JavaScript - Onclick Paginate Records
I already have something that paginates thru records by clicking a next or back link that works great. Now I would like to upgrade this to a paginate script that does not do page loads everytime the user clicks next or back. I know how to refresh the new record into input fields with ajax so I don't need help there but how do I change the text of the record count that displays to the user on the screen with javascript as the page will not refresh so I can't write "Record 5 of 200" or whatever record the user is on. I guess I'm asking how can I write to the screen without page refreshes. I will be using an onclick event to click thru the records. How can I add a different number as a parameter to the onclick event everytime I click it without page refreshes? I was going to use the record id number as a parameter to the function so I know what record to get. Sorry for the long rambling post.
Tracy Similar TutorialsHi, I have written this program: Code: var scores=[]; function sortScores(scoreRecs){ for(i=0;i<scoreRecs.length;i++) scores.push(scoreRecs[i]); for(var i=0;i<scores.length;i++) { for(var j=i+1;j<scores.length;j++) { if(Number(scores[i])>Number(scores[j])) { tempValue=scores[j]; scores[j]=scores[i]; scores[i]=tempValue; } } } alert(scores); } sortScores(["5","6","5","7","7"]); to take an array of variables in calling the function (ie sortScores), place these variables into an empty array("scores"), apply the bubble sort to scores, and then alert scores in sorted form. When I use test values like I have above, where they are all just numbers, this program works perfectly and alerts the "scores" array, correctly sorted. However, what I would like to do is to call the function with an array of records, each containing two fields, and apply the same sort to the array of records, based on the value in the first field of each record.To illustrate, i'd like to be able to call the function thus: Code: sortScores([{sco 0,index:0},{sco 2, index:1},{sco 1,index:2}]); and for it to sort the records in descending order of the value of the "score" field. So the above call would alert: Code: [{sco 2,index:1},{sco 1,index:2},{sco 0,index:0}] however, i'm not sure how i'd reference the numeric part of the f1 of each record in the sort? Hopefully you can see what I'm trying to achieve...any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I am using the below code to create a blogging site but the pagination in one tab apprears in the other tab. How do I individually create a pagination for each tab? <?php // Begin session, initiate database connection, etc. require_once('./includes/base.php'); // If logging out, delete session variables if($_GET['logout'] == 1){ @$_SESSION = array(); @session_unregister($_SESSION['userID']); @session_unregister($_SESSION['userName']); @session_unregister($_SESSION['userUser']); @session_unregister($_SESSION['userPass']); @session_destroy(); } // Display header require("./templates/$template/header.php"); ?> <div id="blurb" align="right"> <script language="javascript"> function isClear() { document.myForm[0].value=''; return true; } </script> <!-- new search --> <?php ob_start(); if(!empty($_SESSION['userID']) and !empty($_POST['user'])){ echo '<form action="search.php" method="post" name="myForm"> <input type="text" value="search here" id="search" size="20" name="search" onFocus="return isClear();"/> <input type="submit" name="serachuser" value="search"/></form>'; } ?> </div> <br> <div id="blurb" align="justify"> <em>Hello world</em> <?php echo "$sitename"; ?> is blah blah blah.... </div> <br> <div id="container-5"> <ul> <li><a href="#fragment-13"><span>Blogs</span></a></li> <li><a href="#fragment-14"><span>Links</span></a></li> <li><a href="#fragment-15"><span>Images</span></a></li> </ul> <div id="fragment-13"> <?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT users.userUser, posts.postID, posts.postPost, posts.postTime, posts.postComments, userAvatar FROM users, posts WHERE users.userID = posts.postUserID ORDER BY posts.postTime DESC "); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $abcd= $row['userName']; $abcd = str_replace (" ", "-", $abcd); $time = reltime($row['postTime']); echo ' <div class="virtualpage"> <table width="100%" > <td width="10%" ><a href="'.$site_url.'/'.$row['userUser'].'"><img src="'.$site_url.'/avatars/'.$row['userAvatar'].'" width="48px" height="48px" /><td width="90% "bgcolor="#F8F8F8" border=1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" ><b>'.$row['postPost'].'</b><br>Posted by: '.$row['userUser'].', <a href="'.$site_url.'/blogs/'.$row['userUser'].'/'.$row['postID'].'">Comments</a> '.$row['postComments'].' , Time elapsed: '.$time.'</a></td> </table><br> </div>';} ?> <? echo '<div id="gallerypaginate" class="paginationstyle"> <a href="#" rel="previous">Prev</a> <span class="flatview"></span> <a href="#" rel="next">Next</a> </div>' ; ?> </div> <div id="fragment-14"> <?php $sql = mysql_query("SELECT users.userUser, links.linksID, links.linksLink, links.linksPost, links.linksTime, links.linksComments,userAvatar FROM users, links WHERE users.userID = links.linksUserID ORDER BY links.linksTime DESC"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $abcd= $row['userName']; $abcd = str_replace (" ", "-", $abcd); $time1 = reltime($row['linksTime']); echo ' <div class="virtualpage"> <table width="100%" > <td width="10%" ><a href="'.$site_url.'/'.$row['userUser'].'"><img src="'.$site_url.'/avatars/'.$row['userAvatar'].'" width="48px" height="48px" /><td width="90% "bgcolor="#F8F8F8" border=1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" ><b>'.$row['linksPost'].'</b><br>Posted by: '.$row['userUser'].', <a href="'.$site_url.'/blogs/'.$row['userUser'].'/'.$row['linksID'].'">Comments</a> '.$row['linksComments'].' , Time elapsed: '.$time1.'</a></td> </table><br> </div>';} ?> <? echo '<div id="gallerypaginate" class="paginationstyle"> <a href="#" rel="previous">Prev</a> <span class="flatview"></span> <a href="#" rel="next">Next</a> </div>' ; ?> </div> <div id="fragment-15"> <?php // test grabimages('SELECT users.userUser, images.imagesID, images.imagesFile, images.imagesPost, images.imagesTime, images.imagesComments FROM users, images WHERE users.userID = images.imagesUserID ORDER BY images.imagesTime DESC LIMIT 20'); ?> </div> </div> <?php // Display footer require("./templates/$template/footer.php"); ?> <table align="center"><tr><td align="center"> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> var gallery=new virtualpaginate("virtualpage",10) gallery.buildpagination("gallerypaginate") </script> </td></tr></table> Thank you ....... Ok, basically I am using the script bellow to produce a javascript slideshow similar to this: but instead of the red boxes I want an image representing each slide. My problem is, I can't figure out how to call in a different image for each of these tabs (Paginates). Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. HEAD: Code: <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ #tst { position:relative;width:880px;height:400px; } #paginate { position:absolute;z-Index:4;left:760px;top:15px;height:20px; } #paginate .default { position:relative;width:100px;height:50px;margin-bottom:27px;border:solid black 1px;background:url(images/imagehold.png); } #paginate .active { background:url(images/imagehold_o.png); } /*]]>*/ </style><script type="text/javascript"> // Animate (24-June-2011) // by Vic Phillips // To progressively change the Left, Top, Width, Height or Opacity of an element over a specified period of time. // With the ability to scale the effect time on specified minimum/maximum values // and with three types of progression 'sin' and 'cos' and liner. // The functional code size is 1.39K // **** Application Notes // **** The HTML Code // // when moving an element the inline or class rule style position of the element should be assigned as // 'position:relative;' or 'position:absolute;' // // The element would normally be assigned a unique ID name. // // **** Initialising the Script. // // The script is initialised by assigning an instance of the script to a variable. // e.g A = new zxcAnimate('left','id1') // whe // A = a global variable (variable) // parameter 0 = the mode(see Note 1). (string) // parameter 1 = the unique ID name or element object. (string or element object) // parameter 2 = the initial value. (digits, default = 0) // **** Executing the Effect // // The effect is executed by an event call to function 'A.animate(10,800 ,5000,[10,800]);' // whe // A = the global referencing the script instance. (variable) // parameter 0 = the start value. (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100) // parameter 1 = the finish value. (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100) // parameter 2 = period of time between the start and finish of the effect in milliseconds. (digits or defaults to previous or 0(on first call) milliSeconds) // parameter 3 = (optional) to scale the effect time on a specified minimum/maximum. (array, see Note 3) // field 0 the minimum value. (digits) // field 1 the maximum value. (digits) // parameter 3 = (optional) the type of progression, 'sin', 'cos' or 'liner'. (string, default = 'liner') // 'sin' progression starts fast and ends slow. // 'cos' progression starts slow and ends fast. // // Note 1: Examples modes: 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height', 'opacity. // Note 2: The default units(excepting opacity) are 'px'. // For hyphenated modes, the first character after the hyphen must be upper case, all others lower case. // Note 3: The scale is of particular use when re-calling the effect // in mid progression to retain an constant rate of progression. // Note 4: The current effect value is recorded in[0]. // Note 5: A function may be called on completion of the effect by assigning the function // to the animator intance property .Complete. // e.g. [instance].Complete=function(){ alert([0]); }; // // **** Functional Code - NO NEED to Change function zxcAnimate(mde,obj,srt){; this.obj=typeof(obj)=='object'?obj:document.getElementById(obj); this.mde=mde.replace(/\W/g,'');[srt||0]; return this; } zxcAnimate.prototype={ animate:function(srt,fin,ms,scale,c){ clearTimeout(; this.time=ms||this.time||0;[srt,srt,fin]; this.mS=this.time*(!scale?1:Math.abs((fin-srt)/(scale[1]-scale[0]))); this.c=typeof(c)=='string'?c.charAt(0).toLowerCase():this.c?this.c:'';*this.mS); this.srttime=new Date().getTime(); this.cng(); }, cng:function(){ var oop=this,ms=new Date().getTime()-this.srttime,[1],[2],d=Math.floor(this.c=='s'?(f-s)*Math.sin(*ms)+s:this.c=='c'?f-(f-s)*Math.cos(*ms):(f-s)/this.mS*ms+s); d=Math.max(d,s<0||f<0?d:0);[0]=d; this.apply(); if (ms<this.mS){{oop.cng(); },10); } else {[0][2]; this.apply(); if (this.Complete) this.Complete(this); } }, apply:function(){ if (isFinite([0])){ if (this.mde!='opacity')[this.mde][0]+'px'; else zxcOpacity(this.obj,[0]); } } } function zxcOpacity(obj,opc){'alpha(opacity='+opc+')';; } </script> BODY: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ function zxcFadeSlideShow(o){ var obj=document.getElementById(o.ID),imgs=obj.getElementsByTagName('IMG'),z0=0,ary=[],ms=o.FadeDuration,hold=o.Hold,srt=o.AutoStart,pag=document.getElementById(o.PaginateID),pary=[],z1=0; for (;z0<imgs.length;z0++){ imgs[z0].style.position='absolute'; imgs[z0].style.zIndex=z0>0?'0':'2'; imgs[z0].style.left='0px'; imgs[z0]'0px'; zxcOpacity(imgs[z0],z0>0?0:100); ary[z0]=new zxcAnimate('opacity',imgs[z0],z0>0?0:100); } if (pag){ this.cls=['default','default active']; for (;z1<ary.length;z1++){ pary[z1]=document.createElement('DIV'); pary[z1].className=this.cls[z1>0?0:1]; pag.appendChild(pary[z1]); this.addevt(pary[z1],'mouseup','page',z1); } } this.ary=ary; this.pary=pary; this.lstp=pary[0];'number'?ms:1000; this.hold=(typeof(hold)=='number'?hold:1000);'number'?;; this.cnt=0; this.lst=ary[this.cnt]; this.Auto(this.hold); } zxcFadeSlideShow.prototype={ Next:function(cnt,goto){ this.Pause(); if (this.lstp){ this.lstp.className=this.cls[0]; }'0'; this.lst.animate([0],0,,[0,100]); this.lst=this.ary[cnt];'2'; this.lst.animate([0],100,,[0,100]); if (this.pary[cnt]){ this.lstp=this.pary[cnt]; this.lstp.className=this.cls[1]; } this.cnt=cnt; if (goto&&{ var oop=this;{; },; } }, page:function(nu){ this.Next(nu,true); }, addevt:function(o,t,f,p){ var oop=this; if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(t,function(e){ return oop[f](p);}, false); else if (o.attachEvent) o.attachEvent('on'+t,function(e){ return oop[f](p); }); }, Auto:function(ms){ var oop=this;{; },ms||500); }, Pause:function(){ clearTimeout(; }, auto:function(){ this.Pause(); var oop=this,cnt=this.cnt; cnt=++cnt%this.ary.length;{ oop.Next(cnt);; },this.hold); } } S=new zxcFadeSlideShow({ ID:'tst', //(optional) unique ID name of the paent DIV. (string ) PaginateID:'paginate', //(optional) unique ID name of the paginate DIV. (string, default = no pagination) FadeDuration:1000, //(optional) the fade duration in milli seconds. (number, default = 1000) Hold:6000, //(optional) the 'hold' between auto rotation in milli seconds. (number, default = 1000) AutoStart:2000 //(optional) auto start after goto. (number, default = no auto start) }); x=new zxcAnimate('opacity',document.getElementById('tst')) //x.animate(0,100,1000) /*]]>*/ </script> I'm currently working on a project and I am doing a bunch of image switching. I'm having a problem with the following... I have seven medium image objects and one small one. One is at the top and the other 7 are below. When one of the 7 is clicked, it then becomes the one up top and the one up top then takes the place of the image clicked. This needs to be able to happen no matter which of the seven i click. Also when you click one of the seven it runs a script to change 9 other images in the center of the page. this isnt too important because i have it working already. What i have is, each of the seven images run their function that changes the 9 center images and then it runs another function. What i need is for that function to determine which company for example(shaws, lowes, target) the top image belongs to and replace the image that was clicked with the top one. But i also need to replace the NAME="" and ONCLICK="function()" with the proper ones for the original company up top. Please if you can understand what im trying to do let me know, if you need further clarification i can do so. i can draw a picture of what im trying to do or the layout if needed but i cant necessarily show anyone the project due to a non-disclosure. Is it possible disable an onclick after clicking it and then enable it from another onclick by id Code: <img id="one" href="images/homepage/sliders/bonus_button.jpg" style="position:relative; top:30px; left:50px; height:30px; width:70px; float:left;"> This code runs when it is clicked: Code: $("#one").click(function() { runEffectB(); return false; }); What I would like to happen is for either runEffectB() to not run if it was just run or to disable the once it has run. I am assuming I will be able to re-enable it from another onclick running a similar function. This is jquery and jquery ui if that helps. Any ideas much appreciated. <!-- *** NEED HELP PASSING VALUE id TO POPULATE SUBRECORDS *** --> <!-- *** See line #51 to #55 *** --> <?php session_start(); ob_start(); if($_SESSION[userdetails]->role != "Admin") { die("Access Denied!"); } require_once("includes/connect.php"); // Check if he has the right info. $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY username ASC", $_SESSION[userdetails]->id); $query = mysql_query($sql); // You are now connected ?> <head> <html> <head> <title>Split ListBox Text To Text Boxes</title> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- archaic format: language="javascript" --> function SplitText (info) { if (info == '') { return; } var tarr = info.split(","); document.getElementById('tBox1').value = tarr[0]; document.getElementById('tBox2').value = tarr[1]; document.getElementById('tBox3').value = tarr[2]; document.getElementById('tBox4').value = tarr[3]; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="convert"> <p style="margin: 2px"> <p><select name="Groups" style="width: 176; height: 19; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0 ; font-size: 11px; font-family:Arial" size="1" onChange="SplitText(this.value)"> <option>===Select Group===</option> <?php $sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM qw_groups"); while($r1=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql1)){ $f1 = $r1[id]; $f2 = $r1[GroupName]; echo "<option value='$f1,$f2,,'>$f2</option>"; } echo "</select>"; ?> <p><select name="GroupItems" style="width: 176; height: 19; border: 1px solid #C0C0C0 ; font-size: 11px; font-family:Arial" size="1" onChange="SplitText(this.value)"> <option>===Select Group Item===</option> <?php // **** IS IT POSSIBLE TO PASS THE VALUE "$f1" FROM GROUPS TO GROUPITEMS **** // **** I WANT TO POPULATE THE SECOND DROPDOWN LIST WITH SUB-RECORDS WITHOUT SUBMIT /POST /REFRESH /OR RELOAD **** // WHERE id = $f1 ?? maybe some java code id = $val onChange ?? $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM qw_groupitems WHERE id = $f1"); while($r2=mysql_fetch_assoc($sql2)){ $f3 = $r2[Subid]; $f4 = $r2[GroupItem]; echo "<option value='$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4'>$f4</option>"; } echo "</select>"; ?> </p> <!-- Input selected data from listBox --> <p style="margin: 2px"> <input type="text" name="textbox1" id="tBox1" value=""><br> <input type="text" name="textbox2" id="tBox2" value=""><br> <input type="text" name="textbox3" id="tBox3" value=""><br> <input type="text" name="textbox4" id="tBox4" value=""><br> </p> </form> </body> </html> I encountered an error when my table had only one or zero records when using the filtertable library from Here is the solution to fixing it for anyone else who encountered it. Perhaps the library could be updated with the fix? The error is in the function getChildElms() when the variable 'n' is undefined. Working backwards, I found that there was a problem with some logic in the setFilterGrid() function where the value of 'ref_row' is changed if undefined to a value of '2'. In fact, that value is needed in the line to set the value of tbl.tf_ref_row, but accidentally caused a problem in the call to getCellsNb() where at some point it tries to get at row 2 (offset 3) which doesn't exist in my case. I fixed it by creating a new variable and leaving it as 'undefined' unless ref_row contained a number (passed into the function). This is a section of the function with the fix: Code: var _row; if(ref_row == undefined){ ref_row=2; } else { ref_row=(ref_row+2); _row = ref_row; } var ncells = getCellsNb(id,_row); tbl.tf_ncells = ncells; if(tbl.tf_ref_row==undefined) tbl.tf_ref_row = ref_row; tbl.tf_Obj = fObj; if( !hasGrid(id) ) AddGrid(id); However, if you have zero rows, you still get an error since there are no tr elements. I fixed this by having the code use the th elements instead when zero tr elements are found. This code is in the function 'getCellsNb()' below: Code: { var t = grabEBI(id); var tr; if(nrow == undefined){ tr = grabTag(t,"tr")[0]; } else { tr = grabTag(t,"tr")[nrow]; } var n = getChildElms(tr); if (!n){ n = getChildElms(th); // Check for 'th' elements instead. return n.childNodes.length; } return n.childNodes.length; } If you have no data rows and no header row, then you're on your own :) Hello I'm using the combo box selection menu by Elviro Mirko from this site ( I have made amendments to show my own data, however what I would like to happen is if the user selects from the top combo only, then all the records would be shown, whereas selecting from the second combo merely 'drills down' and shows the records required. - Hope that makes sense. The code is as follows: Code: // first combo box data_1 = new Option("Douglas - DIS", "$"); data_2 = new Option("Douglas - COE", "$$"); data_3 = new Option("Peel - DIS", "$$$"); data_4 = new Option("Peel - COE", "$$$$"); data_5 = new Option("Ramsey - DIS", "$$$$$"); data_6 = new Option("Ramsey - COE", "$$$$$$"); data_7 = new Option("Castletown - DIS", "$$$$$$$"); data_8 = new Option("Castletown - COE", "$$$$$$$$"); // second combo box data_1_1 = new Option("Registry Office Douglas", "-"); data_1_2 = new Option("Broadway Baptist Church Douglas", "-"); data_1_3 = new Option("Finch Hill Congregational Church Douglas", "-"); data_2_1 = new Option("St Thomas's Church", "--"); data_2_2 = new Option("St Barnabas Church", "--"); data_2_3 = new Option("St George's Church", "--"); The HTML code is as follows: Code: <select name="combo0" id="combo_0" onChange="change(this);" style="width:200px;"> <option value="">Select a Register...</option> <option value="Douglas - DIS">Douglas - DIS</option> <option value="Douglas - COE">Douglas - COE</option> <option value="Peel - DIS">Peel - DIS</option> <option value="Peel - COE">Peel - COE</option> <option value="Ramsey - DIS">Ramsey - DIS</option> <option value="Ramsey - COE">Ramsey - COE</option> <option value="Castletown - DIS">Castletown - DIS</option> <option value="Castletown - COE">Castletown - COE</option> </select> <BR><BR> <select name="combo1" id="combo_1" onChange="change(this)" style="width:200px;"> <option value="">Select a venue...</option> </select> the link for the actual site is;db=marriages If you choose Douglas-COE and search, then 0 records are found, if you choose Douglas-COE followed by St Thomas's then still 0 records are found but if you search the surname Allitson you'll see that there is a record there. I'm not sure where I've gone wrong - I'm completely new to Javascript. Any suggestions welcomed. regards Pendle Hello... Here is an example of a site I'm working on: notice the links for the alien cross bones, celtic knot etc...change colors once they are clicked on? Is it possible to have the top (alien crossbone) be set to black before it is clicked on then changed to the grey color once a different link is clicked? Just curious if anyone can help. Here is the javascript code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var Lst; function CngClass(obj){ if (Lst) Lst.className=''; obj.className='boldlink'; Lst=obj; } /*]]>*/ </script> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage();'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Alien Crossbones</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage2()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Celtic Knot</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage3()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Compass Rose</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage4()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Fleurdelis</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage5()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Geometrix</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage6()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Modern Vine</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage7()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Nouveau</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage8()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Scorpion</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage9()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">Traditional Block</span></a><br /> <a href="#" onclick='changeimage10()'><span onclick="CngClass(this);">TrebleBass Clef</span></a> hi everybody.. i have this simple code: Quote: <html> <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write("<input type='button' value='push' onclick='hi()'/>"); function hi() { alert("hi"); document.write("<input type='button' value='enter' onclick='javascript: bye()'/>"); } function bye() { alert("bye"); } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> if i try to run it on chrom its works well.. but on IE or FireFox its not define the bye() function.. whats the reason?! and how i can solve it?.. thanks very much.. Hey. When a checkbox is checked, I want it to add the id number of what I've got in a PHP variable, to appear in a <input type="text" />. For example: The id is 1, 2, and 3. So 3 checkbox's. I click on the first, and it adds to another input field, '1'. I hit the second, and the same thing happens, except the id is 2. Of course, I know how to do the ID and all with PHP. All I need to do now, is where when you click a check box, it adds to another field, and adds & after every check. Here is my code: Code: <input type="checkbox" name="delete" onclick="'checked' ? 'inline' : '2' )" /> <input type="text" name="checkedbox" /> Thanks. Hi i have a page that allows the user to enter details and also upload an image , I have onclick event on a submit button that goes off and performs a geocode on the postcode and saves the lat long to a database along with the other details they enter ( which all works fine) . The problem is that when i use the onclick event with the submit button it seems to bypass the onclick JS function and just go straight to the image upload bit. Can a button be a submit button and also have an onclick event or is there anything else i can do to fix the problem? Hey guys, OK, so I have two buttons (code below) that when a user clicks on it, it will place text in a textarea. You can view all the code below: Buttons: Code: <div id="newButton"> <a href="#"><img src="" alt="Request a Graphic"></a> <a href="#"><img src="" alt="Request a Review"</a> </div> The textarea ID is: Code: text_editor_textarea and this is the code that I would like to be placed inside the textarea: Code: Nature of Request: Creation Size: Primary Colors: Text To Insert: Donation: Extra Information: URL: I tried this, but the BBCode would not keep it's structure and would all end up on one line. EDIT: Oh...The BBCode is parsing inside the code box >.< <a href="#" onClick="showClubs(<% Response.Write x_ID_Nanny %>);" > Now this showclubs function shows a hidden div and at the end I have a return:false; but when you click on the link - it still seems to reload to the page and take you to the top how can I get it to just show the div without seeming to reload the page? I've got this script that spins an image for me but it dont stop spinning, in other words when i press startspinning with onclick it dont change it to stopspinning function it just keeps spinning, it works fine with href but not onclick. Code: function StartSpinning() { int = setInterval( 'SpinChange()', 100 ); $( 'SpinButton' ).innerHTML = "Spinning (Click to Stop)"; $( 'SpinButton' ).onclick = "StopSpinning();"; Effect.Fade( 'turns', {duration: 0.3} ); } function StopSpinning() { clearInterval( int ); $( 'SpinButton' ).innerHTML = "Spin it"; $( 'SpinButton' ).onclick = "StartSpinning();"; UpdateFigure(); Effect.Appear( 'turns', {duration: 0.3} ); } Can anyone help thanks. Hi I am in doubt if im doing this correct. I have a TD which I have a onclick and a google event tracking code on. But om not shure if I have set it up correct. The () and the , might be wrong..? <td class="Content_TD" onclick="('')), (_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'navigation', 'link', 'event']));"> Thanks in advance! Hi I have this code which works fine: Code: <td class="Content_TD" onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'navigation ', 'link', 'blocks']);'');"> But I dont now the parameters instead of, if I want it to open on top. Can somebody please help me? Thanks in advance Claus Ok so I have two images class1 & class2 which both have opacity:0.3; and filter:alpha(opacity=30); added with css. I am trying to get it so when I click on class1 it will either fade in (ideally) or display as 100% opacity. I do not want both class's to be able to be 100% so if one is clicked the other would be 30%. I also have multiple instances of class1 and class2. If anyone can help me I will praise you on the highest mountain! Thanks, B I'm a complete Noob to Java. Just retired and starting a new venture. I need to add a sound effect to my image. I read the Onmouseover tutorial using HTML5 and its exactly what I need but as hard as I try I cannot make sense of it. My source code: Code: <html><head> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>You Could Win BIG!</title> <script type="text/javascript"> //preload images first img1=new Image() img1.src="/images/themagicbutton.png" img2=new Image() img2.src="/images/themagicbutton5.png" </script> </head><body bgcolor="C4C996"> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <center><a href="" onMousedown="document.images['example'].src=img2.src" onMouseup="document.images['example'].src=img1.src"> <img src="/images/themagicbutton.png" name="example" border=0></a> </body></html> I want to ad the following sound to my image above: magic-chime-03.mp3, magic-chime-03.wav, magic-chime-03.ogg as an OnClick. I need your expertise in setting this scipt up and where to place it in my source code. Any help I would be eternally grateful. Hello Everyone! I have one link that I need to do two onclick events at once. At first I just tried writing them both but that obviously didn't work b/c I'm here! This would result in the first onclick event tacking place and not the second. So my question is could someone tell me how to write this code in javascript, so both events will take plack onclick, and then how I should reference that script within my link? Thank you for taking a look Code: <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "document.getElementById('light<?php echo $count;?>').style.display='none';document.getElementById('fade<?php echo $count;?>').style.display='none'" onclick = "document.getElementById('light<?php echo $count + 1;?>').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade<?php echo $count + 1;?>').style.display='block'"> Previous </a> |