JavaScript - Redirect At A Certain Time
Hello everyone...
I have Javascript code here which gives the time (hours, minutes, seconds) and date (year, month, day), and it updates every second. What I want to do is redirect to a certain page every 10 minutes, on the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th minutes. The time displays and updates every second, but no redirect happens. Please fix my code! Thanks in advance. Code: <tr><td align="center"> <SPAN ID="clock"><?php echo date('d/m/Y <\b\r> H:i:s', time()); ?></SPAN> </td></tr> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript"> var year2 = <?php echo date('Y', time()); ?>; var month2 = <?php echo date('m', time()); ?>; var day2 = <?php echo date('d', time()); ?>; var hour2 = <?php echo date('H', time()); ?>; var minute2 = <?php echo date('i', time()); ?>; var second2 = <?php echo date('s', time()); ?>; var daysInMonth = <?php echo date('t', time()); ?>; function updateClock() { second2+=1; if(second2>=60){second2=0;minute2+=1;} if(minute2>=60){minute2=0;hour2+=1;} if(hour2>=24){hour2=0;day2+=1;} if(day2>daysInMonth){day2=0;month2+=1;} if(month2>12){month2=0;year2+=1;} byt(nollor(day2)+"/"+nollor(month2)+"/"+year2+"<br />"+nollor(hour2)+":"+nollor(minute2)+":"+nollor(second2),"clock"); updateUtlogg(); redirect(minute2,second2); } var utloggUtloggad = false; function updateUtlogg() { if(utloggUtloggad) { return true; } return(true); } function nollor(nummer) { if(nummer<10) { tmp="0"+nummer; } else { tmp=nummer; } return tmp; } function byt(txt,lager) { if(document.getElementById(lager)) { document.getElementById(lager).innerHTML=txt; } } function redirect(x,y) { if(nollor(x)==0 && nollor(y)==0 || nollor(x)==10 && nollor(y)==0 || nollor(x)==20 && nollor(y)==0 || nollor(x)==30 && nollor(y)==0 || nollor(x)==40 && nollor(y)==0 || nollor(x)==50 && nollor(y)==0) { setTimeout("location.href = updateInterval.php;",0); } } var oInterval = window.setInterval("updateClock()",1000); </SCRIPT> Similar TutorialsHi, I am trying to implement a script which redirects visitors to one of 24 html pages based on the hour it is when they visit. I have tried a number of other script I could find and nothing even close to working has been achieved. The pages are named: 0.html, 1.html, 2.html.....up to....22.html & 23.html I already have a simple script in use for the day of the week and am sure there must be something similar I can do for the hour of day. Any help that can be offered will be greatly appreciated as this is driving me mad. Hello all. I have created a 2 frame site where I want the top frame (header) to redirect the other frame (main) to a different page depending on the date, time, and second. For example, on 12 FEB at 07:00:00, I would like the header frame to redirect the main frames page to EmmasBday.html; in which I would be alerted of my little sisters Birthday. This is for personal use and isn't going to be hosted online so I will just use JavaScript, it's basically a simple system to remind me of crucial events at certain times and dates so I don't forget them. The same events will apply every year, so there is no need to programme in specific years although having the option could prove useful. I am aware of other alternatives to achieve this, but would very much like to work with JavaScript; as I can expand it. As I state, this is for personal use and therefore won't be hosting it; I will use JavaScript throughout and cannot use anything else like PHP, Perl, etc. I am aware JavaScript takes the time & date from the computer hosting it (unlike PHP), which is fine. So, for example; at 14:30:00 I will be informed to get dinner; and at 15:00:45 I'll be informed to study. The knowledge you guys have presented so far is phenomenal, and I couldn't think of anybody better to ask for assistance. Anyway, I hope you can resolve my problem and I'm looking forward to a response! Thanks for your concern, you brain Gods you! AHa. Hello all. I have created a 2 frame site where I want the top frame (header) to redirect the other frame (main) to a different page depending on the date, time, and second. For example, on 12 FEB at 07:00:00, I would like the header frame to redirect the main frames page to EmmasBday.html; in which I would be alerted of my little sisters Birthday. This is for personal use and isn't going to be hosted online so I will just use JavaScript, it's basically a simple system to remind me of crucial events at certain times and dates so I don't forget them. The same events will apply every year, so there is no need to programme in specific years although having the option could prove useful. I am aware of other alternatives to achieve this, but would very much like to work with JavaScript; as I can expand it. As I state, this is for personal use and therefore won't be hosting it; I will use JavaScript throughout and cannot use anything else like PHP, Perl, etc. I am aware JavaScript takes the time & date from the computer hosting it (unlike PHP), which is fine. So, for example; at 14:30:00 I will be informed to get dinner; and at 15:00:45 I'll be informed to study. The knowledge you guys have presented so far is phenomenal, and I couldn't think of anybody better to ask for assistance. Anyway, I hope you can resolve my problem and I'm looking forward to a response! Thanks for your concern, you brain Gods you! AHa. hi im using dhtml xgrid where i need to do validation for time ,(from-time and to-time i.e ind==1 and ind==2 ) to-time must be greater than from-time else i need to alert a message to-time must be greater than from-time. can any one send me the code for it time format is[05:00]. Code: var err_str=""; function validate_grid(value,id,ind) { $("#result").html(" ").show(); if(ind==1 || ind==2) { var patt=/^([0][0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-3])[:]{1}[0-5][0-9]$/; if(!patt.test(value)) { mygrid.setCellTextStyle(id,ind,"background-color:yellow;"); if(err_str!="") err_str+="\n"+(ind+1)+".Enter numbers and : only.."; else err_str=(ind+1)+".Enter numbers and : only"; return false; } else { mygrid.setCellTextStyle(id,ind,"background-color:white;"); return true; } } } Hello im using dhtmlx grid in this cells i have from time and to time (i.e ind==1 and ind==2) i need to validate time where to-time must be greater than from-time else it should alert an message,i have writeen a normal Regular expression for the time the time is i string format i.e[05:00],please can any one send me code for that. Code: var err_str=""; function validate_grid(value,id,ind) { if(ind==1 || ind==2) { var patt=/^([0][0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-3])[:]{1}[0-5][0-9]$/; if(!patt.test(value)) { mygrid.setCellTextStyle(id,ind,"background-color:yellow;"); if(err_str!="") err_str+="\n"+(ind+1)+".Enter numbers and : only.."; else err_str=(ind+1)+".Enter numbers and : only"; return false; } else { mygrid.setCellTextStyle(id,ind,"background-color:white;"); return true; } } } Hi Code: var err_str=""; function validate_grid(value,id,ind) { $("#result").html(" ").show(); if(ind==1 || ind==2) { var patt=/^([0][0-9]|[1][0-9]|[2][0-3])[:]{1}[0-5][0-9]$/; if(!patt.test(value)) { mygrid.setCellTextStyle(id,ind,"background-color:yellow;"); if(err_str!="") err_str+="\n"+(ind+1)+".Enter numbers and : only.."; else err_str=(ind+1)+".Enter numbers and : only"; return false; } else { mygrid.setCellTextStyle(id,ind,"background-color:white;"); return true; } } } alert(err-str); here ind==1 is from_time and ind==2 is to_time,i need to validate time as to_time must be always greater than from-time,if condition fails an alert msg should populate.time format is[05:00]as it is in string format im unable to do the validation for it.(ex:from-time=08:00 to-time=07:59 condition fails) thank you. 1 down vote favorite I do have the countdown script (see link below) to display the time between current time and the date given in real-time. However, I want to achieve to display the time difference between a given start and end time. Right now, it calculates from the current server time to the end time. I want to be able to set up my own start time and end time. Here is what I have: thank you for help I'm not really a Java writer, so I don't know how to do this myself, though I imagine it would be pretty simple. I am looking to add a script to a webpage that allows users to input a time manually, and have it converted to GMT/Zulu time and display the converted time. I have seen a lot of time zone conversion scripts online, but they all just convert whatever the current system time is to another time zone. I am looking for a script that allows users to convert a time and show the zulu time, for times other than the current time. The time zone the inputed local time would be in is +4:30 (Kabul). I don't really care about style or aestehtics, just a simple script I can insert into a web page to have a time input field. The converted output time can appear in another field, a popup bubble, etc, again style isn't really an issue. It's really just to help people in my job who need to know what the GMT/Zulu time was for certain local times after the fact. One would think it shouldn't be that hard to just subtract 4:30 in your head, but apparently it is. Sorry if just asking for code outright like this is frowned upon. hi, can some one help me how to get the time and date difference? given two time and date with the following format like in textbox A: 2011-05-03 17:35:47.0 and textbox B: 2011-05-03 16:35:47.0 then the output would be: 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes, 0 seconds regards, verve This is my first time doing JavaScript I don't what I did wrong here, but the problem its not showing up the current date and time. Code: <script language = "JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> now = new Date(); localtime = now.toString(); utctime = now.GMTString(); document.wite("<b>localtime</b>" + localtime + "</br>"); document.write("<b>utctime</b>" + utctime); </script> This is what supposed to look like I have tried using different browser chrome,IE9,Maxtor, and Opera my OS is Win7 Hi - I have a date in my javascript like this: Mon Dec 12 00:00:00 UTC+0430 2011 I need to convert it to a date without the offset (the +0430). I actually changed my computer's timezone to generate this offset - we have uses placing orders on our site who don't use UTC and it's throwing our orders out as they need to select a delivery date but it's passing the date with the offset. How do I convert a date to UTC time? Thanks Hi there! Well, I recently found the Image clock code, and I am loving it! But, I would like it to only display pacific time, not retrieve the time from a users browser. Here's my code: Code: <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * JavaScript Image Clock- by JavaScript Kit ( * This notice must stay intact for usage * Visit JavaScript Kit at for this script and 100s more ***********************************************/ var imageclock=new Object() //Enter path to clock digit images here, in order of 0-9, then "am/pm", then colon image: imageclock.digits=["/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c012.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c112.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c211.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c311.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c411.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c511.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c611.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c711.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c811.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/c911.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/cam11.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/cpm13.png", "/users/1712/49/18/66/album/ccolon11.png"] imageclock.instances=0 var preloadimages=[] for (var i=0; i<imageclock.digits.length; i++){ //preload images preloadimages[i]=new Image() preloadimages[i].src=imageclock.digits[i] } imageclock.imageHTML=function(timestring){ //return timestring (ie: 1:56:38) into string of images instead var sections=timestring.split(":") if (sections[0]=="0") //If hour field is 0 (aka 12 AM) sections[0]="12" else if (sections[0]>=13) sections[0]=sections[0]-12+"" for (var i=0; i<sections.length; i++){ if (sections[i].length==1) sections[i]='<img src="'+imageclock.digits[0]+'" />'+'<img src="'+imageclock.digits[parseInt(sections[i])]+'" />' else sections[i]='<img src="'+imageclock.digits[parseInt(sections[i].charAt(0))]+'" />'+'<img src="'+imageclock.digits[parseInt(sections[i].charAt(1))]+'" />' } return sections[0]+'<img src="'+imageclock.digits[12]+'" />'+sections[1]+'<img src="'+imageclock.digits[12]+'" />'+sections[2] } imageclock.display=function(){ var clockinstance=this this.spanid="clockspan"+(imageclock.instances++) document.write('<span id="'+this.spanid+'"></span>') this.update() setInterval(function(){clockinstance.update()}, 1000) } imageclock.display.prototype.update=function(){ var dateobj=new Date() var currenttime=dateobj.getHours()+":"+dateobj.getMinutes()+":"+dateobj.getSeconds() //create time string var currenttimeHTML=imageclock.imageHTML(currenttime)+'<img src="'+((dateobj.getHours()>=12)? imageclock.digits[11] : imageclock.digits[10])+'" />' document.getElementById(this.spanid).innerHTML=currenttimeHTML } </script> <DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:260px; left:215px; width:109px; height:28px"> <FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="black"> <TABLE BORDER="0" cellpadding="10" CELLSPACING="0" TOP MARGIN="0"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="28" BACKGROUND="/users/1712/49/18/66/album/clock210.png" VALIGN="top"> <script type="text/javascript"> new imageclock.display() </script> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> Much appreciated! Hey all im new to the forum as i have just started playing round with javascript but anyway i have this code PHP Code: setTimeout(top.location='profilec.php?id=' + id,4000); and when executed the time delay is not taken into account at all and completly ignored. If i remove the id var from the code and just have PHP Code: setTimeout(top.location='profilec.php?id=',4000); its fine can anyone tell me why this is happening and if there is a solution :-) thanks before hand mike what wrong, it just adds the website to the end of the address bar, and it doesnt redirect???help please <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> </head> <body> <div> <h1>hello</h1> <form onsubmit="return go();"> <select name="website" id="website"> <option value=""></option> <option value=""></option> </select> <script type="text/javascript"> function go() { var s = getElementById("website"); window.location = s.options[s.selectedIndex].value; return false; //prevents the form from being submitted to the server. } </script> <input type="submit"> </form> </div> </body> </html> Hi, I'm trying to change a piece of code I found in a scipt: Code: if (errors == null) { jQuery('#requestform') .hide() .html('<div class="thankyou"><h1>Merci</h1><p>Nous reviendrons vers vous.</p></div>') .show(); } Instead of the .html () I would like to redirect to another webpage of my website, in the same window. Anyone can help me? Thanks. Hi, I'm trying to redirect my users to their profile, but can't figure out how to put the function into the link. sethighlightedValue(); is a function that returns the users username. Is there anyway else to do this? Here's what I got: Code: case RETURN: window.location = "profile.php?user='setHighlightedValue();'"; this.setHighlightedValue(); bubble = false; break; i'm a total noob with java and can't seem to figure this out. i want to add a bit on to the current url : this is the code i'm using , it just keeps adding... Code: window.location=(window.location+"?p=62"); am i even doing this right.. any help appreciated.. I'm trying to figure out how to use an javascript function to redirect without using <body onload>. Normally I use this: Code: <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=ajax.php?page=mypage"> But since I'm using ajax, and only want to redirect tha ajax part, the above can not be used... When I have a hyperlink to go to a page in ajax it looks like this: Code: <a href="#" onclick="load('ajax.php?page=mypage','contentarea');return false;"> Is there anyway that I can have the ajax part set into the META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" or is there an other way to do this? Thanks in advance... I need a weird browser redirect. I need a text box, we will call it variable "A", and a submit button on a form. when the person types in a number such as 51225 into the text box and clicks submit it will redirect them to the page What is the best way in doing this? Code: <html> <head> <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- A=document.form.ID.value function onclick(event) { window.location =" } //--> </script> </head> <body> <form name="form"> ID: <input type="text" name="ID" size="6" value=""> <input type="submit"> </form> </body> </html> I know this is not correct but it is a start. I can't figure out how to place the variable into the url. Hello, I am new on forum and javascript. I have got a query for dynamic geo location javascript. I would like to make a page which redirect to another page based on user REGION. Ex. If user from EMEA then page1.html, if user from APAC then page2.html, if user from Other region then page3.html Hope someone will share their ideas with an example to achive this. Thanks |