JavaScript - Center Javascript Popup Help? Missing Close Button.
How to center javascript popup without css? Cant get close button working(wrong position and dosen't close popup).
Code: <script language="javascript"> function openPopup(a, b, c){//a = url, b = width, c = height var pOverlay, pContent, pClose; pOverlay = document.createElement('div'); pOverlay.className = 'popupOverlay'; pContent = document.createElement('div'); pContent.className = 'popupContent'; pClose = document.createElement('div'); pClose.className = 'popupClose'; document.body.appendChild(pOverlay); document.body.appendChild(pContent); var myRequest = new ajaxRequest();'GET', a, true); myRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); myRequest.send(null); myRequest.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(myRequest.readyState == 4 && myRequest.status == 200){ pContent.innerHTML = myRequest.responseText; } } } </script> Code: <style type="text/css"> .popupOverlay { background: #000000; opacity: 0.8; position: fixed; top: 0%; left: 0%; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 1001; } .popupContent { background: #333333; border: 2px solid #DDDDDD; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #999999; border-radius: 3px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: 5px; z-index: 1002; overflow: auto; word-wrap: break-word; color: #FFFFFF; /*height: 300px; width: 500px;*/ } .popupClose { background: url('images/closePopup.png') no-repeat; width: 32px; height: 32px; cursor: pointer; } </style> Similar TutorialsUnable to close the popup. Have done the best I can Can someone please help me here. Would also like to be able to display without scrolling bars Here is the link Cheers I'm implementing that stupid Cookie Law thing here in the UK, but I can't get the popup to close on click in IE. Every other browser is working fine. Any one know the fix? Code: <style type="text/css"> <!-- #eucookielaw { display:none } #note { position: fixed; z-index: 101; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: #98FB98; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; color: #2C2C2C; line-height: 2.5; overflow: hidden; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; box-shadow: 0 0 5px black; } #note a { color: #2C2C2C; } #note img { vertical-align: middle; } #close { cursor: pointer; } @-webkit-keyframes slideDown { 0%, 100% { -webkit-transform: translateY(-50px); } 10%, 90% { -webkit-transform: translateY(0px); } } @-moz-keyframes slideDown { 0%, 100% { -moz-transform: translateY(-50px); } 10%, 90% { -moz-transform: translateY(0px); } } .cssanimations.csstransforms #note { -webkit-transform: translateY(-50px); -webkit-animation: slideDown 2.5s 1.0s 1 ease forwards; -moz-transform: translateY(-50px); -moz-animation: slideDown 2.5s 1.0s 1 ease forwards; } .cssanimations.csstransforms #close { display: none; } --> </style> <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function SetCookie(c_name,value,expiredays) { var exdate=new Date() exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+expiredays) document.cookie=c_name+ "=" +escape(value)+";path=/"+((expiredays==null) ? "" : ";expires="+exdate.toUTCString()) } </script> <div id="eucookielaw" > <div id="note"> <img src="/images/cookie_sm.png" alt="Cookie" border="0"> This Site Uses Cookies. :: <a rel="nofollow" href="/terms.php">Learn More</a> :: <a id="close"><u>Close this Message</u> <img src="/images/close_sm.png" alt="Close" border="0"></a> </div> <script> close = document.getElementById("close"); close.addEventListener('click', function() { note = document.getElementById("note"); = 'none'; }, false); </script> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#eucookielaw").show(); SetCookie('eucookie','eucookie',365*10) </script> Example he No Claims Discount Insurance | Car, Home, Bike and Health No Claims Bonuses Hi , Kindly help I have to handle the browser RED X close button in the window. The problem is that its not saving the data. before submitting/saving the data it executes the window.close() I put settime out and form on submit conditionalyy put even its not saving the data But window is closing. how can we sequentiate the save + window.close() im copying the code below. ============ window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (window.event.clientY < 0 && (window.event.clientX > (document.documentElement.clientWidth - 5) || window.event.clientX < 15)) { editedCheck(); document.BuildRequestForm.buttonClicked.value="REDX"; if( document.BuildRequestForm.measdatachanged.value=="false") { setVarZero(); fn_Close(); } else { if(confirm('Do you want to save the changes?')) { elmtForm.onsubmit = fn_Close; //document.BuildRequestForm.onsubmit=fn_Close; //setVarZero() saveMeasurement(); setTimeout('setVarZero()',1000); //window.setTimeout(function() { window.close();}, 1000); //window.setTimeout(function() { fn_Close();}, 1000); //fn_Close(); //return true; } else { return "If you want to close the window click - Leave Page";} } } } ============= browser close RED X button+ popup OK Cancel "save or not" +OK I am having a heck of a time closing this popup window when i logoff the site. i open it by Code: shoutwindow ="<?=$MY_LINK_ROOT?>/shoutbox/minichat.php", "shoutwindow", "location=0,status=0,scrollbars=0,menubar=0,resizable=0 width=300,height=310"); when i click logoff the site i want the popup to close also here is the logoff php Code: session_start(); //only for testing will remove this if(!shoutwindow.closed) { echo "window open"; self.close(); //shoutwindow.close (); // also tried both these didnt work // window.close(); } else { echo "Window already closed"; } mysql_close($link); unset($_SESSION['Sess_UserId']); // Unset all of the session variables. session_unset(); // Finally, destroy the session. session_destroy(); echo "<script> location.href='$MY_LINK_ROOT'</script>"; exit; ?> what am i missing here lol ? thanks UPDATE: i just had an idea, can i mix a href and an onClick together so that both are executed like this (i never tried it before) Code: the reason i use self.close is because i heard that it always closes the child not the parent. <a href="logoff.php" onClick="self.close()" return:true;>Log Off</a> the return true will make it execute the href as well right? Trying to get this link to close window onclick, can I even do it? I'm just not seeing how, but I'm probably missing the obvious... Code: <img usemap="#map3" id="shapeimage_5" src="Notice2_files/shapeimage_5.png" style="border: none; height: 49px; left: -67px; position: absolute; top: -3px; width: 261px; z-index: 1; " alt="December 2011 notice" title="" /><map name="map3" id="map3"><area href="" title="" alt="" coords="67, 3, 258, 46" onclick="; return false;" onkeypress="; return false;" /></map> Hey guys, Been searching on google for two days now, without a valid answer. I'm NEW to javascript, so I need some good help on this haha. I am using the following little piece of code to open a popup window: Code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JAVASCRIPT' TYPE='TEXT/JAVASCRIPT'> <!-- var win=null; function NewWindow(mypage,myname,w,h,pos,infocus){ if(pos=="random"){myleft=(screen.width)?Math.floor(Math.random()*(screen.width-w)):100;mytop=(screen.height)?Math.floor(Math.random()*((screen.height-h)-75)):100;} if(pos=="center"){myleft=(screen.width)?(screen.width-w)/2:100;mytop=(screen.height)?(screen.height-h)/2:100;} else if((pos!='center' && pos!="random") || pos==null){myleft=0;mytop=20} settings="width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",top=" + mytop + ",left=" + myleft + ",scrollbars=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no";,myname,settings); win.focus();} // --> </script> The actual link to open the popup is like this: Code: <a href="javascript:NewWindow('upload.php','popup','550','252','center','front');">Open the popup</a> What I am opening is, an upload page to upload an image (PHP / AJAX). Once the upload is complete and I close the window, I need the parent window (the index page which the link to open the popup is on) to be refreshed, so you can see that the file has been successfully uploaded. Does anyone have a clue how I would fix this? If I need to use another code to open the popup, that's fine, I just need help on how to fix this, since I haven't been able to find the answer myself. Thanks in advance! I have a popup window that has a "link" inside it, which needs to have a target=_blank but when ever clicked in IE, it stays inside the same window. I tried all of the following, none work PHP Code: <a href='' onclick='window.close();' target='_blank'> <a href="" target="_blank" onClick="javascript:window.close()"> <a href="" target="_blank" onClick="javascript: setTimeout(window.close, 10);"> Thanks Sonny Hello, I am trying to work on the following: You open the cart page and click the pay now button, that button opens a new window. I am trying to write (and I bet this is easy but I can't seem to get it) a script so that when it detects that window closing to automatically forward the main page to an account page. Is it something like: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> header(Location:""); if (window.opener.progressWindow) { window.opener.progressWindow.close() } window.close(); } </script> I am no programmer Hi! I'm new to this, so please bare with me. My terminology may not be up to par. Here's the deal: - I have a button on my Flash site that opens an HTML page in a popup window. In Flash, I open the new window using Actiosnscript 2.0: Code: on (release) { getURL("example1.html", "_blank"); } - Within the popup window are links to other HTML pages. They all open in the same window. I've been using the following to create the links in Dreamweaver: Code: onClick="MM_goToURL('parent','example2.html')" - On each page, I have a "Return to Main Menu" button that should close the popup window. To do this, I have been using: Code: onClick="window.close()" - The problem is that it works differently in each browser, and I can't even get it to consistently close the window in most browsers: Internet Explorer = popup message appears, asking "Are you sure you want to close this window?" or something similar; window closes after clicking "Yes." Safari = Only closes if I'm on the original HTML page. If I click on any of the other links (note that these all open in the same window), those pages' "Return to Main Menu" buttons cease to work. However, if I keep clicking "Back" until I get to the original page, it closes. Opera = Button actually works for each page. Firefox & Chrome = Does not close the window at all. I looked into it and saw that others have used a window.opener to solve similar issues. But, since my popup window is opened using Flash/AS2, I need to find a way around it. I've tried preceding "window.close()" with "window.opener=null" (i.e. - onClick="window.opener=null; window.close()"), but I don't think I'm doing it right because it still doesn't work. I've also seen others use codes that involve functions and variables, but it is beyond my current coding knowledge to implement this. Like I said, I'm sort of new at this. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. - PW Have been trying to make a button to close a web page but every time i try to get it validated "strict" it fails. I have used the following code. Code: <form action=""> <input type="button" value="Close Window" onclick="window.close()"> </form> Would really appreciate any help. Thanks Does anyone knows how to make an overlay ad with close button? Well I have seen already on another websites.I want to make an ad which is over a video and that video can't be started without closing this ad.So when ad is closed then video can be loaded.Something like on this webiste: But i don't know how to do it?If someone knows please post the code. Hi, I have the following problem: When I use this script it pops up both if a user tries to close the window and also if he presses the back button. Please tell how to show another window or do another action when the back button is pressed? I know it is possible although a lot of people say it's not. Code: <script type="text/javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; function confirmExit() { return "blabla"; } </script> i used the code window.close(); it works well for Internet Explorer but it not worked in firefox Hello! I am trying to find a script that allows you to open multiple browser tabs and then close each of those tabs, either one by one or all at once. Does anyone know how to do this please? Thanks so much for your help. Can someone tell me how to make a close button for this? The close button I currently have here makes the IMAGE2 disappear but I cannot see IMAGE1 until the time runs out on the setTmeout. I want to be able to click the closeX and close out the whole script leaving IMAGE1 showing. Here is what I have: Code: <table border="0" width="650" id="table1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000" height="350"> <tr> <td align="center"> <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function () { setTimeout(function () { var div = document.getElementById('hideOverlay'); div.innerHTML = 'IMAGE1 GOES HERE'; }, 6000);} </script> <div id="hideOverlay"> <table border="0" width="650" id="table1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="350"> <tr> <td align="center" width="650" height="350"><a style="text-decoration: none" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="var lyr =document.getElementById('hideOverlay'); lyr.innerHTML='';"/><font color="#666666" size="2">Close [x]</font></a>IMAGE2 GOES HERE</td> </tr> </table></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Hello guys, im working on another little project for my team here, and the way our system works is in order to change a persons password, there is a certain link that has to be accessed...for example...if i want to change a persons password, lets say UserID: t-test100 current pass: 911 and i want to change the password to 999 instead of 911...there is a link that needs to sorta load the profile in the background first in order to do the password change, i got the password change page down to a T and it works like a charm, but ONLY when the link is accessed, so for example, this is how the link would look like https://www.***.com/Sps/jsp/MyChange...?uid=t-test100 as soon as that URL is accessed, my code that i made for the password reset, works, but if i open a fresh window (where no cookies have been logged) and i go directly to my page where i have the script to change the password, it will come back with an error, but when i go to that URL and then back to my script and run it again, it works fine....SOOOO...back to my would i be able to make it so that i have an extra link on my site that i can add to go to https://www.***.com/Sps/jsp/MyChange...?uid=t-test100 URL in a new window...but i want it so that when i click the link, it opens up the URL and closes the window after 1 second...or less...just so that it loads the URL in the background and thats it basically what i need to do, just for it to open for a split second, for the browser to register that i've visited the URL for that particular username, and then so that when i try to change the password, it goes through. I made a private message page that shows as a popup but the problem is it wont close itself after a 3 second (3000 millisecond) pause Code: <script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout("self.close();",3000); </script> This was the original code I found: Code: setTimeout('self.close();',30000); **FIXED** I was trying to close a tab instead of the window. The popup was a window that had a set url that could not be changed so i used a tab to access the page I wanted. Tested and works now The web page belows works OK in IE and FireFox on XP and Windows7 It does NOT work on IPAD using Safari. Question: How can I delete the new window("IPADREPORT") when I run it the second, third,fourth, etc time ? How can I get the window name( "IPADREPORT") to see if it exists? SUggestions? TIA, Steve42 <code> [aSafari.html] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> <html lang="en"> <head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function pReport(){ // 1-17-12 var menuWindow = open("","ipadreport"); // 1-17-12 menuWindow.close(); // above closes previous report window var menuWindow ='','ipadreport');// 1-17-12 document.ipadreport.submit(); menuWindow.focus(); } </script> <title>Ipad_PopUp_Test</title> </head> <body> <br><br> <form method=post name="ireport" target="ipadreport" action="http://myreport.asp"> <input type="hidden" name="reporttest" value="apple"> <a href='javascriptReport()'> Create Report</a> </form> </body> </html> </code> Hi... Is there anyway to differentiate between refreshing a window and closing the browser. It seems both events are handled by onUnload event. Thanks Hi, Which javascript event should be used to call logout on window close and url change. I want to call logout function on window close and URL change on my application. I am calling logout functionon on <body onunload="doLogout();">, but onunload event is also called when refreshing the page. is there any specific event for Windoe close and URL change. can anyone resolve this issue. Regrads, Abha |