JavaScript - Autocompleted Searching Script How To Use In Javascript
Hi they all,
I want make autocompleted searching for my site. I find HTML5 autocompleted script in google. I use Laravel and PHP and MongoDB. My script PHP Code for search autocompleted. PHP Code: publicfunction searchAutoCompleteAjax(){ $keyword =Input::get('keyword'); $result = array();if(!empty(trim($keyword))){ $mongoResult =MongoDB::instance(true)->collection("items")->like('name',$keyword)->limit(0,10)->fetch(); if($mongoResult){foreach($mongoResult as $key => $item){ $result[]= $item['name'];}}} echo json_encode(array("error"=>0,"message"=>"Success","result"=>$result));} I result 10 query PHP Code: $mongoResult =MongoDB::instance(true)->collection("items")->like('name',$keyword)->limit(0,10)->fetch(); My old javascript code and working for me. Similar TutorialsHey guys, I know very little java I took AP computer science in high school and have since forgotten most of it. I'm trying to write a code that : What I'm trying to do is have a script that loads a website such as and searches for a couple strings of words then if the strings aren't found it searches the next one, =000002, If it finds the strings that are required it would save the link or keep the page open and stop searching. I'm honestly not sure where to start so I came looking for a little bit of a shove in the right direction. Anybody with any ideas would be really appreciated. Thanks -Tim This may seem a long shot, but 5 years ago I found a script that had everything (not just alpha, etc, but everything). I have looked at Jquery validation and while it is robust, many of the examples were bugged. I am no coder, and I feel like I may be torched here for wasting precious space. However, I was really hoping you all could point me in a right direction. Perhaps if not java, with something else. Paid, Donate, Free. Anything. (The only script I have on form now is just Auotab next/prev plugin for jquery) Function required: Inline on change/next type matching (confirm email/pw fields) basic formatting (numeric only, alpha with spaces, etc) Basic validation of email type expressions, etc Required fields, etc However, I would love to take it a step further Email: Checks for valid TLD Password: sctricter requirements Phone: Requires legitimate values (not just numeric); ie: 201-999, no 555, 411,611,911, etc Date of birth: Checks valid ranges of dates entered; checks min/max age requirement Possible real time database or web services checks (which would be ajax, etc im sure) custom number values (ie, for credit cards, number must be xxxx-xxxx (not 0000-1111-2222-3333 Any other possible logical info, for instance, Name not in badnames list (like Fred Flinstone, IP Freely, or other Cuss words/phrases) Yes, I know most of these would wind up as a server side reject on the submit page, where we could possibly recapture the data. However, that type of method typically lowers conversions. Yes, there is the Jquery plugin, and with knowhow, you can make it do this, however I dont have the knowhow and would rather donate/pay for something already out of the box. The use for this would be contact forms, profile forms, info requests, sales pages, hey guys i have the following code that extracts the information from the questiondiv then i have a for loop to search the array but it keeps returning it has no answer can someone help me please and i know im most probly doing somthing realy silly wrong. P.S some reason the codes indenting got messed up when i pasted it here Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script> function code() { function getNodes(prop, val, meth, nd, useSelf ) { var r=[], any= getNodes[val]===true; nd=nd||document.documentElement; if(nd.constructor===Array){nd={childNodes:nd};} for(var cn=nd.childNodes, i=0, mx=cn.length;i<mx;i++) { var it=cn[i]; if( it.childNodes.length && !useSelf ){r=r.concat(getNodes(prop, val, meth, it,useSelf ));} if( any ? it[prop] : (it[prop]!==undefined && (meth ? ""[meth] && String(it[prop])[meth](val) : it[prop]==val))){ r[r.length]=it; } }//nxt return r; };getNodes[null]=true;getNodes[undefined]=true; //end getNodes() var answer; trivia = new Array('test?','test1'); var triviaGet = getNodes( "data", //examine each node's .data property (only hits text nodes) /\?/, //looking for text with a "?" "match", //using String().match method to accept arguments[1] document.getElementById("questiondiv") // looking in the question div )[0].textContent.split("?")[0]+"?" //show text of first match alert(triviaGet); var i=0; var answer1; var answer2; for(i=0; i < 8400; i++) { if(trivia[i] == triviaGet) { answer = trivia[i]+1; document.getElementById("test").innerHTML=(answer) break; } else { document.getElementById("test").innerHTML=("Answer not found!"); } } //search trivia array for match to question //when found the answer is the next one in the array so if it finds the question at index 7261 then the answer is in index 7262 // TODO: insert answer into text box... } </script> </head> <body> <div style="display: none;" id="questiondiv"> You challenge The Wiseman to a game of trivia, he asks you this question:<br/> <br/> test?<br/> <br/> <input class="dungeoninput" type="text" size="16" id="answer" value="" maxlength="32"></input><br/> <div class="btn100" style="margin-top: 6px;" onclick="loadDiv2('/dream/explore?action=acceptTrivia&qid=727'); return false;">Answer</div> </div> <div id="test"> test </div><br /> <button value="code()" onclick="code()">click me</button> </body></html> Hi all - I'm designing a website, and I need to have a search button allow users to search the inventory that is on the website. I'm not quite sure what code I'm going to use for the search button, but I imagine that I can work on that sometime.. Along with the code, am I required to have something such as a MySQL database set-up or something of the sort? This question may be mis-categorized, so please let me know if it is. Thanks everyone! Im trying to use javascript to search a text file. text file is like this... 1111111[TAB]Project Name[TAB]Application1 2222222[TAB]Project Name[TAB]Application2 Im trying to get the javascript to let a user search for number or project name, if found it displays all the info if found. application1 or application2 (whatever is in the 3rd area) The text file can also be seperated by commas, either way is fine. can anyone help with this. ? Hello, Could anyone help me? I'm looking for a script that remembers, re-sets, and can set to the previous state the show or hide behavior of a layer upon return to the page. I have an image gallery that's in 3 categories: wedding, bridal shower and save-the-dates. When viewing an image in the bridal shower or save-the date galleries and I press on the link I created titled "Back to Gallery" it does not return me back to the Bridal Shower or Save-the-dates gallery (whichever I'm in) it returns me to the main Invitations gallery page. So bascially I'm looking for a script that will write to a cookie what layers are shown and what are hidden so when you return it reads the cookie and displays the last layers you had showing before leaving the page. Hi, I was wondering how to load an external .php script file in javascript, and make use of a php variable in the javascript. Thanks in advance. EDIT: If this is not possible, is there some way to send the php data to the javascript by using php, and then accessing the data that was sent in the javascript, and making use of it? What I'm trying to do is get a OpenTok session id from a .php script to javascript. Hi peeps I found this script on another forum, It is nearly perfect, I was wondering if you peeps could help me make a few changes... how do I change the cut off to 8pm I have tried var c_t = 8; but it does 8am I have also tried var c_t = 20; but it doesnt work... Any ideas? Also instead of just saying "your order will ship shifted to tommrow" would it be possible to insert tomorrows date, i.e Thursday 13th and then for "and your order will ship to Monday" could it say Monday 15th etc Here is the script, Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function ord() { var c_t = 4; var dd = new Date(); var ti_h = dd.getHours(); var ti_m = dd.getMinutes(); if(ti_h > c_t) { var di_t_h = ti_h - c_t; var di_t_mi = 60 - ti_m; var h = 24 - di_t_h; var mi = di_t_mi; var mess = h+"hours"+mi+"minutes"; } var da = dd.getDay(); //var da = document.getElementById("da").value; switch(da) { case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: document.write("Place your order within the next 1 day"+mess+"and your order will ship shifted to tommrow"); break; case 6: case 7: case 1: document.write("and your order will ship to Monday"); break; } } ord(); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> Hi, I am trying to add one image in footer of my application. Code: <div class="rightLinks"> <a href="#"><script src=></script></a> </div> But this is not working. Please let me know, what is wrong in it. And how can we correct it. Thanks!! Regards, Neha I have an age script running in the attachment below. It works fine for numbers such as 1 22 1980. Code: if ((\b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\b/)!= -1) && (\b([1-9]|1[0-2])\b/)!=-1) && (\b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])\b/)!= -1)) { function getBirth() { var now = new Date(); var myMatchy = input.match(/\b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])\b/); var myMatchm = input.match(/\b([1-9]|1[0-2])\b/) var myMatchd = input.match(/\b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\b/); var year = myMatchy[0]; var month = myMatchm[0]; var day = myMatchd[0]; var today = { "year" : now.getFullYear(), "month": now.getMonth()+1, "day" : now.getDate() } var age = today["year"] - year; if (month > today["month"]) age--; else if (month == today["month"]) if (day > today["day"]) age-- return age; } document.result.result.value = "Your age is "+getBirth()+"."; return true;} However, if someone writes out the month it doesn't. Such as January 22 1980. I did a work-around by inserting the month value. Highlighted below. But that means I would have to duplicate this lengthy code 12 times for each month of the year. Anybody know a better way to handle this? You can test it in the small attachment below. Any help would be appreciated. Code: if ((\b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\b/)!= -1) && (!= -1) && (\b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])\b/)!= -1)) { function getJan() { var now = new Date(); var myMatchy = input.match(/\b(19[0-9]{2}|200[0-9]|201[01])\b/); var myMatchd = input.match(/\b([1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\b/); var month = 0; var year = myMatchy[0]; var day = myMatchd[0]; var today = { "year" : now.getFullYear(), "month": now.getMonth()+1, "day" : now.getDate() } var age = today["year"] - year; if (month > today["month"]) age--; else if (month == today["month"]) if (day > today["day"]) age-- return age; } document.result.result.value = "Your age is "+getJan()+"."; return true;} Hello all, I'm new to PHP (and web development in general) and have come across something that to me seems really, really bizarre! Background I am currently designing and developing an online enrolment form for my employer, a training company. The form consists of 3 pages - pages 1 and 2 are for data input whilst page 3 is a summary page with only one input, a box to check that the customer agrees to our T&Cs. Page 3 also includes a box where calculations are made as to the price of the selected training course based on choices made earlier in the form. The form displayed on page 2, and some of the text on page 3, changes depending on a choice made on page one - that is, whether they are paying for the course themselves or their employer is funding it. If they choose employer, they get one form, if they choose self funding they get a different one. However, both of these forms are contained within a single .php file, using session variables to decide which one should be displayed. I am using sessions to transfer the data between the pages. Each page has been made sticky using session variables. Real-time validation is carried out using javascript on each individual page, then a final PHP validation check is run on the whole thing when the customer tries to submit the final page. Javascript is also used on page one to calculate the price of the course in real time so the customer can see how much he/she will be paying before proceeding further. The Problem I find this really strange: In Firefox, everything works perfectly In Internet Explorer, when JavaScript is turned off, everything is fine. But when JS is switched on, the PHP validation on the final page seems to go haywire, thus making it impossible to submit the form. In Chrome, again when JS is switched off, everything works, but when switched on, I can't even get past the first page. Instead of loading the correct form for page 2, I just get a blank screen. Can anyone help? This is my first major project and I've been working on it for weeks, coming up against all sorts of problems and tearing my hair out but managing to solve them. Now I'm completely stumped, when I'm almost within touching distance of completion!! I can't post the code here as it's 3 separate documents and very complicated, but if you want to have a look at the form itself go to: I hope someone can help! Thanks very much! All the best Chris Hi, I have a little problem with placing a javascript into a php script If the action "Change" is true then I want to open a new window with a javascript below. I get an error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/........ on line xx On that xx line starts the Javascript What must I do to solve this problem. <?php.................... if($_REQUEST['action']=="Change") { mysql_query("UPDATE Persons SET Itemstate = '{$_REQUEST['Nr']};' WHERE Nr={$_REQUEST['Nr']};"); <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript"> <!-- ('Examplepage.html') --> </SCRIPT> ........ ?> I embedded the following into my blog; Code: <br><script language="javascript" src=""></script> <br> It works fine, but I'm trying to find a way to refresh only the script on my blog, instead of having to reload the entire page. Coding a refresh button, for instance. How would I go about doing this? Thank you in advance. Hello everyone, I have setup a script called Uploadify it is a basic file uploader script however by default it does not show a link to the uploaded file. I have had to look in the documentation on to do this but there is no clear guide on how to do it. I found this function though which I belieave is the solution: Here are the functions I am using: Code: 'onComplete' : function(event, ID, fileObj, response, data) { document.write('' + fileObj.filePath +''); } This works kinda but when it shows the link the page continues loading as if it is stuck in some loop? You can try it out he Thanks Hey all I am not that much good in JS and J* kind of thigs .. help me out on this .. I am opening a Dhtmml poopup ,and it's having two buttons say YES and NO if user click on YES (mysql table) field say Yes should increse else if No (mysql table) field No should increse I hope understand the problem bascically on onclick I m using " " a phpFile which is updating this all .. but I dont want to do this with any help would be appreciated Thanks ayiamas I have a Perl script that contains a variety of inputs including a HTML <SELECT> and RADIO buttons. I would like to alter the presentation of a RADIO button choice with a DISABLED, based upon the earlier selection of from a <SELECT> drop down menu. In Perl I attempted to capture the selection from the <SELECT> and use that value in a IF ELSE block, but this does not work. I have been told that this can be done with a Javascript. I did a little bit of coding with Javascript around five years ago, so I am a rusty newbie. Can anyone give me a hand on how this should be constructed? The more detailed your examples or suggestions can be the easier it will be for me to grasp the solution. Hi, I have a a-z brand menu on my site. I want the user to be able to select a letter and a list of brands appear. The problem I have is that I want the layer to appear at the position of the mouse (from the top left). I have this working fine but then when you rollover a link (brand) within the layer div it reactivates the call command and re positions the layer to the mouse again. Please Please help. My code is as follows; POSITION CODE; Code: var cX = 0; var cY = 0; var rX = 0; var rY = 0; function UpdateCursorPosition(e){ cX = e.pageX; cY = e.pageY;} function UpdateCursorPositionDocAll(e){ cX = event.clientX; cY = event.clientY;} if(document.all) { document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPositionDocAll; } else { document.onmousemove = UpdateCursorPosition; } function AssignPosition(d) { if(self.pageYOffset) { rX = self.pageXOffset; rY = self.pageYOffset; } else if(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { rX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; rY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if(document.body) { rX = document.body.scrollLeft; rY = document.body.scrollTop; } if(document.all) { cX += rX; cY += rY; } = (cX+5) + "px"; = (cY+5) + "px"; } TOGGLE HIDE SHOW LAYER; Code: function toggle_visibility(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); AssignPosition(e); if( == 'block') = 'none'; else = 'block'; } EXAMPLE OF A-Z MENU; Code: <a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('uniquename0');">A</a> EXAMPLE OF LAYER TO DISPLAY WHICH CONTAINS THE OFFENDING LINKS; Code: <div id="uniquename0" style="border-style: solid; padding: 5px; display: none; position: absolute; background-color: white; left: 482px; top: 428px;" onmouseout="toggle_visibility('uniquename0');"> <a href="Manufacturer-view.asp?ManID=1">All American EFX <img src="images/bul.gif" alt="View" border="0" width="4" height="6"></a><br> <a href="Manufacturer-view.asp?ManID=3">Animal <img src="images/bul.gif" alt="View" border="0" width="4" height="6"></a><br> </div> Thank you Dan I am really new to JavaScript, and was following a tutorial that was using everything inline (probaby as its less confusing for the noob). Now I want to split it off into a script area, like my CSS has been. I have: Code: <SPAN onclick="document.getElementById('glance').style.display='block';document.getElementById('front').style.display='none';"> Is something like this valid (this is a guess BTW)? Code: <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function getElementById('glance') { .style.display='block'; } function getElementById('front') { .style.display='none'; } </SCRIPT> <SPAN onclick="document.getElementById('glance'); document.getElementById('front')"> ... </SPAN> ... or should function be document in the script area and document not be present in the SPAN attribute? ... Better yet, is there a way to put both the 'glance' and 'front' together like this: Code: <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function getElementById ('glance') { .style.display='block'; getElementById ('front') { .style.display='none'; } } </SCRIPT> I'm trying to built a simple Javascript page that will serve the purpose of merging the values inputted into a form, and then using concatenation to merge these values in with other text to form several lines of commands that would be entered into a router to perform some task. So in other words, it's just a "Merge" script. I should mention that I'm just starting to learn Javascript. I actually haven't been finding Javascript as easy as I thought it would be to learn, and I think it's because there are several ways to do the same thing and I wouldn't be surprised if my problem is I'm using two different methods here...or just using the completely wrong method.... I've seen examples of using 'for' loops and arrays in forms, and I still can't get my head around that. If possible for now I just wish to call in the values and concatenate them, but maybe I do need a loop I don't know Anyway, at this point, my only wish is to be able to get the script to concatenate the values, and then later I'll add the rest of the text it will merge in with and have it write to the page instead of the console. So here is what I have right now. It only partially works (I'm only writing to the console in FireFox at the moment to debug while I test, so that is why you see console.log instead of document.write or whatever. There are 4 fields in the form, and for example, if I enter in each field one word: This is a test The ONLY result I get when submitting the form is the word "This". Then the form is cleared out of all values that were entered. I'd like it to grab all the values at once but that isn't happening. Also, you'll notice I have some 'var' statements commented out. I was trying to use them so that I can later shortcut my script by concatenating using a shorter variable. (ie - using the variable 'cluster' instead of 'document.forms.myForm.cluster.value' when I'm writing the rest of the script). However something isn't right as no matter where I try putting the var statements I get errors that those variables are undefined. I even tried defining them at some point first with some random value but that didn't help either), so that's why I commented them out for now. anyway, here is my feeble attempt at writing this script, any help or guidance would be much appreciated. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WC3//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>Router Subnet Commands</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> //var cluster = document.forms.myForm.cluster.value; //var subnetip = document.forms.myForm.subnetip.value; //var routerip = document.forms.myForm.routerip.value; //var cidr = document.forms.myForm.cidr.value; function merge() { console.log(document.forms.myForm.cluster.value) + console.log(document.forms.myForm.subnet.value) + console.log(document.forms.myForm.router.value) + console.log(document.forms.myForm.cidr.value); } </script> <form id="myForm"> <input name="cluster" id="cluster"/> cluster number <p> <input name="subnetip" id="subnetip"/> subnet IP address <p> <input name="routerip" id="routerip"/> router IP address<p> <input name="cidr" id="cidr"/> CIDR <p> <input type="submit" value="Get Commands" onclick="merge()" /> </form> </body> </html> Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks Nat |