JavaScript - Regexp To Validate Email Address Except Some Domain
I want to check the email address type in a contact form but want to reject it if it's from a certain domain I actually use this regexp : /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+\@([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4}$/ (taken from the jquery validationengine) to check if the email address is correctly formated but I'd like to reject it if contains hotmail between the @ and the . I tried many things but couldn't get something that works. If anyone has an idea, it would be greatly appreciated. Chag Similar TutorialsThe below code works ok but need our help to get it perfect. I want the function to validate that after the "@" the user types "". Code: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <title>New Page 1</title> <SCRIPT> function validateLP(theForm){ if(theForm.DM_Email){ var checkEmail =theForm.DM_Email.value; var invalidChars = " /:,;" if (checkEmail == "") { alert("Please enter a valid Wendys DM email address.");'#FFFF99'; theForm.DM_Email.focus(); return false; } if (checkEmail != "") { // can be empty for (i=0; i<invalidChars.length; i++) { // does it contain any invalid characters? var badChar = invalidChars.charAt(i) if (checkEmail.indexOf(badChar,0) > -1) { alert("Please enter a valid Wendys DM email address.");'#FFFF99'; theForm.DM_Email.focus(); return false; } } var periodPos1 =checkEmail.indexOf(".",1) // there must be one "." symbol var atPos = checkEmail.indexOf("@",periodPos1-1) // there must be one "." symbol before "@" var periodPos2 = checkEmail.indexOf(".",atPos) //periodPos2 = checkEmail.indexOf(".",atPos) if ( (atPos == -1) || (periodPos2 == -1)){ //return false alert("Please enter a valid Wendys DM email address.");'#FFFF99'; theForm.DM_Email.focus(); return false; } } } } </SCRIPT> </head> <body> <form method="POST" NAME="theForm" onSubmit="return validateLP(theForm)" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--"> <p><input type="text" name="DM_Email" size="20"></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2"></p> </form> </body> </html> I have this script to validate contact form fields. It works fine for checking that fields are not blank. I added the valid email code, which I copied from the w3schools web site. But, it does not work. I am confused about how to reference the email form field name. That is really the only thing I changed, that is, I added the frm.elements to the email variable. Can anyone please help? Thanks! Code: function validate_form(frm) { = "input"; = "input"; frm.elements.subject.className = "input"; frm.elements.comments.className = "input"; var errors=0; // // NAME cannot be blanks // if (isBlank( { = "inputreq"; errors++; } // // EMAIL ADDRESS cannot be blanks // if (isBlank( { = "inputreq"; errors++; } // // SUBJECT cannot be blanks // if (isBlank(frm.elements.subject.value)) { frm.elements.subject.className = "inputreq"; errors++; } // // COMMENTS cannot be blanks // if (isBlank(frm.elements.comments.value)) { frm.elements.comments.className = "inputreq"; errors++; } // // EMAIL ADDRESS appears invalid // if (validate_email(,"Not a valid e-mail address!")==false) { alert("TEST");; return false; } // // Errors // if (errors>0) { alert("Please enter all fields!"); return false; } //No errors //frm.submit(); } function isBlank(value) { regexp = /^\s*$/ return (value==null || regexp.test(value)); } // Validate email address function validate_email(field,alerttxt) { with (field) { apos=value.indexOf("@"); dotpos=value.lastIndexOf("."); if (apos<1||dotpos-apos<2) {alert(alerttxt);return false;} else {return true;} } } Hi everyone, this is my first post here and I hope that you can be of assistance!! I have an issue with a registration form. What I would like to do is only allow a certain email domain in the 'email' field. Eg. Only allowing email addresses, and all others would receive an error. This is the line of code that I believe needs changing: function isEmail(valor){if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,4})+$/.test(valor)){return(true)}else{return false;}} I am not too familiar with this but through my hours of research, I believe that I need to add something to this line. Thanks in advance. Hi there, I would like to validate the email address typed into the prompt message by the user, but to no avail. Can some kind soul help? Code: function addOption() { var new = prompt("Enter New Item:"); if (!new == "") { var answer = confirm ("Are you sure you want to add? ") if (answer)//if answer is true { var lst = document.getElementById('lstBx'); // listbox control id // Now we need to create a new 'option' tag to add to MyListbox for (var i = 0; i < lst.options.length; i++) { arrTexts = lst.options[i].text; if (arrTexts.toLowerCase() == newItem.toLowerCase()) { alert ("That email address is already included in the list - please enter another one."); break; } else { validRegExp = /^[^@]+@[^@]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i; strEmail = lst.value; // search email text for regular exp matches if ( == -1) { alert('A valid e-mail address is required.\nPlease retry.'); return false; } var optionNew = document.createElement("option"); optionNew.value = new; // The value that this option will have optionNew.innerHTML = new; // The displayed text inside of the <option> tags // Finally, add the new option to the listbox lst.appendChild(optionNew); //sort items in listbox in alpha order arrTexts = new Array(); for(i=0; i<lst.length; i++) { arrTexts[i] = lst.options[i].text; } arrTexts.sort(); for(i=0; i<lst.length; i++) { lst.options[i].text = arrTexts[i]; lst.options[i].value = arrTexts[i]; } } return false; } } } else { if(new == "") { alert("Key something to textbox please."); } else alert("Cancelled."); } } Code: <select id="lstBx" name="listBox" size="6" style="width: 580px;"> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> </select> Where can I get a script that looks up IP addresses and domain name just like I've seached everywhere without sucess. Thanks in advance. First class assignment on regular expressions. I'm looking for help and teaching, not someone doing the assignment for me (see the code below for some of the work I've already done). I am attempting to do a basic email format validation in JavaScript on a very basic form with fields for name, address, email, etc. Requirements: A period can occur before the @, but not twice in a row -- as in but not Email must start with a letter. I'm also allowing underscores and hyphens before the @, but I'm not worrying about whether there's only one of each -- I'm just allowing those. Must end in .com, .net, .org. Nothing else. Here's me flailing around: Code: \A[a-zA-Z](\w|[.]|-){2,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z]\w(-|.){2,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z](\w|[-]|[.]){2,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z](\w|-|.){3,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z](\w|-|\.){3,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z](\w|-|\.){3,}[^\.{2,}]@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z](\w|-|[^\.{2,}]){3,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z]\w{2,}@\w{3,}.(com|net|org) \A[a-zA-Z]([\w|\.|\-]{3,}\w{3,})@[a-zA-Z]{3,}.(com|net|org) ^(\w+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@[a-zA-Z]{3,}.(com|net|org) I have read extensively on this site and several others and haven't found a solution to the "one and only one period allowed in succession, but not required" problem. I haven't found a successful way to limit periods to only 1 in a row yet still have the rest of the validation work properly. I get the symbols in general, but as a newbie can't seem to make them do this one thing that I want them to do. Thanks for any help that's going! Can someone provide a code sample which uses RegExp in JavaScript to validate an email type of input in an HTML form?
Hi, Im using the old nopcard scripts on my site. It does every thing right except it does not send a Email to my to my email adres. I dont know how to correct this because i dont know Javascript. I include the script if anybody know how to alter it so that it will send the info to my email adres as well. Thank you very much for your previous help. Kees Meyer Oudtshoorn South Africa. The script : #!/usr/bin/perl #=====================================================================|| # NOP Design JavaScript Shopping Cart || # PERL CGI Checkout Module || # || # For more information on SmartSystems, or how NOPDesign can help you || # Please visit us on the WWW at || # || # Javascript portions of this shopping cart software are available as || # freeware from NOP Design. You must keep this comment unchanged in || # your code. For more information contact || # || # JavaScript Shop Module, V.4.4.0 || #=====================================================================|| # || # Function: Writes available form elements from the NOP || # Free Cart ( || # and other form elements to an email file, and || # send user confirmation || # || #=====================================================================|| require 5.001; ######################################################################## # # # User defined variables: # # $header - string value containing the complete # # path of the HTML page header # # $footer - string value containing the complete # # path of the HTML page footer # # $mailprogram - string value containing the complete path to # # the sendmail binary on the system. # # $youremail - string value containing the email address to # # send catalog orders in EMAIL or BOTH modes # # **Don't forget to put a \ before the @ in your # # email address. ie. spam\*** # # $returnpage - URL to send user when checkout is complete # # $csvfilename - string value containing the complete # # path of the user database. # # $csvquote - string value containing what to use for quotes # # in the csv file (typically "" or \") # # $mode - string value containing 'EMAIL', 'FILE' or # # 'BOTH' to determine if the script should send # # an email to you with the new order, write the # # order to a CSV file, or do both. # ######################################################################## $header = "header.html"; $footer = "footer.html"; $mailprogram = "/usr/lib/sendmail -t"; $returnpage = "/"; $youremail = "support\"; $csvfilename = "orders.csv"; $csvquote = "\"\""; $mode = "BOTH"; #These are required fields. I recommend enforcing these by javascript, #but let's just make sure here as well. @required = ( 'b_first', 'b_last', 'b_addr', 'b_city', 'b_state', 'b_zip', 'b_phone', 'b_email' ); ############################################################## #FUNCTION: urlDecode # #RETURNS: The decoded string. # #PARAMETERS: An encoded string. # #PURPOSE: Decodes a URL encoded string. # ############################################################## sub urlDecode { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ tr/+/ /; $string =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex($1))/eg; $string =~ s/['"]/\'/g; return ($string); } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: processCGI # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: # #PURPOSE: Retrieves form data submitted via the 'GET' # # method and decodes it. You may then access # # the passed in variables via calls to $[name] # # where [name] is the name of the form element. # ############################################################## sub processCGI { local ($cgiData, $key, $value, $pair, @pairs); if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { $cgiData = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { $cgiData = <STDIN>; } @pairs = split (/&/, $cgiData); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($key, $value) = split (/\=/, $pair); $key = &urlDecode($key); $value = &urlDecode($value); if(defined ${$key}){ ${$key} .= ", ".$value; }else{ ${$key} = $value; } } } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: doFormError # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: A error message string. # #PURPOSE: Generates an HTML page indicating a form # # submission error occurred. # ############################################################## sub doFormError { my ($errString) = @_; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print @LINES; print "<FONT SIZE=+2>The form you submitted was not complete.<BR><BR></FONT>"; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; print "<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK='history.back()' VALUE=' Return to the checkout page '><HR>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: doError # #RETURNS: # #PARAMETERS: A error message string. # #PURPOSE: Generates an HTML page indicating an error # # occurred. # ############################################################## sub doError { my ($errString) = @_; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "$errString<BR><BR>\n"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; } ############################################################## #FUNCTION: invalidE # #RETURNS: 1 if invalid, 0 if valid. # #PARAMETERS: An email address variable. # #PURPOSE: Checks to see if a submitted email address is # # of the valid form 'x@y'. # ############################################################## sub invalidE { my ($szEmail) = @_; my ($user, $host); $szEmail =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($szEmail =~ /\s/) { return 1; } ($user, $host) = split (/\@/, $szEmail); if ($host =~ /compuserve/i) { ; } else { if (! $user =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (! $host =~ /\D/) { return 1; } if (substr ($user,0,1) !~ /[a-z]/) { return 1; } } if ($szEmail =~ /\w+\@[\w|\.]/) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub populateDateVar { (Taken out because Text to long for email) "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \R$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \R$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \R$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \R$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \R$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \R$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \R$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \R$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \R$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \R$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \R$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \R$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \R$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; } if( $mode eq "BOTH" || $mode eq "FILE") { $csvcomments = $comment; #$csvcomments =~ s/\"/$csvquote/ig; open (CSVF,">>$csvfilename"); print CSVF "\""; print CSVF "$months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_fax"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$b_email"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_first"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_last"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_addr2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_city"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_state"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_zip"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$s_phone"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_1"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_2"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_3"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_4"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_5"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_6"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_7"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_8"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_9"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_10"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_11"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_12"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$QUANTITY_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "\R$PRICE_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ID_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$NAME_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$ADDTLINFO_13"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$SUBTOTAL"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$TOTAL"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$SHIPPING"; print CSVF "\",\""; print CSVF "$comment"; print CSVF "\"\n"; close CSVF; } # Send email conformation to the customer..... open (MAIL,"|$mailprogram"); print MAIL "To: $b_email\n"; print MAIL "From: $youremail\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Order Confirmation\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "A new order has been received. A summary of this order appears below.\n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "Order Date: $months[$month] $day, $year $hour:$min:$sec \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Bill To: \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; print MAIL " $b_first $b_last \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr \n"; print MAIL " $b_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $b_city, $b_state $b_zip \n"; print MAIL " $b_phone \n"; print MAIL " $b_fax \n"; print MAIL " $b_email \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "-------- \n"; if ( $s_addr eq "" ) { print MAIL " Use Billing Address\n"; } else { print MAIL " $s_first $s_last \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr \n"; print MAIL " $s_addr2 \n"; print MAIL " $s_city, $s_state $s_zip \n"; print MAIL " $s_phone \n"; } print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL " \n"; print MAIL "Qty Price(\R) Product ID - Product Name\n"; print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "$QUANTITY_1 \R$PRICE_1 $ID_1 - $NAME_1 $ADDTLINFO_1 \n"; if( $NAME_2 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_2 \R$PRICE_2 $ID_2 - $NAME_2 $ADDTLINFO_2 \n";} if( $NAME_3 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_3 \R$PRICE_3 $ID_3 - $NAME_3 $ADDTLINFO_3 \n";} if( $NAME_4 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_4 \R$PRICE_4 $ID_4 - $NAME_4 $ADDTLINFO_4 \n";} if( $NAME_5 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_5 \R$PRICE_5 $ID_5 - $NAME_5 $ADDTLINFO_5 \n";} if( $NAME_6 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_6 \R$PRICE_6 $ID_6 - $NAME_6 $ADDTLINFO_6 \n";} if( $NAME_7 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_7 \R$PRICE_7 $ID_7 - $NAME_7 $ADDTLINFO_7 \n";} if( $NAME_8 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_8 \R$PRICE_8 $ID_8 - $NAME_8 $ADDTLINFO_8 \n";} if( $NAME_9 ) {print MAIL "$QUANTITY_9 \R$PRICE_9 $ID_9 - $NAME_9 $ADDTLINFO_9 \n";} if( $NAME_10 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_10 \R$PRICE_10 $ID_10 - $NAME_10 $ADDTLINFO_10 \n";} if( $NAME_11 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_11 \R$PRICE_11 $ID_11 - $NAME_11 $ADDTLINFO_11 \n";} if( $NAME_12 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_12 \R$PRICE_12 $ID_12 - $NAME_12 $ADDTLINFO_12 \n";} if( $NAME_13 ){print MAIL "$QUANTITY_13 \R$PRICE_13 $ID_13 - $NAME_13 $ADDTLINFO_13 \n";} print MAIL "===================================================================== \n"; print MAIL "SUBTOTAL: $SUBTOTAL \n"; print MAIL "TOTAL: $TOTAL \n"; print MAIL "\n"; print MAIL "\n\n"; print MAIL "Comments: \n"; print MAIL "--------- \n"; print MAIL "$comment \n"; print MAIL " \n"; close MAIL; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; open (HEAD, $header); @LINES = <HEAD>; close HEAD; print @LINES; print "<h2>Thank you</h2>"; print "Thank you for your order."; print "Please contact us at $youremail if you have any problems questions or concerns. Thank U again for your support Kees Meyer."; print "<P>"; print "<A HREF=\"$returnpage\" rel="nofollow" target=_top>Return Home</A>"; print "<P>"; open (FOOT, $footer); @LINES = <FOOT>; close FOOT; print @LINES; exit; alright so i am trying to validate this form and if you do not fill out the Day of the week then it does not submit the form to email.... Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Guest List Signup</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body,td,th { color: #FFF; } body { background-color: #000; } --> </style></head> <script type='text/javascript'> function madeSelection(elem, helperMsg){ if(elem.value == "Select"){ alert(helperMsg); elem.focus(); return false; }else{ return true; } } </script> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF"> <form name="halo-gl" form method="POST" action="contactgl.php"> <p>If you want to have your name on the HALO guest list please fill out the form below before 9pm and you and your guests will be on the list at the door. <p>This will get you free entry* until 11:30pm (this means at 11:31pm the list is over) also on select events there will not be a list and we might not have it posted on the website. <p>Guest list does not guarantee entry. It is to the discression of Halo on wether someone is permitted or not. <p> <p>Your Name:<br> <input type="text" name="MyName"> (First and Last) <p>How Many People I Will Have:<br> <select name="HowManyPeopleIWillHave"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="2">2</option> <option value="3">3</option> <option value="4">4</option> <option value="5">5</option> </select> <p>What day to be on the list:<br> <select id='selection'> <option value="Select">Please Select</option> <option value="Wednesday">Wednesday</option> <option value="Thursday">Thursday</option> <option value="Friday">Friday</option> <option value="Saturday">Saturday</option> </select> <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value='Submit' onclick="madeSelection(document.getElementById('selection'), 'Please Choose Something')" > </form> <p> </body> </html> you can see this currently in action at any help would be appreciated thank you Hello: I have an expression validating email addresses but it seems there is a loophole. If a user enters a comma this is accepted. Can anyone tell me how i can modify the following to disallow commas? validRegExp = /^[^@]+@[^@]+.[a-z]{2,}$/i; strEmail = document.form1.df_email1.value; if ( == -1) { alert("A valid e-mail address is required."); document.form1.df_email1.focus(); return false; } Hello, could anyone help me with the javascript code? i have the HTML form code below and i want to create a javascript to work with it. Please see the code below: Code: <form method="post" name="login_form"> Name: <input type="text" name="login_username" value="" /><br> Password: <input type="password" name="secretkey" /><br> <input type="hidden" name="js_autodetect_results" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="just_logged_in" value="1" /> <INPUT CHECKED NAME="domain" TYPE="radio" VALUE=""><BR> <INPUT NAME="domain" TYPE="radio" VALUE=""><BR> <input type="submit" value="Login" /><br> </form> I have two domain "" and "" with one email login form. could anyone write me a javascript that have the following option. 1. when user select , it will login to 2. when user select, it will login to Please help me with this, i tried to code my self. But none is working. And Last Sorry for my bad english. Best Regards, Kenshin here is my current email validation code: function validateEmail(strValue) { var objRegExp = /(^[a-z]([a-z_\.]*)@([a-z_\.]*)([.][a-z]{3})$)|(^[a-z]([a-z_\.]*)@([a-z_\.]*)(\.[a-z]{3})(\.[a-z]{2})*$)/i; return objRegExp.test(strValue); } what should i add to reject email addresses from and Hi! I would like to show you guys the JavaScript that i using for my contact form /*----- Code goes here by clicking the link -----*/ The above code was copied from a Youtube tutorial about JavaScript. I would like to ask, what additional code should be added in the existing code in order to validate the numbers only and an email format before the form to be submitted? Thanks! Regards, Ezenne Hi All, I am trying to create a script for checking that checks that the email address entered into two input boxes is the same when a submit button is clicked, I have these two input boxes Code: <input type="text" name="user_email" id="user_email" /> <input type="text" name="user_email2" id="user_email2" /> This javascript code Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var email1 = document.getElementById(user_email); var email2 = document.getElementById(user_email2); function checkEmail(){ if (email1 != email2) { alert("The two email addresses are not the same"); } } </script> and this code for the button Code: <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" onSubmit="checkEmail" /> However this code is not working, can anyone see where I am going wrong? Any help will be appreciated Thanks in advance Hello, could anyone help me to write the javascript code? .. i have the code below: Code: <script> var urls = [ "", "" ]; </script> <form method="post" name="login_form" onsubmit="this.action=urls[this.domain[0].checked ? 0 : 1]; return true;"> Username: <input type="text" name="login_username" value="" /><br> Password: <input type="password" name="secretkey" /><br> <input type="hidden" name="js_autodetect_results" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="just_logged_in" value="1" /> <INPUT CHECKED NAME="domain" TYPE="radio"><BR> <INPUT NAME="domain" TYPE="radio"><BR> <input type="submit" value="Login" /><br> </form> I want to add javascript to cut the string in Username. When the use type full domain address it will cut the string from "" and "" . So if user type "" in Username, the input will be "test". I tried to code it my self, but none is working. So please, could u help me to code this? Thanks alots. Best Regards, Kenshin Hey All, Been having some trouble with this, I am trying to find a javascript or DHTML form field which is similar to the outlook web access email address fields which show an icon to identify the address, and the screen name of the address instead of the full email address, as a hyperlink. I was wanting to know if anyone knows of something like this already around or if I need to design my own. Thanks in advance. EDIT: I SOLVED THIS BY USING "#" instead of "?". Thank you. Hello. My goal is to take a user's email from a form, store it in a cookie, and append it to the window location on the following page. I am doing this so that when a user shares the page with "add this widget" the stats will show me who shared the page. The problem I have is that window.location.replace("?"+ user_email); seems to be sending the browser in an infinite loop. Right now it is running as an inline function in the head. I tried calling the function with body onload and had the same problem. Code: <script = "Javascript"> (function readCookie() { var user_email = unescape(document.cookie); if (document.cookie) { window.location.replace("?"+user_email); } })(); </script> Is there another way I could achieve the same result? Thank you, Jack Hello all, I have a form that submits a POST request when data is submitted. A Servlet then processes this POST request and a JavaBean is used to make some calculations. The HTML response is not generated within the Servlet but instead I forward the request to a JSP to generate the response. - This all works fine, thankfully. However, I am stupidly suck trying to validate the form on the client side with a JavaScript function before the form is submitted. Here is my index.jps: Code: <%-- Document : index Created on : 19-Nov-2009, 13:41:30 Author : lk00043 --%> <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- Start hiding JavaScript Statements function validateForm() { var student; var score1, score2, score3, score4; student = document.getElementById('student'); s1 = document.getElementById('score1'); s2 = document.getElementById('score2'); s3 = document.getElementById('score3'); s4 = document.getElementById('score4'); score1 = parseInt(s1.value); score2 = parseInt(s2.value); score3 = parseInt(s3.value); score4 = parseInt(s4.value); if(student.value.length == 0) { document.getElementById('StudentError1').innerHTML = " Enter a student name!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score1)) || (score1 < 0) || (score1 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error1').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score2)) || (score2 < 0) || (score2 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error2').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score3)) || (score3 < 0) || (score3 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error3').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } if ((isNaN(score4)) || (score4 < 0) || (score4 > 100)) { document.getElementById('Error4').innerHTML = " Enter a number between 0 and 100!"; return false; } } // End hiding JavaScript Statements --> </script> <title>Lab Class 7 - Task 2</title> </head> <body> <h1>Lab Class 7</h1> <form name="collectgrades" action="AssessGrades" method="POST" onSubmit="validateForm()" > Name of Student: <input type="text" name="student" id="student"/><span id="StudentError1"> </span><br /> Presentation: <input type="text" name="score" id="score1"/><span id="Error1"> </span><br /> Writing style: <input type="text" name="score" id="score2"/><span id="Error2"> </span><br /> Technical content: <input type="text" name="score" id="score3"/><span id="Error3"> </span><br /> Depth of analysis: <input type="text" name="score" id="score4"/><span id="Error4"> </span><br /> Feedback:<select name="feedback" size="4" multiple="multiple"> <option>"Could be better structured."</option> <option>"Depth of analysis is good."</option> <option>"Very advanced material."</option> <option>"Very well structured."</option> </select><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </body> </html> Regardless of whether incorrect input is given, the data is still POSTed to the server and calculated on or a Server Side error is given. Am I correct in calling the function onClick? The validation essentially needs to be so that: - Student field contains a string - Score1, Score2, Score3 and Score 4 contain a number between 0 and 100 Any help is most appreciated, Cheers, Beetle. I was wondering if anyone could help me with regexp: 1)I would like it so that both a first and last name can be entered and that both ' and - can be included 2)I would like it so that addresses have to start with a number and then each word afterwards has to start with a capital letter and can include full stops, ' and - Any help is appreciated! |