JavaScript - Typing In Javascript?
I know there's a way to do it in Jquery, but in simple javascript is there a way to "type" into a textbox? Or, modify what's typed? I tried using macros but it doesn't fill out the form after refresh.
Similar TutorialsHello guys I've made javascript tutorial for those who want to learn more here's the tutorial on my front page : or direct link : I'll be happy to continue making more tutorials , To show me you want more please Like the video and subscribe if you want! regards , Mor. i'm using a JavaScript typing is my code [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var garray = new Array(); var garrayIndex = -1; var gtext = ""; var gindex = 0; var goldPressed = 0; //previous pressed key code var goldTarget = 0; //previous target key code var gtarget = 0; var gpressed = 0; var ggood = 0; var gtotal = 0; var gtime = 0; var gkeytime = 0; function setup() { setEvents(); //change this array to suit your needs but note that indices //must ascend by 1 from 0: garray[0]="foo"; garray[1]="bar";... garray[0] = "a s d f s d f f s d as sd ad fs ds sad af sa fa dafa sda dad das afa sfd add sasd df sf saf dds fd ads safd fsd fas sas dafs as fad"; //more similar lines can easily be added above, dont forget to get the index right! garrayIndex = -1; next(); } function setPatternInit() { //#b note: once we did this using innerHTML but this caused //a leakage of handles in ie var pat = document.getElementById("pattern"); for(; { if (pat.hasChildNodes()) { pat.removeChild(pat.lastChild); } else break; } var cname = "done"; for (j=0; j<gtext.length; j++) { var ch = gtext.charAt(j); if (j>gindex) cname = "future"; else if (j==gindex) cname = "todo"; var kid = document.createElement("span"); kid.className = cname; var txt = document.createTextNode(ch); kid.appendChild(txt); //#b innertext doesnt work on firefox pat.appendChild(kid); } } function setPattern() { var pat = document.getElementById("pattern"); var kids = pat.childNodes; var cname = "done"; for (j=0; j<gtext.length; j++) { if (j>gindex) cname = "future"; else if (j==gindex) cname = "todo"; var kid = kids[j]; kid.className = cname; } } function mapToBoard(code) { if ((code>=97)&&(code<=108)) return (code-32); if ((code>=110)&&(code<=122)) return (code-32); if ((code>=65)&&(code<=90)) return code; if ((code>=48)&&(code<=57)) return code; if ((code==32)) return code; if ((code==44)||(code==46)||(code==47)||(code==59)) return code; return 0; //not on our board picture } function setBoard() { var letter; var elt; var c; var s; if (goldTarget!=0) { c = mapToBoard(goldTarget); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "silent"; elt.className = s; } } if (goldPressed!=0) { c = mapToBoard(goldPressed); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "silent"; elt.className = s; } } if (gtarget!=0) { c = mapToBoard(gtarget); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "target"; elt.className = s; } } if (gpressed!=0) { c = mapToBoard(gpressed); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "pressed"; elt.className = s; } } } function nextPattern() { goldTarget = gtarget; goldPressed = gpressed; if (++garrayIndex == garray.length) garrayIndex = 0; gtext = garray[0]; gindex = 0; gpressed = 0; setPrompt(); } function prevPattern() { goldTarget = gtarget; goldPressed = gpressed; if (--garrayIndex < 0) garrayIndex = garray.length - 1; gtext = garray[garrayIndex]; gindex = 0; gpressed = 0; setPrompt(); } function next() { nextPattern(); setPatternInit(); setBoard(); } function prev() { prevPattern(); setPatternInit(); setBoard(); } function skip(e) { next(); return false; } function back(e) { prev(); return false; } function setEcho(c, isOK) { var s; if (c<' ') c=' '; var s = "["+c+"]"; if (!isOK) s += " ..OOPS!" var elt = document.getElementById("echo"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); } function setPrompt() { var ch = gtext.charAt(gindex); gtarget = ch.charCodeAt(0); } function adjustStatistics(ch) { return; //could count errors by character } function updateSpeed(ok) { var t = (new Date()).getTime(); var dt = (t-gtime); gtime = t; if (dt > 5000) return; //ignore sleepy user gkeytime += dt; var s = (0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime).toFixed(0) + ""; var elt = document.getElementById("speed"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); } function updateScore(ok) { if (ok) ggood++; gtotal++; updateSpeed(ok) var s = ggood.toFixed(0) + ""; var elt = document.getElementById("count"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); s = (gtotal-ggood).toFixed(0) + ""; elt = document.getElementById("accuracy"); txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); var s = (gkeytime/1000).toFixed(2) + " s"; var elt = document.getElementById("time"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); } function reset(e) { window.location.reload(); } function debug() { //#b to use, set body onLoad="debug()" instead of "setup()" in html //document.onkeydown=debugKey; //#b document.onkeypress=debugKey; } function debugKey(evt) { //#b var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; //#b var k = (e.which)? e.which : e.keyCode; var f = filterKeyCode(k); var s = "k="+k+",f="+f; alert(s); return false; } function setEvents() { //#b document.onkeydown=down; //#b document.onkeypress=press; (document.getElementById('skip')).onmousedown=skip; (document.getElementById('back')).onmousedown=back; (document.getElementById('reset')).onmousedown=reset; } function cleanup() { //pointless, really document.onkeydown=null; //#b document.onkeypress=null; (document.getElementById('skip')).onmousedown=null; (document.getElementById('back')).onmousedown=null; (document.getElementById('reset')).onmousedown=null; } function filterKeyCode(code) { //from key down (0 to ignore) //note: user must have num lock set if they want to use keypad numbers if ((code>=65)&&(code<=90)) return code; //alpha if ((code>=48)&&(code<=57)) return code; //numberic if (code==32) return code; //blank if ((code>=96)&&(code<=105)) return code; //number pad digits if ((code==13)||(code==16)) return code; //enter, shift if ((code>=106)&&(code<=111)) return code; //number pad operators if ((code>=186)&&(code<=192)) return code; //punctuation if ((code>=219)&&(code<=222)) return code; //punctuation return 0; } function filterCode(code) { //from key press as ascii char code (0 to ignore) if ((code==13)||(code==16)) return code; //enter and shift are allowed if (code<32) return 0; if (code>=127) return 0; return code; } function capsLockFilter(e, pressed) { //#b many problems making this cross browser! //#b e.modifiers known only on early mozilla (which does not know standard e.shiftkey)? var shifted = e.shiftKey || (e.modifiers && (e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK)); //#b var locked = (((pressed > 64) && (pressed < 91) && (!shifted)) || ((pressed > 96) && (pressed < 123) && (shifted))); if (locked) alert("caps lock!"); } function down(evt) { //#b var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; //#b var rawcode = (e.which)? e.which : e.keyCode; pressed = filterKeyCode(rawcode); if (pressed > 0) return true; if (typeof(e.cancelBubble)!="undefined") e.cancelBubble = true; if (typeof(e.stopPropagation)!="undefined") e.stopPropagation(); return false; //#b nuisance keys - backspace etc on ie (no effect for capslock!!) } function press(evt) { //#b //#b should work in ie, firefox, safari(hopefully), opera(hopefully) var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; //#b var pressed = 0; var wc = -1; var kc = -1; var cc = -1; if (typeof(e.keyCode)!="undefined") kc = e.keyCode; //ie if (typeof(e.charCode)!="undefined") cc = e.charCode; //firefox if (typeof(e.which)!="undefined") wc = e.which; //old mozilla if ((kc>=0)&&(cc>=0)) { //firefox pressed = cc; } else if (kc>=0) pressed = kc; //ie else if (wc>=0) pressed = wc; //old mozilla //alert("pressed="+pressed+",kc="+kc+",cc="+cc+",wc="+wc); pressed = filterCode(pressed); if (pressed==0) { if (kc==13) return skip(); //#b firefox else return false; } if (pressed==13) return skip(); //#b ie capsLockFilter(e, pressed); //hmm var c = String.fromCharCode(pressed); //ie from ascii code var ch = gtext.charAt(gindex); var ok = (c==ch); goldPressed = gpressed; gpressed = pressed; goldTarget = gtarget; if (ok) { gindex++; if (gindex==gtext.length) { if (gtotal-ggood <= 5 && 0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime >= 20) { alert('Good work! You had fewer than 5 errors and typed faster than 20 WPM! Now try the next exercise!'); setPatternInit(); } else if (gtotal-ggood > 5 && 0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime >= 20){ alert('Good speed! You were over 20 WPM but have more than five errors! Slow down a bit for accuracy.') setPatternInit(); } else if (gtotal-ggood <= 5 && 0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime < 20){ alert('Good accuracy! You had fewer than 5 errors, now try for 20 WPM.') setPatternInit(); } else alert ('Focus on accuracy first, then go for speed!'); setPatternInit(); } else setPattern(); gpressed = 0; setPrompt(); setEcho(c, true); updateScore(true); } else { setEcho(c, false); updateScore(false); setPattern() } setBoard(); return false; } //</XMLCDATA> </script> [CODE] This is my HTML Code : [CODE] <body onload="setup()" onunload="cleanup()"> <div id="container1"> <div id="container3"> <div id="body"> <div id="pattern" class="big"> </div> <div id="prompt" class="prompt"> </div> <div id="board" class="board"> <div id="row0" class="row0"> <span id="code49">1</span> <span id="code50">2</span> <span id="code51">3</span> <span id="code52">4</span> <span id="code53" style="margin-left:-5px;">5</span> <span id="code54">6</span> <span id="code55">7</span> <span id="code56">8</span> <span id="code57">9</span> <span id="code48">0</span> </div> <div id="row1" class="row1"> <span id="code81">Q</span> <span id="code87">W</span> <span id="code69">E</span> <span id="code82" style="font-weight:bold">R</span> <span id="code84">T</span> <span id="code89">Y</span> <span id="code85" style="margin-left: -2px;">U</span> <span id="code73">I</span> <span id="code79">O</span> <span id="code80">P</span> </div> <div id="row2" class="row2"> <span id="code65">A</span> <span id="code83">S</span> <span id="code68">D</span> <span id="code70" style="font-weight:bold;">F</span> <span id="code71" style="margin: 0 0 0 -5px;">G</span> <span id="code72">H</span> <span id="code74" style="font-weight:bold;">J</span> <span id="code75">K</span> <span id="code76">L</span> <span id="code59">;</span> </div> <div id="row3" class="row3"> <span id="code90">Z</span> <span id="code88">X</span> <span id="code67">C</span> <span id="code86" style="font-weight:bold">V</span> <span id="code66">B</span> <span id="code78">N</span> <span id="code77" style="font-weight:bold">M</span> <span id="code44">,</span> <span id="code46">.</span> </div> <div id="row4" class="row4"> <span id="code32">[SPACE]</span> </div> <div id="scores"> <div class="count">Characters: <span id="count"></span> </div> <div class="accuracy">Errors: <span id="accuracy"></span> </div> <div class="speed">WPM: <span id="speed"></span> </div> <div class="time">Time: <span id="time"></span> </div> </div> <div align="center"> <button id="reset" class="button123" name="reset" align="center">Restart Exercise</button> </div> </div> <div id="echo" class="echo" style="display:none;"> [] </div> <div style="display:none;"> <button id="skip" class="button123" name="skip">skip</button> to next line ("enter" key is shortcut) </div> <div style="display:none;"> <button id="back" class="button123" name="back">back</button> to previous line </div> </div> </div> [CODE] Can any one help me to input the speed, accuracy and count to a database. I can't able to take the value because its JavaScript.... Does anyone know of a good library/function that will add the commas to a number automatically as the number is entered into a field?
it is required to locate the typing cursor in field after when click ok on java alert thanks in advance !! Good day! I have a question regarding textbox properties. In my textbox username I want to happen is when I input a letter for example is "l" all the letter started in "l" in my field username was appear, so that the user can choose what she want to type to lessen the time in typing like in the google search. Is it possible?How can I do that? Thank you in advance Hello! I am trying to find a script that allows you to open multiple browser tabs and then close each of those tabs, either one by one or all at once. Does anyone know how to do this please? Thanks so much for your help. I want to have another go at Javascript. I have several books on the subject but I find that my eyesight is a major problem. Therefore I want to try an on-line solution, preferably free. I have Googled, but there are so many that I am almost dizzy with the choices. Perhaps someone could recommend one. Not too fussy visually. My knowledge is VERY basic. Frank Does anyone know how to make URL links that use Javascript still work when users have Javascript disabled on their browser? The only reason I'm using JS on a URL is because my link opens a PDF file, and I'm forcing it not to cache so users have the latest version. I tried the <script><noscript> tags, but I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly, as my URL completely disappears. Below is my HTML/Javascript code: <p class="download"> <script type="text/javascript">document.write("<span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\" ''+ Math.floor( Math.random()*11 ) );\" >The Child Magazines Media Kit</a></span> (PDF 1 MB) ");</script> <noscript><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" >The Child Magazines Media Kit</a></span> (PDF 1 MB)</noscript> </p> Thanks for any help, Michael Hi Guys, I am new at JavaScript and start to do some tutorials.What I am trying to do here is prompting user to input a name and if the name was valid the page(document) will display with all objects like the button.But if user enter a wrong name then the button will be disabled! I create the following code but it did not work <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>New Web Project</title> <script language="JavaScript" type=""> function changeColor(){ document.bgColor = "Gray"; } </script> </head> <body> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var person = ""; person = prompt('What is Your Name:'); if (person == "Foo") { document.write("<h1 />Welcome " + person); document.bgColor = "Yellow"; } else { document.write("<h1 />Access Denied!!!!"); document.bgColor = "Red"; document.getElementById("gree").disabled = true; } </script> <div> <p/><input id="gree" type="button" value="Gray " onClick="changeColor();"> </div> </body> </html> as you can see I used the: document.getElementById("gree").disabled = true; but it did not work , could you please give an idea how I can solve this problem? Thanks Hi, I have the following code snippet: test.html ====== <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var testVariable = "test"; </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="test.js"> </script> test.js ===== var testVariable =; In firefox, I'm able to access testvariable defined within test.html in test.js. But in chrome, test.js couldnot get the field defined in test.html. Can any one please let me know how i can make it work in chrome?. Am i missing something here?. Hey, I've got to make the values of some textboxes change the co-ordinates of my sprite on a canvas and havent a clue on how to do it, Here is my form with the two textboxes and submit button: <form> x: <input type="text" name="x" /><br /> y: <input type="text" name:"y" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/><br /> </form> And i need it so that they change the values of these: //this shows where my sprite will start on the canvas var block_x; var block_y; searched the internet for hours and cant really find anything i understand or works. any help is much appreciated I got an index.php Code: <html> <form action="bacakomik.php" method='post'> <select name="kodekomik"> <option value='../komik1/|23'>Judul Komik1</option> <option value="../komik2/|20">Judul Komik2</option> <option value="../komik3/|10">Juduk Komik3</option> <option value="../komik4/|20">Judul Komik4</option> </select> <input type="submit" /> </form> <?php echo ('<select>'); echo ('<option value= "'.$i.'">'.'Page '.$i.'</option>'); echo ('</select>'); ?> </html> As you can see, each of the option brings specific value "../komik1/|23" komik1 is a directory | is a delimiter 23 is the pages in one chapter and can be considered also as how many images are there on a specific directory This is my bacakomik.php Code: <?php $dirkomik = $_POST['kodekomik']; $exploded = explode("|", $dirkomik); echo ($exploded[0]); //picture directory echo ("<br>"); echo ($exploded[1]); //total page in the comic $pagecount = (int)$exploded[1]; //Take last posted value, process it right away echo ('<FORM name="guideform"> '); echo ('<select name="guidelinks">'); $i=1; do { echo ('<option value= "'.$i.'">'.'Page '.$i.'</option>'); $i= $i+1; }while($i <= $pagecount); //Printing option and select echo ("</select>"); ?> <input type="button" name="go" value="Go!" onClick="document.getElementById('im').src=document.guideform.guidelinks.options[document.guideform.guidelinks.selectedIndex].value+'.png';"> </FORM> <img src="img0.jpg" id="im"> With the current code on bacakomik.php, I only can change the img src of id "im" in the same directory only. What I want is that the Javascript could "add" the "$exploded[0]" variable so that the picture can be loaded from different directory. Anyone can do this? I believe that the fix should be somewhere on input tag inside OnClick, or do you know where? Anyway, I found this on the net Please help me to those who can... I want to insert this js snippet Code: function addText(smiley) { document.getElementById('message').value += " " + smiley + " "; document.getElementById('message').focus(); return false; } to a loaded iframe with name&id chtifrm. I can access it & change embed something in its html via using something like: Code: $(parent.chtifrm.document.body).append('<div id=\"smly\" style=\"cursor:pointer;float:left;top:200px;display:none;position:absolute;\"><\/div>'); .... Code: parent.chtifrm.document.getElementById('chatbox_option_disco').style.display == 'none' but how do I insert js in the head of loaded iframe? Hi Guys I am trying to modify the functionality of my page. I want to be able to activate this piece of code using another javascript function. This is the code I want to activate: Code: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- $('#button-cart').bind('click', function() { $.ajax({ url: 'index.php?route=checkout/cart/update', type: 'post', data: $('.product-info input[type=\'text\'], .product-info input[type=\'hidden\'], .product-info input[type=\'radio\']:checked, .product-info input[type=\'checkbox\']:checked, .product-info select, .product-info textarea, .date_data input[type=\'text\']'), dataType: 'json', success: function(json) { $('.success, .warning, .attention, information, .error').remove(); if (json['error']) { if (json['error']['warning']) { $('#notification').html('<div class="warning" style="display: none;">' + json['error']['warning'] + '<img src="catalog/view/theme/default/image/close.png" alt="" class="close" /></div>'); $('.warning').fadeIn('slow'); } for (i in json['error']) { $('#option-' + i).after('<span class="error">' + json['error'][i] + '</span>'); } } if (json['success']) { $('#notification').html('<div class="success" style="display: none;">' + json['success'] + '<img src="catalog/view/theme/default/image/close.png" alt="" class="close" /></div>'); $('.success').fadeIn('slow'); $('#cart_total').html(json['total']); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); } } }); }); //--></script> And this is how I want the format of the function to be: function testsession() { if there is a session called 'hiredate' { activate the script above } else { var el = document.getElementById("product_data"); } } I just dont know how to write this in javascript Could you help me if possible please All -- I have a JavaScript config file called gameSetting.js which contains a bunch of variables which configures a particular game. I also have a shared JavaScript library which uses the variables in gameSetting.js, which I include like so: <script type="text/javascript" src="gameSetting.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gameLibrary.js" ></script> In gameSetting.js I have: $(document).ready(function() { // call some functions / classes in gameLibrary.js } in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, this works fine. However, in IE, when it's parsing gameSetting.js, it complains that the functions that live in gameLibrary.js aren't defined. When it gets to parsing gameLibrary.js, the variables in gameSetting.js are reported as not being defined. I've tried dynamically bootstrapping the gameLibrary file using this function in document.ready for dynamic load... $.getScript("gameLibrary.js"); However, the same problem still happens in IE, where when it parses the files individually it's not taking into context the file/variables that came before, so it's not an out of load order problem. My options a 1) collapsing all the functions in gameLibrary.js and variables in gameSetting.js into one file. However, this is not practical because this is dealing with literally hundreds of games, and having a gameLibrary.js in ONE location for ONE update is what makes most logical sense. 2) figure out a way to get this to work where variables in file1 are accessible to file2 in IE (as it seems they are in other browsers). jQuery seems to be able to have multiple plugins that all refer to the based jQuery-1.3.2.js, so I know there is a way to get this to work. Help appreciated. Nero I wrote a log function that took note of various function calls. Thinking that functions are first class objects, and objects have properties, I made the name of each logged function a property of that function, e.g., = "brightenInnerPara"; Every browser I tried (Firefox, MSIE, Opera, Chrome, Safari) accepted the assignment, no problem. In Firefox and MSIE, the result was what I wanted: == "brightenInnerPara" But in the others, the result was: == null Question 1. Which Javascript is correct here? I favor Firefox and MSIE, not merely because they were willing to give me what I wanted, but also because it makes no sense to accept an assignment statement without throwing an error and then give it a null semantics, like Chrome, Opera, and Safari did. I found a workaround, using assignments like this: = "brightenInnerPara"; To my surprise, that worked in every browser. But I don't know why. It seems that such assignments are enough to cause each function to have its own distinct prototype. Question 2. Just how inefficient is my workaround, and why does it work? I need help i want to make an area where it will show three boxes with news in them but it has arrows either side to slide to older and newer stories. I am very new to JavaScript and just wanted a push in the write direction to is this something that you would do in this lanuage or jQuery or something a like. Thanks Hello friends, I need a help in HTML and java script I want that whenever i scroll the HTML page downwards then when i reaches at the bottom of the page then some event should get fired or some action should get performed like twitter I don't understand, how can i do that ? Are the faq's written here in java script or something else?
I downloaded a javascript file that works GREAT. It shows and hides div's in the code on demand. My problem is that in my code the divs in question are forms that are submitted. The handler for the forms is the same page. So the first time I visit the page all the sections are hidden. I expand a div, add some information and submit. Then the page refreshes and all divs are hidden again. I have to reexpand the div again to continue my work. Not a HUGE deal except when I have a ton of data entry to do. So I have a plan. I have created a table in the data base to hold a 1/0 value. I want the javascript that shows the sections to simply check the table. IE if the page is loaded, check the database to see which sections should be hidden and which should be visible. I THINK the place to add it is the fuction called "showhide" on line 53 but I'm not sure if that's correct nor do I have any idea how to make it accept the value from the database. Whew! I hope I made that clear. Below is the code for the javascript and the code of the webpage in question. Can anyone help? Code: //** Animated Collapsible DIV v2.0- (c) Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: //** May 24th, 08'- Script rewritten and updated to 2.0. //** June 4th, 08'- Version 2.01: Bug fix to work with jquery 1.2.6 (which changed the way attr() behaves). //** March 5th, 09'- Version 2.2, which adds the following: //1) ontoggle($, divobj, state) event that fires each time a DIV is expanded/collapsed, including when the page 1st loads //2) Ability to expand a DIV via a URL parameter string, ie: index.htm?expanddiv=jason or index.htm?expanddiv=jason,kelly //** March 9th, 09'- Version 2.2.1: Optimized ontoggle event handler slightly. //** July 3rd, 09'- Version 2.4, which adds the following: //1) You can now insert rel="expand[divid] | collapse[divid] | toggle[divid]" inside arbitrary links to act as DIV togglers //2) For image toggler links, you can insert the attributes "data-openimage" and "data-closedimage" to update its image based on the DIV state var animatedcollapse={ divholders: {}, //structu {, div.attrs, div.$divref, div.$togglerimage} divgroups: {}, //structu {groupname.count, groupname.lastactivedivid} lastactiveingroup: {}, //structu {} preloadimages: [], show:function(divids){ //public method if (typeof divids=="object"){ for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++) this.showhide(divids[i], "show") } else this.showhide(divids, "show") }, hide:function(divids){ //public method if (typeof divids=="object"){ for (var i=0; i<divids.length; i++) this.showhide(divids[i], "hide") } else this.showhide(divids, "hide") }, toggle:function(divid){ //public method if (typeof divid=="object") divid=divid[0] this.showhide(divid, "toggle") }, addDiv:function(divid, attrstring){ //public function this.divholders[divid]=({id: divid, $divref: null, attrs: attrstring}) this.divholders[divid].getAttr=function(name){ //assign getAttr() function to each divholder object var attr=new RegExp(name+"=([^,]+)", "i") //get name/value config pair (ie: width=400px,) return (attr.test(this.attrs) && parseInt(RegExp.$1)!=0)? RegExp.$1 : null //return value portion (string), or 0 (false) if none found } this.currentid=divid //keep track of current div object being manipulated (in the event of chaining) return this }, showhide:function(divid, action){ var $divref=this.divholders[divid].$divref //reference collapsible DIV if (this.divholders[divid] && $divref.length==1){ //if DIV exists var targetgroup=this.divgroups[$divref.attr('groupname')] //find out which group DIV belongs to (if any) if ($divref.attr('groupname') && targetgroup.count>1 && (action=="show" || action=="toggle" && $divref.css('display')=='none')){ //If current DIV belongs to a group if (targetgroup.lastactivedivid && targetgroup.lastactivedivid!=divid) //if last active DIV is set this.slideengine(targetgroup.lastactivedivid, 'hide') //hide last active DIV within group first this.slideengine(divid, 'show') targetgroup.lastactivedivid=divid //remember last active DIV } else{ this.slideengine(divid, action) } } }, slideengine:function(divid, action){ var $divref=this.divholders[divid].$divref var $togglerimage=this.divholders[divid].$togglerimage if (this.divholders[divid] && $divref.length==1){ //if this DIV exists var animateSetting={height: action} if ($divref.attr('fade')) animateSetting.opacity=action $divref.animate(animateSetting, $divref.attr('speed')? parseInt($divref.attr('speed')) : 500, function(){ if ($togglerimage){ $togglerimage.attr('src', ($divref.css('display')=="none")? $'srcs').closed : $'srcs').open) } if (animatedcollapse.ontoggle){ try{ animatedcollapse.ontoggle(jQuery, $divref.get(0), $divref.css('display')) } catch(e){ alert("An error exists inside your \"ontoggle\" function:\n\n"+e+"\n\nAborting execution of function.") } } }) return false } }, generatemap:function(){ var map={} for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){ if (arguments[i][1]!=null){ //do not generate name/value pair if value is null map[arguments[i][0]]=arguments[i][1] } } return map }, init:function(){ var ac=this jQuery(document).ready(function($){ animatedcollapse.ontoggle=animatedcollapse.ontoggle || null var urlparamopenids=animatedcollapse.urlparamselect() //Get div ids that should be expanded based on the url (['div1','div2',etc]) var persistopenids=ac.getCookie('acopendivids') //Get list of div ids that should be expanded due to persistence ('div1,div2,etc') var groupswithpersist=ac.getCookie('acgroupswithpersist') //Get list of group names that have 1 or more divs with "persist" attribute defined if (persistopenids!=null) //if cookie isn't null (is null if first time page loads, and cookie hasnt been set yet) persistopenids=(persistopenids=='nada')? [] : persistopenids.split(',') //if no divs are persisted, set to empty array, else, array of div ids groupswithpersist=(groupswithpersist==null || groupswithpersist=='nada')? [] : groupswithpersist.split(',') //Get list of groups with divs that are persisted jQuery.each(ac.divholders, function(){ //loop through each collapsible DIV object this.$divref=$('#' if ((this.getAttr('persist') || jQuery.inArray(this.getAttr('group'), groupswithpersist)!=-1) && persistopenids!=null){ //if this div carries a user "persist" setting, or belong to a group with at least one div that does var cssdisplay=(jQuery.inArray(, persistopenids)!=-1)? 'block' : 'none' } else{ var cssdisplay=this.getAttr('hide')? 'none' : null } if (urlparamopenids[0]=="all" || jQuery.inArray(, urlparamopenids)!=-1){ //if url parameter string contains the single array element "all", or this div's ID cssdisplay='block' //set div to "block", overriding any other setting } else if (urlparamopenids[0]=="none"){ cssdisplay='none' //set div to "none", overriding any other setting } this.$divref.css(ac.generatemap(['height', this.getAttr('height')], ['display', cssdisplay])) this.$divref.attr(ac.generatemap(['groupname', this.getAttr('group')], ['fade', this.getAttr('fade')], ['speed', this.getAttr('speed')])) if (this.getAttr('group')){ //if this DIV has the "group" attr defined var targetgroup=ac.divgroups[this.getAttr('group')] || (ac.divgroups[this.getAttr('group')]={}) //Get settings for this group, or if it no settings exist yet, create blank object to store them in targetgroup.count=(targetgroup.count||0)+1 //count # of DIVs within this group if (jQuery.inArray(, urlparamopenids)!=-1){ //if url parameter string contains this div's ID //remember this DIV as the last "active" DIV (this DIV will be expanded). Overrides other settings targetgroup.overridepersist=1 //Indicate to override persisted div that would have been expanded } if (!targetgroup.lastactivedivid && this.$divref.css('display')!='none' || cssdisplay=="block" && typeof targetgroup.overridepersist=="undefined") //if this DIV was open by default or should be open due to persistence //remember this DIV as the last "active" DIV (this DIV will be expanded) this.$divref.css({display:'none'}) //hide any DIV that's part of said group for now } }) //end divholders.each jQuery.each(ac.divgroups, function(){ //loop through each group if (this.lastactivedivid && urlparamopenids[0]!="none") //show last "active" DIV within each group (one that should be expanded), unless url param="none" ac.divholders[this.lastactivedivid].$ }) if (animatedcollapse.ontoggle){ jQuery.each(ac.divholders, function(){ //loop through each collapsible DIV object and fire ontoggle event animatedcollapse.ontoggle(jQuery, this.$divref.get(0), this.$divref.css('display')) }) } //Parse page for links containing rel attribute var $allcontrols=$('a[rel]').filter('[rel^="collapse["], [rel^="expand["], [rel^="toggle["]') //get all elements on page with rel="collapse[]", "expand[]" and "toggle[]" $allcontrols.each(function(){ //loop though each control link this._divids=this.getAttribute('rel').replace(/(^\w+)|(\s+)/g, "").replace(/[\[\]']/g, "") //cache value 'div1,div2,etc' within identifier[div1,div2,etc] if (this.getElementsByTagName('img').length==1 && ac.divholders[this._divids]){ //if control is an image link that toggles a single DIV (must be one to one to update status image) animatedcollapse.preloadimage(this.getAttribute('data-openimage'), this.getAttribute('data-closedimage')) //preload control images (if defined) $togglerimage=$(this).find('img').eq(0).data('srcs', {open:this.getAttribute('data-openimage'), closed:this.getAttribute('data-closedimage')}) //remember open and closed images' paths ac.divholders[this._divids].$togglerimage=$(this).find('img').eq(0) //save reference to toggler image (to be updated inside slideengine() ac.divholders[this._divids].$togglerimage.attr('src', (ac.divholders[this._divids].$divref.css('display')=="none")? $'srcs').closed : $'srcs').open) } $(this).click(function(){ //assign click behavior to each control link var relattr=this.getAttribute('rel') var divids=(this._divids=="")? [] : this._divids.split(',') //convert 'div1,div2,etc' to array if (divids.length>0){ animatedcollapse[/expand/i.test(relattr)? 'show' : /collapse/i.test(relattr)? 'hide' : 'toggle'](divids) //call corresponding public function return false } }) //end })// end control.each $(window).bind('unload', function(){ ac.uninit() }) }) //end doc.ready() }, uninit:function(){ var opendivids='', groupswithpersist='' jQuery.each(this.divholders, function(){ if (this.$divref.css('display')!='none'){',' //store ids of DIVs that are expanded when page unloads: 'div1,div2,etc' } if (this.getAttr('group') && this.getAttr('persist')) groupswithpersist+=this.getAttr('group')+',' //store groups with which at least one DIV has persistance enabled: 'group1,group2,etc' }) opendivids=(opendivids=='')? 'nada' : opendivids.replace(/,$/, '') groupswithpersist=(groupswithpersist=='')? 'nada' : groupswithpersist.replace(/,$/, '') this.setCookie('acopendivids', opendivids) this.setCookie('acgroupswithpersist', groupswithpersist) }, getCookie:function(Name){ var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]*", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair if (document.cookie.match(re)) //if cookie found return document.cookie.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value return null }, setCookie:function(name, value, days){ if (typeof days!="undefined"){ //if set persistent cookie var expireDate = new Date() expireDate.setDate(expireDate.getDate()+days) document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; path=/; expires="+expireDate.toGMTString() } else //else if this is a session only cookie document.cookie = name+"="+value+"; path=/" }, urlparamselect:function(){[\w\-_,]+)/i) //search for expanddiv=divid or divid1,divid2,etc return (RegExp.$1!="")? RegExp.$1.split(",") : [] }, preloadimage:function(){ var preloadimages=this.preloadimages for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){ if (arguments[i] && arguments[i].length>0){ preloadimages[preloadimages.length]=new Image() preloadimages[preloadimages.length-1].src=arguments[i] } } } } And the code of the page in question: Code: <head> <title>Admininstration</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/epoch_styles.css" /> <!-- Calendar Stuff --> <script type="text/javascript" src="./javascript/epoch_classes.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function() { var calendar1 = new Epoch('interactiondate','popup',document.getElementById('calendar1_container'),false); var calendar5 = new Epoch('expensedate','popup',document.getElementById('calendar5_container'),false); }; </script> <!-- End Calendar Stuff--> <!--Section Collapse stuff --> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./javascript/animatedcollapse.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> animatedcollapse.addDiv('Clients', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.addDiv('Interactions', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.addDiv('Expenses', 'fade=1') animatedcollapse.ontoggle=function($, divobj, state){ //fires each time a DIV is expanded/contracted //$: Access to jQuery //divobj: DOM reference to DIV being expanded/ collapsed. Use "" to get its ID //state: "block" or "none", depending on state } animatedcollapse.init() <!--End Section Collapse Stuff --> </script> </head> <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle('Clients')"><h1>Clients</h1></a> <? echo' <div id="Clients" style="display:none"> <table> <tr> <td valign="top">'; include ('./addclient.php'); echo'</td> <td valign="top">'; include ('./displayclient.php'); echo'</td> </tr> </table> </div> '; ?> <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle('Interactions')"><h1>Interactions</h1></a> <? echo' <div id="Interactions" style="display:none"> <table> <tr> <td valign="top">'; include ('./addinteractions.php'); echo'</td> <td valign="top">'; include ('./displayinteractions.php'); echo'</td> </tr> </table> </div> '; ?> <a href="javascript:animatedcollapse.toggle('Expenses')"><h1>Expenses</h1></a> <? echo' <div id="Expenses" style="display:none"> <table> <tr> <td valign="top">'; include ('./addexpenses.php'); echo'</td> <td valign="top">'; include ('./displayexpenses.php'); echo'</td> </tr> </table>'; mysql_close(); // Close the database connection ?> |