JavaScript - Javascript Noob Needs Help With Storing And Using A Form Value
Hi all,
ok firstly i know all but nothing about javascript and you prob about to see the worst attempt eva at trying to understand it ok so here is my js code Code: <script language="javascript"> function selectElement(idElement) { var ratingval = ""; liElement = document.getElementById('sel'+idElement); lirating = document.ratingform.userrating.value; if(liElement == "sel1") { raingval = "1"; lirating = "1"; } if(liElement == "sel2") { raingval = "2"; lirating = "2"; } if(liElement == "sel3") { raingval = "3"; lirating = "3"; } if(liElement == "sel4") { raingval = "4"; lirating = "4"; } if(liElement == "sel5") { raingval = "5"; lirating = "5"; } } </script> and here is my html code Code: <form name="ratingform" action="" method="post"> <fieldset class="login"> <legend>Personal Details</legend> <div> <label for="fname">First Name</label> <input type="text" id="fname" name="fname" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['fname'])){ echo $_POST['fname'];}?>"> </div> <div> <label for="lname">Surname</label> <input type="text" id="lname" name="lname" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['fname'])){ echo $_POST['lname'];}?>"> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="contact"> <legend>Review</legend> <div> <label for="title">Review Title</label> <input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['title'])){ echo $_POST['title'];}?>"> </div> <div> <label for="review">Review</label> <textarea name="review" id="review" cols="33" rows="5"><?php if(isset($_POST['review'])){ echo $_POST['review'];}?></textarea> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset class="rating2"> <legend>Rating</legend> <div> <label for="rating">User Rating</label> <ul class="rating"> <li id="current" class="current" style="width: <?php echo $_GET['rating']?>em;"></li> <li id="sel1"><a onclick='onClick="javascript:selectElement(1)' class="rate1" title="I hated it">*</a></li> <li id="sel2"><a href="?rating=2" class="rate2" title="I disliked it">*</a></li> <li id="sel3"><a href="?rating=3" class="rate3" title="It was OK">*</a></li> <li id="sel4"><a href="?rating=4" class="rate4" title="I liked it">*</a></li> <li id="sel5"><a href="?rating=5" class="rate5" title="I loved it">*</a></li> </ul> </div> </fieldset> <div> <input type="hidden" name="userrating" value="" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"><?php if($error == TRUE){echo $message;}if($submit == TRUE && $error == FALSE){echo $message;}?></div> </form> ok so what im trying to acheive is that when a user clicks on either of the rating links, a js function is run which gets the li value and then sets a value of a varible to match the li value and then i want to add that value to the hidden userrating form input and set the value of <li id"current" width value to the same value but as im sure youve noticed from my code it isnt working. any help it greatly needed and appreciated, thanks Luke Similar TutorialsI'm integrating a JavaScript typing tutorial to my website. But I'm not able to store the value to the database. In the below code you can see the speed is updated in a html span. The id of the tag is speed(<span id="speed"></span>). This code will automatically update when user start typing. I want to update this to a database when user press submit button. But i cant able to. Is there any way to input the speed to database ? Please go through the below code and suggest me what i can do....? Code: <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var garray = new Array(); var garrayIndex = -1; var gtext = ""; var gindex = 0; var goldPressed = 0; //previous pressed key code var goldTarget = 0; //previous target key code var gtarget = 0; var gpressed = 0; var ggood = 0; var gtotal = 0; var gtime = 0; var gkeytime = 0; function setup() { setEvents(); //change this array to suit your needs but note that indices //must ascend by 1 from 0: garray[0]="foo"; garray[1]="bar";... garray[0] = "a s d f s d f f s d as sd ad fs ds sad af sa fa dafa sda dad das afa sfd add sasd df sf saf dds fd ads safd fsd fas sas dafs as fad"; //more similar lines can easily be added above, dont forget to get the index right! garrayIndex = -1; next(); } function setPatternInit() { //#b note: once we did this using innerHTML but this caused //a leakage of handles in ie var pat = document.getElementById("pattern"); for(; { if (pat.hasChildNodes()) { pat.removeChild(pat.lastChild); } else break; } var cname = "done"; for (j=0; j<gtext.length; j++) { var ch = gtext.charAt(j); if (j>gindex) cname = "future"; else if (j==gindex) cname = "todo"; var kid = document.createElement("span"); kid.className = cname; var txt = document.createTextNode(ch); kid.appendChild(txt); //#b innertext doesnt work on firefox pat.appendChild(kid); } } function setPattern() { var pat = document.getElementById("pattern"); var kids = pat.childNodes; var cname = "done"; for (j=0; j<gtext.length; j++) { if (j>gindex) cname = "future"; else if (j==gindex) cname = "todo"; var kid = kids[j]; kid.className = cname; } } function mapToBoard(code) { if ((code>=97)&&(code<=108)) return (code-32); if ((code>=110)&&(code<=122)) return (code-32); if ((code>=65)&&(code<=90)) return code; if ((code>=48)&&(code<=57)) return code; if ((code==32)) return code; if ((code==44)||(code==46)||(code==47)||(code==59)) return code; return 0; //not on our board picture } function setBoard() { var letter; var elt; var c; var s; if (goldTarget!=0) { c = mapToBoard(goldTarget); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "silent"; elt.className = s; } } if (goldPressed!=0) { c = mapToBoard(goldPressed); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "silent"; elt.className = s; } } if (gtarget!=0) { c = mapToBoard(gtarget); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "target"; elt.className = s; } } if (gpressed!=0) { c = mapToBoard(gpressed); if (c!=0) { letter = "code"+c; elt = document.getElementById(letter); s = "pressed"; elt.className = s; } } } function nextPattern() { goldTarget = gtarget; goldPressed = gpressed; if (++garrayIndex == garray.length) garrayIndex = 0; gtext = garray[0]; gindex = 0; gpressed = 0; setPrompt(); } function prevPattern() { goldTarget = gtarget; goldPressed = gpressed; if (--garrayIndex < 0) garrayIndex = garray.length - 1; gtext = garray[garrayIndex]; gindex = 0; gpressed = 0; setPrompt(); } function next() { nextPattern(); setPatternInit(); setBoard(); } function prev() { prevPattern(); setPatternInit(); setBoard(); } function skip(e) { next(); return false; } function back(e) { prev(); return false; } function setEcho(c, isOK) { var s; if (c<' ') c=' '; var s = "["+c+"]"; if (!isOK) s += " ..OOPS!" var elt = document.getElementById("echo"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); } function setPrompt() { var ch = gtext.charAt(gindex); gtarget = ch.charCodeAt(0); } function adjustStatistics(ch) { return; //could count errors by character } function updateSpeed(ok) { var t = (new Date()).getTime(); var dt = (t-gtime); gtime = t; if (dt > 5000) return; //ignore sleepy user gkeytime += dt; var s = (0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime).toFixed(0) + ""; var elt = document.getElementById("speed"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); } function updateScore(ok) { if (ok) ggood++; gtotal++; updateSpeed(ok) var s = ggood.toFixed(0) + ""; var elt = document.getElementById("count"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); s = (gtotal-ggood).toFixed(0) + ""; elt = document.getElementById("accuracy"); txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); var s = (gkeytime/1000).toFixed(2) + " s"; var elt = document.getElementById("time"); var txt = document.createTextNode(s); //#b if (elt.hasChildNodes()) { elt.replaceChild(txt, elt.lastChild); } else elt.appendChild(txt); } function reset(e) { window.location.reload(); } function debug() { //#b to use, set body onLoad="debug()" instead of "setup()" in html //document.onkeydown=debugKey; //#b document.onkeypress=debugKey; } function debugKey(evt) { //#b var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; //#b var k = (e.which)? e.which : e.keyCode; var f = filterKeyCode(k); var s = "k="+k+",f="+f; alert(s); return false; } function setEvents() { //#b document.onkeydown=down; //#b document.onkeypress=press; (document.getElementById('skip')).onmousedown=skip; (document.getElementById('back')).onmousedown=back; (document.getElementById('reset')).onmousedown=reset; } function cleanup() { //pointless, really document.onkeydown=null; //#b document.onkeypress=null; (document.getElementById('skip')).onmousedown=null; (document.getElementById('back')).onmousedown=null; (document.getElementById('reset')).onmousedown=null; } function filterKeyCode(code) { //from key down (0 to ignore) //note: user must have num lock set if they want to use keypad numbers if ((code>=65)&&(code<=90)) return code; //alpha if ((code>=48)&&(code<=57)) return code; //numberic if (code==32) return code; //blank if ((code>=96)&&(code<=105)) return code; //number pad digits if ((code==13)||(code==16)) return code; //enter, shift if ((code>=106)&&(code<=111)) return code; //number pad operators if ((code>=186)&&(code<=192)) return code; //punctuation if ((code>=219)&&(code<=222)) return code; //punctuation return 0; } function filterCode(code) { //from key press as ascii char code (0 to ignore) if ((code==13)||(code==16)) return code; //enter and shift are allowed if (code<32) return 0; if (code>=127) return 0; return code; } function capsLockFilter(e, pressed) { //#b many problems making this cross browser! //#b e.modifiers known only on early mozilla (which does not know standard e.shiftkey)? var shifted = e.shiftKey || (e.modifiers && (e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK)); //#b var locked = (((pressed > 64) && (pressed < 91) && (!shifted)) || ((pressed > 96) && (pressed < 123) && (shifted))); if (locked) alert("caps lock!"); } function down(evt) { //#b var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; //#b var rawcode = (e.which)? e.which : e.keyCode; pressed = filterKeyCode(rawcode); if (pressed > 0) return true; if (typeof(e.cancelBubble)!="undefined") e.cancelBubble = true; if (typeof(e.stopPropagation)!="undefined") e.stopPropagation(); return false; //#b nuisance keys - backspace etc on ie (no effect for capslock!!) } function press(evt) { //#b //#b should work in ie, firefox, safari(hopefully), opera(hopefully) var e = (window.event) ? window.event : evt; //#b var pressed = 0; var wc = -1; var kc = -1; var cc = -1; if (typeof(e.keyCode)!="undefined") kc = e.keyCode; //ie if (typeof(e.charCode)!="undefined") cc = e.charCode; //firefox if (typeof(e.which)!="undefined") wc = e.which; //old mozilla if ((kc>=0)&&(cc>=0)) { //firefox pressed = cc; } else if (kc>=0) pressed = kc; //ie else if (wc>=0) pressed = wc; //old mozilla //alert("pressed="+pressed+",kc="+kc+",cc="+cc+",wc="+wc); pressed = filterCode(pressed); if (pressed==0) { if (kc==13) return skip(); //#b firefox else return false; } if (pressed==13) return skip(); //#b ie capsLockFilter(e, pressed); //hmm var c = String.fromCharCode(pressed); //ie from ascii code var ch = gtext.charAt(gindex); var ok = (c==ch); goldPressed = gpressed; gpressed = pressed; goldTarget = gtarget; if (ok) { gindex++; if (gindex==gtext.length) { if (gtotal-ggood <= 5 && 0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime >= 20) { alert('Good work! You had fewer than 5 errors and typed faster than 20 WPM! Now try the next exercise!'); setPatternInit(); } else if (gtotal-ggood > 5 && 0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime >= 20){ alert('Good speed! You were over 20 WPM but have more than five errors! Slow down a bit for accuracy.') setPatternInit(); } else if (gtotal-ggood <= 5 && 0.5+ggood*60*200/gkeytime < 20){ alert('Good accuracy! You had fewer than 5 errors, now try for 20 WPM.') setPatternInit(); } else alert ('Focus on accuracy first, then go for speed!'); setPatternInit(); } else setPattern(); gpressed = 0; setPrompt(); setEcho(c, true); updateScore(true); } else { setEcho(c, false); updateScore(false); setPattern() } setBoard(); return false; } //</XMLCDATA> </script> This is my HTML Code : Code: <body onload="setup()" onunload="cleanup()"> <div id="container1"> <div id="container3"> <div id="body"> <div id="pattern" class="big"> </div> <div id="prompt" class="prompt"> </div> <div id="board" class="board"> <div id="row0" class="row0"> <span id="code49">1</span> <span id="code50">2</span> <span id="code51">3</span> <span id="code52">4</span> <span id="code53" style="margin-left:-5px;">5</span> <span id="code54">6</span> <span id="code55">7</span> <span id="code56">8</span> <span id="code57">9</span> <span id="code48">0</span> </div> <div id="row1" class="row1"> <span id="code81">Q</span> <span id="code87">W</span> <span id="code69">E</span> <span id="code82" style="font-weight:bold">R</span> <span id="code84">T</span> <span id="code89">Y</span> <span id="code85" style="margin-left: -2px;">U</span> <span id="code73">I</span> <span id="code79">O</span> <span id="code80">P</span> </div> <div id="row2" class="row2"> <span id="code65">A</span> <span id="code83">S</span> <span id="code68">D</span> <span id="code70" style="font-weight:bold;">F</span> <span id="code71" style="margin: 0 0 0 -5px;">G</span> <span id="code72">H</span> <span id="code74" style="font-weight:bold;">J</span> <span id="code75">K</span> <span id="code76">L</span> <span id="code59">;</span> </div> <div id="row3" class="row3"> <span id="code90">Z</span> <span id="code88">X</span> <span id="code67">C</span> <span id="code86" style="font-weight:bold">V</span> <span id="code66">B</span> <span id="code78">N</span> <span id="code77" style="font-weight:bold">M</span> <span id="code44">,</span> <span id="code46">.</span> </div> <div id="row4" class="row4"> <span id="code32">[SPACE]</span> </div> <div id="scores"> <div class="count">Characters: <span id="count"></span> </div> <div class="accuracy">Errors: <span id="accuracy"></span> </div> <div class="speed">WPM: <span id="speed"></span> </div> <div class="time">Time: <span id="time"></span> </div> </div> <div align="center"> <button id="reset" class="button123" name="reset" align="center">Restart Exercise</button> </div> </div> <div id="echo" class="echo" style="display:none;"> [] </div> <div style="display:none;"> <button id="skip" class="button123" name="skip">skip</button> to next line ("enter" key is shortcut) </div> <div style="display:none;"> <button id="back" class="button123" name="back">back</button> to previous line </div> </div> </div> hi all i'm kind of new to the JS world and need your help with some thing i hope it not that big to ask. if you go to linkedin website with your user ( you will see a bar called LinkedIn Today. what i need is this kind of bar but with messages changing all the time(moving) is this some thing i need to write from scratch or there some example that i can use? any help will be good for me now because i need to do it ASAP regards,shay Hey guys I'm new to Javascript and need some help with this code Code: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Swap Test</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <script type="text/javascript"> var numberOne; var numberTwo; // Declaring the values of numberOne and numberTwo var numberOne = 9; var numberTwo = 1; // Variables are swapped numberOne = numberTwo; numberTwo = numberOne; // Output is displayed on-screen document.write (numberOne); document.write (numberTwo); </script> </BODY> </HTML> What I need to do is to declare the two variables, swap their values and then show the results on the screen. ...but it's not working, any ideas? Thanks! x I am working on a site for an online radio station and I want an external player to launch on site visit and to continue playing as the visitors surf my site. I feel I am 95% there as I have the player spawning on launch and checking for popup blockers. If a popup blocker is found the user is prompted to add my domain to their allowed lists so that future visits will launch the player right out of the box. My problem is this. When someone navigates back to the "home" page (where the script is located the external player window reloads and I do not want it to. I have found a couple of sites that say do this and that but I am a 100% novice at javascript and can not figure it out. here is the url of the site I am building - If you have popup blocker on you should get an alert. If not a small player should launch here is the code that I am using to spawn the external player and check for popup blockers ************** <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function detectPopupBlocker() { var czmTest ="","Cozumel Radio","width=478,height=260"); if (!czmTest) { alert("We were unable to automatically open the Cozumel Radio Player due to your pop-up blocker... Please add to your allowed sites for your best listening experience"); } else {"","Cozumel Radio","width=478,height=260"); } } ************** if anyone could add the code that would make the browser check to see if this window is already open and if so not reload it I would GREATLY appreciate it. I feel like it is 1 to 2 lines of code max according to what I have seen elsewhere but just cant figure it out. Thanks a Million in advance Chris I'm quite new to JavaScript, but I wanted to add a feature to a sample website that I need to have done by tomorrow night. I have two HTML paragraphs which I will call "a" and "b". Below those paragraphs I have a text box and a submit button. This is how I declared them in the HTML doc: Code: <input type="text" name="message" value="Blank Message" id="newsmessage" /> Code: <input type="button" value="Post" id="submitbutton" onclick="updatepost()" /> Now when I click the submit button I want paragraph b to replace itself with paragraph a, and I want paragraph a to replace itself with the text in the text box. Here's the JavaScript that I have written. (I'm aware it's probably quite off.) Note: paragraph a is toppost, paragraph b is bottompost, the text box is named message, and I created p1 and p2 as temporary holders for the strings. Err... variables. Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function updatepost() { p2=document.getElementById("toppost"); document.getElementById("bottompost").innerHTML=p2; p1=document.message.elements[i]; document.getElementById("toppost").innerHTML=p1; } </script> As of right now the paragraph a holds the text "a" and paragraph b holds the text "b". When I click post paragraph a still reads "a" and paragraph b reads "[object HTMLParagraphElement]". Sorry for my minimal JavaScript knowledge; I have full intentions of fully learning the language quite soon. I just wanted to implement this feature in a site that I had to create and my deadline is tomorrow. Thanks guys! -Dave I have a slideshow that goes through pictures once you click on the Play button and doesn't stop until you press on the Stop button. How can I make it so that it automatically plays once the website loads without having to click on the Play button? Heres the code: Code: <div class="tabs png"><span class="tabs-inner"><a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></span></div> <div class="slider-indent-button"> <a href="#" onClick='$("div.tabs").tabs().play();'>Play</a> <a href="#" onClick='$("div.tabs").tabs().stop();'>Stop</a> </div> All help is much appreciated!!! Hey, I've got to make the values of some textboxes change the co-ordinates of my sprite on a canvas and havent a clue on how to do it, Here is my form with the two textboxes and submit button: <form> x: <input type="text" name="x" /><br /> y: <input type="text" name:"y" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit"/><br /> </form> And i need it so that they change the values of these: //this shows where my sprite will start on the canvas var block_x; var block_y; searched the internet for hours and cant really find anything i understand or works. any help is much appreciated I have a page that open two frames. Second frame, most of the page, is empty. First frame contains a form that retrieves user input, when you click the button, it send that input back to the original parent html, which detects the GET parameters, and builds a custom URL. I want to then load that custom URL in the 2nd empty frame. I figure I need to modify the src atttribute of the 2nd frame in the frameset, but I can't make it work. Code: <frameset id='parent' rows='10%,90%'> <frame id='frm1' src='./form.html' /> <frame id='frm2' src='' /> </frameset> <script>modFrmSrc();</script> where modFrmSrc() checks for the GET values, builds the URL, and then tries to load the URL in frm2. Is there a way to get this done? I am trying to dynamically add rows to a table when the user clicks a button. here my function Code: function addFocusArea() { if(addTlFocusAreaCount <= 5) { //Create new Title row var titleRow = document.createElement("tr"); var titleCol = document.createElement("th"); var titleText = document.createTextNode("Additional Focus Area " + addTlFocusAreaCount); titleCol.appendChild(titleText); titleRow.appendChild(titleCol); document.getElementById("focusTable").appendChild(titleRow); //Create new category row var categoryRow = document.createElement("tr"); var categoryCol = document.createElement("td"); var categorySelect = document.createElement("select"); var categories = document.getElementById("<%=DecisionToolKeys.PRIMARY_FOCUS%>"); //copy a dropdown menu that is already existing on the page for(var i=0; i<categories.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = categories[i].value; option.text = categories[i].text; categorySelect.options.add(option); } categoryCol.appendChild(categorySelect); categoryRow.appendChild(categoryCol); document.getElementById("focusTable").appendChild(categoryRow); addTlFocusAreaCount++; } else { alert("You cannot add more than five additional practice areas."); } } And here is my button Code: <input type="button" value="Add Focus Area" onclick="JavaScript:addFocusArea()"/> This is working in Firefox and Chrome, but not IE 8. Any clue as to why? Thanks, Nick Hi all, I sincerely apologise for the noob question. I have search and searched for an answer but to no avail, so I hope someone on here can help. I'm trying to get a fisheye verticle menu working. I've found somethin which fits the requirement he and tried to make it work. It just doesn't. I've tried different versions of mootools etc but I think I'm missing something really stupidky simple. I'd really appreciate it if someone could have a look at my temp page ( and point me in the right direction. Many thanks in advance. Paul I have put this together and it looks to me like it should work but when i ht submit it does nothing, no error or anything, which makes it hard for me to diagnose. You all are much more experienced minds and may look at it and see my error right away (at least thats what im hoping) the point of this project is a form that will post(including pics) to a google spreadsheet. it may be i need to post this in the ajax forum, but its at least partially js so let me know thank you so much for your help all Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>QC Observation</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div> <form id="form" target="_self" onsubmit="" action=""> <div class="ss-header-image-container"><div class="ss-header-image-image"><div class="ss-header-image-sizer"></div></div></div> <div class="ss-top-of-page"><div class="ss-form-heading"><h1 class="ss-form-title" dir="ltr">QC Observation</h1> <div class="ss-form"><form action="" method="POST" id="ss-form" target="_self" onsubmit=""><ol role="list" class="ss-question-list" style="padding-left: 0"> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem"> <div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-item-required ss-select"><div class="ss-form-entry"> <label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_1344879795"><div class="ss-q-title">Bldg <label for="itemView.getDomIdToLabel()" aria-label="(Required field)"></label> <span class="ss-required-asterisk" aria-hidden="true">*</span></div> <div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label> <select name="entry.1344879795" id="entry_1344879795" aria-label="Bldg " aria-required="true" required=""><option value=""></option> <option value="A Residence">A Residence</option> <option value="B Residence">B Residence</option> <option value="C Residence">C Residence</option> <option value="D Residence">D Residence</option> <option value="OSB">OSB</option> <option value="MNT">MNT</option> <option value="TWB">TWB</option> <option value="VP">VP</option> <option value="VM">VM</option> <option value="Site Dev">Site Dev</option></select> <div class="required-message">This is a required question</div></div></div></div> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem"> <div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-item-required ss-select"><div class="ss-form-entry"> <label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_1358292836"><div class="ss-q-title">QC Representative <label for="itemView.getDomIdToLabel()" aria-label="(Required field)"></label> <span class="ss-required-asterisk" aria-hidden="true">*</span></div> <div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label> <select name="entry.1358292836" id="entry_1358292836" aria-label="QC Representative " aria-required="true" required=""><option value=""></option> <option value="David Bradley">David Bradley</option> <option value="Ryan Harper">Ryan Harper</option> <option value="Herschell Mirick">Herschell Mirick</option> <option value="Bill Bejelis">Bill Bejelis</option> <option value="Nick Pappas">Nick Pappas</option> <option value="Stephen Gehrlich">Stephen Gehrlich</option> <option value="Beth Davis">Beth Davis</option> <option value="Ohene Akrofi">Ohene Akrofi</option> <option value="Mike Dow">Mike Dow</option> <option value="David Picknell">David Picknell</option> <option value="Lynne Viescas">Lynne Viescas</option></select> <div class="required-message">This is a required question</div></div></div></div> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem"> <div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-item-required ss-select"><div class="ss-form-entry"> <label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_895392494"><div class="ss-q-title">Shop Responsible <label for="itemView.getDomIdToLabel()" aria-label="(Required field)"></label> <span class="ss-required-asterisk" aria-hidden="true">*</span></div> <div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label> <select name="entry.895392494" id="entry_895392494" aria-label="Shop Responsible " aria-required="true" required=""><option value=""></option> <option value="Walls/Ceilings">Walls/Ceilings</option> <option value="Plumbing">Plumbing</option> <option value="Electrical">Electrical</option> <option value="HVAC/Sheet Metal">HVAC/Sheet Metal</option> <option value="Carpentry">Carpentry</option> <option value="Interiors">Interiors</option> <option value="Exteriors">Exteriors</option> <option value="Masonry">Masonry</option> <option value="Mechanics">Mechanics</option> <option value="Structural">Structural</option></select> <div class="required-message">This is a required question</div></div></div></div> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem"> <div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-select"><div class="ss-form-entry"> <label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_1493538421"><div class="ss-q-title">Issue Type </div> <div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label> <select name="entry.1493538421" id="entry_1493538421" aria-label="Issue Type "><option value=""></option> <option value="Poor Workmanship">Poor Workmanship</option> <option value="Lack of Training">Lack of Training</option> <option value="Not Per Plans">Not Per Plans</option> <option value="Not Per Code">Not Per Code</option> <option value="Not Per Spec">Not Per Spec</option> <option value="Plan Conflict">Plan Conflict</option></select> <div class="required-message">This is a required question</div></div></div></div> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem"> <div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-paragraph-text"><div class="ss-form-entry"> <label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_177485091"><div class="ss-q-title">Notes/Actions </div> <div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label> <textarea name="entry.177485091" rows="8" cols="0" class="ss-q-long" id="entry_177485091" dir="auto" aria-label="Notes/Actions "></textarea> <div class="error-message" id="754075454_errorMessage"></div> <div class="required-message">This is a required question</div> </div></div></div> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem"> <div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-item-required ss-date"><div class="ss-form-entry"> <label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_1875356531"><div class="ss-q-title">Follow-Up Date <label for="itemView.getDomIdToLabel()" aria-label="(Required field)"></label> <span class="ss-required-asterisk" aria-hidden="true">*</span></div> <div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label> <input type="date" name="entry.1875356531" value="" class="ss-q-date" dir="auto" id="entry_1875356531" aria-label="Follow-Up Date " aria-required="true" required=""> <div class="required-message">This is a required question</div></div></div></div> <input type="hidden" name="draftResponse" value="[,,"3618330731406970920"] "> <input type="hidden" name="pageHistory" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="fbzx" value="3618330731406970920"> <tr> <td>Image File</td> <td> <input type="file" name="uploadedFile" class="gwt-FileUpload"> </td> </ol></div> <div style="width: 100%; display: block; float: right;"> <button id="send" type="submit"> Send </button> </div> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function postToGoogle() { var field1 = $("input[type='radio'][name='qs1']:checked").val(); var field2 = $("input[type='radio'][name='qs2']:checked").val(); var field3 = $('#feed').val(); $.ajax({ url: "", data: {"entry.1023121230": field3, "entry.1230072460": field1, "entry.2113237615": field2}, type: "POST", dataType: "xml", statusCode: { 0: function() { //Success message }, 200: function() { //Success Message } } }); } $(document).ready(function(){ $('#form').submit(function() { postToGoogle(); return false; }); }); </script> </body> </html> Reply With Quote 01-27-2015, 10:10 AM #2 Dormilich View Profile View Forum Posts Senior Coder Join Date Jan 2010 Location Behind the Wall Posts 3,532 Thanks 13 Thanked 372 Times in 368 Posts first you should verify whether your AJAX actually sends something off: open the browser’s dev tools and check the network panel for any outgoing requests. I might as well mention the SOP (same origin policy) here that governs which URLs you are allowed to contact. Hi all, I'm desperately trying to figure out how to "transform" Javascript commands into HTML code. Excuse my noobness but I really know nothing about Javascript. Basically, I have this Google API Search code: Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>My Google AJAX Search API Application</title> <script src=""></script> <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ google.load("search", "1"); function OnLoad() { // Create a search control var searchControl = new; // Add in a full set of searchers var localSearch = new; searchControl.addSearcher(localSearch); searchControl.addSearcher(new; searchControl.addSearcher(new; searchControl.addSearcher(new; // Set the Local Search center point localSearch.setCenterPoint("New York, NY"); // Tell the searcher to draw itself and tell it where to attach searchControl.draw(document.getElementById("searchcontrol")); // Execute an inital search searchControl.execute("Google"); } google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad); //]]> </script> </head> <body> <div id="searchcontrol">Loading...</div> </body> </html> Now, what I'm desperately trying to do since 4-5 hours is to have the search results between the <div id="searchcontrol"></div> encoded as HTML in the loaded page. Currently, when the page is loaded and I look at the source code, I have the word 'Loading...' in the <div> tags, despite in the normal view there are G results listed. I need those results encoded as HTML for SEO reasons. Researching on this matter I thought the problem could be the OnLoad command, that makes the script load after all the other HTML elements are loaded. But I tried to make it load before all the elements in the page, and the problem persists. How can I solve this? Thanks in advance for any help! Hello everybody! This is my first post at CodingForums! I'm currently designing a wordpress theme, and I require a bit of javascript for a hover effect. I'm using Wordpress Jquery + Jquery Color Animations plugin. The structu I use a div (class="post") as a container for the wordpress post, and within the "post" div, I have a span (class="title") which I use to display the title of the post. What I want to do is: when the user hovers over (OnMouseOver) "post" div: ".title" spans's background color fades from black to red. when the user hovers out (OnMouserOut) "post" div: ".title" spans's background color fades back to black. The Code Code: $j(document).ready(function(){ $j(".posts").hover(function(){ $j (".posts .title").animate({ backgroundColor: "#FF0062" }, 300); },function(){ $j(".posts .title").animate({ backgroundColor: "#231F20" }, 300); }); }); The Problem The code works, except when the user hovers over any "post" div, all "title" span change color. So my question is, how do I target the code to address ONLY the "title" span in the "post" div that is in hover state? Any help would be greatly appreciated, Cheers, Drew. I've literally tried everything. Read 26 tutorials, interchanged code, etc. My validation functions all work. My AJAX functions work (tested manually using servlet URL's). The second servlet validates the reCaptcha form that's generated on my webpage. After the form is validated, even if everything's correct, nothing happens upon clicking submit. I even have an alert pop up if with the captcha result, just for middle-layer debugging purposes. I want to do all of my validation clientside; none serverside. However, going to be tough if I can't get my god damn form to submit. I've been puzzled by this for close to 36 hours straight. I can't see, and I'm going to get some rest and hope that there is some useful insight on my problem when I return. html form: Code: <form id="f1" name="form1" onsubmit="validate_form(this); return false;" action="register" method="post"> <table cellspacing="5" style="border: 2px solid black;"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td>*First name</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_one"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="fn" name="fn" onBlur="validate_one();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Last name</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_two"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="ln" name="ln" onBlur="validate_two();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Email address</td> <td align="right"><span id="result"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="mailfield" name="email" onBlur="startRequest();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Phone number</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_three"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="pn" name="pn" onBlur="validate_three();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*City/Town</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_four"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="c" name="c" onBlur="validate_four();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td> <select name="s"> <option value="AL">Alabama <option value="AK">Alaska <option value="AZ">Arizona <option value="AR">Arkansas <option value="CA">California <option value="CO">Colorado <option value="CT">Connecticut <option value="DE">Delaware <option value="FL">Florida <option value="GA">Georgia <option value="HI">Hawaii <option value="ID">Idaho <option value="IL">Illinois <option value="IN">Indiana <option value="IA">Iowa <option value="KS">Kansas <option value="KY">Kentucky <option value="LA">Louisiana <option value="ME">Maine <option value="MD">Maryland <option value="MA">Massachusetts <option value="MI">Michigan <option value="MN">Minnesota <option value="MS">Mississippi <option value="MO">Missouri <option value="MT">Montana <option value="NE">Nebraska <option value="NV">Nevada <option value="NH">New Hampshire <option value="NJ">New Jersey <option value="NM">New Mexico <option value="NY">New York <option value="MC">North Carolina <option value="ND">North Dakota <option value="OH">Ohio <option value="OK">Oklahoma <option value="OR">Oregon <option value="PA">Pennsylvania <option value="RI">Rhode Island <option value="SC">South Carolina <option value="SD">South Dakota <option value="TN">Tennessee <option value="TX">Texas <option value="UT">Utah <option value="VT">Vermont <option value="VA">Virginia <option value="WA">Washington <option value="WV">West Virginia <option value="WI">Wisconsin <option value="WY">Wyoming </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <br> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td><span id="error"></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">*Anti-Spam Verification</td> <td></td> <td id="reCaptcha"></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="top"> <table cellspacing="5"> <tr> <td align="left">*Affiliation</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_five"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="affl" name="affl" onBlur="validate_five();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Research Area:</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_six"></span></td> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" id="ra" name="ra" onBlur="validate_six();"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" align="left">*Research Overview</td> <td align="right"><span id="valid_seven"></span></td> <td><textarea cols="38" rows="6" id="ro" name="ro" onKeyDown="limitText(,this.form.countdown,500)" onKeyUp="limitText(,this.form.countdown,500)" onBlur="validate_seven();"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td><font size="1">You have <input readonly type="text" name="countdown" size="1" value="500"> characters remaining.</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">*Talk Availability</td> <td></td> <td> <input type="radio" name="ta" value="In person">In person <input type="radio" name="ta" value="Online">Online <input type="radio" name="ta" value="Both" checked>Both </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top">Links</td> <td></td> <td> <table id="linkTable" border="0"> <td><input type="text" style="width: 320px;" name="link"></td> <td><div id="result"></div></td> </table> </td> <td align="left" valign="top"><input type="button" value="Add Link" onclick="addLink('linkTable')"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><span style="color: red;"></span></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form"> </form> Javascript file: Code: /* * script.js - ajax and table functions */ var xmlHttp; // global instance of XMLHttpRequest var xmlHttp2; // second for captcha functions var validAjax = new Boolean(); var validCaptcha = new Boolean(); var valid_one = new Boolean(); var valid_two = new Boolean(); var valid_three = new Boolean(); var valid_four = new Boolean(); var valid_five = new Boolean(); var valid_six = new Boolean(); var valid_seven = new Boolean(); function init() { showRecaptcha('reCaptcha'); // Separate booleans for AJAX funcs validAjax = false; validCaptcha = false; // Booleanse for fields that don't require servlet validation valid_one = false; valid_two = false; valid_three = false; valid_four = false; valid_five = false; valid_six = false; valid_seven = false; } function showRecaptcha(element) { Recaptcha.create("6Le1a8ESAAAAAGtxX0miZ2bMg0Wymltnth7IG-Mj", element, {theme: "red", callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field}); } function validate_form() { if (valid_one && valid_two && valid_three && valid_four && validEmail) { startCaptchaRequest(); if (validCaptcha) { return true; } } else { alert("Submission contains errors. Please fill out all required fields before submitting."); return false; } } function validate_one() { if (document.getElementById("fn").value == 0) { valid_one = false; document.getElementById("valid_one").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_one = true; document.getElementById("valid_one").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_two() { if (document.getElementById("ln").value == 0) { valid_two = false; document.getElementById("valid_two").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_two = true; document.getElementById("valid_two").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_three() { if (document.getElementById("pn").value == 0) { valid_three = false; document.getElementById("valid_three").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_three = true; document.getElementById("valid_three").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_four() { if (document.getElementById("c").value == 0) { valid_four = false; document.getElementById("valid_four").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_four = true; document.getElementById("valid_four").innerHTML = ""; } } function validate_five() { if (document.getElementById("affl").value == 0) { valid_five = false; document.getElementById("valid_five").innerHTML = "No"; } else { valid_five = true; document.getElementById("valid_five").innerHTML = ""; } } // //function validate_six() { // if (document.getElementById("ra").value == 0) { // valid_six = false; // document.getElementById("valid_six").innerHTML = "No"; // } // else { // valid_six = true; // document.getElementById("valid_six").innerHTML = ""; // } //} // //function validate_seven() { // if (document.getElementById("ro").value == 0) { // valid_seven = false; // document.getElementById("valid_seven").innerHTML = "No"; // } // else { // valid_seven = true; // document.getElementById("valid_seven").innerHTML = ""; // } //} function addLink(tableID) { var table = document.getElementById(tableID); var rowCount = table.rows.length; var row = table.insertRow(rowCount); var cell = row.insertCell(0); var element1 = document.createElement("input"); element1.type = "text"; = "link" + rowCount; = "320px"; cell.appendChild(element1); } function limitText(limitField, limitCount, limitNum) { if (limitField.value.length > limitNum) { limitField.value = limitField.value.substring(0, limitNum); } else { limitCount.value = limitNum - limitField.value.length; } } function createXmlHttpRequest() { if(window.ActiveXObject) { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } } function startRequest() { createXmlHttpRequest(); var param1 = document.getElementById('mailfield').value; if (param1 == "") { validEmail = false; document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "Blank"; } else {"GET", "http://localhost:1979/PolarSpeakers/servlet/" + param1, true) xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange; xmlHttp.send(null); } } function handleStateChange() { if(xmlHttp.readyState==4) { if(xmlHttp.status==200) { var message = xmlHttp.responseXML .getElementsByTagName("valid")[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue; if (message == "Unregistered") { validEmail = true; document.getElementById("result").style.color = "green"; } else { validEmail = false; document.getElementById("result").style.color = "red"; } document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = message; } else { alert("Error checking e-mail address - " + xmlHttp.status + " : " + xmlHttp.statusText); } } } function createCaptchaRequest() { if(window.ActiveXObject) { xmlHttp2=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlHttp2=new XMLHttpRequest(); } } function startCaptchaRequest() { alert('made it to captcha requeswt'); createCaptchaRequest(); var param1 = Recaptcha.get_challenge(); var param2 = Recaptcha.get_response();"POST", "http://localhost:1979/PolarSpeakers/servlet/" + param1 + "&r=" + param2, true) xmlHttp2.onreadystatechange = handleStateChangeCaptcha; xmlHttp2.send(null); } function handleStateChangeCaptcha() { if(xmlHttp2.readyState==4) { if(xmlHttp2.status==200) { var message = xmlHttp2.responseXML .getElementsByTagName("result")[0] .childNodes[0].nodeValue; if (message == "Valid") { alert("captcha valid"); validCaptcha = true; } else { document.getElementById("error").innerHTML = message; validCaptcha = false; } } else { alert("Error checking captcha validity - " + xmlHttp2.status + " : " + xmlHttp2.statusText); } } } Hi guys, Been stuck for a few days with this scenario. Any help? The alert box appears on an error. But the submitting won't stop. The details are submitted and the form is processed. Any help is greatly appreciated... Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="email_helper/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> tinyMCE.init({ // General options mode : "textareas", theme : "simple" }); </script> <script language="javascript"> function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) {,winName,features); } function err_check(){ var email = document.getElementById('to_email').value; if(email.length==0){ alert('Please Enter Email Address'); return false; } var AtPos = email.indexOf("@") var StopPos = email.lastIndexOf(".") if (AtPos == -1 || StopPos == -1) { alert("Please Enter Valid Email Address"); document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } email = document.getElementById('cc_email').value; if(email.length != 0){ var AtPos = email.indexOf("@") var StopPos = email.lastIndexOf(".") if (AtPos == -1 || StopPos == -1) { alert("Please Enter Valid Email Address"); document.getElementById('email').focus(); return false; } } var answer = confirm ("Send E-Mail?"); if (!answer){ return false; } } </script> <!-- /TinyMCE --> <style type="text/css"> body, table, td, th{ background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family: Arial; font-size:14px; } .que{ font-weight:bold; } </style> </head> <body> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <?php include 'library/database.php'; include 'library/opendb.php'; $query = mysql_query("SELECT email,contact,mobile FROM users WHERE user_id='$uid'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $from_email = $row[0]; $from_person = $row[1]; $from_mobile = $row[2]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT customer_id FROM campaign_summary WHERE camp_id='$camp_id'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $cusid = $row[0]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM client_info WHERE comp_id='$cusid'") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_row($query); $toer = $row[0]; include 'library/closedb.php'; ?> <table width="100%" border="0"> <tr><td rowspan="4"><input type="submit" name="send_email" id="send_email" style="height:50px; width:100px;" value="SEND" onClick="return err_check();" /></td><td><span class="que">From : </span></td><td colspan="3"><?php echo $from_email; ?><input type="hidden" name="from_mail" id="from_mail" /><input type="hidden" name="camp_id" id="camp_id" value="<?php echo $camp_id;?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">To : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input name="to_email" id="to_email" style="width:250px;" value="<?php echo $toer;?>"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">CC : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input name="cc_email" id="cc_email" style="width:250px;"/></td></tr> <tr><td><span class="que">Subject : </span></td><td colspan="3"><input style="width:300px;" name="subject" id="subject" /></td></tr> <tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="2"> </td><td><input type="checkbox" name="ori_pdf" id="ori_pdf" checked /> PDF Quotation</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><span class="que">Credit Application</span></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="corporate" id="corporate"/>Corporate</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="individual" id="individual" />Individual</td><td><input type="checkbox" name="cash" id="cash" />Cash Account</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" rowspan="3"></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="tabloid" id="tabloid" />Tabloid Example</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="broadsheet" id="broadsheet" />Broadsheet Example</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="colmt" id="colmt" />Column Sizes Tabloid</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="colmb" id="colmb" />Column Sizes Broadsheet</td></tr> <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="maps" id="maps" />Maps / Distribution</td><td colspan="2" align="right">External Attachments <input id="upload_file" name="upload_file" type="file"/> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><span class="que">Message :</span></td><td colspan="3"> <textarea id="elm1" name="elm1" rows="15" cols="80" style="width: 100%"> <?php echo "<br><br><br>" . $from_person . "<br>" . $from_mobile; ?> </textarea> </td></tr> </table> </form> </body> </html> I'm a long time lurker on here just barely created an account to ask this question. I work at a call center, and we use different webapps to fill out tickets. One I've used for a long time allows dynamically updating forms with javascript. I have a whole bunch of bookmarked javascript injections like: Code: javascript:if((top.detail.findObj('X31').value="Inquiry")!=""); That code will fill out most everything in that ticket, leaving me to fill in the details. I have one of those for all of the most common tickets, and can create and finish a ticket in less than 30 seconds when it takes others 3-4 minutes. I recently switched to a different system and I'm having trouble with my code. I'm a noob at javascript for sure, but I'm not new to programming. Anyway any pointers would be nice. The system we use doesn't allow me to see the source... I'm not sure how to explain it. It loads everything in a frame. In chrome I can right click then inspect element and get the ID but it the above javascript doesn't work. Examples: Old app source ex: Code: <label for="X31">Category:</label> was all i needed new app(before the body code is just code for the login form, etc): Code: <body onLoad="startit()" onUnload="stopit()"> </body> <div align="center" valign="center" id="LoadMessageID" style="position: relative; top:40%; color:#0069A5; font-size:100% ;"> <img src="/arsys/shared/images/Progress_NonModal-circle.gif" alt="wait image"/> Loading... </div> </html> formloader: Code: <form name="form1" action="/arsys/forms/bmcitsm/HPD:Incident+Management+Console/Default+User+View+(Support)/?cacheid=a22a36a8" method="post"> example of inspect element in chrome (something i want to change with javascript injection): Code: <input id="arid301602600" type="text" class="text " style="top:0; left:0; width:225; height:21;" readonly=""> I'm trying my hand at localstorage (which is HTML5), but I'm combining it with javascript (which is... erm, well, javascript ) so I decided to put this in the javascript forum. If I'm wrong, I apologize. Anyway, though I'm not a complete newbie when it comes to coding, this is new for me and frankly, I'm stuck. What I'm trying to do (nothing special, just messing around a bit) is show the current time and the time the visitor last visited. I made this: Code: var tijd = new Date(); var oudetijd = tijd.getTime(); localStorage.setItem('laatste bezoek', oudetijd); var laatstebezoek = localStorage.getItem('laatste bezoek'); document.write(laatstebezoek + "<br>"); document.write(oudetijd); Should work, right? Well, it does... partly. It shows the current time (woohoo!!! ) but the "old time" (oudetijd) is exactely the same! Now, I know I'm doing something wrong here, most likely something stupid like a missing comma, but whatever it is, I don't see it. Can someone shed some light on this? P.S. As you can probably see from the code, I'm Dutch. I dont know if it helps or not, but here's a translation: tijd= time oude tijd = old time laatste bezoek = last visit Thanks in advance! Hey All, I have completed most of a homework assignment that I am working on. I am able to .push desired elements into an array: Code: //Insert variable into the Array function insertElem(){ //Insert and sort first array, but not second array if(nameInput.value != ""){ studName2.push(nameInput2.value); } else{ alert("Value to be inserted cannot be Null"); } //Refresh display area clearAndShow2(); } What I would like to do is be able to store and display the created array "permanently" until I decide to remove the elements. My current method to hold the elements, until the page is refreshed, is: Code: //Refresh second array function clearAndShow2(){ nameInput2.value = ""; messageBox2.innerHTML = ""; messageBox2.innerHTML += "Groups: " + "<br />" + studName2.join("<br />") + "<br />"; } I appreciate the assistance. Hi all I am trying to create a code which stores information about songs The information to be stored are : song ID song name song artist song URL So far what I've done is create an empty array with four properties The code asks the user to enter information and then displays them However i'm having difficulty figuring out how to insert all the information entered in the array. For example if information about 3 songs were entered, how can I insert all of them in the array I created. After storing the information, I want to be able to search for songs by their ID. When I wrote the function to do this, if lets say I entered two songs one with S1 as ID and one with S2 as ID, I type S1 in the search box, but it doesn't return anything. However if I enter S2, it returns the information of the track with this ID, which makes me think that entering information for a second song overwrites the first one This is my code so far: <html> <body> <h1>Tracks and Artists</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> function request(tracks) { for (var i=0;i<2;i++) { tracks.trackID = prompt("Enter track ID") tracks.trackName = prompt("Enter track name") tracks.trackArtist = prompt("Enter artist name") tracks.trackURL = prompt("Enter track URL") alert(display(tracks)) } } function insert() { function display(tracks) { return "Track ID: " + tracks.trackID + "\nTrack name: " + tracks.trackName + "\nTrack artist: " + tracks.trackArtist + "\nTrack URL: " + tracks.trackURL } var tracks = [{trackID: "", trackName:"", trackArtist:"", trackURL:"" }] request(tracks) </script> </body> </html> |