JavaScript - Which Javascript Event Should Be Used To Call Logout On Window Close And Url Change.
Which javascript event should be used to call logout on window close and url change. I want to call logout function on window close and URL change on my application. I am calling logout functionon on <body onunload="doLogout();">, but onunload event is also called when refreshing the page. is there any specific event for Windoe close and URL change. can anyone resolve this issue. Regrads, Abha Similar TutorialsI want to capture Window close event. UnLoad will not help me as this event will be called whenever it is redirected to other page. I want as soon as user try to close the window i want to display an confirm message if user Click Ok then browser will be closed and if cancel it will not. Can anybody help me out on this. Dhiru Hi all, I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using . The child window is something like '' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed. any idea? Thanks, Mahesh Hello im trying to make a drop down for my store, so that onchange the price of the option is displayed and my paypal buttons variables are changed. I cant get the "total" function to call when the selection of the drop down is changed. please help iv'e been looking around for a week and still havent fixed it. My event handler sets on load <body onload="x.onchange=function(){total();}"> heres my script Code: <script type="text-JavaScript"> "use strict"; /*document.getelementbyid("ddm").onchange = total;*/ var price; var title; var x = document.getelementbyid("ddm"); var size_prices= new Array(); size_prices["cards"]=18; size_prices["5x7sm"]=20; size_prices["5x7dm"]=25; size_prices["8x10sm"]=30; size_prices["8x10dm"]=35; size_prices["16x20sm"]=45; size_prices["16x20dm"]=50; function total() { y = size_prices[x.value]; document.getelementbyid("total").innerhtml = "$" + y + ".00"; title = "image title" + (x.value); document.getelementbyid("title").setAttribute("value", title); document.getelementbyid("price").setAttribute("value", y); } function verify() { } </script> here is the code for the select and the paypal button Code: <form action=""> <select name="sizes" id="ddm"> <option value="_">Please chose a size</option> <option value="cards">cards</option> <option value="5x7sm">5x7 single mat</option> <option value="5x7dm">5x7 double mat</option> </select> </form> Code: <form target="paypal" action="" method="post" onsubmit="verify()"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="kin@kinskards.tcom" /> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_cart" /> <input type="hidden" name="add" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="title" name="item_name" value="Candle" /> <input type="hidden" id="price" name="amount" value="3.95" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD" /> <input type="image" name="submit" src="" alt="paypal" /> <img alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1" src="" /> </form> Hi... Is there anyway to differentiate between refreshing a window and closing the browser. It seems both events are handled by onUnload event. Thanks The web page belows works OK in IE and FireFox on XP and Windows7 It does NOT work on IPAD using Safari. Question: How can I delete the new window("IPADREPORT") when I run it the second, third,fourth, etc time ? How can I get the window name( "IPADREPORT") to see if it exists? SUggestions? TIA, Steve42 <code> [aSafari.html] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <html lang="en"> <head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function pReport(){ // 1-17-12 var menuWindow = open("","ipadreport"); // 1-17-12 menuWindow.close(); // above closes previous report window var menuWindow ='','ipadreport');// 1-17-12 document.ipadreport.submit(); menuWindow.focus(); } </script> <title>Ipad_PopUp_Test</title> </head> <body> <br><br> <form method=post name="ireport" target="ipadreport" action="http://myreport.asp"> <input type="hidden" name="reporttest" value="apple"> <a href='javascriptReport()'> Create Report</a> </form> </body> </html> </code> I made a private message page that shows as a popup but the problem is it wont close itself after a 3 second (3000 millisecond) pause Code: <script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout("self.close();",3000); </script> This was the original code I found: Code: setTimeout('self.close();',30000); **FIXED** I was trying to close a tab instead of the window. The popup was a window that had a set url that could not be changed so i used a tab to access the page I wanted. Tested and works now When I click the button to open an url (example: from a page, I can mark this url/screen name. So the next time I click on the same button, the same window will pop up instead of opening multiple windows. If I have already had the window opened not via the button, when clicking the button, it pops up a new window instead of opening up the existing. Is there a way to check the screen name or partial url of the existing window? If there is a match with the url being called from the button, it will use the existing one. Hi! I'm new to this, so please bare with me. My terminology may not be up to par. Here's the deal: - I have a button on my Flash site that opens an HTML page in a popup window. In Flash, I open the new window using Actiosnscript 2.0: Code: on (release) { getURL("example1.html", "_blank"); } - Within the popup window are links to other HTML pages. They all open in the same window. I've been using the following to create the links in Dreamweaver: Code: onClick="MM_goToURL('parent','example2.html')" - On each page, I have a "Return to Main Menu" button that should close the popup window. To do this, I have been using: Code: onClick="window.close()" - The problem is that it works differently in each browser, and I can't even get it to consistently close the window in most browsers: Internet Explorer = popup message appears, asking "Are you sure you want to close this window?" or something similar; window closes after clicking "Yes." Safari = Only closes if I'm on the original HTML page. If I click on any of the other links (note that these all open in the same window), those pages' "Return to Main Menu" buttons cease to work. However, if I keep clicking "Back" until I get to the original page, it closes. Opera = Button actually works for each page. Firefox & Chrome = Does not close the window at all. I looked into it and saw that others have used a window.opener to solve similar issues. But, since my popup window is opened using Flash/AS2, I need to find a way around it. I've tried preceding "window.close()" with "window.opener=null" (i.e. - onClick="window.opener=null; window.close()"), but I don't think I'm doing it right because it still doesn't work. I've also seen others use codes that involve functions and variables, but it is beyond my current coding knowledge to implement this. Like I said, I'm sort of new at this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. - PW Hi all.This is part of my code which I am using to edit the record from database.Initially the input boxes show the values from database and if any one of the value is changed, I want to reflect the change according to the changes made in the fields.The code works fine but if I change values in qty,rate or amount, the other values are not changing.Can experts over here tell me why?Here is my code: Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function tot() { var d=document.getElementById("total").value; var st=Number(d); var e=document.getElementById("vat_amt").value; var tx=Number(e); var f=document.getElementById("cash_discount").value; var ad=Number(f); var g=document.getElementById("vat").value; var vat=Number(g); var h=(st+tx)-ad; document.getElementById("amount").value = Math.ceil(h); var z=vat+100; var y=(st*100)/z; var i=st-y; var result=Math.round(i*100)/100; //returns 28.45 document.getElementById("vat_amt").value =result; } var total = 0; function getValues() { var qty = 0; var rate = 0; var obj = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(var i=0; i<obj.length; i++){ if(obj[i].name == "qty[]"){var qty = obj[i].value;} if(obj[i].name == "rate[]"){var rate = obj[i].value;} if(obj[i].name == "amt[]"){ if(qty > 0 && rate > 0){obj[i].value = qty*rate;total+=(obj[i].value*1);} else{obj[i].value = 0;total+=(obj[i].value*1);} } } document.getElementById("total").value = total*1; total=0; } </script> </head> <body> <table width="23%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="normal-text" border="0" style="margin-top:0px; padding-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-bottom:0px;"> <tr> <td>Qty</td> <td>Rate</td> <td>Amount</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" name="qty[]" onkeyup="getValues()" style="width:120px;" value="<?PHP echo "$row3[qty]" ?>" class="text medium"></td> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" name="rate[]" onKeyUp="getValues()" style="width:120px;" value="<?PHP echo "$row3[rate]" ?>" class="text medium"></td> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" name="amt[]" style="width:120px;" onKeyUp="getValues()" class="text medium" value="<?PHP echo "$row3[amt]" ?>"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dt" colspan="2">Sub Total:</td> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" id="total" name="total" style="width:120px;" value="<?PHP echo "$row[total]" ?>" class="text medium"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dt" colspan="2">Vat:</td> <td class="forhead"><?PHP $query5=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM vat"); echo "<select name='vat' id='vat' style='width:120px; border: 1px solid #BFBFBF;' onChange='tot()'>"; echo "<option value='0'> Select</option>"; while($row5=mysql_fetch_array($query5)) {?> <option value= <?PHP echo $row5[vat]; ?> <?PHP echo($row5[vat]==$row[vat])?'selected':''?>> <?PHP echo $row5[vat]; ?> </option> <?PHP } echo "</select>"; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dt" colspan="2">Vat Amt :</td> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" id="vat_amt" name="vat_amt" style="width:120px;" value="<?PHP echo "$row[vat_amt]" ?>" class="text medium" onKeyUp="tot()"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dt" colspan="2">Cash Discount :</td> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" id="cash_discount" name="cash_discount" style="width:120px;" value="<?PHP echo "$row[cash_discount]" ?>" class="text medium" onKeyUp="tot()"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="dt" colspan="2">Total :</td> <td class="forhead"><input type="text" name="amount" id="amount" style="width:120px;" class="text medium" onKeyUp="tot()" value="<?PHP echo "$row[amount]" ?>"></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> I am using a to trigger a mailto: command. I don't want the window to stay open so I try to close it right after. The default email client launches correctly, but the window stays open and I get the following Javascript error: Unable to get value of the property 'close': object is null or undefined Code: Code: var win =,'emailWindow'); win.close(); Hi, I have parent page with 10 child window and i want to close all child window when click on close session button on parent but first i need to check whether any child window open or not after that action should be done for close the child window. function doUnload() { if (window.event.clientX < 0 && window.event.clientY < 0) { alert("Window is closing..."); } } i get window.event undefined by using var evt =window.event? event : e i get e undefuned var evt =window.event? event : e if (evt.clientX < 0 && evt.clientY < 0) { alert(evt.clientX +"Window is closing..."); } Hello all, and thank you for your coments, I want to preserve a 16/9 aspect ratio to the window after any resize, making the width a function of the height. As I have a window.resizeTo() inside the window.onresize event function, the infinite loop is served. How may I quit it? Code: <html><head><title>Title</title><script languaje="javascript"> const c_ra=16/9; window.onresize = function WindowReSize() { var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) { //Non-IE // myWidth = window.innerWidth; myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' // myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } myWidth = Math.floor(myHeight*c_ra); window.resizeTo(myWidth,myHeight); // ** CAUTION resize event in a onresize event handler ! }; </script></head><body><p>Hello World</p></body></html> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am currently using onbeforeunload to show user a message 'click ok to save, cancel to continue' Question.. On browser close event (user clicks on window close button 'X' on browser), I do not want to show the message to user. Can you please help with how to check the browser close event. Other details.. If user closes the browser, my ajax request is not getting executed and hence I am not able to save the data to database. Hence I am planning not to show the popup when user closes the browser. Thanks in advance... Sandip I have created and opened a child window called "checkwin" and have written some data to it. If the data is valid, I want the user to click on the 'CONFIRM' button on the child window, at which time I want the "submit()" function for the form on the parent window to be executed. If the data is invalid the user clicks on 'MODIFY' and I want focus to return to a field on the parent form. However, when I click on the "CONFIRM" or "MODIFY" buttons on the child window, nothing happens. Here is the code: Code: checkwin.document.write("</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><input type='button' value='CONFIRM' onclick='opener.document.personnel_form.submit()'></td><td></td><td><input type='button' value='MODIFY' onclick='opener.document.personnel_form.first_name.focus()'></td></tr></table>") In my main window, I create a popup window. Is there a way to bring the main window back to the foreground (make the main window the focus window again) from the popup window using JS? Like from a link or a button? Thanks this is quite embarrasing as i've done it before, but oh well... trying to close a window that is opened with a built-in dreamweaver function called MM_openBrWindow(). trying to use this code: PHP Code: if ($OutsideVisitors == "false") { echo '<center><strong><em><font size="4">THERE HAVE BEEN NO VISITORS TO THE WEBSITE TODAY... </font></em></strong><br><br><input name="closeme" type="button" id="closeme" value="Close Window" onclick="Window.Close()"; /></center>'; } i have also tried: PHP Code: onclick=javascript:Window.Close() it's just not behaving for me. any hints anyone? thanks a bunch! (the BrWindow() function in DW does open a popup window, so I think the js close() should work. if i remember right, a popup window is a prereq for that function to even work...) I am trying to execute a simple window.close function to be used in IE8 and IE9, and window.close() doesn't seem to be working. Are there any known fixes?
if it is done like this: Code: anElement.onclick=handleIt; function handleIt() { this. ... //'this' refer to the anElement } However, if you attach an event, quirk happens: Code: anElement.attachEvent("onclick",handleIt); // not sure if anElement.addEventListener("click",handleIt,false) works well function handleIt() { this. ... //'this' refer to an empty object ??????? } why 'this' doesn't refer to the current target? anyone can help? Been trying for three days to find a way to self close a FF window. The window is opened from a link on a board, and its only purpose is to run an onLoad script that launches a popup window, after which I need it to close itself. There are any number of ways to do this in IE, but nothing works in FF - the parent window remains open. Seems ridiculous that something so simple can't be done. Any help would be appreciated. Thx. |