JavaScript - Fixing The Div Position
is there any way to fix the position of a draggable div in a table which is having fixed width and height??
Similar TutorialsI'm new to javascript and am not sure why this works in firefox and not chrome. I am trying to create a script that keeps an object fixed horizontally while bing positioned absolute vertically. if I replace the toPP variable in document.getElementById('fire') = toPP; with say '50px' it will move the element down 50 pxs, but how I have it currently it doesn't do anything in chrome Code: <script type="text/javascript" > window.onscroll = function() { if( window.XMLHttpRequest ) { var x = 0 -document.documentElement.scrollTop; var toP = String(x); var toPP = toP + "px"; document.getElementById('fire').style.position = 'fixed'; document.getElementById('fire') = toPP; } } </script> I need to convert a position:fixed element to position:absolute when the user resize their browser window below 1000px. Right now it does nothing. The element always keeps the fixed positioning even after resizing the window. Here's what I have right now: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <base href="" /> <title>Emoto <?php echo "$section"; ?></title> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="verify-v1" content="" /> <meta name="keywords" content="" /> <meta name="description" content="" /> <meta name="author" content="Andrew McCarrick" /> <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> <style type="text/css"> body,html { background: #FFFFFF; /* Old browsers */ color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; max-width:1000px; padding: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="emoto/style.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" /> <link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="" /> <link rel="image_src" href="./logo.png" /> <script language="javascript" src="emoto/float.js"></script> </head> <body> <div class="wrapper"> <div id="header_float"> <div class="header_wrapper"> <div class="logo"> Picture </div> <div class="links"> Home | Settings | Notifications | Requests | Messages | Search Bar </div> <div class="links_right"> Profile Link/Sign-Out </div> </div> </div> <div class="content_wrapper"> Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 T est2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2Test2Test2 Test2 </div> </div> </body> </html> style.css Code: a:link {color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;} a:visited {color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;} a:active {color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none;} a:hover {color: #3399FF; text-decoration: none;} .wrapper{ min-height: 2000px; min-width: 1000px; } #header_float{ width: 100%; min-width: 1000px; height: 35px; left:0; right:0; top:0; position: fixed; background: #49963A; z-index: 1000; } .header_wrapper{ width: 1000px; height: 35px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; padding: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: #FFFFFF; } .logo{ float: left; width: 150px; height: 25px; font-size: 26px; position: relative; top: -1px; left: 8px; } .links{ float: left; width: 670px; height: 25px; position: relative; top: 7px; } .links_right{ float: right; width: 180px; height: 25px; position: relative; top: 7px; } .content_wrapper{ position: relative; top: 35px; width: 995px; min-height: 450px; } img{ border: 0px; } float.js Code: if (screen.availWidth<=999) document.getElementById('header_float').style.position = 'absolute'; else document.getElementById('header_float').style.position = 'fixed'; I have the following code for determining 30 year amortization for fha and conventional loans: Code: function calc(){ var alrt=""; if (document.getElementById("down").value==""){ alrt+="Down Payment\n"; } if (!document.getElementById("con").checked && !document.getElementById("fha").checked){ alrt+="Loan Type"; } if (alrt!=""){ alert("You Must Fill Out the Following Fields:\n"+alrt); } else { doAmb(); } } function doAmb(){ var pur=purchasePrice; var down=eval(document.getElementById("down").value); if (document.getElementById("type").selectedIndex==1){ downPay=down*.01; downPay=downPay*pur; } else { downPay=down; } var pay=pur-downPay; if (document.getElementById("fha").checked){ pay=pay*(1.0225); } amt=getPayment(pay,360,interestRate); writeData(pur,downPay,amt); } function getPayment(a,n,p) { var acc=0; var base = 1 + p/1200; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { acc += Math.pow(base,-i); } return a/acc; } function writeData(pp,dp,mp){ document.getElementById("purc").innerHTML=Math.round(pp*100)/100; document.getElementById("mon").innerHTML=Math.round(mp*100)/100; document.getElementById("downP").innerHTML=Math.round(dp*100)/100+" ("+(Math.round(((dp/pp)*100)*100)/100)+"%)"; document.getElementById("loan").innerHTML=Math.round((pp-dp)*100)/100; document.getElementById("inter").innerHTML=interestRate; document.getElementById("ins").innerHTML=insurance; document.getElementById("tax").innerHTML=tax; document.getElementById("tot").innerHTML=Math.round((tax+insurance+mp)*100)/100; document.getElementById("sptype").innerHTML=((document.getElementById("con").checked)?"Conventional": "FHA"); document.getElementById("inputArea").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("outputArea").style.display="block"; } function showIn(){ document.getElementById("cover").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("inputArea").style.display="block"; } It works 100% perfectly in Firefox, but in Internet Explorer, it won't do anything. Also, I know there may be some missing variables, those are in a separate JS file. Edit: Also, just discovered that it works fine when used inline, but loaded from an external file, it returns an "Invalid Character" error. I've been working on this code and I need help fixing it. <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Dog</title> <script> var fido = { name: "Fido", weight: 20.2, age: 4, breed: "mixed", activity: "fetch balls" }; var gleen = { name: "Gleen", weight: 15, age: 5, breed: "PitBull", activity: "fetch balls" }; var bensy = { name: "Bensy", weight: 25, age: 10, breed: "Terrier", activity: "Getting massaged" }; var lily = { name: "Lily", weight: 25, age: 20, breed: "Great Dane", activity: "Resting" }; var ben = { name: "Ben", weight: 30, age: 2, breed: "Mostiff", activity: "running" }; function bark(dog) { if (dog.weight > 20) { bark = "WOOF WOOF"; } else { bark = "woof woof"; } } var barks = bark(ben) function doggies(dogs, dogz) { if (dogs) { console.log ( + " " + "says" + " " + bark + " " + "give me" + " " + dogz.activity); } else { console.log ( + " " + "says" + " " + bark + " " + "give me" + " " + dogz.activity); } } doggies(fido, fido); doggies(gleen, gleen); doggies(bensy, bensy); doggies(lily, lily); doggies(ben, ben); </script> </head> <body></body> </html> It will work on console, and every body will say WOOF WOOF ( in uppercase). Except that gleen should say woof woof (in lowercase) since he weighs less then 20 pounds. What did I do wrong in my code? Hi, I'm very much a newbie regaridng javascript and have been looking around and experimenting and have created a javascript although it does not function(Javascript code below), can someone help me fix it? Many Thanks. function gotoURL(){ var newURL = document.GotoForm.theURL.value if (newURL == "info1" || "info2" || "info3" || "info4" || "info 5"){ document.location.href=newURL+".html" }else{ alert("You entered an invalid value"); }} Hi, I am a small problem with the combo boxes in my web page.I have created a web search portal for travelling in that i have used combo boxes for selecting the no.of.passengers (Adults, Childs & Infants) along with the ages of the children.Take for example i have a hotel search page in that i have used combo box to select the no.of.rooms. And i have kept the same concept in selection of passengers too(i.e., when u select Room count as '2' there will two rows displayed separately for choosing adults & child) and when u choose child as '1' another combo box will appear to select for 1 child this is unique for each rooms. Now i can able to do the first part clearly that is when select room count the rows are displaying as per the no. But when i select for child the age combo box is coming same for all the rooms and not as unique (separate) for each room. Can anyone help me to fix this problem! Thanks, I've ran the entire code through a javascript debugger a few times and I believe I weeded out the obvious errors. Also I believe I fixed some of the more hidden errors that one can't find with even the best debuggers.. Still it doesn't perform like it should? I found other scripts that do the same thing, but it defeats the purpose of me fixing it if I just write up a new code, even if it's easier. What make it hard for me to digest is it is somewhat complex compared to other codes that do the exact same thing. Any help? Also attached a zip file for those who want to see it externally.. Code section Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var sortItems = 1; function move(sourceList,targetList) { for(var i=0; i<sourceList.options.length; i++) { if(sourceList.options[i].selected && sourceList.options[i].value != "") { var no = new Option(); no.value = sourceList.options[i].value; no.text = sourceList.options[i].text; targetList.options[targetList.options.length] = yes; sourceList.options[i].value = ""; sourceList.options[i].text = ""; } } moveUp(sourceList); if (sortItems) doSort(targetList); } function moveUp(curOptionList) { for(var i=0; i<curOptionList.options.length; i++) { if(curOptionList.options[i].value == "") { for(var j=i; j<curOptionList.options.length-1; j++) { curOptionList.options[j].value = curOptionList.options[j+1].value; curOptionList.options[j].text = curOptionList.options[j+1].text; } var curLine = 0; break; } } if(curLine < curOptionList.options.length) { curOptionList.options.length -= 1; moveUp(curOptionList); } } function doSort(curOptionList) { var newOptions = new Array(); var tempOptions = new Object(); for(var i=0; i<curOptionList.options.length; i++) { newoptions[0] = curOptionList.options[0]; } for(var x=0; x<newOptions.length-1; x++) { for(var y=(x+1); y<newOptions.length; y++) { if(newOptions[x].text > newOptions[y].text) { tempOptions = newOptions[x].text; newOptions[x].text = newOptions[y].text; newOptions[y].text = tempOptions; tempOptions = newOptions[x].value; newOptions[x].value = newOptions[y].value; newOptions[y].value = tempOptions; } } } for(var i=0; i<curOptionList.options.length; i++) { curOptionList.options[i].value = newoptions[i].value; curOptionList.options[i].text = newoptions[i].text; } } /* ]]> */ </script> Form section Code: <body> <form action="" method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><select multiple="multiple" size="5" name="list1"> <option value="11">iPod Nano</option> <option value="12">iPod Shuffle</option> <option value="13">iPod Classic</option> </select></td> <td> <input type="button" value=" ›› " onclick="move(list1,list2)" name="B1" /> <br /> <input type="button" value=" ‹‹ " onclick="move(list2,list1)" name="B2" /> </td> <td><select multiple="multiple" size="5" name="list2"> <option value="21">MacBook</option> <option value="22">MacBook Pro</option> <option value="23">MacBook Air</option> </select></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> Hi,Im a student studying web design and I am stuck with my JavaScript Login code. I want my code to be able to log a user in if they have the correct username and password fields.however,if the password or username is wrong i would like to display a message in the label that says 'not valid' if they do not put anything into the username or password field,the label should read 'field cannot be empty.' this is what i have so sure i have done something wrong.thank you in advance function validate() { var login="true"; document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").innerHTML=""; var checkForX = document.getElementById("fname").value; document.getElementById("lblpass").innerHTML=""; var passw = document.getElementById("fpass").value; if(document.getElementById('checkForX').value.length==0) { document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").innerHTML="username cannot be empty"; document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").style.color="red"; login="false"; } else if(document.getElementById('passw').value.length==0) { document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").innerHTML="username cannot be empty"; document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").style.color="red"; login="false"; } else (checkForX != "username" ) { document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").innerHTML="not valid"; document.getElementById("lblFnameVal").style.color="red"; login="false"; } else if(passw !="password") { document.getElementById("lblpass").innerHTML="not valid"; document.getElementById("lblpass").style.color="red"; login="false"; } if(login =="true" ) { document.getElementById("mypassForm").submit() } } Hey guys. This is vague because I dont know what exactly to tell you but please reply with me so I can fix this. I want to add something to my forum. Specifically, I want to add a HTML and Picture button for when you go to reply. Like posting an article here, there are also these options (font, alignment, insert image) I do not know how to achieve this but shouldnt be too hard. Here are the two sources you will need to look through to help me fix the forum. THANKS Hey guys. I want to add something to my forum. Specifically, I want to add a HTML and Picture button for when you go to reply. Like posting an article here, there are also these options (font, alignment, insert image) I do not know how to achieve this but shouldnt be too hard. Here are the two sources you will need to look through to help me fix the forum. THANKS Hi, i am simply trying to alert the left position of a css layer. Javascript: Code: var Element = document.getElementById('box'); alert(; CSS Code: #box {position:absolute; left:150px; top:150px; background-color:blue; height:100; width:100;} HTML Code: <div id="box"> </div> The problem is the alert is blank and i can't understand why. thanks What is "lb-position" and how is it used? It's used in a lightbox tutorial, and in looking for an explanation I've found it in a handful of places, but I don't know what it is or what it does. Thank you.
This code works great for splitting value to textbox.. However; It quits working in example 2 when I move the select outside the form tags Code: <!-- EXAMPLE 1 WORKS--> <script type="text/javascript"> function Split(sel,first) { if (sel.selectedIndex == 0 ) return; var temp = sel.value.split(","); sel.form["F"+first].value = temp[0]; sel.form["F"+(first+1)].value = temp[1]; sel.form["F"+(first+2)].value = temp[2]; } </script> <form method='post'> <input type="text" name="F1" value="" > <input type="text" name="F2" value="" > <input type="text" name="F3" value="" > <select onChange="Split(this,1)"> <option> ===Select Color ==== </option> <option value='000,000,000'>black</option> <option value='169,169,169'>grey</option> <option value='000,000,255'>blue</option> <option value='153 102,255'>aqua</option> </select> </form> Help with the onChange to work outside the form tags. Code: <!-- EXAMPLE 2 NEED HELP--> <script type="text/javascript"> function Split(sel,first) { if (sel.selectedIndex == 0 ) return; var temp = sel.value.split(","); sel.form1["F"+first].value = temp[0]; sel.form1["F"+(first+1)].value = temp[1]; sel.form1["F"+(first+2)].value = temp[2]; } </script> <form method='post' name="form1"> <input type="text" name="F1" value="" > <input type="text" name="F2" value="" > <input type="text" name="F3" value="" > </form> <!-- NEED TO MODIFY THE ONCHANGE TO WORK IN THIS POSITON?? --> <select onChange="Split(this.form1.value,1)"> <option> ===Select Color ==== </option> <option value='000,000,000'>black</option> <option value='169,169,169'>grey</option> <option value='000,000,255'>blue</option> <option value='153 102,255'>aqua</option> </select> Hello I am hoping to position some JavaScript on a Web page. Would I use something like this: CSS Code: #diagram { margin-left: 200px; margin-top: 100px; } HTML <script>JavaScript code here</script> <div id="diagram" </div> Thanks for any advice. Theoretically this code was supposed to be ok isn't it? But nothing is happening! help! I am creating calander control for the 1 year using javascript.the day in which click a table is pop up at absloute position . i want table is popup at relative position where selected date is click. Here is my code <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var k=0; var month; var pagedata; var check=0; var tabledata = ''; var counter = 0; var editVal=0; var editRow=0; var selecteditemcode=""; var counter=0; function day_title(day_name) { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode(String(day_name)); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); } function makeArray(n) { this.length=n; for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) this[i] = 0 return this } var flag=false; var index; var tempdata; var mybody ; var rowData = new Array(); var colData = new Array(); var mytable function fill_table(m_name,m_length,mm) { counter+=1; if(k==0) { alert(this_month); k=this_month; } else { alert(k); k +=1; if(k>12) { alert(k); alert(this_year); if(flag==false) { this_year+=1; flag=true; alert("IN "+k); alert("IN "+this_year); } } } mybody = document.getElementById('showtb'); mytable= document.createElement("table"); mytable.setAttribute("id",+String(m_name)+"_"+String(this_year)); mytablebody = document.createElement("tbody"); head_row = document.createElement("tr"); head_cell = document.createElement("td"); headtext = document.createTextNode(String(m_name)+"_"+String(this_year)); head_cell.appendChild(headtext); head_cell.setAttribute('colSpan','7'); head_row.appendChild(head_cell); head_cell.setAttribute('className','titlebar'); head_row.appendChild(head_cell); mytablebody.appendChild(head_row); mycurrent_row = document.createElement("tr"); counter+=1; mycurrent_row.setAttribute("id",String(counter)); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Sun"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Mon"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Tue"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Wed"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Thu"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Fri"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode("Sat"); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mytablebody.appendChild(mycurrent_row); day=1 if(m_name=="February" ) { if((this_year%4)==0) { m_length +=1; } } pagedata=''; var ddl; counter +=2; mycurrent_row = document.createElement("tr"); mycurrent_row.setAttribute("id",counter); for (var i=1;i<start_day;i++) { if(start_day<8) { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode(" "); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); mycurrent_cell.setAttribute('className','promptbox'); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); } } var blnFlagFirstline=false; for (var i=start_day;i<8;i++) { blnFlagFirstline=true; alert("this_day "+ this_day+ " i "+ i); if(blgFlagButtons==false) { if(this_day <=day) { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createElement("a"); currenttext.setAttribute("href", "javascript:fnDivertedFlight();"); currenttext.setAttribute("onClick","this.blur();"); var txt = document.createTextNode(""+String(day)); currenttext.appendChild(txt); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); blgFlagButtons=true; } else { if(blgFlagButtons==false) { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode(""+String(day)); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); } else { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createElement("a"); currenttext.setAttribute("href", "javascript:fnDivertedFlight();"); currenttext.setAttribute("onClick","this.blur();"); var txt = document.createTextNode(""+String(day)); currenttext.appendChild(txt); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); } } } else { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createElement("a"); currenttext.setAttribute("href", "javascript:fnDivertedFlight();"); currenttext.setAttribute("onClick","this.blur();"); var txt = document.createTextNode(""+String(day)); currenttext.appendChild(txt); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); } day++; } if(blnFlagFirstline==true) { mytablebody.appendChild(mycurrent_row); } counter+=1; mycurrent_row = document.createElement("tr"); mycurrent_row.setAttribute("id",counter); while (day <= m_length) { for (var i=1;i<=7 && day<=m_length;i++) { if(blgFlagButtons==false) { if(this_day <=day) { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createElement("a"); currenttext.setAttribute("href", "javascript:fnDivertedFlight();"); currenttext.setAttribute("onClick","this.blur();"); var txt = document.createTextNode(""+String(day)); currenttext.appendChild(txt); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); blgFlagButtons=true; } else { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createTextNode(String(day)); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); } } else { mycurrent_cell = document.createElement("td"); currenttext = document.createElement("a"); currenttext.setAttribute("href", "javascript:fnDivertedFlight();"); currenttext.setAttribute("onClick","this.blur();"); var txt = document.createTextNode(""+String(day)); currenttext.appendChild(txt); mycurrent_cell.appendChild(currenttext); mycurrent_row.appendChild(mycurrent_cell); } day++ } mytablebody.appendChild(mycurrent_row); counter+=1; mycurrent_row = document.createElement("tr"); mycurrent_row.setAttribute("id",counter); } mytable.appendChild(mytablebody); mybody.appendChild(mytable); mytable.setAttribute("border", "10"); //"aliceblue";"Verdana"; //"1000px"; mytable.setAttribute("className","promptbox");"10pt"; start_day = i } var blgFlagButtons; function fnCalender() { blgFlagButtons=false; month=new makeArray(12) month[1]="January" month[2]="February" month[3]="March" month[4]="April" month[5]="May" month[6]="June" month[7]="July" month[8]="August" month[9]="September" month[10]="October" month[11]="November" month[12]="December" month_length = new makeArray(12) month_length[1]=31 month_length[2]=28 month_length[3]=31 month_length[4]=30 month_length[5]=31 month_length[6]=30 month_length[7]=31 month_length[8]=31 month_length[9]=30 month_length[10]=31 month_length[11]=30 month_length[12]=31 today = new Date() today= new Date("July 13, 2008");//'Wed Oct 29 00:00:00 UTC+530 2008' this_day = today.getDate() this_month = today.getMonth()+1 this_year = today.getYear() this_year = (this_year< 1000) ? this_year + 1900 : this_year; begin_date = new Date("July 01, "+this_year) if((this_year%4)==0) { start_day = begin_date.getDay()+1 } else { start_day = begin_date.getDay()+1 } var MhVal; if(this_day>1) { MhVal=this_month; for(var i=1; i<=13;i++) { mon[i]=month[MhVal]; monlen[i]=month_length[MhVal] MhVal +=1 if(MhVal==13) { MhVal=1; } } } else { MhVal=this_month; for(var i=1; i<=12;i++) { mon[i]=month[MhVal]; monlen[i]=month_length[MhVal] MhVal +=1 if(MhVal==13) { MhVal=1; } } } if (start_day == 1){ start_day = 8 } if(this_day>1) { for (var m = 1;m<=13;m++){ //alert('month[m] - '+mon[m]+' month_length[m] - '+monlen[m]+' m - ' +m); fill_table(mon[m],monlen[m],m) // tabledata += "id"+counter+"="+pagedata; } } else { for (var n = 1;n<=12;n++){ fill_table(mon[n],monlen[n],n) } } } </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function fnDivertedFlight() { prompt3('', 'Roster','Diverted Flight Detail </B>', 'fnDivertedValues'); } function prompt3(promptpicture, prompttitle, message, sendto) { var posx = 0; var posy = 0; var e = window.event; if(e!=null) { if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { posx = e.pageX; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } } else { posx = 100; posy = 100; } promptbox = document.createElement('div'); promptbox.setAttribute ('id' , 'prompt') document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(promptbox) promptbox = eval("document.getElementById('prompt').style") promptbox.position = 'absolute' = posy promptbox.left = posx promptbox.width = 430 promptbox.border = 'outset 1 #bbbbbb' //Here I am open popup Tabletable } function fnDivertedValues(value1,value2,value3,value4,value6,value7,value5) { alert(value1+" , "+ value2+" , "+value3+" , "+value4+" , "+value5); is it possible to make the mouse be at a given position on the screen using javascript for example i am writing a element resize script and i would like to have it so when u click on the resize button the cursor moves to the bottom right corner of the element for the starting position
So, here is my question: Is there some possibility to put the horizontal scroll bar of the web browser into the center if the "width" of web page are bigger then the "width" of the web browser screen? So I don't need to scroll to right if I open the page, but the horizontal scroll bar will be positioned in the center. That code should do the same think like I when I take the scroll bar and put it in the center position, but this should be happen when I load the page automatically. Or how can I do that? thanks to all . . . Hi, Im trying to change the position of a div when a button is clicked. The js is: Code: function curPos() { objDivStrip = document.getElementById('thumbview'); return; } function up(pos) { //get objects objImgStrip = document.getElementById('str'); objDivStrip = document.getElementById('thumbview'); //Get End position var totImg = (objImgStrip.height - 100) / 130; var endpos = totImg * 130; if (pos=endpos) { return false; } else { = pos - 130; } } and the html on the button is Code: <img id="arrow" src="images/arrow_up.jpg" onclick="up(curPos());" /> The code doesnt work but if anyone could point me in the direction to get it to work your help is greatly appreciated. Cheers Sol |