JavaScript - Strings,, Broken Links, And Variables --help!
Strings,, Broken Links, and Variables --HELP!
I have a page with over 600 lines of code that I need to fix, the problem is as such: The page contains about 200 links, the problem is that the link tags are all messed up,, instead of the URL's they all got replaced with xxxxx so instead of: <a href="">product1</a> it would read: <a href="">product1</a> each product has to link to it's own page .... i.e: product1 goes to /,,, and so on I need help writing a script or performing some sort of function, that will take the text in between the <a></a> tags and insert it into it's own tag instead of the xxxxx so it would see <a href="">BaseBall Gloves</a> and convert that line into <a href=">BaseBall Gloves</a> -- OUTPUTS: the ideal way would be if it could replace the existing source (kind of how you can do a find and replace),, if that's not possible, it would need to output all the existing source code with the modified <a> tags to a new window, and then I can copy that code into a new page. I've tried using regular expressions and different functions but can't get it to work. I really appreciate your help.. Thanks. Similar TutorialsI believe the problem with my code here is that for some reason, on the equation for VertY.. it is being treated as a string.. I want it to be a math equation, but it treats it as text. (ie -1 + 1 should be 0, but it says it is -11) I believe this is the problem code: form.VertY.value = ((a * (form.VertX.value * form.VertX.value)) + (b * form.VertX.value) + (c)) Code: <html> <head> <title>Untitled</title> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> function quad(form) { a = form.a.value b = form.b.value c = form.c.value form.Dis.value = (b * b) - (4 * a * c) form.VertX.value = (-b) / (2 * a) form.VertY.value = ((a * (form.VertX.value * form.VertX.value)) + (b * form.VertX.value) + (c)) if (a == 0) { alert("ERROR, EQUATION MUST BE QUADRATIC") } else { if (form.Dis.value > 0) { form.NumSol.value = 2; form.SolOne.value = ((-b) + Math.sqrt(form.Dis.value)) / (2 * a) form.SolTwo.value = ((-b) - Math.sqrt(form.Dis.value)) / (2 * a) } else if (form.Dis.value == 0) { form.NumSol.value = 1; if (((-b) - Math.sqrt(form.Dis.value)) == 0) { form.SolOne.value = ((-b) - Math.sqrt(form.Dis.value)) / (2 * a) form.SolTwo.value = "NO SOLUTION" } else { form.SolOne.value = ((-b) + Math.sqrt(form.Dis.value)) / (2 * a) form.SolTwo.value = "NO SOLUTION" } } else { form.NumSol.value = 0; form.SolOne.value = "NO SOLUTION" form.SolTwo.value = "NO SOLUTION" } } if (a > 0) { form.Open.value = "Up" } else { form.Open.value = "Down" } } </script> <body> <form name="form1"> <table border="2" align=center> <center> <tr> <td align=center valign=middle><input type="text" name="a" size=3> x^2 + <input type="text" name="b" size=3> x + <input type="text" name="c" size=3> </td> </tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle> <input type="button" value="Calculate" onClick="quad(this.form)"> </td></tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle>Discriminant: <input type="text" name="Dis" size = 7 /></td></tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle>Number of Solutions: <input type="text" name="NumSol" size = 2 /></td></tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle><b>Solution 1: </b><input type="text" name="SolOne" size = 10 style="font-weight:bold;" /></td></tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle><b>Solution 2: </b><input type="text" name="SolTwo" size = 10 style="font-weight:bold;" /></td></tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle>Your graph will open: <input type="text" name="Open" size = 4 /></td></tr> <tr><td align=center valign=middle> Vertex: ( <input type="text" name="VertX" size = 2 /> , <input type="text" name="VertY" size = 2 /> ) </td></tr> </table> </form> </center> </body> </html> Code: <html> <head> <title> Caught </title> <script language="JavaScript"> <-- hide me // get user to add name var name_entry = prompt ("Please Enter your Name!", "James"); // declare some short strings var stating = ", I knew you did it!" var told = "I told you that I would find out" var mistake = "I guess you just made a mistake entering your name," var punish = "Now go back to your room" // construct some longer strings var stating_name = name_entry + stating; var mistake_name = mistake + name_entry; // stop hiding me --> </script></head><body> <h1> OI Stop! </h1> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- hide me document.writeln(stating_name + "<br>"); document.writeln(told = "<br>"); document.writeln(mistake_name = "<br>"); document.writeln(punish = "<br>"); // show me --> </script> </head> <p> <FORM> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="To Your Room" onClick="history.back()"> </FORM> </p> </body></html> It will not show my strings and variables?? Please Help!! Code: <body> <center> <script type="text/javascript"> var imageSrc = ['<img></img>','002.jpg','003.jpg', '004.jpg','005.jpg','006.jpg']; var imageSrc2 = [];; function copyRandom(){ if (0 == imageSrc2.length) { imageSrc2 = imageSrc.concat(); } var randNum = (Math.random()*imageSrc2.length) | 0; return imageSrc2.splice(randNum, 1); } </script> <!-- <button onclick="document.getElementById('xx').innerHTML = (copyRandom());"> --> <button onclick="document.getElementById('xx').innerHTML = (copyRandom());"> Draw A Card </button> <div id="xx"></div> <!-- <div id="xx"></div> --> </center> </body> Why are my images broken in this script? Specifically "<img></img>" as the rest are just placeholders until I solve the first one. I've got a style control for my website where the user can select text color and background color. Cookies then remember the selections. The problem I have is when you select a text color the background color is changed instead of the text color. After page refresh both the text and background colors are correct. The error console reports a few errors in each js script. The errors all say 'sel is undefined' on line 7. html: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Style Control</title> </head> <body> <p><b>Style Control</b></p> <p>Text color: (Broke - Sets bg color insted, works after page refresh)</p> <form onsubmit="return false;" action=""> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="text_color.js"></script> <select name="color_select1" size="1" onchange="return setColor(this, global_name1)"> <option style="background-color: white;" value="white">white</option> <option style="background-color: black; color: white;" value="black">black</option> <option style="background-color: seagreen;" value="seagreen">seagreen</option> <option style="background-color: springgreen;" value="springgreen">springgreen</option> <option style="background-color: royalblue;" value="royalblue">royalblue</option> <option style="background-color: skyblue;" value="skyblue">skyblue</option> </select> </form> <br /><br /> <p>Background color:</p> <form onsubmit="return false;" action=""> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="bg_color.js"></script> <select name="color_select2" size="1" onchange="return setColor(this, global_name2)"> <option style="background-color: white;" value="white">white</option> <option style="background-color: black; color: white;" value="black">black</option> <option style="background-color: seagreen;" value="seagreen">seagreen</option> <option style="background-color: springgreen;" value="springgreen">springgreen</option> <option style="background-color: royalblue;" value="royalblue">royalblue</option> <option style="background-color: skyblue;" value="skyblue">skyblue</option> </select> </form> </body> </html> </body> </html> text_color.js : Code: var global_name1 = 'tcolor'; // function getColor(sel, cookie_name) { var cookie_value = getCookie(cookie_name); if (!cookie_value) cookie_value = 'black'; = cookie_value; var opt = sel.options; var x, len = sel.length; for (x=0; x<len; x++) { if (opt[x].value == cookie_value) { opt[x].selected = true; break; } } return true; } getColor(document.forms[0].color_select1, global_name1); // function setColor(sel, cookie_name) { var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var oneYear = 365 * oneDay; var expDate = new Date(); expDate.setTime(expDate.getTime() + oneYear); setCookie(cookie_name, opt, expDate); return getColor(sel, cookie_name); } // ---------------------------------------- // function getCookie(name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function getCookieVal(offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } function setCookie(name, value) { var argv = setCookie.arguments; var argc = setCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } function delCookie(name) { exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - (24*60*60*1000)); var cval = getCookie(name); cval = (cval == null) ? "" : cval; document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } bg_color.js : Code: var global_name2 = 'bgcolor'; // function getColor(sel, cookie_name) { var cookie_value = getCookie(cookie_name); if (!cookie_value) cookie_value = 'white'; = cookie_value; var opt = sel.options; var x, len = sel.length; for (x=0; x<len; x++) { if (opt[x].value == cookie_value) { opt[x].selected = true; break; } } return true; } getColor(document.forms[0].color_select2, global_name2); // function setColor(sel, cookie_name) { var opt = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var oneYear = 365 * oneDay; var expDate = new Date(); expDate.setTime(expDate.getTime() + oneYear); setCookie(cookie_name, opt, expDate); return getColor(sel, cookie_name); } // ---------------------------------------- // function getCookie(name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return getCookieVal (j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function getCookieVal(offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf (";", offset); if (endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); } function setCookie(name, value) { var argv = setCookie.arguments; var argc = setCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); } function delCookie(name) { exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - (24*60*60*1000)); var cval = getCookie(name); cval = (cval == null) ? "" : cval; document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); } Many thanks for any help. The latest version of MSIE fails to read the value of a popup menu in a form that I have. It worked fine in a previous version, and works in Firefox and Mac Safari. Here is an edited version of what I have: Code: var d = null; function myTest(){ alert("mWunits value = ".concat(d.mWunits.value)) } . . . <body onload="d = document.forms[0];"> . . . <form onsubmit="return false" > <table align="center" border="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="right">Conductor Size (d):</td> <td><input name="ef_dw" size="12"> </td> <td align="left"> <select name="mWunits" size="1"> <option selected="selected">mm</option> <option>AWG</option> </select> </td> </tr> . . . The popup name is mWunits, and should have either "AWG" or "mm" as a value. And the function myTest() should display that value. However the value is an empty string. There is another popup in the same form, and it exhibits the same problem. My script reads the values of regular input fields just fine. As I said, this used to work under earlier MSIE versions, and works in other browsers. Has something been deprecated that I don't know about? Hey friends, I'm not sure where to post this, so redirect me if there is a more appropriate location, please. I am having a very strange problem with a javascript gallery contained within a site I am working on. The problem is, that it broke (appears to be a non-working javascript) while transferring servers (from test server to client server). It makes me believe that it is a filepath problem, but I have checked over the filepaths, the javascript, the css, the html, substituted the new files back into the test server one by one, which, all work on the test server (and vice versa, the old files dont work on the new server)... and cannot seem to find the problem. I am using noobSlide gallery and have replaced the JS files incase they became corrupted in any way during the transfer. The website is located he The gallery is located within Landscape-> Residential Landscape (under the Projects section). Once you reach the Residential Landscape, the Gallery is at the top of the page, and the arrows *should* scroll you through 5 images. Can anyone give me a fresh set of eyes to see if I am overlooking something? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, -Andrew A common javascript function that capitalizes input as user types (onkeypress) no longer works as of IE9. Need a function that also works in IE 9 that doesn't not change method call or interface (as it's used in 150 places throughout application). CALL: [CODE] el.onkeypress = function(el) { return c_capitalizeInput(el); } [CODE] FUNCTION: [CODE] // Intercepts keyboard input and capitalizes keystrokes. // Call with onkeypress="return capitalizeInput(event);" // Compatible with both IE and Netscape/Mozilla function c_capitalizeInput(evt) { evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? window.event : ""); if (window.event) { // IE if ((evt.keyCode >= 97) && (evt.keyCode <= 122)) { evt.keyCode = evt.keyCode - 32; } return true; } else if (evt.which) { // Netscape and Mozilla key = evt.which; if ((key >= 97) && (key <= 122)) { key = key - 32; = + String.fromCharCode(key); return false; } return true; } else { return true; // Can't do anything for other browsers } } [CODE] Any suggestions to make this work in IE9? I have been modifying this form: to be part of an iPhone optimized site for the same client. The modified form works, however it no longer stops emails being sent that do not have the required fields filled in. The modified form is he The original is built using a table which I have removed and replaced with divs. Didn't think I'd left anything out which would matter but I guess I must have. Please help, i don't really know any JavaScript except what I copy and paste. I'm new at JavaScript and am trying to figure out a simple text calculator as seen on a science project website. The project says the final program should calculate: 1. the number of sentences contained in the text, 2. the number of words in each sentence, 3. the number of letters in each word, 4. the average number of words per sentence, and 5. the average word length. I have pretty much everything (I think) but am being completely stumped by item number 2 and item number 4. The code is below. Can anyone help me understand what I should be doing for point number 2 and 4? I understand how to calculate and display the length of an item in an array and return it's values as 5,6,7,8 etc where the value is the length of the word, but i can't grasp how to calculate the number of items in an array to read 2,5,9 where the values are the number of words per each confused! Below is my code...apoligies if it's's my first javascript code experience Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Count</title> Code: How do I join strings? I tried below but get an error. var a += document.getElementById("PICKUP_TYPE").value + "~"; var a += document.getElementById("PICKUP_ADDRESS").value + "~"; var a += document.getElementById("PICKUP_ADDRESS2").value + "~"; Okay so I have this code for HMTL5 Canvas, however this is a JavaScript directed question not a Canvas question. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var cxt=c.getContext("2d"); cxt.moveTo(0,400); cxt.lineTo(50,a); cxt.lineTo(100,b); cxt.lineTo(150,390); cxt.lineTo(200,300); cxt.lineTo(250,285); cxt.lineTo(300,299); cxt.lineTo(350,250); cxt.lineTo(400,325); cxt.lineTo(450,275); cxt.lineTo(500,300;); cxt.stroke(); </script> That will draw a line graph, however I want to get the coordinates from a variable in the URL. So it may be . How would I retrieve these two variables and then insert in to they're respective places? Any help greatly appreciated, please make it as simple as possible - I'm good with my PHP now but JavaScript is all new Hi All, I am working on a script that creates a table, taking the data from a number of text fields and populating the table cells with it. Originally I had to start with an existing table containing one blank row but I was able to get the script to create the table dynamically. Unfortunately I seem to have broken my delete row function (this was working fine when the script started with an existing table). The error I am getting is: TypeError: 'cells.0.childNodes' is null or not an object I googled this but could not find anything to help. I don't have alot of javascript experience and need help from the experts. Thanks in advance for all your help guys! Kind regards, Ken Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script src="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </style> <link href="SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <SCRIPT language="javascript"> function addRow(tableID) { if (!document.getElementById(tableID)) { //alert("the table does not exist"); var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // creates a <table> element and a <tbody> element var tbl = document.createElement("table"); var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody"); var newRow = document.createElement("tr"); // add the row to the end of the table body tblBody.appendChild(newRow); // put the <tbody> in the <table> tbl.appendChild(tblBody); // appends <table> into <body> body.appendChild(tbl); // sets the id of "dataTable" and border attribute of tbl to 0; tbl.setAttribute("id", "dataTable"); tbl.setAttribute("border", "0"); } var StartTime = document.getElementById('StartTime'); var EndTime = document.getElementById('EndTime'); var MaterialID = document.getElementById('MaterialID'); var Title = document.getElementById('Title'); var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); var cell1 = row.insertCell(0); var element1 = document.createElement("input"); element1.type = "checkbox"; cell1.appendChild(element1); var cell2 = row.insertCell(1); var element2 = document.createElement("input"); element2.type = "text"; element2.setAttribute("name","StartTime[]"); element2.value = StartTime.value; cell2.appendChild(element2); StartTime.value=""; var cell3 = row.insertCell(2); var element3 = document.createElement("input"); element3.type = "text"; element3.setAttribute("name","EndTime[]"); element3.value = EndTime.value; cell3.appendChild(element3); EndTime.value=""; var cell4 = row.insertCell(3); var element4 = document.createElement("input"); element4.type = "text"; element4.setAttribute("name","MaterialID[]"); element4.value = MaterialID.value; cell4.appendChild(element4); MaterialID.value=""; var cell5 = row.insertCell(4); var element5 = document.createElement("input"); element5.type = "text"; element5.setAttribute("name","Title[]"); element5.value = Title.value; cell5.appendChild(element5); Title.value=""; } function deleteRow(tableID) { if (document.getElementById(tableID)) { //alert("the table exists"); try { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++) { var row = table.rows[i]; var chkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0]; if(null != chkbox && true == chkbox.checked) { table.deleteRow(i); rowCount--; i--; } } }catch(e) { alert(e); } } } </SCRIPT> <body> <span id="spryStartTime"> <label for="StartTime">Start Time:</label><br /> <input name="StartTime" type="text" id="StartTime" tabindex="1" size="10" maxlength="8" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span><br /> <label for="EndTime">End Time:</label><br /> <span id="spryEndTime"> <input name="EndTime" type="text" id="EndTime" tabindex="2" size="10" maxlength="8" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span><br /> <label for="MaterialID">Material ID:</label><br /> <span id="spryMaterialID"> <input name="MaterialID" type="text" id="MaterialID" tabindex="3" size="10" maxlength="10" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span><br /> <label for="Title">Title:</label><br /> <span id="spryTitle"> <input name="Title" type="text" id="Title" tabindex="4" size="50" maxlength="50" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span><br /> <INPUT type="button" value="Add Row" onclick="addRow('dataTable')" /> <INPUT type="button" value="Delete Row" onclick="deleteRow('dataTable')" /> <script type="text/javascript" /> var sprytextfield3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("spryStartTime", "time", {validateOn:["blur"], format:"HH:mm:ss", useCharacterMasking:true}); var sprytextfield4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("spryEndTime", "time", {format:"HH:mm:ss", useCharacterMasking:true, validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextfield5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("spryMaterialID", "none", {validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextfield6 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("spryTitle", "none", {validateOn:["blur"]}); </script> </body> </html> I have created a program that works great but sometimes it does not finish. It is the exact same as the one we see in this forum when you want to insert an image into a forum post. The program takes in a users image url through prompt, then regenerates the information within the textbox with [img] tags. The problem is I try to do this once and it will work great, but then I will try it again and fill out all of the information the exact same way and nothing happens. By nothing happens I mean after I hit enter the text box will remain empty with no regenerated code. But if I do a page refresh it works. That leads me to believe there is nothing wrong with my code b/c I do it once and get a sound result, then again and get nothing. Anyone have any experience with broken programs like this before or any words of advice? PHP Code: <script language="javascript"> function imgGenerator(){ var question=confirm("Share a Picture?"); if (question==true){ var obj=document.getElementById("mngl-board-post-input"); var imgurl = prompt('To Share an image paste the image url here \nSupport .jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp and .png'); if (imgurl == "" || imgurl == null) {return false;} var txt=document.createTextNode("[a][img]"+imgurl+"[/img][/a]"); obj.appendChild(txt); } else {} } </script> PHP Code: <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="imgGenerator();"><img src="" alt="Share an Image" /></a> I'm trying to write a pi calculator that shows a comparison of the calculated value to the actual value. It works, but the output of the comparison shows only the first two decimal spots, followed by two 9s. Why is it showing two 9s and how can I make it more precise? Code: <head> <title> Pi Calculator </title> <script language="JavaScript"> function calcpi(digitsn) { p = 1; s = 0; for (c = 3; c < digitsn; c += 2) { if (s == 0) { p -= 1/c; s = 1; } else { p += 1/c; s = 0; } } p *= 4; return p; } function hid(input) { //Highlight Incorrect Digits pi = "3.14159265358979323846".split(''); input = input.toString().split(''); result = ""; for (c = 0; c < input.length; c++) { if (input[c] != pi[c]) { //result += "; " + input[c] + "!=" + pi[c]; result += "<span style='background-color:red'>" + input[c] + "</span>"; } else { result += input[c]; } } return result; } </script> </head> <body> Repeat algorithm x many times:<br/> <input type="text" value="10000" id="digitsx"/><br/> <input type="button" onClick="document.getElementById('answer').value=calcpi(parseInt(document.getElementById('digitsx').value)).toString()" value="Calculate"/><br/> Result:<br/> <input type="text" readonly id="answer"/><br/> Correct value:<br/> <input type="text" readonly value="3.14159265358979323846"/><br/> <input type="button" value="Compare" onClick="document.getElementById('comparison').innerHTML = hid('3.1499')"/> <div id="comparison"/> </body> Hello, A quick summary to inform you on what I'm trying to accomplish and then the question. If you want to skip to the question first, I have it in red letters lower down. Just figured I'd answer the "why are you doing it this way" question first. I am writing a tool in JavaScript in which a user selects various options via checkboxes and then a pre-engineered scenario image for a product matching those selections is displayed. Here is the basic workflow of the code: 1. The code runs through the checkboxes and based on whether the boxes are checked or not, adds a value of "1" or "0" to a string. There are some dashes added into the string to visually divide some categories of options. Here is an example of the resulting string: 0-0011100-101100 2. A variable named scenarioID holds the value of the resulting string. A switch statement is run which assigns a name to the scenario based on the scenario ID. Here is an example: PHP Code: switch(scenarioID){ case "0-0011100-101100": var scenarioName="Scenario 1"; break; } 3. The scenarioName variable is then used to pull up an image with the corresponding name. For example, if the scenarioName variable has a value of "Scenario 1" then an image named "Scenario 1" is displayed. --------------------------------------------- So here is where I am running into an issue: I have some scenario names that multiple scenario ID's match because they apply whether a specific checkbox is selected or not. Currently, I am still able to apply the correct name to the scenario by simply having multiple switch statements apply to the same scenario name. For example: PHP Code: switch(scenarioID){ case "0-0011100-101100": var scenarioName="Scenario 1"; break; case "0-1110011-101101": case "1-1110011-101101": var scenarioName="Scenario 2"; break; } However, I have some scenarios in which up to 3 options may apply whether or not they are checked. This means that I have to have 8 different switch cases (scenario ID's) for a single scenario name. Is there a way for me to wildcard the switch cases so that I can specify which items don't matter for a scenario? Something like the following example? PHP Code: switch(scenarioID){ case "0-0011100-101100": var scenarioName="Scenario 1"; break; case "*-1110011-101101": var scenarioName="Scenario 2"; break; } Hi, I know virtually nothing about js so here goes: I use the following script: Code: <script type="text/javascript">var showNav = false;var params='clubID=1784&compID=8041&leagueTable=y&orderTBCLast=Y&colour=147C99';var colour = '147C99';</script> The variable which needs to be called from another page is 'compID' - as I have about 20 competitions rather than hard-coding each page I hoped to generate this from the following: infocus/respage.php?cid=8041 <--- where I can change the compID from the 'calling' page. In my absolute naivety I thought I could simply change the code to this: Code: <script type="text/javascript">var showNav = false;var params='clubID=1784&compID=cid&leagueTable=y&orderTBCLast=Y&colour=147C99';var colour = '147C99';</script> But as the learned among you will realise this just doesnt work - any help appreciated! Hi All, I'm trying to convert a string based on the contents of another string. For example, I have two strings - "Purple" and "Orange" and a variable "P" - I want the script to look at the word "Purple" and everytime is sees the letter "P", assign this to a third variable (result variable) - if the letter it's looking at is not a "p", I want it to take that character from "Orange" and add it to the result string. So the result would be "Prapge". This is the code I have so far, and it doesn't work, absolutely stumped as to why ... Code: function fillInChar(targetString, otherString, newChar) { var splitTarget = targetString.split(''); var splitOther = otherString.split(''); var resultArray = newArray(splitTarget.length); var holdVar = ''; for (var position = 0; position < splitTarget.length; position = position + 1) { if (splitTarget[position] != newChar) { var holdVar = splitOther[position]; resultArray[position] = holdVar } else { resultArray[position] = newChar } } return resultArray } document.write('IF VISIBLE - LOOP IS VIABLE' + '<BR>') var testVar = fillInChar('purple', 'orange', 'p'); document.write('HELLO WORLD!!! .... ' + testVar); Hi Guys, This isn't the first time I've posted about cookies, and I apologize for that. My cookies were working perfectly until I made some changes to the site (ie. ran it through w3 validation). Now they aren't writing. I can't find any bugs with firebug, and I've tried following it through line by line. I expect my email validation is returning false, and I would really appreciate if you can help me find the bug. Here's the code, which I call with onsubmit="return Getvalue()" The rest of the page is at Code: function echeck(str) { var at="@" var dot="." var lat=str.indexOf(at) var lstr=str.length var ldot=str.indexOf(dot) if (str.indexOf(at)==-1){ return false } if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 || str.indexOf(at)==0 || str.indexOf(at)==lstr){ return false } if (str.indexOf(dot)==-1 || str.indexOf(dot)==0 || str.indexOf(dot)==lstr){ return false } if (str.indexOf(at,(lat+1))!=-1){ return false } if (str.substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str.substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ return false } if (str.indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ return false } if (str.indexOf(" ")!=-1){ return false } return true } function ValidateForm(emailID){ //var emailID=document.frmSample.txtEmail if ((emailID.value==null)||(emailID.value=="")){ showDialog('Uh-oh.','Our tech-pigeons say you must enter an email address.','success',3); emailID.focus() return false } if (echeck(emailID.value)==false){ emailID.value="" showDialog('Uh-oh.','Our tech-pigeons say you must enter a "proper" email address.','success',3); emailID.focus(); return false } return true } /*Email Validation*/ function Getvalue() { var validation=ValidateForm(document.getElementById("email")); if(validation==true) { user_email=document.getElementById("email").value; createCookie("userEmail",user_email,365); document.addform.submit(); return true; } else { return false; } } </script> Hello all. I'm working with a simple shopping page. I basically need to add up all of the values that are found in my query string, and display them as a total on my page. I know how to retrieve each value individually, however I'm a little confused on how to add up the values that are only found in the query string. Please keep in mind, I'm very new to javascripting, and probably won't understand in-depth coding. I have a lot more code to go with this, but I don't think it's required for my question.. Any help would be appreciated! Code: <javascript> var parameters = new Array( ); // <![CDATA[ var qs = 1, ); var params = qs.split( "&" ); for (var x=0 ; x < params.length ; x++) { var pair = params[ x ].split( "="); parameters.push( new Parameter( pair[ 0 ], pair[ 1 ] ) ); } function get_parameter_value_for_name( name ) { for( var x = 0 ; x < parameters.length ; x++) { if( parameters[ x ].name == name) { return parameters[ x ].name; } } return " "; } function get_parameter_value_for_value( name ) { for( var x = 0 ; x < parameters.length ; x++) { if( parameters[ x ].name == name) { return parameters[ x ].value; } } return " " ; } //]]> </script> |