JavaScript - Getting A Js Generated Site Map Into A Page...
I am a complete beginner when it comes to JS so anything and everything will be in very basic terms... It is probably easier if i show you my problem, I use milonic s menu for my website, as such i need to generate some sort of site map so that the various crawlers can get full access.... I used to use the phpsite map which came with Milonic Menu, however since i have moved hosts, this has stopped working.... - any offers on why it has stopped working are welcome (windows hosting) as it still works on my other site (linux hosting) anyway, thats not the point of my post.... Also provided by milonic is the option to provide a list based menu using some js... I have incorporated this into my site - click misc on the menu then "Site index" You will see a pop-up erm pops up.... This looks okay and something like what i want, However i need it to be placed into a webpage so i can give it a www.tug..... address and then i can point the crawlers at it.... How do i code it into the page to that the JS will run within the body and result within the body of a page? Similar TutorialsWhen i try to understand why a control is not raised - i check the F12 "code".. then, when i look for the required control there - it appears under CDATA tag. So - why? thx, Rach PLEASE IGNORE - I'D DONE A BOO BOO! </facepalm> Hi guys, not sure i have a decent explanation in the title. so, let me explain. i have a script that collapses rows in tables but i create the array in php. the button needs to be above the content else i could just create it using php if i try this function in a .js file it all works: Code: function toggleAll() { //collapse all layers in var togglelist = "['380','379','378','377','376','374','373','369','367']"; for (var i=0; i<togglelist.length; i++) { collapseTableRows(togglelist[i]); } } the problem is that i need to create togglelist when im doing the php. if i just do a simple: Code: <script> var togglelist = "['380','379','378','377','376','374','373','369','367']"; </script> at the bottom of the page i cant seem to pass togglelist to the function in the .js file im a bit rusty at JS so i think im doing something wrong. or is it just that i cant pass a variable array to a function if the variable is below the function on the page... i hope that makes sense. I have two main components running on this page below. Sobi directory and gavick photoslide. The problem is that the photoslideshow is not loading only on the page witht he directory. I did a little investaged and got a error console for firefox and it showing this error: Code: Error: Fx.Opacity is not a constructor Source File: Line: 1 I have VERY VERY limited knowledge of javascript. Any and all help is super appreciated. Thanks in advance Can a random page be loaded without a prior visit to a site? I have a list of 15 people with a photo and contact information in a table with 3 columns and 5 rows. The issue is that the people near the bottom want a chance to be at the top the first time the page is viewed. It is unlikely that a second visit would happen. Is this possible to load a random page for a site without it being viewed or logged into before, therefore no cookies will be used. My knowledge of Java script code is limited so any help would be great. Thanks Motty I'm using LavaLamp for the main navigation on a site I'm building, for a subtle animated effect. The site itself is a single-page portfolio site with 3 sections organized vertically, "Home," "About," and "Work." The problem I'm having is that the clicked navigation does not return to its original position on each panel if I double back on it. For example, if I'm on the Home panel, and I want to get to About, I'll want to select "About." The LavaLamp animation will ease over to the "About" link on hover, and I'll click it, then the page will scroll to the About panel, where "About" in the navigation is being shown as selected (LavaLamp has a "current" class you can apply to whatever you want to start off as being selected)... And that's great, BUT, say I want to get back to the Home panel. I click "Home" in the nav, and I'm transported back to the Home panel - but when I was there before, I'd selected "About", and since it's all on the same page, the link is focused on "About," even though I'm on the Home panel. Make sense? I'm not good enough at JS or jQuery to figure out how to fix this. I think what I want to happen is for every link on each panel to STAY where it was originally assigned ("Home" link will stay on Home, "About" link will stay on About, etc.), but animate on hover only. Is there a way to write something into the LavaLamp JS to make it so the animation works only on hover, and not on active, focus, or visited? Thanks for any help, I've been working on this for days and haven't made much progress except to actually identify the problem, which eluded me for a while. Where'd my weekend go?! :P Here's the code, sorry I can't provide a demo page, I don't have anywhere to upload it at the moment... index.htm with an example of what each panel looks like: Code: <!-- home --> <div class="section" id="section1"> <div class="panel-container"> <div class="transparency"> </div> <div style="position:relative;"> <div class="nav-container"> <ul class="lava" id="1"> <li class="current"><a href="#section1" class="selected">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#section2">About</a></li> <li><a href="#section3">Work</a></li> </ul> </div> <h1>home (1)</h1> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dui risus, volutpat sit amet ultricies quis, ullamcorper vulputate nunc. Quisque eget quam ac tortor ornare condimentum. Cras imperdiet nibh id urna scelerisque in aliquam dui dapibus. Vestibulum ut massa quis massa rhoncus vehicula. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus elementum blandit semper. Vivamus rutrum condimentum ante, eu semper sapien suscipit a. Integer a massa feugiat dolor mattis ultrices. Sed sed tempus mauris. Quisque interdum neque a arcu pulvinar bibendum. Mauris ac ligula dui. Vivamus sit amet eros erat, vitae porta orci. Curabitur et tellus a urna consectetur dapibus eu accumsan felis. Sed pulvinar ante eget turpis tincidunt eget faucibus urna ultrices. Pellentesque pharetra mauris lacus. Phasellus eu enim eget eros commodo lacinia. Suspendissa vehicula placerat augue eu lacinia.</p> </div> </div> </div> jquery.lavalamp.js: Code: /** * LavaLamp - A menu plugin for jQuery with cool hover effects. * @requires jQuery v1.1.3.1 or above * * * * Copyright (c) 2007 Ganeshji Marwaha ( * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * * * * Version: 0.2.0 * Requires Jquery 1.2.1 from version 0.2.0 onwards. * For jquery 1.1.x, use version 0.1.0 of lavalamp */ /** * Creates a menu with an unordered list of menu-items. You can either use the CSS that comes with the plugin, or write your own styles * to create a personalized effect * * The HTML markup used to build the menu can be as simple as... * * <ul class="lavaLamp"> * <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> * <li><a href="#">Plant a tree</a></li> * <li><a href="#">Travel</a></li> * <li><a href="#">Ride an elephant</a></li> * </ul> * * Once you have included the style sheet that comes with the plugin, you will have to include * a reference to jquery library, easing plugin(optional) and the LavaLamp(this) plugin. * * Use the following snippet to initialize the menu. * $(function() { $(".lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ fx: "backout", speed: 700}) }); * * Thats it. Now you should have a working lavalamp menu. * * @param an options object - You can specify all the options shown below as an options object param. * * @option fx - default is "linear" * @example * $(".lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ fx: "backout" }); * @desc Creates a menu with "backout" easing effect. You need to include the easing plugin for this to work. * * @option speed - default is 500 ms * @example * $(".lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ speed: 500 }); * @desc Creates a menu with an animation speed of 500 ms. * * @option click - no defaults * @example * $(".lavaLamp").lavaLamp({ click: function(event, menuItem) { return false; } }); * @desc You can supply a callback to be executed when the menu item is clicked. * The event object and the menu-item that was clicked will be passed in as arguments. */ (function($) { $.fn.lavaLamp = function(o) { o = $.extend({ fx: "linear", speed: 500, click: function(){} }, o || {}); return this.each(function() { var me = $(this), noop = function(){}, $back = $('<li class="back"><div class="left"></div></li>').appendTo(me), $li = $("li", this), curr = $("li.current", this)[0] || $($li[0]).addClass("current")[0]; $li.not(".back").hover(function() { move(this); }, noop); $(this).hover(noop, function() { move(curr); }); $ { setCurr(this); return, [e, this]); }); setCurr(curr); function setCurr(el) { $back.css({ "left": el.offsetLeft+"px", "width": el.offsetWidth+"px" }); curr = el; }; function move(el) { $back.each(function() { $(this).dequeue(); } ).animate({ width: el.offsetWidth, left: el.offsetLeft }, o.speed, o.fx); }; }); }; })(jQuery); jquery.lavalamp.min.js: Code: (function($){$.fn.lavaLamp=function(o){o=$.extend({fx:"linear",speed:500,click:function(){}},o||{});return this.each(function(){var b=$(this),noop=function(){},$back=$('<li class="back"><div class="left"></div></li>').appendTo(b),$li=$("li",this),curr=$("li.current",this)[0]||$($li[0]).addClass("current")[0];$li.not(".back").hover(function(){move(this)},noop);$(this).hover(noop,function(){move(curr)});${setCurr(this);return,[e,this])});setCurr(curr);function setCurr(a){$back.css({"left":a.offsetLeft+"px","width":a.offsetWidth+"px"});curr=a};function move(a){$back.each(function(){$(this).dequeue()}).animate({width:a.offsetWidth,left:a.offsetLeft},o.speed,o.fx)}})}})(jQuery); And last but not least, the LavaLamp CSS: Code: .lava { position: relative; height: auto; width: 100%; background-color: none; margin: 0; overflow: hidden;} .lava li { margin: 0 10px 0 0; float: left; list-style: none;} .lava li a.selected {color: #fff;} .lava li.back { border-left: 1px solid #000; border-right: 1px solid #000; background-color: none; width: 9px; height: 30px; z-index: 8; position: absolute;} .lava li a { text-decoration: none; color: #000; outline: none; text-align: center; top: 7px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 0; z-index: 10; display: block; float: left; height: 30px; position: relative; overflow: hidden; margin: auto 0;} .lava li a:hover, .lava li a:active, .lava li a:visited {border: none;} If there's any other info you need from me, please let me know and I'll post it asap. Thanks again for any help. EDITED TO ADD: Oops, forgot to add the page js: Code: $(function() { $("#1, #2, #3").lavaLamp({ fx: "backout", speed: 700, click: function(event, menuItem) { return false; } }); }); EDITED ALSO TO ADD: Could it have something to do with this: Code: $(this).hover(noop, function() { move(curr); }); ? Hello, I believe this is something simple that I'm missing. I'm still fairly new to both js and php (and this may be a better question for the php forum - hopefully it makes sense though). What I have is a js function which uses the date/time to generate a 'unique' number onLoad, and places this number in the HTML as text in a <td></td>. This works fine. I'm also doing the same thing with the value attribute of a <input type="hidden"> element, which also works fine. The problem is, when I submit my form, php refuses to echo the value (but reports no errors). Here is all the relevant code: The HTML: Code: <td class='dandt' id='iquotenum' colspan='2'></td> The Javascript: Code: function loaded() { var d = new Date(); var vqtnum = document.getElementById("quotenumber"); var iqtnum2 = document.getElementById("iquotenum"); var vqtdat = document.getElementById("quotedate"); vqtnum.innerHTML = "" + (d.getMonth()+1) + d.getDate() + d.getFullYear() + "-" + d.getSeconds(); iqtnum2.innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='iqtnum' id='iqtnum' value='" + (d.getMonth()+1) + d.getDate() + d.getFullYear() + "-" + d.getSeconds() + "'></input>"; vqtdat.innerHTML = "" + (d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + d.getDate() + "/" + d.getFullYear(); } The PHP: Code: <?php $iqtnum = $_GET['iqtnum']; echo "<tr><td>Quote Number: </td><td>" . $iqtnum . "</td></tr>"; ?> I've verified by using Chrome's inspect element tool that the value attribute is being set correctly by my script, and I've got a few other php echos that get the user's input from other text boxes which use the same method*, and which work fine. Also while debugging I changed the type from hidden to text so I can see it easier. *Except that the value in this case is typed into the box, rather than generated by js. Thanks in advance. edit: I forgot to mention that I also have in the body tag of the HTML onLoad="loaded()". Alright so for a school assignment I need to create a button with the name of the color it is going to turn the background to. the assignment says nothing about naming the buttons the hex numbers for the color therefo I was curious if someone could show me how to create a button in java script that would generate a random hex number for a color ie: #+()+()+()+()+()+() and the text shown on the button would be the same as the hex number generated. feed back please Hello again, CodingForums. I have a .php page that generates the following javascript which is intended to hide/show a form somewhere on the page. (It only shows right now because it's not done yet.) However, after the page is rendered and given to the client, the function calls do not work, and the error console reports that "[function name] is not defined." Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function showEdit(num) { var elem = document.getElementById("form-wrap"+num); var str = "<form action=\"./blog.php\" method=\"POST\" class=\"blogform\">"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"u\" value=\"Webmaster\"/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"q\" value=\"edit\"/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"n\" value=\""+num+"\"/> str = str + "<label for=\"title\">Title</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\""+document.getElementById("title"+num).innerHTML+"\"/>"; str = str + "<label for=\"picture\">Picture</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"file\" name=\"picture\"/>"; str = str + "<label for=\"caption\">Picture Caption</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"caption\" value=\""+document.getElementById("post-image"+num).getAttribute("title")+"\"/>"; str = str + "<label for=\"content\">Entry Text</label>"; str = str + "<textarea name=\"content\" cols=\"100\" rows=\"20\" class=\"blogtextarea\">"+document.getElementById("content"+num).innerHTML+"</textarea>"; str = str + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit Post\"/>"; str = str + "</form>"; elem.innerHTML = str; } function showDelete(num) { var elem = document.getElementById("form-wrap"+num); var str = "<form action=\"./blog.php\" method=\"POST\" class=\"blogform\">"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"u\" value=\"Webmaster\"/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"q\" value=\"delete\"/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"n\" value=\""+num+"\"/> str = str + "<label for=\"really\">Delete this post?</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"really\" value=\"Yes\">Yes</input><br/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"really\" value=\"No\" checked=\"checked\">No</input><br/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Confirm\"/>"; str = str + "</form>"; elem.innerHTML = str; } function showNew(num) { var elem = document.getElementById("new-form-wrap"); var str = "<form action=\"./blog.php\" method=\"POST\" class=\"blogform\">"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"u\" value=\"Webmaster\"/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"q\" value=\"new\"/>"; str = str + "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"n\" value=\""+num+"\"/>"; str = str + "<label for=\"title\">Title</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"title\"/>"; str = str + "<label for=\"picture\">Picture</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"file\" name=\"picture\"/>"; str = str + "<label for=\"caption\">Picture Caption</label>"; str = str + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"caption\" />"; str = str + "<label for=\"content\">Entry Text</label>"; str = str + "<textarea name=\"content\" cols=\"100\" rows=\"20\" class=\"blogtextarea\"></textarea>"; str = str + "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Create Post\"/>"; str = str + "</form>"; elem.innerHTML = str; } </script> These are all the elements that call the javascript functions. Code: <a onclick="showNew('2');" class="edit-delete">Create New Entry</a> <a onclick="showDelete('1');" class="edit-delete">Delete</a> <a onclick="showEdit('1');" class="edit-delete">Edit</a> <a onclick="showDelete('0');" class="edit-delete">Delete</a> <a onclick="showEdit('0');" class="edit-delete">Edit</a> I have no idea why my functions aren't being recognized by the interpreter as such, but it's probably something simple. Thanks in advance for the help, and I'll be happy to post more code if it might be relevant. Im working on a 2nd case and I could use some help I need to replace the content of the welcome box Code: <div id="welcome"> Today is<br /> Tuesday, May 29, 2007 <br /><br /> Born today<br /> Ian Fleming (1908) - Author </div> with generated text that displays the current date, and the name of a famous person born on that date. Including comments that describe each of the variables used in writing this code and the functions that the code accesses. Hi All I'm going to keep this simple. I'm using a hashchange plugin for my page navigation I can't get scripts to run for the AJAX generated content. They run perfectly without the hashchange Here is a link to my current project: Here is the script that handles the hashchange: Code: $(function() { var newHash = "", $mainContent = $("#right"), $pageWrap = $("#wrap"), baseHeight = 0, $el; $pageWrap.height($pageWrap.height()); baseHeight = $pageWrap.height() - $pageWrap.height(); $("nav").delegate("a", "click", function() { window.location.hash = $(this).attr("href"); return false; }); $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ newHash = window.location.hash.substring(1); if (newHash) { $mainContent .find("#guts") .fadeOut(200, function() { $mainContent.hide().load(newHash + " #guts", function() { $mainContent.fadeIn(200, function() { $pageWrap.animate({ height: baseHeight + $mainContent.height() + "px" }); }); $("nav a").removeClass("current"); $("nav a[href="+newHash+"]").addClass("current"); }); }); }; }); $(window).trigger('hashchange'); }); I'm loading the scripts in the header of the main index.php page like so: Code: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.form.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.tweet.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/easing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.anythingslider.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.localscroll-1.2.7-min.js"></script> <!--[if IE 7]><link href="css/ie7.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /><![endif]--> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='js/dynamicpage.js'></script> <!--[if IE]> <script src="js/html5.js"></script> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/custom.js"></script> Would somebody be kind enough to help me with this? Thanks in advance Craig Hello all, First I apologize if this has been answered. I did a quick search on the forums but found nothing that related entirely to this issue, also did a google search and found no entirely relevant posts. For those posts I did come across I tried various hacks (including holly hacks and setting background-colors) but nothing worked. I'm not a web guru, so please feel free to pick apart and make suggestions for my code. I have a table style div. Now I'm aware that table-style divs are in no way supported by any IE yet, so I have a CC that implements similar layout for all the IEs. My issue is that this div is generated by javascript on jQuery's document ready. The div has a bunch of row divs, and below that it has cell divs. The cell divs are generated with an onclick attribute before they appended to the row divs. This works in all browsers except IE. This code occurs in a for loop that creates a row and then inserts 7 'day divs' (where the row represents a week). Code: var thisDay = document.createElement('div'); if (curMonth != viewMonth) { thisDay.className = 'JSCalViewNCMD'; } thisDay.innerHTML = curDay.toString(); thisDay.onclick = "javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'" + tarcal.inpTag.getAttribute('name') + "'," + curDay.toString() + "," + (curMonth-viewMonth).toString() + ");"; thisDay.setAttribute('onclick', "javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'" + tarcal.inpTag.getAttribute('name') + "'," + curDay.toString() + "," + (curMonth-viewMonth).toString() + ");"); //dayDivs.push(thisDay); curEl.appendChild(thisDay); curDay++; if (curDay > curDayLimit) { curDay = 1 curMonth++; if (curMonth === 12) { curMonth = 0; curYear++; } curDayLimit = JSCalendarGetMonthLength(curMonth); if (curMonth === 1 && curYear % 4 === 0) { curDayLimit = 29; } } This is the resulting generated HTML that IE developer window reports: Code: <div class="JSCal"> <DIV class=JSCalViewName> <H3>June 2010</H3></DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewArea> <DIV> <H4>S</H4> <H4>M</H4> <H4>T</H4> <H4>W</H4> <H4>T</H4> <H4>F</H4> <H4>S</H4></DIV> <DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',23,-1);">23</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',24,-1);">24</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',25,-1);">25</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',26,-1);">26</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',27,-1);">27</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',28,-1);">28</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',29,-1);">29</DIV></DIV> <DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',30,-1);">30</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',31,-1);">31</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',1,0);">1</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',2,0);">2</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',3,0);">3</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',4,0);">4</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',5,0);">5</DIV></DIV> <DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',6,0);">6</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',7,0);">7</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',8,0);">8</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',9,0);">9</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',10,0);">10</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',11,0);">11</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',12,0);">12</DIV></DIV> <DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',13,0);">13</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',14,0);">14</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',15,0);">15</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',16,0);">16</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',17,0);">17</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',18,0);">18</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',19,0);">19</DIV></DIV> <DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',20,0);">20</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',21,0);">21</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',22,0);">22</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',23,0);">23</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',24,0);">24</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',25,0);">25</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',26,0);">26</DIV></DIV> <DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',27,0);">27</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',28,0);">28</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',29,0);">29</DIV> <DIV onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',30,0);">30</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',1,1);">1</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',2,1);">2</DIV> <DIV class=JSCalViewNCMD onclick="javascript:JSCalendarHandleSelection(this,'cal1',3,1);">3</DIV></DIV></DIV> However the onclicks do not fire! No errors are generated by my code in any of the browsers. The code works in the most up to date firefox, chrome, opera, and safari for windows. I'm at a loss at what to do now... hi Peers, i am having issue capturing the value of the selected DDL using IE. the code below works just fine in Firefox... // Create a new drop down list -- for text box use 'input' instead of 'select' var newDDL = document.createElement('select'); // size lenght of the DDL for both IE or Firefox newDDL.setAttribute("style","width:300px"); //firefox newDDL.setAttribute("width","300px"); = "300px"; = 'id' + elementid + ColumnElement; newDDL.setAttribute('name','newDDL'+ elementid+ColumnElement); // filling the DDL by ITEM array Elements var i=0; for (i=0;i<=rec_count;i++) { objOption = document.createElement('option') objOption.text = ITEM[i] newDDL.options.add(objOption) } counter++; newDDL.onchange = show1; both cases are giving the value selected in firefox function 1: function show1() { alert('id=' + this.getAttribute('id') + 'name = ' + this.getAttribute('name') + 'value=' + this.value ); } function 2: function show1() { alert('id=' + this.getAttribute('id') + 'name = ' + this.getAttribute('name') + 'value='+ this.getAttribute('value')); } any suggestion will be appreciated thanks I'm new here and this is my first post, I hope I can find help here. How can i dynamically generate this type of form element in javascript, including the table rows and columns enclosing the form elements and whenever that 'Add More' button is clicked, a new instant of the same form will generated and select drop down list populated. I have try to google for solution, but without success. I code in PHP, but i need it to integrate in my code. Thanks for your help. Hello, I'm not sure if this is the best forum for my question or not, but I'll explain what I'm doing and we'll see. I am trying to make a little easter egg hidden inside a web application and its going great except I'd like to hide my .gif files by changing their file extension to something like .dat instead so it won't be so obvious what they are. Basically all I really want to do is have an html image tag that points to a file who's extension is not gif, but really does contain gif content. (I want to mask the fact that the file is really a gif when looking at it in the directory listing.) So, my idea was I would point the <img src=""> tag's src attribute to a cgi script that could write out a Content-type: image/gif header and return the binary gif data. So, I did this and it worked great, but its really slow. (I output the image multiple times and animate it.) So, I thought I could maybe use Javascript to preload these cgi requests and cache them, but every attempt I've made to do this fails! It's like the browser doesn't want to cache the cgi requests. My method of attempting this was to create Image() objects in javascript and set their src attribute to my cgi script call and then set an onload to keep track of when they were all loaded. That seemed to work fine, but then when I try to display an image with the src tag equal to the cgi location (after they were all loaded) its like it goes and reads the code to pull it down again instead of using a cached copy because its really slow. So, then I thought, hey maybe I could just manually edit the binary content of the gif file (which has an extension like .dat) to also contain Content-type: image/gif\n\n embedded at the front of the file. So, I opened the binary file with a hex editor and inserted that text content at the front... but it didn't work. I had <img src="myfile.dat"/> Is there an easy way to make the browser recognize my gif file even if I don't use a gif extension? If not is there a way to preload and cache cgi responses with Javascript so that they don't keep reloading each time I refer to them? Any other ideas? Thanks.
Hello friends, I want to trigger click event on an iframe's element through the main window, Doing it both ways, with or without jquery, will be usable for me. Basically, what I want to do is, I have developed a website, and on every document download page, I have placed an fb like button, what I want to do is that the like button should be automatically clicked when a user click on download button on my website. Give me some idea about how to do it? Hello! Im having problem generating the labels for content created by the following function: Code: function setOutput(){ if(httpObject.readyState == 4){ var answer = httpObject.resultsponseText.split(","); var results = document.getElementById("resultsultadosScan1"); var article = document.createElement("div"); var weight = document.createElement("div"); var price = document.createElement("div"); article.className = "article"; weight.className = "weight"; price.className = "price"; document.getElementById('outputText0').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[0]; document.getElementById('outputText1').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[1]; document.getElementById('outputText2').value = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[2]; article.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[0]; weight.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[1]; price.innerHTML = httpObject.innerHTML= answer[2]; results.appendChild(article); results.appendChild(weight); results.appendChild(price); } } A friend wrote this sample script to achieve generation of labels on my script, but I have been trying for hours with no luck, can someone take a look and tell me the correct usage of this script: Code: function createLabel() { var target = document.getElementById("target"); var label = document.createElement("label"); var text = document.createTextNode("Article"); label.appendChild(text); target.appendChild(label); } Can you help me with the correct "combination" using my script above, a "real life" example? Thanks a lot! Hi all, I use a javascript to generate a checkbox list. It works well but all the <input type="checkbox"> generated have the same id. I would like to find a way to auto-implement the id (with a unique id). So if my javascript generates 10 checkboxes, I will get id from 1 to 10 or something similar. Code: // here I build the filter checkboxes based on all the class names $.each(arrayUniqueClasses, function() { $('<li><input class="styled" type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="1" value="'+this+'" id="1" /> <label class="check" for="1"></label> <label class="info" for="filterID'+this+'">'+this+'<\/label><\/li>').appendTo('ul.filters'); }); so I tried something but it doesn't work at all (I'm a beginner as you can guess) : Code: var getUniqueId = (function () { var id=0; return function() { if (arguments[0]==0) id=0; return id++; } } )(); Thanks for helping here the full script if needed : Code: function unique(a) { tmp = new Array(0); for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){ if(!contains(tmp, a[i])){ tmp.length+=1; tmp[tmp.length-1]=a[i]; } } return tmp; } function contains(a, e) { for(j=0;j<a.length;j++)if(a[j]==e)return true; return false; } function removeItems(array, item) { var i = 0; while (i < array.length) { if (array[i] == item) { array.splice(i, 1); } else { i++; } } return array; } $(document).ready(function () { if ($('.filterThis > li').length < 2) { return; } var stringOfClassNames = ''; $('.filterThis > li').each( function (i) { var thisClassString = $(this).attr('class'); stringOfClassNames = stringOfClassNames +' '+ thisClassString }); stringOfClassNames = jQuery.trim(stringOfClassNames); var arrayClasses = stringOfClassNames.split(' '); var arrayClasses = arrayClasses.sort(); totalNumberOfItemsToFilter = $('.filterThis > li').length; var result = new Object(); for (var filterClass in arrayClasses) { if (result[arrayClasses[filterClass]] === undefined) { result[arrayClasses[filterClass]] = 1; } else { result[arrayClasses[filterClass]]++; } } var resultsToRemoveFromFilters = new Array(); for (var item in result) { if (result[item] == totalNumberOfItemsToFilter) { resultsToRemoveFromFilters.push(item); } } arrayUniqueClasses = (unique(arrayClasses)); if (arrayUniqueClasses.length > 1) { $('<ul class="filters"><\/ul>').insertAfter('h3'); $.each(arrayUniqueClasses, function() { $('<li><input class="styled" type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="1" value="'+this+'" id="0" /><label class="check" for="0"></label><label class="info" for="filterID'+this+'">'+this+'<\/label><\/li>').appendTo('ul.filters'); }); var classesStringOfSin = new Array(); classesStringOfSalvation = arrayUniqueClasses; $('.filterThis > li').addClass('filterTriggerShown'); $('.filters input').click( function() { var value= $(this).val(); stringValue = '.filterThis > li.'+value; if ($(this).is(':checked')) { classesStringOfSalvation.push(value); classesStringOfSin = removeItems(classesStringOfSin, value); $(stringValue).removeClass('filterTriggerHidden').addClass('filterTriggerShown').slideDown(); } else { classesStringOfSin.push(value); classesStringOfSalvation = removeItems(classesStringOfSalvation, value); $(stringValue).removeClass('filterTriggerShown').addClass('filterTriggerHidden'); $.each(classesStringOfSalvation, function() { var newStringValue = stringValue+'.'+this; $(newStringValue).removeClass('filterTriggerHidden').addClass('filterTriggerShown'); }); $('.filterTriggerHidden').slideUp(); } }); } }); I'l not good in Javascript and I can't find anything about what I want.. . On a sports website there is a table with our ranking and results. On this site the content is changed weekly, but it stays in the same tables.. . Is it possible to make a javascript to get those tables and put them on my own website so the content will change on my site when the content is changed on the sports site? Please help me, it would save me lot of time.. . THx |