JavaScript - Converter As A Link?
Hello, I've been reading my JS book, have done a 'Degrees Converter' which converts fahrenheit into centigrade.
There is a prompt box which automatically loads when the website is loaded. I am pressuming this is because I have my script in the body. I have a question if anybody could possibly help me out. How do I get my script as a link? To explain a little better, I wanted to put the words 'Degrees Converter' onto my page(as a link), so that when people click the link, it loads up the prompt box. I'm very new to JavaScript, so if anyone could help me out it would be a great help. Thank you very much. Similar TutorialsHi I have the following currency converter code which works fine, but I need to make it possible for someone else to edit the euro price using a visual editor such as contribute. Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script language='javascript'> exchRate = 1.13; function getUKP(price) { document.write('(£' + Math.round(price / exchRate) + ')'); } </script> </head> <body> <strong>€526</strong> <script type="text/javascript">getUKP('526');</script><br /><br /> <strong>€1999</strong> <script type="text/javascript">getUKP('1999');</script> </body> </html> This code requires someone to change the figure in the javascript as well as the html. I guess I need to somehow automatically pick up the numeric characters only from the html which appear on the same line of code... or perhaps there's an easier way.? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Hi all, I have a problem about my converter.Why when I'm clicking on the keypad displayed in the form,it doesn't display the result.But when clicking on the keypad on the keyboard,it works?.Plz help me with this trouble.Here are my code. <-html-> <html> <head> <title>Currency Converter</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/cal.css" type="text/css" > <script type="text/javascript" src="../cal.js"></script> </head> <body> <h2>Currency Converter<h2> <table id="table1"> <form id="currconverter"> <tr> <td>Convert<br>from:</td> <td><input type="text" id="amount" value="" size="17" onChange="convertCurr()"></td> <td> <select id="from_select"> <option value="GBP" selected="selected">Pound Sterling</option> <option value="USD">US Dollar</option> <option value="MUR">Mauritian RS</option> <option value="EUR">Euro</option> <option value="JPY">Yen</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Convert<br>to:</td> <td><input type="text" id="result" value="" size="17" readonly="readonly" onchange="convertCurr();"></td> <td> <select id="to_select"> <option value="GBP">Pound Sterling</option> <option value="USD">US Dollar</option> <option value="MUR" selected="selected">Mauritian RS</option> <option value="EUR">Euro</option> <option value="JPY">Yen</option> </select> </td> </tr> </form> </table> <br> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" border="1" align="center" bgcolor="AABBCC"> <form name="cal"> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="7" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '7'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="8" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '8'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="9" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '9'"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="4" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '4'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="5" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '5'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="6" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '6'"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="1" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '1'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="2" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '2'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="3" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '3'"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="button" value="0" onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '0'"></td> <td><input type="button" value="." onClick="currconverter.amount.value += '.'"></td> <td><input type="reset" value="C" OnClick="currconverter.amount.value = ''"></td> </tr> </form> </table> </body> </html> <-javascript-> function convertCurr() { var amount = parseFloat(document.getElementById("amount").value); var form = document.getElementById("currConverter"); var fromSelect = document.getElementById("from_select"); var toSelect = document.getElementById("to_select"); var result= document.getElementById("result"); var currencyTo = []; switch (fromSelect.value) { case "GBP": currencyTo = [1, 1.61, 46.91, 1.23, 128.89]; break; case "USD": currencyTo = [1.62, 1, 28.90, 0.76, 79.84]; break; case "MUR": currencyTo = [1.02, 0.03, 1, 0.03, 0.00]; break; case "EUR": currencyTo = [0.81, 1.31, 38.01, 1, 104.47]; break; case "JPY": currencyTo = [0.01, 1.25, 0.00, 0.96, 1]; break; default: alert("It broke."); } result.value = (amount * currencyTo[toSelect.selectedIndex]).toFixed(2); } Hello, I am having trouble with a javascript length converter that I got from It is working fine in dreamweaver, but when it goes live on my site, the calculations do nothing. I can see everything in the drop down menus, but when i click the "to" button, nothing happens. I got the following errors from chrome when activating any of the calculation functions. I'm wondering if anyone here can help me decipher these 1. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'from_unit' of undefined 1. convert_unitDefault.aspx:459 2. (anonymous function)Default.aspx:482 3. onchangeDefault.aspx:483 1. Default.aspx:459Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'from_unit' of undefined 1. convert_unitDefault.aspx:459 2. (anonymous function)Default.aspx:496 3. onchangeDefault.aspx:497 1. Default.aspx:459Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'from_unit' of undefined 1. convert_unitDefault.aspx:459 2. (anonymous function)Default.aspx:516 3. onclickDefault.aspx:517 Hello all. I'm so glad i found this forum!!! This looks like a great coding community. This will be my First Post. I was wondering if you guys can help me with my weight converter. I cant seem to make it work properly on my site. here is the code im using: <p class="about">Convert weight measurements between U.S./Imperial and SI (Metric) units<br /> Type your value in a box, click the <input onclick="alert('Not this button!')" type="button" name="test_bt" value="Go!" /> and all unit conversions in the same category will be calculated.</p> <form action=""> <table width="500" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tbody> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"><th class="headings" colspan="3" bgcolor="#1765BB">SI (Metric)</th></tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Tonne</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="mTon" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(mTon.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="mTon_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Kilogram (kg)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="mKilogram" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(mKilogram.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="mKilogram_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Gram (g)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="mGram" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(mGram.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="mGram_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Milligram (mg)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="mMilligram" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(mMilligram.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="mMilligram_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr><th class="headings" colspan="3" bgcolor="#103e78"> </th></tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"><th class="headings" colspan="3" bgcolor="#1765BB">Troy weight</th></tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Pound (lb t)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="troyPound" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(troyPound.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="troyPound_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Ounce (oz t)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="troyOunce" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(troyOunce.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="troyOunce_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">PennyWeight (dwt)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="troyDWT" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(troyDWT.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="troyDWT_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="288">Grain<br /> Same as Avoirdupois grain</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" width="130"><input type="text" name="troyGrain" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" width="57"><input onclick="if (checkNum(troyGrain.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="troyGrain_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#6699ff"> <td class="headings" colspan="3" bgcolor="#103e78"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"><th class="headings" colspan="3" bgcolor="#1765BB">Avoirdupois weight</th></tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">British ("long") ton</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="briTon" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(briTon.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="briTon_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">US ("short") ton</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="usTon" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(usTon.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="usTon_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" height="42">British ("long") hundredweight (cwt)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78" height="42"><input type="text" name="briCWT" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78" height="42"><input onclick="if (checkNum(briCWT.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="briCWT_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">US ("short") hundredweight (cwt)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="usCWT" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(usCWT.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="usCWT_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">Stone</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="briStone" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(briStone.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="briStone_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">Pound (lb)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="avdpPound" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(avdpPound.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="avdpPound_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">Ounce (oz)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="avdpOunce" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(avdpOunce.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="avdpOunce_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">Dram (dr)</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="avdpDram" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(avdpDram.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="avdpDram_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78">Grain</td> <td class="headings" align="right" bgcolor="#103e78"><input type="text" name="avdpGrain" size="15" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="if (checkNum(avdpGrain.value)) compute(this.form,,weight_data)" type="button" name="avdpGrain_bt" value="Go!" /></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#0066ff"> <td class="headings" colspan="2" align="center" bgcolor="#103e78"><input onclick="resetAll(this.form)" type="button" name="res7" value="Clear all numbers" /></td> <td class="headings" bgcolor="#103e78"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> </form> <p> </p> and help will be greatly appreciated. Hi all -- I realize this is probably pretty simple, but it's been a while since I did any Javascripting, and things have changed a great deal. My apologies if I sound a bit clueless. I need to create a conversion tool. On one side of the tool are 4 form boxes. On the other, just text (not in form boxes). Under the covers, I have formulas for converting the numbers -- mostly basic math functions. So, the user types in numbers, clicks convert and the text changes. For some reason, I'm having a hard time getting this to go. How can I get the results of these calculations to show up as text within a DIV tag and not inside a form element? There are lots of examples of getting these calculations to appear within form boxes, but not within DIVs. Any examples would be greatly appreciated. This page is already using the Dojo toolkit for some other functionality, is this something I could leverage here to build my Javascript? Thanks in advance for your patience. Hey guys. I am in an introductory computer science class and I am having trouble writing JavaScript code for a currency converter. I can get it to where it spits out numbers, but its always the same numbers. I think there's something wrong in the calculations part of my code but I can't figure it out. I am posting it below, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. <html> <head> <title>CURRENCY CONVERTER</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function converting() { with (document.conversions) { if (unit[1].selected) { var result = eval(unit.value*0.974); convertedValue.value = result; } // end if if (unit[2].selected) { var result = eval(unit[2].value*0.492); convertedValue.value = result; } // end if if (unit[3].selected) { var result = eval(unit[3].value*0.706); convertedValue.value = result; } // end if } // end with } // end function converting </script> </head> <form name = "conversions"> <table border=6 bgcolor ="yellow"> <tr> <td><font color="red" size=6>Enter amount in U.S. $:</font></td> <td><input type="text" name="inUnit" size = 4></td> </tr> <tr> <td><font color="red" size=6>Select target unit:</font> <td><select name="unit"> <option value="Select Currency" selected>Choose one... <option value="1">Canadian Dollars <option value="2">British Pounds <option value="3">Euros </select> <td><input type="button" value="Convert" onclick="converting()"> </tr> <tr> <td><font color="green" size=6>Converted Value:</font> <td><input type="text" name="convertedValue" size = 4> <td><input type="reset" value="Reset"> </tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> I am trying to make a unit converter with two dropdown boxes, two textfields and a button. I want to enter a number into the first textfield, select a unit option, then select another appropriate unit option based on the first selection, press the button and get the result in the second textfield. What would be the best approach for this. So far I have: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function convertUnit () { // convert pound to kilogram document.unitForm.toField.value = document.unitForm.fromField.value / 2.2; // convert kilogram to pound document.unitForm.toField.value = document.unitForm.fromField.value * 2.2; // convert inch to centimeter document.unitForm.toField.value = document.unitForm.fromField.value / 2.54; // convert centimeter to inch document.unitForm.toField.value = document.unitForm.fromField.value * 2.54; } </script> </head> <body style="background-color:lightgray"> <form action="" name="unitForm"> <input type="text" name="fromField" onfocus="this.form.fromField.value=''; style.background='lightyellow';" onblur="style.background='white';" /> <select name="fromList" > <option value="" selected="selected">Unit</option> <option id="fromPound" value="2.2">lb</option> <option id="fromKilogram" value="1.0">kg</option> <option id="fromInch" value="1.0">in</option> <option id="fromCentimeter" value="2.54">cm</option> </select> <input type="button" value="Convert" onclick="convertUnit()" /> <input type="text" name="toField" readonly="readonly" /> <select name="toList"> <option value="" selected="selected">Unit</option> <option name="toKilogram" id="toKilogram" value="1.0">kg</option> <option name="toPound" id="toPound" value="2.2">lb</option> <option name="toCentimeter" id="toCentimeter" value="2.54">cm</option> <option name="toInch" id="toInch" value="1.0">in</option> </select> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> </form> </body> </html> Hi, I need to create a currency converter using a drop down menu. Firstly i needed to do a regular expressions check to make sure only numerics are entered and I got that. The one thing im pretty confused on is how to do the calculations in the actual function. Ive popped the code below, and if anyone could give me some hints on how to get the data from the drop down menu and calculate it properly that would be awesome. Thanks. -oh and i know all my coding is here but i think its relevent that you can view it all. Code: <html> <head> <style type ="text/css"> @import url(style.css); </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function convert() { var OK = true; var inDollar= document.getElementById('dollars').value; var regex= /^\d{1,}$/; if (!regex.test(inDollar)) { OK=false; alert('Australian Dollars must be entered as numeric with no decimal places'); } return OK; var rate= country.conversion.value; if (document.getElementByID('conversion').selectedIndex == 0) { var rate= country.conversion.value; var convert = inDollar*rate; alert('$'+inDollar+' converts to'+rate+' US Dollars'); } if (document.getElementByID('conversion').selectedIndex == 1) { var rate= country.conversion.value; var convert = inDollar*rate; alert('$'+inDollar+' converts to'+rate+' Euro'); } if (document.getElementByID('conversion').selectedIndex == 2) { var rate= country.conversion.value; var convert = inDollar*rate; alert('$'+inDollar+' converts to'+rate+' Yuan'); } if (document.getElementByID('conversion').selectedIndex == 3) { var rate= country.conversion.value; var convert = inDollar*rate; alert('$'+inDollar+' converts to'+rate+' Yen'); } } </script> </head> <body> <h1>Currency Page</h1> <form> Australian Dollars:<input type="text" name="dollars" id="dollars" /> <br /> Convert to: <select id='conversion' name='country'> <option value=".73">US Dollars</option> <option value=".62">Euro</option> <option value="5.8">Chinese Yuan</option> <option value="78.5">Japanese Yen</option> </select> <br /> <input type="button" value="Convert" onClick="convert()" /> </form> </body> </html> I can only seem to find really complicated ones online, nothing simple which i think this is. Thanks I imagine this would be very simple for someone who knows javascript. I want to have three fields. First field is "posted speed limit", second field is "actual speed" and third field will be the output field. All the script needs to do it subtract the posted speed from the actual speed and add a ZERO to the end; which is the amount of the speeding ticket. The minimum fine is $100, however. So, 5 miles over the speed limit would be $100 (minimum value) 15 miles over the speed limit would be $150 (add a zero) 35 miles over the speed limit would be $350. etc. I know very little Javascript, if anyone could help me out with this, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Sean I'm working on a technical document that has a glossary section. When I use a technical term, I link to its definition in the glossary then provide a return link to return the user to whence they came. But if I use that same term again, and if I want to link it to the glossary, I need to duplicate the glossary entry in order to provide a return link that returns them to the right place. Is there some way I could link them to the glossary and embed a unique return link in the link to the glossary?
I've been using this slidehsow but each time I click on a link (Newsflash) it goes to, even though each link goes to a different website, it looks like the last link of the last slidehsow is the one which controls all the slidehsow links link of slidshow as you can see from the code each link for each slidehsow should go to a diffrent website. Code: <div class="lof-main-outer"> <ul class="lof-main-wapper"> <li> <img src="images/791902news3.jpg" title="Newsflash 2" height="300" width="900"> <div class="lof-main-item-desc"> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Newsflash 2" href="">Newsflash 2</a></h3> <p>The one thing about a Web site, it always changes! Joomla! makes it easy to add Articles, content,...</p> </div> </li> <li> <img src="images/435576news10.jpg" title="Newsflash 1" height="300" width="900"> <div class="lof-main-item-desc"> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Newsflash 1" href="">Newsflash 1</a></h3> <p>Joomla! makes it easy to launch a Web site of any kind. Whether you want a brochure site or you are...</p> </div> </li> <li> <img src="images/641906img1.jpg" title="Newsflash 3" height="300" width="900"> <div class="lof-main-item-desc"> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Newsflash 3" href="">Newsflash 3</a></h3> <p>With a library of thousands of free Extensions, you can add what you need as your site grows. Don't...</p> </div> </li> <li> <img src="images/416719news7.jpg" title="Newsflash 5" height="300" width="900"> <div class="lof-main-item-desc"> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Newsflash 5" href="">Newsflash 5</a></h3> <p>Joomla! 1.5 - 'Experience the Freedom'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web...</p> </div> </li> <li> <img src="images/416719news7.jpg" title="Newsflash 5" height="300" width="900"> <div class="lof-main-item-desc"> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Newsflash 5" href="">Newsflash 5</a></h3> <p>Joomla! 1.5 - 'Experience the Freedom'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web...</p> </div> </li> <li> <img src="images/416719news7.jpg" title="Newsflash 5" height="300" width="900"> <div class="lof-main-item-desc"> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Newsflash 5" href="">Newsflash 5</a></h3> <p>Joomla! 1.5 - 'Experience the Freedom'!. It has never been easier to create your own dynamic Web...</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> I know you may think... why is he doing this? There is a reason, this is just the simplified version. Code: <a href="URL TO COPY" id="COPYME">Next</a> <a href="COPIED URL HERE VIA JAVASCRIPT" >Next</a> Hello and good morning... I am a locking for a script, so i can open this: <div class="topprofile"><a href="index.php?side=editprofile#editpw">Edit password</div> After i have push in this, "topprofile" button, i want to have link like this: http://localhost/index.php?side=editprofile#editpw Can you plaese help me with this one? Hi, I have a flash code, I need to add alink in this code, but I don't know how I can. This is the link I want to add "" Thanks. Code: Code: <div id="wb_Flash1" style="margin:0;padding:0;position:absolute;width:300px;height:60px;text-align:left;z-index:0;"> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" <param name="movie" value=""> <embed src="" width="300" height="60"> </embed> </object></div> . Hi all, Trying to something i guess is pretty basic but i cant seem to get it working. I have a page with an iframe name="grid" and on that page i am also running a mootools script which toggles a pannel. The javascript for the pannel is: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function(){ var mySlide = new Fx.Slide('top-panel'); $('toggle').addEvent('click', function(e){ e = new Event(e); mySlide.toggle(); e.stop(); }); }); </script> so this link opens the pannel Code: <a href="#" id="toggle">Show Panel</a> However, i want to make a it so that one link can both call a page in the iframe AND toggle the pannel. I tried: Code: <a href="page_to_call.htm" target="grid" id="toggle">Show panel and call page in iframe</a> but no joy. I want more than one link to be able to do this (calling different pages to the iframe and each one toggling the pannel) Can anyone help? Thanks loads in advance for any reply. All, If I want to do the following: Code: result="<h2><strong>Home</strong></h2>The site idea is pretty simple. There are creeps everywhere and we want to point them out. Killing time during work or school never hurt anyone either. Help us out and give your friends something to enjoy. Make sure to submit your <a href="testurl.html">Test</a>"; How can I escape the URL because after that I want to do: Code: document.getElementById('showdata').innerHTML = result; I can't figure out why this isn't working. I'm calling a function from a link in an iFrame, but I want a second function (which builds upon the first) to be called a second after the first one. So I have this: <a href="javascriptarent.func1();setTimeout('parent.func2', 1000)">Click here</a> setTimeout works when it's the only function I'm calling, but it appears that having the two together erases the delayed function. Thoughts? ~gyz |