true; } else{ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; }} function Checkeduca(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please choose"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Checkjob(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please select job"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } function Checkhours(elem,helpmg) { if(elem.value=="Please select hours"){ alert(helpmg); elem.focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> <style type="text/css"> #fullpage{width:100%;background-color:#f3f3f3; border:1px solid #336699;} #firstbar{ width:100%; background-color:#336699; text-align:left; font-color:white; } #field{ margin-right:70%;text-align:right;} </style> </head> <body> <h2><font color=#336699>Form validation..The power of javascript<font></h2> <p><font clor=#336699>Please note:all the field marked asteric is required and must be field.<br/>For help on filling the form just contact as at<font></p> <hr width="100%" color="#336699" size="2"> <div id="fullpage"> <form onsubmit="return formvalidator()"/> <div id="firstbar"><p><font color="white">Personal Details</font></p></div> <div id="field"> <p><font color=red>*</font>Full Name<input type="text" id="Fullname"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Email<input type="text" id="email"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Contact Address<input type="text" id="addr"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Country<select id="country"/> <option>Please select country</option> <option>Ghana</option> <option>United States</option> <option>India</option> <option>Germany</option> <option>Italy</option> <option>Nigeria</option> <option>South Africa</option> <option>United kingdom</option> <option>Malasia</option> <option>Egypt</option> <option>France</option> <option>China</option> </select></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Zip Code<input type="text" id="zip"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Phone Number<input type="text" id="phone"/></p> <p>Fax Number<input type="text" name="fax"/></p> </div> <div id="firstbar"><p><font color="white">Educational Details & Job</font></p></div> <div id="field"> <p><font color=red>*</font>Education Status<select id="educa"/> <option>Please choose</option> <option>High School</option> <option>Diploma</option> <option>Degree</option> <option>Certified We Developer</option> <option>Certified We Designer</option> <option>others</option> </select></p> <p>Experience(Details if any)<input type="text" name="exp"/></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Job Type<select id="job"/> <option>Please select job</option> <option>We Developer</option> <option>Web Designer</option> <option>Softwar Developer</option> <option>IT Consultancy</option> <option>Stock Trader</option> <option>Marketing Position</option> </select></p> <p><font color=red>*</font>Working Hours<select id="hours"/> <option>Please select hours</option> <option>1 to 5hurs</option> <option>1 to 8hurs</option> <option>1 to 10hurs</option> <option>1 to 12hurs</option> <option>1 to 13hurs</option> <option>1 to 15hurs</option> <option>1 to 20hurs</option> </select><p/> <p>Salary Demanded<input type="text" name="sala"/></p> <p>Comment(if any)<textarea name="text" rows="3" cols="40" wrap="virtual"/></textarea></p> <input type="submit" value="Submit Form"/> <input type="reset" value="Reset Form"/> </div></div> </form> </body> </html> Thanks.Clement Osei. Hi Guys, I need to amend the below so that if any version of IE is detected it calls window.resizeTo(300,400); otherwise no event or a window.moveTo(0,0); event (either one). Firefox is having problems with resizeto THANKS! <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> if "any version of internet explorer" window.resizeTo(300,400); else window.moveTo(0,0); </SCRIPT> OR <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> if "any version of internet explorer" window.resizeTo(300,400); else "do nothing" </SCRIPT> I have a status page on my website, but I have multiple servers, and they cramp up the one page. I was wondering if it was possible if I could have a link that says "CSS Server Status" and it drops down with the code for the CSS server, and say for "SAMP Server Status" drops down with the code/html for the samp server. I haven't a clue about Javascript, so as much help as possible would be appretiated. Hello JS experts: I simply want to sort this output by date: Code: document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("cdate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); Why can't I simply just do this? Code: document.write((x[i].getElementsByTagName("cdate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue).sort()); XML : Code: <item> <number>10-0057-FW</number> <title>Supervisory Contract Specialist</title> <link></link> <guid></guid> <description>10-0057-FW, Grade: GS-1102-15, Office: OAA, Opening Date: 02/26/10, Closing Date: 03/09/10, USAID Employees Only</description> <opp>1826296</opp> <office>OAA</office> <grade>SS-1102-15</grade> <odate>02/26/10</odate> <cdate>03/09/10</cdate> <eligibility>Employees Only</eligibility> <pubDate>Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:35:42 -0500 </pubDate> </item> Partial JS: Code: var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("item"); for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) { . . . document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("cdate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("</td><td>"); . . . Hi I'm working on displaying a list of events on my site and need to display them in ascending order. i've got an xml document that looks like this(with multiple events obviously, i've just put one here): Code: <EventList> <Event> <Title>title example</Title> <myDescription>description example</myDescription> <myLink></myLink> <dayDate>10</dayDate> <monthDate>5</monthDate> <yearDate>2010</yearDate> <EventPic>Event.gif</EventPic> </Event> </EventList> Then on my html page, I have this javascript: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else // Internet Explorer { xhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }"GET","Events.xml",false); xhttp.send(""); xmlDoc=xhttp.responseXML; var jDate=new Date(); var jYear=jDate.getFullYear(); var jYearStr=jYear.toString(); var jMonth=jDate.getMonth()+1; var jMonthStr=jMonth.toString(); var jDay=jDate.getDate(); var jDayStr=jDay.toString(); var currentDate=jYearStr+jMonthStr+jDayStr; document.write("<div>"); var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Event"); for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) { var theMonthDate=x[i].getElementsByTagName("monthDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var theDayDate=x[i].getElementsByTagName("dayDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var theYearDate=x[i].getElementsByTagName("yearDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; var theDate=theYearDate+theMonthDate+theDayDate; if (theDate>=currentDate) { document.write("<br>"); document.write("<a href='"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("myLink")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("'>"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("Title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("</a>"); document.write("<br>"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("myDescription")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("<br>"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("monthDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("/"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("dayDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("/"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("yearDate")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue); document.write("<br>"); } } document.write("</div>"); </script> Can anyone help me with sorting this? So far I have it displaying only events that are occuring after the present date(currentDate). How would I go about displaying them so that the events displayed will be in the order of the earliest date displaying first? Thanks so much, Alex I check the web and they only show you how to sort the whole array. I would like to be able to sort the subset of the 2D array. Here's my array. Code: var myArray=new Array( new Array("af","ad","az","ab"), new Array("bc","bd","bg","bb","bx"), new Array("cf","ck","ca","cv","co"), new Array("dd")); How would I sort the sub array independently. So only the a's together, then only the b's together, etc. thanks I already have a sort function that but wish to provide my users with the ability to specify custom sorts - days of the week, months etc. Assuming that I have a function that will return day of week (ie 'Mon' = 0, "Tue" = 1, "Wed" = 2 ... etc) can anyone show me how I would incorporate this into a sort routine? Many thanks in advance should you respond to this. Hi, OK, I know a bubble sort is very inefficient for sorting values but I have to do it as part of some coursework. I have the code working, i.e. it produces a sorted list of numeric values but the process of sorting the values is wrong. Below is my complete script. Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> A program to sort an array using a bubble sort </TITLE> <SCRIPT> /*A function to sort an array. Function takes an array of numbers as an argument. Function returns a new array with the same elements as the argument array, sorted into ascending order*/ function bubbleSort(arrayToSort) { // declare and initialise a variable to hold the length of the argument array var length = arrayToSort.length; //declare an array to be returned by the function var returnArray = new Array(length); //copy each element of the argument array to the return array for (var i = 0; i < length; i = i + 1) { returnArray[i] = arrayToSort[i]; } // PLACE YOUR CODE FOR THE FUNCTION HERE /* */ for (var j = 0; j < returnArray.length - 1; j = j + 1) { for (var k = j + 1; k < returnArray.length; k = k + 1) if (returnArray[j] > returnArray[k]) { var temp; temp = returnArray[j]; returnArray[j] = returnArray[k]; returnArray[k] = temp; document.write('Array after each swap ' + returnArray + '<BR>') } } return returnArray; } /* a function for testing the bubbleSort() function. Function assigns an array to a variable Displays elements of unsorted array in order Invokes bubbleSort() function with the array as the argument Displays elements of sorted array in order Function takes no arguments. Function returns no value.*/ function bubbleTest() { var unsortedArray; //array to accept numbers to be sorted var sortedArray; //array to show sorted numbers // the array of values to be sorted unsortedArray = [4,3,2,1]; // TO DO TASK 3 (iv) // PLACE YOUR FUNCTION CODE HERE /*Write out the array 'unsortedArray'*/ document.write('A program to sort a series of numbers using the Bubble Sort method.' + '<BR>' + 'Unsorted array ' + unsortedArray + '<BR>'); /*Assign the results of the 'bubbleSort' function to the array 'sortedArray'*/ sortedArray = bubbleSort(unsortedArray); /*Write out the array 'sortedArray'*/ document.write('Sorted array ' + sortedArray + '<BR>'); /* The arrays below are for use in Task 4 (iii) and Task 5(iii) and can be ignored in Task 3 DATA SET 1 [8,4,6,2,10,5,3,7,1,9] DATA SET 2 [1,5,2,8,6,7,10,9,4,3] DATA SET 3 [ 6,3,8,7,2,9,10,4,5,1] DATA SET 4 [7,5,2,10,6,8,4,3,9,1] DATA SET 5 [9,4,1,10,5,2,3,8,7,6] */ } /*Test area for bubbelSort array*/ //var unsortedArray = [9,7,2,10,1,4,8,6,5,3]; //Test arguments //bubbleSort(unsortedArray); // invoke bubbleTest() to test the bubbleSort() function bubbleTest(); </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML> OK, the problem is that on after the first pass, the numbers should be as follows: 3,2,1,4 The biggest number always ends up in it's place after each pass. My code above outputs the numbers after the first pass: 3,4,2,1 You will notice it is probably an inefficient way of writing the code. We have to only use code we have learnt Sorry for the long post!! We list our branches on our webpage, but I want people to be able to search for the nearest ones. This is the form I built as a place holder... but I'm sure I need a "little something" to go along with it. ha ha ha. Code: <form class="login">   <label class="white"><b>Zip Code</b><br />   <input name="zip" type="text" maxlength="5" size="10"/> </label> <br /><br /> <label>   <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Go!" class="btn" /> </label> </form> I would like to sort them in order of closest to furthest (or even just display the top 5)... where would I find something like that? I seem to be having a difficult time with my searches in google and otherwise. Anyone have any ideas? Thats my jsfiddle. I'm trying to get the gallerynav to sort the thumbnails based on their class. It does not work at all. I've gone over line by line but I can't see the mistake. When I run JSLink i get the error: Error: Problem at line 37 character 14: Cannot set property 'first' of undefined Implied global: $data 13,14, arr 14,15,25, jQuery 28, $ 30 Unused variable: read_button 30 "$", r 32 "read_button" I appreciate any help. Hey guys my question is related to sort table This is the code for the table: PHP Code: $result = $conn->query("SELECT query, link, pro,pro_update,ana,ana_update,cell,cell_update,cellother,cellother_update,gen,gen_update,genother,genother_update,author,author_update,other,other_update,date,id FROM mailing_list WHERE email = '$email' ORDER BY $order LIMIT $start_row, $max_per_page;"); echo "<table class=\"sortable\" id=\"query_quick2\" width=\"100%\" >\r\n"; echo "\t<tr><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Updated Query</th><th width=\"10\" class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Link</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Promoter Locus</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Anatomical Area</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Cell Type</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Other Cell Type</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Genetic Background</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Other Gen. Back.</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Author</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Other</th><th class=\"sorttable_alpha\" >Update</th> <th class=\"sorttable_mmdd\" >Date</th><th class=\"sorttable_nosort\" ></th><th class=\"sorttable_nosort\" ></th>\r\n"; if($result->num_rows){ while ($row = $result->fetch_array()){ $RowCount ++; $row_color = ($RowCount % 2) ? $color1 : $color2; echo "<form method = \"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\">"; echo "\t<tr id=\"{$row['id']}\" class=\"$row_color\" > <td>{$row['query']}</td><td>{$row['link']}</td> <td>{$row['pro']}</td><td>{$row['pro_update']}</td><td>{$row['ana']}</td> <td>{$row['ana_update']}</td><td>{$row['cell']}</td><td>{$row['cell_update']}</td><td>{$row['cellother']}</td> <td>{$row['cellother_update']}</td><td>{$row['gen']}</td><td>{$row['gen_update']}</td><td>{$row['genother']}</td> <td>{$row['genother_update']}</td><td>{$row['author']}</td><td>{$row['author_update']}</td><td>{$row['other']}</td><td>{$row['other_update']}</td> <td>{$row['date']}</td> <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"edit_mail\" value = \"Edit\"/></td> <td><input type =\"hidden\" name = \"id\" value=\"{$row['id']}\"/></td> <td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete_mail\" value =\"Delete\"/></td> </tr>"; echo "</form>"; } } echo "</table>"; This is an excerpt of the script which deletes the specific entry: PHP Code: } elseif(isset($_SESSION['user_id']) AND isset($_POST['delete_mail'])){ //user is deleting existing queries $connect=db_connect_2(); $id = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $_POST['id']); $sql2 = "DELETE FROM mailing_list WHERE id='$id'"; $result = mysqli_query($connect, $sql2) or mysqli_error($conn); $msgs[] = "Queries DELETED successfully."; $body = "account.php"; } I can delete the specific entry like usual at the beginning but right AFTER i sort the table by clicking a column heading, say, promoter locus, (using sortable.js) and then when i try to delete a specific entry, problem arises. Instead of deleting the entry i want, it always deletes the LAST entry. Now as you can see, i select a specific value for $id, using post method from a form But shouldn't the value of $id point to the entry i want to delete when i click the "delete" button near it? (i mean it works fine before i sort the table) Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks. My problem is in the drop down menus for site names, we have hundreds of sites and unfortunately the menu is not sorted 0-1 then A-Z and I would love it to be sorted like that. I have tried to do my homework and understand java / javascript but I just can't stand it and I feel it is too complicated for me. The good news is I used to be a good ASP/vbscript programmer about 12 years ago so I have the "common sense" of understanding how to apply something similar on other pages, because I have lots of drop down menus that I need to sort. I need your help in the attached file please. I need someone to simply highlight for me where in the javascript is fetching the site names from the DB and what needs to be added to sort them. Please identify it inside the file by either different color or bold font. Once I see it i will be able to figure out how to apply it in general to the other menus in the other pages. Thank you in advance. Hi I have a table that sorts in jquery and I have one column that I would like to always remain the same while the other columns sort around it. What I want is for the order of the column to always be Great, Bad, Failure while every other column can be sorted and I don't want to the column to sort alphabetically. What is the easiert way for me to do this?
Hello, I have the following script, but I'd like to sort each nested array before it is written. How can I do this? I've tried putting Games.sort(); and Games[0].sort(); in different places, but it never seems to work. Code: var Games = new Array(); //PS3 Games[0] = new Array(); Games[0][0] = "ps3list"; Games[0][1] = "Uncharted: Among Thieves"; Games[0][2] = "Prince of Persia"; Games[0][3] = "Saboteur"; Games[0][4] = "Assassins Creed"; //Wii Games[1] = new Array(); Games[1][0] = "wiilist"; Games[1][1] = "Wii Play"; Games[1][2] = "Mario Party 8"; Games[1][3] = "Okami"; Games[1][4] = "Wii Sports"; function loadGames(){ for (i = 0; i < Games.length; i++) { var list = "<ul>"; for (j = 1; j < Games[i].length; j++) { list += "<li><input type = 'checkbox' class='checkbox' name = '" + Games[i][j] + "' />" + Games[i][j] + "</li>"; } list += "</ul>" document.getElementById(Games[i][0]).innerHTML = list; } } Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script> window.onload = function(){ document.getElementById("t").innerHTML = "<table border='1' id='myTable'>" + "<tr><td>" + names.join("<tr><td>") + "</td></tr>" + "</table>"; } var names = ["Marble","Jarque","Dino","Pineapple"]; function abc(){ if(document.getElementById('myTable').rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML==names[0]){names.sort()} else if(document.getElementById('myTable').rows[0].cells[0].innerHTML==names[2]){names.sort().reverse()} else {names.sort()} document.getElementById("t").innerHTML = "<table border='1' id='myTable'>" + "<tr><td>" + names.join("<tr><td>") + "</td></tr>" + "</table>"; } </script> </head> <body> <div id="t"></div> <input type="button" value="sort" onclick="abc()" /> </body> </html> First time sort: no problem But when it comes to the blue-highlighted parts It cannot do the sort().reserve() What's wrong with the codes? |