JavaScript - Js Mojozoom Help... Js Newbe Really!
I have an old mojozoom script working on my xcart.... my problem is that it has a click event that opens the product in full screen view...I have to disable this function!
It is working of a loop for the dynamic products thats why I cant figure out where the dynamic link is... thank you for any help or hints in the right direction... i did try to single out where iin the code was the problem but to no avail. Code: var MojoZoom = (function() { var $ = function(id) {return document.getElementById(id);}; var dc = function(tag) {return document.createElement(tag);}; var defaultWidth = 288; var defaultHeight = 288; function addEvent(element, ev, handler) { var doHandler = function(e) { return handler(e||window.event); } if (element.addEventListener) { element.addEventListener(ev, doHandler, false); } else if (element.attachEvent) { element.attachEvent("on" + ev, doHandler); } } function getElementPos(element) { var x = element.offsetLeft; var y = element.offsetTop; var parent = element.offsetParent; while (parent) { x += parent.offsetLeft; y += parent.offsetTop; parent = parent.offsetParent; } return { x : x, y : y } } function getEventMousePos(element, e) { var scrollX = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var scrollY = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; if (e.currentTarget) { var pos = getElementPos(element); return { x : e.clientX - pos.x + scrollX, y : e.clientY - pos.y + scrollY } } return { x : e.offsetX, y : e.offsetY } } function makeZoomable(img, zoomSrc, zoomImgCtr, zoomWidth, zoomHeight, alwaysShow) { // make sure the image is loaded, if not then add an onload event and return if (!img.complete && !img.__mojoZoomQueued) { addEvent(img, "load", function() { img.__mojoZoomQueued = true; setTimeout(function() { makeZoomable(img, zoomSrc, zoomImgCtr, zoomWidth, zoomHeight, alwaysShow); }, 1); }); return; } // sorry var isIE = !!document.all && !!window.attachEvent && !window.opera; var w = img.offsetWidth; var h = img.offsetHeight; var oldParent = img.parentNode; if (oldParent.nodeName != "A") { var linkParent = dc("a"); linkParent.setAttribute("href", zoomSrc); oldParent.replaceChild(linkParent, img); linkParent.appendChild(img); } else { var linkParent = oldParent; } = "relative"; = "block"; = w+"px"; = h+"px"; var imgLeft = img.offsetLeft; var imgTop = img.offsetTop; var zoom = dc("div"); zoom.className = "mojozoom_marker"; var zoomImg = dc("img"); zoomImg.className = "mojozoom_img"; = "absolute"; = "-9999px"; document.body.appendChild(zoomImg); var parent = img.parentNode; var ctr = dc("div"); with ( { position = "absolute"; left = imgLeft+"px"; top = imgTop+"px"; width = w+"px"; height = h+"px"; overflow = "hidden"; display = "none"; } ctr.appendChild(zoom); parent.appendChild(ctr); var zoomInput = parent; var useDefaultCtr = false; if (!zoomImgCtr) { zoomImgCtr = dc("div"); zoomImgCtr.className = "mojozoom_imgctr"; var imgPos = getElementPos(img); = w + imgPos.x + "px"; = imgPos.y + "px"; = (zoomWidth ? zoomWidth : defaultWidth) +"px"; = (zoomHeight ? zoomHeight : defaultHeight) +"px"; document.body.appendChild(zoomImgCtr); useDefaultCtr = true; } = "hidden"; if (!alwaysShow) { = "hidden"; } addEvent(zoomImg, "load", function() { var zoomWidth = zoomImg.offsetWidth; var zoomHeight = zoomImg.offsetHeight; var ctrWidth = zoomImgCtr.offsetWidth; var ctrHeight = zoomImgCtr.offsetHeight; var ratioW = zoomWidth / w; var ratioH = zoomHeight / h; var markerWidth = Math.round(ctrWidth / ratioW); var markerHeight = Math.round(ctrHeight / ratioH); document.body.removeChild(zoomImg); zoomImgCtr.appendChild(zoomImg); var zoomFill = dc("div"); zoomFill.className = "mojozoom_fill"; zoom.appendChild(zoomFill); var zoomBorder = dc("div"); zoomBorder.className = "mojozoom_border"; zoom.appendChild(zoomBorder); = markerWidth+"px"; = markerHeight+"px"; if (alwaysShow) { = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; } var isInImage = false; if (!alwaysShow) { addEvent(zoomInput, "mouseout", function(e) { var target = || e.srcElement; if (!target) return; if (target.nodeName != "DIV") return; var relTarget = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; if (!relTarget) return; while (relTarget != target && relTarget.nodeName != "BODY" && relTarget.parentNode) { relTarget = relTarget.parentNode; } if (relTarget != target) { isInImage = false; = "none"; = "hidden"; } } ); // a bit of a hack, mouseout is sometimes not caught if moving mouse really fast addEvent(document.body, "mouseover", function(e) { if (isInImage && !(e.toElement == zoomBorder || == zoomBorder)) { = "none"; = "hidden"; isInImage = false; } } ); } addEvent(zoomInput, "mousemove", function(e) { isInImage = true; var imgPos = getElementPos(img); if (useDefaultCtr) { = w + imgPos.x + "px"; = imgPos.y + "px"; } = "block"; = "visible"; var pos = getEventMousePos(zoomInput, e); if (e.srcElement && isIE) { if (e.srcElement == zoom) return; if (e.srcElement != zoomInput) { var zoomImgPos = getElementPos(e.srcElement); pos.x -= (imgPos.x - zoomImgPos.x); pos.y -= (imgPos.y - zoomImgPos.y); } } var x = markerWidth/2; var y = markerHeight/2; if (!isIE) { pos.x -= imgLeft; pos.y -= imgTop; } if (pos.x < x) pos.x = x; if (pos.x > w-x) pos.x = w-x; if (pos.y < y) pos.y = y; if (pos.y > h-y) pos.y = h-y; var left = ((pos.x - x)|0); var top = ((pos.y - y)|0); = left + "px"; = top + "px"; = -((pos.x*ratioW - ctrWidth/2)|0)+"px"; = -((pos.y*ratioH - ctrHeight/2)|0)+"px"; } ); }); // I've no idea. Simply setting the src will make IE screw it self into a 100% CPU fest. In a timeout, it's ok. setTimeout(function() { zoomImg.src = zoomSrc; }, 1); } function init() { var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (var i=0;i<images.length;i++) { var img = images[i]; var zoomSrc = img.getAttribute("data-zoomsrc"); if (zoomSrc) { makeZoomable(img, zoomSrc, document.getElementById(img.getAttribute("id") + "_zoom"), null, null, img.getAttribute("data-zoomalwaysshow")=="true"); } } } return { addEvent : addEvent, init : init, makeZoomable : makeZoomable }; })(); MojoZoom.addEvent(window, "load", MojoZoom.init); Similar TutorialsIt is very simple.. i want to use the insertBefore but cannot figure it out. this is my JavaScript: Code: //create before element var myNewElement = document.createElement("li"); var newList = document.getElementsByTagName("li")[2]; myNewElement.insertBefore(newList, myNewElement); myNewElement.innerHTML = "Another List"; //document.getElementsByTagName("li").appendChild(); The console says node was not found. The bottom line is commented out because i'm not sure if i need it Hello everyone, I couldn't find anything informative on this subject online. could someone point me to the right direction on how to convert php variable so it could be used in a javascript section. for example I have a php array named $places, it's a nested array and I'd like to traverse through all the elements of this array much like it's done in php =>foreach($places as $place) but this done in JS. in a nutshell how do i convert this variable into a JS appropriate variable. -Thank you |