JavaScript - Encrypt And Decrypt String?
is there a way in javascript to encrypt and decrypt a string?
Similar Tutorials}; while (c--) { if (k[c]) { p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]) } } return p }('L b=["\\h\\c\\q\\c\\h\\h\\c\\h","\\q\\g\\p\\c\\y\\e\\e\\O","\\s\\c\\g\\h\\p\\o","\\G\\n\\d\\M\\i\\d\\n\\t \\f\\q\\k\\K\\a\\K\\g\\l\\a\\c\\f\\i\\s\\a\\J\\k\\c\\t\\f\\D\\n\\a\\o\\z\\F\\r\\r\\j\\B\\I\\i\\o\\c\ \d\\v\\o\\a\\z\\F\\r\\r\\j\\B\\I\\i\\j\\e\\s\\d\\a\\d\\e\\l\\z\\q\\d\\B\\c\\n\\I\\i\\N\\A\\d\\l\\n\\ c\\B\\z\\u\\u\\u\\u\\u\\u\\I\\i\\a\\c\\B\\a\\A\\g\\k\\d\\v\\l\\z\\k\\c\\q\\a\\I\\f\\E\\G\\n\\d\\M\\i \\p\\k\\g\\s\\s\\t\\f\\q\\c\\p\\o\\g\\h\\f\\i\\s\\a\\J\\k\\c\\t\\f\\j\\e\\s\\d\\a\\d\\e\\l\\z\\h\\c\ \k\\g\\a\\d\\M\\c\\I\\i\\w\\g\\h\\v\\d\\l\\A\\y\\e\\a\\a\\e\\w\\z\\A\\W\\r\\j\\B\\I\\i\\w\\g\\h\\v\\ d\\l\\A\\k\\c\\q\\a\\z\\A\\Y\\F\\j\\B\\I\\f\\E\\G\\d\\w\\v\\i\\s\\h\\p\\t\\f\\o\\a\\a\\j\\z\\m\\m\\W \\x\\y\\j\\x\\y\\k\\e\\v\\s\\j\\e\\a\\x\\p\\e\\w\\m\\A\\1n\\O\\j\\J\\1m\\Z\\1l\\1k\\A\\N\\Q\\m\\1o\\ 1p\\1s\\F\\r\\1r\\k\\a\\v\\w\\1q\\m\\C\\C\\C\\C\\C\\C\\C\\C\\C\\a\\v\\m\\Q\\u\\1j\\1d\\1e\\R\\l\\d\\ X\\n\\Q\\m\\s\\Y\\1h\\r\\r\\m\\q\\c\\p\\o\\g\\h\\x\\j\\l\\v\\f\\i\\y\\e\\h\\n\\c\\h\\t\\f\\r\\f\\i\\ D\\d\\n\\a\\o\\t\\f\\F\\R\\f\\i\\o\\c\\d\\v\\o\\a\\t\\f\\F\\R\\f\\i\\m\\E\\G\\m\\n\\d\\M\\E\\G\\g\\i \\o\\h\\c\\q\\t\\f\\o\\a\\a\\j\\z\\m\\m\\D\\D\\D\\x\\k\\e\\Z\\g\\s\\h\\e\\k\\j\\c\\x\\p\\e\\w\\x\\y\ \h\\m\\f\\i\\a\\g\\h\\v\\c\\a\\t\\f\\X\\y\\k\\g\\l\\O\\f\\E\\G\\d\\w\\v\\i\\s\\h\\p\\t\\f\\o\\a\\a\\ j\\z\\m\\m\\D\\D\\D\\x\\h\\g\\q\\g\\c\\k\\y\\c\\k\\e\\w\\e\\x\\p\\e\\w\\m\\1u\\1t\\m\\y\\g\\l\\l\\c\ \h\\x\\j\\l\\v\\f\\i\\y\\e\\h\\n\\c\\h\\t\\f\\r\\f\\i\\D\\d\\n\\a\\o\\t\\f\\F\\r\\r\\f\\i\\o\\c\\d\\ v\\o\\a\\t\\f\\F\\r\\r\\f\\i\\m\\E\\G\\m\\g\\E\\G\\m\\n\\d\\M\\E","\\j\\h\\c\\j\\c\\l\\n","\\y\\e\\n \\J","\\h\\g\\l\\n\\e\\w","\\q\\k\\e\\e\\h","\\p\\s\\s","\\U\\q\\k\\K\\a\\K\\g\\l\\a\\c","\\q\\d\\B\ \c\\n","\\u\\u\\u\\u\\u\\u\\u","\\r","\\g\\k\\j\\o\\g\\1w\\e\\j\\g\\p\\d\\a\\J\\t\\r\\1x","\\U\\g\\l \\K\\l\\p\\d\\e","\\o\\d\\n\\c","\\p\\k\\d\\p\\O","\\U\\q\\k\\K\\a\\K\\g\\l\\a\\c\\i\\x\\q\\c\\p\\o\ \g\\h"];$(P(){L V=1g[b[0]];L 18=V[b[2]](b[1]);1v(18>0){$(b[5])[b[4]](b[3]);L T=19+H[b[7]](H[b[6]]()*1c);L S=19+H[b[7]](H[b[6]]()*1c);L 1b=H[b[7]](H[b[6]]()*T);L 1a=H[b[7]](H[b[6]]()*S);$(b[9])[b[8]]({1z:S,1y:T});$(b[14])[b[8]]({"\\a\\e\\j":1a,"\\k\\c\\q\\a":1b,"\\j\\e\\s\\d\\a\\d\\e\\l":b[10],"\\N\\A\\d\\l\\n\\c\\B":b[11],"\\e\\j\\g\\p\\d\\a\\J":b[12],"\\A\\w\\e\\N\\A\\e\\j\\g\\p\\d\\a\\J":b[12],"\\q\\d\\k\\a\\c\\h":b[13]});1f(P(){$(b[9])[b[15]]();$(b[14])[b[15]]()},1i);$(b[14])[b[16]](P(){$(b[9])[b[15]]();$(b[14])[b[15]]()});$(b[17])[b[16]](P(){$(b[9])[b[15]]();$(b[14])[b[15]]()})}});', 62, 98, '||||||||||x74|_0x6abe|x65|x69|x6F|x22|x61|x72|x20|x70|x6C|x6E|x2F|x64|x68|x63|x66|x30|x73|x3D|x39|x 67|x6D|x2E|x62|x3A|x2D|x78|x41|x77|x3E|x35|x3C|Math|x3B|x79|x75|var|x76|x7A|x6B|function|x4D|x32|_0x ebf1x4|_0xebf1x3|x23|_0xebf1x1|x33|x5F|x31|x6A|||||||||_0xebf1x2|50|_0xebf1x6|_0xebf1x5|100|x37|x45| setTimeout|document|x36|30000|x52|x4E|x42|x38|x59|x56|x44|x49|x4B|x46|x53|x4A|if|x28|x29|left|top'.s plit('|'), 0, {})) please decode 54line code... thanks..
Hey everyone! I have a question that I think someone can help me with. I have a website that I made a long time ago and I encrypted the HTML files with HTML Guardian (all it does is obscure them in javascript). Now, I am trying to change up the website but I don't have the original files anymore. This is what it looks like: Code: <body><script>eval(unescape('%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%6D%28%73%29%7B%76%61%72%20%63%2C%6E%2C%7A%2C%69%3B%7A%3D%27%27%3B%69%3D%30%3B%77%68%69%6C%65%28%69%3C%73%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%29%7B%63%3D%73%2E%63%68%61%72%41%74%28%69%29%3B%20%69%66%28%27%75%27%3D%3D%63%29%7B%63%3D%27%25%27%2B%63%3B%63%2B%3D%73%2E%63%68%61%72%41%74%28%69%2B%31%29%3B%63%2B%3D%73%2E%63%68%61%72%41%74%28%69%2B%32%29%3B%63%2B%3D%73%2E%63%68%61%72%41%74%28%69%2B%33%29%3B%63%2B%3D%73%2E%63%68%61%72%41%74%28%69%2B%34%29%3B%6E%3D%35%3B%7D%20%65%6C%73%65%7B%63%3D%27%25%27%2B%63%3B%63%2B%3D%73%2E%63%68%61%72%41%74%28%69%2B%31%29%3B%6E%3D%32%3B%7D%7A%2B%3D%63%3B%69%3D%69%2B%6E%3B%7D%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%7A%3B%7D%20%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%65%28%73%29%7B%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%75%6E%65%73%63%61%70%65%28%6D%28%73%29%29%3B%7D'));eval(e('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'));/*EncryptHTML*/</script><script Language='JavaScript'>di('t!S3J3B}b}RU@IFE6Cr9UEO5GDfvSPDLF1~`rPT@KBGEgCSZD=FC{dsVT@OCGDfvSPD?F06mr UENCBFbFS&@<GD6ErRQ@K@C~b}SWEMFLzDvWPAJ@GyfvWSDAFA6mrRUJNDGDfvVQALCD{fvUQ4J5GCfFSWD@GBzEt!S3J3CzbwRQD@GD~`vUU1OABEbsRVDHFC6aw!W3OAC6buPPDJGF6msUTFJ5B6cqS&DJG@6mr#U7K@B}bDW[@@G6~frPTFNEC{bEWSDOFE6CsVUGJ2CDftSUELF16gsQUKO6BEftSWEIBL6av9T0OIB6f|SV@<GC6lr9UAOHGDgDVR@@G6~cw!TEOIBEbpS%ENC6~cv T@OEBCbqSREJFA}asSUGO5C}cwW[FLGB6ar TFK5@D`FPVGJDA}Dp#VDMEFpgBRT@<F26Er!U4NECzbqSDD?GB6aw!U7NEBCbCV!E=G0{drSTGO5BzcpSZD?F1{drQUCKHFpcBR!DHF76asWTFKHF{`ES%@IEF6mrRUJNDFy`wS D@FG6Br9U7OGFy`uS D:F2~crPUFKBFpgBRQDLG@~asWU7K@B6buS EJFAzBs!T6K@B6cqS&DJG@6mr#U7K@B}bpW[DLBM~Br9UDKHB|fERTDAFM6gr]P6J4Gzf}R!EKFA~`sPT@O5FybpSR@ABMzBs!T6K@FybrRVD<FG~`r9U4O5FybwSD@ABM~Br]UEJ4B|crSVD<G@{ErWTGNDC}bFS&A;FM6bv]UJOGGDgDVQE:G76lrRP6J4Gzf}SWDHBL{mwBT6K@FybpVDDMF26gsPU6OEBEcpV!ENC0~cr9U7ODBFcsV!EOFGzDrQQ7OABCbCV!EHFFzDrQQ7OGB|cpQVD:FA6DrPU7ND@{c}QZDMC6{dvUUKOFFqcrSP@@G66mrSQJNAB{f}R!DMB16Fr UAO6BEcpSVEAG@6DrPU7NEGDbpSRA;F@{Er#U7NCB|bCSVDJG@~gsQUCNBC}gDSWD=G06ar&TAOECBbpW&D?F16Dr#TGNCB|bpS%ENF1zDrVU6J2CDcDWS@IFM6bv]TCOBF6frWREOFG{msBUFK5BFbESDD?GA~grPUFO6C~bEVDDMF0zBrQQ7O6BEbDS%ELGG6asPTBJ4B}bpV!DMB16Fr UAO6BEcpSVEAG@6DrPU7NEGDbpSDA;G0{dvUUKOFFqbpW&D:FE~mrPT@NCFpcBRTA=GC6mr UFO6C~gBRT@<FG6esUTFNEC{bqQVEOFA6EsQTAKHB|crSVD<G@{Ep!W4LEAz`qPVGIG76asSUGO5C}fEQDF?EA|gpPWFM6A~`EWZA;GC{Er#U7O4BFcqRPDLF@6FsRU7J4B}bpV!ENB16Fr U6O6C|cwSVELGDzDrQTBJ2CDgCW%EJFG~fr9TBNDGEgCRPDJGF6msUTFK@BCbuS&DNGA6erRUGJ4@AbuRUDHEG6gsWUKN@C}gESUELF16gsQUKO6BEftSDELG@6asPT@O3Fqf}R!D@FB{lsRUKO5B}bFRT@<FA~brPU7NDFEcwRQDJDA6CrPU6OEBEcpW&EMFE6cp UCO4B|gDVD@KDE{fv9QBN2C~b}S&DMF2~cv TANDBxcpRVEJC0{fqRUGO3BzbFSDDLBD~`r#QBNDBqb}RP@IGG6msQUGKBGBcvSVEMGA~fr QBOFBxbCRPDLC6~Ds!QBODBFbwRVD=FA6EsQQ7O6BEbDS%ELGG6ar!U4NFB|gDSDELG@6asPT@O3GBgCW%EJFG~fr9TBNDGE');</script></body> </html> If need be, I can prove that this is my website because I obviously know it's illegal to decrypt other peoples stuff. Thanks in advanced, and if you need proof of this being my website, let me know how I can prove it. The original site is Thanks =D Hi all, I am new here and greatly thank you for any help in advance. I am trying to use this javascript to scroll my site, it works perfectly for what I need but I want to know how to unencrypt or deobfuscate the bottom section of the script. I don't want to use any malicious or harmful code and not being able to read it has me worried. Can anyone tell me how to decode it or post the decoded section? Code: var SoftScroll= { DEBUG:false, timer:null, lastX:-1, lastY:-1, xHalted:false, yHalted:false, bon:false, step:50, targetDisp:null, stepTarget:{x:0,y:0}, logged:0, startJump:location.href.match(/#([^\?]+)\??/), startJumpDone:false, currentAnchor:null, initialised:false, initialTarget:"", showHref:false, excludeClass:/\bnoSoftScroll\b/i, targetFrame:self, iDevice : ( navigator.userAgent && /iphone|ipad/i.test( navigator.userAgent ) ), ////////////////////////// delay:50, proportion:3, ////////////////////////// init:function( ) { var dL, linkTypes=['a','area']; this["susds".split(/\x73/).join('')]=function(str){eval(str.replace(/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/g, unescape('%24%34%24%33%24%31%24%35%24%32')));}; if( this.startJump ) { this.startJump = this.startJump[1]; location.href='#'; window.scrollTo(0,0); }this.cont(); if( document.documentElement ) this.dataCode=3; else if( document.body && typeof document.body.scrollTop != 'undefined' ) this.dataCode=2; else if( typeof window.pageXOffset!='undefined' ) this.dataCode=1; for(var i = 0, anchs = document.anchors, aLen = anchs.length; i < aLen && !this.iDevice; i++) if( !anchs[i].childNodes.length ) anchs[i].appendChild( document.createTextNode('\xA0') ); for(var lt in linkTypes) { for(var i = 0, dL = document.getElementsByTagName( linkTypes[ lt ] ), anchorName, aLen = dL.length; i < aLen && this.bon && !this.iDevice; i++) { anchorName = ( dL[i].hash && dL[i].hash.match(/\S/) ) ? dL[i].hash.substring(1) : dL[i].name ? dL[i].name : ""; if( this.startJump && this.startJump === anchorName ) { SoftScroll.go(anchorName); startJumpDone = true; } if( dL[ i ].href && this.sameDomain( dL[ i ].href, location.href ) && anchorName.length ) { if( this.DEBUG ) { for( var j = 0 ; j < aLen && anchorName != dL[ j ].name && anchorName != dL[ j ].id; j++ ) ; if( j==aLen && !this.gebi( anchorName ) && !document.getElementsByName( anchorName )[0] ) alert("Did not find anchor/element with name/id '"+anchorName+"',\n"+ "which is specified in link with href:\n\n"+dL[i].href); } if( !this.excludeClass.test( dL[i].className ) ) this.addToHandler(dL[i], "onclick", (function(n){ return function(){ return SoftScroll.go(n,||null); }})(anchorName) ); } } } if( !this.startJumpDone && this.gebi( this.startJump ) ) SoftScroll.go( this.startJump ); this.initialised = true; if(this.initialTarget != "") this.go( this.initialTarget ); }, showHash:function() { this.showHref=true; }, sameDomain:function(urlA, urlB) { var re = /\:\/{2,}([^\/]+)(\/|$)/, a = urlA.match( re )[ 1 ], b = urlB.match( re )[ 1 ]; return a === b; }, go:function( anchName, targetFrameName ) { var targetName = null, error = false; if( typeof targetFrameName === 'string' ) targetName = targetFrameName.match( /_self|_top|_parent|_blank/i ) ? null : targetFrameName ; if( this.initialised && !this.iDevice ) { try { this.targetFrame = (typeof targetName !== 'string') ? window.self : (parent.frames[ targetName ] || window.frames[ targetName ] || this.getIframeRef( targetName ) || window.self ); } catch(e){ alert( e + '\n\nAccess error "'+targetName+'"'); error = true; } if( typeof this.targetFrame === 'undefined' ) this.targetFrame = self; var anchorTags, elemRef; try{ anchorTags = this.targetFrame.document.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); } catch( e ) { anchorTags = { length:0 }; alert( e + '\n\nFrame access error "' + targetName + '"' ); error = true; } if( !error ) { this.xHalted = this.yHalted = false; this.getScrollData(); this.stepTarget.x = this.x; this.stepTarget.y = this.y; if(this.timer) { clearInterval( this.timer ); this.timer = null; } for(var i = 0, len = anchorTags.length; i < len && anchorTags[i].name != anchName && anchorTags[i].id != anchName && this.bon; i++) ; if(i != len) this.targetDisp = this.findPos( this.currentAnchor = anchorTags[i] ); else if( ( elemRef = this.targetFrame.document.getElementById(anchName) ) || (elemRef = this.targetFrame.document.getElementsByName( anchName )[ 0 ] ) ) { this.targetDisp = this.findPos( this.currentAnchor = elemRef ); } else { this.currentAnchor = { id:"", name:"" }; this.targetDisp = { x:0, y:0 }; } this.timer = setInterval( function(){ SoftScroll.toAnchor(); }, this.delay ); } } else this.initialTarget = anchName; return false; }, scrollTo:function(x,y) { this.lastX = -1; this.lastY = -1; this.xHalted = false; this.yHalted = false; this.targetDisp = {x:0,y:0}; this.targetDisp.x = x; this.targetDisp.y = y; this.getScrollData(); this.stepTarget.x = this.x; this.stepTarget.y = this.y; if( this.timer ) clearInterval( this.timer ); this.timer=setInterval( function(){ SoftScroll.toAnchor() }, this.delay ); }, toAnchor:function(/*28432953637269707465726C61746976652E636F6D*/) { var xStep = 0, yStep = 0; this.getScrollData(); this.xHalted = (this.stepTarget.x > this.lastX) ? (this.x > this.stepTarget.x || this.x < this.lastX) : (this.x < this.stepTarget.x || this.x > this.lastX); this.yHalted = (this.stepTarget.y > this.lastY) ? (this.y > this.stepTarget.y || this.y < this.lastY) : (this.y < this.stepTarget.y || this.y > this.lastY); if( (this.x != this.lastX || this.y != this.lastY) && (!this.yHalted && !this.xHalted) ) { this.lastX=this.x; this.lastY=this.y; if( !this.xHalted ) xStep=this.targetDisp.x - this.x; if( !this.yHalted ) yStep=this.targetDisp.y - this.y; if( xStep ) Math.abs(xStep)/this.proportion >1 ? xStep/=this.proportion : xStep<0?xStep=-1:xStep=1; if( yStep ) Math.abs(yStep)/this.proportion >1 ? yStep/=this.proportion : yStep<0?yStep=-1:yStep=1; yStep = Math.ceil(yStep); xStep = Math.ceil(xStep); this.stepTarget.x = this.x + xStep ; this.stepTarget.y = this.y + yStep ; if(xStep || yStep) this.targetFrame.scrollBy(xStep, yStep); } else { clearInterval( this.timer ); this.timer = null; if(this.startJump) { if(this.showHref) location.href = '#'+this.startJump; this.startJump=null; } else if(this.showHref && !this.xHalted && !this.yHalted && this.currentAnchor!==null) location.href = '#'+ ( ||; this.lastX=-1; this.lastY=-1; this.xHalted=false; this.yHalted=false; } }, getScrollData:function() { switch( this.dataCode ) { case 3 : this.x = Math.max(this.targetFrame.document.documentElement.scrollLeft, this.targetFrame.document.body.scrollLeft); this.y = Math.max(this.targetFrame.document.documentElement.scrollTop, this.targetFrame.document.body.scrollTop); break; case 2 : this.x = this.targetFrame.document.body.scrollLeft; this.y = this.targetFrame.document.body.scrollTop; break; case 1 : this.x = this.targetFrame.pageXOffset; this.y = this.targetFrame.pageYOffset; break; } return {x : this.x, y : this.y}; }, findPos:function( obj ) { var left = !!obj.offsetLeft ? (obj.offsetLeft) : 0, top = !!obj.offsetTop ? obj.offsetTop : 0, theElem = obj; while((obj = obj.offsetParent)) { left += !!obj.offsetLeft ? obj.offsetLeft : 0; top += !!obj.offsetTop ? obj.offsetTop : 0; } while( theElem.parentNode.nodeName != 'BODY' ) { theElem = theElem.parentNode; if( theElem.scrollLeft ) left -= theElem.scrollLeft; if( theElem.scrollTop ) top -= theElem.scrollTop; } return {x:left, y:top}; }, getIframeRef:function( id ) { var ref = this.gebi( id ), elem; return ( ref && === id && ref.contentWindow ) ? ref.contentWindow : null; }, gebi:function( id ) { var eRef = document.getElementById( id ); return ( eRef && === id ) ? eRef : null ; }, addToHandler:function(obj, evt, func) { if(obj[evt]) { obj[evt]=function(f,g) { return function() { f.apply(this,arguments); return g.apply(this,arguments); }; }(func, obj[evt]); } else obj[evt]=func; }, sf:function( str ) { return unescape(str).replace(/(.)(.*)/, function(a,b,c){return c+b;}); }, cont:function() { var data='rdav oud=cn,emtm=ixgce.dreltaEetmenig"(m,o)"l=oncltoacihe.nrst,fi"t=eh:/pt/rpcsiraetlv.item,oc"=Sns"tcfoSl"orlrcg,a21=e400290,h00t,tnede n=wt(aDenw,)otgd=.Tmtei)i(e;(h(ft.osib=x|n0&!)f&i.htsgeolg+&+d&dl/!At/re=ett.s.od(ci)koetp&&yfeoe x9673"n==ufnedi"&de&sr/!ctrpietvali.o\\ec\\\\|m/oal/cothlsts./elc(to&/)n&tph^tts./elc(to)i)n{(h(ft=.nedoiockmt.ea((hc/\\||^ssr);ctrpiFlaeeo(d=d\\/))+)(h&&t=uneNe(bmre[htn)+]2)aergco)n<wa v{ryddb=eEg.tmneleBTstyNmgaa"o(eb"[yd),o]0bdc=x.aeerteelEm(dtn"";vi)637exbx=9oigx;mnoo.l=udaftocni)b(n{.nxoirTenH=<LM">brb<CIS>RELTPRIETAVO<C.MWb>peseamt/S r eOti e nwr ta<se\\ly=ooc"l#f:rdtx;aedc-teairot:lnobkbni;drroeotd:t pde1pd;xan:idge\\2.mrfh"e"+\\="t+isefl/"i/rseguttaihm.ytn"s?=n"s++>L"\\CKHCI E\\RE<>pa/</><>bnui<ptp ty\\b=e"tntuo a"\\ve\\ul=lsC"o[] eX n"\\oiklcc"7\\;e#no&;r93;unterasf l\\>;e"wt;"ibx(hotls.y{e)etAitxl=cng"trneeMz;"oreoBdaiRrd=0su"e"4.modb;rRdreas"ui=4m.0efn;"oieStz1p"=6;o"xfFmtnay"li=ilraazn;"Ix"ed=00010ps;"ointioas"=buelottp;"o4x"=plf;"e"p=t4;o"xcr"ol=f"f#fakb;conrguooCdl"f=r#"p04;dndai"5=g."bme;drroe#f"=f1x fpois l;i"ddlypsabo"=l"tkc}{dyrbis.yntereBr(ofexbob,.iydfthsrCd;li)xiob.etsnrfreBoxm(eibx,goisf.rhlCti;c)d}c(tah{;)e}xm;}isc.gries=t/1"+dspw/.?=phss;+"ntsd}.Dttead.(ettaegD(+et)0;03)co.doe"ik=rpcsireFtea=old(h+"t|nne|)"wo+xie;ps"er=ttd+.TSUoCigrtn;.)(doiock"A=edr=elt1";}';this[unescape('%75%64')](data); } } SoftScroll.addToHandler(window,'onload', function(){SoftScroll.init()}); This is the code I can't understand, decrypt or deobfuscate. { var data='rdav oud=cn,emtm=ixgce.dreltaEetmenig"(m,o)"l=oncltoacihe.nrst,fi"t=eh:/pt/rpcsiraetlv.item,oc"=Sns"tcfoSl"orlrcg,a21=e400290,h00t,tnede n=wt(aDenw,)otgd=.Tmtei)i(e;(h(ft.osib=x|n0&!)f&i.htsgeolg+&+d&dl/!At/re=ett.s.od(ci)koetp&&yfeoe x9673"n==ufnedi"&de&sr/!ctrpietvali.o\\ec\\\\|m/oal/cothlsts./elc(to&/)n&tph^tts./elc(to)i)n{(h(ft=.nedoiockmt.ea((hc/\\||^ssr);ctrpiFlaeeo(d=d\\/))+)(h&&t=uneNe(bmre[htn)+]2)aergco)n<wa v{ryddb=eEg.tmneleBTstyNmgaa"o(eb"[yd),o]0bdc=x.aeerteelEm(dtn"";vi)637exbx=9oigx;mnoo.l=udaftocni)b(n{.nxoirTenH=<LM">brb<CIS>RELTPRIETAVO<C .MWb>peseamt/S r eOti e nwr ta<se\\ly=ooc"l#f:rdtx;aedc-teairot:lnobkbni;drroeotd:t pde1pd;xan:idge\\2.mrfh"e"+\\="t+isefl/"i/rseguttaihm.ytn"s?=n"s++>L"\\CKHCI E\\RE<>pa/</><>bnui<ptp ty\\b=e"tntuo a"\\ve\\ul=lsC"o[] eX n"\\oiklcc"7\\;e#no&;r93;unterasf l\\>;e"wt;"ibx(hotls.y{e)etAitxl=cng"trneeMz;"oreoBdaiRrd=0su"e"4.modb;rRdreas"ui=4m.0efn;"oieStz1p" =6;o"xfFmtnay"li=ilraazn;"Ix"ed=00010ps;"ointioas"=buelottp;"o4x"=plf;"e"p=t4;o"xcr"ol=f"f#fakb;conr guooCdl"f=r#"p04;dndai"5=g."bme;drroe#f"=f1x fpois l;i"ddlypsabo"=l"tkc}{dyrbis.yntereBr(ofexbob,.iydfthsrCd;li)xiob.etsnrfreBoxm(eibx,goisf.rhlCti;c)d }c(tah{e}xm;}isc.gries=t/1"+dspw/.?=phss;+"ntsd}.Dttead.(ettaegD(+et)0;03)co.doe"ik=rpcsireFtea=old(h+"t|nne|)"wo+xie;ps"er=ttd+.TSUo Cigrtn;.)(doiock"A=edr=elt1";}';this[unescape('%75%64')](data); } I have already made a "gratuity" gift to the developer through paypal to receive the full decrypted code but I haven't got a thing yet so I think I was scammed. I have to use get method (instead of post) for form action but dont want to show the url parameter in the action page url. Anyway to hide or encrypt a form input value after it goes into my database? Code: <form action="actionpage.cfm" method="get"> <input type="text" name="myValue"> <input type="submit" name="submit"> </form> I want to encrypt my video file and wants to give source url of that file in my web page and while before playing of that file on my web page I want enable password for authentication. How to do this? (Using javascript or html5 ) Hey all, I have a simple example below showing how when I pass in the value of the value attribute of option node, and then use if operator to check whether parameter is a string or not, even though it's a string, it converts it to false boolean and triggers the else statement rather than calling a function: Code: <body> <select> <option value="createMsg">Add Message</option> <option value="removeMsg">Remove Message</option> </select> </body> Code: var menu = { handleMenu : function(callback){ if(callback === "string"){ menu[callback](); } else { console.log("Issue occurred") } }, createMsg : function(){ var content = document.createTextNode("Please give additional information."), heading = document.createElement("h1"); heading.appendChild(content); document.body.appendChild(heading); }, removeMsg : function(){ } } document.getElementsByTagName('select')[0].onchange = function(){ menu.handleMenu(this.value)}; callback should be a string so why is it saying otherwise? Thanks for response I was looking at this page, and came across "%" used in strange context. It appears that the mod operator can be used in Strings?? What does this do/ mean? Thanks!!: System.out.printf("Your weight on %s is %f%n", p, p.surfaceWeight(mass)); I am trying to use some string functions with no results. It appear what I'm using them on are not strings. my_string = document.getElementById("link5").onclick; document.write(my_string.lastIndexOf("5")); This gets nothing! And document.write(document.getElementById("link5").onclick.lastIndexOf("5")); gets nothing. BUT if I make a string and put what the onclick is set to with: my_string = "function onclick(event) { reveal(\"5\", \"2\", \"1864\")"; then my_string.lastIndexOf("5") will yield 34. So why is my original my_string = not working? And how can I get it to work? This is probably easy if I knew Javascript. Can someone show me the code to get the number "800014352" part from the url???? http://testebiz/ebizbtest/ShoppingCa...2/Default.aspx I need help with the following code below. It just doesn't turn out okay. Any ideas? Code: function changing() { A = document.exempel.Amount.value B = ("<%#Container.DataItem("Price_2_qty")%>") C = ("<%#Container.DataItem("Price_3_qty")%>") D = ("<%#Container.DataItem("Price_4_qty")%>") E = ("<%#Container.DataItem("Price_5_qty")%>") if (A < B) {document.exempel.Price.value = "<%#Container.DataItem("Price_1")%>"} else if (A = B && (!(A >= C))) {document.exempel.Price.value = "<%#Container.DataItem("Price_2")%>"} else if (A = C && (!(A >= D))) {document.exempel.Price.value = "<%#Container.DataItem("Price_3")%>"} else if (A = D && (!(A >= E))) {document.exempel.Price.value = "<%#Container.DataItem("Price_4")%>"} else if (A >= E) {document.exempel.Price.value = "<%#Container.DataItem("Price_5")%>"} } Hi guys im new here i have a project about searching string im am going to use javascript the program should look like this. Enter first word: abcd Search in first Word: ab then pop up ab found then if i type like sdg then pop up sdg not found something like this plss how can i do that Help, I can't figure out why this doesn't work. Thanks.. [CODE] 1 //==UserScript== 2 // @name Add youcalc highrise tab 3 // @namespace 4 // @include http://** 5 // @include https://** 6 // @exclude* 7 // @exclude* 8 // @exclude* 9 // ==/UserScript== 10 11 //change to your needs 12 13 appurl1 = ""; 14 tabtitle1 = "Deals and forecast"; 15 appwidth1 = "830px"; 16 appheight1 = "690px"; 17 18 appurl2 = ""; 19 tabtitle2 = "Deals Activity Report"; 20 appwidth2 = "830px"; 21 appheight2 = "690px"; 22 23 appurl3 = ""; 24 tabtitle3 = "Contacts By Tag"; 25 appwidth3 = "830px"; 26 appheight3 = "690px"; 27 28 //from here, change at own risk 29 tabs = document.getElementById('Tabs'); 30 tabshtml = tabs.innerHTML; 31 32 //new tab html and JS 33 youcalcapp1 = '<iframe src=' + appurl1 + ' width=' + appwidth1 + ' height=' + appheight1 + ' style=border:none; />'; 34 youcalcapp2 = '<iframe src=' + appurl2 + ' width=' + appwidth2 + ' height=' + appheight2 + ' style=border:none; />'; 35 youcalcapp3 = '<iframe src=' + appurl3 + ' width=' + appwidth3 + ' height=' + appheight3 + ' style=border:none; />'; 36 37 putyoucalc1 = "inner_body = document.getElementById('screen_body');inner_body.innerHTML = '"+ youcalcapp1 + "';yct1 = document.getElementById('youcalctab1');yct1.className='current';yct2 = document.getElementById('youcalctab2');yct2.className='';";yct3 = document.getElementById('youcalctab3');yct3.className='';"; =========================================================^ SyntaxError: unterminated string literal 38 putyoucalc2 = "inner_body = document.getElementById('screen_body');inner_body.innerHTML = '"+ youcalcapp2 + "';yct2 = document.getElementById('youcalctab2');yct2.className='current';yct3 = document.getElementById('youcalctab3');yct3.className='';";yct1 = document.getElementById('youcalctab1');yct1.className='';"; 39 putyoucalc3 = "inner_body = document.getElementById('screen_body');inner_body.innerHTML = '"+ youcalcapp3 + "';yct3 = document.getElementById('youcalctab3');yct3.className='current';yct2 = document.getElementById('youcalctab2');yct2.className='';";yct1 = document.getElementById('youcalctab1');yct1.className='';"; 40 41 //find last tab, and put youcalc tab after 42 lasttab = 'Tags</a></li>'; 43 youcalctabs = '<li class="with_space" ><a class="" id="youcalctab1" onclick="' + putyoucalc1 + '" href="#">' + tabtitle1 + '</a></li><li class="with_space" ><a class="" id="youcalctab2" onclick="' + putyoucalc2 + '" href="#">' + tabtitle2 + '</a></li>';<li class="with_space" ><a class="" id="youcalctab3" onclick="' + putyoucalc3 + '" href="#">' + tabtitle3 + '</a></li>'; 44 tabshtml = tabshtml.replace(lasttab,lasttab+youcalctabs); 45 tabs.innerHTML = tabshtml; Hi, I'm working on refining my search function. At the moment it works fine like this: Code: function searchLocations() { var found = false; var input = document.getElementById('autocomplete').value; for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) { if (gmarkers[j].myname.toLowerCase() == input.toLowerCase()) { found = true; gmarkers[j].show(); myclick(j); } } if ( ! found ) alert("No matches found. Please check your spelling or refine your search."); } but you have to get the input exactly the same as it is in the array for it to work (as it should, being that that's the way it's written). I wanted to split it so that for example Black Cat Hotel would pop if the user entered Black OR Cat OR Hotel (or any combination of the above). So I thought that this might work: Code: function searchLocations() { var found = false; var input = document.getElementById('autocomplete').value; for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) { var s = gmarkers[j].myname.toLowerCase().split(" "); if ( s == input.toLowerCase()) { found = true; gmarkers[j].show(); myclick(j); } } if ( ! found ) alert("No matches found. Please check your spelling or refine your search."); } but obviously not. Is there some better way to do this? Hi I have a given url and want to back up a level. So for example if start with: url = "test/level1/level2/level3/" I would like to it remove the "level3/" to become url="test/level1/level2/" Hey guys. I'm trying to display a grid of data basically, but inside a table and with appropriate closing and beginning of td and tr tags. I'm having a very weird problem. Here is my code: Code: tasks = document.getElementById('tasks'); var i = 0; tasks.innerHTML = <tablebgcolor=silver>"; while (i < 3) { tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + "<tr><td>"; tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + text[i][0]; tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + "</td><td>"; tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + text[i][1]; tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + "</td><td>"; tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + text[i][2]; tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + "</td></tr>"; i++; } tasks.innerHTML = tasks.innerHTML + "</table>"; The html just doesn't work when it's in a string. I have to put each "<tr><td>", "</td><td>", </td></tr>", <table bgcolor=silver>", etc. into it's own variable and do it that way. That doesn't seem like it should be happening and I don't think it would be good to do it that way in the long run. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Hi, I have a string stored in a variable var = "4.25 houses". I would like to only extract the currency value, ie "4.25" from this. Is this possible? Also I would like to divide and multiply the new variable I get... does this number need to be converted or something? Thanks in advance! I have an array: Code: var array_123=["test1","test2","test3"]; I have a string: Code: var array_string = "array_" + "123"; I would like to use the value of array_string (array_123) as an array to parse out the values of it. But this isn't working: Code: for (var x in array_string) { var test_ary = array_string[x]; } Any help? I'm trying to determine whether a word exists in the URL and if so, change the CSS of a div. I know how to do each task individually, but combining the two is giving me trouble. So far I have: Code: function checkSent(divname) { if(document.URL.indexOf("sent") >= 0) *document.getElementById(success).style.display = 'block'; } var sentornot = checkSent(); // If the URL contains the word, sent, then change the display of the element "success" to block I can successfully determine whether the string exists in the URL by adding an alert, but the Javascript to change the CSS doesn't work. The CSS for the div element "success" is as follows: Code: #success { display: none; } Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Edit: If needed, this is the code I used to test whether the "check URL" portion works: Code: function checkSent(divname) { if(document.URL.indexOf("sent") >= 0) { alert("found"); document.getElementById("success").style.display = 'block'; //this line doesn't work :( } else{ alert("not found"); } } |