JavaScript - How To Apply Jquery And Jqtransform
Hi guys i am newbie here. I would really appreciate some help.
Here is the issue. I would like to implement jqtransform I cant seem to get it working. Here are my searchform files (searchform.tpl) and (searchform.php) SEARCHFORM.TPL Code: <style type="text/css"> <!-- #searchform .form-container form table tr td div table tr td .note span strong { font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .findbutton { } --> </style> <link href="../css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title></title><div id="searchform"> <div class="form-container"> <form action="<?php echo BASE_URL; ?>/search_results.php" method="get"> <table width="946" height="290" align="center" cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td width="932" height="278" valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px; font-family: Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;"><div align="center"> <table width="694" height="262" align="left" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td width="10"> </td> <td width="171"><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="22" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the bestTradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the best Tradesman in Australia" width="12" height="2" /></td> <td width="40"><p align="left"><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder Builder" width="1" height="1" /></p> <p align="left"><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman Tradesman" width="1" height="1" /></p></td> <td width="20"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td height="58"><img src="../../../Background.gif" alt="the bestTradesman in Australia" width="1" height="1" /></td> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td colspan="2"> </td> <td width="92"> </td> <td width="68"> </td> <td width="71"> </td> <td width="87"><p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p></td> <td width="11"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" style="padding-bottom: 15px; font-size: 15px;"> </td> <td height="47" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" style="padding-bottom: 15px; font-size: 16px;"><p align="left" class="note"> </p> <p align="left" class="note"> </p> <p align="left" class="note"> </p> <p align="left" class="note"><strong>Select Trade</strong></p> <p align="left" class="note"><strong><strong><?php echo $form->getFieldHTML('category'); ?></strong></strong></p> <p align="left" class="note"> </p></td> <th valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"><p align="left" class="note"><span style="padding-bottom: 15px; cursor: text;"> <p align="left" class="note"> <p align="left" class="note"> <p align="left" class="note"> <!-- <?php echo $form->getFieldHTML('location_id'); ?> --> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"><p align="left" class="note"> </p></td> <td width="65" height="47" valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px; font-size: 16px;"><p align="left" class="note"> </p> <p align="left" class="note"> </p> <p align="left" class="note"> </p> <p align="left" class="note"><strong>Location</strong></p><p align="left" class="note"><?php echo $form->getFieldHTML('zip'); ?></p> <p align="left" class="note"> </p></td> <td width="1" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" style="padding-bottom: 15px; font-size: 15px;"> </td> <td height="47"><p> </p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="left"> </p> <p align="right"><span class="note"><span style="padding-bottom: 15px;"><?php echo $form->getFieldHTML('zip_miles'); ?></span></span></p> <p align="center"><strong>Surrounding Areas</strong></p> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"><p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"><span style="padding-bottom: 15px;"> </span></p> </p></td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"><p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"><span style="padding-bottom: 15px;"> <input name="input" type="image" class="button" title="Find Tradesman" value="Search" src="../../../The-Find-Search-button.png" alt="Find Tradesman builder plumber electrician painter" align="left" width="98" height="32" hspace="0" vspace="0" /> </span></p></td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"><p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p> <p class="note"> </p></td> <td> </td> <td width="6"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td height="48" valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"><div align="left"></div></td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px; cursor: text;"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td colspan="2" valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td valign="top" style="padding-bottom: 15px"> </td> <td> </td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.getElementById('keyword').focus(); //--></script> SEARCHFORM.PHP Code: <?php if(!defined('IN_PMD')) exit(); $searchform = $PMDR->getNew('Template',PMDROOT.TEMPLATE_PATH.'blocks/search_form.tpl'); $search_form_object = $PMDR->getNew('Form'); $search_form_object->addField('keyword','text',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_general_search_find'),'fieldset'=>'search','value'=>$_GET['keyword'],'style'=>'width: 220px; height: 28px;','id'=>'searchfield')); $search_form_object->addField('category','select',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_general_search_category'),'fieldset'=>'search','value'=>$_GET['category'],'style'=>'width: 220px; height: 28px;','first_option'=>'','options'=>$db->GetAssoc("SELECT id, title FROM ".T_CATEGORIES." WHERE hidden=0 AND level=1 ORDER BY left_"),'class'=>'input_small')); $search_form_object->addField('location_id','select',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_general_search_location'),'fieldset'=>'search','value'=>$_GET['location_id'],'first_option'=>'','options'=>$db->GetAssoc("SELECT id, title FROM ".T_LOCATIONS." WHERE hidden=0 AND level=1 ORDER BY left_"),'class'=>'input_small')); $search_form_object->addField('location','text',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_general_search_location'),'fieldset'=>'search','value'=>$_GET['location'],'style'=>'width: 215px; border:#000 1px solid;','id'=>'searchfield')); $search_form_object->addField('zip','text',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_search_zip'),'fieldset'=>'search','style'=>'width: 215px; border:#000 1px solid;','id'=>'searchfield')); $search_form_object->addField('zip_miles','radio',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_general_search_within'),'fieldset'=>'search','value'=>$_GET['zip_miles'],'style'=>'width: 2cm;','id'=>'radiosearchbutton','options'=>array('25'=>''))); $search_form_object->addField('submit','submit',array('label'=>$PMDR->getLanguage('public_general_search_search'),'fieldset'=>'button')); $searchform->set('form',$search_form_object); unset($search_form_object); ?> Now i load the JQUERY.JS and JQTRANSFORM.JS files through the HEADER.PHP file. This is how it looks; HEADER.PHP Code: <?php $timing_start = explode(' ', microtime()); if($PMDR->get('header_file')) { $header = $PMDR->getNew('Template',PMDROOT.TEMPLATE_PATH.'/'.$PMDR->get('header_file')); } else { $header = $PMDR->getNew('Template',PMDROOT.TEMPLATE_PATH.'/header.tpl'); } // Check for maintenance option and show header message bar if necesarry if($PMDR->getConfig('maintenance') AND in_array('admin_login',$_SESSION['admin_permissions'])) { $header->set('maintenance',true); } if($PMDR->getConfig('usershare') == 'FacebookConnect') { $header->set('facebook',true); } if($PMDR->get('meta_description')) { $header->set('meta_description',strip_tags($PMDR->get('meta_description'))); } else { $header->set('meta_description',$PMDR->getConfig('meta_description_default')); } if($PMDR->get('meta_keywords')) { $header->set('meta_keywords',$PMDR->get('meta_keywords')); } else { $header->set('meta_keywords',$PMDR->getConfig('meta_keywords_default')); } if($PMDR->getConfig('search_display_all') OR on_page('index.php')) { $header->set('searchform',$searchform); $header->set('search_display_all',($PMDR->getConfig('search_display_all') OR on_page('index.php'))); } $PMDR->loadJavascript($PMDR->getConfig('head_javascript')); $PMDR->loadJavascript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_URL.'/includes/javascript_global.js"></script>'); $PMDR->loadJavascript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_URL.TEMPLATE_PATH.'javascript.js"></script>'); $PMDR->loadJavascript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_URL.TEMPLATE_PATH.'jquery.js"></script>'); $PMDR->loadJavascript('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.BASE_URL.TEMPLATE_PATH.'jquery.jqtransform.js"></script>'); //if(is_object($xajax)) $javascript .= $xajax->getJavascript(BASE_URL.'/includes/xajax/'); $PMDR->setAdd('javascript_onload',' var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if(headID) { var newScript = document.createElement(\'script\'); newScript.type = \'text/javascript\'; newScript.src = \''.BASE_URL.'/cron.php?type=javascript\'; headID.appendChild(newScript); } '); if($PMDR->get('javascript_onload')) { $onLoad = '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" charset="'.CHARSET.'">'; $onLoad .= "function onLoad() {\n"; $onLoad .= implode("\n",$PMDR->get('javascript_onload')); $onLoad .= "\n}"; $onLoad .= 'window.onload=onLoad;'."\n"; $onLoad .= '</script>'."\n"; $PMDR->loadJavascript($onLoad); unset($onLoad); } $javascript .= implode("\n",(array) $PMDR->get('load_javascript')); $header->set('load_javascript',$javascript); $header->set('load_css',implode("\n",(array) $PMDR->get('load_css'))); $header->set('css_file_path',BASE_URL.TEMPLATE_PATH.'css.css'); // Add title from configuration to end of array and display, seperated by a dash - //$PMDR->set('page_title',array_merge(array_reverse($PMDR->get('page_title')),array($PMDR->getConfig('title')))); $header->set('page_title',implode(' - ',array_merge(array_reverse($PMDR->get('page_title')),array($PMDR->getConfig('title'))))); if($PMDR->get('breadcrumb')) { $header->set('breadcrumb',$PMDR->get('breadcrumb')); } ?> This is all i have done other than the basic css which i didn't include so i don't make things more complicated. I would really appreciate some help on this. Regards, George Similar TutorialsSo, i have this code which retrieves php files for me using jquery and id love to get it working with Jquery history plugin. I tried modifying the code i got from the ajax demo to work for me, but i just couldnt do it as i do not know any javascript really.. ( actually what i tried was simply to change "#ajax-links a" to "#menu li a" and .html to .php ..but nothing.. :rolleyes: Id be very gratefull if someone would help me out with this one. All related code can be found bellow (the ones that should be needed anyways): This is the code that retrieves php files inside "#content" when item from "#menu li a" with the specified id is clicked Code: $(document).ready(function(){ //References var change = $("#menu li a"); var loading = $("#loading"); var content = $("#content"); //Manage click events{ //show the loading bar showLoading(); //load selected section if( == "home") { change.load(this.className='current-page'); content.slideUp(); content.load("pages/index.php", hideLoading); content.slideDown(); } else if( == "secondpage") { change.load(this.className='current-page'); content.slideUp(); content.load("pages/secondpage.php", hideLoading); content.slideDown(); } else { //hide loading bar if there is no selected section hideLoading(); } }); //show loading bar function showLoading(){ loading .css({visibility:"visible"}) .css({opacity:"1"}) .css({display:"block"}) ; } //hide loading bar function hideLoading(){ loading.fadeTo(1000, 0); }; }); Heres the structure of the menu/content Code: <ul id="menu"> <li><a id="home" class="normal" href="#Home"></a></li> <li><a id="secondpage" class="normal" href="#Secondpage"></a></li> </ul> <div id="content"> <ul id="sec-menu"> <li><a id="link1" class="normal" href="#">Link1</a></li> <li><a id="link2" class="normal" href="#">Link2</a></li> </ul> </div> Heres the code that jquery history plugin uses in demo for ajax Code: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { function load(num) { $('#content').load(num +".html"); } $.history.init(function(url) { load(url == "" ? "1" : url); }); $('#ajax-links a').live('click', function(e) { var url = $(this).attr('href'); url = url.replace(/^.*#/, ''); $.history.load(url); return false; }); }); hi, i have a jquery problem... this script is not working with jquery-1.4.2.min, but it works with jquery-1.2.6.min.js, can anyone help me???the script is the above: (it is not working the tab actions, the slideout works...) the javascript code is the above: PHP Code: var jqsideTabs; var tabs, h = 50, r = 0,ra = 0; $(document) .ready(function(){ jqsideTabs = $('#sideTabs').addClass('closed'); tabs = jqsideTabs .find('.tab h3') .clone() .appendTo(jqsideTabs) .each(function(i){ var that = $(this), cls = '',ow,newThis, newEl; if( i == 0 ) cls = ' active'; newEl = $('<a href="#" class="tabLinks'+cls+'">' + that.text() + '</a>'); that.replaceWith(newEl); ow = newEl.outerWidth(); if( i == 0 ) ra = ow; else r = ow; h = newEl.css({'top':h , 'right': -ow }).height() + h; newThis = newEl.get(0); newThis.jq = newEl; newThis.i = i;{ var el = this.jq; if( jqsideTabs.hasClass( 'closed' ) ){ jqsideTabs.removeClass('closed'); } else if( !jqsideTabs.hasClass( 'closed' ) && el.hasClass('active') ){ jqsideTabs.addClass('closed'); } el .siblings() .removeClass('active') .css({'right': -r }) .end() .addClass('active') .css({'right': -ra }); tabs.eq( this.i ).show().siblings('.tab').hide(); return false; }); }) .end() .parent() .eq(0) .addClass('active') .end() .filter(':not(:eq(0))') .hide() .end(); jqsideTabs.bind("mouseleave",function(){ jqsideTabs .animate({left:-310}, 'fast', function(){ jqsideTabs.addClass('closed').removeAttr('style'); }); }); }); and the html file is: [HTML] <div id="sideTabs"> <div class="tab"> <h3>Tab 1</h3> <div class="gut"> <p>Some text</p> </div> </div> <div class="tab"> <h3>Tab 2</h3> <div class="gut"> <ul> <li>link</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="tab"> <h3>Tab 3</h3> <div class="gut"> <ul> <li>link</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> [/HTML] the problem is that the tab button works, but the content doesnt all of tabs showing the same text(showing all tbas content).... can anyone help...please..... This might be a really stupid question. I'm new to javascript, and I'm wondering if it is possible to add a css class to a for Loop? Just so that I get this result without having to write every paragraph: <code> example { text-align:center; height:100cm; } </style> </head> <body> <p>0m</p> <p>1m</p> <p>2m</p> <p>3m</p> </body> </code> i keep getting the error GET net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS & Failed to load resource: net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when i load my page...and the havascript doesn't work properly on ym do i resolve this. thanx in advance Hi, I'm just trying to use a JavaScript form element handler to apply a CSS gradient background dynamically. It doesn't work in IE, but does in the other browsers I've tried. Thaks for any help with it! Jennifer Here's my function Code: function swapGradButton() { g1 = document.getElementById('ButtonGrad1Color'); g2 = document.getElementById('ButtonGrad2Color'); txt = document.getElementById('ButtonTextColor'); document.getElementById('GradButton').style.color = txt.value; if (document.getElementById('GradButton').filters && document.getElementById('GradButton').filters.length>0) { document.getElementById('GradButton').filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='"+g1.value+"', endColorstr='"+g2.value+"')"; } else { document.getElementById('GradButton').style.background = "-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from("+g1.value+"), to("+g2.value+"))"; document.getElementById('GradButton').style.background = "-moz-linear-gradient(top, "+g1.value+", "+g2.value+")"; } } Hello, Using Javascript, How would I go about apply the following code below as a style class (Error) to a single textbox? Here's what I have so far: Code: document.getElementById('T1').style.backgroundColor = 'FEF6F4' document.getElementById('T1').style.border = '1px solid #CD0A0A' Thanks. J Hi, I currently have a script that dynamically adds a css class called "on" to a menu item once it is selected, turning that link red to show that it's active. Here is the web page: As you can see, if you click on "Dimmer" or "Pol Pot's Birthday", or one of the three Patriotville scene links (1, 2, or 3), those links stay red. But what I need to happen is that when the user hovers over OR clicks on "1", "2", or "3", the word "Patriotville" also turns red along with those links. Here is the current code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var Lst; function CngClass(obj){ if (Lst) Lst.className=''; obj.className='on'; Lst=obj; } /*]]>*/ </script> <li class="rss-popup" id="patriotville"><a id="three" href="#" onclick="" class="feed-link" style="color:#fff;">PATRIOTVILLE</a></li> <div id="clips"> <li class="rss-popup"><a id="four" href="#" onclick="changeIt('film3_1');CngClass(this);">1</a></li> <li class="rss-popup"><a id="five" href="#" onclick="changeIt('film3_2');CngClass(this);">2</a>|</li> <li class="rss-popup"><a id="six" href="#" onclick="changeIt('film3_3');CngClass(this);">3</a></li> </div> ********** Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!! var myDoc = app.documents[0] var mySel = app.selection[0] var myStory = mySel.parentStory; // Now we are pointing to the entire story var myHolidayStyle1 = "Holiday-Day_of_the_week" // Header 'day of the week' var myHolidayStyle2 = "Holiday-Month_and_date" // Header 'month and day' var myHolidayStyle3 = "Lead Paragraph" // Lead Paragraph 'default paragraph style' myStory.paragraphs[0].appliedParagraphStyle = myHolidayStyle1; //Header 'day of the week' and Month and day. myStory.paragraphs[1].appliedParagraphStyle = myHolidayStyle2; // Header 'month of the day' myStory.paragraphs[2].appliedParagraphStyle = myHolidayStyle3; // Lead Paragraph 'default paragraph style' //.appliedParagraphStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item (myHolidayStyle1); //mySel.paragraphs[-1].insertionPoints[-1].paragraphs[0]; //Loops to change all the paragraphs to Paragraph body to ever paragraph (only problem is its limited to the entire page.) for (loop=0; loop<myStory.paragraphs.length; loop++) myStory.paragraphs[loop].appliedParagraphStyle = myHolidayStyle3; // Something simple to check if text 'drops out' of a certain text frame. currTextFrame = app.selection[0].parentTextFrames[0]; currPar = currTextFrame.paragraphs[0]; while (currPar && currPar.parentTextFrames[0] == currTextFrame) { currPar.appliedParagraphStyle = someStyle; currPar = currTextFrame.paragraphs.nextItem(currPar); } // Script for starting Spell Check var WshShell = app.menus.item(0); var WshShell2 = WshShell.submenus.item(1); var WshShell3 = WshShell2.submenus.item(1); var WshShell4 = WshShell3.menuItems.item(0); WshShell4.associatedMenuAction.invoke(); Would this work, do I got a pretty generalized idea of how it should be written. I want this script to apply data that comes in from a export that is imported into Indesign. Basically Holidaystyle1 and 2 are already preset in data from a program called Linear. But the day, month, and date, will change. So I hoping there is a way from the script above to make 1 and 2 be at the top of the page, and style 3 be the paragraph style that leads in the text until the next articles are reach that start with like say 'Friday' and 'November 12', and the routine repeats itself again, until there is no-more data. (**edit** Is there a way to tell the script to put a line break or empty line between Style 0 and style 1?) I hope this make sense. I would love for the script to do all the data at once, and at the end, I put a spell check function that checks to make sure the spelling and grammar are correct, before the script finally ends. Hi coders, I have a form where customers can register thierselves by entering the relevant fields. There is a control() javascript which ckecks if everything on the form is ok before submitting it. Althugh IE applies the script for its every check, Firefox only applies the first check (first if statement) of the script. The rest is ignored. Here is the javascript code: Code: function control() { if (document.member.FirstName.value == ""){ document.member.FirstName.focus(); alert("Please fill the name field"); return false; } if (document.member.FirstName.value.length<2) { alert("Name field cannot be shorter than 2 characters."); document.member.FirstName.focus(); return false; } if (/[\d]/.test(document.getElementById("FirstName").value)) { alert("Entered numbers into the Name field"); return false; } if (document.member.LastName.value == ""){ document.member.LastName.focus(); alert("Please fill the Lastname field"); return false; } if (document.member.LastName.value.length<2) { alert("Lastname field cannot be shorter than 2 charcters. Please check again."); document.member.LastName.focus(); return false; } if (/[\d]/.test(document.getElementById("LastName").value)) { alert("Entered numbers into the Lastname field"); return false; } if (document.member.Address1.value.length<10) { alert("Address field contains less than 2 characters."); document.member.Address1.focus(); return false; } if (document.member.Username.value == ""){ document.member.Username.focus(); alert("Username field cannot be blank"); return false; } if (document.member.Address1.value == ""){ document.member.Address1.focus(); alert("Address field cannot be blank "); return false; } if (document.member.City.value == ""){ document.member.City.focus(); alert("City field cannot be blank"); return false; } if (document.member.Email.value == ""){ document.member.Email.focus(); alert("E-Mail field cannot be blank."); return false; } if (echeck(document.member.Email.value)==false){ document.member.Email.focus(); return false; } if (document.member.PhoneNumber.value == ""){ document.member.PhoneNumber.focus(); alert("Phone number field cannot be blank"); return false; } if (!/^\d*$/.test(document.getElementById("PhoneNumber").value)) { alert("Entered characters into the Phone Number field"); return false; } if (document.member.Pass.value == ""){ document.member.Pass.focus(); alert("Password field cannot be blank."); return false; } if (document.member.Pass2.value == ""){ document.member.Pass2.focus(); alert("Password confirmation field cannot be blank."); return false; } if (document.forms[0].Pass.value.length<6) { alert("Password field cannot contain less than 6 characters. Please check"); document.member.Pass.focus(); return false; } if (document.member.Pass.value != document.member.Pass2.value) { alert("Password and password confirmation fields are not identical. Please check "); document.member.Pass.focus(); return false; } if (!isTelNum(document.forms[0].PhoneNumber,'Telefon ')) return false; if (!isNum(document.forms[0].InternalPhoneNumber,'Internal Phone number')) return false; //if (!isValidEmail(document.forms[0].Email)) return false; return true; } Well its interesting that only the first check is taken into consideration. if (document.member.FirstName.value == ""){ The rest is not even seen. Even if you do not fill the rest of the form, the submit button tries to submit the form regardless what more needs to be checked. Here is the submit button: Code: <input type="submit" name="member" value="Register Me" id="member" onclick="return control()";> Any observations and comments are appreciated. Hiya! I'm a total JS beginner, so any help is appreciated. I've created the simple select box below that will "onchange" when an item is selected. I'm trying to apply the "selected" or "selected="selected" attribute to items that are chosen from the menu. Example: The goal is to show " <option value="/1" selected="selected"> " when page "/1" is chosen and to show <option value="/1"> when /1 is not the current page. I've follow a few simple tutorials with no luck and even tried php conditionals to trigger the "selected" attribute with no luck. Any feedback is GREATLY appreciated, thank you! Code: <form name="guideform" method="get"> <select class="wptdb_jumpbar_select" name="mymenu" onChange="window.location=document.guideform.mymenu.options[document.guideform.mymenu.selectedIndex].value"> <option value="/1">Home Page #1</option> <option value="/2">Home Page #2</option> <option value="/3">Home Page #3</option> <option value="/4">Home Page #4</option> </select> </form> var s="attr" var i=$(s) // jQuery(elem).attr(attr,eval("elm"+attr)); jQuery(elem).$(s)(attr,eval("elm"+attr));//i tried this. how to assign a variable name in the above code(in place of s) so that i need to add an attribute to the element "elem". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can some1 help me at this, i am very new to javsciprt and HTML things, so as the title says, a simple bold to the selected text in a div is what i need. below is the div area i have, so how do it?? Code: <TD colspan="25" width="525px" style="text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden;"> <input type="hidden" $acmForms.bindText("casecomments") /> <div #if (!$acmForms.getFormAttributes().isReadOnly()) CONTENTEDITABLE #end onKeyUp="dairy_limitTextArea(this, 4000)" onKeyDown="dairy_limitTextArea(this, 4000)" id="spell_casecomments" style="width:800px; height:220px; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #bdcee5;"> </TD> Ok, I would post my entire data here but then yall would be reading insane amounts of script. I've got a div content jquery slider on my site I am making and it works beautifully in all browsers(took me a while). Then, I decided why not have it where when people click on a "read more" link that it pops up a box, instead of directing to the new page, and displays the contents of a div. It would not work at all. My question is there a possible way to do this?
Hi Guys, Please check this link out. I'm curious if you can attain the same functionality with jquery. Which include the hover over effects and sliding. If this can be done can you point me in the right direction to find some documentation to start learning. Thanks. i am a newbie to jquery and need help. i want to alert anything when i click at any button that have the class .resetBtn using jquery. I know doing it with javascript is much easier but i learning jquery so trying to create function by myself. my code currently does not work when i click on my button. Code: $(".resetBtn").click(function() { alert ("asd"); }); Hi, I have this js script which is working on mouse click, what is my requirment is that it do the same function wiht on mouse over: click: function(e) { var el = this; el.blur(); // if the image was not preloaded yet then wait if (el.zoomimageCfg.loading === true) { return false; } //zoom it in if not zoomed already if (el.zoomimageCfg.zoomed == false) { EYE.zoomimage.zoomIn(el); //else zoom it out } else { EYE.zoomimage.zoomOut(el, false); } return false; }, Thank you Best Regards, mnightwalker All, I have the following jQuery code: Code: $("#other").click(function(){ var checked = $(this).is(':checked'); if(checked){ $('textarea#other_text').removeAttr("disabled"); }else { $('textarea#other_text').attr("disabled", "disabled"); } }); This works fine. However, what I'm allowing the users to do is edit this field. So I have the following PHP code: PHP Code: <input type="checkbox" name="other" value="x" id="other" <?php if($resultsetedits['other']=="x"){ echo "checked"; } ?>> Other:<br>If you choose other, please explain what other options you'd like us to do to your photo:<textarea name="other_text" rows="3" cols="119" id="other_text" disabled><?php if($resultsetedits['instructions']!=""){ echo $resultsetedits['instructions']; } ?></textarea> Since the checkbox is checked with the PHP code the click function to jQuery never gets invoked and my textarea remains disabled. Is there anyway to basically invoke the jQuery code with my PHP script? Thanks in advance. i want get value form path : ex.. " cat " read cookie with jquery who? I'm not sure if this is something jquery can do or what but here's what I want to do but I have this following code and when it shows either Public or Archived for the Event Status I want it to be a link so that if I click on Public then it turn it into Archived because it'll change its status_id in the DB from 4 to 5. PHP Code: case 1: echo $e; ?> <h1 class=backstage>Archiving Management</h1><br /> <h2 class=backstage>Weekly Events</h2><br /> <?php $query = "SELECT ecb.bookingdate,, ele.statusname, ecb.label FROM `efed_content_booking` AS ecb LEFT JOIN `efed_list_shownames` AS els ON ( ecb.event_id = ) LEFT JOIN `efed_list_eventstatus` AS ele ON ( ecb.status_id = ) WHERE els.type = 'singular' OR els.type = 'recurring'"; $result = mysql_query ( $query ); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($rows > 0) { print'<table width="100%" class="table1"> <tr class="rowheading"> <td>Event</td> <td align="center">Booking Date</td> <td align="center">Event Status</td> </tr>'; $i = 0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) ) { $sClass = 'row2'; if ($i++ % 2) $sClass = 'row1'; printf ( "<tr class=\"%s\">", $sClass ); printf ( "<td valign=\"top\">%s%s</td>", $row['name'],$row['label'] ); printf ( "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\">%s</td>", convertdate($row['bookingdate'] )); printf ( "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\">%s</td>", $row['statusname'] ); echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table><br>'; } else { echo '<span>There are no weekly events to archive.</span><br /><br />'; } ?> <h2 class=backstage>Pay-Per-View Events</h2><br /> <?php $query = "SELECT ecb.bookingdate,, ele.statusname, ecb.label FROM `efed_content_booking` AS ecb LEFT JOIN `efed_list_shownames` AS els ON ( ecb.event_id = ) LEFT JOIN `efed_list_eventstatus` AS ele ON ( ecb.status_id = ) WHERE els.type = 'ppv'"; $result = mysql_query ( $query ); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($rows > 0) { print'<table width="100%" class="table1"> <tr class="rowheading"> <td>Event</td> <td align="center">Booking Date</td> <td align="center">Event Status</td> </tr>'; $i = 0; while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC) ) { $sClass = 'row2'; if ($i++ % 2) $sClass = 'row1'; printf ( "<tr class=\"%s\">", $sClass ); printf ( "<td valign=\"top\">%s%s</td>", $row['name'],$row['label'] ); printf ( "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\">%s</td>", convertdate($row['bookingdate']) ); printf ( "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\">%s</td>", $row['statusname'] ); echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table><br>'; } else { echo '<span>There are no ppv events to archive.</span><br /><br />'; } returnmain(); footercode(); break; |