JavaScript - Preview Html File Onclick
Hi guys,
On the back of my image preview issue (which is now fixed) I am having another problem. I am trying to get a file upload that will allow you to preview the html page in a popup on the click of a button. Can this be done? I have the preview button that creates the popup but at the moment it only shows the name of the file that's to be uploaded. Code below Code: <html> <head> <title>File Uploading Form</title> </head> <body> <h3>File Upload:</h3> Select a file to upload: <br /> <form method='post' action='upload.php' enctype="multipart/form-data" class="pure-form"> <input type="file" name="files[]" multiple="multiple" id="files"> <input type="button" value="Preview" onclick="displayHTML(this.form)"> <input type='submit' value='Submit' class="pure-button pure-button-primary"/> </form> </body> </html> <script> function displayHTML(form) { var inf = form.files.value; win =", ", 'popup', 'toolbar = no, status = no'); win.document.write("" + inf + ""); } </script> Reply With Quote 01-24-2015, 04:56 PM #2 jmrker View Profile View Forum Posts Senior Coder Join Date Aug 2006 Location FL Posts 3,175 Thanks 39 Thanked 510 Times in 504 Posts Can you use the right-click button on your mouse and "View Source", or is this not what you are trying to do? Reply With Quote 01-24-2015, 06:58 PM #3 Foster View Profile View Forum Posts Regular Coder Join Date Nov 2011 Posts 268 Thanks 8 Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts Not what I'm trying to do. I want to be able to click the button and the file that is waiting to be opened should pop up in a new window. Reply With Quote 01-24-2015, 09:51 PM #4 Old Pedant View Profile View Forum Posts Supreme Master coder! Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 28,310 Thanks 82 Thanked 4,754 Times in 4,716 Posts LOOK at your code! Code: <input type="file" name=" files[] " doesn't matter... > and var inf = form. files .value; Those are *NOT* the same name in JavaScript. Only in PHP would the be (sort of) the same (and not even quite so, there). Anyway, I don't see how you can expect an HTML file that is not yet uploaded to look the same this way as it will coming from the server. ONLY if it is restricted as follows could you get the : (a) only <img> tags that use COMPLETE URLs as their src= (that is, src="") (b) only href's (in any kind of tag) that use COMPLETE urls. (c) only <script> tags that use src= complete urls. (d) probably other things I didn't think of Any RELATIVE urls (e.g., <img src="/images/xxx.png"/>) will be relative TO THE CLIENT MACHINE, not to the server. And how that relative path works may vary from browser to browser. Offhand, I'd say this is not a good idea. I think you should allow the upload and then preview the uploaded file in a popup window, yes, and give the user the opportunity to delete the just-uploaded file from the server. Similar TutorialsHello every one never really used a board for something like this but my java is a little limited so i need some help here if possible! I have a page with 5 file inputs and 5 img tags i have everything working but preview of course changes all the img tags so no madder what browse button i choose all fixed img tags are updated with that preview. here is a code i found and messed with a little cant seem to figure out how to add a loop or something to update just the called tag if any one could help Java Script: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- Begin /***** CUSTOMIZE THESE VARIABLES *****/ // width to resize large images to var maxWidth=115; // height to resize large images to var maxHeight=115; // valid file types var fileTypes=["bmp","gif","png","jpg","jpeg"]; // the id of the preview image tag var outImage="previewField"; // what to display when the image is not valid var defaultPic="/images/evolve/badpic.jpg"; /***** DO NOT EDIT BELOW *****/ function preview(what){ var source=what.value; var ext=source.substring(source.lastIndexOf(".")+1,sou rce.length).toLowerCase(); for (var i=0; i<fileTypes.length; i++){ if (fileTypes[i]==ext){ break; } } globalPic=new Image(); if (i<fileTypes.length){ //FireFox try{ globalPic.src=what.files[0].getAsDataURL(); }catch(err){ globalPic.src=source; } }else { globalPic.src=defaultPic; alert(fileTypes.join(", ")); } setTimeout("applyChanges()",200); } var globalPic; function applyChanges(){ var field=document.getElementById(outImage); var x=parseInt(globalPic.width); var y=parseInt(globalPic.height); if (x>maxWidth) { y*=maxWidth/x; x=maxWidth; } if (y>maxHeight) { x*=maxHeight/y; y=maxHeight; }<1 || y<1)?"none":""; field.src=globalPic.src; field.width=x; field.height=y; } // End --> previewField is the key i think and also of course the imageout jsut dont know how to go about making the loop if this was perl no problem but like stated above i know little about java coding but minor changes. below here is the some of the form code: <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td scope="col"> <img alt="Graphic will preview here" id="previewField" src="/images/evolve/addpic.jpg" width="115" height="115"><br /> <label class="cabinet"><input type="file" name="images[]" id="picField" onchange="preview(this)" class="file"></label> </td> <td scope="col"> <img alt="Graphic will preview here" id="previewField" src="/images/evolve/addpic.jpg" width="115" height="115"><br /> <label class="cabinet"><input type="file" name="images[]" id="picField" onchange="preview(this)" class="file"></label> </td> <td scope="col"> <img alt="Graphic will preview here" id="previewField" src="/images/evolve/addpic.jpg" width="115" height="115"><br /> <label class="cabinet"><input type="file" name="images[]" id="picField" onchange="preview(this)" class="file"></label> </td> <td scope="col"> <img alt="Graphic will preview here" id="previewField" src="/images/evolve/addpic.jpg" width="115" height="115"><br /> <label class="cabinet"><input type="file" name="images[]" id="picField" onchange="preview(this)" class="file"></label> </td> <td scope="col"> <img alt="Graphic will preview here" id="previewField" src="/images/evolve/addpic.jpg" width="115" height="115"><br /> <label class="cabinet"><input type="file" name="images[]" id="picField" onchange="preview(this)" class="file"></label> </td> </tr> </table> also ther is one include: <script type="text/javascript" src="/java/si.files.js"></script> i went through this code file and the change does not appear to be where the change should ocur im sure its in the actually script need to loop through the images[] field i would think like i would in php The only thing i could think to do is paste the script code 5 more times and change each variable to 1 2 3 4 5 but then ill have a big php code page there would be a way to make this work i would think Thanks all and im here for PHP or Perl questions so any help would be great! If there is a better approach any input would be great! Hello all, This is a follow up with a new question from a post I did last week. I have an experimental website where I have music recordings. url removed When you open the site, each page uses a piano keyboard graphic to navigate between pages. If you click on a key that says "Jukebox" it will open a small window and continuously play tunes. The way the jukebox works basically is, when you click the jukebox key it calls an html file which contains the information needed to play the first song. When that song is finished it calls another html file with the information to play the second song and so on. Each html file contains an embedded Windows Media Player in it. I would like to give visitors the option to use the QuickTime player. So I can have one key in the keyboard graphic that say “Jukebox – for Windows Media Players” and then another key in the graphic that would say “Jukebox – for QuickTime players”. I would like to use both keys to call the same html file. So, in the file I would like to: 1. Determine which key was pressed in the graphic. (how to send a parameter from the keyboard graphic file indicating which key was pressed) 2. With that parameter I would then like to invoke the appropriate player. (how to receive that parameter) After the help I received last week I have my html in the keyboard graphic file set up as follows to call the first html file with the first song: Code: <AREA SHAPE="rect" HREF="#" onclick="'ShirleyLee.html','jukebox', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=1 ,resizable=0,copyhistory=0,left=0,top=0,screenX=0,screenY=0,width=410 ,height=300');return false;"onMouseover="document.roll.src=F1 _Down.src"onMouseout="document.roll.src=KeysUp.src"COORDS=" 233,344,335,384" NAME="roll"ALT="F1"> I think we would be talking about the use of forms but not sure how to incorporate along with an onclick event.... The reason for this post is just to get some high level discussion ideas so that I can take that and go research how to do it. I could ask specifics later. Thanks! Dan Hi EveryBody, I want to add a preview of html page feature in my project. I had created registration form and I need when user click submit button,user should get a preview of registration form after that further operation will b performed. Guys just tell me how can i achieved this. Any clue or sample code so i can learn it and implement in my project. Hello all, I am new here and have a question about a AP Div I am using as a dropin. It drops in when the page loads and I would like it to only drop in if a visitor clicks a link I designate as the dropin link. Can someone please tell me how to accomplish this? I am pasting in the js file and I will also need to know how to set up the "a href" link to call the dropin! Thanks is advance for any help you may give! Code: // JavaScript Document var ie=document.all var dom=document.getElementById var ns4=document.layers var calunits=document.layers? "" : "px" var bouncelimit=32 //(must be divisible by 8) var direction="up" function initbox(){ if (!dom&&!ie&&!ns4) return crossobj=(dom)?document.getElementById("dropin").style : ie? document.all.dropin : document.dropin scroll_top=(ie)? truebody().scrollTop : window.pageYOffset crossobj.visibility=(dom||ie)? "visible" : "show" dropstart=setInterval("dropin()",50) } function dropin(){ scroll_top=(ie)? truebody().scrollTop : window.pageYOffset if (parseInt(<100+scroll_top) else{ clearInterval(dropstart) bouncestart=setInterval("bouncein()",50) } } function bouncein(){ if (bouncelimit<0) bouncelimit+=8 bouncelimit=bouncelimit*-1 if (bouncelimit==0){ clearInterval(bouncestart) } } function dismissbox(){ if (window.bouncestart) clearInterval(bouncestart) crossobj.visibility="hidden" } function truebody(){ return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } window.onload=window.setTimeout(initbox,5000); Hi I have created a page using tables and found abit of javascript off the net where I could get a little soundbite to play when an image is clicked. It worked fine. However I have now converted the page into CSS and even with using the same code the sound no longer plays. Can anyone share any light on this please?? here is a snippet of my page code that shows the javascript. Code: <title>Joho-Designs-Home</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="johogallery.css" /> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function playSound(soundfile) { document.getElementById("dummy").innerHTML= "<embed src=\""+soundfile+"\" hidden=\"true\" autostart=\"true\" loop=\"false\" />"; } </script> <li><embed name="mySound" src="sounds/SQUEAK3.wav" loop=false autostart=false hidden= true><a href="#" onclick="playSound('sounds/SQUEAK3.wav');"><img src="menu/row3sq3_squeak_OP.png" border="0" alt="1"/></a></li> Thanks and look forward to replies!! I'm trying to develop a simple script that opens a link in a new window when the link has rel="external" set. What I don't want is to add onclick="newWindow();" to the anchor tag itself. Every example I'm finding though adds the onclick method to the HTML. Code: window.onload = newWindow(); function newWindow() { var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) { if(anchors[i].rel == "external") { anchors[i].onclick = function () { return; }; } } } Code: <a href="" rel="external">Click to open in new window</a> If anyone could help me or point me in the right direction, I'd greatly appreciateit. I'm trying to figure out a way to put this in all js code with the onclick event handlers and the parameters. I have 3 links that switch the style of my page. Right now I have them working with inline event handlers. Here are my code snippets below. HTML: Code: <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style1.css" type="text/css" title="style1"/> <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style2.css" title="style2" /> <link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style3.css" title="style3" /> </head> <div class="styleLinks"> <a href="#" id="style1" onclick="setStyleSheets('style1'); return false;">Style 1</a> <a href="#" id="style2" onclick="setStyleSheets('style2'); return false;">Style 2</a> <a href="#" id="style3" onclick="setStyleSheets('style3'); return false;">Style 3</a> </div> JS: Code: function setStyleSheets(title) { //set styles and set cookie var i; var attribute; var today = new Date(); var expDate = new Date(today.getTime() + 7*24*60*60*1000); var styleSelected = ""; if (title=="style2"){ styleSelected = "style2"; } else if (title=="style3"){ styleSelected = "style3"; } for(i=0; (attribute = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[i]); i++) { if(attribute.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") != -1 && attribute.getAttribute("title")) { attribute.disabled = true; if(attribute.getAttribute("title") == title) attribute.disabled = false; SetCookie ('style', styleSelected, expDate, "/"); } } } i have the code: foreach($product_names as $product_row) { ?> <tr> <td > </td><td width='200px'><?php echo $product_row->getName();?></td> <td width='200px'><input type="checkbox" name="graphic[]" value="<?php echo $product_row->getId();?>" onclick="check()"/></td> <td width='200px'><input type="checkbox" name="text[]" value="<?php echo $product_row->getId();?>" onclick="check()"/></td> </tr> <?php } ?> and a submit button on the page. the i also have the javascript code for the onclick="check()" : <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function check() { var graphics = document.getElementsByName("graphic[]"); for(i=0;i<graphics.length;i++) { if(graphics[i].checked) { if(document.getElementById('submit').style.display=='none') { document.getElementById('submit').style.display='block'; } } } var text = document.getElementsByName("text[]"); for(i=0;i<text.length;i++) { if(text[i].checked) { if(document.getElementById('submit').style.display=='none') { document.getElementById('submit').style.display='block'; } } } } </script> </head> so what all this means is i have two arrays of checkboxes for each product. as soon as i check any checkbox the submit button appears. i click on the submit button and i go to the next form. the problem now comes in if i click on the "back" button to go back to the previous page via the bwrowser..the submit button is disabled althou all my checkboxes that i checked, are still checked....i want the submit button to show??? please help?? thanks HTML TARGET: Code: <div id="login_link" style="margin-top:-142px;margin-left:245px;height:142px;"> <img id="login_link" src="menu_button.png" /><a href="#"><img src="menu_button.png" /></a></div> </div> I'm trying to get menu_button.png to change to menu_button2.png on mouseover... I'd also like it to play a sound on click like "click.wav" I can't rename the div because it controls the slider Heres my current project table: I tried to put it in a span and have the span referance to the next tag but it didn't seem to work at least not in firefox. I'm going to keep lookin around but i'm not used to these types of code structure. I was thinking of Embeding a flash file inside the div instead but that might be overkill. Anyone know of a solution that might work? I have a web page with two forms, when I click the button on one of the forms, the onclick event goes to a javascript that emails the first form and then the second form. This is correct, this is the way I want this to work. It's simple, it's easy, it works! However, it only works in FireFox and Internet Explorer, it will not work in Google Chrome browser. I've spent many hours trying lots of various ways to implement this so I'm not interested in speculating about possible solutions that might work, I've already tried too many of those. Also, it needs to work this way, not combining the forms, etc. Does anyone have any tried and tested solutions that work with Chrome? Thanks, in advance, for your expert advice. I know I can always rely on EE when all else fails. I know somebody here can solve this problem. Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="NameForm" method="post" action=""> Name: <input type="text" size="10" name="name"> <br /> <input onclick=functionCaller() type="button" value="Submit Two Forms"> </form> <form id="AddressForm" name="DComments" method="post" action=""> Address: <input type="text" size="10" name="address"> <br /> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function functionCaller() { document.getElementById('NameForm').submit(); document.getElementById('AddressForm').submit(); } --> </script> </body> </html> Does anyone know how to accomplish this? I got the html file to show but none of the text in the file will show.
Hi i am using javascript for the first time and i have a problem .I have 2 files html and javascript file in seperate but i donot know how to make them work .the code is down below .Thanks in advance for help. HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <meta name="description" content="Instagram API - usage" /> <meta charset=utf-8 /> <title></title> </head> <body> <input id="lat_input" type="number" value="60.221374"/> <input id="lng_input" type="number" value="24.805391"/> <button id="search_location">Search</button><br/> <button id="get_popular">Get popular</button> <div id="images"></div> </body> </html> Javascript file // API DOCUMENTATION: // Instagram Developer Documentation var clientId = 'e7538f47e197479d8d32a63ae3ae4cd2'; $('#search_location').click(function () { getMediaByLocation($('#lat_input').val(), $('#lng_input').val()); }); $('#get_popular').click(function () { getPopularImages(); }); function getMediaByLocation(lat, lng) { var o = { lat: lat, lng: lng, client_id: clientId }; $.getJSON('', o, function (response) { processImages(; }); } function getPopularImages() { var o = { client_id: clientId }; $.getJSON('', o, function (response) { processImages(; }); } function processImages(array) { $('#images').empty(); $.each(array, function (index, element) { var fs = $('<fieldset>').appendTo('#images'); $('<img>').attr('src', element.images.low_resolution.url).appendTo(fs); if (element.caption) { $('<pre>').text(element.caption.text).appendTo(fs); } $.each(, function (index, comment) { $('<pre>').text('Comment from ' + comment.from.full_name + ': ' + comment.text).appendTo(fs); }); }); } I'm currently working on a project and I am doing a bunch of image switching. I'm having a problem with the following... I have seven medium image objects and one small one. One is at the top and the other 7 are below. When one of the 7 is clicked, it then becomes the one up top and the one up top then takes the place of the image clicked. This needs to be able to happen no matter which of the seven i click. Also when you click one of the seven it runs a script to change 9 other images in the center of the page. this isnt too important because i have it working already. What i have is, each of the seven images run their function that changes the 9 center images and then it runs another function. What i need is for that function to determine which company for example(shaws, lowes, target) the top image belongs to and replace the image that was clicked with the top one. But i also need to replace the NAME="" and ONCLICK="function()" with the proper ones for the original company up top. Please if you can understand what im trying to do let me know, if you need further clarification i can do so. i can draw a picture of what im trying to do or the layout if needed but i cant necessarily show anyone the project due to a non-disclosure. Hello I currently have a little problem with displaying an image preview on a form basically when the form is filled out, the form fills out a birth certificate for bears. Below show the layout of the form before the certificate is filled out So hopefully you get the idea from this screenshot You browse for the image and once u have selected the image it will appear in the "orangy" box called image preview. would any1 have any codes that would make this functionable? If so it would be very much appreciated I would like to create a print preview window that will display only the main content of the page that a person would really want to print. I found a script that didn't do that, but that I was able to adapt, somewhat. It doesn't fully work though and I can't get it any better. Here is what I have... <html> <head> <title></title> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function displayHTML(printContent) { var inf = printContent; win ="print.htm", 'popup', 'toolbar = no, status = no'); win.document.write(inf); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="printarea">Print this stuff.</div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="displayHTML(printarea.innerHTML)">Print Preview</a> </body> </html> In mozilla it opens the new window but continues to be thinking about something indefinitly. In Safari the new window opens but there is no content. In IE it seems to work fine. I haven't tested NS yet, nor have I tested any of this on a PC. Thanks for any help. when client uploads any image at that time before uploading the image i want to display that image to the client. so please provide me the snippet of javascript to achieve this thing. Code: <img id="previewField" name="previewField" width="100" height="100" /> <input type="file" id="picField" onchange="document.previewField.src=this.value;"> but i am not able to preview this image on mozilla so please provide me the solution for this or if it it possible using ajax then also please provide the solution. the altimate goal is: the local image which is suppose to be uploaded should first be previewed to the client or uploder. I am setting up a store for stationery. One cool aspect is for the online user to be able to type in what they want on the stationery, choose the font, and hit a "PREVIEW" button, showing an exact preview of what it should look like. I am having trouble on how to do this. Virtuemart and its forums are useless and helpless. Joomla suprisingly doesn't have an extension for this. Looks like I'm gonna have to hard code this baby. What would the best angle be to attack this? Should I try some interactive flash/AS3 or some good ol JS? There will be over 500 products so I am trying to pick YOUR expert brain before I tackle this beast. Thanks for any input! I am trying to mimic the video mouseover preview which can be viewed at the website below once you put your mouse over a picture a video preview window is opened which plays back the video and stops once the mouse is moved. How can i mimic this effect... any suggestions? |