JavaScript - Help Adding Validation For Image Upload Field
Hello Everyone,
I need to add some sort of validation that will only allow users to upload .jpg files. I really need to add this to an existing script I've already written. I've seen scripts and tutorials that add the jpg validation but only incorporate the image field of the form. I need the script to validate several forms in the field, not just one. When I try to add validation for the jpg field to the follow script everything stops working. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks! Code: <form id="uploadForm" method=post class="upload" action=submit_script.php enctype='multipart/form-data' onsubmit="return validate_form(this)"> <p><b>First Name</b><br/> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="name_first" size="40"></p> <p><b>Last Name</b><br/> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="name_last" size="40"></p> <p><b>School Name</b><br/> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="name_school" size="40"></p> <p><b>Your School E-Mail</b><font class="super">1</font><br/> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="school_email" size="40"></p> <p><b>Your File</b><font class="super">4,5</font><br/> <input id="userfile1" name="userfile1" type="file" size="30"></p> <p><input name="upload" type="submit" class="box" id="upload" value="Submit Your Poster" onClick=";"></p> </form> Code: function validate_required_field(field,alertText) { with (field) { if (value==null||value=="") { YAHOO.example.container.wait.hide(); alert(alertText); return false; } else { return true; } } } function validate_email(field,alertText) { with (field) { apos=value.indexOf("@"); dotpos=value.lastIndexOf("."); if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) { YAHOO.example.container.wait.hide(); alert(alertText); return false; } else { return true; } } } function validate_form(thisform) { with (thisform) { if (validate_required_field(name_first,"Please enter a value in the 'First Name' field before continuing")==false) { name_first.focus(); return false } } with (thisform) { if (validate_required_field(name_last,"Please enter a value in the 'Last Name' field before continuing")==false) { name_last.focus(); return false } } with (thisform) { if (validate_required_field(name_school,"Please enter a value in the 'School Name' field before continuing")==false) { name_school.focus(); return false } } with (thisform) { if (validate_required_field(school_email,"Please enter a value in the 'School Email' field before continuing")==false) { school_email.focus(); return false } } with (thisform) { if (validate_email(school_email,"Please enter a valid email address before continuing")==false) { school_email.focus(); return false } } } Similar TutorialsHey all. I have a simple validation I need to do. I need to just make sure that a Checkbox is checked, and that a Text field has content. Sounds simple but I cannot find any thing that has a check and a text field. Here what I have. Can I modify this script to do this? A Checkbox MUST be checked and Text field MUST be filled out. This currently does the text field fine, but no Checkbox obviously. How can I add a checkbox validation to this? Thats it. Any help is appreciated. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var textFields = ["digsig"]; function validateForm( ) { var oops = ""; // must initialize this! var form = document.sig; for ( var t = 0; t < textFields.length; ++t ) { var field = form[textFields[t]]; var value = field.value.replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,""); // trim the input if ( value.length < 1 ) { oops += "You MUST enter your Digital Signature"; } } if ( oops != "" ) { alert("ERROR:" + oops); return false; } } } </script> Code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>New Page 2</title> </head> <script type="text/javascript"> var strWord = document.myForm.txtWord.value; function validateWord() { while(strWord == document.formname.myForm.value.length > 8 && var ichars = "PJ" ); { alert ("OK."); } } </SCRIPT> <form name="myForm" action="" method="" onsubmit="return false"> <p> <input name="txtWord" size="25" value="Enter Word Here"> </p> <p> <input type="button" value="Validate The Word" name="cmdValidateWord" onclick ="validateWord()"> </p> </html> Hi, I'm having trouble getting this code to work. It needs to check if the user has entered the correct characters into a field. A valid word should have a P at the start, and contain a J somewhere in it. If the word is valid, a box pops up saying "OK" once the user has clicked the ValidateWord button. It also needs to keep this kind of structure (ie. a while construct & validated through pressing a button). This is purely for personal education about performance of "while" constructs for field validation. Any help is hugely appreciated. Hello, I am trying to create a function that tests to see if the text field that I create in my markup contains numbers. Please help. Thank you. Hi, I want to pop up message incase of validation failure of form field. If I use document.write("name shold be between 2 to 15 char only") it redirects to new page and gives this message.......... if I use alert than incase or 2 or more validation fail it gives multiple or one by one alert boxes. I want to to displey my message near to field............... Code: function validateForm() { var x=document.forms["regform"]["email_id"].value; var atpos=x.indexOf("@"); var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf("."); if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length) { alert("Not a valid e-mail address"); return false; } } Hello, I have a three field contact form on an HTML5 page. Using CSS3/HTML5 techniques, the fields change state as the info is entered properly (green OK symbol if good, red "!" if not, etc). That all works as expected in all browsers. My final hurdle is preventing the form being submitted with nothing entered in the fields. I have done hours of research and have tried several ways of writing the checkFeedbackForm function. My problem is that none of the solutions I've found are recognized by FireFox (mac and pc) and IE. They just ignore the javascript and allow the empty form to be emailed. Here is the code that is checking the fields: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function checkFeedbackForm(form){ if(form.fullname.value=='') { alert('Please enter your Name'); form.fullname.focus(); return false; } if('') { alert('Please enter a valid Email address');; return false; } if(form.message.value=='') { alert('Please tell me a little bit about your ideas.'); form.message.focus(); return false; } return true; } </script> Here is my form: Code: <form id="signup" action="mailinfo.php" method="post" onSubmit="return checkFeedbackForm(this);" > <input type="hidden" name="returnURL" value="thankyou.html" /> <fieldset><ol> <li><label for="fullname">Name</label> <input type="text" id="fullname" name="fullname" placeholder="Your name" required /></li> <li><label for="email">Email</label> <input type="email" id="email" name="email" placeholder="Your email" title="Please enter a valid email" required /></li> <li><label for="message">Message</label> <textarea id="message" name="message" cols="32" rows="8" placeholder="Your message" required /></textarea></li></ol> </fieldset> <input type="submit" value="Send It" /> <div class="privacy">Your information is for our project only and will not be shared or sold. Promise.</div> </form> Through experimentation, I have found that removing the ID from the form allows the javascript to function in all browsers, but that kills my form styling. I think it will be easier to fix the javascript than redo my CSS. This may be obvious, but I'm not a programmer. I'm a designer who muddles through on small scale stuff like this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks. Hi. I'm trying to get my script below working. I've managed to get it to add fields dynamically but the remove function isn't right... and I can't think of a way round it. any ideas? also.. how can i incorporate a way for a limit on the number of fields that can be added? cheers! any help would be very appreciated. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function addInput() { var x = document.getElementById("inputs"); x.innerHTML += "<input type=\"text\" />"; } function removeInput() { var x = document.getElementById("inputs"); x.innerHTML -= "<input type=\"text\" />"; } </script> <input type="button" value="add field" onclick="addInput();" /> <input type="button" value="remove field" onclick="removeInput();" /> <div id="inputs"></div> .. update: ah, i've just looked into the operators in more details and -= is just for numbers... so this won't work. i presume this is going to be the wrong method then. Hi, My code seems to work individually it is when I try to do multiple input validation that everything goes wrong. I have tried at the moment to cut it down to just two validation inputs to simplify things, but the more I try and play around with it the worse it seems to get. I know a lot of people post about this but I have tried comparing to other people's codes and solutions and just can't work out what is wrong. I would be incredibly grateful for any help. Code: <html> <title>Sign Up</title> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function validate_email(field,alerttxt) { with (field) { apos=value.indexOf("@"); dotpos=value.lastIndexOf("."); if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) {alert(alerttxt);return false;} else {return true;} } } function validate_fname(field,alerttxt) { with (field) { if (fname=="enter firstname" OR fname="") {alert(alerttxt);return false;} else {return true;} } } function validate_form(thisform) { with (thisform) { if (validate_email(email,"The email address you entered is not a valid email address!")==false) {email.focus();return false;} else {return true;} } { if (validate_fname(fname,"Please enter your firstname!")==false) {cemail.focus();return false;} else {return true;} } } </script> </head> <body> <form action="userdetails" id="signupForm" onsubmit="return validate_form(this)" method="post"> <fieldset class="two"> <legend>Your Information:</legend> <br /> <br /> <label class="two">First name:</label> <input type="text" class="input" required="required" name="fname" value="enter firstname" onclick="this.value='';" onfocus="" onblur="this.value=!this.value?'enter firstname':this.value;" size="30%" /> <br /> <br /> <label class="two">Email:</label> <input type="text" class="input" name="email" value="enter email address" onclick="this.value='';" onfocus="" onblur="this.value=!this.value?'enter email address':this.value;" size="30%" /> <br /> <br /> </fieldset> <br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/> </form> </body> </html> Hey guys, I have a script which adds more text fields to a div in a form, but when it adds a new field the text in the others is cleared. :S PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Draw Somthing - Word Guess</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function add_field(obj, count) { //Count how many fields there is so the correct number can be added to the ID var form_name = document.getElementById(obj); var inputs = form_name.getElementsByTagName('input'); var g = 1; //alert("Container: " + obj + ". Inputs: " + inputs.length); for ( var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { var node = inputs[i]; if (node.getAttribute('type') == 'text') { g++; } } //Field to add to the form if (!count) { if (g < 9) { var text_field_html = "<input type=\"text\" id=\"input" + g + "\" name=\"input" + g + "\" /><input type=\"button\" value=\"X\" onClick=\"remove_field(\'text_field_container\', this)\" id=\"close" + g + "\"/>"; form_name.innerHTML += text_field_html + "<br id=\"br_" + g + "\" />"; } } } function remove_field(parent_id, r_obj) { var parent = document.getElementById(parent_id); var child = document.getElementById(; var num =; var child2 = document.getElementById('input' + num); var child3 = document.getElementById("br_" + num); parent.removeChild(child); parent.removeChild(child2); parent.removeChild(child3); } </script> </head> <body> <br /> <form id="add_words" action="test.php" method="post"> <div id="text_field_container"> <input type="text" id="input1" name="input1" /><input type="button" value="X" id="close1" onClick="remove_field('text_field_container', this)"/> <br id="br_1" /> </div> <input type="button" value="Add more..." onclick="add_field('text_field_container')" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="" /> </form> </body> </html> when user clicks submit first it should check to see if a name from the dropdown has been selected then it should check to make sure all radio buttons were selected. code to check if a name was selected in the drop down. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload=function(){ document.forms[0].onsubmit=function(){ return formValid(this); } } function formValid(formObj){ var sel=formObj.getElementsByTagName('select'); var len=sel.length; var msg = "You forgot to select your name" var flg=false; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ if(sel[i].selectedIndex==0){ msg; flg=true; } } if(flg){ alert(msg); return false; }else{ return true; } } </script> <br><br> <html> code that checks to see if all radio buttons were selected. Code: function validateTest() { var focus_me = null; var msg = ""; var form = document.forms[0]; for ( var game = 1; game <= 999999; ++game ) { var rbg = form["game" + game]; if ( rbg == null ) break; // no more games if ( ! rbg[0].checked && ! rbg[1].checked ) { msg += rbg[0].value + " vs. " + rbg[1].value + "\n"; focus_me = focus_me || rbg[0]; } } if (msg != "") { var prefix = "\n WARNING: The following Games(s) were not selected:\n\n"; var suffix = "\nClick OK and select all games before clicking submit.\n\n"; alert(prefix + msg + suffix); if (focus_me) focus_me.focus(); return false; } else{ return true; } } Code: center> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="submit" onClick="Validate(this.form, 'game1')"> </FORM> how can i add these two functions together so it validates both? I have a phone number field on my form that needs validation, but I'm not sure how to code this. I have the following function to validate a first name is entered and last name. The phone number field must match a 7 digit or 10 digit(with area code)phone number. I want to be able to include paranthese and/or hyphens for the valid phone number. function checkForm1() { if (document.forms[0].firstname.value.length == 0) { alert("You must put in a first name"); return false; } else if (document.forms[0].lastname.value.length == 0) { alert("You must put in a last name"); return false; } I am Gururaj. I have written a form in HTML which contains username,lastname,email,password and submit. I have written a javascript to validate this form [validate(username,lastname,email,password)]. On submit this javascript function will be called and hence form get validated. I am passing all the arguements(username,lastname,email and password) to the javascript function.. Is it possible to make me a code such that it should call an individual function for each field in the form.for ex:if i have not entered username, last name in the form and attempt to submit, only username arguement should be passed to the function as it comes first in the form. In other sense i want to validate individual text field validation of my form. So can anybody help me.It will be very needful to me. I'm only validating one (Consent) radio button with this code but i need to validate multiple different questions/buttons. Code: <script> function getRBtnName(GrpName) { var sel = document.getElementsByName(GrpName); var fnd = -1; var str = ''; for (var i=0; i<sel.length; i++) { if (sel[i].checked == true) { str = sel[i].value; fnd = i; } } return fnd; } function checkForm() { var chosen = getRBtnName('Consent'); if (chosen < 0) { alert( "Please choose one answer when you are asked to select a number." ); return false; } else { return true; } } </script> <form action="congratulations_aff.php" method="post" name="congratulations_aff" onSubmit="return checkForm()"> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3">I consent to providing my electronic signature.</p></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" valign="top"> <input type="radio" name="Consent" value="Y" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="Consent" value="N" /> No <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td>I consent to electronic receipt of my information reporting documentation.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <input type="radio" name="Consent1099YesNo" value="Y" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="Consent1099YesNo" value="N" /> No</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> For tax purposes are you a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident, U.S. partnership, or U.S. corporation? <input type="radio" name="USPersonYesNo" value="Y" /> Yes <input type="radio" name="USPersonYesNo" value="N" /> No</tr> </table> <input type="submit" value="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am finishing up my Form page, and totally forgot to have a numeric only field. So I added it and I can't get it to work. I also am having issues throwing an error when you don't select at least one topping. And are these lines correct? Code: document.cookie = "toppings=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementsByName("toppings[]").value); Code: document.cookie = "extra=" + encodeURIComponent(extra); Here is a link to the page hosted on my dropbox Javascript: Code: function validateOrder () { var crustSelection = document.orderForm.crust.value; var crustPrice; //Adds $1 for Deep DishParmesagn, and Sourdough var count = 0; //Amount of Toppings Selected var choice = ""; //Toppings Selected list var x = ""; //Don't need for the Cookie var extra = 0; //extra charge for toppings over 3 try{ var error = ""; // Initialize Var to store the error messages. if(document.getElementById("delivery").checked != true && document.getElementById("takeout").checked != true) { error=error+"Order Type is required.\n" } if(document.getElementById("fname").value == "") { error = error + "First Name is required.\n"; } if(document.getElementById("lname").value == "") { error = error + "Last Name is required.\n"; } if(document.getElementById("address").value == "") { error = error + "Street address is required.\n"; } if (isNaN(document.getElementById("quantity"))) { error = error + "Enter Pizza Quantity in Numbers Only.\n"; } if(document.getElementById("crust").value == "") { error = error + "Crust Type is required.\n"; } if(document.getElementsByName("toppings").value == 0) { error = error + "Select at Least One Topping.\n"; } if(error == "") { // save all the information in the cookie document.cookie = "firstName=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("fname").value); document.cookie = "lastName=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("lname").value); document.cookie = "address=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("address").value); document.cookie = "order=" + encodeURIComponent((document.getElementById("delivery").checked) ? "delivery" : "takeout"); document.cookie = "quantity=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("quantity").value); document.cookie = "quantity=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("quantity").value); document.cookie = "crust=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById("crust").value); document.cookie = "toppings=" + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementsByName("toppings[]").value); alert("Order successfully Placed!"); } else { alert(error); } } catch(ex) { alert("An error occurred!.\n" + "Error Name : " + + "\nError Message : " + ex.message); } for (var i=1; i<11; i++) { x = document.orderForm['toppings' + i].value; if (document.orderForm['toppings' + i].checked) { choice = choice + " " + x ; count ++; } } if (choice.length <= 0) { choice = choice + "NONE"; } if (count > 3) { extra = (count - 3) * 1 } document.cookie = "extra=" + encodeURIComponent(extra); } </script> HTML: Code: <form name = "orderForm" onsubmit="validateOrder()"> <table width="600" border="0"> <tr> <th scope="col" width="400" align="left"><b>First Name</b><br /><input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" size=30> <br /> <br /> <b>Last Name</b><br /> <input type="text" id="lname" name="lname" size=30> <br /> <br /> <b>Street Address</b><br /> <input type="text" id="address" name="address" size=30> <br /> <br /> <input name="orderType" value="delivery" id="delivery" type="radio">Delivery</font> <input name="orderType" value="takeOut" id="takeout" type="radio">Take Out</font></th> <th scope="col" width="200" align="Left"> How Many Pizzas? <input type="text" id="quantity" name="quantity" size=5> <br /> <br /> <select name="crust" id="crust"> <option selected value="false">Select Crust Type</option> <option value="regular">Regular Crust</option> <option value="thin">Thin Crust</option> <option value="deep">Deep Dish</option> <option value="Parmesagn">Parmesagn Cheese</option> <option value="sourdough">Sourdough</option> </select> <br /> <br /> Select at Least One Topping: <br /> <br /> <input name = "toppings1" type = "checkbox" value = "extraCheese"> Extra Cheese<br> <input name = "toppings2" type = "checkbox" value = "sausage"> Sausage<br> <input name = "toppings3" type = "checkbox" value = "pepperoni"> Pepperoni<br> <input name = "toppings4" type = "checkbox" value = "bacon"> Bacon<br> <input name = "toppings5" type = "checkbox" value = "canadianBacon"> Canadian Bacon<br> <input name = "toppings6" type = "checkbox" value = "mushroom"> Mushroom<br> <input name = "toppings7" type = "checkbox" value = "pineapple"> Pineapple<br> <input name = "toppings8" type = "checkbox" value = "onion"> Onion<br> <input name = "toppings9" type = "checkbox" value = "olive"> Olive<br> <input name = "toppings10" type = "checkbox" value = "greenPepper"> Green Pepper<br></th> </tr> </table> <input name="submit" type="submit" value="submit" /><input name="" type="reset" /> </form> Hey CF, I'm currently working on a website called 'eXtreme Gaming' I've almost completed it, apart from two things. - Adding two values on my checkout page for the Grandtotal (I've tried everything, but I'm too much of a noob and have probably missed something small). - Validation of forms (I don't know where to start here, I've looked on w3schools for tuts etc but I'm having difficulty incorporating it on my site) I'm going to put the code for my checkOut page only, if you are able to help me many thanks in advance. [quote] Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <script language="JavaScript" src="laptopsCookie.js"> </script> <script language="JavaScript" src="desktopsCookie.js"> </script> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function calculateTotalPurchaseLaptop(formRef) { var laptopTotal=0; for (var i=0; i<LaptopListPurchase.length/2;i++) { var subTotal = formRef.elements['quantity'+i].value * formRef.elements['price'+i].value; formRef.elements['subTotal'+i].value = subTotal.toFixed(2); // document.orderForm2.grandTotal.value = document.orderForm.laptopTotal.value + document.orderForm2.desktopTotal.value laptopTotal += subTotal; } formRef.laptopTotal.value = laptopTotal.toFixed(2); } //--></script> <script language="JavaScript"><!-- function calculateTotalPurchaseDesktop(formRef) { var desktopTotal=0; for (var i=0; i<DesktopListPurchase.length/2;i++) { var subTotal = formRef.elements['quantity'+i].value * formRef.elements['price'+i].value; formRef.elements['subTotal'+i].value = subTotal.toFixed(2); desktopTotal += subTotal; } formRef.desktopTotal.value = desktopTotal.toFixed(2); } //--></script> <script language="Javascript"><!-- function checkform() { if (document.payment.Name.value == "") { alert('Please enter a name'); return false; } //else if(isNaN(document.payment.CreditCard.value) || document.payment.CreditCard.length !== 10) //{ // alert('Invalid Credit Card Number'); // return false; //} else if (document.payment.Adress.value == "") { alert('Please enter your adress.'); return false; } else if (document.payment.State.selectedIndex == 0) { alert('Please select a state'); return false; } return true; } </script> </HEAD> <BODY> <TITLE>Check Out</TITLE> <script> var html = ""; html += '<TABLE align="center"><tr><td><img src = "images/checkOutTitle.png" align="center" style="border:none" /></td></tr></TABLE>'; html += '<TABLE align = "center" border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="80%">' html += '<form id = "orderForm" name = "orderForm" method = POST action="javascript:void(0)">'; html += '<tr>'; html += '<th>Product</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Price</th><th>Sub Total</th>'; html += '</tr>'; for (var i=0; i<LaptopListPurchase.length;i=i+2) { html += '<tr><td>' + LaptopListPurchase[i] + '</td>'; html += '<td><select NAME="quantity' + i/2 + '" onChange="calculateTotalPurchaseLaptop(this.form)">'; html += '<OPTION VALUE="0">0</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="1">1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="2">2</OPTION>'; html += '<OPTION VALUE="3">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="4">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="5">5</OPTION>'; html += '</select></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type="text" name="price' + i/2 + '" size=5 value="' + LaptopListPurchase[i+1] + '" readonly></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type="text" name="subTotal' + i/2 + '" size=5 value="0.00" readonly></td>'; html += '</tr>'; } html += '<tr>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type=TEXT name="laptopTotal" value="" readonly size=7></td></tr>'; html += '</form>'; html += '</table>'; document.write(html); // Update the quantities // var quantityLaptop; for (var i=0; i<LaptopList.length/2;i++) { // Get the quantity of each type of Laptop // quantityLaptop = getCookie("Laptop" + i); document.orderForm.elements("quantity"+i).value = quantityLaptop; } // Update the totals // calculateTotalPurchaseLaptop(document.orderForm) var html = ""; html += '<TABLE align = "center" border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="80%">' html += '<form id = "orderForm2" name = "orderForm2" method = POST action="javascript:void(0)">'; html += '<tr>'; html += '<th>Product</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Price</th><th>Sub Total</th>'; html += '</tr>'; for (var i=0; i<DesktopListPurchase.length;i=i+2) { html += '<tr><td>' + DesktopListPurchase[i] + '</td>'; html += '<td><select NAME="quantity' + i/2 + '" onChange="calculateTotalPurchaseDesktop(this.form)">'; html += '<OPTION VALUE="0">0</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="1">1</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="2">2</OPTION>'; html += '<OPTION VALUE="3">3</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="4">4</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="5">5</OPTION>'; html += '</select></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type="text" name="price' + i/2 + '" size=5 value="' + DesktopListPurchase[i+1] + '" readonly></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type="text" name="subTotal' + i/2 + '" size=5 value="0.00" readonly></td>'; html += '</tr>'; } html += '<tr>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type=TEXT name="desktopTotal" value="0.00" readonly size=7></td></tr>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td></td>'; html += '<td align = "center"><b>Grand Total</b></td>'; html += '<td>$<input type=TEXT name="grandTotal" value="0.00" readonly size=7></td></tr>'; html += '</form>'; html += '</table>'; document.write(html); // Update the quantities // var quantityDesktop; for (var i=0; i<DesktopList.length/2;i++) { // Get the quantity of each type of Desktop // quantityDesktop = getCookie("Desktop" + i); document.orderForm2.elements("quantity"+i).value = quantityDesktop; } // Update the totals // calculateTotalPurchaseDesktop(document.orderForm2) </script> <table align = 'center'> <tr> <td><h1>Pay for your Purchase Below</h1></td> </tr> </table> <table border="1" align = 'center' > <form name="payment" method="post"> <tr> <td> Name on Credit Card: <input type="text" name="Name" /><br /> Credit Card number: <input type="text" name="CreditCard" /><br /> Street Adress: <input type="text" name="Adress" /><br /> Town: <input type="text" name="Town" /><br /> State/Territory: <select NAME="State"><OPTION VALUE="Null">--</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="Australian Capital Territory">ACT</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="South Australia">SA</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="Northen Territory">NT</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="Queensland">QLD</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="Victoria">Vic</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="Western Australia">WA</OPTION><OPTION VALUE="Tasmania">Tas</OPTION></select> </td> <td> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Master Card" VALUE="Master Card">Master Card<BR> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Visa" VALUE="Visa">Visa<BR> <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="AMEX" VALUE="American Express">American Express<BR> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="return checkform()"></td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML>[ /quote] I've set up a mock registration form page so I can learn a bit about javascript's form validation. (newbie) I want to try to attempt to style the border of a form field green when the user enters the correct info into the form text field and red on all other fields if the user doesnt enter any info into them. When i test it, enter the right info into the username field, leave the others blank, and hit the submit button it styles the username field green ok but it doesnt make the next fields (password and so on) red. Could someone please explain what I am doing wrong? here is my code so far... Note: just for testing purposes I've put return false on everything so it displays a message when everythings ok. Code: .... <script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { document.forms[0].username.focus(); } function validate(form) { var form = document.getElementById("reg"); var e = document.getElementById("error"); = "red"; for(var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var el = form.elements[i]; if(el.type == "text" || el.type == "password") { if(el.value == "") { e.innerHTML = "Please fill in all fields!"; = "1px solid red"; el.focus(); return false; } else { = "1px solid green"; return false; } } } var un = form.username; un.value = un.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); if((un.value.length < 3)|| (/[^a-z0-9\_]/gi.test(un.value))) { e.innerHTML = "Only letters,numbers and the underscore are allowed (no spaces) - 3-16 characters"; un.focus(); return false; } var pw = form.password; pw.value = pw.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); if((pw.value.length < 3) || (/[^a-z0-9]/gi.test(pw.value))) { e.innerHTML = "Only letters and numbers are allowed (no spaces) - 3-16 characters"; pw.focus(); return false; } e.innerHTML = "You filled in all the fields, well done!"; = "green"; return false; } </script> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"> <h1>My Cool Website</h1> </div> <div id="content"> <div class="padding"> <h2>Registration</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus. Aenean viverra malesuada libero. Fusce ac quam. Donec neque. Nunc venenatis enim nec quam. Cras faucibus, justo vel accumsan aliquam, tellus dui fringilla quam, in condimentum augue lorem non tellus. Pellentesque id arcu non sem placerat iaculis. Curabitur posuere, pede vitae lacinia accumsan, enim nibh elementum orci, ut volutpat eros sapien nec sapien. Suspendisse neque arcu, ultrices commodo, pellentesque sit amet, ultricies ut, ipsum. Mauris et eros eget erat dapibus mollis. Mauris laoreet posuere odio. Nam ipsum ligula, ullamcorper eu, fringilla at, lacinia ut, augue. Nullam nunc.</p> <form id="reg" action="#" method="post" onsubmit="return validate(this)"> <div id="error"></div> <div><label for="username">Username</label></div> <div><input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="30" maxlength="16" /></div> <div><label for="password">Password</label></div> <div><input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="30" maxlength="16" /></div> <div><label for="c_password">Confirm Password</label></div> <div><input type="password" name="c_password" id="c_password" size="30" maxlength="16" /></div> <div><label for="email">Email address</label></div> <div><input type="text" name="email" id="email" size="30" maxlength="200" /></div> <div><label for="c_email">Confirm Email address</label></div> <div><input type="text" name="c_email" id="c_email" size="30" maxlength="200" /></div> <div><label for="firstname">First name</label></div> <div><input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" size="30" maxlength="100" /></div> <div><label for="surname">Surname</label></div> <div><input type="text" name="surname" id="surname" size="30" maxlength="100" /></div> <div><label for="gender">Gender</label></div> <div> <div><input type="radio" name="gender" id="gender" value="m" checked="checked" />Male</div> <div><input type="radio" name="gender" value="f" />Female</div> </div> <div><input type="submit" value="Register" name="submit" /></div> </form> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <p>Copyright © 2009 My Cool Website</p> </div> </div> </body> </html> Hi guys, I am trying to re-work some pre-written Javascript code at which I am a novice at (I'm more CSS, HTML, PHP...). I am trying to validate a form field for a Purchaser's last name while accounting for an apostrophe if they have one in their last name. I bet it's something simple, but I still haven't been able to figure it out, or write it correctly: Code: function checkPurchaserName() { var err = false; var f = $(getApogeeElement('purchaser_name_first')); var l = $(getApogeeElement('purchaser_name_last')); if ( f && l && ( f.value.toLowerCase() != first.toLowerCase() || l.value.toLowerCase() != last.toLowerCase() ) ) { error_list[error_list.length] = 'The name of the purchaser must match the applicant.'; errorHighlight(f); err = true; } return err; } As an example. I started the purchasing process with the name "Patrick O'Malley". At the end page where this validation occurs, they have (2) text boxes, one for "first name" and one for "last name". They must type the same exact name for purchaser that they did for applicant, so "Patrick", then "O'Malley" Can someone please put me on the right track? Thanks. Hi, I have a working contact form with 3 of the fields requiring validation and they work well. I have added extra fields to the form (StatusClass, Project, CameFrom). These 3 fields return fine but I need to validated them. My problem is that the new fields don't show in the behaviours/validate panel even though they are within the form tag. Can anyone give me any help and advice as to how to accomplish this? Many thanks Code below.... Code: <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_validateForm() { //v4.0 var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors='',args=MM_validateForm.arguments; for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) { test=args[i+2]; val=MM_findObj(args[i]); if (val) {; if ((val=val.value)!="") { if (test.indexOf('isEmail')!=-1) { p=val.indexOf('@'); if (p<1 || p==(val.length-1)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain an e-mail address.\n'; } else if (test!='R') { num = parseFloat(val); if (isNaN(val)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number.\n'; if (test.indexOf('inRange') != -1) { p=test.indexOf(':'); min=test.substring(8,p); max=test.substring(p+1); if (num<min || max<num) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number between '+min+' and '+max+'.\n'; } } } else if (test.charAt(0) == 'R') errors += '- '+nm+' is required.\n'; } } if (errors) alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n'+errors); document.MM_returnValue = (errors == ''); } //--> </script > Code: <form action="contact_us.asp" method="post" name="contact" target="_parent" class="contentText" id="contact" onsubmit="MM_validateForm('FullName','','R','Telephone','','RisNum','Email','','RisEmail');return document.MM_returnValue"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="54%" class="subHeader">Full Name* </td> <td width="46%" class="subHeader"><input name="FullName" type="text" id="FullName" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader">Company Name </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="CompanyName" type="text" id="CompanyName" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader">Address</td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Address1" type="text" id="Address1" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader"> </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Address2" type="text" id="Address2" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader"> </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Address3" type="text" id="Address3" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader">Postcode</td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Postcode" type="text" id="Postcode" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader">Telephone Number* </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Telephone" type="text" id="Telephone" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader">Mobile Number </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Mobile" type="text" id="Mobile" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="25" class="subHeader">Email Address* </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Email" type="text" id="Email" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="30" class="subHeader">Status*</td> <td class="subHeader"><select name="StatusClass" id="StatusClass"> <option selected="selected">Please Choose</option> <option>Architect</option> <option>Interior Designer</option> <option>Private Client</option> <option>Student</option> <option>Trade Enquiry</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="23" class="subHeader">Project*</td> <td class="subHeader"><select name="Project" size="1" id="Project"> <option selected="selected">Please Choose</option> <option>Planning Stages</option> <option>New Build</option> <option>Refurbishment</option> <option>Barn Conversion</option> <option>No project - information only</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="37" class="subHeader">How did you hear about us?*</td> <td class="subHeader"><select name="CameFrom" size="1" id="CameFrom"> <option selected="selected">Please Choose</option> <option>Web Search</option> <option>Grand Designs</option> <option>Living Etc</option> <option>Home Building & Renovation</option> <option>Architect</option> <option>Friend/Family</option> <option>Magazine/Editorial</option> <option>Newspaper Article</option> <option>Trade Show/Exhibition</option> <option>Other</option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="24" class="subHeader">Brochure Request </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Brochure" type="checkbox" id="Brochure" value="checkbox" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader">Message</td> <td class="subHeader"><span class="style4"> <textarea name="Message" id="Message"></textarea> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="subHeader"> </td> <td class="subHeader"><input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="subHeader"><em>* Required fields</em></td> </tr> </table> </form> Okay so i followed a tutorial on how to create a wysiwyg rich text editor. The script has a function that makes it possible to take an image uploaded on an another site and use it. What i want though is to let the user upload an image directly into the text editor. Is there a way to do that in javascript? and if so, can you guys please help me write it, cause i can't find anything on the web about it... ? btw, is it possible to write a function that allows the user to show a video from youtube just by entering the url address? Code: <div id="content"> <body onLoad="iFrameOn();"> <h1>Create a New Guide</h1> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="add_guide.php"> <h3>Guide Name <input name="guide" type="text" id="guide" size="50" maxlength="50" /></h3> <p> </p> <p> </p> <select name="class"> <option value="0">None</option> <option value="1">Scout</option> <option value="2">Soldier</option> <option value="3">Pyro</option> <option value="4">Demoman</option> <option value="5">Heavy</option> <option value="6">Engineer</option> <option value="7">Medic</option> <option value="8">Sniper</option> <option value="9"selected="selected">Spy</option> </select> <p> </p> <div id="wysiwyg_cp" style="padding:8px; width:700px;"> <input type="button" onClick="iBold()" value="B"> <input type="button" onClick="iUnderline()" value="U"> <input type="button" onClick="iItalic()" value="I"> <input type="button" onClick="iFontSize()" value="Text Size"> <input type="button" onClick="iForeColor()" value="Text Color"> <input type="button" onClick="iHorizontalRule()" value="HR"> <input type="button" onClick="iUnorderedList()" value="UL"> <input type="button" onClick="iOrderedList()" value="OL"> <input type="button" onClick="iLink()" value="Link"> <input type="button" onClick="iUnLink()" value="UnLink"> <input type="button" onClick="iImage()" value="Image"> </div> <!-- Hide(but keep)your normal textarea and place in the iFrame replacement for it --> <textarea style="display:none" name="content" cols="50" rows="10" id="content"></textarea> <iframe name="richTextField" id="richTextField" style="border:#000000 1px solid; width:700px; height:300px;"></iframe> <!-- End replacing your normal textarea --> <p> </p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" onClick="javascript:submit_form();" /> </form> </div> Code: function iFrameOn(){ richTextField.document.designMode = 'On'; } function iBold(){ richTextField.document.execCommand('bold',false,null); } function iUnderline(){ richTextField.document.execCommand('underline',false,null); } function iItalic(){ richTextField.document.execCommand('italic',false,null); } function iFontSize(){ var size = prompt('Enter a size 1 - 7', ''); richTextField.document.execCommand('FontSize',false,size); } function iForeColor(){ var color = prompt('Define a basic color or apply a hexadecimal color code for advanced colors:', ''); richTextField.document.execCommand('ForeColor',false,color); } function iHorizontalRule(){ richTextField.document.execCommand('inserthorizontalrule',false,null); } function iUnorderedList(){ richTextField.document.execCommand("InsertOrderedList", false,"newOL"); } function iOrderedList(){ richTextField.document.execCommand("InsertUnorderedList", false,"newUL"); } function iLink(){ var linkURL = prompt("Enter the URL for this link:", "http://"); richTextField.document.execCommand("CreateLink", false, linkURL); } function iUnLink(){ richTextField.document.execCommand("Unlink", false, null); } function iImage(){ var imgSrc = prompt('Enter image location', ''); if(imgSrc != null){ richTextField.document.execCommand('insertimage', false, imgSrc); } } function submit_form(){ var theForm = document.getElementById("form1"); theForm.elements["content"].value = window.frames['richTextField'].document.body.innerHTML; theForm.submit(); } |