JavaScript - Manipulate Javascript With Post Method?
Hey peeps, I'm trying to use wget to access this website that uses javascript. The website is from my work. Basically I made a program that parses information from our payment page. It tells me how much I am being paid for the month. Anywho, the variables on the page are in javascript, and thats one language I'm not proficient at. I need to change the month that it gets the pay for. The default is the current month. But it can be changed to last month, and from the code I can tell that something has to be changed from "THIS_MONTH" to "LAST_MONTH", but I'm not sure how to properly do it. Posted below is the source code from the website. Please let me know how I can change that without actually having to click the button to change the scope to last month. And also, is there any way to change this in the post method, or any other method that wget uses? I only included the parts I thought could be relevant.
Thanks guys! BTW, I think it pertains with g_FiltersMenuStr Code: <title>SupportSpace - Tech Support for Computers, Printer, Security, Gadgets...</title> <meta name = "description" content = "get immediate tech support for your PC / Computer, Printers, Outlook / Email Setup, Wireless, Networking, Anti-Virus & Security, Spyware, XP, Vista, I-Pod, MP3 Player Setup, Zune, Printer Setup, Backup Services for your Documents & Many other online live support"/> <meta name = "keywords" content = "online live tech support PC Computer Printers Outlook Email Setup Wireless Networking AntiVirus Security Spyware XP Vista IPod MP3 Player Zune Printer Setup Backup Services hardware software help chat"/> <meta name = "language" content = "English"/> <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/support/images//icons/shortcut_icon.ico"/> <script type="text/javascript">if(!JAWR){var JAWR = {};};;JAWR.jawr_dwr_path='/support/dwr';JAWR.dwr_scriptSessionId='CCA333F742C70F495236AA2C97D653D2';JAWR.app_context_path='/support';</script> 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I need to manipulate with a upper and lower case on STRINGS For example I have string: Code: LALA_KAKA_mama_WIWI I need to conwert it to Code: Lala_kaka_mama_wiwi with first letter upper case. Is it one simple way to do it with JS script/code? Best Regards Situation: adding code to an HTML page that I can add to, but not change any existing code, as it is from a vendor and gets generated on the fly. I need to add a button within the existing <form></form> construct that already has a submit button and the form has an "action=" in it. What I have done is added <input type=button onClick=myscript().... Myscript() opens a .php file as a popup, positions it correctly, and all that. What it doesn't do is move the values to the .php like a method=POST would. Is there anyway to to do this, or do I have to do a set of document.write statements? Existing code: Code: <!-- vendor's untouchable code --> <form method=post name="MainForm" action="xxx.asp?yyy" onsubmit="the_vendors_code();> <input type="text" name="fielda" value="" > <!-- several more fields --> <!-- my code --> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript" SRC="xxx.js"></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function popupForm(myForm, windowName) { var scrny=0 ; var scrnx=200 <-! code to set scrny and scrnx based on browser --> fielda_h.value = fielda.value ; <!-- etc ..> <!-- here's the place I need help --> newWin="myPopup.php", windowName, 'height=600,width=550,and a whole bunch of other parameters') ; newWin.moveTo(scrnx, scrny) ; myForm.rel="nofollow" target=windowName; return true ; } </script> <input type="hidden" name="fielda_h" > <input type="button" name="preview" value="See Preview" onClick="popupForm(this, 'join')"/> Note that some of the code was taken from examples found on the net, so there's not a ton of originality here. So, again, just to restate, I know how to do a submit button/form to do action=post, but I am trying to simulate it with a regular button as I cannot change the existing <form></form> construct. Thanks for any and all pointers. Dear forum guys, I'm having a problem regarding the POST method with Ajax. I'm sending form inputs through Ajax by POST method to an ASP file to add them back to a database. However, what i noticed is that whenever i send the inputs of the form let's say ("username") through Ajax by the POST method, the result is the input "username" however with no spaces. Why is it that the Ajax POST method ignores the spaces and sends the inputs without the spaces? I tried it with the GET method and found out that GET doesn't ignore the spaces, it worked. But the application that i'm trying to build requires sending bigger data that the GET method can't send. SO therefore i need the POST method but i ran into the problem of Spaces Being Ignored. Please, is there a way to send any string that contains spaces through AJAX POST method and not ignore the spaces in the output??? Thank You David Hi to all, I have a dynamic form, when a button is clicked 3 more fields appear, the function is to colect for example from date [02/02/2010] to date [10/02/2010] equals price [250$] per week and if you want another period just click the button and 3 more fields appear. How do I get all this data to PHP? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var counter = 3; function addNew() { // Get the main Div in which all the other divs will be added var mainContainer = document.getElementById('mainContainer'); // Create a new div for holding text and button input elements var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); // Create a new text input var newText = document.createElement('input'); newText.type = "text"; newText.value = "DD/MM/AAAA"; = counter++; var newText1 = document.createElement('input'); newText1.type = "text"; newText1.value = "DD/MM/AAAA"; = counter++; var newText2 = document.createElement('input'); newText2.type = "text"; newText2.value = "0"; = counter++; // Create a new button input var newDelButton = document.createElement('input'); newDelButton.type = "button"; newDelButton.value = "Delete"; // Append new text input to the newDiv newDiv.appendChild(newText); newDiv.appendChild(newText1); newDiv.appendChild(newText2); // Append new button input to the newDiv newDiv.appendChild(newDelButton); // Append newDiv input to the mainContainer div mainContainer.appendChild(newDiv); counter++; // Add a handler to button for deleting the newDiv from the mainContainer newDelButton.onclick = function() { mainContainer.removeChild(newDiv); } } </script> <table style="margin-left:200px" border="0"> <tr><!-- Row 1 --> <td width="140"><b>Start Date</b></td><!-- Col 1 --> <td width="142"><b>End Date</b></td><!-- Col 2 --> <td width="140"><b>Price per week</b></td><!-- Col 3 --> </tr> </table> <div style="margin-left:200px" id="mainContainer"><div><input value="DD/MM/AAAA" name="0" type="text" ><input value="DD/MM/AAAA" name="1" type="text" ><input value="0" name="2" type="text" ><input type="button" value="New price" onClick="addNew()"></div> would it be better to place the javascript into a .js file or just place the js code somewhere else in the html? How should it look? Code: <div style="width: 225px; height: 155px; float: left; height: 16px; background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; margin-left: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-size: small; padding-left: 0px;"> <img alt="" src="images/news.png" height="16" width="222" /><div style="width: 225px; height: 155px; float: left;"><script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[if(document.layers){document.write('<ilayer id="ns4div" width="'+swidth+'" height="'+sheight+'" bgcolor='+sbcolor+'><div id="ns4div1" width="'+swidth+'" height="'+sheight+'" onmouseover="sspeed=0;" onmouseout="sspeed=rspeed"></div></ilayer>')} if(document.getElementById||document.all){document.write('<div style="position:relative;overflow:hidden;width:'+swidth+'px;height:'+sheight+'px;clip:rect(0 '+swidth+'px '+sheight+'px 0);background-color:'+sbcolor+';" onmouseover="sspeed=0" onmouseout="sspeed=rspeed"><div id="iens6div" style="position:relative;width:'+swidth+'px;"></div></div>');} // ]]></script> </div></div> You may have see various sites where urls are encoded by advertisement redirection service mostly by now I want to write a personal java snippet for tor remove this spam [In opera you can specify a custom js to run at every page] mostly the html will look like this Code: <a target="_blank" href="">SteamTable App</a> I want to use .split() method as you see this part [before the second http] has to be splitted some how & url to be reinserted in the a tag. any help here Hello, i wrote this code, But is not working, i want to use onChange event and redirect user into a url accordingly. this is my code; <script type="text/javascript"> function goto() { var URL = document.frmsort.optsort.options[document.optsort.optsort.selectedIndex].value; window.location.href = URL; } </script> <form id="frmsort" name="frmsort" action="http://localhost/APP/category.php" method="post"> <select name="urls" onChange="goto()"> <option value="http://localhost/APP/category.php?sub=1">-- choose option --</option> <option value="http://localhost/APP/category.php?sub=1&sort=1">OP1</option> <option value="http://localhost/APP/category.php?sub=1&sort=2">OP2</option> </select> </form> I really appreciate your help... thank you... I'm designing a page that uses javascript+css for enhanced interaction. However, if javascript is disabled, I'd still like the page to be functional, albeit less fancy. Likewise, if css is disabled, it still needs to be functional. Finally, if both js+css are disabled, the page will be quite bare but still usable. For example, I use javascript to set a css style that hides certain panels of content. JS is used to toggle these and all is fine. If JS is disabled, then the css isn't applied, and all the content is visible (though not too pretty). If CSS is disabled, the inline CSS applied by the JS works fine. Finally, if both are disabled, all the content is visible. I'm wondering what's the best way to do this. Currently, I set the styles like this in the js file: Code: function initialize() { // set styles, for example: document.getElementById("panel").style.display = "none"; } var onloadFlag = false; document.onreadystatechange = function() { if (!onloadFlag) { onloadFlag = true; initialize(); } }; // for older browsers window.onload = function() { if (!onloadFlag) { onloadFlag = true; initialize(); } }; The problem that sometimes comes up is I see the "fallback" styles briefly, before the JS kicks in and applies the enhanced css. How can I avoid this? I use this code in a form that posts to two different destinations, I use JavaScript to achieve it. Code: <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> function submitTo(where) { document.form.action = where; document.form.submit(); } </SCRIPT> <FORM action="" method="post" name="form"> <DIV> <INPUT onClick="return submitTo('1.html')" type="button" value="1"> <INPUT onClick="return submitTo('2.html')" type="button" value="2"> </DIV> </FORM> I am still wanting to do is the same thing, but with drop down menu's (SELECT) instead of INPUT. Is there anyone clever that can think of a solution? I'm still trying to work on it, but haven't thought of anything up yet.. Hi I have problem to manipulate my form with array. I want to copy my input from one input to other input but it didnt work. i did explore the usage of document.myForm.feed[3].value but it gave me error. Pleaseee help? Thanks script sample: <form name=myForm> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=feed[] onBlur=duplicate(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> <input name=copier[] onBlur=sendback(this)> </form> <SCRIPT> function duplicate(info) { //this function should copy 'info' to copier input //with the same element location //eg: feed[3] will copy to copier[3], feed[5] will copy to copier[5] //(can be any element insert by user) // the task would be: // 1. to get which element number has been inserted // 2. to get the origin text value // 3. to write the same element position for copier } function sendback(info) { //this function should copy 'info' to feed input //with the same element location //copier[2] will copy to feed[2], copier[3] will copy to feed[3] //(can be any element insert by user) } </SCRIPT> Hi , I am inserting an image into a span tag by click on button and resize the image using resize_image_height_weight function. I am using two function to do this task. setImage setImage_w3Validation setImage function resize the image but fail on w3validation on my webpage( As per w3c there is no attribute onload for image tag.) To fix out this issue I am using setImage_w3Validation function which pass on w3validation but unable to call resize_image_height_weight function. My purpose is to resize the image. Kindly suggest me how to do it? <html> <head> <script TYPE="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function resize_image_height_weight(id, hgt, wdth){ //alert(id); Obj=document.getElementById(id); myImage = new Image(); myImage.src = Obj.src; var heights = myImage.height; var widths = myImage.width; // alert("Height=>" + heights + " Width=> " + widths); if(heights > hgt || widths > wdth) { if(heights > widths) { var temp = heights/hgt; var new_width = widths / temp; new_width = parseInt(new_width); heights = hgt; widths = new_width; } else { var temp = widths/wdth; var new_height = heights / temp; new_height = parseInt(new_height); heights = new_height; widths = wdth; } } Obj.height = heights; Obj.width = widths; } function setImage(){ document.getElementById("IM0").innerHTML ="<center><img src=\"\" id=\"img1\" alt=\"\" height=\"125\" width=\"125\" onload=\"resize_image_height_weight('img1',125,125);\"><\/center>"; } function setImage_w3Validation(){ document.getElementById("IM1").innerHTML ="<center><img src=\"\" id=\"img2\" alt=\"\" height=\"125\" width=\"125\"><script type=\"text/javascript\">document.getElementById('img2').onload = function(){resize_image_height_weight('i12',125,125);};<\/SCRIPT><\/center>"; //I wanna to do the task using this one function to resize img for w3validation } function clear_page(){ document.getElementById("IM0").innerHTML =""; document.getElementById("IM1").innerHTML =""; } </script> </head> <body> <div class="img3"><span id="IM0"></span></div> <div class="img3"><span id="IM1"></span></div> <input type="button" name="btn1" value="Image Onload W3C Fail" onclick="setImage();"> <input type="button" name="btn2" value="Image Onload W3C Pass" onclick="setImage_w3Validation();"> <input type="button" name="btn2" value="Clear" onclick="clear_page();"> </body> </html> Why is the callwhy is the slice method only a method of an Array instance? The reason why I ask is because if you want to use it for the arguments property of function object, or a string, or an object, or a number instance, you are forced to use And by doing that, you can pass in any type of object instance (Array, Number, String, Object) into it. So why not just default it as a method of all object instances built into the language? In other words, instead of doing this: Code: function Core(){ var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'}; var num = 1; var string = 'aff'; console.log(typeof arguments);//Object console.log(arguments instanceof Array);//false var args1 =; console.log(args1); var args2 =; console.log(args2); var args3 =; console.log(args3); var args4 =; console.log(args4); Core('dom','event','ajax'); Why not just be able to do this: Code: function Core(){ var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'}; var num = 1; var string = 'aff'; var args = arguments.slice(0); var args2 = obj.slice(0); var args3 = num.slice(0); var args4 = string.slice(0); //right now none of the above would work but it's more convenient than using the call alternative. } Core('dom','event','ajax'); Why did the designers of the javascript scripting language make this decision? Thanks for response. Thanks again for answering my questions perfectly previously, this next one really tested my minimal coding knowledge, and bested me. Basically, what I need done is this: This is a form [This is a text Box] [This is a submit button] Users on my website will enter a URL into the text box and press submit. Upon pressing submit it will redirect them to a webpage based on what they inserted into the textbox, sounds easy. But this is where it gets complicated. I need to take out certain parts of the URL they entered and place them inside of another URL. Here is an example I need to take the words in BOLD and Itallics and insert them specifically into another URL. which they will be redirected to after pressing submit. so now redirect to Basically I have the original string, which like above would be string-with/GIF/Bolded String The original redirect link would stay the same. And taking from what you entered into the form, it would take out the specific bits and add them into the specific bits into another URL and redirect to that URL. Please note that I believe this is only possible becuase the amount of characters between the strings will ALWAYS be the same based on the content that my users are putting into the submit box. I.E the string in the Italicized string will always be 10 characters long, and everything in the Bolded String will always be 8 characters long (Not really, just an example). So maybe the script could tell it to count characters and take out characters from characters 8-15 and characters 19-36 then place them in the specific spots and then redirect them to that compiled link. Thanks for ALL the help! This one really boggled my mind. I could not think of anything that would help. This forum has come out to be my BEST resource %100 of the time. If you could help me with this. I will be AMAZED. Thanks in advance! PS: It doesen't have to be in any particular code language, But I do prefer HTML and Javascript. Hi all, I have a newbie question. I have just started working with javascript and would appreciate some guidance. I have a webpage and there are products for sale on it(this is not live it is merely being used as practice project). Beside each product is a description a price and an 'add to cart' button. My cart is simply a div with an id of 'cart' and it has a text box within it. I need the product name to be displayed within the div (this, I have working), I also need to display the product price in the text box once the button(add to cart ) for that particular product has been pressed. Also when the button for another product is pressed, I want the cost/value for that product to be added to the other value and displayed in the text box in the cart div... I apologise for rambling on but this is the best way of me explaining my needs.... Here's where i am right now.. The HTML snippet Code: <div id ="cart"> <p><img src="images/shopping-cart.png" alt ="cart"/>Your Cart</p> <div id="sum"><!--(this is the div where the total goes)--> <input type="text" id="total" value="0" /><p>€ Your Total <input type="reset" value = "reset" /></p> </div> </div> <h2 id ="black">Blackcurrent<br /></h2> <p>€ 12.00 <input type = "submit" value ="add to cart" onClick = "shoppingCart('Blackcurrent',12)" /></p> And the javascript: Code: alert ("working"); function shoppingCart (itemName,itemValue) { /* var thePrice = Number(itemValue); return thePrice;*/ document.getElementById ("cart").innerHTML += itemName + "<br/>"; document.getElementById('total').value = Number(document.getElementById('total').value) + itemValue; } I hope i have posted correctly and am aware that i have only posted a segment of the HTML.. Please let me know if you need any more code or info.. Thanks a lot in advance for any help... For the record, im a noob at javascript & if there was a lvl below noob id use it to Anyways, my code blow is supposed to automate on a website i use a quantity & submit with just one click using javascript. The help i got wasn't successful as it dosnt act as a URL or interact with the webpage & i need it to be used as a URL. My Goal is to make a simple php page which i already have & a list of links. Now the links will be made up of javascript as soon as i get a working example i can edit. When i click the links, on the webpage it automatically sets quantity & hits the Sell submit button for me, however it dosnt work & im desperate to get it fixed. On the webpage is a slider that sets the quantity, i can manually set quantity as we have to use a slider we click & drag left or right then we click Sell & it sells the type of drugs which is part of the game we wanted. I grabbed the POST info using Live Headers firefox plugin. I hope someone can fix this for me. Live Headers info: Code: POST /fiends.php drugtype=lsd&sqty=5201 Javascript Code: Code: 1."href="javascript: 2.var doc = document; 3.var aForm = doc.createElement("form"); 4.doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(aForm); 5.aForm.setAttribute("action", ""); 6.aForm.setAttribute("method", "POST"); 7. 8.var aInput = doc.createElement("input"); 9.aForm.appendChild(aInput); 10.aInput.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); 11.aInput.setAttribute("name", "drugtype"); 12.aInput.value = "lsd"; 13. 14.aInput2 = doc.createElement("input"); 15.aForm.appendChild(aInput2); 16.aInput2.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); 17.aInput2.setAttribute("name", "sqty"); 18.aInput2.value = '5201'; 19.aForm.submit();"> As a reminder, The javascript i need will act as a URL on my own hosted php page. I will then open the PHP page as a sidebar in my browser which will be firefox. Then when im on the website in question on the specific page, in staid of click & dragging the slider thats part of the POST/Submit that changes the Quantity of what i want sell & then click Sell. I want the javascript acting as a URL to do that for me from the sidebar page. Really hope someone can fix this for me because I've been at it for nearly 3 weeks now & its starting to wear me down to a point where I'm eating Jelly Babies I am hoping someone will be interested in helping widen the development of Namesets, a client side application that helps build associative indexes as alternatives to spreadsheet analyses. I tried to attach a set of screenshots in an animated gif illustrating a 'nset' for the design of a building but it gets turned into a jpg and so doesn't work here - but it works here . This shows it as the basis for manipulating components and scenes in Google's Sketchup, but as far as I can see subjects and output are practically unlimited. The purpose of the collaboration would be to construct some sample input lists and output devices, as well as generally reviewing the application (btw - the code passes JSLint except in a very few - excusable! - places.) As the caption states the intention is to offer it in "post a javascript". Thanks Actually I was trying to use this imagesearch code for one of my blog posts about cars, I want to embed the below codes one for BMW and one for Toyota in the blog post, individually if I place one of these codes they work fine but if I want to place them both together in 2 different blocks separately it doesn't work. Is there a way to achieve this, basically giving 2 different handlers. This will help me a lot - TIA. <script type="text/javascript" src=" key=ABQIAAAA1XbMiDxx_BTCY2_FkPh06RRaGTYH6UMl8mADNa0YKuWNNa8VNxQEerTAUcfkyrr 6OwBovxn7TDAH5Q"></ script><div id="TOYOTA">Loading...</div><script type="text/ javascript">google.load('search', '1');var imageSearch;function OnLoadSneha() { imageSearch = new; imageSearch.setResultSetSize(; imageSearch.setRestriction (,; imageSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, function(){ if (imageSearch.results && imageSearch.results.length > 0) {var contentDiv = document.getElementById('TOYOTA'); contentDiv.innerHTML = ''; var results = imageSearch.results; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var result = results[i]; var imgContainer = document.createElement('div'); var title = document.createElement ('div'); var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.src = result.tbUrl; var titleLink=document.createElement('a'); title.className=titleLink.className='gs-title'; titleLink.setAttribute ('href',result.url); titleLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode (result.titleNoFormatting)); title.appendChild(titleLink); imgContainer.appendChild(title); imgContainer.appendChild(newImg); contentDiv.appendChild(imgContainer); } function (imageSearch) { var cursor = imageSearch.cursor; var curPage = cursor.currentPageIndex; var pagesDiv = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0; i < cursor.pages.length; i++) { var page = cursor.pages[i]; if (curPage == i) { var label = document.createTextNode(' ' + page.label + ' '); pagesDiv.appendChild (label);} else {var link = document.createElement('a');link.href = 'javascript:imageSearch.gotoPage('+i+');';link.innerHTML = page.label; = '2px';pagesDiv.appendChild (link);}} var contentDiv = document.getElementById('TOYOTA'); contentDiv.appendChild(pagesDiv);} }}, null); imageSearch.execute ("TOYOTA");} google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoadSneha);</script> <script type="text/javascript" src=" key=ABQIAAAA1XbMiDxx_BTCY2_FkPh06RRaGTYH6UMl8mADNa0YKuWNNa8VNxQEerTAUcfkyrr 6OwBovxn7TDAH5Q"></ script><div id="TOYOTA">Loading...</div><script type="text/ javascript">google.load('search', '1');var imageSearch;function OnLoadSneha() { imageSearch = new; imageSearch.setResultSetSize(; imageSearch.setRestriction (,; imageSearch.setSearchCompleteCallback(this, function(){ if (imageSearch.results && imageSearch.results.length > 0) {var contentDiv = document.getElementById('TOYOTA'); contentDiv.innerHTML = ''; var results = imageSearch.results; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var result = results[i]; var imgContainer = document.createElement('div'); var title = document.createElement ('div'); var newImg = document.createElement('img'); newImg.src = result.tbUrl; var titleLink=document.createElement('a'); title.className=titleLink.className='gs-title'; titleLink.setAttribute ('href',result.url); titleLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode (result.titleNoFormatting)); title.appendChild(titleLink); imgContainer.appendChild(title); imgContainer.appendChild(newImg); contentDiv.appendChild(imgContainer); } function (imageSearch) { var cursor = imageSearch.cursor; var curPage = cursor.currentPageIndex; var pagesDiv = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0; i < cursor.pages.length; i++) { var page = cursor.pages[i]; if (curPage == i) { var label = document.createTextNode(' ' + page.label + ' '); pagesDiv.appendChild (label);} else {var link = document.createElement('a');link.href = 'javascript:imageSearch.gotoPage('+i+');';link.innerHTML = page.label; = '2px';pagesDiv.appendChild (link);}} var contentDiv = document.getElementById('TOYOTA'); contentDiv.appendChild(pagesDiv);} }}, null); imageSearch.execute ("TOYOTA");} google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoadSneha);</script> This is a must-read for all users posting to the JavaScript forum, especially if you're looking to get help. A lot of you are posting in a manner that makes it extremely difficult- if not impossible- to respond to. Below are a list of posting guidelines and tips we ask that you please read- and FOLLOW- when asking for help: 1) Type in a subject that summarizes your question! - The fastest way to turn off other members wanting to help you is to type an incomplete or silly subject for your post. Examples of poor subject titles include: - "Help!" - "I'm a newbie...please!" - "Is this possible using JavaScript?" - "loops" - "Urgent...deadline tomorrow!" - "A challenge for you JavaScript masters" The above subjects either have absolutely nothing to do with the question itself, or are grossly incomplete (ie: "loops"). When asking for help, enter a subject that summarizes your question, period! Don't use silly, incomplete, or "bait" subjects. 2) Be descriptive and articulate when asking your question! Some of you are posting as if we're all psychics, and are supposed to grasp your question with the little or confusing information you've provided in your question. We cannot read your mind, and putting up a post like "Can someone help me with arrays?" or "How can I get the slide-in slideshow to work on my site?" is not nearly enough information to go by. What exactly do you want to know about arrays? Which slide-in slideshow are you referring to (the one written by Bill Gates?)? Set us up with some crucial background information, what you want to do, and what the problem is. Be concise and precise. Also when posting, understand that you're trying to convince others to help you. Be articulate and have respect for the English language! Check for spelling/grammar mistakes, and try and format your question and code in an easily legible manner. Big tip: Use the preview button often. Bottom line- put yourself in our shoes, and try and phrase the question so it's clear and easy to respond to. 3) Do your homework first. Only post the part of the script you're having trouble with! There are generally two types of people- ones that simply dump their entire page or problem and expect everyone to spend hours solving everything for them, and those that do their own homework first, and only ask very specific, manageable questions. The later invariably gets more and better responses from others. When you're lazy, do not expect us to be hardworking for you. As an example, lets say you're working on a long script that uses the "switch" statement of JavaScript, and it's returning errors. You could either: i) Post the entire script and simply say "Please debug this script for me!" ii) Or, localize the problem yourself first and post instead "Can someone tell me the syntax of the switch statement in JavaScript?" The second question will get a LOT more quality responses, as it is concise, manageable, and not overwhelming. Remember, ask for the world, and you'll get nothing. Ask for a little, and you'll get a lot. 4) Use the search feature often to make sure your question isn't already answered- The longer this forum has been online, the more solutions it accumulates. Always search past posts first (using the search link to your upper right) to make sure your question isn't already answered. Use 1-2 keywords as the search terms. 5) Know the capabilities and limits of JavaScript before posting. Please familiarize yourself with what JavaScript can- and cannot do- before posting. Many people are posting JS questions that simply cannot be accomplished using the language, period. JavaScript is a client side language, and cannot manipulate the server end in any way, such as saving data to the server, accessing a database etc. JavaScript works strictly on the user end, such as popping up a window, applying an image rollover effect, or determining user screen resolution (*without* the ability to pass this info back to the server). If JavaScript is completely new to you, please familiarize yourself somewhat with the language, by visiting the below links - JavaScript questions and answers list - JavaScript tutorials - Advanced JavaScript tutorials - Pre-made JavaScripts (illustrates typical JS applications) 6) Be appreciative and follow up when getting a response. Everyone here is volunterring their time to help out others. The least you can do is be appreciative and follow up when getting a helpful response. If you've solved your problem, let people know so they don't continue spending time on your question. Saying a little "thank you" goes a long way. Hi, I am looking for some code that will do the following Form to post any URL to an iFrame and load said URL. I been told Javascript can do this, but I am also after the form bit as well if possible. |