JavaScript - Query Related To Forwarding To A Java Bean File Using Javascript
Hi All.....I am new to javascript coding ...I am unable to forward from my jsp to servlet file via javascript
below is my code.... [JSP CODE] <html> <body> <form action="Bean" method="get" name="form1"> <ul> <li><a onclick="javascript:view('vprod')" name="vprod">View</a></li> </ul> [Script Code] function view(value) { alert(value); document.form1.action="/Bean"; document.form1.submit(); } Please can one help me in this regard.....Thanks in Advance Similar TutorialsCan you place java code in an external javascript file (.js). For example can I do the following in my xx.js file. $(document).ready(function(){ <% execute some java code here %> ...execute some javascript code here... }) Can I do the above? Another question ... I know <% %> is to execute java code inside html. But what does <%-- - -%> mean? Thanks for any help. Dear all I came across the following very simple code for dragging a square around using javascript. It is drawn on the html5 canvas. Despite being very simple it has certainly exposed some gaps in my pretty flakey javascript knowledge. I am generally ok with the idea of drag and drop (i.e. start drag on mouse click, stop drag on mouse release) but my questions are as follows: (1) I cannot see where the variable e is defined, yet it is used all the time. (2) In the init funciton at the bottom, an onmousedown listener seems to be attached to the canvas. However it equals the function myDown, but myDown doesn't have parentheses after it. So the myDown function is not actually going to be exectuted. So what is it doing instead? Thanks in advance. I have tried to research this myself but haven't had any success yet. Matt Code: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Canvas Drag and Drop Test</title> </head> <body> <section> <div> <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="300"> This text is displayed if your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas. </canvas> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var canvas; var ctx; var x = 75; var y = 50; var dx = 5; var dy = 3; var WIDTH = 400; var HEIGHT = 300; var dragok = false; function rect(x,y,w,h) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(x,y,w,h); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); } function clear() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT); } function init() { canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); return setInterval(draw, 10); } function draw() { clear(); ctx.fillStyle = "#FAF7F8"; rect(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); ctx.fillStyle = "#444444"; rect(x - 15, y - 15, 30, 30); } function myMove(e){ if (dragok){ x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft; y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; } } function myDown(e){ if (e.pageX < x + 15 + canvas.offsetLeft && e.pageX > x - 15 + canvas.offsetLeft && e.pageY < y + 15 + canvas.offsetTop && e.pageY > y -15 + canvas.offsetTop){ x = e.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft; y = e.pageY - canvas.offsetTop; dragok = true; canvas.onmousemove = myMove; } } function myUp(){ dragok = false; canvas.onmousemove = null; } init(); canvas.onmousedown = myDown; canvas.onmouseup = myUp; </script> </section> </body> </html> Dear All, This code is displaying English and French in the select list. If we onchange the value in the jsp then its value is reflected properly in the java file. But my requirement is if you have onchange its coresspoging selected value should be reflected in java file else the default selected value let say English should refelected in the java class. But unless we cannot change the select dropdown value the the default data is not reflected in java class using bean. Please help me what piece of code i change so that deafult selected drop down value data also reflect in java class also. Code: function fnChange() { alert("Hello Inside the fnChange"); alert("The crudUserForm is"+document.crudUserForm.prefLangaugeSB.value); document.crudUserForm.prefLangauge.value = document.crudUserForm.prefLangaugeSB.value; alert("The crudUserForm is"+document.crudUserForm.prefLangauge.value); } // Added By Rohini for CR 5385 End </script> <tr> <td> <bean:message key="admin.chooseDefaultLan"/> </td> <td> <% UserManagerBean uma = new UserManagerBean(); ArrayList prefLan = (ArrayList)uma.getAllLanguages(); Iterator itrt = null; itrt = prefLan.iterator(); %> <SELECT name="prefLangaugeSB" class="textContent" onchange="fnChange()"> <% while (itrt.hasNext()) { OptionLabelValue languageList = (OptionLabelValue); System.out.println("The languageList label is"+languageList.getLabel()); System.out.println("The languageList label is"+languageList.getValue()); %> <option value="<%= languageList.getLabel() %>"><%= languageList.getValue() %></option> <% } %> </SELECT> <html:hidden property="prefLangauge"/> <script> var selObj = document.getElementById('prefLangaugeSB'); var selIndex = selObj.selectedIndex; for (var i=0; i<selObj.length;i++){ if(selObj.options[i].value==document.crudUserForm.prefLangauge.value){ selObj.options[i].selected = true; } } ></script> Please let me know incase you need more information. Please me for the above needful. Thanks for your time. Regards, Sumanta im new to webpage programming,but do hav some basic c/c++ programming skill. in order for me to understand the following codes, what should i read? i had read thru html and javascript tutorials but it is stil difficult for me to understand the codes,can somebody help me?thanks! Code: function getQuery() { var scoping = "&project=${currentProject}&projectScopeUp=" + projectScopeUp + "&projectScopeDown=" + projectScopeDown; var paging = "&pagesize=100"; return { "currentProject" : "/iteration:current/project", "#storyType" : "/typedefinition?query=(Name = \"Hierarchical Requirement\")", "taskUnit" : "${iteration/workspace/workspaceConfiguration/taskUnitName}", "storyStates" : "${#storyType/attributes[name=schedule state]/allowedvalues/stringvalue}", "iteration" : "/iteration:current?fetch=name,objectid&order=StartDate", "iterations" : "/iterations?fetch=name,objectid&order=StartDate,Name&project=${currentProject}&projectScopeUp=false&projectScopeDown=false" + paging, "users" : "/users?fetch=displayname,loginname,emailaddress,objectid" + paging, "tasks" : "/tasks?fetch=taskindex,name,objectid,formattedid,owner,blocked,estimate,todo,actuals,state,workproduct&query=(Iteration = ${iteration})" + scoping + paging, "stories" : "/hierarchicalrequirement?fetch=rank,blocked,formattedid,name,objectid,owner,project,schedulestate,taskestimatetotal,taskremainingtotal,taskactualtotal,tasks&order=Rank&query=(Iteration = ${iteration})" + scoping + paging, "defects" : "/defect?fetch=rank,blocked,formattedid,name,objectid,owner,project,schedulestate,taskestimatetotal,taskremainingtotal,taskactualtotal&order=Rank&query=(Iteration = ${iteration})" + scoping + paging, "defectsuite" : "/defectsuite?fetch=rank,blocked,formattedid,name,objectid,owner,project,schedulestate,taskestimatetotal,taskremainingtotal,taskactualtotal&order=Rank&query=(Iteration = ${iteration})" + scoping + paging, "testsets" : "/testset?fetch=rank,blocked,formattedid,name,objectid,owner,project,schedulestate,taskestimatetotal,taskremainingtotal,taskactualtotal&query=(Iteration = ${iteration})" + scoping + paging }; } this is my javascript code: Code: var aaa, aab; aaa = choo.chooserver0.checked; aab = choo.chooserver1.checked; k=(aaa==true)?0:(aab==true)?1:(aaa=true&&aab==true)? 'b2' : false ; now when the checkbox with id chooserver0 is checked, it sets k's value to 0, and when checkbox with id chooserver1 is checked it sets its value to 1, but when both are checked it must set value to b2, but it sets value to 0, why? and when i write it as: Code: var aaa, aab; aaa = choo.chooserver0.checked; aab = choo.chooserver1.checked; k=(aaa=true&&aab==true)? 'b2' :(aaa==true)?0:(aab==true)?1: false ; when box 1 is checked, it sets k= false, when box2 is checked it sets k= 'b2' and when both are checked it sets k = 'b2'... why is code doing so? All -- I have a JavaScript config file called gameSetting.js which contains a bunch of variables which configures a particular game. I also have a shared JavaScript library which uses the variables in gameSetting.js, which I include like so: <script type="text/javascript" src="gameSetting.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="gameLibrary.js" ></script> In gameSetting.js I have: $(document).ready(function() { // call some functions / classes in gameLibrary.js } in Firefox, Safari, and Chrome, this works fine. However, in IE, when it's parsing gameSetting.js, it complains that the functions that live in gameLibrary.js aren't defined. When it gets to parsing gameLibrary.js, the variables in gameSetting.js are reported as not being defined. I've tried dynamically bootstrapping the gameLibrary file using this function in document.ready for dynamic load... $.getScript("gameLibrary.js"); However, the same problem still happens in IE, where when it parses the files individually it's not taking into context the file/variables that came before, so it's not an out of load order problem. My options a 1) collapsing all the functions in gameLibrary.js and variables in gameSetting.js into one file. However, this is not practical because this is dealing with literally hundreds of games, and having a gameLibrary.js in ONE location for ONE update is what makes most logical sense. 2) figure out a way to get this to work where variables in file1 are accessible to file2 in IE (as it seems they are in other browsers). jQuery seems to be able to have multiple plugins that all refer to the based jQuery-1.3.2.js, so I know there is a way to get this to work. Help appreciated. Nero hi i need to merge this code in 1 file the files in attach the code for auto popup window withe cookis i need merge it for switch it to vb mood i think the job very easy but am not java script cooder I want to insert "mu" character after "Output in <here i want to insert mu character> " in following JavaScript line Code: paper = new Raphael(document.getElementById('dialog2'), 500, 500); var a= paper.text(345,384,"Output in <here i want to insert mu character> ").attr({'font-size':13}); I have 2 drag-able containers, they are created in PHP objects which are linked to a file. The working example can be found he The problem that I'm facing is that I can't click test1, and only test2. Now I originally though that it was something to do with them having the same java-script variables, so I renamed all the variables using a unique ID to each object too no success. Here's the code: PHP file: Code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <?php include 'design/compatability.php'; include 'design/meta.php'; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css.css" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="background"> <img src="images/bg1.jpg" class="stretch" alt="" /> </div> <div id="wrapper"> <?php include 'design/dragdiv.php'; $container = new dragable_box(200, 300, 10, 60, "../designimages/bggrey.png", "test", 1); $container2 = new dragable_box(590, 400, 10, 10, "../designimages/bggrey.png", "test", 2); ?> <?php include 'design/toplinks.php'; ?> </div> <?php include 'design/footer.php'; ?> </body> </html> Code: <?php class dragable_box { public function __construct($width, $height, $x, $y, $bg, $text, $id) { ?> <style type="text/css"> #mydiv<?php echo $id; ?> { z-index:10; background-image:url(<?php echo $bg; ?>); color:#ffffff; width: <?php echo $width; ?>px; height: <?php echo $height; ?>px; position: absolute; top: <?php echo $x; ?>%; left: <?php echo $y; ?>%; cursor:move; padding:10px; } </style> <script language="javascript"> var positionx = <?php echo $x; ?>; var positiony = <?php echo $y; ?>; var setpositionx = window.innerWidth * positionx / 100; var setpositiony = window.innerHeight * positiony / 100; var drag=0; var xdif=0; var ydif=0; var initx=setpositionx; var inity=setpositiony; function begindrag<?php echo $id; ?>(event) { if(drag==0) { floatingd = document.getElementById("mydiv<?php echo $id; ?>"); if("") {; } if("") {; },"");,""); drag=1; xdif = event.clientX-prex; ydif = event.clientY-prey; } else { drag=0; } } function mousepos<?php echo $id; ?>(event) { floatingd = document.getElementById("mydiv<?php echo $id; ?>"); if(drag==1) { = event.clientX-setpositionx+"px"; = event.clientY-setpositiony+"px"; } } </script> </HEAD> <BODY onMouseMove="mousepos<?php echo $id; ?>(event)" > <div id='mydiv<?php echo $id; ?>' onClick="begindrag<?php echo $id; ?>(event)" > <?php echo $text; echo $id; ?> </div> <?php } } ?> I need help being able to select both DIV's, can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks Hello, I'm making a Javascript implementation for my Java program. But I'm having a proplem. I want to call my own Java code from the Javascript script. Is that possible? Thanks, enderp Not much programming experience, but some C++ and Python. I would like to make a web page that 1. flashes and image for 1 second 2. flashes a a pair of images for 1 second 3. displays an image and waits 4. Wait for a certain correct keystroke to be entered. 5. Repeat 1-4 a few hundred times. ^The above would iterate through a loop, say of 300 counts, and sub-iterate through an array of images, say 30, going through all 30 images 10 times for example. Oh, and the array elements would be displayed in random order. Also, I would like to keep track of errors (wrong keystroke) and time it took to enter correct keystroke. I would prefer that this webpage work on the iphone, even older ones. Java is limited on iphone? I tried playing a Java chess game and had no luck on iphone. So, would I be able to do this using Javascript? If not, Java would be best? As I said, I would prefer iphone compatibility, but it is not required. I just want to know which one I should use before I bury my nose in a book about programming Java or Javascript. Hi everybody! I've a problem and I'm not able to solve it alone. I want to invoke java methods of a self written java programm with javascript. I found something like a tutorial (http://stanislavvitvitskiy.blogspot....lications.html), but it has not worked. I put my class file in a jar file and when I want to load it in javascript i get an error. I tried it this way: var url = new'C:/java_js' + '/xultest.jar'); var cl = new; var aClass = java.lang.Class.forName("com.stan.XULDemo", true, cl); var inst = aClass.newInstance(); // Calling 'sum' function from java var a = inst.sum(2, 3); alert(a); // Will alert '5' Can anyone please help, and say to me what's wrong about it? Or does anyone have another aproach to call java methods with javascript? cheers, Martin First of all, I must say that I am recently introduced to JavaScript and I am not fully aware of its complete functionality. So I have an HTML document which has defined within a its body a JavaScript function and I have also a JApplet class which is also loaded in the HTML and can call the JavaScript function. But I have also another Java class which is not an applet and I would like to find a way for this class to be able to call the JavaScript function (but it is essential for this class not to be an applet). I am aware that this would raise some security concerns but it is for local usage and I am interested to hear some ways if possible for this to be done. Thank You beforehand to all of you! I have a Java Applet that I have been managing for some time. Approximately how long would it take to port a 900 line Java Applet to JavaScript? My intention is to reproduce as close as I can to the Java Applet. If you would like to see the Java Applet code, it is available here : This Java Applet is a chat client that connects to a Java server (I am NOT porting the server). It has a simple interface with panel tabs for various activities (chat room, login, text color chooser, etc). **Note : I have not programmed in JavaScript before. I went over some tutorials before I posted this. ***N00b note : I know Java and JavaScript have NOTHING to do with each other. I can get this code to take two separate sections of a file which are not beside each other and write them into another file. It always comes up as a single full line of the code instead of the sections I want. The code includes the student number first name last name and three results of assignments. I want the code to write the student number and three results of all the students into a file and then work out the average of the student results. Can you help? Code: try{ while (in.hasNextLine()) { String line = in.nextLine(); out.println( line); int i=0; if(!Character.isDigit(line.charAt(i))) { i++; } studentStringNumber = line.substring(0, i); String stringResult = line.substring(i); studentStringNumber = studentStringNumber.trim(); stringResults = stringResults.trim(); double stringResultsValue = Double.parseDouble(stringResults.trim()); stringResults = in.nextLine(); studentStringNumber = in.nextLine(); studentNumber = Integer.parseInt(studentStringNumber); if(in.hasNextInt()) { int value = in.nextInt(); } results = Double.parseDouble(stringResults); if(in.hasNextDouble()) { double value = in.nextDouble(); } Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(line); studentStringNumber =; while(!lineScanner.hasNextDouble()) { studentStringNumber = studentStringNumber+ " "; } stringResultsValue = lineScanner.nextDouble(); } } Hi i am using javascript for the first time and i have a problem .I have 2 files html and javascript file in seperate but i donot know how to make them work .the code is down below .Thanks in advance for help. HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <meta name="description" content="Instagram API - usage" /> <meta charset=utf-8 /> <title></title> </head> <body> <input id="lat_input" type="number" value="60.221374"/> <input id="lng_input" type="number" value="24.805391"/> <button id="search_location">Search</button><br/> <button id="get_popular">Get popular</button> <div id="images"></div> </body> </html> Javascript file // API DOCUMENTATION: // Instagram Developer Documentation var clientId = 'e7538f47e197479d8d32a63ae3ae4cd2'; $('#search_location').click(function () { getMediaByLocation($('#lat_input').val(), $('#lng_input').val()); }); $('#get_popular').click(function () { getPopularImages(); }); function getMediaByLocation(lat, lng) { var o = { lat: lat, lng: lng, client_id: clientId }; $.getJSON('', o, function (response) { processImages(; }); } function getPopularImages() { var o = { client_id: clientId }; $.getJSON('', o, function (response) { processImages(; }); } function processImages(array) { $('#images').empty(); $.each(array, function (index, element) { var fs = $('<fieldset>').appendTo('#images'); $('<img>').attr('src', element.images.low_resolution.url).appendTo(fs); if (element.caption) { $('<pre>').text(element.caption.text).appendTo(fs); } $.each(, function (index, comment) { $('<pre>').text('Comment from ' + comment.from.full_name + ': ' + comment.text).appendTo(fs); }); }); } Does anyone know how to accomplish this? I got the html file to show but none of the text in the file will show.
Hi, I have the following code snippet: test.html ====== <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var testVariable = "test"; </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="test.js"> </script> test.js ===== var testVariable =; In firefox, I'm able to access testvariable defined within test.html in test.js. But in chrome, test.js couldnot get the field defined in test.html. Can any one please let me know how i can make it work in chrome?. Am i missing something here?. Hi There, I'm working on an application that potentially gets 1000s of geolocation queries per day and if I don this (as I've done it till now) in php, it works fine but I quickly run into OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error from the google map apis. Thus I think I'd better do it in javascript and just send the coordinates to the server for caching rather than querying from the server's IP. Now the url that sends back the location information looks like this: and I was wondering how I can send a request to this url and parse the xml string that's returned with JavaScript to pass it on to a php (probably by get variables). Is there a handy method that's compatible accross a bunch of browsers incl. mobile ones? Thanks very much for some input! Ron |