JavaScript - Best Method For Extracting Javascript
would it be better to place the javascript into a .js file or just place the js code somewhere else in the html? How should it look?
Code: <div style="width: 225px; height: 155px; float: left; height: 16px; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; margin-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: small; padding-left: 0px;"> <img alt="" src="images/news.png" height="16" width="222" /><div style="width: 225px; height: 155px; float: left;"><script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[if(document.layers){document.write('<ilayer id="ns4div" width="'+swidth+'" height="'+sheight+'" bgcolor='+sbcolor+'><div id="ns4div1" width="'+swidth+'" height="'+sheight+'" onmouseover="sspeed=0;" onmouseout="sspeed=rspeed"></div></ilayer>')} if(document.getElementById||document.all){document.write('<div style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:'+swidth+'px;height:'+sheight+'px;clip:rect(0 '+swidth+'px '+sheight+'px 0);background-color:'+sbcolor+';" onmouseover="sspeed=0" onmouseout="sspeed=rspeed"><div id="iens6div" style="position:relative;width:'+swidth+'px;"></div></div>');} // ]]></script> </div></div> Similar TutorialsFrom this string: "(EVAL)(H:somestring)Other Text here" I need to extract (H:somestring) and somestring into variables where somestring will could be and set of characters. Below is not working. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var x = "(EVAL)(H:pines)Some other Text here"; alert(x.match(/H\:(.*?)/g)); </script> Thanks for any help or information. You may have see various sites where urls are encoded by advertisement redirection service mostly by now I want to write a personal java snippet for tor remove this spam [In opera you can specify a custom js to run at every page] mostly the html will look like this Code: <a target="_blank" href="">SteamTable App</a> I want to use .split() method as you see this part [before the second http] has to be splitted some how & url to be reinserted in the a tag. any help here Hello, i wrote this code, But is not working, i want to use onChange event and redirect user into a url accordingly. this is my code; <script type="text/javascript"> function goto() { var URL = document.frmsort.optsort.options[document.optsort.optsort.selectedIndex].value; window.location.href = URL; } </script> <form id="frmsort" name="frmsort" action="http://localhost/APP/category.php" method="post"> <select name="urls" onChange="goto()"> <option value="http://localhost/APP/category.php?sub=1">-- choose option --</option> <option value="http://localhost/APP/category.php?sub=1&sort=1">OP1</option> <option value="http://localhost/APP/category.php?sub=1&sort=2">OP2</option> </select> </form> I really appreciate your help... thank you... I use this code in a form that posts to two different destinations, I use JavaScript to achieve it. Code: <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function submitTo(where) { document.form.action = where; document.form.submit(); } </SCRIPT> <FORM action="" method="post" name="form"> <DIV> <INPUT onClick="return submitTo('1.html')" type="button" value="1"> <INPUT onClick="return submitTo('2.html')" type="button" value="2"> </DIV> </FORM> I am still wanting to do is the same thing, but with drop down menu's (SELECT) instead of INPUT. Is there anyone clever that can think of a solution? I'm still trying to work on it, but haven't thought of anything up yet.. Hey peeps, I'm trying to use wget to access this website that uses javascript. The website is from my work. Basically I made a program that parses information from our payment page. It tells me how much I am being paid for the month. Anywho, the variables on the page are in javascript, and thats one language I'm not proficient at. I need to change the month that it gets the pay for. The default is the current month. But it can be changed to last month, and from the code I can tell that something has to be changed from "THIS_MONTH" to "LAST_MONTH", but I'm not sure how to properly do it. Posted below is the source code from the website. Please let me know how I can change that without actually having to click the button to change the scope to last month. And also, is there any way to change this in the post method, or any other method that wget uses? I only included the parts I thought could be relevant. Thanks guys! BTW, I think it pertains with g_FiltersMenuStr Code: <title>SupportSpace - Tech Support for Computers, Printer, Security, Gadgets...</title> <meta name = "description" content = "get immediate tech support for your PC / Computer, Printers, Outlook / Email Setup, Wireless, Networking, Anti-Virus & Security, Spyware, XP, Vista, I-Pod, MP3 Player Setup, Zune, Printer Setup, Backup Services for your Documents & Many other online live support"/> <meta name = "keywords" content = "online live tech support PC Computer Printers Outlook Email Setup Wireless Networking AntiVirus Security Spyware XP Vista IPod MP3 Player Zune Printer Setup Backup Services hardware software help chat"/> <meta name = "language" content = "English"/> <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/support/images//icons/shortcut_icon.ico"/> <script type="text/javascript">if(!JAWR){var JAWR = {};};;JAWR.jawr_dwr_path='/support/dwr';JAWR.dwr_scriptSessionId='CCA333F742C70F495236AA2C97D653D2';JAWR.app_context_path='/support';</script> 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However, if javascript is disabled, I'd still like the page to be functional, albeit less fancy. Likewise, if css is disabled, it still needs to be functional. Finally, if both js+css are disabled, the page will be quite bare but still usable. For example, I use javascript to set a css style that hides certain panels of content. JS is used to toggle these and all is fine. If JS is disabled, then the css isn't applied, and all the content is visible (though not too pretty). If CSS is disabled, the inline CSS applied by the JS works fine. Finally, if both are disabled, all the content is visible. I'm wondering what's the best way to do this. Currently, I set the styles like this in the js file: Code: function initialize() { // set styles, for example: document.getElementById("panel").style.display = "none"; } var onloadFlag = false; document.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!onloadFlag) { onloadFlag = true; initialize(); } }; // for older browsers window.onload = function() { if (!onloadFlag) { onloadFlag = true; initialize(); } }; The problem that sometimes comes up is I see the "fallback" styles briefly, before the JS kicks in and applies the enhanced css. How can I avoid this? Hi , I am inserting an image into a span tag by click on button and resize the image using resize_image_height_weight function. I am using two function to do this task. setImage setImage_w3Validation setImage function resize the image but fail on w3validation on my webpage( As per w3c there is no attribute onload for image tag.) To fix out this issue I am using setImage_w3Validation function which pass on w3validation but unable to call resize_image_height_weight function. My purpose is to resize the image. Kindly suggest me how to do it? <html> <head> <script TYPE="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function resize_image_height_weight(id, hgt, wdth){ //alert(id); Obj=document.getElementById(id); myImage = new Image(); myImage.src = Obj.src; var heights = myImage.height; var widths = myImage.width; // alert("Height=>" + heights + " Width=> " + widths); if(heights > hgt || widths > wdth) { if(heights > widths) { var temp = heights/hgt; var new_width = widths / temp; new_width = parseInt(new_width); heights = hgt; widths = new_width; } else { var temp = widths/wdth; var new_height = heights / temp; new_height = parseInt(new_height); heights = new_height; widths = wdth; } } Obj.height = heights; Obj.width = widths; } function setImage(){ document.getElementById("IM0").innerHTML ="<center><img src=\"\" id=\"img1\" alt=\"\" height=\"125\" width=\"125\" onload=\"resize_image_height_weight('img1',125,125);\"><\/center>"; } function setImage_w3Validation(){ document.getElementById("IM1").innerHTML ="<center><img src=\"\" id=\"img2\" alt=\"\" height=\"125\" width=\"125\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('img2').onload = function(){resize_image_height_weight('i12',125,125);};<\/SCRIPT><\/center>"; //I wanna to do the task using this one function to resize img for w3validation } function clear_page(){ document.getElementById("IM0").innerHTML =""; document.getElementById("IM1").innerHTML =""; } </script> </head> <body> <div class="img3"><span id="IM0"></span></div> <div class="img3"><span id="IM1"></span></div> <input type="button" name="btn1" value="Image Onload W3C Fail" onclick="setImage();"> <input type="button" name="btn2" value="Image Onload W3C Pass" onclick="setImage_w3Validation();"> <input type="button" name="btn2" value="Clear" onclick="clear_page();"> </body> </html> Why is the callwhy is the slice method only a method of an Array instance? The reason why I ask is because if you want to use it for the arguments property of function object, or a string, or an object, or a number instance, you are forced to use And by doing that, you can pass in any type of object instance (Array, Number, String, Object) into it. So why not just default it as a method of all object instances built into the language? In other words, instead of doing this: Code: function Core(){ var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'}; var num = 1; var string = 'aff'; console.log(typeof arguments);//Object console.log(arguments instanceof Array);//false var args1 =; console.log(args1); var args2 =; console.log(args2); var args3 =; console.log(args3); var args4 =; console.log(args4); Core('dom','event','ajax'); Why not just be able to do this: Code: function Core(){ var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'}; var num = 1; var string = 'aff'; var args = arguments.slice(0); var args2 = obj.slice(0); var args3 = num.slice(0); var args4 = string.slice(0); //right now none of the above would work but it's more convenient than using the call alternative. } Core('dom','event','ajax'); Why did the designers of the javascript scripting language make this decision? Thanks for response. This is my first post. I am reading "Javascript The Good Parts" ~ The Method Invocation Pattern Page 28 and tried this, var myObject= { value:0, increment:function(inc){ this.value+= typeof inc==="number" ? inc:1; } } myObject.increment(2); alert(myObject.value); but alert(myObject.value); is returning a value of "2", when it should return "3". Can someone help? Reply With Quote 12-22-2014, 09:59 AM #2 rnd me View Profile View Forum Posts Visit Homepage Senior Coder Join Date Jun 2007 Location Urbana Posts 4,497 Thanks 11 Thanked 603 Times in 583 Posts 0+2=2, not 3; the code is working correctly. Hi there... I have a question for the following code (a callback func for ajax) Code: function callBackFunctionForAddAdmin(data) { alert(data); } If we get the following alert message Quote: <result><error>the given userid is already admin.please enter another one.. </error></result> How do i extract the data inside the "error" tag?? (first checking if it exists and then if so extracting it) Hiya! Trying to figure out how to use javascript to extract all links on a page that have a certain class: e.g. - extract only links with a class of 'tools', ignore all other links: Code: <a href="" class="tools">Search</a> <a href="" class="grapes">Searched</a> <a href="">Searches</a> Any help would be appreciated, I'm guessing I probably have to use something like getelementbyclass("tools")? Hi, I'm pretty new to Javascript, by about two weeks, I'm looking for help with a problem I have with the following.... <td title='text1;text2;text3'>text4</td></tr> I'm trying to display text1-3 in a table cell on a rotation, I have this to count through the cells to get to the relevent one... [CODE] function rotateCell() { var delayed = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); //.title.split(';'); for (var i=24;i<24;i++) [CODE] This should allow me to identify the location/cell 24 but can some one tell me how I then extract the tittle data and have them alternate within the cell? I'm not allowed to edit the HTML. Very gratefull for any help PeteW Hi, I have a bit of a problem and as my javascript is a rather poor I'm struggling to come up with a solution. Basically I need to split the variable "#country" into two parts and call the second half as the "this" value for '#int-dc'. Using '+' as the start point end ending at the end of the string. For instance 'this' returns 12+44 I want to split it to "12" and "+44" the latter (+44) replacing 'this' in the code below. Code: $(function() { $("#country").change(function() { $("#int-dc").val ($(this).val()); }); }); Thanks in advance. I'm trying to get some average rgb values from an image in one canvas object and apply them via fillstyle to a rectangle in another canvas object. I have a dropdown that loads an image onChange()="ChangeBaseWood()" into a canvas object. The second canvas object is to be filled with an average color based on the content of the first canvas onClick="GetBaseColor()". For simplicity I've replaced the for loop with just the values of pixel 0,0. Where I think I am assigning the rgb values, the error console keeps reporting that var sample is undefined at the line "var redpart = sample[0]. Code: function ChangeBaseWood(){ var dropdown = document.getElementById('woodvalue'); var woodcanvas = document.getElementById('basewood'); var woodctx = woodcanvas.getContext('2d'); var woodimage = new Image(); woodimage.onload = function(){ woodctx.drawImage(woodimage, 0, 0,256,256); }; woodimage.src = dropdown.value; }; function GetBaseColor(){ var woodcanvas = document.getElementById('basewood'); var woodctx = woodcanvas.getContext('2d'); var sample = var redpart = sample[0]; var grnpart = sample[1]; var blupart = sample[2]; var staincanvas = document.getElementById('stainbase'); var stainctx = staincanvas.getContext('2d'); stainctx.fillStyle = 'rgb('+redpart+','+grnpart+','+blupart+')'; stainctx.fillRect(0,0,256,256); }; I've tried various things to assign the redpart,grnpart and blupart but I'm missing something basic. Many Thanks I need to extract a particular part of a string: Code: var str=(document.images('flag').src); <img id="flag" src="../../../../img/ip/041-080/049p.png"> I only want the "041-080/049" part. It needs to be read from the right, not the left because the preceding left part will vary in length. How do I approach this? I have the following string "d3-23-76-546" I'm looking for a regular expression that will match everything in this string before 546 so that I can replace it with an empty string and just be left with 546. The string could be of any length and contain any number of hyphens. Hi there, I am trying to extract all of the values from the 5th column (Assignee) in this HTML table and don't know how to proceed. Is there a clever way of getting the entire col class: <col class="bz_op_sys_column"> before putting into an array. thanks, kev Hello all, this is my first posting and I am happy to have found this forum :-) I have the following question: Is it possible to extract information which is located in a predefined area on the screen from a java platform? For example, there is java based platform which I can see on my screen. This platform contains numbers/letters. The location of these numbers/letters does not change, i.e. the script would not need to be adjusted if the field, which contains the info, would move. Lets assume the screen would look like that: 1234 I 12.20 Love I 1.30 Lake I 32.00 The info between the fields would be clearly separated. Now I would like to extract the infos from all the fields and paste the info for example in EXCEL so that I can see "Valerie12345" in .xls field A1 / 12.20 in A2 / Love in B1 etc... Does anybody of you know if that is possible to extract? Thank you very much in advance, Valerie EDIT: Great...I already screwed up the title. It's not a div class but anchor class :s I've got previous programming experience but unfortunately none with javascript. I was hoping to get Fancybox working on my website. It actually is already but there's a small problem with dynamic varibles I haven't been able to resolve. I've described the problem in the comment line in the code section. Must be a really simple solution, after all I'm a complete js noob. Note that I've simplified the code by removing parts unnecessary in understanding what I'm after. Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var title1 = "This is title no 1", title2 = "This is title no 2", title3 = "This is title no 3"; $("a#example_video").click(function() { $.fancybox({ 'title' : 'title' + this.className.replace("video", "") // "title" should equal to "title1", "title2" or "title3" depending on which link a user has clicked. How to accomplish this? </script> </head> <body> <a class="video1" id="example_video" href= .....>Video1</a> <a class="video2" id="example_video" href= .....>Video2</a> <a class="video3" id="example_video" href= .....>Video3</a> </body> </html> Also the only reason for using classnames on anchors is to be able to distinguish between different video clips. Is there a better method I should use? Hello, I'm working on a project that involves extracting values from a series of select boxes and then working out the result. The select boxes contain the following: Code: <select name="select_Col1_Row1"> <option value="blue">Blue</option> <option value="green">Green</option> <option value="red>Red</option> </select> <select name="select_Col1_Row2"> <option value="blue" selected="selected">Blue</option> <option value="green">Green</option> <option value="red>Red</option> </select> <input type="text" name="RedSum"> <input type="text" name="BlueSum"> <input type="text" name="GreenSum"> </select> As you can see by my code, I'm early days at this and guessing the steps on the way. I tried using getElementsByTagName on the select and then on the option but had no luck with that. The code below does a wonderful job of returning blue for both select statements... Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function getElements() { var table = document.getElementById("x"); var x = table.getElementsByTagName("option"); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { var status = x[i].getAttribute("selected"); alert(status); if (status == "selected") { var statushcap = x[i].getAttribute("id"); var statusvalue =x[i].getAttribute("value"); if (statusvalue == "blue") { alert(statusvalue); } } } alert(x.length); } </script> If someone could suggest some way to map the select tag and then extract its option value to being the user selected value, I'd most appreciate it. I can probably do the rest of it. Can you extract additional information from the id of the option that is selected as I'd like to sum additional information from the user's choice. Best, John |