JavaScript - Dynamic Url From Date
I'm new here and also new to writing JS. I was hoping someone could tell me what is wrong with the code below. I am trying to load a page, and the filename will be different depending on current month and year. If I use the code below in the body for document.write instead of window.location it correctly displays this months page as 102009.htm. Is there a better way to do this? Thanks in advance for any help. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var months=new Array(13); months[1]="01" months[2]="02" months[3]="03" months[4]="04" months[5]="05" months[6]="06" months[7]="07" months[8]="08" months[9]="09" months[10]="10" months[11]="11" months[12]="12" var time=new Date(); var lmonth=months[time.getMonth() + 1]; var year=time.getYear(); window.location = (1month + year + ".htm") //--> </script> Similar TutorialsHi folks, i am trying to generate a dynamic datefield with date mask "mm/dd/yyyy" and trying to insert it into Oracle db ...i still got the error ORA invalid month ehich means the date filed is not recognized as date: below is what i am doing : newStartDate = document.createElement( 'INPUT' ); newStartDate.setAttribute('type','Date'); newStartDate.setAttribute('id1','id'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.setAttribute('name','StartDateName'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.size=8; bgc; any help thanks ?? Also i want to add a datepicke to this it is posible / other option is to use Jquery datepicker but could not know how to impement it thanks again Hi, I have 3 selects in a form for day, month and year for the user to enter his/her birthday. What I'm looking for is a piece of code / script which will dynamically change the day dropdown menu dependent on the month which is selected to display the correct number of days, and also according to if it is a leap year. Ive tried looking on google but I'm not sure what the correct term is to look for? Could anyone please help? Thanks Hi All, i am having some difficulties to figure out how can i link get my calendar (datepicker) working with my dynamic generated textbox . I am using a Jquery file that i download form the net <!-- link calendar files --> <script language="JavaScript" src="calendar_us.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="calendar.css"> and here is my code to generate my dynamic controls which is working fine actually..i need to have : 1- option : the datepicker showing up once i click on StartDate textbox 2- in the future i ll use an img and i want to use it to populate the datepicker. below is my modest javascipt code i use to create dynamic textbox: <script type="text/javascript"> // Declare element id for different dynamic generated controls var elementid = 1; function addNew() { var elementrow = 1; // Get the main Div in which all the other divs will be added var mainContainer = document.getElementById('mainContainer'); // Create a new div for holding text and button input elements var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); var bgc ="##E2E2E2"; //"##b2d47e"; newStartDate = document.createElement( 'INPUT' ); = 'id' + elementid + elementrow; newStartDate.setAttribute('id1','id'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.setAttribute('name','StartDateName'+ elementid+elementrow); newStartDate.size=8; bgc; // Create buttons for creating and removing inputs var newAddButton = document.createElement('input'); newAddButton.type = "button"; newAddButton.value = " + "; newAddButton.title = " Add new Project"; var newDelButton = document.createElement('input'); newDelButton.type = "button"; newDelButton.value = " - "; newDelButton.title = " Remove Project"; // Append new text input to the newDiv newDiv.appendChild(newStartDate); // Append new button inputs to the newDiv newDiv.appendChild(newAddButton); newDiv.appendChild(newDelButton); // Append newDiv input to the mainContainer div mainContainer.appendChild(newDiv); // Add a handler to button for deleting the newDiv from the mainContainer newAddButton.onclick = addNew; newDelButton.onclick = function() {mainContainer.removeChild(newDiv);}; elementid++; } </script> any help will be apprecited ! thanks Javascript novice here looking to create a dynamic dropdown based on date. It's a list of preset prices that will change each month to reflect a pro-rated system. Any thoughts/examples on how I would go about setting this up using javascript would be much appreciated. Thanks. Here's what I need: In September, the dropdown will display these prices Code: <option value="100">Product 1</option> <option value="150">Product 2</option> <option value="200">Product 3</option> In October, the dropdown will display these prices <option value="50">Product 1</option> <option value="100">Product 2</option> <option value="150">Product 3</option> Hello, I've been trying to figure this script out for awhile and I've hit a wall. Basically, what I want to do for my organization's website is to use JS to display an image containing our hours and have it change each day of the week. The hard part (for me) is that there are certain days we're closed. Ideally, I'd like a separate "We're Closed" message to overwrite the image carrying our hours on specific days (major holidays like Xmas, New Years, Vet's Day, furlough periods, etc. etc.). Here's the code I've managed to cobble together (I have a real basic understanding of JS, so I've been pulling scripts from sites offering free copy/pastecode): [CODE] <script language="javascript"> mytime=new Date(); mymonth=mytime.getMonth()+1; mydate=mytime.getDate(); myday=mytime.getDay(); arday = new Array("sunday.png", "monday.png", "tuesday.png", "wednesday.png", "thursday.png", "friday.png", "saturday.png"); document.write("<img src='" + arday[myday] + "'>"); if (mymonth==12 && mydate==24){document.write("<img src='closure.png'>"); } </script> [CODE] For the most part, this code works just fine. However, if I jump my system clock to December 24, the "closure.png" comes up appears ALONGSIDE the hours image for that day of the week. In other words, I've got two images appearing right next to each other - that's not what I want. How can I work the code in such a way that when a closure date comes up (in this case, 12/24), just the "closure.png" image shows up by itself? Thank you all so much for your time and patience. Hi All, i know how to create a dynamic form or DIv ..but what i do not know is how to create a dynamic form/ or div into a previous dynamic one.. i need basically to see 5 dynamic forms / DIV in cascade where each one trigger the one coming after.. For what i need that : i have my user inserting information on the level 1. let say Copagny info 2- then he will be asked if he wants to add a sub level information ( subform) for that compagny or even many subforms at the same level .. and so on... 3- those sub level ( subforms ) can also call their respective subforms.. Any idea how to design this ? thanks I have made a script where you can add extra fields, and next to the row is a span that automatically displays the outcome from a calculation of three fields in that row. i.e. Q x (B - A) = total. Here is the bit that does the calculation: Code: function advCalc(selected) { var result = Number(document.formmain.elements["quantity"+selected].value) * (Number(document.formmain.elements["provideamount"+selected].value) - Number(document.formmain.elements["supplyamount"+selected].value)) ; result = result.toFixed(2) ; result = addCommas(result) ; document.getElementById("total"+selected).innerHTML = result ; } The bit that adds a new row of fields is: Code: function addPart(divName){ var newdiv = document.createElement('div') ; newdiv.setAttribute('id', 'partrow' + counter) ; newdiv.setAttribute('style', 'clear:both;') ; newdiv.innerHTML = "<div style='float:left;width:40px;text-align:center;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input onkeyup=\"advCalc('" + counter + "')\" id=' quantity " + counter + "' type='text' value='1' size='1'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:100px;text-align:left;margin:5px 0px 0px 0px;'>\r<input id='manufacturer" + counter + "'type='text' value='' size='9'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:95px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input id='partnumber" + counter + "'type='text' value='' size='9'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:80px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input id='supplier" + counter + "'type='text' value='' size='4'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:100px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input id='type" + counter + "'type='text' value='' size='6'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:85px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input id='deliverytime" + counter + "'type='text' value='' size='13'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:40px;text-align:left;margin:5px 0px 0px 45px;'>\r<select id='supplyCurrency" + counter + "'>\r<option value='pound' selected='selected'>£</option><option value='dol'>$</option><option value='euro'>€</option></select>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:15px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input onkeyup=\"advCalc(\'" + counter + "\')\" id=' supplyamount " + counter + "'type='text' value='' size='3'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:40px;text-align:left;margin:5px 0px 0px 45px;'>\r<select name='provideCurrency" + counter + "'><option value='pound' selected='selected'>£</option><option value='dol'>$</option><option value='euro'>€</option></select>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:15px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'>\r<input onkeyup=\"advCalc(\'" + counter + "\') id=' provideamount " + counter + "' type='text' value='' size='3'/>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:20px;text-align:left;margin:5px 0px 0px 45px;'>\r<strong>£</strong>\r</div>\r<div style='float:left;width:40px;text-align:left;margin:5px 5px 0px 0px;'><span id=' total " + counter + "'></span></div> \r" ; document.getElementById(divName).appendChild(newdiv) ; counter++ ; } The problem I am having is that it works fine for the first row which is hardcoded as e.g. id="provideamount0" etc. It isn't working for any other fields added but I can't see what is wrong Not sure if this is possible in javascript: I'm looking for two different dates (bill date and due date) on an invoice that are captured by OCR. If one of them exists, but the other does not, I want the empty field to be 14 days before (or after) the other. For example: if the bill date is 7/27/2010 and the due date was not captured, I want to set the due date as 8/10/2010 (14 days after the bill date). If the due date was captured as 8/10/2010, but the due date is blank, I want to assign the bill date as 7/27/2010 (14 days before the due date). if both dates have values, do nothing. Thanks. Hi, I've inherited a Form which calculates a future date based on a calculation and then inserts today's date and the future date into a database. The day part of the date is formatted as a number. This is fine, but up to 9 the numbers display in single figures with no leading zeros. I want them to display leading zeros (e.g. 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11... 30, 31) So; 1/12/2010 is NOT wanted 01/12/2010 IS wanted The inherited code originally set the Month names as "Jan", "Feb" etc, and it was easy to kludge these to 01, 02... 12, but I suspect there's a more elgant solution to this as well, this bit of the code works so it's not as vital to neaten this but my database needs dd/mm/yyyy format (it's a third party email program). Code: </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var todaysDate = new Date(); function updateExpiryDate(){ var weeklyMileage = document.getElementById('AvWeeklyMileage').value; var expiryDate; var weeks = 0; var expiryDateString = ''; if (!isNaN(parseInt(weeklyMileage))){ weeks = 700/weeklyMileage; expiryDate = new Date(todaysDate.getTime() + (1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7 * weeks)); var expiryDateString = expiryDate.getDate() + '/' + getMonthString(expiryDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + expiryDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('expiryDate').innerHTML = expiryDateString; document.getElementById('ShoeExpiryDate').value = expiryDateString; } else { document.getElementById('ShoeExpiryDate').value = ''; document.getElementById('expiryDate').innerHTML = 'Please enter a valid weekly average mileage' } } function getMonthString(monthNumber){ var monthString = ""; switch(monthNumber){ case 1: monthString = "01"; break; case 2: monthString = "02"; break; case 3: monthString = "03"; break; case 4: monthString = "04"; break; case 5: monthString = "05"; break; case 6: monthString = "06"; break; case 7: monthString = "07"; break; case 8: monthString = "08"; break; case 9: monthString = "09"; break; case 10: monthString = "10"; break; case 11: monthString = "11"; break; case 12: monthString = "12"; break; default: // do nothing; } return monthString; } function setTodaysDate(){ var todaysDateString = todaysDate.getDate() + '/' + getMonthString(todaysDate.getMonth()+1) + '/' + todaysDate.getFullYear(); document.getElementById('todaysDate').innerHTML =todaysDateString; document.getElementById('DateOfPurchase').value = todaysDateString; } Can someone point me in the right direction please? I have a drop down menu where people can select a month, day and year. Based on their selection, I want to show them an image. If their selection is >= July 26, 2010 but <= July 25, 2011, show the red image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2011 but <= July 25, 2012, show the white image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2012 but <= July 25, 2013, show the blue image; If their selection is >= July 26, 2013 but <= July 25, 2014, show the yellow image; I don't know how to compare a selected date to a range of dates like this. Hello, I really need your help with one. How can I use the following code below to save the date from my popup window datepicker back into a var and relay it back onto its parent page? I can't seem to figure this out: Code: <html> <head> <script> function open_cal() { var str_html = "" + "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" + "<html lang=\"en\">\n" + "<head>\n" + "<meta charset=\"utf-8\">\n" + "<title>CALENDAR</title>\n" + "<link href=\"jq/jquery-ui.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n" + "<script src=\"jq/jquery.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></" + "script>\n" + "<script src=\"jq/jquery-ui.min.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></" + "script>\n" + "<script src=\"jq/datepicker.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></" + "script>\n" + "</head>\n" + "<body>\n" + "<div id=\"text\" style=\"font: bold 10pt Tahoma\">Enter Approval Date:</div>\n" + "<div id=\"datepicker\"></div>\n" + "</body>\n" + "</html>" var j ="","CALENDAR","width=200,height=250,status=no,resizable=yes,top=200,left=200") j.opener = self; j.document.write(str_html); } </script> </head> <body> <input onclick="open_cal()" type="button" value="Open" name="B1"> </body> </html> Datepicker.js: Code: $(function() { $( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { alert(dateText) window.close() } }) }); Any help with this is greatly and mostly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Cheers, J Using Adobe Form Javascript validation, how would I do this code for Visual Basic in Javascript (non web) Code: If PurchaseDate.Value > Date Then MsgBox ("PurchaseDate cannot be greater than Today's Date!") Cancel = True End If Something along these lines but this isnt working: Code: If (PurchaseDate.Value > Date) Then { app.alert ("Purchase Date cannot be greater than Today's Date!"); } Thanks Hi, I need to add days to a date in javascript, My requirement is as follows: Date is coming from a textbox. eg:- 26/07/2010 days from this statement var day1=document.getElementById('<%=HiddenDate.ClientID %>').value; an eg:- if the date is 28/01/2012 and days Needed to be added=5 the added date should be 02/02/2012. Can anybody help me? Thanks Jamuna hello there this is in vb script. but i dont where to post it. can any one hlep me out plzz I need to check if the date entered by user is within 5th date from current date. I am trying to do it this way entered date has month and date value Code: sResvDate = 01/24 Set sMaxDays to getdate(5) but get date will give year too. and how do i compare if it less than 5th day or not. I am delving into the coding world and while I understand the basic principle of cookies, conditional statements, arrays, etc... I am still learning how to properly implement them. Any asistance with the following situation would be greatly appreciated and help with my learning as I try to reverse engineer the logic. I have looked around the web and this forum with little success. If the situation below is too complicated, I would really appreciate even a shove in the right direction regarding the logic. ----------------- How could I show a preset counter which counts up from a preset, beginning number toward a preset, end number? I imagine the increment and speed is set be the difference between the two numbers and a timeframe. Assumptions: I would rather not set the increment but edit the end number to show a steady increase. As I update that number, the increment adapts dynamically. I would want the number/script to be useful, so it should not refresh to the beginning number on each page load (i.e. num=0). When a visitor comes to the page, it must seem like the counter has been steadily been increasing in their absence. Coke or Pesi did something similar one time regarding cans sold to date (doubt it was plugged into a DB somewhere but rather based on a steady sales figure) and it was pretty cool. All the best! Hello all. I am currently viewing various reports based on a location chosen by a dropdown. When I select GO, the page sends the location to a popup, which then queries based on that location and displays the graph on the popup window. What I want to do is to eliminate the popup and send the location to a <div> on the same page and then have the query run and display the graph on the same page. Is this possible, or do Divs have to be static content? Thanks, Parallon I have a dynamic website where my client can upload pictures to, i have php dynamically show the images and etc, i also have php assign each photo an id number. Basically what it is each photo dynamically gets id=$i++. So every photo uploaded it goes up one higher. Now i wanted to make it so in javascript the same happens, the id is dynamically i++ but im not very good in javascript so i was hoping i could get some help. Basically i want it to be something like this. (unless u know a better way of doing the same kind of effect) Code: var i=0; $(document) .ready(function(){ setTimeout(function () {$("#i++").fadeOut("slow");}, 100); setTimeout(function () {$("#i++").fadeIn("fast");}, 400); }); I just need help getting the i++ to work. I'm a complete rooking at javascript (and haven't looked at php in months), but am wondering if its possible to do the following with javascript. I have a listing of 10 to 16 teams. I'd like to be able to list the teams in a drop down select box. And when the user selects a team, that teams listing of players is than shown below. The user should than be able to toggle through the listing to review each time. Is something like this possible with javascript? |