JavaScript - How To Use Javascript Or Jquery To Load An Image Into A Div
I'm trying to build a gallery. So far I've used jquery for the scrolling thumbnails. The problem I am having is deciding which would be the best way to load the larger version of the thumbnails into a div? Currently I am using a jquery attribute replace, but the only problem I'm having is I want to use lightbox for the large images. Some of the images have text so they need to be big if the user would like to read them.
Right now lightbox is working except that it doesn't understand what image it's on when you click on the large version. I believe this is because of the attribute replace. Here is where you can view the problem: If you click on any thumbnail after the first then click on the large version it will bring up the first image then go from there. Any suggestions, I've tried for too long on my own! Similar TutorialsHello! I am developing my personal website! And I am trying to implement it with JS completely. which means I need the page to be one front end page. But the back-end pages would be the ones which do the work and calculations! In other words and more explaination: I would like to have one "index.php" page that contains only a nav bar which handles the mission. Once the page load it loads with the content of "home.php" (the landing page) if the "contact" tab is clicked then I would like to load the "ContactMe.php" page content. I have done this already! but the problem is: "home.php" uses alot of javascript functions and jquery plug-ins. when I load it, it looks messy that you think the JS is disabled in your machine :-\ Note: the loading has been done with those methods: .load(), $.ajax! -> same results! The conclusion: * "home.php" * "ContactMe.php" * "About.php" Is it possible to load those pages in the "index.php" and still have their JS functions function correctly and display as if they were accessed individually? The goal that I am trying to achieve is that I make my whole website for the visitor as "One Page Site"! I am challenging myself with it though! Thank you in advance for your informative posts! Please Note that I have only put the <html><head><body> tags in the index.php and removed them from the back-end pages such as home.php, contactme.php and about.php! for that sake that it works correctly! but with no hope! Ok, basically I am using the script bellow to produce a javascript slideshow similar to this: but instead of the red boxes I want an image representing each slide. My problem is, I can't figure out how to call in a different image for each of these tabs (Paginates). Any help would be much appreciated, thanks. HEAD: Code: <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ #tst { position:relative;width:880px;height:400px; } #paginate { position:absolute;z-Index:4;left:760px;top:15px;height:20px; } #paginate .default { position:relative;width:100px;height:50px;margin-bottom:27px;border:solid black 1px;background:url(images/imagehold.png); } #paginate .active { background:url(images/imagehold_o.png); } /*]]>*/ </style><script type="text/javascript"> // Animate (24-June-2011) // by Vic Phillips // To progressively change the Left, Top, Width, Height or Opacity of an element over a specified period of time. // With the ability to scale the effect time on specified minimum/maximum values // and with three types of progression 'sin' and 'cos' and liner. // The functional code size is 1.39K // **** Application Notes // **** The HTML Code // // when moving an element the inline or class rule style position of the element should be assigned as // 'position:relative;' or 'position:absolute;' // // The element would normally be assigned a unique ID name. // // **** Initialising the Script. // // The script is initialised by assigning an instance of the script to a variable. // e.g A = new zxcAnimate('left','id1') // whe // A = a global variable (variable) // parameter 0 = the mode(see Note 1). (string) // parameter 1 = the unique ID name or element object. (string or element object) // parameter 2 = the initial value. (digits, default = 0) // **** Executing the Effect // // The effect is executed by an event call to function 'A.animate(10,800 ,5000,[10,800]);' // whe // A = the global referencing the script instance. (variable) // parameter 0 = the start value. (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100) // parameter 1 = the finish value. (digits, for opacity minimum 0, maximum 100) // parameter 2 = period of time between the start and finish of the effect in milliseconds. (digits or defaults to previous or 0(on first call) milliSeconds) // parameter 3 = (optional) to scale the effect time on a specified minimum/maximum. (array, see Note 3) // field 0 the minimum value. (digits) // field 1 the maximum value. (digits) // parameter 3 = (optional) the type of progression, 'sin', 'cos' or 'liner'. (string, default = 'liner') // 'sin' progression starts fast and ends slow. // 'cos' progression starts slow and ends fast. // // Note 1: Examples modes: 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height', 'opacity. // Note 2: The default units(excepting opacity) are 'px'. // For hyphenated modes, the first character after the hyphen must be upper case, all others lower case. // Note 3: The scale is of particular use when re-calling the effect // in mid progression to retain an constant rate of progression. // Note 4: The current effect value is recorded in[0]. // Note 5: A function may be called on completion of the effect by assigning the function // to the animator intance property .Complete. // e.g. [instance].Complete=function(){ alert([0]); }; // // **** Functional Code - NO NEED to Change function zxcAnimate(mde,obj,srt){; this.obj=typeof(obj)=='object'?obj:document.getElementById(obj); this.mde=mde.replace(/\W/g,'');[srt||0]; return this; } zxcAnimate.prototype={ animate:function(srt,fin,ms,scale,c){ clearTimeout(; this.time=ms||this.time||0;[srt,srt,fin]; this.mS=this.time*(!scale?1:Math.abs((fin-srt)/(scale[1]-scale[0]))); this.c=typeof(c)=='string'?c.charAt(0).toLowerCase():this.c?this.c:'';*this.mS); this.srttime=new Date().getTime(); this.cng(); }, cng:function(){ var oop=this,ms=new Date().getTime()-this.srttime,[1],[2],d=Math.floor(this.c=='s'?(f-s)*Math.sin(*ms)+s:this.c=='c'?f-(f-s)*Math.cos(*ms):(f-s)/this.mS*ms+s); d=Math.max(d,s<0||f<0?d:0);[0]=d; this.apply(); if (ms<this.mS){{oop.cng(); },10); } else {[0][2]; this.apply(); if (this.Complete) this.Complete(this); } }, apply:function(){ if (isFinite([0])){ if (this.mde!='opacity')[this.mde][0]+'px'; else zxcOpacity(this.obj,[0]); } } } function zxcOpacity(obj,opc){'alpha(opacity='+opc+')';; } </script> BODY: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ function zxcFadeSlideShow(o){ var obj=document.getElementById(o.ID),imgs=obj.getElementsByTagName('IMG'),z0=0,ary=[],ms=o.FadeDuration,hold=o.Hold,srt=o.AutoStart,pag=document.getElementById(o.PaginateID),pary=[],z1=0; for (;z0<imgs.length;z0++){ imgs[z0].style.position='absolute'; imgs[z0].style.zIndex=z0>0?'0':'2'; imgs[z0].style.left='0px'; imgs[z0]'0px'; zxcOpacity(imgs[z0],z0>0?0:100); ary[z0]=new zxcAnimate('opacity',imgs[z0],z0>0?0:100); } if (pag){ this.cls=['default','default active']; for (;z1<ary.length;z1++){ pary[z1]=document.createElement('DIV'); pary[z1].className=this.cls[z1>0?0:1]; pag.appendChild(pary[z1]); this.addevt(pary[z1],'mouseup','page',z1); } } this.ary=ary; this.pary=pary; this.lstp=pary[0];'number'?ms:1000; this.hold=(typeof(hold)=='number'?hold:1000);'number'?;; this.cnt=0; this.lst=ary[this.cnt]; this.Auto(this.hold); } zxcFadeSlideShow.prototype={ Next:function(cnt,goto){ this.Pause(); if (this.lstp){ this.lstp.className=this.cls[0]; }'0'; this.lst.animate([0],0,,[0,100]); this.lst=this.ary[cnt];'2'; this.lst.animate([0],100,,[0,100]); if (this.pary[cnt]){ this.lstp=this.pary[cnt]; this.lstp.className=this.cls[1]; } this.cnt=cnt; if (goto&&{ var oop=this;{; },; } }, page:function(nu){ this.Next(nu,true); }, addevt:function(o,t,f,p){ var oop=this; if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(t,function(e){ return oop[f](p);}, false); else if (o.attachEvent) o.attachEvent('on'+t,function(e){ return oop[f](p); }); }, Auto:function(ms){ var oop=this;{; },ms||500); }, Pause:function(){ clearTimeout(; }, auto:function(){ this.Pause(); var oop=this,cnt=this.cnt; cnt=++cnt%this.ary.length;{ oop.Next(cnt);; },this.hold); } } S=new zxcFadeSlideShow({ ID:'tst', //(optional) unique ID name of the paent DIV. (string ) PaginateID:'paginate', //(optional) unique ID name of the paginate DIV. (string, default = no pagination) FadeDuration:1000, //(optional) the fade duration in milli seconds. (number, default = 1000) Hold:6000, //(optional) the 'hold' between auto rotation in milli seconds. (number, default = 1000) AutoStart:2000 //(optional) auto start after goto. (number, default = no auto start) }); x=new zxcAnimate('opacity',document.getElementById('tst')) //x.animate(0,100,1000) /*]]>*/ </script> Hi I have some Javascript on my website The top bar has 4 images on a random cycle on load up/ refresh. Im trying to validate the xhtml, but it is coming up with errors. I dont understand javascript enough to be able to fix this. Anyone know what needs to be done to validate this javascript. i have bolded/coloured the lines i think is causing the problems -------------------------------------------------------------------- Code: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> // JavaScript Document var imagenumber = 4 ; var randomnumber = Math.random() ; var rand1 = Math.round( (imagenumber-1) * randomnumber) + 1 ; images = new Array images[1] = "images/newtopbar.jpg" images[2] = "images/newtopbar2.jpg" images[3] = "images/newtopbar3.jpg" images[4] = "images/newtopbar4.jpg" var image = images[rand1] function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} } </script> I am having trouble with a plugin not working, so I contacted the creator, and they said the below. I have no idea how to do what they want. Can anyone help me out? "Hi The Billboard Family, We just took a look at your output. It looks like you have jquery loading 3 times, which is not good. This will cause most all jQuery plugins/code to break if you load the jquery library more than once. It looks like you have it loading with your "Enhanced Search Box" and then again at the end of your head just before your "Cycle.All" script. Please be sure that the PHP method wp_head() is that LAST piece of code running before your close head tag in your header.php file as well as wp_footer() being the LAST piece of code running before your close body tag in your footer.php file. I would also recommend running WordPress' wp_enqueu_scripts() method, detailed here by Jamie: Once you get those changes made and jQuery running only once please let us know if you are still having problems. Cheers! " MY SITE: Hi I'm trying to load a part of a page (that has script in it) into another page using jquery. However, though the html loads in correctly, none of the script is working. I'm using code from ie. the pages all work without java (static pages) and when java is enabled, instead of going to bio.html you get taken to ..#bio.html. However if I've got any script I would like to be loaded .. ie. lightbox gallery or even a simple jav split and put back together email address hider. Any help greatly appreciated. I'm not very clued up about jquery at the moment unfortunately and though I've been trying to read and learn, alot is going over my head.. Not sure how best it is to show you the page as it's not live yet. Maybe if it helps I can upload a zip of the site. It's a simple 6 page musician site. Though my code is exactly like the css-tricks page, just that I have a lightbox on one page (which loads fine if there's no hash in the address - but when hash is there, it shows thumbnails, and when you click one, it just takes you to the larger .jpg destination page (no lightboxness etc).) Thanks Hello, i would like to advise me on sthg. I have built a website using a)MySQL b)HTML c)PHP and d)Javascript. My website consists of basic html pages/templates which have links to the left and point to another templates/pages. For example, i have 4 templates in my site 1st template is for: News 2nd : Library 3nd : Articles 4th : E-shop Each template consists of 1. a small menu with links,every link points to another page for the content/text of the html page 3. a form for searching in the website using php and a mysql database. Well, i'm thinking of adding some animation in my website using the jquery library.Let's say we have an accordion which has 4 choices and when the user clicks on the first choice the 1st template(NEWS) appears inside the slide of accordion,loads in the same slide, not in a new page!!!This is what i would like to do, place in each slide of the accordion one of my templates. CAn this be done??? Which are the disadvantages of adding in each slide of the accordion a different template for my site and remain in the same slide when the user clicks in one of the links of the template??? Consider that i'm using dynamic content and not static, i have a MySQL database behind. Also,as i have seen in most examples the options of accordion usually contain an image, a content, a text or links which open in a new window or tab not inside the slide!!!These links do not load in the same slide!!i would like to have a template which loads in the slide each time the user clicks on a link of it. CAn this be done?? I would be glad if sm could advise me! Thanks, in advance!!! Hi guys, I am trying to insert the following call into my page; Code: <script type="text/javascript" defer="true"> $('#query').autocomplete({ serviceUrl:'service/autocomplete.ashx', minChars:1, delimiter: /(,|;)\s*/, // regex or character maxHeight:400, width:250, deferRequestBy: 0, //miliseconds params: { country:'Yes' }, //aditional parameters // local autosugest options: lookup: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May'] //local lookup values }); </script> It works fine in all browsers except ie(6,7,8) Code: Internet Explorer can not open website. Operation Aborted. I understand it is caused by the jquery autocomplete function loading before the page / DOM has fully loaded. I tried adding Defer="true" to the script however this doesn't seem to work. Could someone please tell me what i must add to the script so that it loads after the dom has fully loaded? Thanks guys George When my page loads, it automatically jumps down as if it were jumping to a named anchor. It's more apparent on longer pages (doesn't replicate if page fills screen). Happening in Win FF/IE/Chrome Disabling stylish-select.js (from where he used to allow comments but not anymore) fixes it, but I don't know enough Javascript to debug, would really appreciate if somebody could have a look. Good example at Script is at Thank you thank you! Hello, I have a page that uses the Yahoo Buzz JS widget which renders a button and count of clicks from Yahoo servers. The display of the widget is at the top of the page - which causes the rest of the page to appear to load slowly (cause it's waiting on the Yahoo JS to finish). Ordinarily, I would place all JS calls at the bottom of the page as not to affect the performance of the rest of the page. But since this JS actually renders an UI element, I don't know how to move the code to the bottom of the page (if I move the JS, the UI widgit appears at the bottom). Any suggestions on how to do this? Code: <div class="swidgets"> <script type="text/javascript" src="" badgetype="square"> </script> </div> Hi to all I have a javascript code that when a page loads, some contents must be load within a given div tag. But the problem is that this javascript code sometimes work an somtimes Not work. What's the problem? Thank You... Hi Guys, A client has given me some code but i need to add some code to it so it loads a URL along with the rest of the code. Below is the javascript code i need to work with, i know its to do with Google Tracking (Dart) but i dont understand it as I've never done JavaScript befo Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function dart_tracking(callback) { // Google Conversion Tracking var img = new Image(); img.src=" "; var img2 = new Image(); img2.src=" "; _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'subscribeButton', 'clicked']); if (typeof callback != "undefined") { setTimeout(callback, 1500); } } </script> Now the above code loads up when a subscribe button is clicked on my clients webpage, now how do i go about adding code to this so lets say is loaded too? Any help would be great. Thank you! Hi I'm an AS3 dev learning Javascript. I'm currently writing a simple script that loads an image as seen below. I deliberately misspell the file name to test the fail. Code: var fileName = "anImageThatDoesntExist.jpg"; var image = new Image(); image.onload = imageLoaded; try { image.src = "images/" + fileName; } catch( error ) { console.log('load error', error.message ); } finally { console.log('unable to catch error!') } function imageLoaded( event ) { console.log('image loaded'); } When I run this script I was expecting the 'catch' to pick up the error and tell me that the file doesn't exist. The 'catch' statement is ignored and 'finally' is executed. I would be very grateful if someone could let me know if I'm writing the try/catch incorrectly or whether it doesn't work in this way when loading an image. Many thanks in advance.... Hello everyone, I'm looking for a javascript script that will load a small image where the mouse is, then it would go away after a couple seconds. Thanks a bunch! Hi all I have a list of items that when you hover over them it displays an image (using CSS). This is fine when the list is small but when the list is large it takes a while to load all the images... this then delays any javascript on the page from running until all the images are loaded. Is there a way to either: * Use javascript to make it so the image only loads when the link is hovered over? or * Allow the rest of the javascript on the page to run before the images are finished loading? I think i'd prefer the first solution if possible but i'm open to all ideas. Thanks in advance! Hi I have created the following page I have added JQuery to smoothly fade in the screenshot on this page but on the first load the image gradually loads which misses out on the fade in effect. Is there a way I can load the image invisibly and then fade it in? Thanks in advance for your advice Kyle hello, iam kind of new at javascript, but iam trying my best to be better and better. so i have 3 divs (my_block, my_image, my_description) as you see in my code below Code: <div class = "my_block"> <div class = "my_image"> <img src="images/pic.jpg" width="600" height="600"> </div> <div class = "my_description"> <a> Description goes here.... ! </a> </div> </div> just i want to display the "my description" div only after the 100% image loading completion which exist in "my_image" div. so how can i get this done with Javascript please ?? thanks a lot Hello all. I'm sure this is really easy, but I have a question about being able to change a main image depending on a mouseover of particular text. I have a website where I am hosting a recipe, and I want to be able to show a 'main' picture that changes depending on where the user is hovering in the instructions. It would be very similar to this: The exception being that the top images are replaced by line by line instructions, and the main image changes depending on which instruction you are hovering on. Alternatively, I could also use a pop-up window with the image for the particular instruction, but could not get that to work either. I coded everything for the above link, but just cant seem to get this working. Any help is greatly appreciated. And, also feel free to try out the recipe's from, or to poke around. I know there are a few other errors (one being the day of the week deal) so once again, any input or help would be a tremendous help. Thanks and sorry for being such a noob! I used DrDOS's solution from and modyfied it a bit so I have 2 images, first without and 2nd with a link to other page. It works just fine in FF but in Chrome and in IE it shows just 2nd image. On place where first image shall be it's just blank white space. I have javascript enabled in all browsers, btw. Here's a code in head: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function loadImg() { document.getElementById("loadimg").innerHTML="<img src=\"logo2.png\""; } function loadImg2() { document.getElementById("loadimg2").innerHTML="<a href=\"\"><img src=\"logo2.png\"</a>"; } </script> And here's body part: Code: <div class="bottleft"> <div id="loadimg"></div> <script type="text/javascript">var myimg = setTimeout("loadImg();",5000);</script> </div> <div class="bottright"> <div id="loadimg2"></div> <script type="text/javascript">var myimg = setTimeout("loadImg2();",5000);</script> </div> I'm trying to figure out this whole day but just can't see where I am making a mistake? How can I make it to where an image will load in the corner of a website? Specifically, I have part of a template I want all people to see, however, some people either get it cut off or not shown at all because of their resolution. It must be a simple thing... I am trying to change an image source on page load depending on the contents of a cookie: Code: function goVisited(cookiename,img_name,img_src) { var visited = readCookie(cookiename); if (visited == "1"){ //alert("visited!"); document[img_name].src=img_src; }} <img onload="goVisited('main1','Introduction','img/Yellow.gif');" name="Introduction" border="0" src="img/Green.gif" width="250" height="18"> I need the page to check the cookie "main1" and if its value is 1, then change the image src from Green.gif to Yellow.gif. It almost works, but I get a stack overflow. |