JavaScript - Multiple Star Rating On One Page
Ok so I have this script and I cant figure out how to add multiple star ratings to one page.
PHP Code: <? require "config.php" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="author" content="SMARTREVIEWSCRIPT.COM" /> <title>Add Your Review</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var set=false; var v=0; var a; function loadStars() { star1 = new Image(12,12); star1.src = "images/staroff.gif"; star2 = new Image(12,12); star2.src= "images/staron.gif"; } function highlight(x) { if (set==false) { y=x*1+1 switch(x) { case "1": document.getElementById(x).src= star2.src; break; case "2":for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } break; case "3":for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } break; case "4":for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } break; case "5":for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } break; } } } function losehighlight(x) { if (set==false) { for (i=1;i<6;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src=star1.src; document.getElementById('vote').innerHTML="" } } } function setStar(x) { y=x*1+1 if (set==false) { switch(x) { case "1": a="1" flash(a); = '1'; break; case "2": a="2" flash(a); = '2'; break; case "3": a="3" flash(a); = '3'; break; case "4": a="4" flash(a); = '4'; break; case "5": a="5" flash(a); = '5'; break; } set=true; } } function flash() { y=a*1+1 switch(v) { case 0: for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star1.src; } v=1 setTimeout(flash,200) break; case 1: for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } v=2 setTimeout(flash,200) break; case 2: for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star1.src; } v=3 setTimeout(flash,200) break; case 3: for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } v=4 setTimeout(flash,200) break; case 4: for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star1.src; } v=5 setTimeout(flash,200) break; case 5: for (i=1;i<y;i++) { document.getElementById(i).src= star2.src; } v=6 setTimeout(flash,200) break; } } --> </script> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <? // Stores the product sku as a session $_SESSION['sku'] = $_GET['sku']; echo "<form name='review' method='post' action='add.php?sku=".$_SESSION['sku']."'>"; ?> <table width="600" border="0"> <tr> <td><span class="style1">Name: </span></td> <td><input type="text" name="name" maxlength="32" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="style1">Review Title: </span></td> <td><input size="51" maxlength="60" type="text" name="reviewtitle" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="style1">Rating: </span></td> <td> <body onload="loadStars()"> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="1" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="2" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="3" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="4" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="5" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <div id="vote" style="font-family:arial; color:red;"></div> <? echo '<input type="hidden" name="rating">'; ?> </body> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="style1">Rating: </span></td> <td> <body onload="loadStars()"> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="1" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="2" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="3" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="4" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <img src="images/staroff.gif" onmouseover="highlight(" onclick="setStar(" onmouseout="losehighlight(" id="5" style="width:12px; height:12px; float:left;" /> <div id="vote" style="font-family:arial; color:red;"></div> <? echo '<input type="hidden" name="rating1">'; ?> </body> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="style1">Comment: </span></td> <td><textarea name="comment" cols="57" rows="6"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <input type="submit" value="Submit Review" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </body> </html> I understand how to modify the rest of the code to insert this into my database but Im not sure how to change this to allow multiple star reviews. I tried to just copy and paste and change some of the values to no avail. I contacted the seller of the script and he recommended I ask here. I appreciate any help. Thank you. Similar TutorialsHi all, I am trying to achieve a star rating system (a simple one) without the need to store the data in a database... Basically I need 5 stars on the screen and for people to be able to click on those and them to turn yellow (i'm sure people have seen this before). I have had a go, substituting stars for radio buttons to try and get it going but I'm having problems getting it to work. This is what I have so far: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var half_total = 0; function recalculate(){ half_total = 0; var el = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(i=0;i<el.length;i+=1){ if(el[i].className=="star_rating"){ if(el[i].checked){ if(parseInt(el[i].value)==1){ half_total += parseInt(el[i].value); } } } } document.getElementById('rating_total').innerHTML = half_total / 2; } window.onload = function(){ var el = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(i=0;i<el.length;i+=1){ if(el[i].className=="star_rating"){ el[i].onclick = recalculate; } } recalculate(); } </script> Code: <label>Rate our service out of 5 stars:</label> <input type="radio" name="rating" class="star_rating" value="1" /> <input type="radio" name="rating" class="star_rating" value="1" /> <input type="radio" name="rating" class="star_rating" value="1" /> <input type="radio" name="rating" class="star_rating" value="1" /> <input type="radio" name="rating" class="star_rating" value="1" /> You have currently rated us <td id="rating_total">0</td>/5<br/> Could someone who is more experienced help with this? Many thanks, Greens85 Hello one and all, I'm not bad with PHP/MySQL but know almost nothing about Javascript. What I'm looking for is a simple rollover 5 star rating system, and I mean really simple. A lot of the ones (almost all of them in fact) that I've seen on the web include a call to the database with Ajax or something similar and about 100 files you need to upload to your server and configure, lol. All I'm looking for is a rollover system that stop on the amount of stars clicked (onclick?) and provies a post value that I can handle within a form. No popups, not serverside synchronus interactions or anything like that. The only extra thing I need it to do is when you rollover it again it still goes to the star you hover over but if nothing is clicked returns to the originally clicked star. I'm hoping that makes sense, if not let me know, I try to be as thorough as I can in the forums. Anyways, so I used DW to create some java script for me but DW is notorious for adding extra clunky bits of code which laden the page. I'll show you my attempts to creating this system I'm talking about. Any help would be very much appreciated, this thing is killing me! Oh yeah, I used smiley faces for the gifs because I didn't have anything else but I'll make some stars for it. In the head --> PHP Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} } function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } </script> And in the body --> PHP Code: <body onload="MM_preloadImages('media/smiley_online.png','media/smiley_offline.jpg')"> <div style="float:left; width:100%; height:50px;"> <div style="float:left;"><a href="javascript:;" onmousedown="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley3','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley4','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)"><img src="media/smiley_offline.jpg" name="smiley1" width="50" height="50" border="0" id="smiley1" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley3','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley4','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)" /></a></div> <div style="float:left;"><a href="javascript:;" onmousedown="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley4','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)"><img src="media/smiley_offline.jpg" name="smiley2" width="50" height="50" border="0" id="smiley2" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley4','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)" /></a></div> <div style="float:left;"><a href="javascript:;" onmousedown="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley4','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)"><img src="media/smiley_offline.jpg" name="smiley3" width="50" height="50" border="0" id="smiley3" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley4','','media/smiley_offline.jpg','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)" /></a></div> <div style="float:left;"><a href="javascript:;" onmousedown="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley4','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)"><img src="media/smiley_offline.jpg" name="smiley4" width="50" height="50" border="0" id="smiley4" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley4','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley5','','media/smiley_offline.jpg',1)" /></a></div> <div style="float:left;"><a href="javascript:;" onmousedown="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley4','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley5','','media/smiley_online.png',1)"><img src="media/smiley_offline.jpg" name="smiley5" width="50" height="50" border="0" id="smiley5" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('smiley1','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley2','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley3','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley4','','media/smiley_online.png','smiley5','','media/smiley_online.png',1)" /></a></div> </div> P.S, To me, this should be a pretty simple task for anyone versed in Javascript especially all you veterans out there. I would love to see how it's done. Many, many thanks. Russ I want to insert this star trail effect script to page below but star trail doesn't appear on most areas and script corrupts several objects' position. How can I insert it successfully? Code: <head> <style type="text/css"> body {overflow: scroll; overflow-x: hidden;} .anyClass { position: relative; visibility: hidden; left: -5000px; } </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000"> <p><!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --><script language="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- /* Submitted by Marcin Wojtowicz [] Featured on JavaScript Kit ( Modified by JK to be IE7+/ Firefox compatible For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit */ var trailLength = 10 // The length of trail (8 by default; put more for longer "tail") var path = "cursor_star.png" // URL of your image var standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes var i,d = 0 function initTrail() { // prepares the script images = new Array() // prepare the image array for (i = 0; i < parseInt(trailLength); i++) { images[i] = new Image() images[i].src = path } storage = new Array() // prepare the storage for the coordinates for (i = 0; i < images.length*3; i++) { storage[i] = 0 } for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // make divs for IE and layers for Navigator document.write('<div id="obj' + i + '" style="position: absolute; z-Index: 100; height: 0; width: 0"><img src="' + images[i].src + '" width='+(16-i)+' height='+(16-i)+'></div>') } trail() } function trail() { // trailing function for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // for every div/layer document.getElementById("obj" + i) = storage[d]+'px' // the Y-coordinate document.getElementById("obj" + i).style.left = + storage[d+1]+'px' // the X-coordinate d = d+2 } for (i = storage.length; i >= 2; i--) { // save the coordinate for the div/layer that's behind storage[i] = storage[i-2] } d = 0 // reset for future use var timer = setTimeout("trail()",10) // call recursively } function processEvent(e) { // catches and processes the mousemove event if (window.event) { // for IE storage[0] = window.event.y+standardbody.scrollTop+10 storage[1] = window.event.x+standardbody.scrollLeft+10 } else { storage[0] = e.pageY+12 storage[1] = e.pageX+12 } } initTrail() document.onmousemove = processEvent // start capturing //--> </script><!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan --></p> </body> I am implementing a favorite's click-able link similar to what Gmail uses, however, I am having some trouble with the JS functioning. I am currently using a Jquery library. I have a homepage.php whereby I have list of user posts. All I want to do is add a simple star, whereby if someone clicks on that star it updates a mysql database table (userposts) column (p_fav) to either a '1' for favorite or '0' as not-favorite. The table is already setup, I just need help with the javascript/jquery. I made some implementation by searching through google (see below) but it is not working. Here is what I have, if someone can offer up something simpler as opposed to trying to modify this, I'd be glad to change in a heartbeat (actually it seems that what I have is such a mess, that I'd prefer a better solution): homepage.php Code: <?php //database connect etc... // query to get user posts from userposts table (code not shown) //make favorite links $mark_fav =' <a href="#article-15" class="favorite"> <img src="images/fav_star_1.png" alt="Make it a favorite!" /> </a> <a href="#image-12" class="favorite"> <img src="images/fav_star_1.png" alt="Make it a favorite!" /> </a> '; //create a list of posts $post_list .= ' <li>' . $outputList . ' </li> <li>' . $mark_fav . '</li> '; // make_favorite function function make_favorite($item_type, $item_id){ return $sql = mysql_query("SELECT p_fav FROM userposts WHERE post_id='$post_id'") or die (mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $isitafav = $row["p_fav"]; } if ($isitafav != 1) { $sql1 = mysql_query("UPDATE userposts SET p_fav='1' WHERE post_id='$post_id'"); } } // set header header('Content-type: application/json'); // ensure to cleanse these inputs $item_type = $_POST['item_type']; $item_id = $_POST['item_id']; if(make_favorite($item_type, $item_id)){ $response = array('ok' => true, 'message' => 'Huzza!'); } else { $response = array('ok' => false, 'message' => mysql_error()); } // the magic? echo json_encode($response); ?> <html> <head> <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="jquery.make_favorite.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('.favorite').make_favorite(); }); </script> </head> <body> <?php echo "$post_list"; ?> </body> </html> And here is the js file (jquery.make_favorite.js) Code: (function($){ $.fn.make_favorite = function(){ var callback = function(response){ console.log(response); }; return this.each(function(){ $(this).click(function(){ var params = { item_type: $(this).attr('href').match(/\w+/)[0], // 'article' item_id: $(this).attr('href').match(/\d+/)[0] // 15 }; $.post('/favorite.php', params, callback, 'json'); // stop event propagation return false; }); }); }; })(jQuery); It seems like this should be a lot simpler, and hopefully I can get a solution that would fit in my homepage.php file, instead of having a separate js file. Hi my relative wanted this star trail effect on the site: I did similar effect below but I couldn't make smaller stars on trail, how can I achieve this? Hello Is there any Rating System based on java or ajax for free.. Put in the wrong place. Please feel free to delete
Hi I normally use Firefox as my web browser. After adding the comment script to my site I have now found out that the script isn't working with Explorer 8. Clicking on the 'Send Comment' button when using Explorer 8 doesn't work, yet it works fine with Firefox. Hopefully then there can't be too much wrong. You can see the script and test it he Regards Mark I am trying to add Multiple NoobSlides onto one page. From the sample page listed he I am trying to add two Sample 5 slideshows side by side on the same page, but when I try it, the second slideshow events don't trigger. The slide show image change works on the first one, but not the second one. Here is the code I am using: Code: <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>noobSlide - mootools</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready',function(){ //SAMPLE 5 (mode: vertical, using "onWalk" ) var info5 = $('info5').set('opacity',0.5); var sampleObjectItems =[ {title:'Morbi elementum111', autor:'', date:'', link:''}, {title:'Mollis leo', autor:'Ipsum', date:'6 Dic 2007', link:''}, {title:'Nunc adipiscing', autor:'Dolor', date:'9 Feb 2007', link:''}, {title:'Phasellus volutpat pharetra', autor:'Sit', date:'22 Jul 2007', link:''}, {title:'Sed sollicitudin diam', autor:'Amet', date:'30 Set 2007', link:''}, {title:'Ut quis magna vel', autor:'Consecteur', date:'5 Nov 2007', link:''}, {title:'Curabitur et ante in', autor:'Adipsim', date:'12 Mar 2007', link:''}, {title:'Aliquam commodo', autor:'Colom', date:'10 Abr 2007', link:''} ]; var nS5 = new noobSlide({ mode: 'vertical', box: $('box5'), size: 180, items: sampleObjectItems, addButtons: { previous: $('prev5'), play: $('play5'), stop: $('stop5'), next: $('next5') }, onWalk: function(currentItem){ info5.empty(); new Element('h4').set('html','<a href="''">link</a>'+currentItem.title).inject(info5); } }); //SAMPLE 5a (mode: vertical, using "onWalk" ) var info5a = $('info5a').set('opacity',0.5); var sampleObjectItems2 =[ {title:'2222Morbi elementum111', autor:'', date:'', link:''}, {title:'2222Mollis leo', autor:'Ipsum', date:'6 Dic 2007', link:''}, {title:'22222Nunc adipiscing', autor:'Dolor', date:'9 Feb 2007', link:''}, {title:'2222Phasellus volutpat pharetra', autor:'Sit', date:'22 Jul 2007', link:''}, {title:'2222Sed sollicitudin diam', autor:'Amet', date:'30 Set 2007', link:''}, {title:'2222Ut quis magna vel', autor:'Consecteur', date:'5 Nov 2007', link:''}, {title:'2222Curabitur et ante in', autor:'Adipsim', date:'12 Mar 2007', link:''}, {title:'22222Aliquam commodo', autor:'Colom', date:'10 Abr 2007', link:''} ]; var nS5a = new noobSlide({ mode: 'vertical', box: $('box5a'), size: 180, items: sampleObjectItems2, addButtons: { previous: $('prev5a'), play: $('play5a'), stop: $('stop5a'), next: $('next5a') }, onWalk: function(currentItem){ info5a.empty(); new Element('h4').set('html','<a href="''">link</a>'+currentItem.title).inject(info5a); } }); }); </script> </head><div id="cont"> <!-- SAMPLE 5 --> <h2>Sample 5</h2> <div class="sample"> <table style="width: 100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr align="left"> <td> Ayer </td> <td>Actual </td> </tr> <td> <!-- SAMPLE 5 --> <div class="mask2" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; "> <div id="box5" style="left: 0px; top: 1px"> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> </div> <div id="info5" class="info" style="left: 0px; bottom: 0; height: 21px"></div> </div> <p class="buttons"> <span id="prev5"><< Previous</span> <span id="play5">Play ></span> <span id="stop5">Stop</span> <span id="next5">Next >></span> </p> </td> <!-- SAMPLE 5a --> <td align="left"> <div class="mask2" style="left: 0px; top: 0px; "> <div id="box5a" style="left: 0px; top: 1px"> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> <span><img src="" alt="Photo" /></span> </div> <div id="info5a" class="info" style="left: 0px; bottom: 0; height: 21px"></div> </div> <p class="buttons"> <span id="prev5a"><< Previous</span> <span id="play5a">Play ></span> <span id="stop5a">Stop</span> <span id="next5a">Next >></span> </p> </td> </table> </div> </div> </body> </html> I'm sure people have answered this question multiple times but I have done all the research and tried everything but nothing works. My problem: I'm building a website for my gaming clan and I want a Javascript news ticker/date & time and a Javascript navigation bar. However, when I put these codes in, they don't run with each other on the same page. Possibly an onload issue but like I said, I tried all the solutions. Note: they use jquery. I'll post the html and javascript files as txt files since I can't attach them in their normal form. Index.txt is my HTML Sliding_effect.txt is the Javascript for the menubar Newsticker.txt is the Javascript for the ticker that goes at the bottom of the <body> The actual ticker.js code that runs with newsticker.js was too large to attach. It's 7000 lines long. Any help is appreciated I would like multiple videos one one page. I tried to give each one an individual id but failed miserably. Also how on earth do I assign a image to each player. My example works with one player only and falls back to HTML5 video with no problems . If I decided on five videos per page, how do I apply an id to each one as well as a different image per player. Here is what I have so far: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="video/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; flashvars.src = ""; flashvars.controlBarMode = "floating"; flashvars.poster = ""; var params = {}; params.allowfullscreen = "true"; params.allowscriptaccess = "always"; var attributes = {}; = "videoDiv"; = "myDynamicContent"; swfobject.embedSWF("", "videoDiv", "487", "275", "10.1.0","expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes); </script> </head> Code: <div id="videoDiv"> <video controls="controls" poster="" width="487" height="275"> <source src="" type="video/mp4" /> <source src="" type="video/ogg" /> </video> </div> I assigned each player an individual id like this as suggested on another thread but that didn't work. Any suggestions? : Code: <script type="text/javascript"> swfobject.registerObject("videoDiv1", "10.1.0"); swfobject.registerObject("videoDiv2", "10.1.0"); swfobject.registerObject("videoDiv3", "10.1.0"); swfobject.registerObject("videoDiv4", "10.1.0"); </script> Thanks Dan I'm using this tooltip on my site:, I want to display some information about the user when someone hovers mouse on his/her username. This is the code I use to call simpletip: Code: $(document).ready(function(){ // Create your tooltips var api = $(".ttip a").simpletip().simpletip(); api.load('user.php'); }); The problem is that I want to determine the user id in order to retrieve according information from database. As I see from this code the address that should be call onmouseover is determined in advance. Is there a way to send some parameters (user id in this case) in user.php file according to which link is hovered? Hope I'm clear. Hi all, I am a complete novice to pretty much everything internet but have managed to put together a site that I am trying to get off of the ground. Here is the problem that I am having. The first script below is for a script that shows up in my sidebar and is available on every page of my site. The second script is one that I intend to use on only one specific page. Both of the scripts function properly on their own but not when I try to use them as intended. As mentioned in the FAQ, I tried to name all of the variables with unique names but that still does not work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! This code is in my sidebar on every page: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function calculate() { var doc = document.pointCalc; var points = 0; var fiber = doc.fiber.value; var fat = doc.fat.value; var calories = doc.calories.value; points = (calories / 50) + (fat / 12) - (fiber / 5); doc.result.value = Math.round(points); } // --> </script> <center> <br/> <br/> <div class="storyTitle"><b>Approximate Points Calculator</b></div> <div class="storyContent"> <form name="pointCalc"> <table><tr> <tr><td>Calories:</td><td><input name="calories" type="text"/></td></tr> <tr><td>Fat:</td><td><input name="fat" type="text"/></td></tr> <tr> <td>Fiber:</td> <td> <select name="fiber"> <option value="0"/>0 <option value="1"/>1 <option value="2"/>2 <option value="3"/>3 <option value="4"/>4 or more </select> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><input value="Calculate" onclick="calculate();" type="button"/></td></tr> <tr><td>POINTS:</td><td><input name="result" type="text"/></td></tr> </tr></table> </form> </div></center> This code I'm trying to use on just one page of the site: Code: <center><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function getpoints() { var doc1 = document.pointquiz; var dpoints = 0; var sex =; var age = doc1.age.value; var weight = doc1.weight.value; var height = doc1.height.value; var activity = doc1.activity.value; var nursing = doc1.nursing.value; dpoints = (sex * 1) + (age * 1) + (weight * 1) + (height * 1) + (activity * 1) + (nursing * 1); doc1.dresult.value = Math.round(dpoints); } // --> </script> <br /> <br /> <div class="storyTitle"><b>Daily Point Allowance Quiz</b></div> <div class="storyContent"> <form name="pointquiz"> <table><tr> <tr> <td>Sex:</td> <td> <select name="sex"> <option value="2" />Female <option value="8" />Male </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Age:</td> <td> <select name="age"> <option value="4" />17-26 <option value="3" />27-37 <option value="2" />38-47 <option value="1" />48-58 <option value="0" />58+ </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Weight:</td> <td> <select name="weight"> <option value="10" />100-109 <option value="11" />110-119 <option value="12" />120-129 <option value="13" />130-139 <option value="14" />140-149 <option value="15" />150-159 <option value="16" />160-169 <option value="17" />170-179 <option value="18" />180-189 <option value="19" />190-199 <option value="20" />200-209 <option value="21" />210-219 <option value="22" />220-229 <option value="23" />230-239 <option value="24" />240-249 <option value="25" />250-259 <option value="26" />260-269 <option value="27" />270-279 <option value="28" />280-289 <option value="29" />290-299 <option value="30" />300-309 <option value="31" />310-319 <option value="32" />320-329 <option value="33" />330-339 <option value="34" />340-349 <option value="35" />350-359 </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Height:</td> <td> <select name="height"> <option value="0" />Under 5'1" <option value="1" />5'1" to 5'10" <option value="2" />5'10" and over </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Activity:</td> <td> <select name="activity"> <option value="0" />Mostly Sitting <option value="1" />Mostly Standing <option value="4" />Mostly Walking <option value="6" />Mostly Physical Labor </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Nursing Mom:</td> <td> <select name="nursing"> <option value="0" />No <option value="10" />Yes, Solely <option value="5" />Yes, Supplementing </select> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><input value="Calculate" onclick="getpoints();" type="button" /></td></tr> <tr><td>POINT ALLOWANCE:</td><td><input name="dresult" type="text" /></td></tr> </tr></table> </form> </div> <p align="center">Note: Minimum Daily Points is 18, Max is 44</p></center> I'm trying to create a portfolio website in which I have multiple galleries showing different work on the same page . Each to work separately and change the default image on click. I have seen it work he I was able to follow this: but then couldn't duplicate it. Please help! Thanks. Basically, I have a total of three different JavaScripts that need to be loaded when the user opens the page; let's call them script_a.js, script_b.js, and script_c.js script_a.js and script_b.js each need to be loaded on every page; however, they do very different things (one displays text, the other creates buttons), and in the interest of readability and ease of editing later, I want to keep them separate. script_c.js only needs to be loaded on one page; there will be a few variants (script_c2, script_c3, etc), but again, each of them only needs to be loaded on a single page. The scripts are also too large and unwieldy for me to put them directly into the HTML (basically because I have to do a lot of different switches, and conditionals, and output formatting). At present, the only way I know how to load a JavaScript is to use window.onload, so obviously I'm getting into the issue of competing onLoads. Any help would be appreciated! Is it possible to modify the code I am using in this example to create multiple photo galleries on the same page (basically one for each horse - set up exactly like the example)? There is also some CSS that is connected to this photo gallery. I know CSS a bit more than I know javascript...which I suppose isn't really saying much, since I don't know javascript at all. Also, how much of the code should I post, considering it's a multiple parter? Many thanks! Hello All, I seem to be stuck on a page for my site: The idea was to have a page with a google map and a java-powered custom twitter feed on the page. However, when I got the map embedded, it seems to interfere with the spry navigation menu, and the twitter feed is not working either. I've tried combining commands and tying each script to an event, but I just don't understand enough to get them all to work. I'm a comic artist by trade, so I'm a little new to coding. Any help would be greatly appreciated! you can find the page here./ Thanks in advance for any help! I use this tooltip script on my site: The problem is that I have several links in the same div class and I want to load different content in tooltip when the mouse is over different links. This is the code I use to load tooltip: Code: $(document).ready(function(){ // Create your tooltips var api = $(".ttip a").simpletip().simpletip(); api.load('include.php'); }); This is the HTML code: Code: <div class="ttip"> <a userid="1" href="#" >user1</a><br /> <a userid="2" href="#">user2</a> </div> Now the tooltip works only for the first link. For the second one only some default text is shown instead when I hover it! Can anyone please help? Hi, ok i been playing around with this for awhile now could not get it to work, so i tried several others and still nada, i finally ran across and i worked with what old pendent had done. The result is that i got some good results, closer to what i wanted but i need to do it multiple times. It works for one but not the other. i thought about putting each iframe on a sep html page and then using two sep tables and doing a SS include. but there has to be a better way. what im doing is i have an amazon iframe and a shopzilla iframe for the same product search and i want them posted one under the other iframe iframe and expand as the size needs, alowing for either to be longer or shorter when needed. i can do one but i have not found a way to do both yet. i removed my code because it showed my personal affiliate info in the code, since i cant give you an example without showing the code i guess ill just use the auto scroll and live with it... thanks |