JavaScript - Returning Json Object, Reference Lost
Hi, I have this ajax routine...
Code: function xhr_get(target_str,async){ var sync=true; if(async){sync=false;} var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', target_str, sync); if(sync==false){ xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.status === 200) { try{ var ii =JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);} catch (exception) { } if(ii){ return ii; }else{ alert(xhr.responseText); return false; } } else { alert(xhr.status+' '+target_str);return false; } }; xhr.send(null); }else{ xhr.send(null); try{ var ii =JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);} catch (exception) { } if(ii){ return ii; }else{ alert(xhr.responseText); return false; } } } now if I alert(ii) on success the data I am looking for (specifically ii.content) shows up in the alert as expected however when calling from another javascript function, ii is false ???? please explain, Code: function call_change_val(fld,vm_id){ var str='?_f=load_edit_fld&_ctl_fld='+fld+'&vm_id='+vm_id+'&fld='+fld+'&width=80'; i = xhr_get('ajax/val_main_loader.php'+str,true); ////////////////////// alert(i); or alert(i.content) here both give be a blank popup///////////////// showdiv('c_change_'+fld); setih('c_change_'+fld,i.content); } I expected alert(i) to say Object or similar, getting nothing Similar TutorialsThe goal is for selectedDay to be assigned the value of the system variable Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay and then incremented by two days. Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay needs to be unchanged. Important system variable in red. To be 'manipulated and used' variable in green. Even with an intermediary, third, dummy variable it doesn't work: Code: //Declarations and instantiations var systemDate = new Date(); var selectedDay = new Date(); Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay ; //Assignments and manipulations systemDate = Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay ; selectedDay = systemDate ; selectedDay .setDate( selectedDay .getDate()+2); //Logging console.log('Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay: ' +Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay +'\n' +'systemDate: ' +systemDate +'\n' +'selectedDay :' +selectedDay +'\n'); Console log is: Code: Mainpackage.subclass0.subclass1.firstDay: Tue Aug 24 2010 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) systemDate: Tue Aug 24 2010 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) selectedDay: Tue Aug 24 2010 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) It doesn't work in my webapp : All variables change at the same time. My question is commented in the script: Code: function Love(){ var req = { ring : 'gold', money : 'a lot', commitment : 'long-term' } this.loveReqs = function(){ return req; } } var you = new Love(); var details = you.loveReqs(); details.ring = "silver"; console.log(details.ring); var me = new Love(); var details = me.loveReqs(); console.log(details.ring); // why does this return gold and not silver if req is passed by reference and we already changed its value above and so it's pointing to the same memory position? I am confused about what the return keyword is actually returning when returning an object, a primitive, or a function. My confusion is compounded by the fact that I'm not sure if a function is an object or not. According to the book JavaScript Programmer Reference it is: "All functions in JavaScript are first class objects , meaning they can be passed around like any other object reference. In fact, regardless of how they are created, functions are instances of a global object named (aptly) Function." However, someone else states that a function is not an object. An object is a set of primitives and references. A function is executable code. Functions become objects through the use of the new operator. Yet, in the book I mentioned, it says you don't need the new keyword to execute the function as an object, as it already inherits from the object Function when the function keyword is used: Code: function functionName([argname1 [, ...[, argnameN]]]) { statements; } So there's one source of contradiction. Now the bigger issue is what is going on when the return keyword is used. Notice the Validation() function returns an object as its last expression. This technique is common, where you return an object which contains functions in form of object notation. I believe this is done so that we create a closure so that when the intepreter exits the Validation() method, since we created a closure by returning an object, which contains the inner functions addRule and getRule, the local variables of Validation() are not destroyed, given that we can reference them through the two inner functions that make use of the local variables of the outer function. So when we use the return keyword on an object literal, and then exit the function, when we call one of the inner functions as we do later: Code: var rule = $.Validation.getRule(types[type]); essentially getRule() is called, passes an argument, which is received by the inner function as parameter we call name: Code: getRule : function(name) { return rules[name]; } First, note that the return {} is written in object notation, therefore making getRule a local variable and, thus, private function only accessible through the namespace of Validation(). Validation() declares the rules local variable and because of the closure, we can access the rules local variable through the getRule() inner function. *****Here's the part that really thows me off. We return rules[name]. So let's say name is equal to email. This is an associative array so email (held in name) is a property of rules. So here we return the object's property: Code: return rules[name]; And then assign it to a local variable called rule: Code: var rule = $.Validation.getRule(types[type]); So when we return an object rules[name], do we return a reference to an object or a value? In other words, by returning rules[name], where name is equal to email, are we then returning a reference to the following object literal: Code: email : { check: function(value) { if(value) return testPattern(value,".+@.+\..+"); return true; }, msg : "Enter a valid e-mail address." } And if we are returning a reference, by returning a reference, are we essentially pointing to this object when we assign it to rule? In other words, the variable rule is just pointing to the object literal? And is that the reason we can then access the check function or msg local variable through rule using dot notation, because rule points to the email object literal? Now the ultimate brain twist for me is that if a function is an object, then why when return a function, it returns a value, such as a boolean, if an object only returns a reference and not the value? Code: //Validation is a local variable as it is in a self-executing anonymous function. The purpose of the said anonymous function is to pass the jQuery object as a parameter $ so the $() function will be in scope of the anonymous function and not interfere with other libraries that make use of the same function technique - in the global scope. (function($) { var rules = { email : { check: function(value) { if(value) return testPattern(value,".+@.+\..+"); return true; }, msg : "Enter a valid e-mail address." }, url : { check : function(value) { if(value) return testPattern(value,"https?://(.+\.)+.{2,4}(/.*)?"); return true; }, msg : "Enter a valid URL." }, required : { check: function(value) { if(value) return true; else return false; }, msg : "This field is required." } } var testPattern = function(value, pattern) { var regExp = new RegExp("^"+pattern+"$",""); return regExp.test(value); //The test() method is built into javascript } return { addRule : function(name, rule) { rules[name] = rule; }, getRule : function(name) { return rules[name]; } } } /* Form factory */ var Form = function(form) { var fields = []; $(form[0].elements).each(function() { var field = $(this); if(field.attr('validation') !== undefined) { fields.push(new Field(field)); } }); this.fields = fields; } Form.prototype = { validate : function() { for(field in this.fields) { this.fields[field].validate(); } }, isValid : function() { for(field in this.fields) { if(!this.fields[field].valid) { this.fields[field].field.focus(); return false; } } return true; } } /* Field factory */ var Field = function(field) { this.field = field; this.valid = false; this.attach("change"); } Field.prototype = { attach : function(event) { var obj = this; if(event == "change") { obj.field.bind("change",function() { return obj.validate(); }); } if(event == "keyup") { obj.field.bind("keyup",function(e) { return obj.validate(); }); } }, validate : function() { var obj = this, field = obj.field, errorClass = "errorlist", errorlist = $(document.createElement("ul")).addClass(errorClass), types = field.attr("validation").split(" "), container = field.parent(), errors = [];".errorlist").remove(); for (var type in types) { var rule = $.Validation.getRule(types[type]); if(!rule.check(field.val())) { container.addClass("error"); errors.push(rule.msg); } } if(errors.length) { obj.field.unbind("keyup") obj.attach("keyup"); field.after(errorlist.empty()); for(error in errors) { errorlist.append("<li>"+ errors[error] +"</li>"); } obj.valid = false; } else { errorlist.remove(); container.removeClass("error"); obj.valid = true; } } } /* Validation extends jQuery prototype */ $.extend($.fn, { validation : function() { var validator = new Form($(this)); $.data($(this)[0], 'validator', validator); $(this).bind("submit", function(e) { validator.validate(); if(!validator.isValid()) { e.preventDefault(); } }); }, validate : function() { var validator = $.data($(this)[0], 'validator'); validator.validate(); return validator.isValid(); } }); $.Validation = new Validation(); })(jQuery); Thanks for any response. Hey, I'm wondering how do I go about saving an array object in JSON. I got some help in saving, as you see below in the code. That is something I couldn't figured out on my own even after searching for ages. Now I'm wonder how do I save an array such as game.buildings[0]. It's the same as except it's an array. All inputs are greatly appreciated! Code: function save() { var save = { game: { money: } }; localStorage.setItem("save", JSON.stringify(save)); }; function load() { var GameTwo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("save")); if (typeof !== "undefined") =; document.getElementById("money").innerHTML =; }; Reply With Quote 01-19-2015, 06:13 AM #2 Old Pedant View Profile View Forum Posts Supreme Master coder! Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 28,311 Thanks 82 Thanked 4,754 Times in 4,716 Posts Nothing magic about arrays. Use the same code: Code: function saveArray( usingName, anArrayToSave ) { localStorage.setItem( usingName, JSON.stringify(anArrayToSave)); }; function loadArray( nameToLoad ) { return JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( nameToLoad ) ); } Heck, here's a complete demo: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <div id="before"></div> <hr/> <div id="after"></div> <hr/> <script type="text/javascript"> function saveArray( usingName, anArrayToSave ) { localStorage.setItem( usingName, JSON.stringify(anArrayToSave)); }; function loadArray( nameToLoad ) { return JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( nameToLoad ) ); } var foo = loadArray("zamboni"); var div = document.getElementById("before"); if ( foo == null ) { div.innerHTML = "First time"; foo = [ "apples", "bananas", "canteloupe", "dates", "eggplant", "falafel" ]; } else { div.innerHTML = foo.join(","); } foo.sort( function() { return Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1; } ); div = document.getElementById("after"); div.innerHTML = foo.join(","); saveArray( "zamboni", foo ); </script> </body> </html> I have a very large json file, and inside of that json file is an array. I would like to use JavaScript to take that json as an argument, parse through the json and only take certain elements from it and put it into a new json file, below is an example of what I mean: Code: { "contextType": "Account", "preferences": null, "custodianCode": null, "data": [{ "id": "0", "account": "11111111", "field2": true, "field3": false, "field4": "BROK", "field5": "Broker", "field6": "1", "field7": "Cash" },{ "id": "1", "account": "222222222", "field2": true, "field3": false, "field4": "BROK", "field5": "Broker", "field6": "1", "field7": "Cash" }] } And I want to pull from that and get something like this as a new json Code: { "newArray": [{ "id": "0", "account": "11111111", "field2": true, "field3": false, "field4": "BROK", "field6": "1" },{ "id": "0", "account": "222222222", "field2": true, "field3": false, "field4": "BROK", "field6": "1" }] } Also the file is local to my computer and can be outputted locally as well, I am trying to use node.js and JavaScript this is what I have so far Code: var json = require('./simple.json'); var keeperFields = ["id", "account", "field2", "field3", "field4", "field6"]; var newJSON = {newArray: [] }; var i; var fields; for (i = 0; i < keeperFields.length; i++) { for (fields in json) { if (json.hasOwnProperty(keeperFields[i])) { newJSON.newArray.push(keeperFields[i]); } } } console.log(newJSON); This is just a small example the real json file is huge with thousands of lines. Any help or suggestions are appreciated! This current solution is giving me a console log of { newArray: []} instead of the expected result above Hi, every time I try and alert: [ { number:0, secondnumber:0 }, { number:2, secondnumber:1 }, { number:1, secondnumber:2 } ] it just shows [object object], [object object], [object object]. Why is this and what can I do to make the record be shown as it is above in an alert? Thanks. I can't get any info from Firebug except that one line, uncaught exception [object Object]. The code fully worked, then I needed to make it dynamically create Sortables from the scriptaculous library based on how many X were in a table in my database, which I've done, and I'm thinking it may be a simple slight parse error of some type, I'm not too good with Javascript, because now my script barely works. I've double checked the script's source code, the PHP variables are exactly what they should be. Code: print<<<HERE Sortable.create('sortlist$box', { tag: 'img', overlap:'horizontal',constraint:false, containment: $list, dropOnEmpty: true, onChange: function(item) { var list = Sortable.options(item).element; if(changeEffect) changeEffect.cancel(); changeEffect = new Effect.Highlight('changeNotification', {restoreColor:"transparent" }); }, onDrop: function(item) { var thing=Sortable.options(item).element.identify(); var anchors = document.getElementById(thing).childNodes.length-2; if(anchors > 20){ alert('This box had 20 creatures in it already, your last action has not been saved.'); window.location.reload(); } else{ new Ajax.Request("saveImageOrder.php", { method: "post", parameters: { data: Sortable.serialize("sortlist$box") } }); } } }); HERE; $box++; } ?> }); </script> if you solve this I'll send ya $10 via paypal I created a method for displaying an object's properties: Code: renderfunction = false; function showProperty (object, property) { document.write ('<td class="type">' + (typeof object[property]) + '</td>' + '<td class="name">' + property + '</td>'); document.writeln('<td class="value">' + ( (typeof object[property] != 'function') ? object[property] :( (property != 'showProperties') ? ( renderfunction ? object[property]() : ('<span class="self">NOT RENDERED</span>') ) : ('<span class="self">THIS</span>') ) ) + '</td>'); document.writeln('<td class="hasOwnProperty" >' + ( object.hasOwnProperty(property) ? "Local" : "Inherited" ) + '</td>'); if (typeof object[property] == 'function') { document.writeln ('<td class="function">' + object[property] + '</td>'); } else { document.writeln ('<td class="function"> </td>'); } } As long as renderfunction = false, the object is fine coming out of this function. However, if I change renderfunction to true, all my properties become undefined. Why isn't this working as I expect it to? How should I fix it? Thanks in advance, -Brian. Hi all, here are two pieces of javascript code, I'm trying to make them both do the same thing but I really need some help. The first code works and the second does not. Here I predefine the variable, then I give it a place to be displayed. ---- var x=(Math.floor(Math.random()*5)); document.getElementById("information").innerHTML=x; //works ---- The next code is the same thing but in reverse. Here I predefine where to displayed the variable, then I give it the variable. ---- var x=document.getElementById("information").innerHTML; x=(Math.floor(Math.random()*5)); //not working ---- Is there any way that I could get this second code to work? I realise that x is being fulled with the inner HTML of "information" and then begin replaced with the random number. I don't know how to store x with a command and not simply the result of a command. I have tryed... x="document.getElementById(\"information\").innerHTML"; ...but then it's just a string. The last line replaces what ever is being stored in x. I don't know how to tell java script that this variable is for showing where the information is going, not just another place to store that information. I was thinking it would look something like... (x)=(Math.floor(Math.random()*5)); ...because it's the contact of x that I'm interested in and not x itself. I'm a bit lost here, any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time. Would someone look at the code in my program at . I need to make the "amt paid" column an input field and then make changes to other fields if the "amt paid" field is Not " " (?). Thanks in advance.
Hi all, I'm stumped on finding a way in javascript to create an object factory whose instances are also object factories. In short I want something like that below, but no joy ... any clues? Code: function createClass () { return new createClass() function createClass() { return new createInstance () function createInstance () { //Default properties, values and methods which might later be extended } } } var createDoor = createClass(); var door1 = createDoor(); var door2 = createDoor(); var createChair = createClass(); var chair1 = createChair (); var chair2 = createChair (); Hello together! I generate html code with jsp. In that jsp there a several framesets and frames. And yes i know, frames are not really up to date but it's an old program and i have to deal with it now. Anyway, in the top frameset i have an onload attribute like onload="load()". In the function load i want to access the Element.prototype object. But unfortunately typeof Element gives me "undefined". So i looked a little deeper and found that window.toString() gives me "[object]" and not as expected "[object window]" so somehow my window doesn't know that its construcor is Window. window.construcor is "undefined" as well. And i don't have access to the Element object. I really don't know where the error could be. When the page is loaded and i access the same window over the console, then everything is right. But in my function a can't get access to the objects i need. I also don't know what part of the code could be useful to post here, but maybe someone had a similar problem before? i should say that this problem only occurs in IE8. In IE9 it works perfectly. Has anyone any idea?? Ignore post (if mod, please delete)
I'm writing a program that involves a network of interconnected nodes (or simply objects in my example below). It depends on being able to access properties of an object's linked objects (a bit oddly worded, sorry)... Problem is I'm not sure how to properly access those properties... see below please. <script> //This is an example of a problem im having in my own code... //I want to access the name of the object within the links array wintin the object... var objA = {name: "Object A", links: [objB, objC]}; var objB = {name: "Object B", links: [objC, objD, objE]}; var objC = {name: "Object C", links: [objB]}; var objD = {name: "Object D", links: [objE]}; var objE = {name: "Object E", links: [objD]}; //ex: I want to access the name of Object A's first link... console.log(objA.links[0].name); </script> I'm hoping to get "Object B"... But instead I get: TypeError: Result of expression 'objA.links[0]' [undefined] is not an object. Is there another way around this? Any thoughts are appreciated. I am new to JavaScript and looking for its specification so I can learn from the manual. I see its made by Netscape, which is now liquidated... and cannot find a consortium for it.. so, am I correct in guessing its now a lost tribe?
Hello there, I'm a 30yr old returning to school and I signed up for a CMIS102 class, thinking it be more explanatory as the syllabus let on. But I was wrong. While I do understand some of what the professor has been teaching us, like modular programming and IfElse statements, I can't wrap my head around things like While Loops. My professor has saddled us with a couple assignments, requiring us to write in pseudocode and I was wondering if anyone could explain what he wants from this assignment or even help me with it, that maybe I can finally have a grasp of it, and will know what I'm doing on the final. ~Tia P.S. I've posted the assignment question below: I need to write a pseudo-codepseudocode for the following question but don't know how: Write a program to read a list of exam scores (in the range 0 to 100) and to output the total number of grades and the number of grades in each letter=grade category. The end input is indicated by a negative score as a sentinel value. (The negative value is used only to end the loop, so do not use it in the calculations. Example: 88 93 55 77 100 -1 (The output would be) Total number of grades = 5 Number of A's =2 Number of B's = 1 Number of C's =1 Number of D's = 0 Number of F's =1 Must prompt user to run again Code: // Code for alternating row colors on data tables, but NOT every table.... just ones with classname="altRows" // Note: rowID comes from the JIT Variable: &&_sflalt // Note: This function is called in ovject group: *TR in the MLS Syntax File function stripeRows(rowVar) { // Need to create a var for uniquely identifying the highlighted rows var rowID = 0; // Begin the checking and writing of the HTML data if (rowVar == '') { var html = "<tr>"; document.writeln(html); } else if (rowVar == '0') { var html = "<tr class=\"rowEven\" id=\"evenRow"+rowID+"\" onmouseover=\"highlightRow('over', 'evenRow"+rowID+"');\" onmouseout=\"highlightRow('out', evenRow"+rowID+"');\">"; document.writeln(html); rowID++; } else if (rowVar == '1') { var html = "<tr class=\"rowOdd\" id=\"oddRow"+rowID+"\" onmouseover=\"highlightRow('over', 'oddRow"+rowID+"');\" onmouseout=\"highlightRow('out', oddRow"+rowID+"');\">"; document.writeln(html); rowID++; } else { var alertText = "Something went wrong with alternating row color in datasets - The function broke. Please jot down a note as to what you were doing when this dialogue box poped up, and let American Health Care Software know \n\n\n ATTN: Pat Litke"; parent.showDialog('Broken Function',alertText,'prompt'); } } // Function for modifying class attrbutes for row highlighting.. // This function will allows the currently moused-over row to highlight a different color based on its ID function highlightRow(option, theRowID) { var row = document.getElementById(theRowID); if(option == 'over') { row.className = 'rowOver'; } if(option == 'out') { row.className = 'rowEven'; } else if(option == 'in') { row.className = 'rowOdd'; } else { } } Can someone help? I can't figure out why this isn't working the way that I'm logically seeing it... The alternate rows highlight works fine, but the mouseover and mouseout events fail miserebly... When a page loads, regardless of where i mouse over, only the top two rows color in with the mouseOver color. They also don't revert to original coloring. Where am I going wrong? Note: I apologize if it's something little that I'm missing... I'm still new to js Hey, I have been using a tr onclick function in my tables to change the color of the most recently clicked row, it works fine. I have recently added sorttable to my table with the simple <table class="sortable"> Making the table sortable has overwritten my tr onclick functions, which are now dead. Any ideas/thoughts? Heres a quick sample of what it looks like: Code: <table class="sortable"> <thead><th scope="col">Header 1</th> <th scope="col">Header 2</th></thead> <tr onclick="doSomething(this);"><td>Some data</td><td>Some more</td></tr> </table> |