JavaScript - Timer Stops When Click-and-hold Browser Close
We have a testing application that displays a timer on the screen using Javascript. It seems to be working very well. However, someone brought to my attention today that if you click-and-hold the browsers close button in the upper right corner (the X button in Windows) that the timer will stop. You can then slide your mouse cursor off of the button, and the browser will not close, but the timer was stopped for the entire time that the button was being held down. This also works for the Minimize and Maximize buttons.
Is there any way at all to take care of this problem? Thanks, Jesse Similar TutorialsHi all ... Any help's appreciated ... The challenge is that I have three - three page sliders ... each one is actually being called on a list item external to the easySlider function ...(#sliderNav ul li a#s1, #s2, #s3) When I navigate from one slide show to the next ... I need to send a callback to rewind each slideshow to the first page and reflect the current change to the numeric 'a' attr ... I don't quite know how to properly structure a callback function to update the current list item index from within the click event ... Any suggestions would KINDLY be appreciated cause I think I'm a bit over my JavaScript - JQuery skills threshold with this ... Thanks in advance and if you are way too busy to assist I completely understand ... Here's the code I have for my slideshow controller .. Code: $(function() { // Slider Init Functions .... $("#slideShow").easySlider({ controlsShow:true, speed:100, numeric:true, numericId:'controls', className:"sone", firstId:'p1' }); $('.stwo, .sthree').hide(); $('.sone').show(); $('#slideShowTwo').easySlider({ controlsShow:true, speed:100, numeric:true, numericId:'controlsTwo', className:'stwo', firstId:'p4' }); $('#slideShowThree').easySlider({ controlsShow:true, speed:100, numeric:true, numericId:'controlsThree', className:'sthree', firstId:'p7' }); // Slider Nav Calls ... $('#s1').click(function() { $('.sone').show(); $('.stwo, .sthree').hide(); }); $('#s2').click(function() { $('.stwo').show(); $('.sone, .sthree').hide(); }); $('#s3').click(function() { $('.sthree').show(); $('.sone, .stwo').hide(); }); }); And the code for the easySlider .... Code: (function($) { $.fn.easySlider = function(options){ // default configuration properties var defaults = { prevId: 'prevBtn', prevText: 'Previous', nextId: 'nextBtn', nextText: 'Next', controlsShow: true, controlsBefo '', controlsAfter: '', controlsFade: true, firstId: 'firstBtn', firstText: 'First', firstShow: false, lastId: 'lastBtn', lastText: 'Last', lastShow: false, vertical: false, speed: 800, auto: false, pause: 2000, continuous: false, numeric: false, numericId: 'controls', className:'' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); this.each(function() { var obj = $(this); var s = $("li", obj).length; var w = $("li", obj).width(); var h = $("li", obj).height(); var clickable = true; obj.width(w); obj.height(h); obj.css("overflow","hidden"); var ts = s-1; var t = 0; $("ul", obj).css('width',s*w); if(options.continuous){ $("ul", obj).prepend($("ul li:last-child", obj).clone().css("margin-left","-"+ w +"px")); $("ul", obj).append($("ul li:nth-child(2)", obj).clone()); $("ul", obj).css('width',(s+1)*w); }; if(!options.vertical) $("li", obj).css('float','left'); if(options.controlsShow){ var html = options.controlsBefore; if(options.numeric){ html += '<ol id="'+ options.numericId +'" class="' + options.className + '"></ol>'; } else { if(options.firstShow) html += '<span id="'+ options.firstId +'"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">'+ options.firstText +'</a></span>'; html += ' <span id="'+ options.prevId +'"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">'+ options.prevText +'</a></span>'; html += ' <span id="'+ options.nextId +'"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">'+ options.nextText +'</a></span>'; if(options.lastShow) html += ' <span id="'+ options.lastId +'"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\">'+ options.lastText +'</a></span>'; }; html += options.controlsAfter; $(obj).after(html); }; if(options.numeric){ for(var i=0;i<s;i++){ $(document.createElement("li")) .attr('id',options.numericId + (i+1)) .attr('class',options.className) .html('<a rel='+ i +' href=\"javascript:void(0);\">'+ (i+1) +'</a>') .appendTo($("#" + options.numericId)) .click(function(){ animate($("a",$(this)).attr('rel'),true); }); }; } else { $("a","#"+options.nextId).click(function(){ animate("next",true); }); $("a","#"+options.prevId).click(function(){ animate("prev",true); }); $("a","#"+options.firstId).click(function(){ animate("first",true); }); $("a","#"+options.lastId).click(function(){ animate("last",true); }); }; function setCurrent(i){ i = parseInt(i)+1; $("li", "#" + options.numericId).removeClass("current"); $("li#" + options.numericId + i).addClass("current"); }; function adjust(){ if(t>ts) t=0; if(t<0) t=ts; if(!options.vertical) { $("ul",obj).css("margin-left",(t*w*-1)); } else { $("ul",obj).css("margin-left",(t*h*-1)); } clickable = true; if(options.numeric) setCurrent (t); }; function animate(dir,clicked){ if (clickable){ clickable = false; var ot = t; t = parseInt(t); switch(dir){ case "next": t = (ot>=ts) ? (options.continuous ? t+1 : ts) : t+1; break; case "prev": t = (t<=0) ? (options.continuous ? t-1 : 0) : t-1; break; case "first": t = 0; break; case "last": t = ts; break; default: t = dir; break; }; var diff = Math.abs(ot-t); var speed = diff*options.speed; if(!options.vertical) { p = (t*w*-1); $("ul",obj).animate( { marginLeft: p }, { queue:false, duration:speed, complete:adjust } ); } else { p = (t*h*-1); $("ul",obj).animate( { marginTop: p }, { queue:false, duration:speed, complete:adjust } ); }; if(!options.continuous && options.controlsFade){ if(t==ts){ $("a","#"+options.nextId).hide(); $("a","#"+options.lastId).hide(); } else { $("a","#"+options.nextId).show(); $("a","#"+options.lastId).show(); }; if(t==0){ $("a","#"+options.prevId).hide(); $("a","#"+options.firstId).hide(); } else { $("a","#"+options.prevId).show(); $("a","#"+options.firstId).show(); }; }; if(clicked) clearTimeout(timeout); if( && dir=="next" && !clicked){; timeout = setTimeout(function(){ animate("next",false); },diff*options.speed+options.pause); }; }; }; // init var timeout; if({; timeout = setTimeout(function(){ animate("next",false); },options.pause); }; if(options.numeric) setCurrent(0); if(!options.continuous && options.controlsFade){ $("a","#"+options.prevId).hide(); $("a","#"+options.firstId).hide(); }; }); }; })(jQuery); The HTML Code: <div id="sliderNav"> <ul> <li><a href="#p1" id="s1">One</a></li> <li><a href="#p4" id="s2">Two</a></li> <li><a href="#p7" id="s3">Three</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="slideShow" class="sone"> <ul> <li id="p1"><!--<li>Slide One</li>--> <div class="h2">This is The Main Page</div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> <li id="p2"> <div class="h2">This is Page Two</div> Here's the second portion of the content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> <li id="p3"> <div class="h2">This is Page Three</div> Here's the third portion of the content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> </ul> </div><!-- </div id="slideShow">--> <div id="slideShowTwo" class="stwo"> <ul> <li id="p4"><!--<li>Slide Two</li>--> <div class="h2">This is Slideshow 2 Page One</div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> <li id="p5"> <div class="h2">This is Slideshow 2 Page Two</div> Here's the second portion of the content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> <li id="p6"> <div class="h2">This is Slideshow 2 Page Three</div> Here's the third portion of the content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin.</li> </ul> </div><!-- </div id="slideShowTwo">--> <div id="slideShowThree" class="sthree"> <ul> <li id="p7"><!--<li>Slide Three</li>--> <div class="h2">This is Slideshow 3 Page One</div> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> <li id="p8"> <div class="h2">This is Slideshow 3 Page Two</div> Here's the second portion of the content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> <li id="p9"> <div class="h2">This is Slideshow 3 Page Three</div> Here's the third portion of the content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas metus nulla, commodo a sodales sed, dignissim pretium nunc. Nam et lacus neque. Sed volutpat ante id mauris laoreet vestibulum. Nam blandit felis non neque cursus aliquet. Morbi vel enim dignissim massa dignissim commodo vitae quis tellus. Nunc non mollis nulla. Sed consectetur elit id mi consectetur bibendum. Ut enim massa, sodales tempor convallis et, iaculis ac massa. Etiam suscipit nisl eget lorem pellentesque quis iaculis mi mattis. Aliquam sit amet purus lectus. Maecenas tempor ornare sollicitudin. </li> </ul> </div><!-- </div id="slideShowThree">--> </body> Hello, I have a dialog box and in there I have a button that says New Service. When a user clicks on New Service, another dialog is shown where they the put the name of the service and after they click Create, I want that dialog box and the first one close as well. Here is my code, I can't figure it out. I want the #create-userDialog box to close after the user clicks on Create in #new-serviceDialog. <script> $(function() { $( "#dialog:ui-dialog" ).dialog( "destroy" ); $( "#create-userDialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 600, modal: true, buttons: { "OPEN": function() { var bValid = true; allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" ); }, CLOSE: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, close: function() { allFields.val( "" ).removeClass( "ui-state-error" ); } }); $( "#create-user" ) .button() .click(function() { $( "#create-userDialog" ).dialog( "open" ); }); $( "#new-serviceDialog" ).dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 400, modal: true, buttons: { "Create": function() { var bValid = true; onclick = $( this ).dialog( "close" ); allFields.removeClass( "ui-state-error" ); }, Close: function() { $( this ).dialog( "close" ); } }, close: function() { allFields.val( "" ).removeClass( "ui-state-error" ); } }); $( "#new-service" ) .button() .click(function() { $( "#new-serviceDialog" ).dialog( "open" ); }); }); </script> Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how I can close an accordian panel by clicking on it. In more detail, when the user clicks the panel title, it opens it, i want it to close if they click the title again. Im using Adobe's Spry framework. Any help would be great. -M Hello everyone So I'm new and I have searched but I still got two questions. I'm gonna use the backbox scrip on my site and of course I got it from but - I would like to close the image not only by clicking outside of box or at the Close-button - but also by clicking the image itself. The orignal script works really well - except for one small thing - when the backbox displays large images - I can't close them by clicking outside the image on the left and right sides - it only works closing when I click above or under the box. Anyway; internet gave me this small code: Code: objLightbox.onclick = function(e) { // close Lightbox is user clicks shadow overlay if (!e) var e = window.event; var clickObj = Event.element(e).id; if ( !/(prevLink)|(nextLink)/.test(clickObj) ) { myLightbox.end(); } }; And I was wondering if you guys know where to put it in the lightbox.jg file for it to work (or if it even will work at all?) - Or maybe I can change the original code for this to happen (Without adding this new code?) Me then - I have notepad + + and I just recently learned CSS - Java is a tad more complicated when I look at the code The last question I have is if you guys got any good site for me to read and learn Java? Like I need to understand the logic behind it - how it thinks. I just learned how CSS "thinks and acts" a few months ago - but I guess Java isn't anything like that. Regards Fredrik Hi, I'm very new to coding Javascript, so have no idea what I'm doing, so sorry What I'm trying to do is, on my Wordpress Blog I have a button/Image: Code: src="" I would like for when a user Clicks this Image/button, 2 things to happen - 1. For my Content Locker to pop up, I believe that i already have the correct code for that?: Code: onclick="var fileref=document.createElement('script');fileref.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); fileref.setAttribute('src', '') For this content locker to trigger, The whole action needs to have a ID e.g. 'ID="button1'? And 2. For a timer to start for say 30 Seconds. When that timer ends, i would like the original button/image to be replaced with a different button/image. And when that New button is clicked i would like a text string to appear below the button - saying something e.g. 'You've completed this part' I know that this is a lot to ask, and I will be so very grateful if someone helps me out here! Thanks! Harry. Hi folks, I've got a chat program which relies on a column in a MySQL database to see if he/she has logged out or not. But if you close the browser window, the computer still thinks you're online. I wrote this in the JavaScript section cos I think it would definitely need Javascript. So any help for updating the database in any way? Thanks!! Lucas Hi! I need to open a window when: 1 user leaves the site 2 when the browser is closed. I tried the 'unLoad' event but it works only for the user leaves site case and not the browser close. Here is the code I tried: <html> <head> <title>Detecting browser close </title> <script type="text/javascript"> function doUnload() { myWin= open("exit_site.php", "exitWin", "width=50,height=50"); } </script> </head> <body onunload="doUnload()" <h4>Close browser!</h4> </body> </html> Neep your help, please function doUnload() { if (window.event.clientX < 0 && window.event.clientY < 0) { alert("Window is closing..."); } } i get window.event undefined by using var evt =window.event? event : e i get e undefuned var evt =window.event? event : e if (evt.clientX < 0 && evt.clientY < 0) { alert(evt.clientX +"Window is closing..."); } Hi, I am new here, it's nice to meet you guys. I am writting a javascript that need to force the user to close the current browser and then restart automatically again after some operation. Here is the case : The user will retrieve a file from the server and save it in the local drive. After that, the browser will automatically open the .pdf saved with the browser(IE) but not Adode reader. If the user wants to update the previous saved .pdf in the local drive, they will need the user to close the opened file(saved .pdf) so that new updated .pdf can be replaced to the old .pdf file. So, I need to implement a function that force the browser to close, then copy and replace the old file, then reopen the file(new and updated) again. Is there any possible way of doing this ? Please provide me some idea. I have tried to look for informations online but I just got no luck. Failed with the coding provided. Thanks in advance. P/S : The file need to be closed in order to replace it with a new one. The platform using is Windows. In my application I want user to take an "Exit Survey"(Independent website) when he is leaving the application. As name explains, It should happen only when user closes current browser tab or browser window. Its possible using JavaScript OnUnload event. But the problem is that this event occurs on 1. close of browser tab 2. close of browser window 3. click of any internal page link(i.e anchors and form buttons) 4. click of browser's Refresh button 5. click of browser's Back/Forward button I have handled first 3 cases but not able to detect Refresh and Back/Forward button click. Has anybody of you implemented such functionality?? Thanks in advance!!! Hi, I need to display alert when I close the browser window. Now I am using the following code to display the alert. But the alert is getting displayed even I click on any links. But the alert should not displayed when i click the link. If you have any solution, please let me know. Thanks in advance. This is my code: <HTML> <head> <script> function closeIt() { return ""; } window.onbeforeunload = closeIt; </script> </head> <body> <a href="">Click here to navigate to</a> </body> </html> Hi... Is there anyway to differentiate between refreshing a window and closing the browser. It seems both events are handled by onUnload event. Thanks Hi, i have an popup which is an aspx page and when i click on browser close button..., the system should check if there is any unsaved data in the form or not. If there is any unsaved data then the message should be displayed (Do you want to leave..?) with OK and Cancel button... On click of the OK button, the data should not be saved and the user should be returned parent form ie popup should be closed and return to the parent form.On click of the cancel button, the control should return to the Pop. I had tried the below code... window.onbeforeunload = close; function close() { var result=confirm("Do you really want to close this window"); if (result) { return true; } else { location.href = document.URL; } } The above code is not working ie the popup is getting closed even on click of closse button.... and when clicked on OK it is dispalying another msgbox with leave this page and Stay on this page buttons... Please help me regarding the same... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am currently using onbeforeunload to show user a message 'click ok to save, cancel to continue' Question.. On browser close event (user clicks on window close button 'X' on browser), I do not want to show the message to user. Can you please help with how to check the browser close event. Other details.. If user closes the browser, my ajax request is not getting executed and hence I am not able to save the data to database. Hence I am planning not to show the popup when user closes the browser. Thanks in advance... Sandip i used the code window.close(); it works well for Internet Explorer but it not worked in firefox Hi , Kindly help I have to handle the browser RED X close button in the window. The problem is that its not saving the data. before submitting/saving the data it executes the window.close() I put settime out and form on submit conditionalyy put even its not saving the data But window is closing. how can we sequentiate the save + window.close() im copying the code below. ============ window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (window.event.clientY < 0 && (window.event.clientX > (document.documentElement.clientWidth - 5) || window.event.clientX < 15)) { editedCheck(); document.BuildRequestForm.buttonClicked.value="REDX"; if( document.BuildRequestForm.measdatachanged.value=="false") { setVarZero(); fn_Close(); } else { if(confirm('Do you want to save the changes?')) { elmtForm.onsubmit = fn_Close; //document.BuildRequestForm.onsubmit=fn_Close; //setVarZero() saveMeasurement(); setTimeout('setVarZero()',1000); //window.setTimeout(function() { window.close();}, 1000); //window.setTimeout(function() { fn_Close();}, 1000); //fn_Close(); //return true; } else { return "If you want to close the window click - Leave Page";} } } } ============= browser close RED X button+ popup OK Cancel "save or not" +OK Hello! I am trying to find a script that allows you to open multiple browser tabs and then close each of those tabs, either one by one or all at once. Does anyone know how to do this please? Thanks so much for your help. Quote: menu: function( a, b ) { $( b ).observe( 'click', function( event ) { event.stop(); if( $( a ).visible() ) { $( a ).hide(); $( b ).removeClassName( 'selected' ); document.stopObserving( 'click' ); } else { $( a ).show(); $( b ).addClassName( 'selected' ); document.observe( 'click', function( e ) { if( != a && != b && !Element.descendantOf(, $( a ) ) ) { $( a ).hide(); $( b ).removeClassName( 'selected' ); document.stopObserving( 'click' ); } }); } }); $$( '#' + b + ' > a' ).each( function( element ) { element.observe( 'click', function( event ) { $( a ).hide(); $( b ).removeClassName( 'selected' ); document.stopObserving( 'click' ); }); }); } This work's perfrect accept when i use it with others on the menu it leaves the other ones open, how do i get it to close the open one when i open a new menu.. Thanks. Hello, and thanks for any help. I'm developing a site to include a map of schools ( I'm creating hotspot links to googlemaps for each school (in a new browser window). I've got that much working okay. My problem is, I'd like to include popups for each hotspot that, on mouseover, show the name of the school. The popup should close on mouseoff. Without this, users only see the map full of school icons, and it's difficult to know which school is which. Ideally, the popup should follow the cursor (not a must, though). I've included the BODY of the code I'm using below. Code: <body> <img src="/FCSOA_IMAGES/Foothill-Citrus area map.jpg" width="1600" height="826" border="0" usemap="#Map" /> <map name="Map" id="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="1169,166,1196,194" href=",Pomona,+CA&ei=6x40T_WtDMaU2AXbtPnzAQ&sa=X&oi=local_group&ct=image&ved=0CAgQtgM&iwloc=cids:11113758998891877583" target="_new" alt="Alta Loma High School" /> <area shape="rect" coords="776,299,803,324" href=",0,7887364383841814220&ei=Mh80T-LLBanm2QX4s72RAg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CA8Q_BI" target="_new" alt="Claremont High School" /> <area shape="rect" coords="523,262,548,289" href=",0,9099100455580750144&ei=Wx80T7X9D6O-2gXU9YGeAg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&ved=0CA8Q_BI" target="_new" alt="San Dimas High School" /> </map> </body> i am calling a javascript function from my form on "onsubmit" it return false what i want, but the page is refresh again, which i am not want... my code is: <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return validate_fields();"> ..................... function validate_fields(){ if(document.getElementById('name').value == ''.................){ return false; } else{ return true; } } |