JavaScript - Edit Date Script
Could someone edit this script so the date is always 2 weeks infront of the actual date?
<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var now = new Date(); var days = new Array( 'Sunday','Monday','Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); var months = new Array( 'January','February','March','April','May', 'June','July','August','September','October', 'November','December'); var date = ((now.getDate()<10) ? "0" : "")+ now.getDate(); function fourdigits(number) { return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number;} today = days[now.getDay()] + ", " + months[now.getMonth()] + " " + date + ", " + (fourdigits(now.getYear())); document.write(today); //--> </script> Thanks Similar TutorialsIs there a way to make a script that edits something on a different page.
hello there this is in vb script. but i dont where to post it. can any one hlep me out plzz I need to check if the date entered by user is within 5th date from current date. I am trying to do it this way entered date has month and date value Code: sResvDate = 01/24 Set sMaxDays to getdate(5) but get date will give year too. and how do i compare if it less than 5th day or not. I have the following code on my site. I use this in the header of mysite Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var weekdaystxt=["Sun", "Mon", "Tues", "Wed", "Thurs", "Fri", "Sat"] var montharray=("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December") function showLocalgetthedate(){ var mydate=new Date() var year=mydate.getYear() if (year < 1000) year+=1900 var day=mydate.getDay() var month=mydate.getMonth() var daym=mydate.getDate() if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym function showLocalTime(container, servermode, offsetMinutes, displayversion){ if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementById(container)) return this.container=document.getElementById(container) this.displayversion=displayversion var servertimestring=(servermode=="server-php")? '<? print date("F d, Y H:i:s", time())?>' : (servermode=="server-ssi")? '<!--#config timefmt="%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"--><!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->' : '<%= Now() %>' this.localtime=this.serverdate=new Date(servertimestring) this.localtime.setTime(this.serverdate.getTime()+offsetMinutes*60*1000) //add user offset to server time this.updateTime() this.updateContainer() } showLocalTime.prototype.updateTime=function(){ var thisobj=this this.localtime.setSeconds(this.localtime.getSeconds()+1) setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateTime()}, 1000) //update time every second } showLocalTime.prototype.updateContainer=function(){ var thisobj=this if (this.displayversion=="long") this.container.innerHTML=this.localtime.toLocaleString() else{ var hour=this.localtime.getHours() var minutes=this.localtime.getMinutes() var seconds=this.localtime.getSeconds() var ampm=(hour>=12)? "PM" : "AM" var dayofweek=weekdaystxt[this.localtime.getDay()] this.container.innerHTML=formatField(hour, 1)+":"+formatField(minutes)+":"+formatField(seconds)+" "+ampm+ " "+montharray(month)+" ("+dayofweek+")" } setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateContainer()}, 1000) //update container every second } function formatField(num, isHour){ </script> I use this to display the information. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> new showLocalTime("timecontainer", "server-php", 0, "short") new showLocalTime("timecontainer2", "server-php", +300, "short") new showLocalTime("timecontainer3", "server-php", +360, "short") new showLocalTime("timecontainer4", "server-php", +600, "short") </script> This gives me 4 clocks which i set at different time zones Can someone assist me in showing me a way to accelerate the time for this clock. I would like the minutes to be only 5 seconds long versus the normal 60 seconds per minute. I fly a flight sim and the in game world clock is accelerated at this pace and my squad would like to be able to see the time it would currently be in the game so we can avoid launching the game at certain in game times. If this can't be done, does anyone know of a separate java script that can accomplish this? Thank you in advance, any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Quote: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- Begin var days=new Array(8); days[1]="Monday"; days[2]="Tuesday"; days[3]="Wednesday"; days[4]="Thursday"; days[5]="Friday"; days[6]="Saturday"; days[7]="Sunday"; var months=new Array(13); months[1]="January"; months[2]="February"; months[3]="March"; months[4]="April"; months[5]="May"; months[6]="June"; months[7]="July"; months[8]="August"; months[9]="September"; months[10]="October"; months[11]="November"; months[12]="December"; var time=new Date(); var lmonth=months[time.getMonth() + 1]; var ldays=days[time.getDay() + 1]; var date=time.getDate(); var year=time.getYear(); var hour=time.getHours(); var min=time.getMinutes() if (year < 2000) year = year + 1900; if (hour > 15) { date = date + 1; } document.write("<center>" + lmonth +" "); document.write(date + ", " + year + "</center>"); // End --> </SCRIPT> </CENTER> Can anyone help me edit this so that on Saturday at 10am the date displays mondays date. Thanks Hello everyone, I have a date script, but I want it to be adjusted so for example today it's September 17th 2009, but I want it to say September 15th 2009, so it removes automaticly 2 days.. I tried allot of things but I am not a javascript expert, I hope someone can help me out! Code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- var month = new Array(); month[0]="January"; month[1]="February"; month[2]="March"; month[3]="April"; month[4]="May"; month[5]="June"; month[6]="July"; month[7]="August"; month[8]="September"; month[9]="October"; month[10]="November"; month[11]="December"; var day = new Array(); day[0]="Sunday"; day[1]="Monday"; day[2]="Tuesday"; day[3]="Wednesday"; day[4]="Thursday"; day[5]="Friday"; day[6]="Saturday"; today = new Date(); date = today.getDate(); day = (day[today.getDay()]); month = (month[today.getMonth()]); year = (today.getFullYear()); suffix = (date==1 || date==21 || date==31) ? "st" : "th" && (date==2 || date==22) ? "nd" : "th" && (date==3 || date==23) ? "rd" : "th" function print_date() { document.write(day + "," + " " + date + "<sup>" + suffix + "</sup>" + " " + month + "," + " " + year); } // --> </script> <script> <!-- print_date(); //--> </script> HI all, maybe someone can help me. I am using this script: on my site but as of Feb 1st 2012 the day of the week and the date do not match anymore. Feb 1st 2012 is not a thursday. Try example on site (link) to see what I mean. Can anyone help me debug this? Any help greatly appreciated Dennis What I am looking to do is auto-populate a number of forms based on what a user chooses as a starting date. For example: If a user enters 12/12/2009 I want the other fields to automatically populate with the next 2 weeks (12/13/2009, 12/14/2009, 12/15/2009 etc.) Anyone have a useful script that I can use given that these fields are formatted as dates? The idea is to save time by only having to fill in the first date in the timesheet. I have been using the following script for some time and it has only just been made known to me that it fails on todays date ! not sure if this is the case for other days but the days of the week are all messed up and do not show correctly for a date in June 2011. Code: var ds_i_date = new Date(); ds_c_month = ds_i_date.getMonth() + 1; ds_c_year = ds_i_date.getFullYear(); // Get Element By Id function ds_getel(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } // Get the left and the top of the element. function ds_getleft(el) { var tmp = el.offsetLeft; el = el.offsetParent while(el) { tmp += el.offsetLeft; el = el.offsetParent; } return tmp; } function ds_gettop(el) { var tmp = el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent while(el) { tmp += el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent; } return tmp; } // Output Element var ds_oe = ds_getel('ds_calclass'); // Container var ds_ce = ds_getel('ds_conclass'); // Output Buffering var ds_ob = ''; function ds_ob_clean() { ds_ob = ''; } function ds_ob_flush() { ds_oe.innerHTML = ds_ob; ds_ob_clean(); } function ds_echo(t) { ds_ob += t; } var ds_element; // Text Element... var ds_monthnames = [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ]; // You can translate it for your language. var ds_daynames = [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ]; // You can translate it for your language. // Calendar template function ds_template_main_above(t) { return '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="ds_tbl">' + '<tr>' + '<td class="ds_head" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="ds_py();"><<</td>' + '<td class="ds_head" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="ds_pm();"><</td>' + '<td class="ds_head" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="ds_hi();" colspan="3">[Close]</td>' + '<td class="ds_head" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="ds_nm();">></td>' + '<td class="ds_head" style="cursor: pointer" onclick="ds_ny();">>></td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>' + '<td colspan="7" class="ds_head">' + t + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '<tr>'; } function ds_template_day_row(t) { return '<td class="ds_subhead">' + t + '</td>'; // Define width in CSS, XHTML 1.0 Strict doesn't have width property for it. } function ds_template_new_week() { return '</tr><tr>'; } function ds_template_blank_cell(colspan) { return '<td colspan="' + colspan + '"></td>' } function ds_template_day(d, m, y) { return '<td class="ds_cell" onMouseout="\'#EEE\';" onMouseover="\'#999\';" onclick="ds_onclick(' + d + ',' + m + ',' + y + ')">' + d + '</td>'; // Define width the day row. } function ds_template_main_below() { return '</tr>' + '</table>'; } // This one draws calendar... function ds_draw_calendar(m, y) { // First clean the output buffer. ds_ob_clean(); // Here we go, do the header ds_echo (ds_template_main_above(ds_monthnames[m - 1] + ' ' + y)); for (i = 0; i < 7; i ++) { ds_echo (ds_template_day_row(ds_daynames[i])); } // Make a date object. var ds_dc_date = new Date(); ds_dc_date.setMonth(m - 1); ds_dc_date.setFullYear(y); ds_dc_date.setDate(1); if (m == 1 || m == 3 || m == 5 || m == 7 || m == 8 || m == 10 || m == 12) { days = 31; } else if (m == 4 || m == 6 || m == 9 || m == 11) { days = 30; } else { days = (y % 4 == 0) ? 29 : 28; } var first_day = ds_dc_date.getDay(); var first_loop = 1; // Start the first week ds_echo (ds_template_new_week()); // If sunday is not the first day of the month, make a blank cell... if (first_day != 0) { ds_echo (ds_template_blank_cell(first_day)); } var j = first_day; for (i = 0; i < days; i ++) { // Today is sunday, make a new week. // If this sunday is the first day of the month, // we've made a new row for you already. if (j == 0 && !first_loop) { // New week!! ds_echo (ds_template_new_week()); } // Make a row of that day! ds_echo (ds_template_day(i + 1, m, y)); // This is not first loop anymore... first_loop = 0; // What is the next day? j ++; j %= 7; } // Do the footer ds_echo (ds_template_main_below()); // And let's display.. ds_ob_flush(); // Scroll it into view. //ds_ce.scrollIntoView(); } // A function to show the calendar. // When user click on the date, it will set the content of t. function ds_sh(t) { // Set the element to set... ds_element = t; // Make a new date, and set the current month and year. var ds_sh_date = new Date(); ds_c_month = ds_sh_date.getMonth() + 1; ds_c_year = ds_sh_date.getFullYear(); // Draw the calendar ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year); // To change the position properly, we must show it first. = ''; // Move the calendar container! the_left = ds_getleft(t); the_top = ds_gettop(t) + t.offsetHeight; = the_left + 'px'; = the_top + 'px'; // Scroll it into view. //ds_ce.scrollIntoView(); } // Hide the calendar. function ds_hi() { = 'none'; } // Moves to the next month... function ds_nm() { // Increase the current month. ds_c_month ++; // We have passed December, let's go to the next year. // Increase the current year, and set the current month to January. if (ds_c_month > 12) { ds_c_month = 1; ds_c_year++; } // Redraw the calendar. ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year); } // Moves to the previous month... function ds_pm() { ds_c_month = ds_c_month - 1; // Can't use dash-dash here, it will make the page invalid. // We have passed January, let's go back to the previous year. // Decrease the current year, and set the current month to December. if (ds_c_month < 1) { ds_c_month = 12; ds_c_year = ds_c_year - 1; // Can't use dash-dash here, it will make the page invalid. } // Redraw the calendar. ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year); } // Moves to the next year... function ds_ny() { // Increase the current year. ds_c_year++; // Redraw the calendar. ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year); } // Moves to the previous year... function ds_py() { // Decrease the current year. ds_c_year = ds_c_year - 1; // Can't use dash-dash here, it will make the page invalid. // Redraw the calendar. ds_draw_calendar(ds_c_month, ds_c_year); } // Format the date to output. function ds_format_date(d, m, y) { // 2 digits month. m2 = '00' + m; m2 = m2.substr(m2.length - 2); // 2 digits day. d2 = '00' + d; d2 = d2.substr(d2.length - 2); // YYYY-MM-DD return d2 + '-' + m2 + '-' + y; } // When the user clicks the day. function ds_onclick(d, m, y) { // Hide the calendar. ds_hi(); // Set the value of it, if we can. if (typeof(ds_element.value) != 'undefined') { ds_element.value = ds_format_date(d, m, y); // this part is a personal bit of code to allow my page to update correctly and in time. if("fireEvent" in ds_element) ds_element.fireEvent("onChange"); else { var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("change", false, true); ds_element.dispatchEvent(evt); } // // Maybe we want to set the HTML in it. } else if (typeof(ds_element.innerHTML) != 'undefined') { ds_element.innerHTML = ds_format_date(d, m, y); // I don't know how should we display it, just alert it to user. } else { alert (ds_format_date(d, m, y)); } } Hi Script Experts I am facing issue in below code for Brisilia time zone.(GMT-3). Issue comes in October month only. It is going tobig loop. I am not getting how Date object is behaving here. Thanks in advance Pranav Sharma *********************************** <script type="text/javascript"> var nDate; var nCurrentYear = 2011; var nCurrentMonth = 10; nYear=2011; nMonth=10; var date = new Date(nYear, nMonth-1, 1); document.write('Month:'+date.getMonth() +':CurrentMonth:'+nCurrentMonth); while (date.getMonth() == nCurrentMonth-1) { nDate = date.getDate(); document.write(date.toDateString()); date = new Date(nCurrentYear, date.getMonth(), date.getDate()+1); } </script> ********************************** Not sure if this is possible in javascript: I'm looking for two different dates (bill date and due date) on an invoice that are captured by OCR. If one of them exists, but the other does not, I want the empty field to be 14 days before (or after) the other. For example: if the bill date is 7/27/2010 and the due date was not captured, I want to set the due date as 8/10/2010 (14 days after the bill date). If the due date was captured as 8/10/2010, but the due date is blank, I want to assign the bill date as 7/27/2010 (14 days before the due date). if both dates have values, do nothing. Thanks. Using Adobe Form Javascript validation, how would I do this code for Visual Basic in Javascript (non web) Code: If PurchaseDate.Value > Date Then MsgBox ("PurchaseDate cannot be greater than Today's Date!") Cancel = True End If Something along these lines but this isnt working: Code: If (PurchaseDate.Value > Date) Then { app.alert ("Purchase Date cannot be greater than Today's Date!"); } Thanks Hello, I really need your help with one. How can I use the following code below to save the date from my popup window datepicker back into a var and relay it back onto its parent page? I can't seem to figure this out: Code: <html> <head> <script> function open_cal() { var str_html = "" + "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" + "<html lang=\"en\">\n" + "<head>\n" + "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n" + "<title>CALENDAR</title>\n" + "<link href=\"jq/jquery-ui.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n" + "<script src=\"jq/jquery.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></" + "script>\n" + "<script src=\"jq/jquery-ui.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></" + "script>\n" + "<script src=\"jq/datepicker.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></" + "script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<div id=\"text\" style=\"font: bold 10pt Tahoma\">Enter Approval Date:</div>\n" + "<div id=\"datepicker\"></div>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>" var j ="","CALENDAR","width=200,height=250,status=no,resizable=yes,top=200,left=200") j.opener = self; j.document.write(str_html); } </script> </head> <body> <input onclick="open_cal()" type="button" value="Open" name="B1"> </body> </html> Datepicker.js: Code: $(function() { $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { alert(dateText) window.close() } }) }); Any help with this is greatly and mostly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Cheers, J Hi, I need to add days to a date in javascript, My requirement is as follows: Date is coming from a textbox. eg:- 26/07/2010 days from this statement var day1=document.getElementById('<%=HiddenDate.ClientID %>').value; an eg:- if the date is 28/01/2012 and days Needed to be added=5 the added date should be 02/02/2012. Can anybody help me? Thanks Jamuna Hi, I've inherited a Form which calculates a future date based on a calculation and then inserts today's date and the future date into a database. The day part of the date is formatted as a number. This is fine, but up to 9 the numbers display in single figures with no leading zeros. I want them to display leading zeros (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11... 30, 31) So; 1/12/2010 is NOT wanted 01/12/2010 IS wanted The inherited code originally set the Month names as "Jan", "Feb" etc, and it was easy to kludge these to 01, 02... 12, but I suspect there's a more elgant solution to this as well, this bit of the code works so it's not as vital to neaten this but my database needs dd/mm/yyyy format (it's a third party email program). Code: </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var todaysDate = new Date(); function updateExpiryDate(){ var weeklyMileage = document.getElementById('AvWeeklyMileage').value; var expiryDate; var weeks = 0; var expiryDateString = ''; if (!isNaN(parseInt(weeklyMileage))){ weeks = 700/weeklyMileage; expiryDate = new Date(todaysDate.getTime() + (1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7 * weeks)); var expiryDateString = expiryDate.getDate() + '/' + getMonthString(expiryDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + expiryDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('expiryDate').innerHTML = expiryDateString; document.getElementById('ShoeExpiryDate').value = expiryDateString; } else { document.getElementById('ShoeExpiryDate').value = ''; document.getElementById('expiryDate').innerHTML = 'Please enter a valid weekly average mileage' } } function getMonthString(monthNumber){ var monthString = ""; switch(monthNumber){ case 1: monthString = "01"; break; case 2: monthString = "02"; break; case 3: monthString = "03"; break; case 4: monthString = "04"; break; case 5: monthString = "05"; break; case 6: monthString = "06"; break; case 7: monthString = "07"; break; case 8: monthString = "08"; break; case 9: monthString = "09"; break; case 10: monthString = "10"; break; case 11: monthString = "11"; break; case 12: monthString = "12"; break; default: // do nothing; } return monthString; } function setTodaysDate(){ var todaysDateString = todaysDate.getDate() + '/' + getMonthString(todaysDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + todaysDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('todaysDate').innerHTML =todaysDateString; document.getElementById('DateOfPurchase').value = todaysDateString; } Can someone point me in the right direction please? I have a drop down menu where people can select a month, day and year. Based on their selection, I want to show them an image. If their selection is >= July 26, 2010 but <= July 25, 2011, show the red image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2011 but <= July 25, 2012, show the white image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2012 but <= July 25, 2013, show the blue image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2013 but <= July 25, 2014, show the yellow image; I don't know how to compare a selected date to a range of dates like this. Hi folks, i am trying to generate a dynamic datefield with date mask "mm/dd/yyyy" and trying to insert it into Oracle db ...i still got the error ORA invalid month ehich means the date filed is not recognized as date: below is what i am doing : newStartDate = document.createElement( 'INPUT' ); newStartDate.setAttribute('type','Date'); newStartDate.setAttribute('id1','id'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.setAttribute('name','StartDateName'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.size=8; bgc; any help thanks ?? Also i want to add a datepicke to this it is posible / other option is to use Jquery datepicker but could not know how to impement it thanks again Hello, I am having some issues. I have a loading bar, created with CSS. Although, I want to fill the loading bar (Increasing the width) with javascript (onload) Is this possible? Thanks. This website details how to make a gallery with javascript. My problem here is that instead of a cropped image in the thumbnails, I would like a re sized image. This is the CSS and javascript code.
Code: /* begin gallery styling */ #jgal { list-style: none; width: 200px; } #jgal li { opacity: .5; float: left; display: block; width: 60px; height: 60px; background-position: 50% 50%; cursor: pointer; border: 3px solid #fff; outline: 1px solid #ddd; margin-right: 14px; margin-bottom: 14px; } #jgal li img { position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 220px; display: none; } #jgal img { display: block; } #jgal, #jgal li:hover { outline-color: #bbb; opacity: .99 /* safari bug */ } Code: <script type="text/javascript">document.write("<style type='text/css'> #gallery { display: none; } </style>");</script> <!--[if lt IE 6]><style media="screen,projection" type="text/css">#gallery { display: block; }</style><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript"> var gal = { init : function() { if (!document.getElementById || !document.createElement || !document.appendChild) return false; if (document.getElementById('gallery')) document.getElementById('gallery').id = 'jgal'; var li = document.getElementById('jgal').getElementsByTagName('li'); li[0].className = 'active'; for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) { li[i].style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + li[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src + ')'; li[i].style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat'; li[i].title = li[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].alt; gal.addEvent(li[i],'click',function() { var im = document.getElementById('jgal').getElementsByTagName('li'); for (j=0; j<im.length; j++) { im[j].className = ''; } this.className = 'active'; }); } }, addEvent : function(obj, type, fn) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false); } else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj["e"+type+fn] = fn; obj[type+fn] = function() { obj["e"+type+fn]( window.event ); } obj.attachEvent("on"+type, obj[type+fn]); } } } gal.addEvent(window,'load', function() { gal.init(); }); </script> Thanks. I want to edit the code below so i can use it for my country. I only dont know which things i have to change, except the ``var now``. Can someone pls help me by explaining which things i have to change .. If u have more questions pls ask me. PHP Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /* * World Populution Counter - By JavaScript Kit ( * Based on code by Adam Brown * This notice MUST stay intact for use * Visit JavaScript Kit ( for this script and more */ function maind(){ startdate = new Date() now(startdate.getYear(),startdate.getMonth(),startdate.getDate(),startdate.getHours(),startdate.getMinutes(),startdate.getSeconds()) } function ChangeValue(number,pv){ numberstring ="" var j=0 var i=0 while (number > 1) { numberstring = (Math.round(number-0.5) % 10) + numberstring number= number / 10 j++ if (number > 1 && j==3) { numberstring = "," + numberstring j=0} i++ } numberstring=numberstring if (pv==1) {document.getElementById("worldpop").innerHTML=numberstring } } function now(year,month,date,hours,minutes,seconds){ startdatum = new Date(year,month,date,hours,minutes,seconds) var now = 5600000000.0 var now2 = 5690000000.0 var groeipercentage = (now2 - now) / now *100 var groeiperseconde = (now * (groeipercentage/100))/365.0/24.0/60.0/60.0 nu = new Date () schuldstartdatum = new Date (96,1,1) secondenoppagina = (nu.getTime() - startdatum.getTime())/1000 totaleschuld= (nu.getTime() - schuldstartdatum.getTime())/1000*groeiperseconde + now ChangeValue(totaleschuld,1); timerID = setTimeout("now(startdatum.getYear(),startdatum.getMonth(),startdatum.getDate(),startdatum.getHours(),startdatum.getMinutes(),startdatum.getSeconds())",200) } window.onload=maind </script> Current world population (estimated): <span id="worldpop" style="font-weight: bold"></span>. <p style="font: normal 11px Arial">This free script provided by<br /> <a href="">JavaScript Kit</a></p> Hello all kind people I have this scroll to top code, but to edit it need some help. the problem is that I will not see this eksamplen the page evry time, would like to reach all the way down on the side to be displayed. Thanx for all comment and help Here is Scroll to Top code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('.top').addClass('hidden'); $.waypoints.settings.scrollThrottle = 30; $('#wrapper').waypoint(function(event, direction) { $('.top').toggleClass('hidden', direction === "up"); }, { offset: '-100%' }).find('#main-nav-holder').waypoint(function(event, direction) { $(this).parent().toggleClass('sticky', direction === "down"); event.stopPropagation(); }); }); </script> |