JavaScript - Javascript - Detecting Client Mac Address (minor Issue)
AC_ActiveX.js & AC_RunActiveContent.js is for java app that detect my client mac address
I have java application running on my computer. I've tested on several pc, sometimes it detect the mac address, but sometimes nothing came out. In create_users.php, somehow im not able to store the mac address into a variable..( var mac = getMacAddress(); ) 1) Are my java coding would run on every pc? 2) I'm able to print out the mac address with "document.write(getMacAddress());" but why isit having stored in the variable is an issue? 3) which explorer would be the best to have the java running? IE/FF/Opera? create_users.php PHP Code: <script src="Scripts/AC_ActiveX.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--[if !IE]> Firefox and others will use outer object --> <embed type="application/x-java-applet" name="macaddressapplet" width="0" height="0" code="MacAddressApplet" archive="macaddressapplet.jar" pluginspage="" style="position:absolute; top:-1000px; left:-1000px;"> <noembed> <!--<![endif]--> <!----> <script type="text/javascript"> AC_AX_RunContent( 'classid','clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA','type','application/x-java-applet','name','macaddressapplet','style','position:absolute; top:-1000px; left:-1000px;','code','MacAddressApplet','archive','macaddressapplet.jar','mayscript','true','scriptable','true','width','0','height','0' ); //end AC code </script><noscript><object classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-FFFF-ABCDEFFEDCBA" type="application/x-java-applet" name="macaddressapplet" style="position:absolute; top:-1000px; left:-1000px;" > <param name="code" value="MacAddressApplet"> <param name="archive" value="macaddressapplet.jar" > <param name="mayscript" value="true"> <param name="scriptable" value="true"> <param name="width" value="0"> <param name="height" value="0"> </object></noscript> <!--[if !IE]> Firefox and others will use outer object --> </noembed> </embed> <script> function getMacAddress(){ document.macaddressapplet.setSep( "-" ); return (document.macaddressapplet.getMacAddress()); } var mac = getMacAddress(); </script> AC_ActiveX.js Code: function AC_AX_RunContent(){ var ret = AC_AX_GetArgs(arguments); AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs); } function AC_AX_GetArgs(args){ var ret = new Object(); ret.embedAttrs = new Object(); ret.params = new Object(); ret.objAttrs = new Object(); for (var i=0; i < args.length; i=i+2){ var currArg = args[i].toLowerCase(); switch (currArg){ case "pluginspage": case "type": ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1]; break; case "data": case "codebase": case "classid": case "id": case "onafterupdate": case "onbeforeupdate": case "onblur": case "oncellchange": case "onclick": case "ondblClick": case "ondrag": case "ondragend": case "ondragenter": case "ondragleave": case "ondragover": case "ondrop": case "onfinish": case "onfocus": case "onhelp": case "onmousedown": case "onmouseup": case "onmouseover": case "onmousemove": case "onmouseout": case "onkeypress": case "onkeydown": case "onkeyup": case "onload": case "onlosecapture": case "onpropertychange": case "onreadystatechange": case "onrowsdelete": case "onrowenter": case "onrowexit": case "onrowsinserted": case "onstart": case "onscroll": case "onbeforeeditfocus": case "onactivate": case "onbeforedeactivate": case "ondeactivate": ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1]; break; case "width": case "height": case "align": case "vspace": case "hspace": case "class": case "title": case "accesskey": case "name": case "tabindex": ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1]; break; default: ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.params[args[i]] = args[i+1]; } } return ret; } AC_RunActiveContent.js Code: var isIE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false; var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false; var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false; function ControlVersion() { var version; var axo; var e; // NOTE : new ActiveXObject(strFoo) throws an exception if strFoo isn't in the registry try { // version will be set for 7.X or greater players axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"); version = axo.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) { } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 6.X players only axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"); // installed player is some revision of 6.0 // GetVariable("$version") crashes for versions 6.0.22 through 6.0.29, // so we have to be careful. // default to the first public version version = "WIN 6,0,21,0"; // throws if AllowScripAccess does not exist (introduced in 6.0r47) axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; // safe to call for 6.0r47 or greater version = axo.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) { } } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 4.X or 5.X player axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3"); version = axo.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) { } } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 3.X player axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3"); version = "WIN 3,0,18,0"; } catch (e) { } } if (!version) { try { // version will be set for 2.X player axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"); version = "WIN 2,0,0,11"; } catch (e) { version = -1; } } return version; } // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version information function GetSwfVer(){ // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array var flashVer = -1; if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) { if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) { var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : ""; var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description; var descArray = flashDescription.split(" "); var tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split("."); var versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0]; var versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1]; var versionRevision = descArray[3]; if (versionRevision == "") { versionRevision = descArray[4]; } if (versionRevision[0] == "d") { versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1); } else if (versionRevision[0] == "r") { versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(1); if (versionRevision.indexOf("d") > 0) { versionRevision = versionRevision.substring(0, versionRevision.indexOf("d")); } } var flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." + versionRevision; } } // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4 else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1) flashVer = 4; // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3 else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1) flashVer = 3; // older WebTV supports Flash 2 else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 2; else if ( isIE && isWin && !isOpera ) { flashVer = ControlVersion(); } return flashVer; } // When called with reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision returns true if that version or greater is available function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision) { versionStr = GetSwfVer(); if (versionStr == -1 ) { return false; } else if (versionStr != 0) { if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) { // Given "WIN 2,0,0,11" tempArray = versionStr.split(" "); // ["WIN", "2,0,0,11"] tempString = tempArray[1]; // "2,0,0,11" versionArray = tempString.split(","); // ['2', '0', '0', '11'] } else { versionArray = versionStr.split("."); } var versionMajor = versionArray[0]; var versionMinor = versionArray[1]; var versionRevision = versionArray[2]; // is the major.revision >= requested major.revision AND the minor version >= requested minor if (versionMajor > parseFloat(reqMajorVer)) { return true; } else if (versionMajor == parseFloat(reqMajorVer)) { if (versionMinor > parseFloat(reqMinorVer)) return true; else if (versionMinor == parseFloat(reqMinorVer)) { if (versionRevision >= parseFloat(reqRevision)) return true; } } return false; } } function AC_AddExtension(src, ext) { if (src.indexOf('?') != -1) return src.replace(/\?/, ext+'?'); else return src + ext; } function AC_Generateobj(objAttrs, params, embedAttrs) { var str = ''; if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera) { str += '<object '; for (var i in objAttrs) { str += i + '="' + objAttrs[i] + '" '; } str += '>'; for (var i in params) { str += '<param name="' + i + '" value="' + params[i] + '" /> '; } str += '</object>'; } else { str += '<embed '; for (var i in embedAttrs) { str += i + '="' + embedAttrs[i] + '" '; } str += '> </embed>'; } document.write(str); } function AC_FL_RunContent(){ var ret = AC_GetArgs ( arguments, ".swf", "movie", "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ); AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs); } function AC_SW_RunContent(){ var ret = AC_GetArgs ( arguments, ".dcr", "src", "clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" , null ); AC_Generateobj(ret.objAttrs, ret.params, ret.embedAttrs); } function AC_GetArgs(args, ext, srcParamName, classid, mimeType){ var ret = new Object(); ret.embedAttrs = new Object(); ret.params = new Object(); ret.objAttrs = new Object(); for (var i=0; i < args.length; i=i+2){ var currArg = args[i].toLowerCase(); switch (currArg){ case "classid": break; case "pluginspage": ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1]; break; case "src": case "movie": args[i+1] = AC_AddExtension(args[i+1], ext); ret.embedAttrs["src"] = args[i+1]; ret.params[srcParamName] = args[i+1]; break; case "onafterupdate": case "onbeforeupdate": case "onblur": case "oncellchange": case "onclick": case "ondblClick": case "ondrag": case "ondragend": case "ondragenter": case "ondragleave": case "ondragover": case "ondrop": case "onfinish": case "onfocus": case "onhelp": case "onmousedown": case "onmouseup": case "onmouseover": case "onmousemove": case "onmouseout": case "onkeypress": case "onkeydown": case "onkeyup": case "onload": case "onlosecapture": case "onpropertychange": case "onreadystatechange": case "onrowsdelete": case "onrowenter": case "onrowexit": case "onrowsinserted": case "onstart": case "onscroll": case "onbeforeeditfocus": case "onactivate": case "onbeforedeactivate": case "ondeactivate": case "type": case "codebase": case "id": ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1]; break; case "width": case "height": case "align": case "vspace": case "hspace": case "class": case "title": case "accesskey": case "name": case "tabindex": ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.objAttrs[args[i]] = args[i+1]; break; default: ret.embedAttrs[args[i]] = ret.params[args[i]] = args[i+1]; } } ret.objAttrs["classid"] = classid; if (mimeType) ret.embedAttrs["type"] = mimeType; return ret; } Similar Tutorialshi, how can i get client mac address OR hdd id with javascript for internet explorer? I need to detect the client IP address and then redirect them to the apporiate page depending on their IP. This is on an Intranet site. Here's what I've been working with: var ip = '<!--#echo var="REMOTE_ADDR"-->'; if (ip == "10.256.85"); { url=(""); window.location=url;(""); } This works for the redirect but doesn't check the IP. Thank you! K. Bardolf My code is working pretty well, except I have an issue validating. I think it may be to do with when there is an empty string. I know that NaN is Not a Number, but the only issue I can find with my code is when I input a non-digit such as "k" for example. And because I have put some code in to reload the page when it does not validate, when it refreshes it has 2 popup boxes. Thanks for taking the time to read my post Code: <html> <head> <title>Sound Travel Calculator</title> <script type="text/javascript"> // Setting our variables based on user input var hours = 0; var mins = 0; var m_per_secs = 340; alert("Speed of Sound \n\nAt Sea Level Sound Travels At 340 Metres Per Second \n\nIf You Would Like To Know How Far Sound Will Travel In A Given Time, Click OK"); hours = prompt("Please Enter Hours (If less than 1 hour, just type 0)"); mins = prompt("Please Enter Minutes"); // Validating input for a number less than zero or an not a number if ((isNaN(hours)) || (hours < 0) || (isNaN(mins)) || (mins < 0)) { alert("Please enter a numeric value, zero or greater"); window.location.reload(true); } // if there is no input, the value is set to zero if (hours =="") { hours = 0; } if (mins =="") { mins = 0; } // Calculations dist = (((parseFloat(hours)) * 60 * 60) + (parseFloat(mins * 60)) * parseFloat(m_per_secs) / 1000) // Output our calculation alert("The Distance of Sound Travelled is " + (dist) + " Kilometres"); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> URL: Site also employs CodeIgniter from original developer. Code below sets up a table with a form and script in separate cells of the same row. Looks good and click on check box works ok, but script seems to only run when the page is initially loaded. Does not change variable 'c' and display the change. Am in a bind for this one. My developer is away for the holiday and CEO wants it done ASAP. Anyone have an idea? <!-- Setup a table to hold the elements where I want them without conflicting with CodeIgniter - K.I.S.S.--> <table style="border:0px;"> <tr> <td style="width:600px; text-align:left;"> <!-- Un-submitted form with legend and checkbox input to acknowledge terms and display discount code --> <form name="acknowledge" action="" method=""> <legend>I acknowledge that I have read and understand the content of this page <!-- onClick should execute display_code() script --> <input style="border:0px; width:40px;" type="checkbox" name="investor" onClick="display_code()"/> </legend> </form> </td> <td style="width:200px; text-align:right;"> <!-- Script should check checked state of checkbox investor and set c to appropriate value --> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- set c="" after get this working --> var c="NOT SET"; function display_code() { if (document.acknowledge.investor.checked) { var c="INVESTOR"; } else { <!-- set c="" after get this working --> var c="NO CODE"; } } document.write('Your code is: ' + c); </script> </td> </tr> </table> Hi... Is there anyway to differentiate between refreshing a window and closing the browser. It seems both events are handled by onUnload event. Thanks I wish to change the dynamic text in a javascript to that which is in a MySQL database using PHP. this is then used in a flash scroller. currently i have hard coded the text in the javascript file. is there a way to have PHP run in the javascript file before it is sent to the endusers? or another way ? Hi, The following code is not working whose purpose is to validate the form with javascript. Please Help . Code: <html> <head> <script type='text/javascript'> function formValidator() { // Make quick references to our fields var firstname = document.getElementById('firstname'); var addr = document.getElementById('addr'); var zip = document.getElementById('zip'); var state = document.getElementById('state'); var username = document.getElementById('username'); var password = document.getElementById('passwd'); var email = document.getElementById('email'); var cpassword=document.getElementById('pass2'); var txtar=document.getElementById('ta'); var rad=document.getElementById('r1'); var cbox =document.getElementById('r1'); // Check each input in the order that it appears in the form! if(isAlphabet(firstname, "Please enter only letters for your name")) { if(isAlphanumeric(addr, "Numbers and Letters Only for Address")) { if(isNumeric(zip, "Please enter a valid zip code")) { if(madeSelection(state, "Please Choose a State")) { if(lengthRestriction(username, 6, 8)) { if(plengthRestriction(password,4,6)) { if(confpass(cpassword,"Please confirm")) { if(emailValidator(email, "Please enter a valid email address")) { if(istextareablank(txtar,"Please enter some text")) { if(isradiobuttselected(rad,"Please select any one radio buttons")) { if(ischeckboxselected(cbox,"Please select at least one checkbox")) { return true; } } } } } } } } } } } return false; } function notEmpty(elem, helperMsg){ if(elem.value.length === 0){ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); // set the focus to this input return false; } return true; } function isNumeric(elem, helperMsg){ var numericExpression = /^[0-9]+$/; if(elem.value.match(numericExpression)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function isAlphabet(elem, helperMsg){ var alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/; if(elem.value.match(alphaExp)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function isAlphanumeric(elem, helperMsg){ var alphaExp = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/; if(elem.value.match(alphaExp)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function lengthRestriction(elem, min, max) { var uInput = elem.value; if(uInput.length >= min && uInput.length <= max){ return true; }else{ alert("Please enter username between " +min+ " and " +max+ " characters"); elem.focus(); return false; } } function plengthRestriction(elem, min,max) { var uInput = elem.value; if(uInput.length >= min && uInput.length <= max){ return true; }else{ alert("Please enter password between " +min+ " and " +max+ " characters"); elem.focus(); return false; } } function madeSelection(elem, helperMsg){ if(elem.value == "Please Choose"){ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; }else{ return true; } } function emailValidator(elem, helperMsg){ var emailExp = /^[\w\-\.\+]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+\.[a-zA-z0-9]{2,4}$/; if(elem.value.match(emailExp)){ return true; }else{ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; } } function confpass(elem,helperMsg) { if ( confPasswd === "" ) { alert("Please fill in the Confirm Password"); document.forms[0].elements[7].focus( ); return false; } else if (document.forms[0].elements[6].value != document.forms[0].elements[7].value) { alert( "Your passwords do not match. Please retype and try again."); return false; } } function isEmpty(s) { return ((s === null) || (s.length === 0)); } function istextareablank(elem,helperMsg){ var i; <!-- Is empty? --> if (isEmpty(s)) return true; <!-- Search through string's' characters one by one until we find a non-whitespace character. --> for (i=0; i < s.length; i++) { <!-- Check that current character isn't' whitespace.--> var currchar = s.charAt(i); if (whitespace.indexOf(currchar) == -1) return false; } <!-- All characters are whitespace. --> return true; } function isradiobuttselected(elem,helperMsg){ <!-- Check to see if atleast one is checkbox checked or not--> for (j=10; j<=11; j++) { if(document.forms[0].elements[j].checked) { break; } else if (j>=11) { alert("Atleast Check on one of the radio buttons"); document.forms[0].elements[j].focus(); return (false); } } return(true); } function ischeckboxselected(elem,helperMsg) { for (j=12; j<=13; j++) { if(document.forms[0].elements[j].checked) { break; } else if (j>=13) { alert("Atleast Check on One of Our Services"); document.forms[0].elements[j].focus(); return (false); } } return(true); } </script> </head> <body> <form onsubmit='return formValidator()' > <br /> First Name: <input type='text' id='firstname' /><br /><br /> Address: <input type='text' id='addr' /><br /><br /> Zip Code: <input type='text' id='zip' /><br /><br /> State: <select id='state'> <option>Please Choose</option> <option>AL</option> <option>KE</option> <option>TX</option> <option>CH</option> </select><br /> Username(6-8 characters): <input type='text' id='username' /><br /><br /> Password(min 4 chars):<input type="password" id='passwd' /> <br/><br /> Confirm Password: <input id="pass2" Type="password" /><br/><br /> Email: <input type='text' id='email' /><br /><br /> Something about Yourself : <textarea name="1" cols="17" rows="4" id="ta"></textarea><br/><br /> Free Membership <input type="radio" id="r1"/> Paid Membership <input type="radio" id="r1"/><br/><br/> Friendship<input type="checkbox" id="box1" /> Networking <input type="checkbox" id="box1" /><br /><br /> <input type='submit' value='Submit' /> </form> </body> </html> I am developing a mobile app. I have a script that will read the contents of a csv into an array. It works great, however I am not sure how to take that array and insert it into a db. The following is the script that reads the csv -- function IO(U, V) { var X = !window.XMLHttpRequest ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest; ? "PUT" : "GET", U, false); X.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); X.send(V ? V : ""); return X.responseText; } var mycells = IO('data.csv').split(/\n/g).map(function(a){return a.split(/\t/g)} ) I want to insert the array 'mycells' into the db but do not know what the correct syntax would be. t.executeSql('INSERT INTO mytable (name, phone, street, city, state) VALUES (????????????... Thanks for any helps that is sent my way! hi, I have a website which is available on internet and uses lot of javascript code. Someone recently reported a bug and I fixed it in a javascript file. Now I want to move this updated js file on my server. but I am confused, how will this fix now be downloaded on every user's browser when they access website the next time? Is the download to client machine dependent on browser settings? could it be possible that some customer machine has latest file and some do not. How do I force file to download on client machine independent of client browser settings? thank u Hi, I am creating a HTML page and mailing it to the user(client side). This html page contains a Table and a button. On button click, I would like to create another HTML page based on the detail in the table,dynamically on run time and Open the newly created HTML. I need to use javascript to achieve this functionality. I have no Server-Client Configuration. And I need to run the Javscript only on client side to process the First HTML's table data and Create a new HTML page. The output of the javascript should also be put in a table format in the newly created HTML page. Here is some background information: The details from one server would be put into this first HTML along with a button. This HTML page is then mailed to Client side. The javascript in the HTML page then processes the Table data of first HTML. This can only be run at Client Side,once the user clicks the button and moreover I dont have Server-Client Configuration. I am creating a report and mailing it, For formatting purposes and for creating hyperlink to mailid's I chose HTML, Now I am struck here. Could some one please help me out with this. Thanks for your time. Hi, I have an array in JavaScript. How can I GROUPBY Branch, then by Client and then by Referral Type and COUNT DISTINCT LPS # in JavaScript. Please note I need to do this client side using JavaScript. Array Data: Branch Client Referral Type LPS # 402036 402430 Psychological File Review 30 402049 402805 In-Home Assessment 10.87927 402050 402993 Chiropractic Assessment 100 402049 402805 Chiropractic File Review 10.88054 402049 402806 Chiropractic File Review 10.88055 402049 402806 Defense Medical 20 402049 402807 Chiropractic Assessment 10 402049 402807 In-Home Assessment + Form 1 10.88054 402049 402807 Physiotherapy Assessment 10 402049 402808 Attendant Care Assessment 10 402049 402808 Chiropractic Assessment 10.88041 402049 402808 In-Home Assessment 10 402049 402816 Chiropractic Assessment 10.85316 402049 402827 Neurological File Review 10.88047 402049 402827 Social Work File Review 10.88044 402050 402605 Psychological File Review 880434 402050 402661 Physician Assessment 878203 402050 402993 Physician Assessment 1000 402036 402575 Psychological File Review 50 Thanks I want to know how can i make javascript that i can use by run into in address bar.. I just need such javascript that run through address bar. My purpose is How can i check all check box in webpage that do not include all check or uncheck button? Best common example for check all or uncheck all is Quote: <html> <head> <title>Check All</title> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function checkall(formid) { len=formid.ckb.length for(i=0;i<len;i++) { formid.elements.ckb[i].checked=true } } function uncheckall(formid) { len=formid.ckb.length for(i=0;i<len;i++) { formid.elements.ckb[i].checked=false } } </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <CENTER> <FORM NAME="myform"> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ckb"> Checkbox One <BR> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ckb"> Checkbox Two <BR> <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ckb"> Checkbox Three <BR> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="chka" VALUE="Check All" onClick="checkall(this.form)"> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="unchka" VALUE="Uncheck All" onClick="uncheckall(this.form)"> </FORM> </CENTER> </body> </html> Now for above code If there would not have any javascript for select all then how can i use the select all javascript that i can run through address bar. i.e how can i just check all check box by using javascript? Hi everyone, I have been trawling for useful info for a few hours and still have no definitive answer. There is plenty of info about creating server side javascript which can use php/asp to pull in xml etc and process but there is nothing I could find identifying how to do the same thing but with the javascript being client side only, e.g chrome plugin code. From what I currently understand, javascript client side only cannot reach or ask for any services externally. Am I missing something obvious or just trying to do something impossible? Cheers , Aro Hello. Is the any chance to increment IP address in Javascript ? For example plus 1 will be I've started to modify my old script: Code: var ipa =; var partsa = []; var tempa = ipa; for ( var p = 0; p < 3; ++p ) { var dot1t = tempa.indexOf("."); partsa[p] = tempa.substring(0,dot1t); tempa = tempa.substring(dot1t+1); } partsa[3] = tempa; But do not know how to display ip like: ( parts1[0].parts1[1].parts1[2].parts1[3]+1 ) Please help. Leos Hey everyone. I need a little help and I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination with javascript. I have a simple little code script and I'd like either the onClick function (or the entire code itself, whichever is easiest) to only load once every 24 hours for each IP address. So "" should only get the effect of this code once every 24 hours regardless if they revisit my site 5 times a day let's say. So here's my little script: Code: <script language="JavaScript"> function goNewWin() {"",'Google','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); TheNewWin.blur(); } </script> <body onClick="goNewWin()"> Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks! My source : Code: <html> <head> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> function runcode(cwin) { cwin.location.replace("javascript:alert("Loaded complete")"); } function newtab() {""); setTimeout("runcode(win)",5000); setTiemout("win.close()",7000); } </script> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Click to open newtab" onclick="newtab()" /> </body> </html> I want after newtab is opened 5s, alert window will be opened with message:"Loaded complete". Then 2s it is closed. But it isn't what I expect. Please fix it for me. Thanks in advance! Hi Friends, I am facing one problem that screw me left and right. Please share me if anyone of you faced this problem and solved already. I am using the below code to assign the javascript function on select on radio button. This may vary based on radio button selection. For some radio button selection the button will be disabled. if(yes) { document.getElementById("Name").href = "javaScript:functionA()"; document.getElementById("Name").onclick = "javaScript:functionA()"; }else { document.getElementById("Name").href = "#"; } This is the code i am using to activate the button or disable the button. For some causes i am getting "javaScript:functionA()" in the address bar instead of calling that java script method. So my new window is not showing me the correct result. Please some one advise me how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance. Regards, Jeva Hello, I have a question what is the best way to identify a browser, browser version and OS in javascript. I have try a few scripts but they all fail. This will help me out formating the code for diferent browsers. Thanks Let me give an example: javascript: var myvar=10; function myfunc(){}; void(0); After excuting the above js source code in the address bar of my browser, I can use window.myvar and window.myfunc() to access myvar and myfunc. This indicates that the above "address-bar javascript code" must have been stored somewhere in the current page. My question is: where is the "address-bar javascript code" stored in the current page? or equivalently, is it possible to retrieve the "address-bar javascript code" by using some other javascript codes? I checked document.childNodes and document.documentElement, but cannot find the javascript source code. Maybe the source code is stored in the window object? How to retrieve it? Thank you very much for the help! Hi there, I would like to validate the email address typed into the prompt message by the user, but to no avail. Can some kind soul help? Code: function addOption() { var new = prompt("Enter New Item:"); if (!new == "") { var answer = confirm ("Are you sure you want to add? ") if (answer)//if answer is true { var lst = document.getElementById('lstBx'); // listbox control id // Now we need to create a new 'option' tag to add to MyListbox for (var i = 0; i < lst.options.length; i++) { arrTexts = lst.options[i].text; if (arrTexts.toLowerCase() == newItem.toLowerCase()) { alert ("That email address is already included in the list - please enter another one."); break; } else { validRegExp = /^[^@]+@[^@]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i; strEmail = lst.value; // search email text for regular exp matches if ( == -1) { alert('A valid e-mail address is required.\nPlease retry.'); return false; } var optionNew = document.createElement("option"); optionNew.value = new; // The value that this option will have optionNew.innerHTML = new; // The displayed text inside of the <option> tags // Finally, add the new option to the listbox lst.appendChild(optionNew); //sort items in listbox in alpha order arrTexts = new Array(); for(i=0; i<lst.length; i++) { arrTexts[i] = lst.options[i].text; } arrTexts.sort(); for(i=0; i<lst.length; i++) { lst.options[i].text = arrTexts[i]; lst.options[i].value = arrTexts[i]; } } return false; } } } else { if(new == "") { alert("Key something to textbox please."); } else alert("Cancelled."); } } Code: <select id="lstBx" name="listBox" size="6" style="width: 580px;"> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> </select> |