JavaScript - Javascript / Php Validation Not Working.. I'm Going Crazy To Figure It Out
So I think I can't see the trees for the forest. I'm pretty good at code and usually work out the answer myself. I am doing some work for a client, working on some code written by someone else. It is a form, and for some reason the validation isn't working. The form sends with or without data entered into the mandatory fields. I can't look at the code anymore.. Is this the correct place I would ask for help with such a thing? Thanks kindly. Similar TutorialsHello: I am using javascript validation for submitting a form. All the other fields are working except for the Terms of Use checkbox. It sends and alert and says it wasn't checked whether or not you check it. It also submits the form whether or not it is checked immediately after the alert. The field is called df_Terms. Can anyone see anything I am missing? Code: <script> //submit after validation functionality function submit_onclick() { var proceed = false; if (typeof validateForm == "function") { proceed = validateForm(); } else { proceed = true; } return proceed; } //validation functionality function validateForm() { if ((document.form1.df_Plans[0].checked == false) && (document.form1.df_Plans[1].checked == false)) { alert("Please select Your Plan"); document.form1.df_Plans[0].focus(); return false; } if ("" == document.form1.df_first_Name1.value) { alert("Please enter your First Name"); document.form1.df_first_Name1.focus(); return false; } if ("" == document.form1.df_last_Name1.value) { alert("Please enter your Last Name."); document.form1.df_last_Name1.focus(); return false; } if ("" == document.form1.df_email1.value) { alert("Please enter your email."); document.form1.df_email1.focus(); return false; } validRegExp = /^[^@]+@[^@]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i; strEmail = document.form1.df_email1.value; if ( == -1) { alert("A valid e-mail address is required."); document.form1.df_email1.focus(); return false; } if (!document.form1.df_Terms.checked == 1) { alert("Please agree to the Terms of Use."); document.form1.df_Terms.focus(); return false; } } //reset field functionality function reset_onclick() { for (i = 0; i < document.form1.elements.length; i++) { if (document.form1.elements[i].type == "text") { document.form1.elements[i].value = ""; } if (document.form1.elements[i].type == "checkbox") { document.form1.elements[i].checked = false; } if (document.form1.elements[i].type == "radio") { document.form1.elements[i].checked = false; } if (document.form1.elements[i].type == "select-one") { document.form1.elements[i].selectedIndex = 0; } } } //redirect functionality function redirect_onclick(urlString) {"http://" + urlString); } </script> I'm a newbie, so it may be obvious. But can someone help me here? I want to display images based on times Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![[CDATA */ var time = new Date(); var dayNight = time.getHours(); // gets the time of the day in hours function displayImage() { if (dayNight >= 9 && dayNight <= 14) { document.getElementById("highlights").src=""; } if (dayNight >= 14 && dayNight <= 17) { document.getElementById("highlights").src=""; } if (dayNight >= 17 && dayNight <= 22 ) { document.getElementById("highlights").src=""; } else { document.getElementById("highlights").src""; } } /*]]>*/ </script> Then the code in the body Code: <body onload="displayImage"> <div id="highlights"> </div> Here's a link. Hi guys, Been stuck for a few days with this scenario. Any help? The alert box appears on an error. But the submitting won't stop. The details are submitted and the form is processed. Any help is greatly appreciated... Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="email_helper/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ // General options mode : "textareas", theme : "simple" }); </script> <script language="javascript"> function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) {,winName,features); } function err_check(){ var email = document.getElementById('to_email').value; if(email.length==0){ alert('Please Enter Email Address'); return false; } var AtPos = email.indexOf("@") var StopPos = email.lastIndexOf(".") if (AtPos == -1 || StopPos == -1) { alert("Please Enter Valid Email Address"); document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } email = document.getElementById('cc_email').value; if(email.length != 0){ var AtPos = email.indexOf("@") var StopPos = email.lastIndexOf(".") if (AtPos == -1 || StopPos == -1) { alert("Please Enter Valid Email Address"); document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } } var answer = confirm ("Send E-Mail?"); if (!answer){ return false; } } </script> <!-- /TinyMCE --> <style type="text/css"> body, table, td, th{ background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family: Arial; font-size:14px; } .que{ font-weight:bold; } </style> </head> <body> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php include 'library/database.php'; include 'library/opendb.php'; $query = mysql_query("SELECT email,contact,mobile FROM users WHERE user_id='$uid'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $from_email = $row[0]; $from_person = $row[1]; $from_mobile = $row[2]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT customer_id FROM campaign_summary WHERE camp_id='$camp_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $cusid = $row[0]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM client_info WHERE comp_id='$cusid'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $toer = $row[0]; include 'library/closedb.php'; ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr><td rowspan="4"><input type="submit" name="send_email" id="send_email" style="height:50px; width:100px;" value="SEND" onClick="return err_check();" /></td><td><span class="que">From : </span></td><td colspan="3"><?php echo $from_email; ?><input type="hidden" name="from_mail" id="from_mail" /><input type="hidden" name="camp_id" id="camp_id" value="<?php echo $camp_id;?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">To : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input name="to_email" id="to_email" style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $toer;?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">CC : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input name="cc_email" id="cc_email" style="width:250px;"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">Subject : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input style="width:300px;" name="subject" id="subject" /></td></tr> <tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="2"> </td><td><input type="checkbox" name="ori_pdf" id="ori_pdf" checked /> PDF Quotation</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><span class="que">Credit Application</span></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="corporate" id="corporate"/>Corporate</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="individual" id="individual" />Individual</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="cash" id="cash" />Cash Account</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="tabloid" id="tabloid" />Tabloid Example</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="broadsheet" id="broadsheet" />Broadsheet Example</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="colmt" id="colmt" />Column Sizes Tabloid</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="colmb" id="colmb" />Column Sizes Broadsheet</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="maps" id="maps" />Maps / Distribution</td><td colspan="2" align="right">External Attachments <input id="upload_file" name="upload_file" type="file"/> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><span class="que">Message :</span></td><td colspan="3"> <textarea id="elm1" name="elm1" rows="15" cols="80" style="width: 100%"> <?php echo "<br><br><br>" . $from_person . "<br>" . $from_mobile; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> This has been driving me crazy all day, cant seem to work out what im doing wrong. Alerts the correct URL Used document.write and it works But the redirect command doesnt initiate automatically on click and im not sure why. Someone help!! Code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>http</title> <style> <!-- p.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; margin-left:0cm; margin-right:0cm; margin-top:0cm} --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function buildstring(form) { var text = form.text.value; var xmljson = form.choice1.value; var init = 'localhost:1234/PPTX/tr?service=extract&action=extractAll&text='; var op = '&op='; var first = init + text + op + xmljson; var complete = "http://" + first; alert (complete); window.location = complete; } </script> </head> <body> <form method="get" id="urlbuild"> <table> <tr> <td> <h2>URL Builder</h2> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="text" size="100" name="text" value=""> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td> <select type="one" name="choice1"> <option value="xml"> XML </option> <option value="json"> JSON </option> </select> </td> <td> <p>Please choose XML or JSON.</p> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td> <input type="submit" onClick="buildstring(this.form)"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> Need help with the Script below. I got my radio buttons working, however...the rest of my form/webpage now won't appear. Advice? Please. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/2009-fs2-ochdes.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" --> <!--#include virtual="/global/admin/2009-fs2-site-configuration.shtml" --> <head> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" --> <title></title> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-meta-details.shtml" --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-meta-standard.shtml" --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-meta-scripts.shtml" --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" --> <script type="text/javascript"> if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('load',init, true); else window.attachEvent('onload',init); function init() { inputs=document.forms.form1.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) if(inputs[i].type.toLowerCase()=='radio') { thisOne = inputs[i]; radio_buttons.push(thisOne); thisOne.onclick=check_visibility; } fieldsets = document.forms.form1.getElementsByTagName('fieldset'); check_visibility(); } function check_visibility() { for(f=0;f<fieldsets.length;f++) { thisFieldset=fieldsets[f]; if(; else"none"; } do { checkFieldset=checkFieldsets.pop();//get an item to check if(typeof checkFieldset=='undefined') continue; inputs=checkFieldset.getElementsByTagName('input'); if(inputs.count==0) continue;//no inputs to check for(i=0;i<inputs.length;i++) { if(inputs[i].type.toLowerCase()!='radio') continue; thisRadio=inputs[i]; if(!thisRadio.checked) continue; //its a radio and its selected! dependants=visibility_dependancies[]; if(typeof dependants=='undefined') continue; if(dependants.length==0) continue; for(d=0; d<dependants.length;d++) { newlyVisibleFieldset=document.getElementById(dependants[d]); checkFieldsets.push(newlyVisibleFieldset);'block'; } } } while (checkFieldsets.length>0) } var radio_buttons = new Array(); var fieldsets = new Array(); var root_fieldset = 'Facility_Location_set'; var checkFieldsets = new Array(); var visibility_dependancies={ 'Facility_Location_BFR':new Array('BFR_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_BPAS':new Array('BPAS_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_CRES':new Array('CRES_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_GRLD':new Array('GRLD_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_LKMT':new Array('LKMT_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_PAU':new Array('PAU_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_RAC':new Array('RAC_type_set'), 'Facility_Location_SIS':new Array('SIS_type_set') }; </script> <style> fieldset{float:left; margin:0 2px;} label{padding-left:5px;} </style> <style type="text/css"> #TableBorder { border: thin solid #000; } </style> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> </head> <body> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-accessibility.shtml" --> <div id="page-wrapper"> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-masthead.shtml" --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-spotlight-navigation.shtml" --> <div id="sidebar-wrapper" class="noprint"> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-site-navigation.shtml" --> </div><!-- CLOSE sidebar-wrapper --> <div id="content-wrapper"> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-contribute1.shtml" --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-breadcrumb.shtml" --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="content" --> <h1>Report A Facility Maintenance Problem</h1> <!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = 'thankyou'" --> <h2>Thank You!</h2> <p>Thank you for reporting a Facility Maintenance Problem. </p> <!--#else --> <div id="contactus"> <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="<!--#echo var='sitescripts' -->email-building-maint.php" /> <div id="emaildetails"> <input type="hidden" name="recipient_cc" value="cc" /> <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="required" value="Name,Phone_Number,email,recipient" /> <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Facility Maintenance Problem Report" /> </div> <p><strong>* Fields with an asterisk are required</strong></p> <fieldset> <legend>Your Contact Information</legend> <dl> <dt><label for="Name">Your Name *</label></dt> <dd><input class="inputtext" type="text" id="Name" name="Name" /></dd> <dt><label for="Phone_Number">Your Telephone Number *</label></dt> <dd><input class="inputtext" type="text" name="Phone_Number" id="Phone_Number" /></dd> <dt><label for="email">Your Email Address *</label></dt> <dd><input class="inputtext" type="text" name="email" id="email" /></dd> <dt><label for="File_Location">Supporting Documents</label></dt> <p>If you have any supporting documents or shape files, please provide a file path to where it is stored on the network:</p> <dd><input class="inputtext" type="text" name="File_Location" id="File_Location" /></dd> </dl> <p><strong>Privacy Advisory:</strong> Your personal identifying information is being requested. We need this identifying information so that we can provide what you requested, and/or to respond to your comments. Generally, personal identifying information is destroyed after we fill your request. If you do not provide the requested personal information, we will be unable to respond directly to your request or comment.</p> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Facility Site</legend> <p>Please provide the Facility Site:</p> <dl> <dt><label for="recipient">Facility Site*</label></dt> <dd><select class="inputselect" name="recipient" id="recipient"> <option value="" selected="selected">Select One...</option> <option value="bfr">Bend Fort Rock</option> <option value="bpas">Bend Pine Admin. Site</option> <option value="crescent">Crescent</option> <option value="GRLD">Crooked River National Grassland</option> <option value="LKMT">Lookout Mountain</option> <option value="PAU">Paulina</option> <option value="redmond">Redmond Air Center</option> <option value="sisters">Sisters</option> <option value="test">test</option> </select></dd> </dl> </fieldset> <fieldset id='Facility_Location_set'> <legend>Facility Location</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='BFR' id='Facility_Location_BFR' /> Bend Fort Rock</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='BPAS' id='Facility_Location_BPAS' /> Bend Pine Admin. Site</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='CRES' id='Facility_Location_CRES' /> Crescent</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='GRLD' id='Facility_Location_GRLD' /> Crooked River National Grasslands</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='LKMT' id='Facility_Location_LKMT' /> Lookout Mountain</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='PAU' id='Facility_Location_PAU' /> Paulina</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='RAC' id='Facility_Location_RAC' /> Redmond Air Center</div> <div><input type='radio' name='Facility_Location' value='SIS' id='Facility_Location_SIS' /> Sisters</div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='BFR_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='BFR_type' value='Fall River Guard Station' id='BFR_type_Fall River Guard Station' /> Fall River Guard Station</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BFR_type' value='Lavalands Vistor Center' id='BFR_type_Lavalands Vistor Center' /> Lavalands Vistor Center</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BFR_type' value='Lookout' id='BFR_type_Lookout' /> Lookout</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BFR_type' value='Paulina Lake GS' id='BFR_type_Paulina Lake GS' /> Paulina Lake GS</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BFR_type' value='Scott St.' id='BFR_type_Scott St.' /> Scott St.</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BFR_type' value='Snow Creek' id='BFR_type_Snow Creek' /> Snow Creek</div> <div>Campground Name <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Campground Name' /></div> <div>Other <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Other' /></div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='BPAS_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='BPAS_type' value='Coolers' id='BPAS_type_Coolers' /> Coolers</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BPAS_type' value='Equipment Storage Bld.' id='BPAS_type_Equipment Storage Bld.' /> Equipment Storage Bld.</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BPAS_type' value='Lab' id='BPAS_type_Lab' /> Lab</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BPAS_type' value='New Office' id='BPAS_type_New Office' /> New Office</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BPAS_type' value='Packing Shed' id='BPAS_type_Packing Shed' /> Packing Shed</div> <div><input type='radio' name='BPAS_type' value='Shop' id='BPAS_type_Shop' /> Shop</div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='CRES_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='CRES_type' value='Crescent Lake G.S.' id='CRES_type_Crescent Lake G.S.' /> Crescent Lake G.S.</div> <div><input type='radio' name='CRES_type' value='Lookout' id='CRES_type_Lookout' /> Lookout</div> <div><input type='radio' name='CRES_type' value='Office Compound' id='CRES_type_Office Compound' /> Office Compound</div> <div><input type='radio' name='CRES_type' value='Rosedale' id='CRES_type_Rosedale' /> Rosedale</div> <div>Campground Name <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Campground Name' /></div> <div>Other <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Other' /></div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='GRLD_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='GRLD_type' value='Field Headquarters' id='GRLD_type_Field Headquarters' /> Field Headquarters</div> <div><input type='radio' name='GRLD_type' value='Lookout' id='GRLD_type_Lookout' /> Lookout</div> <div>Campground Name <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Campground Name' /></div> <div>Other <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Other' /></div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='LKMT_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='Dispatch' id='LKMT_type_Dispatch' /> Dispatch</div> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='Helibase' id='LKMT_type_Helibase' /> Helibase</div> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='Lamonta' id='LKMT_type_Lamonta' /> Lamonta</div> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='Lookout' id='LKMT_type_Lookout' /> Lookout</div> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='Ochoco R.S.' id='LKMT_type_Ochoco R.S.' /> Ochoco R.S.</div> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='Ranger Rental' id='LKMT_type_Ranger Rental' /> Ranger Rental</div> <div><input type='radio' name='LKMT_type' value='S.O.' id='LKMT_type_S.O.' /> S.O.</div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='PAU_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='PAU_type' value='Cold Spring Rental' id='PAU_type_Cold Spring Rental' /> Cold Spring Rental</div> <div><input type='radio' name='PAU_type' value='Lookout' id='PAU_type_Lookout' /> Lookout</div> <div><input type='radio' name='PAU_type' value='Rager' id='PAU_type_Rager' /> Rager</div> <div>Campground Name <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Campground Name' /></div> <div>Other <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Other' /></div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='RAC_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='RAC_type' value='Admin' id='RAC_type_Admin' /> Admin</div> <div><input type='radio' name='RAC_type' value='Air Tanker Base' id='RAC_type_Air Tanker Base' /> Air Tanker Base</div> <div><input type='radio' name='RAC_type' value='Barracks' id='RAC_type_Barracks' /> Barracks</div> <div><input type='radio' name='RAC_type' value='Cache' id='RAC_type_Cache' /> Cache</div> <div><input type='radio' name='RAC_type' value='Paraloft' id='RAC_type_Paraloft' /> Paraloft</div> <div><input type='radio' name='RAC_type' value='RAG' id='RAC_type_RAG' /> RAG</div> <div>Other <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Other' /></div> </fieldset> <fieldset id='SIS_type_set'> <legend>Facility Name</legend> <div><input type='radio' name='SIS_type' value='Allingham' id='SIS_type_Allingham' /> Allingham</div> <div><input type='radio' name='SIS_type' value='Lookout' id='SIS_type_Lookout' /> Lookout</div> <div><input type='radio' name='SIS_type' value='Office Compound' id='SIS_type_Office Compound' /> Office Compound</div> <div><input type='radio' name='SIS_type' value='Portal' id='SIS_type_Portal' /> Portal</div> <div><input type='radio' name='SIS_type' value='Warehouse Compound' id='SIS_type_Warehouse Compound' /> Warehouse Compound</div> <div>Campground Name <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Campground Name' /></div> <div>Other <input type='text' name='random_text' value='' id='Other' /></div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Maintenance Area</legend> <dl> <dt><label for="Type_of_Error">Problem that you would like to Report *</label></dt> <dd><select class="inputselect" name="Type_of_Error" id="Type_of_Error"> <option value="Select One">Select One ...</option> <option value="Doors/Locks/Gates = Access">Doors/Locks/Gates = Access</option> <option value="Fence">Fence</option> <option value="HVAC">HVAC</option> <option value="Lights">Lights</option> <option value="Restrooms">Restrooms</option> <option value="Windows/Blinds">Windows/Blinds</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select></dd> </dl> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Miscellaneous Information</legend> <dl> <dt><label for="Additional_Information">Please Describe the Problem You are Reporting</label></dt> <dd><textarea class="inputtextarea" id="Additional_Information" name="Additional_Information" rows="11" cols="65"></textarea></dd> </dl> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Send Email To Us</legend> <dl> <dt><label for="submit">Submit Form</label></dt> <dd><input class="inputsubmit" type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Let us Know!" /></dd> </dl> </fieldset> </form> </div> <!--#endif --> <!-- InstanceEndEditable --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-contribute2.shtml" --> </div> <!-- CLOSE content-wrapper --> <!--#include virtual="/global/ssi/2009-fs2-footer.shtml" --> </div> <!-- CLOSE page-wrapper --> </body> <!-- InstanceEnd --></html> Okay first things first. Firebug this website You will see that they have a script in the head tag. That script is: Quote: <script class="yext-synd-74qWXpBkYak="> (function () { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.async = true; el.src = '//'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(el); })(); </script> They also have a form. That form is: Quote: <form title="Enter your zip and find a qualified, local locksmith" action="results.asp" method="POST"> <p><font style="font-size: 19px; font-weight: 700">FIND A LOCKSMITH</font> <input type="text" value="14646" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 22px; color: #666666; font-weight:bold;" onclick="this.value=''" size="5" name="zip"> <input type="image" style="position: relative; top:5px" name="B1" src="images/smallgo2.jpg"> </p> </form> When you enter your zip code into that form, I think it is passed to the el.src variable as a parsed string and sent to like this: // de= When you click the submit button on the form with an input zip code, it takes you to a page where there is a huge DIV block with this script executing inside it: Quote: <script class="yext-synd-74qWXpBkYak="> (function () { var el = document.createElement('script'); el.async = true; el.src = '//'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(el); })(); </script> Well the result on the second page is a listing pulled from a database and laid out in the second page in a DIV block. My question! How do I emulate this on my website? I have the Yext service. I have been on the phone with the company for over a week now and I cant get any technical support on the integration. Apparently they are having a lot of lay offs and technical support is unavailable. I am assuming that I need to build a form in HTML and have it pass the zip code to that JavaScript snippet somehow? I also want to know how the JavaScript on the second page renders a listing result from that passed form value? Thank you so much for the help in advance. I know you guys can figure this out before I do. Please help, my validation is not working: I added this to my HEAD Code: <script> function validate(){ var temp if ("") { alert("Please select a customer.") return false } return true } </script> then here is my form: Code: <form action="send-massemail-script.php" method="post" name="form" onsubmit="return validate()"> <fieldset> <!-- Set class to "column-left" or "column-right" on fieldsets to divide the form into columns --> <p> <label>Customer Name</label> <select name="name" id="name"> <option value="Please select name">Please select name</option> <?php while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { echo '<option value="'.$row1['id'].'">'.$row1['customer_name'].'</option>'; } ?> </select> </p> <p> <label>Email Title</label> <input class="text-input small-input" type="text" id="small-input" name="EmailTitle" /> </p> <p> <label>Email Body</label> <textarea rows="15" cols="79" name="EmailBody" id="textarea" class="text-input textarea wysiwyg" style="width: 930px; height: 247px;"></textarea> </p> <p> <input class="button" type="submit" value="Send Email" /> </p> </fieldset> <div class="clear"></div><!-- End .clear --> </form> Hi all, ive been staring at this code for over an hour now and i cant see what is wrong with it. any chance of a wee look over for me ? Thank you Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Comment Form</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <SCRIPT language=javascript> function Validate() { var Message = "" Message = Message + Checkname() if (Message == ""){ return true } else { alert(Message) return false } } function CheckName() { var UserName = if (UserName == "") { Message = "Something's wrong with your forename" + "\n" } else { Message = "" } return Message } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <FORM name=form onsubmit="return Validate()" action="sent.htm" method=post encType=text/plain> <TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0> <TBODY> <TD> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=5> <TR> <TD><font size="2" face="Verdana"><b>Forename:</b></TD> <TD><INPUT NAME=name size=25></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD></TD> <TD align=right> <INPUT TYPE=reset VALUE="Reset" name=submit2> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Submit" NAME=Submit> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </TABLE> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML> I wrote a function to to validate some elements in my form and for some reason I can't seem to figure out why my radio validation is not working. There are about 3 to 4 radio buttons. all with the same name, but i need to make sure that at least one out of this group is selected. Below is my code. Any help would be very useful. Thanks! JS: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function validate_required(field,alerttxt,select) { with (field) { if (value==null||value=="") { alert(alerttxt);return false; } else { return true; } } } function validate_form(thisform) { with (thisform) { if (document.getElementsByName('sleeper').checked==false) { window.alert('Please select a sleeper') return false;} } } //last </script> Form: Code: <form name="week_picks" method="post" action="confirm.php" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)"> <input name="sleeper" type="radio" value="<?=$sleeper;?>" /> <input name="sleeper" type="radio" value="<?=$sleeper;?>" /> <input name="sleeper" type="radio" value="<?=$sleeper;?>" /> etc... </form> I have a simple form here with a function to validate it, but I have no idea where I'm going wrong. I'm very familiar with ActionScript and C++, so I get the coding aspect of it, but one thing I'm not familiar with is how exactly JavaScript and HTML communicate. The problem is that this form always submits, even if my function returns false...but I can't even see if it returns false anyway, because alert() doesn't seem to be working either. Here's what I have for my HTML: Code: <form name="myForm" onSubmit="return checkForm();" action="processForm.php" method="post"> <input type="text" size="25" name="firstName" value="*First Name" /> <br /> <input type="text" size="25" name="lastName" value="Last Name" /> <br /> <input type="text" size="25" name="phoneNumber" value="Phone" /> <br /> <input type="text" size="25" name="emailAddress" value="*Email" /> <br /> <textarea rows="6" cols="20">Message</textarea> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> And here's the JavaScript function: Code: function checkForm(){ with(firstName){ if(value==NULL || value=="" || value==defaultValue){ return false;} } with(emailAddress){ if(value==NULL || value=="" || value==defaultValue){ return false;} } return true; } What bugs me is even when I try to check my work by using alert statements to see what parts of the code are being executed, they never seem to come up. So it's kind of left me doing lots of guessing and trying a million things. Even if that last line in the JS function is "return false," the form still submits anyway. What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this up? Hi all, I have created a contact form using php and have added some javascipt code to validate the fields, problem is the validation isnt working. Can anyone give me a little advice on how i can get this working? Page is located he The javascript used is: Code: <script language="javaScript"> function ValidateForm(){ var numeID=document.form1.nume var surnameID=document.form1.surname var if ((numeID.value==null)||(numeID.value=="")){ alert("Please enter your name") numeID.focus() return false } if ((surnameID.value==null)||(surnameID.value=="")){ alert("Please enter your surname") surnameID.focus() return false } if ((emailID.value==null)||(emailID.value=="")){ alert("Please enter your email address") emailID.focus() return false } if (echeck(emailID.value)==false){ emailID.value="" emailID.focus() return false } return true } function echeck2(str) { alert("Invalid E-mail Address") return false } function echeck(str) { var at="@" var dot="." var lat=str.indexOf(at) var lstr=str.length var ldot=str.indexOf(dot) if (str.indexOf(at)==-1){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 || str.indexOf(at)==0 || str.indexOf(at)==lstr){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } if (str.indexOf(dot)==-1 || str.indexOf(dot)==0 || str.indexOf(dot)==lstr){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } if (str.indexOf(at,(lat+1))!=-1){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } if (str.substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str.substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } if (str.indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } if (str.indexOf(" ")!=-1){ alert("Invalid Email Address") return false } return true } </script> Thanks in advance for looking! Kyle I have used this formula before, for some reason it isnt working properly. If the value is equal to 0 it will give an alert and return false. Then if you change the value of the drop down it won't let you submit. Does anyone see anything wrong? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validate_form ( ) { valid = true; if ( document.week_picks.blowout.value == "0" ) { alert ( "Please Select a Blowout" ); } return false; } //--> </script> Code: <form name="week_picks" method="post" action="confirm.php" onsubmit="return validate_form()"> <select id="blowout" name="blowout"> <option value="0">..</option> .... </select> Thanks for any help. It does not work in ie7! Here is my code and my link... I have been trying to fix for 2 hours now! Please help. I tried using jquery 1.6.1, 1.5.2, min.validation, regular validation, i changed the buttons to input type="submit" and did everything else I could find but nothing works. When you click submit, it does not validate. It goes straight to my thank you page and I get a blank form in return. I do not know much jquery, just enough to know what I copy and paste and make some minimal changes. Thanks! <script type="text/javascript"> $().ready(function() { var erroralert = $("#quoteForm").bind("invalid-form.validate", function() { $("#erroralert"); }); }); $.metadata.setType("attr", "validate"); $.validator.addMethod("ninja", function(value) { return value == "ninja"; }, 'Can a robot spell "ninja"'); $().ready(function() { $("#quoteForm").validate({ errorContainer: $("#erroralert"), rules: { fullname: { required:true, minlength:2, }, email: { required:true, email:true, }, phone: { required:true, minlength:10, maxlength:15, }, pages: { required:true, minlength:1, maxlength:10, number:true }, whyrate: { required:true, minlength:10, }, ninja: "ninja", }, messages: { email: "Please enter a valid email address", pages: "Numeric values only", } }); }); </script> This is straight out of an O'Riley book, everything looks good to me but for some reason the script does nothing when I try to submit an empty form. Code: // Validate Registration Form function validate(form) { fail = validateUsername (form.uname.value) fail += validateUpass (form.upass.value) fail += validatePassword (form.password.value) fail += validateFname (form.fname.value) fail += validateLname (form.lname.value) fail += validateID (form.ID.value) fail += validateEmail ( if (fail =="") return true else {alert(fail); return false } } function validateUsername (field) { if (value==null||value=="") return "Please enter username.\n" return "" } function validateUpass (field) { if (field =="") return "Please enter password.\n" return "" } function validatePassword (field) { if (value == "") return "Please confirm password. \n" return "" } function validateFname (field) { if (value =="") return "Please enter a first name.\n" return"" } function validateLname (field) { if (value=="") return "Please enter a last name.\n" return"" } function validateID (field) { if (value=="") return "Please enter your USAC license number.\n" return "" } function validateEmail (field) { if (value=="") return "Please enter your email address.\n" else if (!((field.indexof(".")>0) && (field.indexOf("@") > 0)) || /[^a-zA-Z0-9.@_-]/.test(field)) return "The Email address is invalid.\n" return"" } Code: <script src="includes/js/validate-registration-form.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="wrap"> <h1> Registration page</h1> <?php include('includes/nav.php');?> <div id="content_wrap"> <div id="center_content"> <div id="register"> <form class="register" method="post" action="register.php" onSubmit="return validate(this)"> <fieldset> <legend>Register to CritTracker</legend> <ol> <li> <label for="uname">Username</label> <input type="text" name="uname" /><br /> </li> <li> <label for="upass">Password</label> <input type="password" name="upass" /><br /> </li> <li> <label for="upass">Confirm Password</label> <input type="password" /><br /> </li> <li> <label for="fname">First Name</label> <input type="text" name="fname" /><br /> </li> <li> <label for="lname">Last Name</label> <input type="text" name="lname" /><br /> </li> <li> <label for="ID">USA Cycling License</label> <input type="text" name="ID" /> <select name="cat"> <option name="cat" value="5">Cat 5</option> <option name="cat" value="4">Cat 4</option> <option name="cat" value="3">Cat 3</option> <option name="cat" value="2">Cat 2</option> <option name="cat" value="1">Cat 1</option> </select> </li> <li> <label for="email">Email</label> <input type="text" name="email" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Register to" /> </li> </ol> </fieldset> </form> </div></div> I hope I have this post in the right place! Any help would be very much appreciated... I have a feature on my website that allows users to choose the website background (using alternate css sheets) and then uses an externally linked javascript file to store the background choice as a cookie so it is consistent throughout the website. This works perfectly locally (i.e. when previewing my website on my computer) but now it is uploaded to my host it doesn't appear to be working. (with the same browser) My javascript is he http://www. b r p - e n v .com/javascript/backgroundchange.js (with no spaces) The website that the javascript file is linked to is http://www. b r p - e n v .com (with no spaces) In the head I have: <script type="text/javascript" src="../javascript/backgroundchange.js"></script> ...then I have: <body onload="set_style_from_cookie()"> ...and for users to choose which background: <form> <input type="image" src="../images/white-background-thumb.jpg" onclick="switch_style('bg1');return false;" name="theme" value="White" id="bg1"> etc... </form> My problem is: The background reverts back to the default when moving to a different page. This would indicate that the background choice is not being saved in cookies. But this works locally! I have tried putting the javascript directly onto each page but I still had the same problem. I hope someone can help, I will be so grateful if I can get this to work. Many thanks indeed! hereis the html file and javascripton click of this button a html ***************************** <table class=matcolor id=topnav cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=550 border=0 bgcolor="#FFCCCC"> <tbody> <tr align=middle> <td id=menu1 onMouseOver="this.className='mPrimaryOn';showmenu(this);" onClick="this.document.location.href=''" onMouseOut="this.className='mPrimaryOff';hidemenu(this);" class="mat" height="20"> <div align="center"><font color="#FF0000">Desk Top Publishing </font></div> </td> <td width=1 bgcolor=#ff9900 class="mat"></td> <td id=menu2 onMouseOver="this.className='mPrimaryOn';showmenu(this);" onClick="this.document.location.href=''" onMouseOut="this.className='mPrimaryOff';hidemenu(this);" class="mat" height="20"> <div align="center"><font color="#FF0000">Transcription</font></div> </td> <td width=1 bgcolor=#ff9900 class="mat"></td> <td id=menu3 onMouseOver="this.className='mPrimaryOn';showmenu(this);" onClick="this.document.location.href=''" onMouseOut="this.className='mPrimaryOff';hidemenu(this);" class="mat" height="20"> <div align="center"><font color="#FF0000">Accounts Processing </font></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ***************************************** <script language=JavaScript> ix = document.getElementById('tblmenu1').getBoundingClientRect(); new ypSlideOutMenu("menu1", "right",ix.left + ix.right ,ix.bottom + 10); </script> **any thing i have to alter to work in firefox please help Hello Every1 I need to edit the below form to use JavaScript to Validate if thr Title was put or Not .. its a template i use at my site to add comment and i want the Title to be Requier .Javascript seems the easiest way for me but dont know how. PHP Code: <{if $commentany.com_itemid}> <form action="comment_post.php" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="com_itemid" value="<{$commentany.com_itemid}>"> <input type="hidden" name="XOOPS_TOKEN_REQUEST" value="<{$commentany.xoops_token_request}>"> <table class='outer' cellspacing='1' style="margin-top:2em;"> <tr> <th colspan="2"><{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_NEW_COMMENT}></th> </tr> <{* <tr> <td class='head' align='left'><{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_RULE}></td> <td class='odd' align='left'> <{$commentany.rule_text}> </td> </tr> *}> <tr> <td class='head' align='left'><{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_ICON}></td> <td class='odd' align='left'> <{foreach item=i from=$commentany.com_icon}> <input type="radio" name="com_icon" value="<{$i}>"><img src="<{$smarty.const.XOOPS_URL}>/images/subject/<{$i}>"> <{/foreach}> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='head' align='left'><{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_TITLE}></td> <td class='odd' align='left'> <input type="text" name="com_title" size="64" maxlength="255" value="<{$xoops_default_comment_title}>"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='head' align='left'><{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_TEXT}></td> <td class='odd' align='left'> <{xoopsdhtmltarea name="com_text" cols=50 rows=4}> </td> </tr> <{* <tr> <td class='head' align='left'><{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_OPTION}></td> <td class='odd' align='left'> <input type="checkbox" name="dosmiley" value="1" checked><{$smarty.const._CM_DOSMILEY}><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="doxcode" value="1" checked><{$smarty.const._CM_DOXCODE}><br/> <input type="checkbox" name="dobr" value="1" checked><{$smarty.const._CM_DOAUTOWRAP}><br/> </td> </tr> *}> <tr> <td class='head' align='left'></td> <td class='even' align='left'> <input type='submit' class='formButton' name='com_dopreview' id='com_dopreview' value='<{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_PREVIEW}>' /> <input type='submit' class='formButton' name='com_dopost' id='com_dopost' value='<{$smarty.const._MB_COMMENTANY_LANG_SUBMIT}>' /> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="dohtml" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="dosmiley" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="doxcode" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="dobr" value="1" /> </form> <{/if}> <{$commentsnav|replace:'button':'hidden'}> for some reason this is not working can anyone tell me why? Code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function swap(nam,im) { eval("document." + nam + ".src=" + im + ".src"); } van_b = new Image; van_b.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenub_Passvan01on.jpg"; van_a = new Image; van_a.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenub_Passvan01off.jpg"; excoach_b = new Image; excoach_b.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenuB_Excoach01on.jpg"; excoach_a = new Image; excoach_a.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenuB_Excoach01off.jpg"; specialcoach_b = new Image; specialcoach_b.src = "images/bus_menu/busmenu_specialtycoach01on.jpg"; specialcoach_a = new Image; specialcoach_a.src = "images/bus_menu/busmenu_specialtycoach01off.jpg"; minicoach_b = new Image; minicoach_b.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenuB_minicoach01on.jpg"; minicoach_a = new Image; minicoach_a.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenuB_minicoach01off.jpg"; motorcoach_b = new Image; motorcoach_b.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenub_motorcoach01on.jpg"; motorcoach_a = new Image; motorcoach_a.src = "images/bus_menu2/busmenub_motorcoach01off.jpg"; function checkForm() { frm = window.document.contactForm; if (frm.pickupmonth.value =='') { alert('Please enter valid pickup Month'); frm.pickupmonth.focus(); return false; } if(frm.pickupday.value== "") { alert('Please enter pickup Day'); frm.pickupday.focus(); return false; } if(frm.pickupyear.value == "") { alert('Please enter pickup Year'); frm.pickupyear.focus(); return false; } if(frm.pickupaddress.value == "") { alert('Please enter pickup Address'); frm.pickupaddress.focus(); return false; } if (frm.pickupcity.value== "") { alert('Please enter pickup City'); frm.pickupcity.focus(); return false; } if (!validateInt(frm.pickupzip.value)) { if(frm.pickupzip.value =="" ) alert('Please enter pickup Zip Code'); frm.pickupzip.value=""; frm.pickupzip.focus(); return false; } if(frm.pickuphour.value == "") { alert('Please enter pickup Hour'); frm.pickuphour.focus(); return false; } if(frm.pickupminute.value == "") { alert('Please enter pickup Minute'); frm.pickupminute.focus(); return false; } if(frm.pickupam.value == "") { alert('Please enter pickup AM or PM'); frm.pickupam.focus(); return false; } if(frm.dropoffaddress.value == "") { alert('Please enter dropoff Address'); frm.dropoffaddress.focus(); return false; } if(frm.dropoffcity.value == "") { alert('Please enter dropoff City'); frm.dropoffcity.focus(); return false; } if (!validateInt(frm.dropoffpzip.value)) { if(frm.dropoffpzip.value =="" ) alert('Please enter a valid dropoff Zip Code'); frm.dropoffpzip.value=""; frm.dropoffpzip.focus(); return false; } if(frm.arrivalhour.value == "") { alert('Please enter arrival Hour'); contactForm.arrivalhour.focus(); return false; } if(frm.arrivalmin.value == "") { alert('Please enter arrival Minute'); frm.arrivalmin.focus(); return false; } if(frm.arrivalam.value == "") { alert('Please enter arrival AM or PM'); frm.arrivalam.focus(); return false; } if(frm.vehicle.value == "") { alert('Please enter Vehicle Type'); frm.vehicle.focus(); return false; } if(frm.passengers.value == "") { alert('Please enter Amount of Passengers'); frm.passengers.focus(); return false; } if(frm.guestname.value == "") { alert('Please enter Name'); frm.guestname.focus(); return false; } if (!validateInt(frm.guestphone.value)) { if(frm.guestphone.value =="" ) alert('Please enter a valid Telephone number'); frm.guestphone.value=""; frm.cguestphone.focus(); return false; } if(!validateEmail(frm.guestemail.value) { alert('Please enter proper email address!'); frm.guestemail.focus(); return false; } function validateInt(val) { switch (isInteger(val)) { case true: return true; break; case false: alert("Please enter numbers only!"); return false; } } function isInteger (s) { var i; if (isEmpty(s)) if (isInteger.arguments.length == 1) return 0; else return (isInteger.arguments[1] == true); for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var c = s.charAt(i); if (!isDigit(c)) return false; } return true; } function isEmpty(s) { return ((s == null) || (s.length == 0)) } function isDigit (c) { return ((c >= "0") && (c <= "9")) } function validateEmail(email){ // This function is used to validate a given e-mail // address for the proper syntax if (email == ""){ return false; } badStuff = ";:/,' \"\\"; for (i=0; i<badStuff.length; i++){ badCheck = badStuff.charAt(i) if (email.indexOf(badCheck,0) != -1){ return false; } } posOfAtSign = email.indexOf("@",1) if (posOfAtSign == -1){ return false; } if (email.indexOf("@",posOfAtSign+1) != -1){ return false; } posOfPeriod = email.indexOf(".", posOfAtSign) if (posOfPeriod == -1){ return false; } if (posOfPeriod+2 > email.length){ return false; } return true } </script> 1.I want to retain the value of the item selected from the drop down list even if the validation fails 2. The input element should be hghlighted red in colour which fails the validation <html> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function validate_form1 ( ) { valid = true; if ( document.contact_form1.question1.value=="" || document.contact_form1.question2.value == "" ) { alert ( "Select at least one option." ); //document.getElementById("question1").focus(); document.getElementById('contact_form1').question1.focus(); valid = false; } return valid; } function validate_form2 ( ) { valid = true; if ( document.contact_form2.question1.value=="" || document.contact_form2.question2.value == "" ) { alert ( "Select at least one option." ); //document.getElementById("question1").focus(); valid = false; } return valid; } //--> </script> <table border="5" width="300"> <tr> <td> <form name="contact_form1" action="DBsaving.php" method="post" onSubmit="return validate_form1 ( );"> 1. Question <select name="question1"><option selected="q1" value="">Select One...</option><option value="1">Yes</option><option value="2">No</option></select><br /><br /> 2. Question <select name="question2"><option selected="selected" value="">Select One...</option><option value="1">Yes</option><option value="2">No</option></select><br /><br /> 3. Faculty ID : <textarea name="comments" rows="2" cols="4"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </td> <td> <form name="contact_form2" action="DBsaving.php" method="post" onSubmit="return validate_form2 ( );" > 1. Question <select name="question1"><option selected="q1" value="">Select One...</option><option value="yes1">Yes</option><option value="no1">No</option></select><br /><br /> 2. Question <select name="question2"><option selected="selected" value="">Select One...</option><option value="yes">Yes</option><option value="no">No</option></select><br /><br /> 3. Faculty ID : <textarea name="comments" rows="2" cols="4"></textarea> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </html> Hi guys, just need help so when there is no input into card number, postcode, what are you after, delivery address an error message comes up. Also I need to make it so when someone puts numbers in the first and last name or letters in the postcode it will come up error. I have done this for first and lastname but when I copy my code and try and put it on the others then no javascript works. thanks for your help Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validate() { var at=document.getElementById("email").value.indexOf("@"); var age=document.getElementById("age").value; var fname=document.getElementById("fname").value; var lname=document.getElementById("lname").value; var ccn=document.getElementById("ccn").value; submitOK="true"; if (fname.length<1) { alert("Please Enter a Valid First Name"); submitOK="false"; } if (isNaN(age)||age<1||age>100) { alert("Age Must be between 1 and 100"); submitOK="false"; } if (lname.length<1) { alert("Please Enter a Last Name"); submitOK="false"; } if (isNaN(age)||age<1||age>100) { alert("Age Must be between 1 and 100"); submitOK="false"; } if (at==-1) { alert("Not a Valid Email Address"); submitOK="false"; } if (submitOK=="false") { return false; if (ccn.length>16) { alert("Credit Card Number is False"); submitOK="false"; } } } </script> </head> <body> <form action="tryjs_submitpage.htm" onsubmit="return validate()"> Name : <input type="text" id="fname" size="20"><br /> Last Name : <input type="text" id="lname" size="20"><br /> Age: <input type="text" size="2" id="age" maxlength="2"> Email: <input type="text" id="email" size="20"><br /> <table><tr> <td><p>Type of Card</p></td> <td><form action="21"> <select name="cars"> <option value="season"> </option> <option value="season">Mastercard</option> <option value="season">Diners Club</option> <option value="season">Visa</option> </select></form></td></tr> </table> <table><tr> <td><p>Expiry Date</p></td> <td><form action="21"> <select name="cars"> <option value="season"> </option> <option value="season">2010</option> <option value="season">2011</option> <option value="season">2012</option> </select></form></td></tr> </table> Card Number : <input type="text" id="ccn" size="20"><br /> Postcode: <input type="text" size="2" id="postcode" maxlength="4"> Delivery Address: <input type="text" id="da" size="20"><br /> Suburb: <input type="text" id="suburb" size="10"><br /> <table><tr> <td><p>What are you after</p></td> <td><form action="21"> <select name="cars"> <option value="poker products"> </option> <option value="poker chips">Poker Table</option> <option value="poker table">Poker Chips</option> <option value="poker table">Both</option> </select></form></td></tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> |