JavaScript - Cookies Via Iframe
I dont know the best way to explain this in tech terms so I will do my best in laymen.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5;url="></HEAD> <BODY> <P ALIGN=center><IFRAME SRC=" name" WIDTH=15 HEIGHT=15> If you can see this, your browser doesn't understand IFRAME. However, we'll still <A HREF="hello.html">link</A> you to the file. </IFRAME></p> <center><img src="loader.gif"></center> </BODY> </HTML> So the problem is that a user must go to name" before going to the /search page because (i assume) it loads a cookie... Similar TutorialsI'm displaying a page outside my server inside an iframe. I want to allow whatever is inside my iframe to set cookies. The website says, sorry your browser must allow cookies. My browser allows cookies, but because its in the iframe it doesn't allow them. I've read something about changing the header? What code would I put in my page.php to allow them? Thanks.
Is there a way to resize an iframe dynamically so that you never get the scroll bar and essentially hide that there is an iframe? Better integration really. Basically I want to iframe a forum into my site so that the design down the sides and top which my friend does using iweb are not messed with. We have a central area which can be longer or shorter depending on the forum. Hi there everybody, I've got this problem which I can't solve myself... I've got a website which has 3 colums and is hosted on in the right column I've got an Iframe which loads content from . this content are some textboxes and a datepicker tool. if I press the 'search'-button in this Iframe I would like to refresh the mainpage (from so that another Iframe appears in the middle column. in this column i would like to load a new form from which contains the values that I've put in in the form from the right Iframe. Unfortunally I can't get this to work... Will somebody please help me? Hi all, I hope you can help I have some code which: 1) Opens a URL (e.g. in a hidden iframe, then 2) Redirects the visitor to a different URL (e.g. after it has loaded... This works exactly as I need. What I'd like to do is the following: 1) Open a URL (e.g. in a hidden iframe, then 2) Redirect the visitor to a different URL (e.g. in a full-screen iframe 3) The address bar of the full-screen iframe should be my domain (obviously!) Here's what I have so far... Hidden iframe -> New URL Code: Code: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var page_body = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); var myframe = document.createElement('iframe'); var id = Math.random(); myframe.setAttribute('id', 'myFrame'+id); myframe.src = ''; //First open Google in hidden iframe myframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0') myframe.setAttribute('width', '0'); myframe.setAttribute('height', '0'); if (myframe.attachEvent) { myframe.attachEvent('onload', function() { top.location = ''; //Once loaded redirect to Yahoo -- but the address bar shows -- I want the address bar to display }); } else if (myframe.addEventListener) { myframe.addEventListener('load', function() { top.location = (''); }, false); } page_body[0].appendChild(myframe); </script> </body> </html> I have an example of some code which displays the full screen iframe, but my problem is... ...I can't figure out how to redirect to this after the hidden iframe has loaded Here's an example of how I want the redirect to display -- after the initial hidden iframe has loaded: Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function sendParams() { = "hidden"; } </script> </head> <body> <!--Open in a full screen iframe, and disable extra scrollbar --> <iframe height="100%" width="100%" frameBorder="no" onload="sendParams()" src=""></iframe> </body> </html> I've been beating my head against the wall today trying to figure this out, and I'm fresh out of ideas. If you can help, you'll have some serious gratitude and good karma thrown your way! Best wishes, and thanks in advance, Paul I have used iframes for my site and found various javascripts so when a person clicks on say the audio page he it takes them to the audio page but will load it into the index.html page. The problem is, especially with search engines, to point to that page, this is what the URL looks like to send someone to that page: which is not very clean at all, this is the javascript that i found that at least works: Child iframe script: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var qstr = '?frame=0&src=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href), lre = new RegExp('^' + location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + '(()|(/)|(/index.html)|(/index.php))(()|(\\' + qstr + '))$'); if (!lre.test(parent.location.href)){ top.location.href = '/' + qstr; } })(); </script> Parent iframe Script: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ function getQval(n) { if(typeof n !== 'string'){ return null; } var r = new RegExp('[?&;]' + n + '=([^&;#]*)'), m =; return (m = r.exec(m))? unescape(m[1]) : null; } var f = getQval('frame'), s = getQval('src'); if(f && frames[f] && s && s.indexOf(location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + '/') === 0){ frames[f].location.href = s; } })(); </script> Is there a "cleaner" way of doing this? This was an old code, i have yet to find a more modern one. Thank you in advance. Hi, Not sure if I worded that question right. I have a web page which will display another web page in an iframe. But the content inside the iframe may change while the user interacts with it so I need to be able to resize the iframe height from code on the page inside the iframe. Any tips on how I can do that? I am using php and javascript. Thanks. Dear friends I need an help i am facing problem with my referral link as they are not supporting cookies. when ever someone going to my link they will going to sign up page but if someone going to any other link provided on the website and returning on sign up page again my referral vanished I have creating an blog for in by embadding my referral link using iframe. can anybody help me to resolve this problem. thnx in advance. Hello, I know there are dozens of threads on this topic but I can't figure out how to do what I want to do. I have three variables I want to store in a cookie when a user leaves this page which is a college project: They are (from the linked JS file): extraMins, geoLoc, UTCHours. I would also like to retrieve them on return to the page. Any help appreciated, Thanks. Hi, Im a bit stuck on something, any help is greatly appreciated. I want a user to input a name, age, gender, city into a form, this gets stored in some cookies and when they click submit they are taken to another page where their details are displayed in the webpage. Thanks for the help. Please assist, I have the following code to remember form inormation but it does not seem to work. Probably something stupid. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Contact Page</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="yorkie.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ // Confirm resetting of forms. function confirmReset() { var resetForm = confirm("Are you sure you want to reset the form?"); if (resetForm == true) return true; return false; } // If box clicked value within disappears function Focus(element) { if (element.value == element.defaultValue) { element.value = ''; } } // If nothing typed and box onblur the default value is restored within function Blank(element) { if (element.value == '') { element.value = element.defaultValue; } } // Submission of Contact Form Verified function verifySubmission() { var retValue = true; if (document.forms[2].email.value == "Enter Email Address" || document.forms[2].firstname.value == "Enter First Name" || document.forms[2].lastname.value == "Enter Last Name" || document.forms[2].telephone.value == "Enter Contact number") { window.alert("You did not fill in one of the following required fields: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, or Telephone Number."); retValue = false; } return retValue; } // Email address verified as a valid email address function validateEmail(formObject) { var email = formObject.value; var emailCheck = /^[_\w\-]+(\.[_\w\-]+)*@[\w\-]+(\.[\w\-]+)*(\.[\D]{2,3})$/; if (emailCheck.test(email) == false) { window.alert("The e-mail address you entered does not appear to be valid."); formObject.value = formObject.defaultValue; return false; } formObject.value = email.toLowerCase(); return true; } // Telephone number verified as a valid 10 digit number with no alpha characters function verifyPhone(number) { var phone = number.value; var phoneCheck = /^(\d{10})$/; if(phoneCheck.test(phone) == false) { window.alert("The telephone number you entered does not appear to be valid."); number.value = number.defaultValue; return false; } return true; } // Show additional contact form details onclick of yes radio button function showDiv() { document.getElementById('breeders').style.visibility = 'visible'; } // Hide certain contact form info onclick of No radio button function hideDiv() { document.getElementById('breeders').style.visibility = 'hidden'; } // SAVE FORM INFORMATION FOR THE NEXT VISIT function saveSelections(frm) { var setvalue; var fieldType; var index; var formname =; // CookieExpiry in 30 days. var today = new Date(); var exp = new Date(today.getTime()+30*24*60*60*1000); var string = "formname=" + formname + "|"; var cookieName = formname; var n = frm.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { e = frm[i].name; fieldValue = frm[i].value; fieldType = frm[i].type; // Radio Buttons if (fieldType == "radio") { for (x=0; x < frm.elements[e].length; x++) { if (frm.elements[e][x].checked) { index = x } } string = string + index + "\|"; } // Text, Textarea, and dropdowns if ((fieldType == "text") || (fieldType == "textarea") || (fieldType == "select")) { string = string + frm.elements[e].value + "\|"; } // Checkboxes if (fieldType == "checkbox") { if (frm.elements[e].checked==true) { var setvalue = "1"; } if (frm.elements[e].checked==false) { var setvalue = "0"; } string = string + setvalue + "\|"; } // Hidden field if (fieldType == "hidden") { string = string + frm.elements[e].value + "\|"; } } setCookie(cookieName, string, exp); } // Load Form Fields from saved cookie function loadSelections(frm) { var e; var z; var x; var cookieName; var fieldArray; var fieldValues; var fieldValue; var formname =; // Retrieve form elements from cookie and split into array. cookieName = formname; fieldValues = getCookie(cookieName); fieldArray = fieldValues.split("\|"); var n = frm.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { e = frm[i].name; z = i; z++; var fieldType = frm[i].type; var fieldValue = fieldArray[z]; // Radio Buttons if (fieldType == "radio") { x = fieldValue; frm.elements[e][x].checked = true; } // Text, Textarea, and dropdowns if ((fieldType == "text") || (fieldType == "textarea") || (fieldType == "select")) { frm.elements[e].value = fieldValue; } // Checkboxes if (fieldType == "checkbox") { var fld_checkbox = fieldValue; if (fld_checkbox == "1") { frm.elements[e].checked = true; } } // Hidden fields if (fieldType == "hidden") { frm.elements[e].value = fieldValue; } } } // COOKIE FUNCTIONS function setCookie(name, value, expires) { document.cookie= name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : ""); } function getCookie(name) { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + "="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) return null; } else { begin += 2; } var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) { end = dc.length; } return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } /* ]]> */ </script> </head> <body class="contact" onload="var begin=setInterval('changeBanner()',9000); currentClock(); currentDate(); document.getElementById('breeders').style.visibility = 'hidden'; " onunload="saveSelections(document.forms[0])"> <table width="92%"> <form action=", subject=Contact Form" method="post" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="return verifySubmission()" onreset="return confirmReset();"> <table class="center" cellpadding="5" border="1"> <!-- This enters a horizontal line --> <tr><td><hr /></td></tr> <!-- This is for the personal information --> <tr><td><strong>Tell us who you a </strong></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="firstname" size="25" maxlength="35" value="Enter First Name" onfocus="Focus(this);" onblur="Blank(this);" /> * <input type="text" name="lastname" style="margin-left: 52px;" size="25" maxlength="35" value="Enter Last Name" onfocus="Focus(this);" onblur="Blank(this);" /> *</td></tr> <!-- This is for the contact information --> <tr><td><strong>Your Contact details:</strong></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="text" name="email" size="30" maxlength="60" value="Enter Email Address" onfocus="Focus(this);" onblur="Blank(this); validateEmail(this)" /> * <input type="text" name="telephone" style="margin-left: 20px;" size="20" maxlength="10" value="Enter Contact number" onfocus="Focus(this);" onblur="Blank(this); verifyPhone(this)" /> * </td></tr> <!-- This is where you enter your message also select what type of message--> <tr><td><strong>Your Message:</strong></td></tr> <tr><td align="left">What is your message about?<br /> <input type="radio" name="type" value="compliment" /> Compliment <input type="radio" name="type" value="complaint" /> Complaint <input type="radio" name="type" value="general" checked="checked" /> General <input type="radio" name="type" value="enquiry" /> Enquiry <input type="radio" name="type" value="feedback" /> Feedback</td></tr> <tr><td align="center"><textarea name="message" rows="6" cols="45" onfocus="Focus(this);" onblur="Blank(this)">Enter your message here...</textarea></td></tr> <!-- Additional information --> <tr><td align="left">Are you looking to purchase a Yorkie puppy?<br /> <input type="radio" name="purchase" value="yes" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="purchase" value="no" checked="checked" /> No</td></tr> <tr><td align="left">Do you own a Yorkie?<br /> <input type="radio" name="owner" value="yes" onclick="showDiv()" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="owner" value="no" checked="checked" onclick="hideDiv()" /> No<br /> <!-- If answer is no above the below questions are hidden, if yes then they appear --> <div id="breeders"> How many? <select name="qnty" size="1"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5+</option></select> Are you a breeder? <input type="radio" name="breeder" value="yes" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="breeder" value="no" checked="checked" /> No</div></td></tr> <!-- Subscriptions --> <tr><td align="left">Do you wish to subscribe to the following?<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="letter" checked="checked" /> Monthly Newsletter<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="pups" /> Notification of a new litter<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="updates" /> Notification of site updates<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="subscribe" value="register" /> Registrations</td></tr> <!-- Add a picture file --> <tr><td align="left">Upload your favourite Yorkie photo for the Picture of the Month.<br /> <input type="file" name="upload" accept="image/gif, image/jpeg" size="30" style="margin-left: 15px; margin-top:5px;" /></td></tr> <!-- This enters a horizontal line --> <tr><td><hr /></td></tr> <tr><td align="center">Required fields marked with *</td></tr> <!-- Buttons to clear the form or to submit the form --> <tr><td align="center"><input type="reset" value="Clear the Form" /> <input type="submit" value="Send your message" /></td></tr> </table></form<script type="text/javascript">loadSelections(document.forms[0]);</script> </body> </html> Console Error: Unable to get value of the property 'split': object is null or undefined for this line: Code: fieldArray = fieldValues.split("\|"); I am hitting a brick wall, dont know what to do? Hi is it possible to email cookies to my email address. I have a order form and it saves all the information within a cookie and then goes to the payment page. I want to email the order details along with the payment detail to myself. Is this possible and how. Below example of my cookie: Code: function nextForm() { document.cookie = "prod1=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[0].prod1.value); document.cookie = "prod2=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[0].prod2.value); document.cookie = "prod3=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[0].prod3.value); location.href="Payment.html"; } I then have my payment cookie: Code: function paymentForm() { document.cookie = "FirstName=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].firstname.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "LastName=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].lastname.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "Email=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].email.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "PhoneNumber=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].telephone.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "Address=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].address1.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "Address=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].address2.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "City=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].city.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "Province=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].province.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "PostalCode=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].code.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "AmountDue=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].totalDue.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "CardName=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].cardName.value) + ";secure=true"; document.cookie = "CardNumber=" + encodeURIComponent(document.forms[2].cardNumber.value) + ";secure=true"; if (document.forms[2].correct.checked == true) document.cookie = "T&C Agreed = " + encodeURIComponent(true) + ";secure=true"; top.location.href="thankyou.html"; } and then my thankyou page from where it should be submitted to my email i am using a onload in the body but dont know what the code should look like.: Code: <body class="sale" onload="postCookie(); redirect(); return true"> <tr valign="middle"><td colspan="4" rowspan="10" align="center"><br /><hr /> <strong>Thank you for order! Your order will be processed within the next 48 hours.<br /> Your tracking number and postage details will be sent via email.<br /> You will now be taken back to the Home Page.<br /> Thanks for your support.</strong><br /><hr /><br /> <a href="">Click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you.</a> </td></tr> If I create a cookie in PHP here. PHP Code: setcookie('cookie_cl_'.$client_id, 'cookie_cl_'.$client_id, $time, "/","", 0); the php script is set on domain B the javascript I want to read the cookie is set on domain B as well However, the hosted on DOMAIN A Code: <script src=domain B .js> I want the cookie to remain on domain B, but if I open the JS file using domain A, both php and JS are using domain B, though I can't seem to get the JS to find the cookie, is it looking at domain A ? am I suppose to set a domain on cookie for this to work? Hopefully this makes sense. Hi all, I need some help. I have a javascript thing on my site that changes the css layout from standard to alternate, and that works fine. Now I am wondering if it's possible for it to store a cookie, that when any of the pages on my site (this javascript thing is on every page) are re-loaded or the user navigates to a different page, it will keep the alternate stylesheet. Then, when it is changed back, the cookie gets deleted. Here's my code: Header: Code: <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" media="screen" title="default" /> <link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="/wp-content/themes/new/darkside.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="darkside" /> <script language="javascript" src="/wp-content/themes/new/darkside.js"></script> Darkside.js Code: // *** TO BE CUSTOMISED *** var style_cookie_name = "style" ; var style_cookie_duration = 30 ; // *** END OF CUSTOMISABLE SECTION *** function switch_style ( css_title ) { // You may use this script on your site free of charge provided // you do not remote this notice or the URL below. Script from // var i, link_tag ; for (i = 0, link_tag = document.getElementsByTagName("link") ; i < link_tag.length ; i++ ) { if ((link_tag[i].rel.indexOf( "stylesheet" ) != -1) && link_tag[i].title) { link_tag[i].disabled = true ; if (link_tag[i].title == css_title) { link_tag[i].disabled = false ; } } set_cookie( style_cookie_name, css_title, style_cookie_duration ); } } function set_style_from_cookie() { var css_title = get_cookie( style_cookie_name ); if (css_title.length) { switch_style( css_title ); } } function set_cookie ( cookie_name, cookie_value, lifespan_in_days, valid_domain ) { // var domain_string = valid_domain ? ("; domain=" + valid_domain) : '' ; document.cookie = cookie_name + "=" + encodeURIComponent( cookie_value ) + "; max-age=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * lifespan_in_days + "; path=/" + domain_string ; } function get_cookie ( cookie_name ) { // var cookie_string = document.cookie ; if (cookie_string.length != 0) { var cookie_value = cookie_string.match ( '(^|;)[\s]*' + cookie_name + '=([^;]*)' ); return decodeURIComponent ( cookie_value[2] ) ; } return '' ; } EDIT: Actually, this is what happens: The user enters the konami code and a div shows/hides. There you are given the option to turn off/on the alternate style. Then I want the cookie to begin.. Ive looked it up on google and yahoo but i just cant find good explanations on how to use cookies?
Hi there, I am writing an extension for google chrome (or at least trying to, it's my first project), and I'm kinda stuck on one part. I'd like to save 2 variables, called "c" and "notes". I'd like it to get the cookies onLoad, and save them onUnload. I've tried different codes, but right now I just can't figure out how to set notes and c to the value of the cookie. Could anyone please help me? Thanks in advance. Hi there Guys, I'm looking to set a cookie that lasts 24 hours and has a specific name. The function is to check how many times a page has been visited by individual people and display it at the bottom of a HTML page. I have an existing script that holds the data for 6 months that i have found as below. My question, Can any one help me change this to the required time? I'm a Noob when it comes to java scripting but enthusiastic to learn. Code: <SCRIPT> expireDate = new Date expireDate.setMonth(expireDate.getMonth()+6) jcount = eval(cookieVal("jaafarCounter")) jcount++ document.cookie = "test jaafarCounter="+jcount+";expires=" + expireDate.toGMTString() function cookieVal(cookieName) { thisCookie = document.cookie.split("; ") for (i=0; i<thisCookie.length; i++){ if (cookieName == thisCookie[i].split("=")[0]){ return thisCookie[i].split("=")[1] } } return 0 } function page_counter(){ for (i=0;i<(3-jcount.toString().length);i++) document.write('<span class="counter">0</span>') for (y=0;y<(jcount.toString().length);y++) document.write('<span class="counter">'+jcount.toString().charAt(y)+'</span>') } </SCRIPT> Hello to all and thanks in advance for my help. I know this has been posted in different places on the web but I have found no solid solution. Here is my problem: I have an iframe the loads up a page on a remote server (out of my hands) and when I send certain information to it, the page redirects my entire site to their 404 page. I need to prevent this from happening so I engaged in much research and found this... temporary fix: Code: <script> // No redirection! var prevent_bust = 0 window.onbeforeunload = function() { prevent_bust++ } setInterval(function() { if (prevent_bust > 0) { prevent_bust -= 2 = '' } }, 1) </script> What this code does, is that every time the unload of a page happens, it will redirect me to my404.html and this does solve the problem of the iframe trying to redirect my entire site but anytime a user tried to go to a new website by typing it in the address bar, they are redirected to my404.html. Is there another solution for me so that the page within the iframe cannot redirect the parent page? I have an iframe that is a specific height and width. I want to detect whenever the the iframe is no longer exactly the height i set it to. If a user has CSS turned off for example the iframe will be in default height and width. I want to detect that. This is how you'd normally do it but this only returns the original size (try with 'no style' in Firefox): Code: function getSize() { alert('height is now '+document.getElementById("Iframemain").height) alert('height is now '+document.getElementById("Iframemain").width) } Is it possible? On my home page i have a form which accepts data and on clicking the accept 'button' executes a javascript routine that process' the data, sets a cookie, and sends the user to an appropriate page. the set cookie data is as follows: Code: var expire=(new Date(2099, 1, 1)).toGMTString(); document.cookie = "cookie=privg; expires="+expire; window.location = "vip-skincare-online-shopping.html"; so far so good - i can hop about the pages on the website no problem but.... if i return to the home page that contains the original form, the cookie is deleted. This happens immediately i arrive at the page - i don't use the form. Can anyone suggest why this might be happening? I don't access the cookie anywhere else on that page, and the only other javascript on the page is google analytics stuff. Hi, the cookies I am trying to read are values from a form that were stored. The problem I am having is that one value form the form, the value is 5000, was stored as a cookie but I cannot read it. When I display it, it returns: [object HTMLInputElement]. The code for storing the value is this: Code: document.cookie = "bankRoll=" + encodeURIComponent(money) + "; expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString(); , where money = 5000. The code for reading the cookies is this: Code: var cookies = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie); var cookieNumber = new Array(10); cookieNumber = cookies.split("; "); for(var i = 0; i < cookieNumber.length; ++i) { var equalPos1 = cookieNumber[i].search("="); if (cookieNumber[i].substring(0, equalPos1) == "firstName") firstName = cookieNumber[i].substring(equalPos1 + 1); if (cookieNumber[i].substring(0, equalPos1) == "lastName") lastName = cookieNumber[i].substring(equalPos1 + 1); if (cookieNumber[i].substring(0, equalPos1) == "pCode") pCode = cookieNumber[i].substring(equalPos1 + 1); if (cookieNumber[i].substring(0, equalPos1) == "bankRoll") bankRoll = cookieNumber[i].substring(equalPos1 + 1); if (cookieNumber[i].substring(0, equalPos1) == "lastVisit") lastVisit = cookieNumber[i].substring(equalPos1 + 1); } The only one that does not display properly is the variable bankroll. All the others return the proper value. I would like to know how to fix my code so that the value 5000 is displayed. |