JavaScript - Javascript Form Validation On Submit
I have a simple form and am validating onchange and need a final validation onsubmit. I am displaying a message to the right of the inputbox on error.
I'm trying to keep this at DOM 1 compatible and not use any framework. HTML Code: <form id = "myForm" action = "" onsubmit = "return validateForm(this);"> <table class = "table-submit" border = "0"> <tr> <td> Username: </td> <td> <input type = "text" id = "username" size = "30" maxlength = "30" onchange = "validateUsername(this, 'msgUsername')" /> </td> <td id = "msgUsername"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Password: </td> <td> <input type = "password" id = "password" size = "30" maxlength = "30" onchange = "validatePassword(this, 'msgPassword')" /> </td> <td id = "msgPassword"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type = "submit" value = "Submit" /> <input type = "reset" value = "Clear" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> JavaScript Code: function validateUsername(myItem, myElement) { var dom = document.getElementById(myElement); if (myItem.value.length < 3) { dom.innerHTML = " Username needs to be a minimum of 3 characters! "; return false; } else { dom.innerHTML = ""; return true; } } function validatePassword(myItem, myElement) { var dom = document.getElementById(myElement); if (myItem.value.length < 5) { dom.innerHTML = " Password needs to be a minimum of 5 characters! "; return false; } else { dom.innerHTML = ""; return true; } } function validateForm (itm) { // kind of stuck here... } As you may of noticed, I am a bit stuck on my validateForm() function. The code validates on each inputbox onchange event. Not sure what is the best way to go from here. I thought about doing an If for my both single input box validation, but I would need to send each parameters which is what i was trying to avoid by using this. Would like some suggestions. Similar TutorialsI've literally tried everything. Read 26 tutorials, interchanged code, etc. My validation functions all work. My AJAX functions work (tested manually using servlet URL's). The second servlet validates the reCaptcha form that's generated on my webpage. After the form is validated, even if everything's correct, nothing happens upon clicking submit. I even have an alert pop up if with the captcha result, just for middle-layer debugging purposes. I want to do all of my validation clientside; none serverside. However, going to be tough if I can't get my god damn form to submit. I've been puzzled by this for close to 36 hours straight. I can't see, and I'm going to get some rest and hope that there is some useful insight on my problem when I return. html form: Code: <form id="f1" name="form1" onsubmit="validate_form(this); return false;" action="register" method="post"> <table cellspacing="5" style="border: 2px solid black;"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td>*First name</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_one"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="fn" name="fn" onBlur="validate_one();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Last name</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_two"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="ln" name="ln" onBlur="validate_two();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Email address</td> <td align="right"><span id="result"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="mailfield" name="email" onBlur="startRequest();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Phone number</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_three"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="pn" name="pn" onBlur="validate_three();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*City/Town</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_four"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="c" name="c" onBlur="validate_four();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td> <select name="s"> <option value="AL">Alabama <option value="AK">Alaska <option value="AZ">Arizona <option value="AR">Arkansas <option value="CA">California <option value="CO">Colorado <option value="CT">Connecticut <option value="DE">Delaware <option value="FL">Florida <option value="GA">Georgia <option value="HI">Hawaii <option value="ID">Idaho <option value="IL">Illinois <option value="IN">Indiana <option value="IA">Iowa <option value="KS">Kansas <option value="KY">Kentucky <option value="LA">Louisiana <option value="ME">Maine <option value="MD">Maryland <option value="MA">Massachusetts <option value="MI">Michigan <option value="MN">Minnesota <option value="MS">Mississippi <option value="MO">Missouri <option value="MT">Montana <option value="NE">Nebraska <option value="NV">Nevada <option value="NH">New Hampshire <option value="NJ">New Jersey <option value="NM">New Mexico <option value="NY">New York <option value="MC">North Carolina <option value="ND">North Dakota <option value="OH">Ohio <option value="OK">Oklahoma <option value="OR">Oregon <option value="PA">Pennsylvania <option value="RI">Rhode Island <option value="SC">South Carolina <option value="SD">South Dakota <option value="TN">Tennessee <option value="TX">Texas <option value="UT">Utah <option value="VT">Vermont <option value="VA">Virginia <option value="WA">Washington <option value="WV">West Virginia <option value="WI">Wisconsin <option value="WY">Wyoming </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td><span id="error"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">*Anti-Spam Verification</td> <td></td> <td id="reCaptcha"></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td align="left">*Affiliation</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_five"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="affl" name="affl" onBlur="validate_five();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Research Area:</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_six"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="ra" name="ra" onBlur="validate_six();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left">*Research Overview</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_seven"></span></td> <td><textarea cols="38" rows="6" id="ro" name="ro" onKeyDown="limitText(,this.form.countdown,500)" onKeyUp="limitText(,this.form.countdown,500)" onBlur="validate_seven();"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td><font size="1">You have <input readonly type="text" name="countdown" size="1" value="500"> characters remaining.</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Talk Availability</td> <td></td> <td> <input type="radio" name="ta" value="In person">In person <input type="radio" name="ta" value="Online">Online <input type="radio" name="ta" value="Both" checked>Both </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top">Links</td> <td></td> <td> <table id="linkTable" border="0"> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" name="link"></td> <td><div id="result"></div></td> </table> </td> <td align="left" valign="top"><input type="button" value="Add Link" onclick="addLink('linkTable')"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><span style="color: red;"></span></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form"> </form> Javascript file: Code: /* * script.js - ajax and table functions */ var xmlHttp; // global instance of XMLHttpRequest var xmlHttp2; // second for captcha functions var validAjax = new Boolean(); var validCaptcha = new Boolean(); var valid_one = new Boolean(); var valid_two = new Boolean(); var valid_three = new Boolean(); var valid_four = new Boolean(); var valid_five = new Boolean(); var valid_six = new Boolean(); var valid_seven = new Boolean(); function init() { showRecaptcha('reCaptcha'); // Separate booleans for AJAX funcs validAjax = false; validCaptcha = false; // Booleanse for fields that don't require servlet validation valid_one = false; valid_two = false; valid_three = false; valid_four = false; valid_five = false; valid_six = false; valid_seven = false; } function showRecaptcha(element) { Recaptcha.create("6Le1a8ESAAAAAGtxX0miZ2bMg0Wymltnth7IG-Mj", element, {theme: "red", callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field}); } function validate_form() { if (valid_one && valid_two && valid_three && valid_four && validEmail) { startCaptchaRequest(); if (validCaptcha) { return true; } } else { alert("Submission contains errors. Please fill out all required fields before submitting."); return false; } } function validate_one() { if (document.getElementById("fn").value == 0) { valid_one = false; document.getElementById("valid_one").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_one = true; document.getElementById("valid_one").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_two() { if (document.getElementById("ln").value == 0) { valid_two = false; document.getElementById("valid_two").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_two = true; document.getElementById("valid_two").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_three() { if (document.getElementById("pn").value == 0) { valid_three = false; document.getElementById("valid_three").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_three = true; document.getElementById("valid_three").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_four() { if (document.getElementById("c").value == 0) { valid_four = false; document.getElementById("valid_four").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_four = true; document.getElementById("valid_four").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_five() { if (document.getElementById("affl").value == 0) { valid_five = false; document.getElementById("valid_five").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_five = true; document.getElementById("valid_five").innerHTML = ""; } } // //function validate_six() { // if (document.getElementById("ra").value == 0) { // valid_six = false; // document.getElementById("valid_six").innerHTML = "No"; // } // else { // valid_six = true; // document.getElementById("valid_six").innerHTML = ""; // } //} // //function validate_seven() { // if (document.getElementById("ro").value == 0) { // valid_seven = false; // document.getElementById("valid_seven").innerHTML = "No"; // } // else { // valid_seven = true; // document.getElementById("valid_seven").innerHTML = ""; // } //} function addLink(tableID) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); var cell = row.insertCell(0); var element1 = document.createElement("input"); element1.type = "text"; = "link" + rowCount; = "320px"; cell.appendChild(element1); } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField.value.length > limitNum) { limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount.value = limitNum - limitField.value.length; } } function createXmlHttpRequest() { if(window.ActiveXObject) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } } function startRequest() { createXmlHttpRequest(); var param1 = document.getElementById('mailfield').value; if (param1 == "") { validEmail = false; document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Blank"; } else {"GET", "http://localhost:1979/PolarSpeakers/servlet/" + param1, true) xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange; xmlHttp.send(null); } } function handleStateChange() { if(xmlHttp.readyState==4) { if(xmlHttp.status==200) { var message = xmlHttp.responseXML .getElementsByTagName("valid")[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue; if (message == "Unregistered") { validEmail = true; document.getElementById("result").style.color = "green"; } else { validEmail = false; document.getElementById("result").style.color = "red"; } document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = message; } else { alert("Error checking e-mail address - " + xmlHttp.status + " : " + xmlHttp.statusText); } } } function createCaptchaRequest() { if(window.ActiveXObject) { xmlHttp2=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp2=new XMLHttpRequest(); } } function startCaptchaRequest() { alert('made it to captcha requeswt'); createCaptchaRequest(); var param1 = Recaptcha.get_challenge(); var param2 = Recaptcha.get_response();"POST", "http://localhost:1979/PolarSpeakers/servlet/" + param1 + "&r=" + param2, true) xmlHttp2.onreadystatechange = handleStateChangeCaptcha; xmlHttp2.send(null); } function handleStateChangeCaptcha() { if(xmlHttp2.readyState==4) { if(xmlHttp2.status==200) { var message = xmlHttp2.responseXML .getElementsByTagName("result")[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue; if (message == "Valid") { alert("captcha valid"); validCaptcha = true; } else { document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = message; validCaptcha = false; } } else { alert("Error checking captcha validity - " + xmlHttp2.status + " : " + xmlHttp2.statusText); } } } Hello all I created a form which has a lot of textboxes, checkboxes and select-lists which are getting filled up by the records from a database table. I am basically creating an edit screen for a record. No I want to check all these input elements using javascript validation. I want this to performed when a button "Archive" is pressed. My problem is this "Archive button" needs to be a submit button. This does run the javascript validation but after completing the validation it submits the form. I want that submission should be stopped when the validation is violated. how can I do this? What I want is a button which acts as a default button (triggers the onclick event when I press enter) but submits only if the form is valid. Trying to create an eBay listing template with a form on it. The form will allow the buyer to enter in their ebay ID, item number, and 3 choices. Form is complete, using this javascript for validation: Code: <SCRIPT language=javascript> function validate(){ var ebayid= document.getElementById('ebayid').value; var itemnumber= document.getElementById('itemnumber').value; var choice1= document.getElementById('choice1').value; var choice2= document.getElementById('choice2').value; var choice3= document.getElementById('choice3').value; if (!ebayid){ alert('Ebayid is required!'); document.getElementById('ebayid').focus(); return false; } if (!itemnumber){ alert('Item Number is required!'); document.getElementById('itemnumber').focus(); return false; } if (!choice1){ alert('Choice 1 is required!'); document.getElementById('choice1').focus(); return false; } if (!choice2){ alert('Choice 2 is required!'); return false; } if (!choice3){ alert('Choice 3 is required!'); return false; } return true; } </SCRIPT> I like this because it gives a pop up alert box (with definition) if a field is left empty. Upon success though the user is redirected off the page to a success page. I was told that this has to happen because the .php for the form to work is hosted on my site and the user needs to be redirected to my site in order for the form to work. Since this is the case, I was told I could use javascript to open up a separate window for this to happen, thus allowing the buyer to stay on the eBay listing (and to stay compliant with eBay's html/javascript policy). I have pieced together code from numerous forums to actually do this but there is one flaw. Code: <form action="" method="post" name="testform" id="testform" onsubmit="'', 'success', 'width=450,height=300,status=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); javascript:return validate();" rel="nofollow" target="success"/> This code not only opens a new window but it opens the new window on any click to the submit button, even if the validation fails. How do I write this so that the new window is only opened when the validation completes all true and not when the validation returns an error/alert box? Additionally... how do I add to the javascript so that the field "ebayid" requires 6 characters and the "itemnumber" requires 12 numbers? I would also like for the form itself to erase after a successful submission to prevent the user from hitting the submit button 100's of times spamming me with email (if it's possible) Thanks Kemble Hi guys, Been stuck for a few days with this scenario. Any help? The alert box appears on an error. But the submitting won't stop. The details are submitted and the form is processed. Any help is greatly appreciated... Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="email_helper/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ // General options mode : "textareas", theme : "simple" }); </script> <script language="javascript"> function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) {,winName,features); } function err_check(){ var email = document.getElementById('to_email').value; if(email.length==0){ alert('Please Enter Email Address'); return false; } var AtPos = email.indexOf("@") var StopPos = email.lastIndexOf(".") if (AtPos == -1 || StopPos == -1) { alert("Please Enter Valid Email Address"); document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } email = document.getElementById('cc_email').value; if(email.length != 0){ var AtPos = email.indexOf("@") var StopPos = email.lastIndexOf(".") if (AtPos == -1 || StopPos == -1) { alert("Please Enter Valid Email Address"); document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } } var answer = confirm ("Send E-Mail?"); if (!answer){ return false; } } </script> <!-- /TinyMCE --> <style type="text/css"> body, table, td, th{ background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family: Arial; font-size:14px; } .que{ font-weight:bold; } </style> </head> <body> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php include 'library/database.php'; include 'library/opendb.php'; $query = mysql_query("SELECT email,contact,mobile FROM users WHERE user_id='$uid'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $from_email = $row[0]; $from_person = $row[1]; $from_mobile = $row[2]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT customer_id FROM campaign_summary WHERE camp_id='$camp_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $cusid = $row[0]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM client_info WHERE comp_id='$cusid'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $toer = $row[0]; include 'library/closedb.php'; ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr><td rowspan="4"><input type="submit" name="send_email" id="send_email" style="height:50px; width:100px;" value="SEND" onClick="return err_check();" /></td><td><span class="que">From : </span></td><td colspan="3"><?php echo $from_email; ?><input type="hidden" name="from_mail" id="from_mail" /><input type="hidden" name="camp_id" id="camp_id" value="<?php echo $camp_id;?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">To : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input name="to_email" id="to_email" style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $toer;?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">CC : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input name="cc_email" id="cc_email" style="width:250px;"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">Subject : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input style="width:300px;" name="subject" id="subject" /></td></tr> <tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="2"> </td><td><input type="checkbox" name="ori_pdf" id="ori_pdf" checked /> PDF Quotation</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><span class="que">Credit Application</span></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="corporate" id="corporate"/>Corporate</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="individual" id="individual" />Individual</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="cash" id="cash" />Cash Account</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="tabloid" id="tabloid" />Tabloid Example</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="broadsheet" id="broadsheet" />Broadsheet Example</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="colmt" id="colmt" />Column Sizes Tabloid</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="colmb" id="colmb" />Column Sizes Broadsheet</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="maps" id="maps" />Maps / Distribution</td><td colspan="2" align="right">External Attachments <input id="upload_file" name="upload_file" type="file"/> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><span class="que">Message :</span></td><td colspan="3"> <textarea id="elm1" name="elm1" rows="15" cols="80" style="width: 100%"> <?php echo "<br><br><br>" . $from_person . "<br>" . $from_mobile; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> I have created a php script that POSTs to another page sendmail.php which then redirects to a thanks/successful page. Is it possible to have the form submit and return a thank you message on the same page. basically submit the form without reloading. I am not familiar with javascript only html, but I have researched this problem and found some solutions, but I am unsure what to do with them. I have an html checkbox form that lists book titles. The user will click on the checkbox next to the titles that interest them. Then when they click submit, I want a pop-up box to appear with the titles they selected in a printable list. I found this javascript code: Code: <script langauge="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function openPreview() { var myWin = ("popup.htm","myWindowName","width=500,height=350"); myWin.focus(); } </script> Then here is my html form code: Code: <form action="" form id= "myInput"> <table width="523"> <tr><td width="33"> <input type="checkbox" name="product" value="Ironman"></td> <td width="229"><div align="left">Ironman</div></td> <td width="174">Chris Crutcher </td> <td width="56" align="right"> </td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="product" value="Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes"> <th><div align="left">Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes </div></th> <td>Chris Crutcher </td> <td align="right"><tt>Realism</tt></td> </tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="product" value="The Watsons Go to Birmingham"> <th><div align="left">The Watsons Go to Birmingham </div></th> <td>Chrisopher Paul Curtis </td> <td align="right"> </td> </tr> </table> <input type="button" id="btnPreview" name="btnPreview" value="Preview" onclick="openPreview()" /> </form> Then on the popup.htm page I have this code Code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.write(window.opener.document.getElementById("myInput").value); </script> This code has worked for me when the form is a textarea or a label, but I don't know how to use it with a checkbox form. I know that labeling the form "my input" only works for textarea or labels, so I understand why the pop-up menu says undefined. What do I need to do to get the checkbox data to appear. I have problem with my javascript form validation... Validation works only on last question and I can't understand why it doesn't work on other questions.. Html code : Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Questionaire</title> <link href="oneColLiqCtrHdr19.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #FFF; background-image: url(images/aa.jpg); } --> </style></head> <body class="oneColLiqCtrHdr"> <div id="container"> <div id="header"> <h1> </h1></div> <!-- forms --> <form action="" method="post" onsubmit="return checkform(this);" > <input type="hidden" name="surveyid" value="knjuku2" /> <input type="hidden" name="usecookie" value="true" /> <input type="hidden" name="landingpage" value="h---.html" /> <p align="center"><b>This survey was made for Business Academy Copenhagen North project not for FDIM.</b></p> <p> <b>Please enter your personal information</b> </p> <p><b>Your Occupation:</b> <input type="text" name="occupation" /> </p> <p><b>Age Group:</b> <select name="age"> <option value="under 18">less then 18</option> <option value="18-25">18-25</option> <option value="26-35">26-35</option> <option value="over 35">more then 35</option> </select> </p> <p><b>Status:</b> <select name="status"> <option value="single">Single</option> <option value="single with children">Single with children</option> <option value="in relationship">In relationship</option> <option value="married">Married</option> <option value="divorced">Divorced</option> </select> </p> <p><b>Gender:</b> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" /> Male <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" /> Female </p> <p><b>Do you have a job?</b> <input type="radio" name="job" value="yes" />Yes <input type="radio" name="job" value="no" />No </p> <p> </p> <p> <!-- 1 vopros --> </p> <p><b>1. Why do You use online social media?</b> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="bla" value="To chat with friends" /> To chat with friends<br></br> <input type="radio" name="bla" value="To read news" /> To read news<br></br> <input type="radio" name="bla" value="To write blogs" /> To write blogs<br></br> <input type="radio" name="bla" value="Other" /> Other<br></br> </p> <p> <!-- 2 vopros --> <b>2. What online social media do You use more often?</b> </p> <p> </p> <p> <select name="more"> <option value="MySpace">MySpace</option> <option value="Twitter">Twitter</option> <option value="Facebook">Facebook</option> <option value="LinkedIn">LinkedIn</option> </select> </p> <p> </p> <!-- 3 vopros --> <b>3. When do You use it?</b> <p> <input type="radio" name="use" value="1" /> At home<br></br> <input type="radio" name="use" value="2" /> At work<br></br> <input type="radio" name="use" value="3" /> At school<br></br> <input type="radio" name="iuse" value="4" /> In the bus/train<br></br> <input type="radio" name="use" value="5" /> Other<br></br> </p> <p><b>4. How much hours approximately do You spend on social media?</b> </p> <select name="hours"> <option value="less than 2 hours">less than 2 hours a day</option> <option value="2-4 hours">2-4 hours a day</option> <option value="4-8 hours">4-8 hours a day</option> <option value="8-12 hours">8-12 hours a day</option> <option value="more than 12 hours">more than 12 hours a day</option> </select> <p> </p> <p> <!-- 5 vopros --> <b>5. Do You use social media often?</b></p> <p> <input type="radio" name="often" value="Yes" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="often" value="No" /> No <!-- 6 vopros --> </p> <p><b>6. Social Media website to which You usually upload</b></p> <p> <input type="radio" name="upload" value="Youtube" /> Youtube<br></br> <input type="radio" name="upload" value="Flickr" /> Flickr<br></br> <input type="radio" name="upload" value="Photobucket" /> Photobucket<br></br> <input type="radio" name="upload" value="Slideshare" /> Slideshare<br></br> <input type="radio" name="upload" value="Other" /> Other </p> <!-- 7 vopros --> <b>7. Where do You chat with Your friends</b> <select name="chatting"> <option value="Msn">Msn</option> <option value="Skype">Skype</option> <option value="Yahoo!">Yahoo!</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select> <p> </p> <!-- 8 vopros --> <b>8. You use social media for</b> <select name="using"> <option value="Personal reasons">Personal reasons</option> <option value="Professional reasons">Professional reasons</option> <option value="Don't use it">Don't use it</option> </select> <p> </p> <p> <!-- 9 vopros --> <b>9. You prefer to obtain the information You need at</b> <select name="information"> <option value="Yahoo!">Yahoo!</option> <option value="Google">Google</option> <option value="Wikipedia">Wikipedia</option> <option value="Ask">Ask</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select> </p> <!-- 10 vopros --> <b>10. What do You prefer to do being online</b>? <select id="drop" name="online"> <option value="Read blogs">Read blogs</option> <option value="Chat with friends">Chat with friends</option> <option value="Watch videos">Watch videos</option> <option value="Read news">Read news</option> <option value="Other">Other</option> </select> <!-- konec voprosov --> <!-- button-submit --> <p align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </p> </form> <!-- end #container --> </div> </body> </html> Javascript validation Code: //Javascript Document function checkform ( form ) { if (form.occupation.value == "") { alert( "Please enter your occupation." ); form.occupation.focus(); return false ; } return true ; } function checkform(f) { for (var i=0; i<f.elements("gender").length; i++) { var radio = f.elements("gender")[i]; if (radio.checked) { return true; } } // no checked radio button found window.alert("Choose your gender!"); f.elements("gender")[0].focus(); return false; } function checkform(f) { for (var i=0; i<f.elements("job").length; i++) { var radio = f.elements("job")[i]; if (radio.checked) { return true; } } // no checked radio button found window.alert("Choose if you have a job!"); f.elements("job")[0].focus(); return false; } function checkform(f) { for (var i=0; i<f.elements("bla").length; i++) { var radio = f.elements("bla")[i]; if (radio.checked) { return true; } } // no checked radio button found window.alert("Answer question number 1"); f.elements("bla")[0].focus(); return false; } function checkform(f) { for (var i=0; i<f.elements("use").length; i++) { var radio = f.elements("use")[i]; if (radio.checked) { return true; } } // no checked radio button found window.alert("Answer question number 3!"); f.elements("use")[0].focus(); return false; } function checkform(f) { for (var i=0; i<f.elements("often").length; i++) { var radio = f.elements("often")[i]; if (radio.checked) { return true; } } // no checked radio button found window.alert("Answer question number 5!"); f.elements("often")[0].focus(); return false; } function checkform(f) { for (var i=0; i<f.elements("upload").length; i++) { var radio = f.elements("upload")[i]; if (radio.checked) { return true; } } // no checked radio button found window.alert("Answer question number 6!"); f.elements("upload")[0].focus(); return false; } Where is my mistake? And how to solve it to make javascript validation work properly? Hello, I am using the following javascript to validate a text field on my site: Code: function checkExpire(form) { // regular expression to match required date format re = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/; if(form.txtExpire.value != '' && !form.txtExpire.value.match(re)) { alert("Invalid date format: " + form.txtExpire.value); form.txtExpire.focus(); return false; } return true; } The above code works fine for the following situations: The default value of the field is: __/__/____ The JavaScript code above will not accept that for a field value. If a user inputs the following for a date 5_/7_/11__ for May 7th, 2011 the JavaScript will not accept the format it must be entered as: 05/07/2011 (in order to clear the validation)... NOW HERE IS WHAT I NEED THE JAVASCRIPT TO DO: 1) It needs to accept __/__/____ as a value that can be inserted into the database 2) still retains the code above so 5_/7_/11__ is not an acceptable date but 05/07/2011 will work just fine 3) Now... the default value of the text field in Internet Explorer is __/__/____ but the value is blank in Mozilla Firefox so in an instance where the text field is completely blank I need the JavaScript to assign the value '__/__/____' ... SO FAR: I did at one point get both the validation working so it worked for rules 1 and 2 mentioned above but I completely destroyed it while trying to integrate rule 3 into the functionality. So I know this can be accomplished with a series of if / else statements as well as assigning a value to a form object to handle rule# 3 ... I am just a novice getting ready to turn intermediate in JavaScript so any help, guidance, reference or example / sample code you could give me would be much appreciated. Thank your for your assitance and I hope you are all doing well. Cordially, aRK I have a form developed in Dreamweaver CS5 using Spry Assets, I have 2 required fields in the form. One is email the other is phone. I want the user to only have to fill in one or the other, but one or the other needs to be filled out. Here is the form code: [code]<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action=""> <span id="sprytextfield1"><label>Name</label> <input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="45" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield3"><label>Title</label> <input name="Title" type="text" id="Title" size="45" /> </span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield2"><label>Company</label> <input name="Company" type="text" id="Company" size="45" /> </span><br /> <span id="sprytextarea1"><label>Address</label> <textarea name="Address" id="Address" cols="39" rows="2"></textarea> </span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield4"><label>City</label> <input name="City" type="text" id="City" size="45" /> </span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield5"><label>State</label> <input name="State" type="text" id="State" size="45" /> </span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield6"><label>Zip</label> <input name="Zip" type="text" id="Zip" size="45" /> <span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span><span class="textfieldMinCharsMsg">Minimum number of characters not met.</span><span class="textfieldMinValueMsg">The entered value is less than the minimum required.</span></span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield7"><label>Phone</label> <input name="Phone" type="text" id="Phone" size="45" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span><br /> <span id="sprytextfield8"><label>Email</label> <input name="Email" type="text" id="Email" size="45" /> <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span><br /> <span id="sprytextarea2"><label>Message</label> <textarea name="Message" id="Message" cols="39" rows="6"></textarea> </span><br /> <input name="SUBMIT" type="image" class="marginleft95px" src="images/submit.jpg" /> </form> </div> <div id="apDiv2"><img src="images/contact-us-keyboard.jpg" width="318" height="230" alt="contact us" /></div> <div id="apDiv3"><img src="images/contact-us.jpg" width="318" height="230" alt="contact us" /></div> </div></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield1", "none", {validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextfield2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield2", "none", {isRequired:false}); var sprytextfield3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield3", "none", {isRequired:false}); var sprytextfield4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield4", "none", {isRequired:false}); var sprytextfield5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield5", "none", {isRequired:false}); var sprytextfield6 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield6", "zip_code", {isRequired:false}); var sprytextfield7 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield7", "phone_number", {validateOn:["blur"], hint:"(999) 999-9999"}); var sprytextfield8 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField("sprytextfield8", "email", {validateOn:["blur"]}); var sprytextarea1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea("sprytextarea1", {isRequired:false}); var sprytextarea2 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextarea("sprytextarea2", {isRequired:false}); </script>[code] Please help!! Hi Guys, I have trying to validate my form using JavaScript. On blur of the a text box I am calling a function in JavaScript which checks if the text box is empty or not.... If the text box is empty it display an appropriate error message. The issue I am facing is that, for the first time if any user does not enter any value in the text box, the JS function is invoked and an appropriate error message is displayed.... So when the user tried to enter a value in the text box, a drop down list appear from the past forms data. (The drop down value appear because the user has already filled in the form in the past. Hence the Browser remember the data filed in, and displays it as a drop down list.) This allows the user to select any values from the drop down list to fill in the box.* After the user has selected the appropriate value from the drop down and takes its mouse cursor and navigates to another text box in the form, the first error message does not disappear. The form does not recognize that the value filed has already been filled in the first filed.* If the user actually types into the field it recognizes that the text box has a filed is filled. Please may I know how to solve this issue. Hi there! Could somebody please help me understand why this javascript isn't executing? I've been stuck with it for days and have researched the problem to death to no avail. Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Form</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function allComplete() { var result = true; var numbers = document.getElementsById('numbers'); for(var number in numbers) { if(number.value == null) { result = false; break; } } if(result == false) { alert("Please fill in all the fields"); return result; } return result; } </script> </head> <body> <h3>In each field enter a number of your choice!</h3> <form action="php.php" method="GET"> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4" /><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="text" name="numbers[]" id="numbers" size="4"/><br/> <input type="submit" name="submit" onSubmit="return allComplete()" value="Enter"/><br/> </form> </body> </html> Thanks very much in advance. Hi i need help with an assignment that validates forms using javascript. Using my instructors example as a guide, i wrote this if you click submit on the example it properly returns false and displays an error message, in my assignment it does nothing but submit to the echo while im trying to get an error message. The assignment is unfinished but i wanted to test out the first bit of code and its not working. I have a form validation script that runs perfect. Now i want to add one more field to the form and want to make some fields "required" but i dont know how to do this. Please help me. I am also attaching the relevant files. Thanks in advance. Fields to add: 1. Social Security Number (Same as Home Telephone but allows 3 digits in 1st field, 2 in 2nd and 4in 3rd field (123)-(12)-(1234)) Fields to make "required" : Social Security Number First Name Last Name The Script Code: var phoneRegEx = /^(?:(?:\(?(?:(?:[246-8](?:(?:[02-8][0-9])|(?:1[02-9])))|(?:3(?:(?:[02-68][0-9])|(?:1[02-9])))|(?:5(?:(?:[02-46-8][0-9])|(?:5[0-46-9])|(?:1[02-9])))|(?:9(?:(?:[02-578][0-9])|(?:1[02-9]))))\)?)(?:[\- ]?)(?:(?:700(?:[\- ]?)(?:(?:[0-35-9][0-9]{3})|(?:4[02-9][0-9]{2})|(?:41[0-35-9][0-9])|(?:414[02-9])))|(?:(?:(?:[23468][02-9][0-9])|(?:[2-9]1[02-9])|(?:5(?:(?:5[0-46-9])|(?:[02346-9][0-9])|(?:1[02-9])))|(?:7(?:(?:[2-9][0-9])|(?:0[1-9])|(?:1[02-9])))|(?:9(?:(?:[0234689][0-9])|(?:1[02-9])|(?:5[1-7])|(?:7[0-5789]))))(?:[\- ]?)(?:[0-9]{4}))))$/; var error // used to store RowNames for errored elements. var isOptRequired = false; function ValidateQuoteRequest(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckDropDown('state', 'row_state', frm); CheckDropDown('Month', 'row_date', frm); CheckDropDown('Day', 'row_date', frm); CheckDropDown('Year', 'row_date', frm); CheckDate('Month', 'Day','Year', 'row_date', frm, 'True'); CheckDropDown('Sex', 'row_sex', frm); CheckDropDown('Height_Feet', 'row_Height', frm); CheckDropDown('Height_Inches', 'row_Height', frm); CheckIntegerField('Weight', 'row_Height', frm, 'True'); CheckDropDown('Tobacco', 'row_tobacco', frm); CheckFrequency('Frequency', 'row_tobaccotype', frm, 'True'); CheckPhone('workphone,homephone', 'row_workphone,row_homephone', frm, 'False'); CheckEmail('email', 'row_email', frm, 'False'); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateRequestApplication(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckTextField('firstname', 'row_firstname', frm,); CheckTextField('lastname', 'row_lastname', frm); CheckTextField('address', 'row_address', frm); CheckTextField('city', 'row_city', frm); CheckTextField('state', 'row_state', frm); CheckZip('zip', 'row_state', frm, 'True'); CheckPhone('work_phone_number_,home_phone_number_,cell_phone_number_', 'row_work_phone_number_,row_home_phone_number_,row_cell_phone_number_', frm, 'True'); CheckNumericField('work_phone_number_4', 'row_work_phone_number_', frm, 'False'); CheckEmail('email', 'row_email', frm, 'True'); CheckDropDown('premium_quoted', 'row_premium_quoted', frm); CheckRadioButton('Residency', 'row_Residency', frm); CheckRadioButton('spouse_policy', 'row_spouse_policy', frm); CheckSpouseTextField('spouse_first_name', 'row_spouse_first_name', frm); CheckSpouseTextField('spouse_last_name', 'row_spouse_last_name', frm); CheckDropDown('AgentID', 'row_AgentID', frm); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateRBCRequestApplication(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckTextField('firstname', 'row_firstname', frm); CheckTextField('lastname', 'row_lastname', frm); CheckTextField('address', 'row_address', frm); CheckTextField('city', 'row_city', frm); CheckTextField('state', 'row_state', frm); CheckZip('zip', 'row_state', frm, 'True'); CheckPhone('work_phone_number_', 'row_work_phone_number_', frm, 'True'); CheckEmail('email', 'row_email', frm, 'True'); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateRBCQuoteRequest(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckDropDown('state', 'row_state', frm); CheckDropDown('Sex', 'row_Sex', frm); CheckDate('Month', 'Day','Year', 'row_date', frm, 'True'); CheckDropDown('Amount', 'row_Amount', frm); CheckRadioButton('coverageTerm', 'row_coverageTerm', frm); CheckRadioButton('tobacco', 'row_tobacco', frm); CheckTextField('firstname', 'row_firstname', frm); CheckTextField('lastname', 'row_lastname', frm); CheckPhone('home_phone_number_', 'row_home_phone_number_', frm, 'True'); CheckEmail('email', 'row_email', frm, 'True'); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateHealth(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckEmail('Email', 'row_Email', frm, 'True'); CheckZip('ZipCode', 'row_ZipCode', frm, 'True'); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateHome(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckEmail('Email', 'row_Email', frm, 'True'); CheckZip('ZipCode', 'row_ZipCode', frm, 'True'); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateLTC(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckDropDown('state', 'row_state', frm); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } function ValidateAuto(frm) { if(isBrowserCompatible()) { error = new Array(); CheckZip('zipcode', 'row_zipcode', frm, 'True'); if (error.length > 0) { //turn on error header and scroll page to error header document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = ""; location = '#contentError'; return false; } else { document.getElementById("contentError").style.display = "none"; return true; } } else //browser not compatible { return true; } } //------- function CheckAnnualIncome (ElmtName, RowName, frm,isReq) { if(!frm.elements[ElmtName + '_decline'].checked) CheckNumericField (ElmtName,RowName, frm, isReq); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //------- function CheckTextField (ElmtName, RowName, frm) { if (!frm.elements[ElmtName]) return; if(trim(frm.elements[ElmtName].value) == '') ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //---- function CheckSpouseTextField (ElmtName, RowName, frm) { if (!frm.elements[ElmtName]) return; for(var i=0;i < frm.spouse_policy.length; i++) { if(frm.spouse_policy[i].checked && frm.spouse_policy[i].value == 'yes') { CheckTextField (ElmtName, RowName, frm); }else{ removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } } } //------ function CheckNumericField(ElmtName, RowName, frm, isReq) { if (frm.elements[ElmtName].value != '' || isReq.toLowerCase() == 'true') { var val = frm.elements[ElmtName].value.replace(/,/g,''); val = val.replace('$', ''); if(parseFloat(val)!=(val*1) || val == '') ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } else { removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } } function CheckIntegerField(ElmtName, RowName, frm, isReq) { if (frm.elements[ElmtName].value != '' || isReq.toLowerCase() == 'true') { if(frm.elements[ElmtName].value.indexOf('.') != -1 || (frm.elements[ElmtName].value % 1) != 0 || frm.elements[ElmtName].value == '') ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } else { removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } } //----- function CheckEmail (ElmtName, RowName, frm, isReq) { //add for optimost required field testing. if(isOptRequired) isReq = 'true'; var regEx; regEx = /^[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*@(?:[\w-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,7}$/; if(!regEx.test(frm.elements[ElmtName].value) && (frm.elements[ElmtName].value != '' || isReq != 'False')) ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //------- function CheckDate(ElmtMonth, ElmtDay, ElmtYear, RowName, frm, isReq) { var Day = frm.elements[ElmtDay].options[frm.elements[ElmtDay].selectedIndex].value; var Month = frm.elements[ElmtMonth].options[frm.elements[ElmtMonth].selectedIndex].value - 1; var Year = frm.elements[ElmtYear].options[frm.elements[ElmtYear].selectedIndex].value; var DateObj = new Date(Year,Month,Day); if ( DateObj.getMonth() != Month) { ThrowError(RowName, RowName, frm); } else { removeErrorFormatting(RowName, RowName, frm); } } //------- function CheckZip(ElmtName, RowName, frm, isReq) { var regEx regEx = /^\d{5}$|^\d{5}-\d{4}$/; if(!regEx.test(frm.elements[ElmtName].value) && (frm.elements[ElmtName].value != '' || isReq != 'False')) ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //------ function CheckDropDown(ElmtName, RowName, frm) { if (!frm.elements[ElmtName]) return; if(frm.elements[ElmtName].options.selectedIndex == 0) ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //------- function CheckRadioButton(ElmtName, RowName, frm) { if (!frm.elements[ElmtName]) return; var radioChecked = false; for(var i=0;i < frm.elements[ElmtName].length; i++) { if(frm.elements[ElmtName][i].checked) { radioChecked = true; break; } } if(!radioChecked) ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //------- function CheckCheckboxes(ElmtName, RowName, frm) { if (!frm.elements[ElmtName]) return; var checkboxChecked = false; for(var i=0;i < frm.elements[ElmtName].length; i++) { if(frm.elements[ElmtName][i].checked) { checkboxChecked = true; break; } } if(!checkboxChecked) ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm); else removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } //------- function CheckPhone(ElmtNames, RowNames, frm, isReq) { //add for optimost required field testing. if(isOptRequired) isReq = 'true'; checkPhoneNumbers(ElmtNames, RowNames, frm, isReq) } //------ function CheckFrequency(ElmtName, RowName, frm) { var Tobacco = new Array(3,4,5,6,7,8); var ThrowErrorFlag = false; for(i = 0; i < Tobacco.length; i++) { if(Tobacco[i] == frm.elements["Tobacco"].options[frm.elements["Tobacco"].selectedIndex].value && frm.elements["Frequency"].options.selectedIndex == 0) { ThrowError("Frequency", RowName, frm); ThrowErrorFlag = true; break; } } if(!ThrowErrorFlag) removeErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName, frm); } function CheckTextArea(field, maxlen) { if (field.value.length > maxlen) { field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlen); alert('Only 1000 characters allowed. Your input has been truncated to 1000 characters'); } } //------ function ThrowError(ElmtName, RowName, frm) { if(!eval("document.getElementById('" + RowName + "')")) return; applyErrorFormatting(ElmtName, RowName,frm) error[error.length] = RowName; } //------ function applyErrorFormatting(fldName, RowName,frm) { tableRow = eval("document.getElementById('" + RowName + "')"); tableRow.className = "error2"; } //----- function removeErrorFormatting(fldName, RowName,frm) { var isSharedRow = CheckForSharedRow(RowName) // call function to handle fields that share the same row if(isSharedRow) return true; tableRow = eval("document.getElementById('" + RowName + "')"); if(tableRow) tableRow.className = "quoter"; } function CheckForSharedRow(RowName) { for(var i=0;i<error.length;i++) { if(error[i] == RowName) return true; } return false; } function isBrowserCompatible() { if(document.getElementById) return true; else return false; } function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,""); } //------ function OpenWindow(name,filename,height,width,parameters) { var hwin =,name,"height=" + height + ",width=" + width + "," + parameters); hwin.focus(); } //----- function StandardPopup(pagePath) { OpenWindow("", pagePath, 450, 300, ""); } //------ Code for the form: Code: <form action="#" method="get" onsubmit="return ValidateQuoteRequest(this);" name="FrontPage_Form"> <tr class="quoter" id="row_state"> <td align="right" nowrap=""><a href="javascript:popUp('state')" title="">State</a></td> <td colspan="2"> <select name="state" size="1" tabindex="12"> <option value="-1">Select state...</option> <option value="AK">Alaska</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_date"> <td align="right"><a href="javascript:popUp('dob');" title="">Date of Birth</a></td> <td colspan="2"><select name="Month"> <option value="-1">Month</option> <option value="01">Jan</option> </select> <select name="Day"> <option value="-1">Day</option> <option value="01">01</option> </select> <select name="Year" size="1"> <option value="-1">Year</option> <option value="1921">1921</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_sex"> <td align="right"><a href="javascript:popUp('gender')" title="">Gender</a></td> <td colspan="2"><select name="Sex" size="1"> <option value="-1">Select...</option> <option value="1">Male</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_Height"> <td align="right">Height</td> <td nowrap="" colspan="2"><select name="Height_Feet" size="1"> <option value="-1"></option> </select> ft <select name="Height_Inches" size="1"> <option value="-1"></option> </select> in Weight <input name="Weight" size="3" maxlength="3" value=""> lbs </td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_tobacco"> <td align="right"><a href="javascript:popUp('tobacco')" title="">Tobacco/ Nicotine Use</a></td> <td colspan="2"><select name="Tobacco" onchange="toggleRow(this,'4,5,6,7,8','row_tobaccotype',document.FrontPage_Form.Frequency)"> <option value="-1">Select...</option> <option value="1">Never used</option> <option value="7">Current user</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" style="display: none; " id="row_tobaccotype"> <td align="right">Type of Tobacco or Nicotine and frequency of use</td> <td colspan="2"><select name="Frequency"> <option value="0" selected="">Please select...</option> <option value="10">Cigarettes, less than 1/2 pack a day</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_coverage"> <td align="right" class="quoter"><a href="javascript:popUp('calculator','https');" title="">Coverage Amount</a></td> <td><select name="Amount" size="1"> <option value="750000">$750,000</option> </select> <a href="javascript:popUp('calculator');" title="" class="nav-sub" ;=""><img src="./Insurance_files/help.gif" width="16" height="17" alt="" border="0" align="bottom"></a></td><td class="quoter"><a href="javascript:popUp('calculator');" title="">How much life<br>insurance do I need?</a></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter"> <td align="right"><a href="javascript:popUp('term');" title="">Guaranteed Term</a></td> <td class="quoter" colspan="2" id="ProductType"><select name="ProductType" size="1"> <option value="8">10 Years</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_PreClass"> <td align="right"><a href="javascript:popUp('healthclass');" title="">Health Class</a></td> <td><select name="PreClass" size="1"> <option value="0" selected="">Best Class</option> <option value="2">Preferred</option> </select> <a href="javascript:popUp('healthclass');" title=""><img src="./Insurance_files/help.gif" width="16" height="17" alt="" border="0" align="bottom"></a></td> <td><a href="javascript:popUp('healthclass');" title="">How do I determine<br>my health class?</a><a href="#">*</a></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_firstname"> <td align="right"> First Name</td> <td class="quoter" colspan="2"><input name="firstname" size="30" maxlength="50" value=""></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_lastname"> <td align="right"> Last Name</td> <td colspan="2"><input name="lastname" size="30" maxlength="50" value=""></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_workphone"> <td align="right">Social Security Number</td> <td colspan="2">(<input maxlength="3" name="ssn1" size="3" value="">)-<input maxlength="2" name="ssn2" size="2" value="">-<input name="ssn3" size="4" maxlength="4" value=""></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_workphone"> <td align="right">Work Phone</td> <td colspan="2">(<input maxlength="3" name="workphone1" size="3" value="">)-<input maxlength="3" name="workphone2" size="3" value="">-<input name="workphone3" size="4" maxlength="4" value=""></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_homephone"> <td align="right">Home Phone</td> <td colspan="2">(<input maxlength="3" name="homephone1" size="3" value="">)-<input maxlength="3" name="homephone2" size="3" value="">-<input name="homephone3" size="4" maxlength="4" value=""></td> </tr> <tr class="quoter" id="row_email"> <td align="right"><a href="javascript:popUp('email','https');">E-mail</a></td> <td colspan="2"><input name="email" size="30" maxlength="80" value=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="center" nowrap=""> <input type="image" title="Please click only once." name="Submit" src="./Insurance_files/compare_rates.gif" width="172" height="28" value="Compare Rates Now!" alt="Get Your Life Insurance Quote Now"> </form> could anyone tell me how to do this? i don't know anything about javascript, but it is the most elegant way to validate a form. i have 2 questions asked in a form (name=questions). First question are radio buttons with 3 answers (name=answer). Second is a questions with a numeric value as answer with max 10 characters (name=questionb). Could anyone tell me where to start? Thanks, Walter Is there a way to stop a form submit after hitting submit? Refresh wouldn't realy be an option. Is abort() what I'm looking for?
I have two password fields on a webpage form. If the passwords don't match, I want to display a message. I could use a popup, I could redirect to a page containing the message with another redirect back to the form or, the option I'd like to use, have a hidden table cell in the form containing the message that displays should the form be submitted without matching passwords. If I use the latter, where do I call the javascript function to display the hidden table cell? So in effect, only javascript function would execute if the passwords don't match, the action page itself shouldn't load at all. Can/should this be done on the action page?
I want to use Javascript to submit a form - without filling the form in physically Is this possible? Let's say a web page has a form that submit First Name and Last Name to the next page Instead of filling in the form and hitting submit, can I submit the data in variables and call the next page somehow using Javascript? Thanks OM My html form code is <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="2.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1 id="remain"></h1> <form action="3.php" method="post" id="form1" name="form1"> <input type="text" name="id"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> </body> </html> I need to submit the form after coundown.Here is my countdown script file window.onload=counter; function counter() { var seconds = 5; countDown(); function countDown() { document.getElementById("remain").innerHTML=seconds; if(seconds>0) { seconds=seconds - 1; setTimeout(countDown,1000); } if(seconds == 0) { document.form1.submit(); } } } Countdown is working but form does not submit after countdown.Please help me regarding this.Thanks in advance Below is some code I wrote for my assignment that is due tonight; however, I can't seem to get any of the validation features to work. Can someone help me? I'm really new to javascript and struggling through it, but really want to figure this out. Here are the things I'm trying to do: -Validate each textbox to make sure they aren't empty -Validate one textbox to make sure that the text entered is numeric only -Validate the two email addresses for proper email format -Validate the two email addresses to make sure they are exactly alike -Show all of your errors at once, in one alert box, not individually. -Only check for matching emails if the first is valid. Here is my attempt at the code: [CODE] <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Hide from older browsers var ProductInquiryForm; function Validate( ProductInquiryForm ) { formName = ProductInquiryForm; } function ValidEmail( EmailSearch ) { var txtEmail = EmailSearch.value; var intAtSign = txtEmail.indexOf("@"); var intLastDot = txtEmail.lastIndexOf("."); if( txtEmail == "" || txtEmail == null ) { return false; } if( intAtSign == -1 || intLastDot == -1 ) { return false; } if( intLastDot < intAtSign ) { return false; } if( intLastDot - intAtSign == 1 ) { return false; } if( intLastDot >= txtEmail.length-2 ) { return false; } else { return true; } } function ValidEmail( ConfirmEmailSearch ) { var txtEmail = ConfirmEmailSearch.value; var intAtSign = txtEmail.indexOf("@"); var intLastDot = txtEmail.lastIndexOf("."); if( txtEmail == "" || txtEmail == null ) { return false; } if( intAtSign == -1 || intLastDot == -1 ) { return false; } if( intLastDot < intAtSign ) { return false; } if( intLastDot - intAtSign == 1 ) { return false; } if( intLastDot >= txtEmail.length-2 ) { return false; } if (EmailSearch!= ConfirmEmailSearch) { return false; } else { return true; } } function ApprovedEmail ( ConfirmEmailSearch ) { if( HasText(EmailSearch) && ValidEmail(EmailSearch) && HasText(ConfirmEmailSearch) && ValidEmail(ConfirmEmailSearch)) { return true; } else { alert("A valid email must be entered and match in both fields!"); return false; } } function validateZIP(ZIPSearch) { if( ZIPSearch.value != 0||1||2||3||4||5||6||7||8||9) { alert("Please enter digits only for the ZIP code."); return false; } if (field.length!=5) { alert("Please enter no more than 5 digits for your ZIP code."); return false; } function HasText( ProductSearchDescription ) { if( ProductSearchDescription.value.length != 0 ) { return true; } else { alert("Please enter your product needs."); return false; } } // Stop hiding --> </script> <noscript> This site uses JavaScript code for validation and calculations based on user input. </noscript> <form name="form1" id="form1" method="post" action="intercept-searchform.asp" onsubmit="return Validate(this)"> <div> <label for="EmailSearch">Email Address:</label> <input name="EmailSearch" type="text" class="TextBox" id="EmailSearch" /> </div> <div> <label for="ConfirmEmailSearch">Confirm Email Address:</label> <input name="ConfirmEmailSearch" type="text" class="TextBox" id="ConfirmEmailSearch" /> </div> <div> <label for="ZIPSearch">ZIP Code</label> <input name="ZIPSearch" type="zip" class="zip" id="zip" /> </div> <div> <label for="ProductSearchDescription">Describe the product you are looking for.</label> <textarea name="ProductSearchDescription" id="ProductSearchDescription" class= "Comments" rows="6" cols="50"></textarea> </div> <br /> <div id="buttons"> <input name="Submit" type="Submit" value="Submit" /> <input name="Reset" type="Reset" /> </div> </form> [CODE] Thank you so much to anyone willing to help give me some guidance! |