JavaScript - Random Generated Ticker/scroller (marquee) - Stop On Mouseover, And Problem With Font
Hi all, i'm using this code:
Code: var r_text = new Array (); r_text[0] = "Random Text 0"; r_text[1] = "Random Text 1"; r_text[2] = "Random Text 2"; r_text[3] = "Random Text 3"; r_text[4] = "Random Text 4"; r_text[5] = "Random Text 5"; r_text[6] = "Random Text 6"; r_text[7] = "Random Text 7"; r_text[8] = "Random Text 8"; var i = Math.floor(9*Math.random()); { document.write("<Marquee SCROLLAMOUNT=10><FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'><FONT-SIZE: 13pt)<B><FONT COLOR='#FFFF00'>" + r_text[i] + "</FONT></B></FONT-SIZE></FONT-FAMILY></Marquee>"); } This code works as far as me getting a right to left marquee, which, every time the page reloads, generates one of the random pieces of text. I'd like to add a piece of coding to this so that on mouseover, the marquee will pause, but I don't have a clue what to add, or where. My other problem: The text is yellow..size 10, yet whatever font family i specify, will ALWAYS appear in the font Georgia (in the browser im using, Firefox.) in both Opera and IE, it comes out Times New Roman! this is a real rooky problem, but i am a rooky and i'd just like to understand why, and how to ACTUALLY get Calibri. Any help would be greatly appreciated Similar TutorialsPlease see URL: The ticker below the navbar works fine in FF and Safari, does not work in IE8 (and mostly likely other IE version as well). In IE, the live page will not even load; will load locally but the ticker doesn't work (remains static). Here is the .js: Code: TICKER_CONTENT = document.getElementById("TICKER").innerHTML; TICKER_RIGHTTOLEFT = false; TICKER_SPEED = 1; TICKER_STYLE = "font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:#444444"; TICKER_PAUSED = false; ticker_start(); function ticker_start() { var tickerSupported = false; TICKER_WIDTH = document.getElementById("TICKER").style.width; var img = "<img src=ticker_space.gif width="+TICKER_WIDTH+" height=0>"; // Firefox if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari")!=-1) { document.getElementById("TICKER").innerHTML = "<TABLE cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'><TR><TD nowrap='nowrap'>"+img+"<SPAN style='"+TICKER_STYLE+"' ID='TICKER_BODY' width='100%'> </SPAN>"+img+"</TD></TR></TABLE>"; tickerSupported = true; } // IE if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1) { document.getElementById("TICKER").innerHTML = "<DIV nowrap='nowrap' style='width:100%;'>"+img+"<SPAN style='"+TICKER_STYLE+"' ID='TICKER_BODY' width='100%'></SPAN>"+img+"</DIV>"; tickerSupported = true; } if(!tickerSupported) document.getElementById("TICKER").outerHTML = ""; else { document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollLeft = TICKER_RIGHTTOLEFT ? document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollWidth - document.getElementById("TICKER").offsetWidth : 0; document.getElementById("TICKER_BODY").innerHTML = TICKER_CONTENT; document.getElementById("TICKER").style.display="block"; TICKER_tick(); } } function TICKER_tick() { if(!TICKER_PAUSED) document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollLeft += TICKER_SPEED * (TICKER_RIGHTTOLEFT ? -1 : 1); if(TICKER_RIGHTTOLEFT && document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollLeft <= 0) document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollLeft = document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollWidth - document.getElementById("TICKER").offsetWidth; if(!TICKER_RIGHTTOLEFT && document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollLeft >= document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollWidth - document.getElementById("TICKER").offsetWidth) document.getElementById("TICKER").scrollLeft = 0; window.setTimeout("TICKER_tick()", 30); Any help to fix is greatly appreciated. Thank you. John I've got a code. I've listed it below. The only question I have which I am sure I'm just overlooking it, but I need to find a way to squeeze this to the top of the screen and to the left. Where can I modify this on this code? The first section is the whole file. Thanks! Edit: I'm trying to remove the awkward gap on top and to the left. I merged the .js file since this will only be a file that is updated with new news. Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> /* Text and/or Image Crawler Script v1.5 (c)2009-2011 John Davenport Scheuer as first seen in username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use updated: 4/2011 for random order option, more (see below) */ /* Update 4/2011 to v1.5 - Adds optional random property. Set it to true to use. Fixes browser crash from empty crawlers, ad and image blocking software/routines. Fixes behavior in some IE of breaking script if an image is missing. Adds alt attributes to images without them to aid in diagnosis of missing/corrupt images. This may be disabled with the new optional noAddedAlt property set to true. Internal workings enhanced for greater speed of execution, less memory usage. */ ///////////////// No Need to Edit - Configuration is Done in the On Page Call(s) ///////////////// function marqueeInit(config){ if(!document.createElement) return;;; } (function(){ if(!document.createElement) return; = []; document.write('<style type="text/css">.marquee{white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;}' + '#marq_kill_marg_bord{border:none!important;margin:0!important;}<\/style>'); var c = 0, tTRE = [/^\s*$/, /^\s*/, /\s*$/, /[^\/]+$/], req1 = {'position': 'relative', 'overflow': 'hidden'}, defaultconfig = { style: { //default style object for marquee containers without configured style 'margin': '0 auto' }, direction: 'left', inc: 2, //default speed - pixel increment for each iteration of a marquee's movement mouse: 'pause' //default mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false) }, dash, ie = false, oldie = 0, ie5 = false, iever = 0; /*@cc_on @*/ /*@if(@_jscript_version >= 5) ie = true; try{document.documentMode = 2000}catch(e){}; iever = Math.min(document.documentMode, navigator.appVersion.replace(/^.*MSIE (\d+\.\d+).*$/, '$1')); if(iever < 6) oldie = 1; if(iever < 5.5){ Array.prototype.push = function(el){this[this.length] = el;}; ie5 = true; dash = /(-(.))/; String.prototype.encamel = function(s, m){ s = this; while((m = dash.exec(s))) s = s.replace(m[1], m[2].toUpperCase()); return s; }; } @end @*/ if(!ie5){ dash = /-(.)/g; function toHump(a, b){return b.toUpperCase();}; String.prototype.encamel = function(){return this.replace(dash, toHump);}; } if(ie && iever < 8){ marqueeInit.table = []; window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ marqueeInit.OK = true; for(var i = 0; i < marqueeInit.table.length; ++i)[i]); }); } function intable(el){ while((el = el.parentNode)) if(el.tagName && el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'table') return true; return false; }; = function(id){ if(ie && !marqueeInit.OK && iever < 8 && intable(document.getElementById(id))){ marqueeInit.table.push(id); return; } if(!document.getElementById(id)) setTimeout(function(){;}, 300); else new Marq(c++, document.getElementById(id)); } function trimTags(tag){ var r = [], i = 0, e; while((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType === 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue)) tag.removeChild(e); while((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType === 3 && tTRE[0].test(e.nodeValue)) tag.removeChild(e); if((e = tag.firstChild) && e.nodeType === 3) e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[1], ''); if((e = tag.lastChild) && e.nodeType === 3) e.nodeValue = e.nodeValue.replace(tTRE[2], ''); while((e = tag.firstChild)) r[i++] = tag.removeChild(e); return r; } function randthem(tag){ var els = oldie? tag.all : tag.getElementsByTagName('*'), i = els.length - 1, childels = [], newels = []; for (i; i > -1; --i){ if(els[i].parentNode === tag){ childels.push(els[i]); newels.push(els[i].cloneNode(true)); } } newels.sort(function(){return 0.5 - Math.random();}); i = childels.length - 1; for (i; i > -1; --i){ tag.replaceChild(newels[i], childels[i]); } } function Marq(c, tag){ var p, u, s, a, ims, ic, i, marqContent, cObj = this; =[c]; if({ randthem(tag); } for (p in defaultconfig) if(( && ! || (! && ![p]))[p] = defaultconfig[p]; = ! || isNaN(parseInt( '100%' :; if(!tag.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]) = ! || isNaN(parseInt( tag.offsetHeight + 3 + 'px' :; else = ! || isNaN(parseInt( 'auto' :; u =\d/); = [parseInt(, u[u.length - 1]] : ['a']; marqContent = trimTags(tag); tag.className = = ''; tag.removeAttribute('class', 0); tag.removeAttribute('id', 0); if(ie) tag.removeAttribute('className', 0); tag.appendChild(tag.cloneNode(false)); tag.className = ['marquee', c].join(''); = 'hidden'; this.c = tag.firstChild; this.c.appendChild(this.c.cloneNode(false)); = 'hidden'; a = [[req1,], [,]]; for (i = a.length - 1; i > -1; --i) for (p in a[i][0]) if((a[i][0].hasOwnProperty && a[i][0].hasOwnProperty(p)) || (!a[i][0].hasOwnProperty)) a[i][1][p.encamel()] = a[i][0][p]; this.m = this.c.firstChild; if( === 'pause'){ this.c.onmouseover = function(){ = true;}; this.c.onmouseout = function(){ = false;}; } = 'absolute'; = '-10000000px'; = 'nowrap'; if(ie5) this.c.firstChild.appendChild((this.m = document.createElement('nobr'))); if(! this.m.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\xa0')); for(i = 0; marqContent[i]; ++i) this.m.appendChild(marqContent[i]); if(ie5) this.m = this.c.firstChild; ims = this.m.getElementsByTagName('img'); if(ims.length){ for(ic = 0, i = 0; i < ims.length; ++i){ ims[i].style.display = 'inline'; if(!ims[i].alt && !{ ims[i].alt = (tTRE[3].exec(ims[i].src)) || ('Image #' + [i + 1]); if(!ims[i].title){ims[i].title = '';} } ims[i].style.display = 'inline'; ims[i].style.verticalAlign = ims[i].style.verticalAlign || 'top'; if(typeof ims[i].complete === 'boolean' && ims[i].complete) ic++; else { ims[i].onload = ims[i].onerror = function(){ if(++ic === ims.length) cObj.setup(c); }; } if(ic === ims.length) this.setup(c); } } else this.setup(c) } Marq.prototype.setup = function(c){ if( return; = this; var s, w, cObj = this, exit = 10000; if( === 'auto') = this.m.offsetHeight + 4 + 'px'; this.c.appendChild(this.m.cloneNode(true)); this.m = [this.m, this.m.nextSibling]; if( === 'cursor driven'){ this.r = || 16; this.sinc =; this.c.onmousemove = function(e){ = false; cObj.directspeed(e)}; if({ =; if({ if( === 'reverse'){ this.c.onmouseout = function(e){ if(cObj.contains(e)) return; =; = === 'right'? 'left' : 'right';}; } else { =; this.c.onmouseout = function(e){ if(cObj.contains(e)) return; =; =;}; } } else this.c.onmouseout = function(e){if(!cObj.contains(e)) =;}; } else this.c.onmouseout = function(e){if(!cObj.contains(e)) cObj.slowdeath();}; } this.w = this.m[0].offsetWidth; this.m[0].style.left = 0; = 'marq_kill_marg_bord'; this.m[0] = this.m[1] = Math.floor((this.c.offsetHeight - this.m[0].offsetHeight) / 2 - oldie) + 'px'; = ''; this.c.removeAttribute('id', 0); this.m[1].style.left = this.w + 'px'; s = Math.max(, this.sinc) : (this.sinc ||; while(this.c.offsetWidth > this.w - s && --exit){ w = isNaN([0])? this.w - s :[0]; if(w < 1 || this.w < Math.max(1, s)){break;} = isNaN([0])? this.w - s + 'px' :[0] +[1]; } = 'visible'; this.runit(); } Marq.prototype.slowdeath = function(){ var cObj = this; if({ -= 1; this.timer = setTimeout(function(){cObj.slowdeath();}, 100); } } Marq.prototype.runit = function(){ var cObj = this, d = === 'right'? 1 : -1; if( ||{ setTimeout(function(){cObj.runit();}, 300); return; } if( != 'cursor driven') = Math.max(1,; if(d * parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) >= this.w) this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px'; if(d * parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) >= this.w) this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) - d * this.w + 'px'; this.m[0].style.left = parseInt(this.m[0].style.left) + d * + 'px'; this.m[1].style.left = parseInt(this.m[1].style.left) + d * + 'px'; setTimeout(function(){cObj.runit();}, 30 + ( || 0)); } Marq.prototype.directspeed = function(e){ e = e || window.event; if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer); var c = this.c, w = c.offsetWidth, l = c.offsetLeft, mp = (typeof e.pageX === 'number'? e.pageX : e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft) - l, lb = (w - this.r) / 2, rb = (w + this.r) / 2; while((c = c.offsetParent)) mp -= c.offsetLeft; = mp > rb? 'left' : 'right'; = Math.round((mp > rb? (mp - rb) : mp < lb? (lb - mp) : 0) / lb * this.sinc); } Marq.prototype.contains = function(e){ if(e && e.relatedTarget){var c = e.relatedTarget; if(c === this.c) return true; while ((c = c.parentNode)) if(c === this.c) return true;} return false; } function resize(){ for(var s, w, m, i = 0; i <; ++i){ if([i] &&[i].setup){ m =[i].setup; s = Math.max(, m.sinc) : (m.sinc ||; =;[0] = > 1? parseInt( : 'a'; while(m.c.offsetWidth > m.w - s){ w = isNaN([0])? m.w - s :[0]; if(w < 1){break;} = isNaN([0])? m.w - s + 'px' :[0] +[1]; } } } } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onresize', resize); })(); /* Text and/or Image Crawler Script v1.5 (c)2009-2011 John Davenport Scheuer as first seen in username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use updated: 4/2011 for random order option, more (see below) */ </script> </head> <body> <font color="white" face="arial" size="2" background="#0066CC"> <div class="marquee" id="mycrawler" align="left"> 2/21/12 Today is testing the marquee. This will be used for announcements. Stay tuned!!!                         </div></font> <script type="text/javascript"> marqueeInit({ uniqueid: 'mycrawler', style: { 'padding': '1px', 'width': '1000px', //change to 1000 for normal, change to 0 for off 'background': '#0066CC', 'border': '0px solid black' }, inc: 1, //speed - pixel increment for each iteration of this marquee's movement mouse: 'false', //mouseover behavior ('pause' 'cursor driven' or false) moveatleast: 1, neutral: 150, savedirection: true }); </script> </body> </html> Hi guys, As a relative newcomer to Javascript this is killing me! Maybe someone can help... I am trying to put an image on the front page of my website that changes to one of two random images on mouseover. This part was easy, and has been done (I got the code from But what I am finding difficult is to make each image link to a different page. For example, if the user mouseovers the main image and sees the 'thumbs up' image, then clicks on it, they should be taken to the 'thumbs up' page. And if the user mouseovers the main image and sees the 'thumbs down' image, then clicks on it, they should be taken to the 'thumbs down' page. The site is he I think using 2 arrays is the way to go, but am not sure. Any help would be appreciated! Hi - in editing a website...this javascript html is really getting on my nerves - can somebody please tell me why i keep getting the error message expected ")" when i try this code: (which ive fiddled around with bloody loads to try and resolve!) <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT > var r_text = new Array (); r_text[0] = Text 0; r_text[1] = Text 1; r_text[2] = Text 2; var i = Math.floor(3*Math.random()); { document.write("<marquee style="font-family: 'Georgia'; color: #FFFF00; font-size: 13pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Arial'" ><scrollamount="15"><b>" + r_text[i] + "</b></scrollamount></marquee>"); } it seems fine to me and is getting me really frustrated now any help greatly appreciated, do whatever you like to the coding if itll work! thankyou very much, joe. i have used a an ajax xml ticker script in my webpage here's the link to the page where i got the script : The problem is as soon as it reaches the end of the content, It does not cycle up to the first news item immediately there is a gap of few seconds before starts showing the items again. Hello, i'm trying to post news on my site. so i was able to reached this but i couldn't get, exactly what i want. i really want is when load the page it should shows only 3 rows then after few seconds(say 2 seconds), the 1st row should disappear and bellow 3 rows should come up (eg. when google_1 row is disappear, google_2 & google_3 & google_4 rows should come up) this rotation should be continuous i tried this many. but no positive result. so please.... me to solve this. this is the problematic java script, Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var scrollspeed=cache=1 var initialdelay=500 function initializeScroller(){ dataobj=document.all? document.all.datacontainer : document.getElementById("datacontainer")"5px" setTimeout("getdataheight()", initialdelay) } function getdataheight(){ thelength=dataobj.offsetHeight if (thelength==0) setTimeout("getdataheight()",10) else scrollDiv() } function scrollDiv(){"px" if (parseInt(<thelength*(-1))"5px" setTimeout("scrollDiv()",40) } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", initializeScroller, false) else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", initializeScroller) else window.onload=initializeScroller </script> thank you . Hi all, I was following this tutorial for a jquery based scroller but I am having some problems: When it loads the block starts out as I want it then suddenly squeezes down and chops the text? The area in question is 'Featured Employers' Can anyone advise? many thanks, greens85 Hello! Im having problem generating the labels for content created by the following function: Code: function setOutput(){ if(httpObject.readyState == 4){ var answer = httpObject.resultsponseText.split(","); var results = document.getElementById("resultsultadosScan1"); var article = document.createElement("div"); var weight = document.createElement("div"); var price = document.createElement("div"); article.className = "article"; weight.className = "weight"; price.className = "price"; document.getElementById('outputText0').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[0]; document.getElementById('outputText1').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[1]; document.getElementById('outputText2').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[2]; article.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[0]; weight.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[1]; price.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[2]; results.appendChild(article); results.appendChild(weight); results.appendChild(price); } } A friend wrote this sample script to achieve generation of labels on my script, but I have been trying for hours with no luck, can someone take a look and tell me the correct usage of this script: Code: function createLabel() { var target = document.getElementById("target"); var label = document.createElement("label"); var text = document.createTextNode("Article"); label.appendChild(text); target.appendChild(label); } Can you help me with the correct "combination" using my script above, a "real life" example? Thanks a lot! Hi, I can't figure out what's wrong with my code here, but my mouseovers aren't working. Here's the page: I appreciate any help at all. Hi, thanks for looking. I'm new to JS and am trying to use an image several times on the same page, having each image show rollover behavior. The rollover code works for the first image on the page, but when I hover over subsequent images it only changes the rollover state of the first image on the page, not the image I'm hovering over. Any help would be appreciated. I'm using the following functions to change rollover state: Code: gallery_on = new Image ( ); gallery_off = new Image ( ); gallery_on.src = "gallery_on.png"; gallery_off.src = "gallery_off.png"; function button_on ( imgId ) { if ( document.images ) { butOn = eval ( imgId + "_on.src" ); document.getElementById(imgId).src = butOn; } } function button_off ( imgId ) { if ( document.images ) { butOff = eval ( imgId + "_off.src" ); document.getElementById(imgId).src = butOff; } } Greetings fellow coders, I am having an issue with my rollover images. The first image (when hovered over) is fine, however when I hover over the second image the mouseover effect replaces the first jpg. Any idea how I can seperate the behaviours so my 2nd image mouseover glow is in it's correct place? Thanks in advance, Zeme Andrews Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>test</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> if (document.images) { var button1 = new Image(); var button2 = new Image(); var button3 = new Image(); var button4 = new Image(); var button5 = new Image(); var button6 = new Image(); button1.src= "images/thumb1.jpg" ; button2.src= "images/thumb1_glow.jpg"; button3.src= "images/thumb2.jpg"; button4.src= "images/thumb2_glow.jpg"; button5.src= "images/thumb3.jpg"; button6.src= "images/thumb3_glow.jpg"; } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/nav/tb/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/nav/tb/thickbox.js"></script> </head> <body> <table width="530" border="5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"> <tr><td align="justify"> <img src="images/thumb1.jpg" height="230" width="150" alt="" border="2" hspace="5" name="rollover" onmouseover="document.rollover.src=button2.src" onmouseout="document.rollover.src=button1.src" /> <img src="images/thumb2.jpg" height="230" alt="" width="150" border="2" hspace="5" name="rollover_1" onmouseover="document.rollover.src=button4.src" onmouseout="document.rollover.src=button3.src" /> <img src="images/thumb3.jpg" height="230" alt="" width="150" border="2" hspace="5" name="rollover_2" onmouseover="document.rollover.src=button6.src" onmouseout="document.rollover.src=button5.src" /> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html> Hi all, Javascript is totally new to me and I am very frustrated. I have been trying to put together this ebay template and it's all set except I can't get my thumbnails to show the large image when you mouseover it! I believe my problem is that I don't have the <script type="text/javascript"> or <language=javascript> tag in the beginning of the template. Problem is im not sure if that's the prob or where to put it!! I tried putting it at the top and it made it so the whole template disappeared. I've tried putting it at various diff places and it messes the whole thing up. I'm lost! Please help! Here's the listing (sorry I would post just the part where there's an issue but I can't tell where that is! ) I'm using Adobe GoLive 5... Mouseover buttons on the navigation bar don't function properly on the web, but they do in GoLive. I believe it's a Javascript coding issue, but I can't figure out exactly what (I'm no programmer). The site I'm working on is - can anyone show me what's wrong or missing in the following code? I appreciate any help I can get. Code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="generator" content="Adobe GoLive 5"> <title>Welcome to Texas Brand Land Co.</title> <csscriptdict import> <script src="file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/GeneratedItems/CSScriptLib.js"></script> </csscriptdict> <csactiondict> <script><!-- CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Main Page',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/home-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/home-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/home-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Acreage With House',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/awh-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/awh-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/awh-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Acreage Only',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/a-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/a-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/a-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Homes Only',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/h-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/h-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/h-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Commercial Property',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/comm-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/comm-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/comm-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'About Us',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/about-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/about-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/about-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Meet Our Team',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/agents-out.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/agents-in.jpg',/*URL*/'file:///E:/Website%20Construction/+TXBRANDLAND%20WEBSITE/TXBRANDLAND/public_html/TXBLC%20Site%20Contents/Images/Buttons/agents-in.jpg',''); CSInit[CSInit.length] = new Array(CSILoad,/*CMP*/'Community 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On a website of mine, I have a picture that acts as the navigation. When the user hovers over it, it changes pictures to show one section lighting up and the text to show where that one links to under it. Later, I changed it to show, when the mouse isn't hovering over the picture, the pictures automatically scrolling on a timer to show all the options. While this works most of the time, I recently discovered the reason behind a 'glitch' my friend noticed... but I'm unsure of how to fix it. The problem is, when the mouse is already on the picture as the page loads, it starts the timer even though the mouse is there. This causes it to keep trying to switch the picture on its own even when hovering over the picture. And when the mouse is off the picture, it changes it twice at an odd interval. In other words, it's starting the timer up twice and only cuts one of them off when you hover over the image. Here's a link to the site so you can see for yourself: (And if links aren't allowed, just let me know and I'll remove it--it's simply easier to see) Here's the code I have for the image timer... In the header, in a Javascript tag: Code: var currPic = 0; var totPics = 12; var keepTime; var picName; function setupPicChange(){ keepTime=setTimeout("changePic()", 2000); } function changePic(){ currPic++; if(currPic > totPics) currPic = 1; document.getElementById("logos").src="../images/logo/NA Logo - " + currPic + ".png"; setupPicChange(); } function stopTimer(){ clearTimeout(keepTime); } function startTimer(){ keepTime=setTimeout("changePic()", 2000); } In the body: Code: <body onload="setupPicChange();"> <div id="logo_setup"> <p align="center" onmouseover="stopTimer();" onmouseout="startTimer();"><img src="../images/logo/NA_Logo.png" id="logos" name="logos" border=0 usemap="#logo"> I want the timer to start without the user having to do anything and complete stop when the user hovers over the picture. If there's anything else you need to see to help with this problem, please let me know. And thank you for taking the time to read this; I look forward to any suggestions you can give me. Note: This is being tested in Chrome, but the problem has appeared in both Firefox and IE as well. Hi all, I have a code that will fetch out the data from database OnMouseOver. But it is working fine if don't add table on the div which will come OnMouseOver. If i try to show the fetched data in table then the code doesn't work. Please someone help me with this. Here is my code: Code: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> var cX = 0; var cY = 0; var rX = 0; var rY = 0; function UpdateCursorPosition(e){ cX = e.pageX; cY = e.pageY;} function UpdateCursorPositionDocAll(e){ cX = event.clientX; cY = event.clientY;} if(document.all) { document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPositionDocAll; } else { document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPosition; } function AssignPosition(d) { if(self.pageYOffset) { rX = self.pageXOffset; rY = self.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { rX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; rY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body) { rX = document.body.scrollLeft; rY = document.body.scrollTop; } if(document.all) { cX += rX; cY += rY; } = (cX+10) + "px"; = (cY+10) + "px"; } function HideContent(d) { if(d.length < 1) { return; } document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none"; } function ShowContent(d) { if(d.length < 1) { return; } var dd = document.getElementById(d); AssignPosition(dd); = "block"; } function ReverseContentDisplay(d) { if(d.length < 1) { return; } var dd = document.getElementById(d); AssignPosition(dd); if( == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } //--> </script> </head> <body> <table align="center" width="300px"/> <tr> <td>MakeID</td> <td>Make</td> <td>Veh Type</td> </tr> <?php $conn = mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', ''); mysql_select_db ('my_db', $conn); function create_div($width, $height, $fields, $table, $w_field, $w_value, $unique) { $f = implode("`, `", $fields); $sql = "SELECT `$f` FROM `$table` WHERE `$w_field` = '$w_value'"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $div = "<div align=center id=\"data".$unique."\" style=\"display:none; position:absolute; border-style:solid; background-color:white; padding: 10px; width:".$width."px; height:".$height."px\" />\n"; $div .= '<table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="2">'; $div .= '<tr><th>Serial</th><th>First Name</th><th>Email</th></tr>'; while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $div .= '<tr>'; $div .= '<td>'.$r['id'].'</td>'; $div .= '<td>'.$r['firstname'].'</td>'; $div .= '<td>'.$r['email'].'</td>'; $div .= "</tr>"; $div .= "</table>"; $div .= "</div>\n"; return $div; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM name"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $i=0; $fields = array("id", "firstname", "email"); while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ echo create_div("300", "200", $fields, "admin", "id", $r['id'], $i); ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $r['id']; ?></td> <td><a onmouseover="ShowContent('data<?php echo $i; ?>'); return true;" onmouseout="HideContent('data<?php echo $i; ?>'); return true;" href="#"><?php echo $r['name'];?></a> </td> <td><?php echo $r['desc']; ?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </table> </body> </html> Hi, I have a small problem with a page I'm working on. I have an anchor tag inside a table that has a mouseover event that updates a contextual help box. I need to add a similar mouseover event to the anchor tag that does the same thing, but updates the help box with different text. The problem I have is that when the mouse is over the table, no matter if I move the mouse over the anchor, the help text only displays the message that is passed from the table's mouseover function call. I think the solution *may* be something to do with event bubbling, but I'm not exactly sure how to implement it. The code I'm dealing with is below: The code below is PHP. The table mouseover (for reference): Code: echo "<table class='cleanTable' width='100%' style='margin-top: 5px'"; echo " onMouseOver=\"updateHelpText('Message 1.');\" onMouseOut='clearHelpText();'>"; echo "<tr><th> </th><th> </th><th>First Name</th><th>Surname</th><th>Last Login</th></tr>"; The anchor mouseover: Code: echo "<tr class='cleanrow'><td><a href='newMember.php'><img border='0' src='images/icon_add.gif'></a></td><td></td>"; echo "<td colspan='3'><a class='workbenchLink' href='newMember.php' onMouseOver=\"updateHelpText('Message 2');\" onMouseOut='clearHelpText();'>Invite a new colleague...</a></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; The function (javascript): Code: function updateHelpText(newText) { document.getElementById("helpBox").innerHTML = "<h4> " + newText + "</h4>"; } Any help with this would be great, thanks. Hi there, I am having a problem with IE rendering the font of my website poorly, but only when the javascript code is allowed... The website is he And as you can see, there is a huge difference between IE8's rendering of the site once the scripts are allowed, and before, as well as a difference between IE8 and Firefox. Please could someone explain what's going on? good evening guys, i am new in JS ,so forgive my little knowledge,here is what i wanna do i have 10 songs in file ,i need to play them one after another when the page is loaded,and each time the page is loaded the playlist changes randomly (i dont want to play the same order of songs each time) so far i did a random array of the songs,each time the page is loaded,the order of the array will be change as well, but i don't know how to attach this array to the mediaplayer any idea plz ???????? here is what i did <script type="text/javascript"> var playlist = new Array(); var playlistnames = new Array(); var play = new Array(); playlistnames [0]="songs\play1.mp3"; playlistnames [1]="songs\play2.mp3"; playlistnames [2]="songs\play3.mp3"; playlistnames [3]="songs\play4.mp3"; playlistnames [4]="songs\play5.mp3"; playlistnames [5]="songs\play6.mp3"; playlistnames [6]="songs\play7.mp3"; playlistnames [7]="songs\play8.mp3"; playlistnames [8]="songs\play9.mp3"; playlistnames [9]="songs\play10.mp3"; var i=0; for (i=0;i<10; ) { var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); if (x != playlist[0] && x!= playlist[2]&& x!= playlist[3]&& x!= playlist[4]&& x!= playlist[5]&& x!= playlist[6]&& x!= playlist[7]&& x!= playlist[8]&& x!= playlist[9]&& x!= playlist[1]) { playlist[i]=x; play[i]=playlistnames[playlist[i]]; i++; } } </script> hi, everyone, I'm struggling to figure out how to make my image automatically reload. particularly when the image is randomly selected from a folder. The timing seem to work as the first image disappear after 5 seconds as dictated in the first JavaScript but it simply stays black. Why is the next images not being loaded? I'm new with JavaScript big time and tonight is the first time I've really dived into it. Thank you for any advice. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Lost Ear Studio</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = startInterval; function startInterval() { setInterval("startTime();",5000); } function startTime() { document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = Date(); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function resizeToMax(id){ myImage = new Image() var img = document.getElementById(id); myImage.src = img.src; if(myImage.width > myImage.height){ = "100%"; } else { = "100%"; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="time"> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> NumberOfImagesToRotate = 107; FirstPart = '<img id="bg" src="images/bg/bg_'; LastPart = '.jpg" onload="resizeToMax(">'; function printImage() { var r = Math.ceil(Math.random() * NumberOfImagesToRotate); document.write(FirstPart + r + LastPart); } </script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> printImage(); </script> </div> |