JavaScript - Not Sure Where To Start... Want To Create A Sticker Chart
I run a christian ministry that mentors kids. One aspect of this is tracking their chores. All of the online sticker charts we have used over the yrs have vanished. Currently we are using one that only puts checkmarks in the squares and the kids are bored with it. So I want to create a clickable table that puts an icon in the cells on click. I know a little html and ive designed websites with a visual editor. If someone could please point me in the right direction where I would even begin to learn how to create the script I described it would be greatly appreciated.
In case it is not clear what I would like to create this video shows the most recent site we used.( hopefully including the link is not advertising since the site shown in the video is gone. If it is I apologize) It is no longer up. Hence my wanting to create a similar script that can be added to our church's website. thanks again for any guidance. a bit of an aside please don't just suggest we use an app. I know there are apps out that do what I described and more but, an online version is preferable because the kids don't live with their mentors. Also some of them only have computer access at the library. so it is unreasonable to expect them to have a smart phone or tablet. Reply With Quote 01-10-2015, 10:42 PM #2 Old Pedant View Profile View Forum Posts Supreme Master coder! Join Date Feb 2009 Posts 28,311 Thanks 82 Thanked 4,754 Times in 4,716 Posts Well, just to start with, you are going to need "baqkend" code. That is, you will need a database where all the information can be recorded and server-side code to maintain and access that information. The most likely candidate for this would be a MySQL database and PHP code to interface to it and to produce the web pages. You really have no choice but to do it this way: If the child used the exact same computer *AND* had an account on that computer, then you could do it by saving the information on that computer. But with a library-based computer, (a) accounts are anonymous, not assigned [typically] and (b) the child may not be able to use the exact same computer on subsequent days. By doing the bulk of the work on a server, you ensure that any computer (or pad or phone) can access the same information and present the same interface (or perhaps a modified interface for smaller screens). This is *NOT* a trivial task. Never mind the pretty graphics: Just the code behind the scenes is enough that nobody is going to do it in a few days (or at least is not going to get it right in a few days). You have to locate a host ($$ per month/year), get a domain name ($$ per year), create a database, create the tables in that database, write the PHP code to modify the database, write the PHP code to access the database, write the PHP code to create the HTML pages, create the icons and other graphics for the pages, and so on. Similar Tutorialsis there a ways in javascript to create graphs chart? i can't seem to find a code on the internet
Hi everyone, I am new to web development. The company I am working for would like to develop a data analysis web interface. This interface would take information from a mySQL database from certain queries and then save the data into an array. After this the data would be exported to Microsoft Excel where a Chart would be created and then uploaded to the web interface. So far I have been able to store the mySQL data into an array but I have been having trouble trying to determine if you can in fact use javascript to tell Excel to create the chart. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code I am working with, been at it for 3 days now. I am at a loss....cant see why it shouldnt work. window.onload = defineMarquee; var timeID; var marqueeTxt = new Array(); var marqueeOff = true; function defineMarquee(){ var topValue = 0; var allElems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i=0; i < allElems.length; i++){ if (allElems[i].className =="marqueTxt") marqueeTxt.push(allElems[i]); } for (i = 0; i < marqueeTxt.length; i++) { if (marqueeTxt[i].getComputedStyle) { topValue = marqueeTxt[i].getPropertyValue("top"); } else if (marqueeTxt[i].currentStyle) { topValue = marqueeTxt[i].currentStyle("top"); } } document.getElementById("startMarquee").onclick = startMarquee; document.getElementById("stopMarquee").onclick = stopMarquee; } function startMarquee(){ if (marqueeOff == true) { timeID = setInterval("moveMarquee()", 50); marqueeOff = false; } } function stopMarquee(){ clearInterval(timeID); marqueeOff = true; } function moveMarquee(){ var topPos = 0; for (i=0; i < marqueeTxt.length; i++){ if (marqueeTxt[i].getComputedStyle) { topPos = parseInt(marqueeTxt[i].getPropertyValue("top")); } else if (marqueeTxt[i].currentStyle) { topPos = parseInt(marqueeTxt[i].currentStyle("top")); } if (topPos < -110) { topPos = 700; } else { topPos -= 1; } marqueeTxt[i] = topPos + "px"; } } Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out by providing me with the code which allows the chart to slide on (click on Report a Link , right next to the search box): I need to imporove the way this functions on my site. Here is how the report a link functions on my site: 1. go to Look right below the video and right above the chatbox " Report Broken Episode/ Problem " if you click on the link, it takes you to another pages where the form is located. I would like to change it so that when a user clicks on " Report Broken Episode/ Problem ", then it simply relveals a sliding down chart that operates like the one found at (where it says : [!] REPORT A LINK in red text, to the left of the searchbox click on that, then click submit. It is not only better looking but also submits without even leaving the page) Can anyone help me get a start to make a tournament chart that assighs a value to each player and depending on that value it beats a other player.
Hi, I would like to use the following chart in my webpage the data being used in the chart example above looks like this: [1196722800000, 77], [1196809200000, 3636], [1196895600000, 3575], ... I guess that the long number is the date?! The data I have is: a date that is coming from my database which was added using the date(); object and a numerical figure such as 21.365 or 30.432 or 36.856 here is my code below currently in a list format (HTML): Code: <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> var html5rocks = {}; html5rocks.webdb = {}; html5rocks.webdb.db = null; = function() { var dbSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB html5rocks.webdb.db = openDatabase("Todo", "1.0", "Todo manager", dbSize); } html5rocks.webdb.createTable = function() { var db = html5rocks.webdb.db; db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql("ALTER TABLE bmical ADD bmires INTEGER"); tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bmical(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, height1 TEXT, weight1 TEXT, bmires TEXT, added_on DATETIME)", []); }); } html5rocks.webdb.addTodo = function(todoText) { var db = html5rocks.webdb.db; db.transaction(function(tx){ var weight1 = document.getElementById("weight1").value; var height2 = todoText / 100 var BMI = weight1 / (height2 * height2) var BMI = BMI; var bmires = BMI.toFixed(3); var addedOn = new Date(); tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO bmical(height1, weight1, bmires, added_on) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", [todoText, weight1, bmires, addedOn], html5rocks.webdb.onSuccess, html5rocks.webdb.onError); }); } html5rocks.webdb.onError = function(tx, e) { alert("There has been an error: " + e.message); } html5rocks.webdb.onSuccess = function(tx, r) { // re-render the data. html5rocks.webdb.getAllTodoItems(loadTodoItems); } html5rocks.webdb.getAllTodoItems = function(renderFunc) { var db = html5rocks.webdb.db; db.transaction(function(tx) { tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM bmical ORDER BY added_on DESC", [], renderFunc, html5rocks.webdb.onError); }); } html5rocks.webdb.deleteTodo = function(id) { var db = html5rocks.webdb.db; db.transaction(function(tx){ tx.executeSql("DELETE FROM bmical WHERE ID=?", [id], html5rocks.webdb.onSuccess, html5rocks.webdb.onError); }); } function loadTodoItems(tx, rs) { var rowOutput = ""; var todoItems = document.getElementById("todoItems"); for (var i=0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) { rowOutput += renderTodo(rs.rows.item(i)); } todoItems.innerHTML = rowOutput; } function renderTodo(row) { return "<li>On: " + row.added_on + " Height: " + row.height1 + " Weight: " + row.weight1 + " BMI: " + row.bmires + "<a class='delete' href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='html5rocks.webdb.deleteTodo(" + row.ID +");'>Delete</a></li>"; } function init() {; html5rocks.webdb.createTable(); html5rocks.webdb.getAllTodoItems(loadTodoItems); } function addTodo() { var height1 = document.getElementById("height1"); html5rocks.webdb.addTodo(height1.value); height1.value = ""; } </script> the 2 variables I'd like to use a bmires, addedOn Hey all i am in need of some help trying to figure out how to pass a string into an array field for a chart. The chart i am using is this [] Here is the chart code: Code: function drawChart(theDATA) { var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: {renderTo: 'container',defaultSeriesType: 'column'}, title: {text: 'March 2010 Confirmed User Visit\'s'}, xAxis: {categories: ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31']}, yAxis: {min: 0,title: {text: 'User Visit\'s'}}, legend: {layout: 'vertical',backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',style: {left: '100px',top: '70px',bottom: 'auto'}}, tooltip: {formatter: function() {return this.y;}}, plotOptions: {column: {pointPadding: 0.2,borderWidth: 0}}, series: [{name: 'Confirmed Users Visit\'s', data: theDATA.split(',') }] }); } With the code above, you would think that theDATA would work but it does not display the data within it. Say that theDATA is '2,5,4,7,8,9'. If i had this: Code: data: [2,5,4,7,8,9] Then it would work just fine. But if i use those same numbers... Code: theData = "2,5,4,7,8,9" data: theDATA.split(',') It does nothing on the chart... So what am i doing wrong???? David problems with google line chart. Hi there. I use this line chart and I notice that the more data it reads, the more lines disappears. We take for example this data ['15 .30 ', 9038], ['', 9.04]; ['', 9.02]; ['', 9.03]; ['', 9.0268], ['', 9.04]; ['', 9.0393], ['', 9:06] ['16 .00 ', 9058], ['', 9.09]; ['', 9075]; ['', 9:08] ['', 9052]; ['', 9.07]; ['', 9:06] ['', 9.0704], ['17 .30 ', 9.07]; Then the row ['16 .00 ', 9058], disappear because it is so much data, and take the most important thing to be able to see a good line chart. The Line chart work well, but I would like to know how to change the code so it becomes mandatory that the program must read the rows that have a number as the first element( example ['element' element]). If the first element does not contain any such number, the program may determine whether to print it or not. To make it a little easier stated, I can say that the row who have the first element, who contains a number, so most the code read it to the screen. Thanks. I am really new to coding and am trying to include a flowchart that I have created on my site. There is a series of 5 questions with 2 possible answers for each question. Can anyone help me with some coding that would let me show only the first question and based on how they answer that, the flow chart would open up to the second question and once they answer the second question, it opens up to the third question and so on?
Hey all, I want to be able to update the line chart of google visualizations. Here is my code in question: Click the button called "click" and suddenly chart disappears. thanks for response I'm a student and i missed first Javascript. Could someone please just put me into the right way to make it work, I can't honestly find an answer anywhere. E.g. I have following declaration in the head section of html: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="java1.js" </script> My aim is to initialize a string variable firstname in java.js to be displayed on a page. I declare it in java.js as: var firstname="Tom"; I put document.write statement to the head of html section as: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="java1.js"> document.write; </script> ....but it doesn't work. Could someone just point me into the right direction, I tried w3c and others but unsuccessfully, it looks like everyone just seamlessly go straight to the coding. hi every one i;m new here and i love to know programming languages and some friends adviced me to start with java script then php , and i guess i'm at the right place can you please tell how to start and where to begain i'm really don't know anything about programming
Ok so i want to code something like this I want it to where the user just clicks on one of the buttons and it changes to the thing. But then i want to be where if the user doesn't click anything then it just changes by itself. so like on a timer. Can anyone give me some references that might help me get started with coding this. I have no clue where tos tart. Hey all, I am very new to javascript. I have been using this stacks menu I am sure you may have seen elsewhe I have modified it a bit though as I will want to use my own graphics and change a little bit how it works. I managed to make it so that the images become transparent when the stack is put back in place and then non transparent when they come back out. The problem I have is that I need the images to be transparent initially when they are in the stack. You can see the problem he Here is the javascript for this: Code: $(function () { // Stack initialize var openspeed = 300; var closespeed = 300; $('.stack2>img').toggle(function(){ var vertical = 0; var horizontal = 90; var $el=$(this); ${ $(this).animate({top: vertical + 'px', left: horizontal + 'px', opacity: '10'}, openspeed); vertical = vertical + 40; horizontal = (horizontal+.75)*1.15; }); ${top: '40px', left: '10px'}, openspeed).addClass('openStack') .find('li a>img').animate({width: '50px', marginLeft: '9px'}, openspeed); $el.animate({paddingBottom: '0'}); }, function(){ //reverse above var $el=$(this); $'openStack').children('li').animate({top: '-33px', left: '-10px', opacity: '0'}, closespeed); $'li a>img').animate({width: '79px', marginLeft: '0'}, closespeed); $el.animate({paddingBottom: '35px'}); }); // Stacks additional animation $('.stack2 li a').hover(function(){ $("img",this).animate({width: '56px'}, 100); $("span",this).animate({marginRight: '30px'}); },function(){ $("img",this).animate({width: '50px'}, 100); $("span",this).animate({marginRight: '0'}); }); }); and here is the css: Code: /* ================ STACK #2 ================ */ .stack2 { position: fixed; top: 28px; left: 90px;} .stack2 > img { position: relative; cursor: pointer; padding-bottom: 35px; z-index: 2; } .stack2 ul { list-style: none; position: absolute; top: 7px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; } .stack2 ul li { position: absolute; } .stack2 ul li img { border: 0; } .stack2 ul li span { display: none; } .stack2 .openStack li span { font-family: "Lucida Grande", Lucida, Verdana, sans-serif; display:block; height: 14px; position:absolute; top: 17px; right:60px; line-height: 14px; border: 0; background-color:#000; padding: 3px 10px; border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; color: #fcfcfc; text-align: center; text-shadow: #000 1px 1px 1px; opacity: .85; filter: alpha(opacity = 85); } #dock { top: 0; left: 100px; } a.dock-item { position: relative; float: left; margin-right: 10px; } .dock-item span { display: block; } .stack { top: 0; } .stack ul li { position: relative; } /* IE Fixes */ .stack2 { _position: absolute; } .stack2 ul { _z-index:-1; _top:-15px; } .stack2 ul li { *right:5px; } annd the html: Code: <div class="stack2"> <img src="images/stacks/stack-down.png" alt="stack"/> <ul id="stack2"> <li><a href=""><span>Aperture</span><img src="images/stacks/aperture.png" alt="Aperature" /></a></li> <li><a href="#"><span>All Examples</span><img src="images/stacks/photoshop.png" alt="Photoshop" /></a></li> <li><a href="example3.html"><span>Example 3</span><img src="images/stacks/safari.png" alt="Safari" /></a></li> <li><a href="example2.html"><span>Example 2</span><img src="images/stacks/coda.png" alt="Coda" /></a></li> <li><a href="index.html"><span>Example 1</span><img src="images/stacks/finder.png" alt="Finder" /></a></li> </ul> </div> Any help is greatly appreciated! Hi guys I'm new to the forums here. I want to learn how to use Javascript and AJAX along with jquery or prototype to develop a dynamic website. For example, I like how works. Everything has a transition, and you can drag and drop things around which is what I like. Ultimately I hope to be able to develop a dynamic website with social networking elements. I know my goals are lofty, but where should I get started and what should I learn. I have some cursory programming experience with visual basic, fortran and html. Any particular books that would help me learn. Ideally a book would have some programming "challenges" or small projects that would give me some experience. Thanks Maybe somone can help me out he I am trying to validate two dates, to make sure one comes before another. This is the code I have: Code: function validate_time(fielda, fieldb) { if (fielda < fieldb ) { ErrFields.push("The start date must be before the end date"); return false; } else { return true; } } and it is called using: Code: validate_time(startdate, enddate); This code dosen't work at all, so I guess I am way off. If anyone knows what may be the problem or any suggestions I would apprecate it. Thanks. Hi, Using this script Code: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function compareDate() { var start = document.beginDate.startdate.value; var end = document.termDate.enddate.value; var stDate = new Date(start); var enDate = new Date(end); var compDate = enDate - stDate; if(compDate >= 0) return true; else { alert("Please correct-end date is before begin date."); return false; } } </script> Have two input boxes for Start Date and End Date. Both boxes have JQuery linked code for datepicker calendar. Want to ensure that end date is >= to start date. Want dates validated on losing focus from end date input (text) box - like this - I guess. Code: <input style="width: 70px" type="text" id="enddate" onblur="function compareDate();" /> The reason I am here is that, of course, what I have is not working. Appreciate your help. Thanks - John I've just started to learn Javascript at college, and I made a little code that traps people in a dialogue box loop. var escape = 0 for(escape === 0; escape <= 1 confirm("Going somewhere?") I want to know if there is a site, or a possibility I can start this code, simple by sending friends a URL they can click on. For completely innocent purposes, of course. Thanks! This forum give luck, I get the solution myself regards. Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that when someone enters a number in the first textbox to start counting from and then they enter a second number where to stop counting. then the user must enter a number to step up/down by when counting.. there are 3 textboxes, one for start, one for end and one for the step up/down. When the user pushes the button the page clears and then the numbers will show.. If they use the same starting and ending number they have to be alerted that it is not valid. The user can enter a starting number bigger than the ending number. Take into account that a user might enter a positive or negative step value any tips or guidance for this is very appreciated |