JavaScript - 7 Hours Googling Cookie Tutorials, And I Still Can't Get My Path= To Work Right.
I've done LOTS of Googling on this subject. I can write cookies beautifully to '[other data]; path=/Stats' but I can't figure out how on EARTH to read from it. How do I access the data there? If I just say path=/ then it will read beautifully, but I need to be able to have different paths for what I want this to ultimately do.
Similar TutorialsHey guys, i'm trying to incorporate cookies with the website i'm working on. I've looked at tutorials where they just hand you the code and say "get on with it", this leaves me in the lurch while trying to debug it... so the question is are there any good javascript cookie tutorials that will "explain what the heck this does?" Thanks Al. Hi, I have setting some cookies to track visitors to my site. I have my pages in folder music and in sub folders. I can access my site by typing: So the domain will be: and the path: /sara/music/ but the broblem is that other cookies are attached to my cookieby going to or any link in it. Is the problem from setting the path? If not how can I filter my cookie so i can just display my cookies only, I use one function to display all the cookies. Thanks. Unfortunately, this isn't standard cookie stuff (I don't think). I have a compiled .exe loader for a program which includes an .html page which records the input of a textbox to a cookie. That much works OK. But reading it back isn't working. It seems the path is: ~~local~~/C:/Users/Terry/AppData/Local/Temp/td9/FrontPage%20Webs/1001(FINAL)(v1.2)/loader/ i.e. a temp dir related to the directory from where the .exe file was created. What I need is for the cookie to be available everywhe ~~local~~/ Is anyone able to shed some light? Adding ";path=/"; isn't working. I guess it's something to do with being compiled? Hi all First post. I don't normally use Javascript apart from a few browser workarounds, but I have a requirement to set a country cookie and it was working when all my pages were in the same directory, but now that I've added subdirectories, it sets a new cookie for each directory instead of one sitewide. Here's the code (which I edited from some found on the internet): Code: // JavaScript Document <!-- function ReadCookie() { var NameOfCookie="Country"; if(document.cookie.length > 0) { begin = document.cookie.indexOf(NameOfCookie+"="); if(begin != -1) { // our cookie was set. // The value stored in the cookie is returned from the function begin += NameOfCookie.length + 1; end = document.cookie.indexOf(";",begin); if(end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; country=(document.cookie.substring(begin,end)); if (country=="HongKong")document.location.href='hk/'; if (country=="Australia")document.location.href='au/' if (country=="NewZealand")document.location.href='nz/' } } } function SetCookie(cookieName,cookieValue) { var today = new Date(); var expire = new Date(); var nDays=365 expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays); document.cookie = cookieName+"="+escape(cookieValue) + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString(); } //--> Then on the homepage links I use: Code: <a href="hk/" onClick="SetCookie('Country','HongKong');">Hong Kong</a> Then on the subdirectory pages, I have a reset button which allows you to return to the homepage and disable the redirect. Code: <a href="../" onClick="SetCookie('Country','Null');">HONG KONG</a> So I just need the path=/ to be added somewhere is that right? I tried changing the last line of the main code to: Code: + ";expires="+expire.toGMTString()+" path=/"; but that only worked in IE not Firefox. Can anyone help? Thank you! thingswelike Hi, I have a script that sets a number of cookies based on a set of results returned from an external website. The file sits in the cgi-bin folder (it has to, as this is where the data is processed and results returned) and when the data is returned it is stored in a number of cookies before redirecting to a results page in the website root to display the data. The problem, before I display any code, is that one of the cookies is setting its path to the /cgi-bin folder, meaning when the page redirects back to the website this particular cookie is not accessible. However, what is even more unusual is that this only happens in Safari. Here is the code: Code: <script> // function to set cookie function setCookie(c_name,value,expiredays) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + expiredays); document.cookie = c_name + "=" + value + ((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires=" + exdate.toGMTString()) + "; path=/"; } </script> <!-- the divs below are populated with data --> <div style="display:none;" id="listcount"><!--matchcode name="LISTCOUNT" --></div> <div style="display:none;" id="nearrecs"><!--matchcode name="NEARESTRECORDS" --></div> <div style="display:none;" id="distances"><!--matchcode name="MILES" --></div> <div style="display:none;" id="ambigrecs"><!--matchcode name="AMBIGLIST" --></div> <script type="text/javascript"> // data is extracted from the divs above var ncSnip = document.getElementById("nearrecs").innerHTML; var ncDistances = document.getElementById("distances").innerHTML; var listCount = document.getElementById("listcount").innerHTML; var ambig = document.getElementById("ambigrecs").innerHTML; if (ambig != "") { //document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "ambig"; setCookie("ckAmbig", ambig, 365); setCookie("ckResults", ncSnip, -1); setCookie("ckDistances", ncDistances, -1); setCookie("ckListCount", listCount, 365); window.location="http://xxxxx"; } else if (ncSnip != "") { //document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "records"; setCookie("ckDistances", ncDistances, 365); setCookie("ckResults", ncSnip, 365); setCookie("ckAmbig", ambig, -1); setCookie("ckListCount", listCount, 365); window.location="http://xxxxxx"; } else { //document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "none"; setCookie("ckAmbig", ambig, -1); setCookie("ckResults", ncSnip, -1); setCookie("ckDistances", ncDistances, -1); setCookie("ckListCount", listCount, 365); window.location="http://xxxxxx"; } </script> The specific cookie that is being set to the wrong path is the 'ckResults' cookie. Can anyone help? Does the code above shed any light as to why this one cookie would set an incorrect path in Safari only? Hello, i wrote this code to open a page if doesn't exist a cookie but it doesn't open the page do you know where I wrong? Thank you ! Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title> HTML </title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function CookieLeggi(CookieNome) { if (CookieNome.length==0) return null; var PosizioneIniziale = document.cookie.indexOf(CookieNome+"="); if (PosizioneIniziale == -1) return null; PosizioneIniziale += CookieNome.length+1; var PosizioneFinale = document.cookie.indexOf(";",PosizioneIniziale); if (PosizioneFinale == -1) PosizioneFinale = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(PosizioneIniziale,PosizioneFinale)); } function CookieScrivi(name,value,expiresUdM,expires,path,domain,secure) { if (!name || !value) { return false } if ((expiresUdM && expires) && (expiresUdM!='GMT')) { var ExpiresMillisec = ExpiresDate = Oggi = new Date(); switch (expiresUdM) { // calcola i JS-millisecondi del momento di scadenza case "anni": ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires*365*24*60*60*1000; break; case "mesi": ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires*31*24*60*60*1000; break; case "giorni": ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires*24*60*60*1000; break; case "ore": ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires*60*60*1000; break; case "minuti": ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires*60*1000; break; case "secondi": ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires*1000; break; default: ExpiresMillisec=Oggi.getTime()+expires; } ExpiresDate.setTime(ExpiresMillisec); expires = ExpiresDate.toGMTString(); } secure = (secure=="1" || secure==1 || secure=="secure") ? 1 : ""; document.cookie = name + "=" +escape(value) + ( (expiresUdM && expires) ? "; expires=" + expires : "") + ( (path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ( (domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ( (secure) ? "; secure" : ""); if (CookieLeggi(name)==null && secure!=1) { return false; } else { return true; } } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> if (CookieLeggi(liveads) == "null") {"", "Google"); CookieScrivi(liveads, adsm, ore, 12, /, .localhost, 1); } else { break; } </script> </body> </html> Hi everyone, I am using a jQuery cookie script to set the cookie of some elements on my website. One of the problems is that I need the cookie to not expire after one day, I need it to expire after a while (I'm going to start off with a year). Here's my script, the red part is what I've been editing. Code: /** * Cookie plugin * * Copyright (c) 2006 Klaus Hartl ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * */ /** * Create a cookie with the given name and value and other optional parameters. * * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value'); * @desc Set the value of a cookie. * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value', { expires: 7, path: '/', domain: '', secu true }); * @desc Create a cookie with all available options. * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value'); * @desc Create a session cookie. * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', null); * @desc Delete a cookie by passing null as value. Keep in mind that you have to use the same path and domain * used when the cookie was set. * * @param String name The name of the cookie. * @param String value The value of the cookie. * @param Object options An object literal containing key/value pairs to provide optional cookie attributes. * @option Number|Date expires Either an integer specifying the expiration date from now on in days or a Date object. * If a negative value is specified (e.g. a date in the past), the cookie will be deleted. * If set to null or omitted, the cookie will be a session cookie and will not be retained * when the the browser exits. * @option String path The value of the path atribute of the cookie (default: path of page that created the cookie). * @option String domain The value of the domain attribute of the cookie (default: domain of page that created the cookie). * @option Boolean secure If true, the secure attribute of the cookie will be set and the cookie transmission will * require a secure protocol (like HTTPS). * @type undefined * * @name $.cookie * @cat Plugins/Cookie * @author Klaus Hartl/ */ /** * Get the value of a cookie with the given name. * * @example $.cookie('the_cookie'); * @desc Get the value of a cookie. * * @param String name The name of the cookie. * @return The value of the cookie. * @type String * * @name $.cookie * @cat Plugins/Cookie * @author Klaus Hartl/ */ jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) { if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // name and value given, set cookie options = options || {}; if (value === null) { value = ''; options.expires = -1; } var expires = ''; if (options.expires && (typeof options.expires == 'number' || options.expires.toUTCString)) { var date; if (typeof options.expires == 'number') { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (options.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365)); } else { date = options.expires; } expires = '; expires=' + date.toUTCString(); // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE } // CAUTION: Needed to parenthesize options.path and options.domain // in the following expressions, otherwise they evaluate to undefined // in the packed version for some reason... var path = options.path ? '; path=' + (options.path) : ''; var domain = options.domain ? '; domain=' + (options.domain) : ''; var secure = ? '; secure' : ''; document.cookie = [name, '=', encodeURIComponent(value), expires, path, domain, secure].join(''); } else { // only name given, get cookie var cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want? if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } }; Hello all... I've been trying to learn to write javascript for awhile now. I've been getting better, but I'd still consider myself a novice. I've tried several things. 1. The W3schools tutorials 2. which has some good examples, but the instructor really didn't explain why to do certain things, which really prevented me from understanding it....or maybe I'm just dumb 3. I actually took a college class. On day one, the professor mentioned that we probably wouldn't need to be able to write javascript from scratch, instead we should just be able to update scripts we find online.....which, I guess could be true, but I'd really want to be able write my own. Is the professor right? I'm looking for a couple of things. First, I was wondering if there's a better tutorial than W3schools or even something like Secondly, I was curious if there's a site that might have javascript practices. By that I mean, something that tells you what type of script you need to write, but doesn't give you step by step instructions on how to do so. Like I said, I don't have to write very many scripts at work, so if there's something I can do to get better, I would love to do it. Thanks. Sorry for the long post. My biggest problem is I at Hey I'm new to programming (actually news not even the word for it) and I need some help. I plan on going to college to study game development and programming but I have no idea how to program. If you could post some links to beginner tutorials or even type one up for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I'm planning on trying Java first, but if you have another suggestion, it would help. Also, I have blender and have made simple games on it, but I don't really like the 3D modelling concept. I wanted to try coding now so, thanks in advance! P.S. I don't even know how to oped up Java... I downloaded Java SE DK 6u15 (I do know what it stands for though!) but I'm not sure if I did it right or not. So basically a 100% complete tutorial from downloading to... whatever the last step is. Thanks! I am looking for tutorials on creating a slideshow with thumbnails, but i need one where i can put the mouse over the thumbnail depending on the direction i am the mouse the thumbnail will move left or right thanks hey im simply tryna make a 24 hours countdown, reg ardless of timezones, computer clock etc., just a straight 24 h our stretch. here is what i have, somehow its not working, any help on fixing>? PHP Code: <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; ForeColor = "navy"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds."; FinishMessage = "It is finally here!"; </script> <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script> Hello, I understand that this question have been posted before several times. I looked at many of those threads and tried it but could not get it to work. So the idea is to use either cookies or html5 localstorage to control the java script behavior, but how do I really implement it on my code? Please help me out here on piecing all the code together. Either cookie/localstorage is fine. Thanks in advance Code: <div id='cptup-ready'> </div> <script data-cfasync='false' type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ window.captain = {up: function(fn) { captain.topics.push(fn) }, topics: []}; // Add your settings he captain.up({ api_key: 'XXXXXXXX' }); //]]> </script><script data-cfasync='false' type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ setTimeout(function() { var cpt = document.createElement('script'); cpt.type = 'text/javascript'; cpt.async = true; cpt.src = 'http' + (location.protocol == 'https:' ? 's' : '') + '://'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(cpt); }, 31000)(); //]]> </script> Hi guys, I've looked around the web and tried to find a Javascript Countdown, however, the only ones I could really find were the ones that countdown to a particular date (see below). Code: <script language="JavaScript"> TargetDate = "12/31/2020 5:00 AM"; BackColor = "palegreen"; ForeColor = "navy"; CountActive = true; CountStepper = -1; LeadingZero = true; DisplayFormat = "%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds."; FinishMessage = "It is finally here!"; </script> <script language="JavaScript" src="/js/countdown.js"></script> Problem is, it counts down to a particular date, and I don't want that. The reason why is because everyone's time will be different, and I want it to be a "global" countdown, fr an event happening on a website (like the launch of something). Is it possible to, other then going by date, go by days/hours/minutes/seconds? So if I enter say, 2 days, 5 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, it'll start counting down EXACTLY 2 days and 5 hours, and not change per people's time zone? Any help would be greatly appreciated. If someone can point me in the right direction, or has a code already developed, I'd really appreciate it.. Thank you so much! I am wanting to display an image for 24 hours, how can I do this?
hi guys, as im still a noob at javascript, so im asking for your help, i didnt make this script, someone else did and i asked for their permission to change it to my needs, the problem is, i have it working for times that are over an hour long, but i need to also make it possible to display in just under an hour aswell, eg instead of 01:00:00 it would display 60:00 then 59:59 eg, so basically im asking, how can i take the hours out of this, without it currupting the entire JS? Code: var HAS_EXPIRED = 'Time has Expired!'; var IS_NONE = 'None'; function secondCountdown(s){ if(s){ var timeleft = document.getElementById('timeleft').innerHTML; if((timeleft == HAS_EXPIRED) || (timeleft == IS_NONE)) return false; timeleft = timeleft.replace('<font>', ''); timeleft = timeleft.replace('</font>', ''); var time = timeleft.split(":"); var secs = time[2] * 1; var mins = time[1] * 1; var hrs = time[0] * 1; secs += (mins * 60) + (hrs * 3600); secs -= 1; if(secs <= 0){ document.getElementById('timeleft').innerHTML = HAS_EXPIRED; return false; } else { hrs = Math.floor(secs/3600); secs -= (hrs * 3600); mins = Math.floor(secs/60); secs -= (mins * 60); if(hrs < 10) hrs = '0' + hrs; if(mins < 10) mins = '0' + mins; if(secs < 10) secs = '0' + secs; document.getElementById('timeleft').innerHTML = hrs + ':' + mins + ':' + secs; } } setTimeout('secondCountdown(true)',1000); } bootloaderAdd('secondCountdown()'); bootloaderOn(); Cheers. Dan hi, I have three variables - string openTime format hh:mm - eg "08:30" - string closeTime format hh:mm eg "17:30" - float lunchHours eg 1.5 Are there any js functions I can use to calculate how many hours the shop is open ? thanks Changing Seconds to Hours in Timer Code: <script type="text/javascript"> // Javascript to compute elapsed time between "Start" and "Finish" button clicks function timestamp_class(this_current_time, this_start_time, this_end_time, this_time_difference) { this.this_current_time = this_current_time; this.this_start_time = this_start_time; this.this_end_time = this_end_time; this.this_time_difference = this_time_difference; this.GetCurrentTime = GetCurrentTime; this.StartTiming = StartTiming; this.EndTiming = EndTiming; } //Get current time from date timestamp function GetCurrentTime() { var my_current_timestamp; my_current_timestamp = new Date(); //stamp current date & time return my_current_timestamp.getTime(); } //Stamp current time as start time and reset display textbox function StartTiming() { this.this_start_time = GetCurrentTime(); //stamp current time document.TimeDisplayForm.TimeDisplayBox.value = 0; //init textbox display to zero } //Stamp current time as stop time, compute elapsed time difference and display in textbox function EndTiming() { this.this_end_time = GetCurrentTime(); //stamp current time this.this_time_difference = (this.this_end_time - this.this_start_time) / 1000; //compute elapsed time document.TimeDisplayForm.TimeDisplayBox.value = this.this_time_difference; //set elapsed time in display box } var time_object = new timestamp_class(0, 0, 0, 0); //create new time object and initialize it //--> </script> <form> <input type="button" value="Start" onClick="time_object.StartTiming()"; name="StartButton"> </form> <form> <input type="button" value="Finish" onClick="time_object.EndTiming()"; name="EndButton"> </form> <form name="TimeDisplayForm"> Elapsed time: <input type="text" name="TimeDisplayBox" size="6"> seconds </form> Hey everyone. I need a little help and I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination with javascript. I have a simple little code script and I'd like either the onClick function (or the entire code itself, whichever is easiest) to only load once every 24 hours for each IP address. So "" should only get the effect of this code once every 24 hours regardless if they revisit my site 5 times a day let's say. So here's my little script: Code: <script language="JavaScript"> function goNewWin() {"",'Google','toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); TheNewWin.blur(); } </script> <body onClick="goNewWin()"> Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks! I have the below form where the user enters the hours and minutes worked on a task. I want to be sure that the total for the form is at least 8 hours. How can I do that? Code: <form method="POST" onSubmit="return validateHours()" name="theForm" > <p>Hours<input type="text" name="hours[]" size="20">Minutes<input type="text" name="minutes[]" size="20"></p> <p>Hours<input type="text" name="hours[]" size="20">Minutes<input type="text" name="minutes[]" size="20"></p> <p>Hours<input type="text" name="hours[]" size="20">Minutes<input type="text" name="minutes[]" size="20"></p> <p>Hours<input type="text" name="hours[]" size="20">Minutes<input type="text" name="minutes[]" size="20"></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2"></p> </form> |